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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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57 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Thank you for recapping that whole round of weirdness. It does kind of read like she's [Sam's] got a crush on someone behind the scenes. They better prepare themselves indeed. 

Really? I thought it read like Sam was pretend-talking to Brett, especially with the blushing stuff. She usually talks to the cameras (Sam's even said this, maybe even in a DR session? Definitely on the feeds) as if it's one of her dogs so... God, I hope not. 

Tyler is firmly planting that target on Sam - tells the Brett/JC targeting her story, but blames it on only Brett making JC/Sam target them. Then says, "Sam was ripping you to shreds." 

I still don't really get it. Sam is going to be one bitter juror if Tyler/Kaycee ("her babies") - especially Tyler - send her home. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2

Tyler is blaming Brett for everything. He told Ang that Brett started trying to turn JC against them 2 1/2 weeks ago and that Sam thought those things about her because Brett had been in her ear, telling her things trying to turn her, too. 

Kaycee joined them and he cranked it up again, saying Brett had done a Rachel with his disloyalty. Watching him lie like this is really quite gross as he’s flipped things so everything he knows JC said/did, he’s blaming on Brett.

Then there’s Angela, acting rather haughty and talking like she’s some kinda badass saying she wanted to punch Brett in the face, while not understanding how people in the house might perceive her as a bitch.

Tyler telling her Sam said she walks around like she owns the place didn’t sit well and she was relieved to think it was all bleeped out, so the viewing audience didn’t hear it. Lol like CBS is gonna go to fish because bitch. Then she went all passhole with a comment wondering if she needs to walk around with a bag on her head. 

Given Angela’s trust issues, I’m wondering how this thing with Tyler doubling down on his lies to her is going to affect her perceptions of him once they’re out of the house. She told him she loves him and having done so, it appears she’s functioning under the belief they’re not keeping secrets from each other. She’s in for a surprise or two.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, ohcomeon said:

Incorrect. I'm an introvert. But I am a "learned extrovert". I am naturally introverted but I learned through my extroverted family that I had to replicate their behavior to become successful in a social & professional sense. You may think I only need alone time to recharge after being the "life of the party". But I need alone time to recharge after spending a quiet evening with my husband, my BFF and her husband where no one is expecting me to be the life of the party. Shoot, my daughter and I laugh that after a 3 day vacation together, we all retire to our own corners. Your statement exemplifies how introverts have been misjudged. 

Most people would tell you that I am not an introvert. People are astonished about the amount of effort it takes me to do the public speaking or what is required for me to get through holding meetings with a 100 plus participants. My staff would say I'm very confident, super open, and very approachable. I've held offices that required me to overcome my natural inclinations. An employer or a casting director would never know that I'm introverted or naturally shy.  I'm consider a great hostess and often open my home to social events. 

But I have to psyche myself up every time I go to a cocktail party that involves more than 2 other people.

So until you've walked in my shoes as an introvert that must navigate an extroverted society...... you might want to spend more time with true introverts.  

OK, how about this, I’ll change my statement to “some introverts…” that way you don’t feel that I’m talking about you and can stop taking my statement so personally. My post was about Angela and her dull as dirt personality not you and your introversion. I’m happy for you that you can do all that you do, but some introverts find what you list in your post to be very difficult, if not impossible, which makes it unlikely that some of them would be able to get through the audition process for a reality show.

But this is all off topic and maybe it would’ve been more accurate for me to say, ”some introverts with social anxiety,” but perhaps you can walk a mile in my shoes and realize that my post wasn’t written for a pysch class it was written for a thread about a silly TV show and can therefore react accordingly.

The point I was trying to make is that I don’t think Angela’s an introvert, I think she’s boring AF when she’s not being a bitch. And I love that she let her bitch flag fly tonight with her veto speech to Brent. She loves to rub it in when she has the upper hand and I don’t understand why she or Tyler thought that that tag-team speech would benefit either of them. I guess he won’t have any choice but to vote for either Angela or Tyler when they’re in the final 2…and since they were equally bitchy, it won't factor into his decision. If Kaycee can somehow get into the final 2, I hope he manages to work something about being 3 steps ahead into his question to Tyler; that would be so epic!

I was shocked to see tears in his eyes when he was on the block and I so so so wish we could’ve heard what he said when we went to commercial and he stood up and faced everyone.  Even after the commercial break his voice was shaky when started his speech, but he still had the presence of mind to take a pot shot at Rockstar...which kinda made it hard for me to feel sorry for him.

