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S18.E12: 13 : Road to the Finals & Live Finale

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I wonder if Maks will dance that freestyle encore like it's the last dance he'll ever do? Oops! Done that already. 

I don't know if Maks and Meryl get to dance the Freestyle encore since supposedly James is but I'm sure their fusion package will be about that type of sadness or perhaps future plans depending on what they want to go.. Maks is often an over the top drama queen.


All I can go by is what I read. I don't follow skating or Meryl & Charlie. It just seems to be a lot of what I'm seeing.


I don't expect Maks to abandon Meryl at all. He's still in showmance mode. ;)

I haven't seen that anywhere but I only frequent here - TWOP and ice skating boards. Supporting Maks and Meryl's dancing and liking the way they dance together doesn't mean I don't love her and Charlie skating together. It's a completely different dynamic to me. Charlie is extremely happy with Tanith and he and Meryl grew up together and have repeatedly said anything beyond their friendship and partnership as it is now would be beyond strange. And I believe Tanith and Meryl are pretty good friends too. 


I don't think Maks and Meryl are dating. Meryl has said repeatedly she wants to finish her degree at the University of Michigan. That's a long way from New Jersey (I think that's where Maks lives).  I think they have an incredible chemistry and have used it in their dancing. 


Charlie is as awesome in his own right as Maks is in his. They are completely different people - IMO. I don't see how thinking she and Maks are a great dance team is throwing Charlie over at all. 


 ETA: I'm totally using that Justin Bieber picture as pest repellant. Ewwwwww....

Edited by soapfaninnc
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I don't know if Maks and Meryl get to dance the Freestyle encore since supposedly James is but I'm sure their fusion package will be about that type of sadness or perhaps future plans depending on what they want to go.. Maks is often an over the top drama queen.

I think the press release said that one of the remaining 3 couples will do their freestyle as an encore. The fourth place finisher was always going to get an encore of whatever dance they wanted to do just like all of the other ousted contestants.


Of course, JetaNation went crazy with the #encorejames tweets so maybe Meryl will catch a break by having to dance one less dance tonight. Maybe the peeps at ABC will see stars in their eyes and change the rules to cater to the devoted fans that wanted to send a message about ousting their favorite. Although, one would think that if these fans were legion that they would have been able to produce enough votes to not have him ousted in the first place, but who knows what goes on in the minds of suits chasing youth.  Obviously, the folks at JetaNation were not aware of the parade of Encores of the Ousted Stars. Perhaps James will get to do two dances or just one at the beginning?

James did technically get the most encore tweets, likely because his fans had nothing better to do than tweet, whereas I would hope fans of the others concentrated more on voting.   Though the press release said the encore was going to one of the Top 3.  I did wonder though if they might cut Meryl a break though because she is dancing a lot tonight already.  In addition to the competition, they are re-doing their team dance and she has her dance with Charlie.  But it also could just be James doing his freestyle again for his dance.

You are totally forgiven observer with that adorbs picture!


Oh to the finale.  The preshow was a bunch of crap with the Amy and Meryl love and oh yeah Candace too.


And for the second time?  Fuck you Tom.  Enough with the humiliating Candace for her scores last night from the loathsome threesome. 


Oh Maks....was that really your last freestyle ever?   Please let that be true.  The weeping .... my goddess the weeping.  It's ridiculous now.  We all get it - you are a big ball of love and cotton candy and butterflies now shoot out of your ass.

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The weeping .... my goddess the weeping.  It's ridiculous now.  We all get it - you are a big ball of love and cotton candy and butterflies now shoot out of your ass.



I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or just be embarrassed for Maks. What in the...why? And if he is supposedly retiring from the show, this better not be a Jay Z type retirement where he's back in a few seasons. 


