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S02.E13: The Word

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Apparently that first scene between June and Serena was supposed to make me feel something I must assume. The music obviously implied it was a very emotional moment...I was just bored.

Those two have spent all season screaming and spitting at each other and then giving super hard looks of silent brooding before one walks off, the impact has long since been lost, show.

So June is being “careless” just like last season, acting as If she is untouchable just because she’s needed to feed the baby.

Again, it’s just boring and pointless to me at this point. I don’t need to keep watching the same plot points rehashed over and over again.

Find a new way to utilize June’s “grit and moral fiber” that actually gets shit done. And not so spoiler alert, no, I refuse to count the end move as such. 

Watching Fred slap June and then her slap him...so what? So he can pretend to act tough and then she can go all “badass” on him? I’m over it. 

Oh lookit, Serena wants to “save” lives again.

Her track record about such matters is so solidly successful and...oh wait...

Really? She thought a pious, righteous stand of pitiful, weak wives without an ounce of power would do a damn thing!?

Where did her brain go? Plan to murder the fuckers in their sleep, at least if you die you’ll take them with you. 

Or try and join the actual resistance movement, do something meaningful that might get shit done. 

Her losing a finger was as weak sauce as I thought it would be. Her hopped up on drugs wasn’t exactly moving either. The music cannot make me care, show, try writing better storylines next time. 

Were it not for Emily and the Lawrence household this entire episode would have been a disappointing wash for me. 

They embody the batshit, creepy, horrific, revolting, scary, confusing, terrifying, insane, wacky, and depressing mood I have always felt this show has lacked. 

Their Gilead is the world closest, imo, to what Atwood wrote about.

There’s nearly total transparency about it, they all realize exactly what the fuck is up and they are all out for themselves, for survival at least and holding onto whatever bit of sanity can be salvaged at this point. 

Emily attacking Lydia. Now that was a move, perhaps the worst possible one, but at least it made real waves and wasn’t about empty gestures that mean and amount to nothing. 

Seriously though, the ride along song with Lawrence and Emily was godawful.

That song is shit when you don’t think you’re heading to hang from a crane or be shot or dismembered and the worst thing you might face is a big bear hug from that aunt who puts on way too much perfume at family gatherings. 

Okay, maybe it’s just me but the so called rescue should have fallen to pieces the second Fred spied Rita’s “go fuck yourself” sneer.

He would have immediately been out the door screaming for Nick and the other guards. 

And he didn’t notice until the very last minute that much commotion was going on outside that huge window in his office? All the bright shining lights and blaring sirens? Not a chance. He isn’t deaf nor was the music that loud, IMO. 

And Holly would have been wailing like a fiend during the entire escape. Infants hate the cold and a lot of jostling in general. 

The Marthas being apart of the Handmaid “Underground Railroad” wasn’t too unbelievable, but no one notices suddenly all their housekeepers have vanished around the same time and can’t be accounted for? Sure...

You heard him, kiddos, Commander Lawrence says to “stay away from drugs”. 

With how this show ended, yeah...fat chance, how else can I put up with giving season 3 a chance at this point? 

Edited by AnswersWanted
  • Love 22
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:19 AM, chocolatine said:

I love that the name of Lawrence's Martha is Cora. In the book, the Waterford house had two Marthas, Rita and Cora. It's great to see the show hasn't completely forgotten about Cora.

Oh, June. She's told she can get out if she leaves right then, and she takes the time to write "nolite te bastardes carborundorum" on her bedroom wall. Sticking it to Fred, as abominable as he is, isn't worth risking the lives of the people who are trying to help her.

I'm torn about the ending. I can see how June would feel that by leaving Gilead she'd be abandoning Hannah, but I think Holly/Nicole needed her more. Emily can't feed her during the journey, and if Emily crosses into Canada with a child that isn't hers, there could be all kinds of legal complications.