Stellar episode tonight. I’m so glad Haleigh uninvited him to the Texas A&M game…I kind of saw some chemistry between them and I hope that it has completely died because I like Haleigh (even though she’s not very good at Big Brother) and detest Brett, I mean Brent! lol

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, cork dork said:

Tyler is blaming Brett for everything. He told Ang that Brett started trying to turn JC against them 2 1/2 weeks ago and that Sam thought those things about her because Brett had been in her ear, telling her things trying to turn her, too. 

Kaycee joined them and he cranked it up again, saying Brett had done a Rachel with his disloyalty. Watching him lie like this is really quite gross as he’s flipped things so everything he knows JC said/did, he’s blaming on Brett.

Then there’s Angela, acting rather haughty and talking like she’s some kinda badass saying she wanted to punch Brett in the face, while not understanding how people in the house might perceive her as a bitch.

Tyler telling her Sam said she walks around like she owns the place didn’t sit well and she was relieved to think it was all bleeped out, so the viewing audience didn’t hear it. Lol like CBS is gonna go to fish because bitch. Then she went all passhole with a comment wondering if she needs to walk around with a bag on her head. 

Given Angela’s trust issues, I’m wondering how this thing with Tyler doubling down on his lies to her is going to affect her perceptions of him once they’re out of the house. She told him she loves him and having done so, it appears she’s functioning under the belief they’re not keeping secrets from each other. She’s in for a surprise or two.

It does suck. But at least for Tyler, I see what he's doing and I respect it. For Tyler, he's making it very blatantly clear that he wants JC in F3. Or, at least, he doesn't want him as the target this week. With Angela as HOH, she could convince Kaycee to vote out JC instead of Sam. So Tyler's angle is to blame someone who's now gone so that his ideal F3 is safe this week. So his lies, though gross, are still game related. Angela and Kaycee? Eh. It's really disappointing.

I will say that it's impressive that the last few weeks have gone entirely to L6 in terms of comp wins. It started with Brett's first and only win and then was passed to the trio for wins. They really were a strong alliance all season. Yes, they legit turned on some of their own members (Winston, Rachel, and then Brett) but some were for good reasons (Rachel being disloyal, Brett wanting to target Angela) and others weren't (I know Winston was crazy paranoid but he technically didn't really do anything). However, they still remained fiercely loyal. The evicted L6 members never turned their alliance in to the others. So seriously, props to them anyway. 

JC's the idiot who still thinks he's running shit and thinks Tyler's in danger this week. He's the new Puppetmaster, I guess!

  • Love 1

Perfect scenario for me as a Sam fan, since Angela won HOH and will likely put Sam and JC OTB —

•Kaycee and Sam both realize that Angela and Tyler are probably taking each other to F2.  

•Kaycee wins a phenomenal fourth POV in a row.

• Kaycee uses POV to take Sam off the block, guaranteeing safety for both of them.

•Angela’s only replacement option is Tyler.

•Sam and Kaycee VTE Tyler.

•Angela can’t be HOH next.

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

Perfect scenario for me as a Sam fan, since Angela won HOH and will likely put Sam and JC OTB —

•Kaycee and Sam both realize that Angela and Tyler are probably taking each other to F2.  

•Kaycee wins a phenomenal fourth POV in a row.

• Kaycee uses POV to take Sam off the block, guaranteeing safety for both of them.

•Angela’s only replacement option is Tyler.

•Sam and Kaycee VTE Tyler.

•Angela can’t be HOH next.

Wouldn't perfect scenario be Sam winning HoH?

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, mooses said:

Yes, he was. I think she said, "From outside the Big Brother house with Brent, I'm Julie Chen-Moonves." 

I doubt Brett noticed after she flubbed his name, and I'd be shocked if anyone got, "He must be a sexual abuser!" from that anyway, though, even if they noticed it.


6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I can't get over how much Brett's total sadness got to me. Dude  was SO SAD! 

I turned the show on right at the end when Julie signed off and Brett's face was just stone cold sad. Brett likely didn't notice the name thing, either his or Julie's - he didn't seem to be reacting to anything.  DE's always break my heart!


3 hours ago, Summerday said:

OK, how about this, I’ll change my statement to “some introverts…” that way you don’t feel that I’m talking about you and can stop taking my statement so personally. My post was about Angela and her dull as dirt personality not you and your introversion. I’m happy for you that you can do all that you do, but some introverts find what you list in your post to be very difficult, if not impossible, which makes it unlikely that some of them would be able to get through the audition process for a reality show.

Your post rang true for me as an introvert. I only wish I could force myself to not act like an introvert - I get too much anxiety to fake it till I make it.  