Meanwhile what the hell was that mess with Team Loca? First of all, why would they make the three finalists repeat that dance before they did their last dance when they're all likely already exhausted. There were some tricks in there that could have gone really wrong for Amy and Meryl. But honestly, they all seemed like they couldn't remember the choreography (wouldn't be surprised, it was weeks ago and with all the new dances they had to learn, I doubt they rehearsed it), then when they weren't forgetting steps they looked to be phoning it in. Even Meryl at one point looked like she was half-assing a move. Then Maks almost fell on Derek at the end, poor Mark is probably just trying to stay upright with all the meds he's likely on. Yeah this is one of those things that should have been left alone. 


Meanwhile I can't believe Iggy and her fake wigger, can't flow posturing self is actually becoming a thing. Not surprisingly the performance was a mess and it had nothing to do with her mike. It's because she just plain sucks. Oh and thanks Maks for telling us how everyone thought Candace was going every week - sure she loved seeing that.


I do prefer her over Nikki Minaj though.



Not to go off-topic but while Nikki's wack outfits used to bug me and she has a bad attitude, that girl can rap and has sick flow. Iggy Azalea is a joke. She is the Vanilla Ice of female rappers. 


eta: Wait that's it? I get a whole performance of Iggy's wack ass and Amber who actually is talented gets like 1 minute and we only get that much of what would have likely been a gorgeous dance by Karina and Tony? I have no words... Meanwhile they let Kellie screech off-key last season for an entire song, when she was the reigning champion. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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eta: Wait that's it? I get a whole performance of Iggy's wack ass and Amber who actually is talented gets like 1 minute and we only get that much of what would have likely been a gorgeous dance by Karina and Tony? I have no words... Meanwhile they let Kellie screech off-key last season for an entire song, when she was the reigning champion. 


They said Amber would be back to sing and dance later so hopefully they'll let her sing an entire song.


If I didn't know better, all this shade being thrown Candace's way would make me believe that she is actually going to win this thing. 


They better. Only reason I'm really watching this thing since the outcome's a foregone conclusion.


Proof that Erin has more personality in her pinkie finger than Brooke ever did - in all the many seasons that Brooke hosted, they never once did something like they just did with Erin because let's face it, they probably had nothing to work with. I know some aren't a fan and some even think she's crass but I think Erin has done an awesome job and I do think Tom is enjoying working with her. She is quick on her feet and rises to the challenge of keeping up with him. 


Charlie and Meryl were sweet. For a second I thought they were going to go in for the almost kiss - hey, it's clearly a thing right now.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Maybe I'm not reading enough into what Maks said but it sounded to me how he was saying she was resilient and he liked she was in the finals. I'm sure some more cynical people may say that's because she's easy to beat but I think that was opposite of what he was saying. She's been underestimated and is still here.


That's how I took it. I thought he was trying to compliment her, Maks is mouthy but I don't think he'd directly insult a finalist in something that's going to be used in the show.

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Oh ABC, you really suck at this, don't you?  No intro, no build-up to Charlie and Meryl and yet we had to see whatever that was with NoNo again.  I really wanted to see Charlie.


I'm surprised Tom could contain himself and not mention again that Candace's freestyle was the lowest scored ever while his BFF Dancica's dance just keeps getting better and better.


Thanks for making it 2 seconds long. Dream crushed.

How much time though do people think Meryl would have had to rehearse between doing Stars on Ice this week and all her finale dances?  There is only so much Meryl can do.  She's good, but she's not super woman.


I also don't defend Maks much, but I don't think he was insulting Candace in that package.  I just think Maks isn't all well spoken at times.  I think he was trying to say he was happy Candace defied the odds or something along those linees.

Edited by spanana

Oh ABC, you really suck at this, don't you? No intro, no build-up to Charlie and Meryl and yet we had to see whatever that was with NoNo again. I really wanted to see Charlie.

No, there was a build up. Tom kept pimping it all night last night. And we got....that.

True spanana, but they shouldn't have pimped it, if they didn't expect us to want to see a longer routine.

Edited by NCChic
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No, there was a build up. Tom kept pimping it all night last night. And we got....that.

True spanana, but they shouldn't have pimped it, if they didn't expect us to want to see a longer routine.

Point taken.  I guess I didn't really have high expectations just because I knew Meryl/Charlie wouldn't have really had time to rehearse.

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