But June just “had “ to have her moment, even though she was told to just run and fucking put her goddamn shoes on as fast as possible so she and her baby could escape to freedom!

It hurts...it really does, I felt actual brain cells wasting away. 

I guess that mystical wolf dog beast better know a good lactation specialist. Or will they supply Emily with smuggled in formula? 

I think this episode felt the most rushed of the whole season. Way too much went down and was overlooked and, imo, made no damn sense. 

Edited by AnswersWanted
  • Love 20

I thought it was a great finale.  Last week when Commander Lawrence spoke of losing a body part and a child was excellent foreshadowing.

  On 7/11/2018 at 5:28 AM, lmdreamer said:

What makes june think she wont get executed the moment she returns to the Waterford house? She just just aided and abetted a kidnapping. She should have left with Emily. She is no good to Hannah or anyone else hanging from the wall. 


I seriously doubt she is returning to the Waterford home.

Edited by Olive
  • Love 20
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:29 AM, Olive said:

I thought it was a great finale.  Last week when Commander Lawrence spoke of losing a body part and a baby was excellent foreshadowing.

I seriously doubt she is returning to the Waterford home.


I hope not because the writers would really be pushing it if the new season starts with her back in that house after all of that.

  • Love 12
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:48 AM, mamadrama said:

When S3 starts, they will probably gloss over all these things and resolve them in a single conversation, just like they did with many of the other dropped story points this year. Grrr...


I think you're right and it's gonna make me crazy! All I can think of is the next moment after the ending and how anything they're gonna come up with will be ridiculous. 

I realized during this season that I have a certain amount of suffering I can do during a show like this before I need vengeance, satisfaction.

I think this show will never give this to me! 

  • Love 9
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:42 AM, DuckyinKy said:

She's the protagonist of the show and I don't expect to see her out of Gilead until the series ends, if then even. 



 For me it’s the fact that they keep teasing that she is somehow going to get out when I think we all have figured out that it’s just not gonna happen.

Fine if it doesn’t, frankly I never felt June needed to leave Gilead, but it would be really nice if the show would stop with these fakeouts that leave her in a position to be shot on sight or strung up on the wall and for some inane reason they always find a way to save her.

When season three starts she should be sitting in a rocking chair with no tongue, both hands and maybe a foot chopped off, and probably chained up while under constant watch at this point, if they want to keep her alive that is.

But instead she will get away with her utter disregard for the system and somehow be “spared”. 

That is the trying and irritating part for me personally.

Because she is still trapped in Gilead, outside of a real miracle and a shit ton of luck, June should be dead before morning considering her current situation at the end of this episode.

Even if no one knows what went down at the Waterford’s yet, just the sight of her out and about means she’s an escaped handmaid, again, and that’s more than enough to get her the maximum punishment.

  • Love 24

I mean, I am glad Emily and the baby got out.  I just am not sure I can take a 3rd season especially if June goes back to the Waterfords.  I am cool with her trying to be part of the resistance as the majority of the next season -- that I will watch. Maybe she can meetup with Cmd. Lawrence and start to work for him taking this place with no salaries down.  

They need to figure out an end game with this show (2-3 more seasons) --- and if we go back to the same "tale" again (June, Waterfords, angry glares, etc) the next season I am out.

  • Love 10
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:58 AM, tennisgurl said:

Speaking of, I cant imagine that even Fred will be able to ignore that Nick let June go. Or even that Rita had no idea. Are we going to find out they both died horribly or got sent to the colonies after this? Well, thank God June didnt bother going to Canada after all of that!


It's maddening. What other thing could happen to Rita and Nick other than the wall or the colonies? Unless of course they kill Fred and then what? Where do THEY go? Live somewhere with June so they call all get Hannah and then magically escape to Canada?  I'm assuming an ambulance was called for Aunt Lydia but what were they told happened to her didn't she have a knife sticking out of her head? Unless they killed her and buried her in the yard. 