6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I really can't believe how hard Tyler is pushing to keep jc.


1 minute ago, RandomWatcher said:

JC needs to go now and keep Sam. Sure JC can't win squat but Sam has only one what, 1 HoH?

Because Sam won an endurance comp and Tyler knows part 1 of the last HOH is endurance (if sam were to get that far). 

And If he knows that sam came close to winning one of these past HOH's.  JC hasn't come close to anything. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, mooses said:

Apparently, there's a Sam's in Love With a Camera(man?) Conspiracy floating around. Her monologue from around 10:30pm onward, while putting away dishes and tending to her plant:

Sam: [After I think talking about thinking she was leaving, I think] "But, I am young and I'm able. I can make money. And I have money. Money's not everything...I have to pretend that you're not here, which sucks, because I am here. But you are too [looks around] sometimes. I have to just read a bunch of clues. So far, it's the best part about this whole thing. Even if it ends up being imaginary. Maybe I'm crazy. [I'm not sure what she says here.] What if I end up being a disappointment? What if I just shut the fuck up? How about that? Okay. Done! 

Nothing goes unnoticed. I can hardly contain myself. I thought I was going to faint or have a heart attack. My cheeks still hurt. I think I was blushing the entire time. I looked like a grinning idiot the whole time. How do you do that from so far away? I wonder what you'll do to me up close. Good God! I'll probably pass out. I trust you. Kind of. It's this close. I'm tamed by the process. I hate it. I need to be very careful. That's why I try to follow all the rules. I would never do anything to hurt you.:

[Fish] Talks about her garden. (Sample: "Poor little garden! What have I done to you?") [Fish.] 

"I might seem like such a psycho to be disappointed in something - like, what an idiot." [Fish.] Talks about her basil plant, I think. (Sample: "It's not because I'm not trying. I don't ever want to ruin what you do, little basil plant.")

"Am I really that complicated? I think so. I think so. If my name's were Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, do I get to come back? That'd be cool.

I was so extremely happy though. Flattered. Stunned plum down to my toes. And I never forget a face; I see you just as plain as day. [looks around] You see me way, way more though, which is scary. I'm strangely comfortable with it. If I'm gonna be somebody's pet robot, I'm glad I'm your pet robot. It's gonna be weird when i'm set free. You've maintained a safe distance so beautifully. Much respect. And I thank you for it. Prepare yourself. I won't always be in a cage. 

But, I'll behave while I'm here in the cage."

After Sam's "I love Brett confession (hee!)," she could totally think a Production member is in love with her. Or a camera  is for following her around and filming her 24/7.  

Or she's probably just talking to her spider or something. Who knows with her.

Holy cow. Thanks for the transcript. It does sound like she is smitten with someone in production. So that;s what she has been doing most of the season. Flirting with her "camera man".

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

I'm sad Brett is gone. At least he'll have Winston to comfort him after the show. 

I don't even care who wins at this point. This will now be boring feeds. My only hope is Sam entertaining us. 

Providing he makes it through the Jury House without getting arrested for assaulting Stoopid or she get arrested for doing worse to him - ON HER DAUGHTER'S FIRST DAY IN GRADE 3!!!

I've always marvelled at her anger over Brett saying something to her on her daughter's birthday. Like what makes her think Brett even knew it was that day? And even if he did, how crazy is it to expect that Brett should alter  his behavior because it is her daughter's birthday??? I always thought that was just the craziest thing I ever heard. What next? Will she expect the entire BB viewing audience will have a moment silence every time her daughter goes to the bathroom? Absolutely astounding!

Edited by MissBluxom
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

 will say that it's impressive that the last few weeks have gone entirely to L6 in terms of comp wins. It started with Brett's first and only win and then was passed to the trio for wins. They really were a strong alliance all season. Yes, they legit turned on some of their own members (Winston, Rachel, and then Brett) but some were for good reasons (Rachel being disloyal, Brett wanting to target Angela) and others weren't (I know Winston was crazy paranoid but he technically didn't really do anything). However, they still remained fiercely loyal. The evicted L6 members never turned their alliance in to the others. So seriously, props to them anyway. 

It is pretty amazing how loyal they were, and also how far they got. 4/6 in F6, even after losing 2 members before Jury. They could have made it 4/4 in F4 if they didn't choose to eat their own.

There were so many moments when any member could have cracked. Like you mentioned, when they were voted out. Or it could have been out-ed when any Hive had power (Haleigh HOH, Fessy HOH), and/or any member was nominated. They didn't hang out all that much as a foursome, but they stuck to the plan and trusted everyone else to do the same - even though they knew there were a lot of separate relationships going on and a few Operation Lone Wolves.

All that, and, somehow, it's still a secret! JC at least should have put the pieces together by now (he knows Brett was talking to them, and they told him a few secrets they all knew last night), but he really, really, doesn't want to believe that he's never been in control. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, mooses said:

Apparently, there's a Sam's in Love With a Camera(man?) Conspiracy floating around. Her monologue from around 10:30pm onward, while putting away dishes and tending to her plant:

Sam: [After I think talking about thinking she was leaving, I think] "But, I am young and I'm able. I can make money. And I have money. Money's not everything...I have to pretend that you're not here, which sucks, because I am here. But you are too [looks around] sometimes. I have to just read a bunch of clues. So far, it's the best part about this whole thing. Even if it ends up being imaginary. Maybe I'm crazy. [I'm not sure what she says here.] What if I end up being a disappointment? What if I just shut the fuck up? How about that? Okay. Done! 

Nothing goes unnoticed. I can hardly contain myself. I thought I was going to faint or have a heart attack. My cheeks still hurt. I think I was blushing the entire time. I looked like a grinning idiot the whole time. How do you do that from so far away? I wonder what you'll do to me up close. Good God! I'll probably pass out. I trust you. Kind of. It's this close. I'm tamed by the process. I hate it. I need to be very careful. That's why I try to follow all the rules. I would never do anything to hurt you.:

[Fish] Talks about her garden. (Sample: "Poor little garden! What have I done to you?") [Fish.] 

"I might seem like such a psycho to be disappointed in something - like, what an idiot." [Fish.] Talks about her basil plant, I think. (Sample: "It's not because I'm not trying. I don't ever want to ruin what you do, little basil plant.")

"Am I really that complicated? I think so. I think so. If my name's were Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, do I get to come back? That'd be cool.

I was so extremely happy though. Flattered. Stunned plum down to my toes. And I never forget a face; I see you just as plain as day. [looks around] You see me way, way more though, which is scary. I'm strangely comfortable with it. If I'm gonna be somebody's pet robot, I'm glad I'm your pet robot. It's gonna be weird when i'm set free. You've maintained a safe distance so beautifully. Much respect. And I thank you for it. Prepare yourself. I won't always be in a cage. 

But, I'll behave while I'm here in the cage."

After Sam's "I love Brett confession (hee!)," she could totally think a Production member is in love with her. Or a camera  is for following her around and filming her 24/7.  

Or she's probably just talking to her spider or something. Who knows with her.

Oh. Em. Gee. To quote the immortal Dr. Will, "You know how some people have issues? Sam has, like, a subscription."

How is she going to approach this guy post-show? "Please let me be your pet robot before I pass out?"

  • Love 11

Considering that Haleigh admitted to saying that to Brett, the fact that both of their messages were the same means Brett will have a relatively hard time convincing Haleigh that he didn’t do that.

Personally, I thought it was smart of them to blame Brett because it puts the blood on his hands even if they did want her out regardless.

Either way, definitely better than the rude GBMs.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

Considering that Haleigh admitted to saying that to Brett, the fact that both of their messages were the same means Brett will have a relatively hard time convincing Haleigh that he didn’t do that.

Personally, I thought it was smart of them to blame Brett because it puts the blood on his hands even if they did want her out regardless.

Either way, definitely better than the rude GBMs.

But Brett is literally going out the door with her and will explain the alliance and sharing the information which is how they knew that.  He wasn't actively pushing for her eviction and they weren't actively pushing Sam with Brett objecting.  It will be easy to show that A + B doesnt = C because he will have no reason to lie anymore.


Its a good move is Brett stays in the game.  Its a horrible move if he is the target and goes out the door on the same night as her

Edited by RagePaige
  • Love 4
12 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I wouldn’t hug anyone if I got evicted. 

Same. And I don't think there's anything un-classy about it either. Fake hugging people is so stupid.

12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

"I'm Julie Chen-Moonves."


Yea, Julie can go.

12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

 I just decided to socialize and got home much later than I expected.

You for sure made the best choice. Very boring ep, as I knew it would be but I let myself get excited it might be interesting lol.

11 hours ago, Lamima said:

Why didn't we get an episode thread tonight?

Because the game is super boring now and no one cares?

11 hours ago, JediDVguy said:

With Brett gone, I’m now officially Team Good Feeds.

Oh, good feeds is over. Like it's not happening. Tyler/Kaycee/Angela will easily get to F3. There is pretty much no way that doesn't happen now. Whomever stays of Sam/JC would have to suddenly be good at comps and it's not gonna happen.