ITA if June goes back to the Waterfords I don't know what I'll do.

  • Love 7

Loved the close ups on Emily and on June. 

Loved Emily stabbing Lydia, and loved June slapping Fred back.

I also kind of loved the strange music Lawrence likes. 

Enough to come back next year?  I'm not sure.  They need a new head writer and a new continuity person, and they can't milk this show for ten seasons.  I don't care how good the actresses are, as @revbfc says, they can't Gilligan's Island this forever.

If Hannah could be rescued from Canada, Luke or Moira would have already done that.  Her only hope is rescue from within.

  • Love 17
  On 7/11/2018 at 6:19 AM, Umbelina said:

Loved the close ups on Emily and on June. 

Loved Emily stabbing Lydia, and loved June slapping Fred back.

I also kind of loved the strange music Lawrence likes. 

Enough to come back next year?  I'm not sure.  They need a new head writer and a new continuity person, and they can't milk this show for ten seasons.  I don't care how good the actresses are, as @revbfc says, they can't Gilligan's Island this forever.

If Hannah could be rescued from Canada, Luke or Moira would have already done that.  Her only hope is rescue from within.


Was that Queen he was listening to in his study?

I loved Emily's closeups both when she went from elated at stabbing Aunt Lydia to horrified, and when she was terrified almost to the point of vomiting in that backseat.

  • Love 9

If June sticks around, she needs to actually find some resistance fighters, and get on that ASAP, and actually show her saving Hannah and getting revenge on Fred, especially if he had Nick and Rita exiled or killed. I cannot watch them press the reset button again. Or do something anyway. I cant watch this show turn into a bizzaro Groundhog Day

"Why do you always say things like that? You dont see me complaining *points to empty eye socket* all the time." Jeannine has had an awesome season. She has low key become one of my favorite characters.  

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 21

So, I have no hope of seeing Commander Lawrence next season or his awesome household. But I did appreciate the little we got with him, even if he could’ve taken a moment to reassure Emily. But then, where would be the fun? With the way his wife was saying goodbye to Emily, I’m curious if he’s done this before.

It was the Marthas all along! I mean, obviously, Nick was involved as well, and maybe Mayday isn’t quite as dead as it once was thought.

I was spoiled for this ending and maybe that’s why I’m not as angry now, or maybe it because I’ve resigned myself to June never fully getting out and likely dying with the resistance and saving other women and girls. I think they did sell that mostly and affirmed June’s fate as not being rescued but becoming a rescuer.

But how, you ask? No fucking idea lol. Because Gilead is not exactly a town you can go undetected in, especially as she’d likely be wanted. Nick can’t hide her under his bed and bring her scraps. Back to the Globe? Honestly, I have no idea, but as long as she doesn’t go back to the Waterfords, which i don’t think us possible, but hey, the show has deeply disappointed me in the past, so who knows? 

  • Love 4
  On 7/11/2018 at 6:19 AM, Umbelina said:

If Hannah could be rescued from Canada, Luke or Moira would have already done that.  Her only hope is rescue from within.


I do agree, in that I’ve seen no proof from the Canadian scenes, and the nothingsauce storylines for Luke and Moira, that they’ve done anything but offer asylum, which is great and all, but not necessarily the way to rescue kids. 

  • Love 11
  On 7/11/2018 at 6:26 AM, chocolatine said:

Are you calling the legendary Annie Lennox strange? ;)


Ha!  Walking on broken glass may have been a bit on the nose, but I liked it.

  On 7/11/2018 at 6:34 AM, chocolatine said:

But aren't the resistance fighters people who have ordinary Gilead jobs - Marthas, guardians, bread delivery drivers? I don't think there's a stealth resistance team that lives in the woods and pounces at night or anything like that. June would have to become part of another household or volunteer for Jezebels to have any chance of surviving, let alone finding and escaping with Hannah. What is she going to do, sneak back into the summer house and hide under Hannah's bed until the Mackenzies' next vacation, then ride off with Hannah on the wolf-hound?