10 hours ago, The Hound Lives said:

Based simply on personality, I think this is the dullest final 5 ever. 

Fucking right! It's why I just still can not fathom how this alliance is so popular. They have got to be the dullest, most boring group of people ever assembled on this show. 

8 hours ago, Cutty said:

Saw this posted elsewhere but apparently no one outside of L6 has won veto since week 4. That combined with some boneheaded moves from Footy is how you get a pagonging.

That's also how you get a very boring season.

5 hours ago, cork dork said:

Then there’s Angela, acting rather haughty and talking like she’s some kinda badass saying she wanted to punch Brett in the face, while not understanding how people in the house might perceive her as a bitch.

So, just acting the way she always does then.

ETA: Oh, and I forgot to post this. Further proof that the audience for this show sucks so hard lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 8
19 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

But Brett is literally going out the door with her and will explain the alliance and sharing the information which is how they knew that.  He wasn't actively pushing for her eviction and they weren't actively pushing Sam with Brett objecting.  It will be easy to show that A + B doesnt = C because he will have no reason to lie anymore.


Its a good move is Brett stays in the game.  Its a horrible move if he is the target and goes out the door on the same night as her


Even if he does tell her about the alliance, she wasn’t expecting loyalty from those two, as she clearly stated to Fessy when Angela won HoH. She put them both up, it was fair.

She did expect some loyalty from Brett. So even if he was in an alliance with the girls, him running to them with information would be the more damning move and generally larger betrayal. He had spent time cultivating that relationship before dropping it like it was nothing.

Furthermore, since he went home next, she may conclude that he didn’t know the true inner workings of the alliance, so his information from them could’ve been lies they fed him.

Either way, I don’t see how it could be a top 5 dumbest moves of the season.

Edited by MKL122788
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

Even if he does tell her about the alliance, she wasn’t expecting loyalty from those two, as she clearly stated to Fessy when Angela won HoH. She put them both up, it was fair.

She did expect some loyalty from Brett. So even if he was in an alliance with the girls, him running to them with information would be the more damning move and generally larger betrayal. He had spent time cultivating that relationship before dropping it like it was nothing.

Furthermore, since he went home next, she may conclude that he didn’t know the true inner workings of the alliance, so his information from them could’ve been lies they fed him.

Either way, I don’t see how it could be a top 5 dumbest moves of the season.

Pretty much ensures a Tyler jury vote from her and Fessi against either of them.

6 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

I think Hayleigh and Fessy actually won -1 HOHs each.

Did they ever post all of the BB comics (not just the ones posted before the episode)?

HartofDixie here posted all the covers.  Go to each individual's thread to see a good, clear large posting of their cover.  (Thanks again, Hart).

About Sam.  From Jokers:


10:30 pm Sam talks to self in KT: Too tall to be you. Too slim to be you. I heard the door. I'll never know. I think I know, they'll never tell me. I really thought I was going to leave. I was excited about it, seemed crazy. But I am young and able and can make money. I have money, money's not everything. I think power is slightly corrupt. (She looks to side as if talking to someone) I have to pretend that you're not here, which sucks because I am here. But you are too (she looks around again) sometimes. I have to just read a bunch of clues. So far it's the best thing about this whole thing, even if it turns out to be imaginary: me being crazy. Mumbles something, someone like me. I ended up being a disappointment. What if I just STF up, how about that? Ok. She does a woosh sound and signal with her hand.

Edited by green
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

Even if he does tell her about the alliance, she wasn’t expecting loyalty from those two, as she clearly stated to Fessy when Angela won HoH. She put them both up, it was fair.

She did expect some loyalty from Brett. So even if he was in an alliance with the girls, him running to them with information would be the more damning move and generally larger betrayal. He had spent time cultivating that relationship before dropping it like it was nothing.

Furthermore, since he went home next, she may conclude that he didn’t know the true inner workings of the alliance, so his information from them could’ve been lies they fed him.

Either way, I don’t see how it could be a top 5 dumbest moves of the season.

It's because Brett is a good talker. With him going out with a blindside from his own alliance, especially once he sees his goodbye messages that the houseguests recorded for him last night (apparently Angela played the victim in her goodbye message, which I don't think Brett will buy), he's going to go over and over the night. Then, he'll step into the jury house, see all of the Hive, hear Haleigh tell him about Angela and Kaycee's goodbye messages and it's going to hit him that they lied to HIM in his goodbye messages. I can't see him not spilling all the information and he will tell Haleigh what has happened.

Tyler will probably handle things better than Angela and Kaycee are. Tyler obviously didn't blame Brett in his Haleigh goodbye message, and we may never fully know what he tells Brett in his, but I bet he finds a way to make amends for his betrayal. We'll see how Brett is during the jury roundtable, as I don't think we're getting another jury segment, as much as I want it. Though we may be lucky to get a jury segment next Thursday. I think they'll want to include one.

It definitely was a stupid move. We've had a lot of stupid moves this season, which is why this isn't necessarily in the top five, but it is in the top ten. 

Dumb Move #1: Fessy targeting Scottie

Dumb Move #2: Hacker House Meeting 

Dumb Move #3: Bayleigh out-ing her Power App

Dumb Move #4: Rockstar telling Tyler the answer in OTEV. 

Dumb Move #5 (a 6-way tie): Kaitlyn BD-ing Swaggy/Rachel getting paranoid/Swaggy loudly anointing himself head of FOUETTE/Brett and JC telling Tyler to get rid of Angela/Scottie playing Big Brother/Julie calling Brett Brent

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, mooses said:

Dumb Move #1: Fessy targeting Scottie

Dumb Move #2: Hacker House Meeting 

Dumb Move #3: Bayleigh out-ing her Power App

Dumb Move #4: Rockstar telling Tyler the answer in OTEV. 

Dumb Move #5 (a 6-way tie): Kaitlyn BD-ing Swaggy/Rachel getting paranoid/Swaggy loudly anointing himself head of FOUETTE/Brett and JC telling Tyler to get rid of Angela/Scottie playing Big Brother/Julie calling Brett Brent

I'd move up Bayleigh outing her power app to #2. That ruined her game and led to the House Meeting, anyway. 

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, mooses said:

Dumb Move #1: Fessy targeting Scottie

Dumb Move #2: Hacker House Meeting 

Dumb Move #3: Bayleigh out-ing her Power App

Dumb Move #4: Rockstar telling Tyler the answer in OTEV. 

Dumb Move #5 (a 6-way tie): Kaitlyn BD-ing Swaggy/Rachel getting paranoid/Swaggy loudly anointing himself head of FOUETTE/Brett and JC telling Tyler to get rid of Angela/Scottie playing Big Brother/Julie calling Brett Brent

I like these, though I'd move Rockstar fucking up OTEV to number one. That felt the beginning of the end. I have nothing against L6/4/3, but holy crap - think about how different this game would be if RS had pulled herself off and either (I'm guessing) Tyler or Angela had gone home. No twu wuv!

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'd move up Bayleigh outing her power app to #2. That ruined her game and led to the House Meeting, anyway. 

True. I could see that. I put Haleigh's as #2 because Bayleigh at least told only one person information (who spread it to one person, who spread it to everyone else). The wrong person, but just one. But Haleigh told everyone, and ruined her chances of ever working with Tyler or his allies. But, yeah, I guess you could argue Haliegh lasted longer so Bayleigh's was worse. 

There's also Haleigh not forming a plan with her alliance about the Hacker twist, and choosing Kaycee as her player - but there's no proof Fessy would have won if he was chosen instead, so I don't think it's Top 5.

Also, anytime they pointed fingers at their own fully-formed and named alliance while saying, "It can't be JC," could make up it's own separate list of 5 dumb moves.



From Haleigh's Ew interview: 

A lot can change between now and the finale, but who do you think is playing the best game in the house so far and why?

I think Kaycee is playing a very good game but I also think Brett must be doing pretty well. It is so hard to know because I think there is a lot going on that I do not know about. Honestly, I’m rooting for JC to come through.

What about the flip side? Who in the house is playing the worst game and why?

I don’t even feel like I have a foot to stand on with that question. I’m worried that JC isn’t positioned great. Although he has no loyalties to get him in trouble, he has no loyalties to fall on. That is how I saw it.


Man, they should totally take out JC this week. He's going to be seen as the underdog and win in F2. 

But awesome for Kaycee! I'd love to see her win this thing. 

Edited by mooses
1 minute ago, mooses said:

True. I could see that. I put Haleigh's as #2 because Bayleigh at least told only one person information (who spread it to one person, who spread it to everyone else). The wrong person, but just one. But Haleigh told everyone, and ruined her chances of ever working with Tyler or his allies. But, yeah, I guess you could argue Haliegh lasted longer so Bayleigh's was worse. 

Well, Bayleigh's secret to telling Rachel led to her eviction. No matter what, that was the moment that changed her game. Before that, she could have outlasted the other members of the Hive. Once she told her secret and expected it to be kept a secret, she was screwed. The Hacker House Meeting was bad, but Haleigh was already a target at that point, she controlled who she told while knowing it was going to be bad, sure, but she thought it was gonna save Bayleigh's game and....who did she think was gonna go? Rockstar was the only one next to Bayleigh at that point!