Yes, the resistance is all ordinary people.

At least we finally got to see part of the underground female railroad!

  • Love 11
  On 7/11/2018 at 5:10 AM, AnswersWanted said:

Apparently that first scene between June and Serena was supposed to make me feel something I must assume. The music obviously implied it was a very emotional moment...I was just bored.

Those two have spent all season screaming and spitting at each other and then giving super hard looks of silent brooding before one walks off, the impact has long since been lost, show.

So June is being “careless” just like last season, acting as If she is untouchable just because she’s needed to feed the baby.

Again, it’s just boring and pointless to me at this point. I don’t need to keep watching the same plot points rehashed over and over again.

Find a new way to utilize June’s “grit and moral fiber” that actually gets shit done. And not so spoiler alert, no, I refuse to count the end move as such. 

Watching Fred slap June and then her slap him...so what? So he can pretend to act tough and then she can go all “badass” on him? I’m over it. 

Oh lookit, Serena wants to “save” lives again.

Her track record about such matters is so solidly successful and...oh wait...

Really? She thought a pious, righteous stand of pitiful, weak wives without an ounce of power would do a damn thing!?

Where did her brain go? Plan to murder the fuckers in their sleep, at least if you die you’ll take them with you. 

Or try and join the actual resistance movement, do something meaningful that might get shit done. 

Her losing a finger was as weak sauce as I thought it would be. Her hopped up on drugs wasn’t exactly moving either. The music cannot make me care, show, try writing better storylines next time. 

Were it not for Emily and the Lawrence household this entire episode would have been a disappointing wash for me. 

They embody the batshit, creepy, horrific, revolting, scary, confusing, terrifying, insane, wacky, and depressing mood I have always felt this show has lacked. 

Their Gilead is the world closest, imo, to what Atwood wrote about.

There’s nearly total transparency about it, they all realize exactly what the fuck is up and they are all out for themselves, for survival at least and holding onto whatever bit of sanity can be salvaged at this point. 

Emily attacking Lydia. Now that was a move, perhaps the worst possible one, but at least it made real waves and wasn’t about empty gestures that mean and amount to nothing. 

Seriously though, the ride along song with Lawrence and Emily was godawful.

That song is shit when you don’t think you’re heading to hang from a crane or be shot or dismembered and the worst thing you might face is a big bear hug from that aunt who puts on way too much perfume at family gatherings. 

Okay, maybe it’s just me but the so called rescue should have fallen to pieces the second Fred spied Rita’s “go fuck yourself” sneer.

He would have immediately been out the door screaming for Nick and the other guards. 

And he didn’t notice until the very last minute that much commotion was going on outside that huge window in his office? All the bright shining lights and blaring sirens? Not a chance. He isn’t deaf nor was the music that loud, IMO. 

And Holly would have been wailing like a fiend during the entire escape. Infants hate the cold and a lot of jostling in general. 

The Marthas being apart of the Handmaid “Underground Railroad” wasn’t too unbelievable, but no one notices suddenly all their housekeepers have vanished around the same time and can’t be accounted for? Sure...

You heard him, kiddos, Commander Lawrence says to “stay away from drugs”. 

With how this show ended, yeah...fat chance, how else can I put up with giving season 3 a chance at this point? 



I was hoping that Rita would poison fred.  Serious question, why do you still watch it??

Edited by ClaireS
  • Love 13

Lawrence complaining about not being able to withhold wages and pay was golden.

He is truly looney but in a way that seems normal for Gilead.

This place was not created by mentally sound people, it could not have been, and it’s nice to finally see a Commander in charge who realizes just how far gone they and their society are and he gives no fucks whatsoever, but instead of just turning into the devil incarnate, he is actually saving lives. 

It’s little comfort considering the fact that he did help create this monumental problem, but at the very least you can tell by his efforts, he is still trying to do the right thing.