So, yes, stupid and definitely really dumb but it ultimately didn't change anything that was going to happen to her. It didn't even move her up as a target. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Bayleigh's secret to telling Rachel led to her eviction. No matter what, that was the moment that changed her game. Before that, she could have outlasted the other members of the Hive. Once she told her secret and expected it to be kept a secret, she was screwed. The Hacker House Meeting was bad, but Haleigh was already a target at that point, she controlled who she told while knowing it was going to be bad, sure, but she thought it was gonna save Bayleigh's game and....who did she think was gonna go? Rockstar was the only one next to Bayleigh at that point!

So, yes, stupid and definitely really dumb but it ultimately didn't change anything that was going to happen to her. It didn't even move her up as a target. 

Good point. It basically made Haleigh a dead woman walking, so I'd keep it in the Top 5. It changed her long game, although she didn't fully grasp the repercussions since she didn't know how tightly Tyler had everyone wrapped around his finger - but she should have sensed it considering everyone's reactions to him being nominated.

If she didn't hold the House Meeting, I think she could have played it off like Bayleigh was lying, faded to the background and/or played the middle if she needed to - but that firmly planted her on the other side. She would have been much more effective if she kept her secret and played the game Scottie was trying to play - I think she would have been much better at it. But, since Tyler was so well-protected, it was FOUETTE or nothing after that reveal. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I really can't believe how hard Tyler is pushing to keep jc.

Kind of stupid on his part.

at this point of the game, anything can get you booted out the door.

Sam knows his 2 biggest secrets - power app and the fact he is a Super Fan.

why piss her off when she could tell it out of anger on her way out the door and potentially taint the jury.

i would think it is safer to take her out at 4 and give her no time in the jury house.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

Kind of stupid on his part.

at this point of the game, anything can get you booted out the door.

Sam knows his 2 biggest secrets - power app and the fact he is a Super Fan.

why piss her off when she could tell it out of anger on her way out the door and potentially taint the jury.

i would think it is safer to take her out at 4 and give her no time in the jury house.

Why would the jury care that Tyler had the Power App and that he's a super fan? 

I do wonder, though, if Tyler might try to come up with a plan to split the vote and give Angela the tie-breaker to boot Sam.

  • Love 3

Oh boy. Haleigh and Brett's exit interviews are coming out. Here's Brett's:


A lot can change between now and the finale, but who do you think is playing the best game in the house so far and why?
Tyler made the strong move in terms of competitions, but he has a lot of blood on his hands, especially burning a final 2. There is still JC and Sam, who have no blood on their hands. I’d say Sam, because she has still remained in the house after all of this time and she hasn’t burned anyone. I think she has been throwing competitions ever since her HOH to appear as less of a threat.

Oh Brett....Brett, no. But it goes to show that the eviction was still fresh when he gave this interview. But funny that Brett isn't even considering Kaycee or Angela here.

  • Love 6

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Ultimately, why do you think you were voted out?
BRETT ROBINSON: I think that Tyler was given two offers: either to stay loyal to Angela or stay loyal to me. And based on who won the veto, he would have gone with that offer. I was in Level 6 with Tyler, I made a final 2 with Tyler, and I came to him with the offer to turn on Level 6 early, so he could smell the mutiny and that made him nervous that I might turn on him.

A lot can change between now and the finale, but who do you think is playing the best game in the house so far and why?

Tyler made the strong move in terms of competitions, but he has a lot of blood on his hands, especially burning a final 2. There is still JC and Sam, who have no blood on their hands. I’d say Sam, because she has still remained in the house after all of this time and she hasn’t burned anyone. I think she has been throwing competitions ever since her HOH to appear as less of a threat.

What about the flip side? Who in the house is playing the worst game and why?

I would say Angela. Don’t get me wrong, I throw my jabs out there, but I never make it personal. But I think Angela, on a personal level, has really rubbed some people the wrong way. Granted, she is setting herself up to get taken to the end, which is a strategy that I tried. But I would be very very shocked if she made it to the end.

Pretty surprised that Brett thinks Sam is playing the best game. I get the no blood on your hands thing...if you're actually the one pulling some strings and getting others to do your dirty work. She's basically been plugging her ears and closing her eyes, though. 

Tyler's getting that competition beast who is controlled by Angela, even from Brett. Based on his GBM to Scottie, I doubt he leaves a telling enough message. He's hiding his moves too well. 

And, personally, I think if the roles were switched and Angela said what's Brett has said and vice versa, Angela would still be "rubbing people the wrong way on a personal level" and Brett wouldn't be seen that way. They really aren't all that different in how they've handled the HGs, except Brett is more charming and charismatic. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

ETA: Oh, and I forgot to post this. Further proof that the audience for this show sucks so hard lol.

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, mooses said:

Tyler's getting that competition beast who is controlled by Angela, even from Brett. Based on his GBM to Scottie, I doubt he leaves a telling enough message. He's hiding his moves too well. 

Tyler's biggest mistake is withholding too MUCH information, especially from his own alliance members. Don't forget that Sam's the only one to know about Tyler's power app (until he told Scottie) and that he's a superfan. You think Kaycee and Angela will be cool once they find out that Sam knew and not them? They may be a little perplexed. 

5 minutes ago, mooses said:

And, personally, I think if the roles were switched and Angela said what's Brett has said and vice versa, Angela would still be "rubbing people the wrong way" and Brett wouldn't be seen that way. They really aren't all that different in how they've handled the HGs, except Brett is more charming and charismatic. 

Probably. Both are definitely very, very similar and do similar things. But Brett has more charm and is able to communicate to people effectively, while Angela doesn't have that ability. Unfortunately, that can make all the difference.

3 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

I think Vegas is a huge liar here. First off, Vegas was likely not part of production then. She only started posting spoilers last season. Unless she also has the ability to comb through old files or convinced someone to give her this information, it's either just rumours or not accurate. Besides, if Derrick had won, why would they have told Julie to state to the audience that Donny won by a landslide and it was the most votes ever gotten? What purpose would that serve? Did Derrick really win by a landslide, then? Bullshit.

  • Love 11
29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Bayleigh's secret to telling Rachel led to her eviction. No matter what, that was the moment that changed her game. Before that, she could have outlasted the other members of the Hive. Once she told her secret and expected it to be kept a secret, she was screwed. The Hacker House Meeting was bad, but Haleigh was already a target at that point, she controlled who she told while knowing it was going to be bad, sure, but she thought it was gonna save Bayleigh's game and....who did she think was gonna go? Rockstar was the only one next to Bayleigh at that point!

So, yes, stupid and definitely really dumb but it ultimately didn't change anything that was going to happen to her. It didn't even move her up as a target. 

And the hacker house meeting never would have happened if Bayleigh would have kept her secret. 

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

We discussed that (briefly) here a few weeks back, to make sure none of Foutte or heaven forbid JC, win. I think the consensus pick was Brett, so this doesn't seem off base to me.

  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think Vegas is a huge liar here. First off, Vegas was likely not part of production then. She only started posting spoilers last season. Unless she also has the ability to comb through old files or convinced someone to give her this information, it's either just rumours or not accurate. Besides, if Derrick had won, why would they have told Julie to state to the audience that Donny won by a landslide and it was the most votes ever gotten? What purpose would that serve? Did Derrick really win by a landslide, then? Bullshit.

Yeah, I've been suspicious of some of her less fact-checkable tweets. Even one of her competition-based tweets haven't been accurate (Kaycee could have won the rolling ball Veto), which was deleted. Or her "Button Boy refuses to turn on the feeds!" when the feeds weren't on like she said they'd be. 

And, I'd argue a lot of Haleigh's fans are also "casuals" due to her edit. Vegas knows her audience - Twitter - and she feeds it with, at best, exaggerated facts that will get her attention (for example: the L6 TOOK SLEEPING PILLS conspiracy). I mean, I could have told you Haleigh and Brett were loved by Production. And Tyler. It's not a big secret. 

She's definitely got some source since she's been right on competition wins, unless she's even luckier than that World Cup predicting octopus. I'm curious what it is, though. A Production member used as a social media presence? Or just someone who knows a Production member?

Edited by mooses
  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

This makes me highly suspicious.  We all know that when BB Live Feeders get organized, they can control these votes.   This sounds like Production is trying to push the Live Feeders to organize behind behind Brett (and maybe Haleigh) for AFP.

[Putting on my tinfoil hat] I've been suspicious that AFP was legitimate ever since stank ass Frank won. Also, Vegas is full of shit. There's no way Derrick got more votes than Donny. Production is probably shitting themselves that casual viewers will vote for JC, but I don't expect them to let him win. I could see top 3 being Tyler, Brett, Haleigh. 

Brett isn't wrong about Angela. She is drawing dead to win against everyone. Turns out being a total bitch to everyone isn't a winning strategy.

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