Whatever his personal reasons or demons, he has a heart still buried in that whack job chest of his, proving that even at the highest level that is still possible.

Edited by AnswersWanted
  • Love 15

Serena was stupid to approach the council the way she did, even stupider in her conversation with Fred afterwards as if he’d have her back after she disrespected and embarrassed him in front of his buddies, however, I’m glad she did it. It was stupid, but I’m hoping it’s the beginning of the end for Fred. His house is in complete disarray and he’s not getting any blowback? Come’on now.

Serena is not just a follower, but a founder of Gilead. She might not have approved every law that is now hindering her, but the roots of this society was purity and purifying. That shouldn’t be glossed over just because she might not have been in on the rules about reading. She helped birth this monster and now it’s turned around and bit off her finger. The only thing i’m curious about now is who Serena is and what is she without this baby goal. once she realized that she had played herself and lost most of her own rights as well, she decided that a baby would at least be her consolation prize. Now what? That baby is gone and I’m unsure if another handmaid will be placed in this household, so either Serena kills herself with the knitting needles or she starts doing something else. The wives will likely shun her, maybe she’ll align herself with the Marthas. 

  • Love 22

@chocolatine That’s very true, I’m just desperately spitballing to figure out what June’s next step could be. I mean, I get not wanting to leave Hannah, and I don’t know what exactly she could have done from Canada, but I don’t know what she can do in Gilead either. Go undercover in some other town where no one knows her? Start setting fires and bombs at Gilead bases of operation? Gather her wolf ally’s for bloody vengeance? As long as we don’t cut right back to her walking into the kitchen at the Waterford’s in the first scene of season three telling Fred how relieved she was to be saved from ANOTHER kidnapping, but oh how sad it is that Nicole was taken, while making sad eyes at Nick who’s still polishing the car while Serena looks depressed and pensive in the background.

  • Love 15

Nick has so much dirt on Fred.  Fred won't dare.

That said, Fred did promise to let her see Hannah.  Still, we need season 3 to REALLY expand this tale.  More of the underground railroad, more of the resistance, and June better make it at least to

  Reveal spoiler

with Hannah if need be.

  On 7/11/2018 at 6:46 AM, VagueDisclaimer said:

Serena is not just a follower, but a founder of Gilead. She might not have approved every law that is now hindering her, but the roots of this society was purity and purifying. That shouldn’t be glossed over just because she might not have been in on the rules about reading.


Not a chance Serena wanted any of this.  She's an author, and loved her work.  She didn't want women to not read.  She didn't want Handmaids.  She detest the uniforms, she detests knitting, she detests "the ceremony."

Yes, she was certainly involved in the overthrow of the government, but there is no way I think she wanted any of the rest of this.  That was all on the men.  She's guilty of shortsightedness, treason, and often being an asshole, but I will never buy that this is the country she envisioned.

  • Love 20
  On 7/11/2018 at 6:52 AM, Umbelina said:

Nick has so much dirt on Fred.  Fred won't dare.

That said, Fred did promise to let her see Hannah.  Still, we need season 3 to REALLY expand this tale.  More of the underground railroad, more of the resistance, and June better make it at least to

  Reveal spoiler

with Hannah if need be.

Not a chance Serena wanted any of this.  She's an author, and loved her work.  She didn't want women to not read.  She didn't want Handmaids.  She detest the uniforms, she detests knitting, she detests "the ceremony."

Yes, she was certainly involved in the overthrow of the government, but there is no way I think she wanted any of the rest of this.  That was all on the men.  She's guilty of shortsightedness, treason, and often being an asshole, but I will never buy that this is the country she envisioned.


And I’ll never buy her being *that* shortsighted or naive. But since it’s never been told to us either way and since every time Serena’s responsibility and guilt is brought up, you’re there to defend, I think we can agree to disagree and move on. 

  • Love 12

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