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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Ugh, switched briefly to the feed of the HOH room where Fessie is "explaining" to Hayleigh everything that happened in the house to justify Scottie going.  Most of it is wrong, of course.  Switched out of there super-fast; he is my new BEC. 

Edited by Katesus7
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1 hour ago, TheGapper said:

Here is Mississippi a lot of people do that, not the maple syrup, but sticking bacon in the over. you can make a mega tray that way

Tyler is getting axed????

Oooops! Scottie. Don’t know why I typed Tyler. Perhaps, I was hacked!

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Ugh, switched briefly to the feed of the HOH room where Fessie is "explaining" to Hayleigh everything that happened in the house to justify Scottie going.  Most of it is wrong, of course.  Switched out of there super-fast; he is my new BEC. 

Welcome to the club!!

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30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Parchment paper. Never use waxed paper in the oven.

Parchment paper is so versatile and I cringe when I go to a friend's house and they don't have any. HOW DO YOU BAKE COOKIES? (Those silicone non-stick sheets for your pans always feel greasy, like you can never wash off the butter from them.)

Thanks. I meant parchment paper.

Hopefully they have sheet pans instead of flat cookie sheets.  The lip would help contain the oil.

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35 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Parchment paper. Never use waxed paper in the oven.

Parchment paper is so versatile and I cringe when I go to a friend's house and they don't have any. HOW DO YOU BAKE COOKIES? (Those silicone non-stick sheets for your pans always feel greasy, like you can never wash off the butter from them.)

I’ve always baked cookies on the cookie sheet. Isn’t that what’s it used for? My Mom did it that way forever and it’s how i do it now. I’m 53. Maybe, it’s something new that I’m not aware of or Martha Stewart made up. 

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7 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I personally think that quitting a habit in the Big Brother house isn't the best idea. Yes, she'll have people to keep an eye on her and monitor her as she goes through nicotine withdrawal. However, we've already seen Sam when she doesn't have her cigarettes. Yes, she'll have a patch, but I think the stress of the house and her other various mental health issues will equal a not so great result at this moment for her trying to quit. 

Plus, we've seen the bang up job production's done with Sam so far. I really have no faith here. She'll be self evicting next week, I feel like. It's not even production's job to help Sam quit smoking. This is gonna be a mess this upcoming week. Imagine if she won HOH, as well.

She was vaping until arriving in the house. Production doesn’t allow vapes, probably because of the necessity of charging the battery.

The withdrawal process of cigs is a beast given the person’s coming off of the additives, too. Vaping works as a smoking cessation tool because it mimics the motions of smoking and the user controls the nicotine vs the constant blast from the patch.

TL:DR The patch isn’t going to anything except enhance Sam the Loon’s mood swings. 


4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Bingo.  No better way to F2.  And if Sam were to go second in the final Block speeches - and suddenly bust out an articulate, well-reasoned explanation for her behavior in a pure gameplay context, and point out how it got her all the way to F2...?  

The vast majority of the time I’m certain the Jurors already have their minds made up long before they rejoin Julie on the Finale stage - but in this context, I could see a substantial number of Jurors momentarily bowled over enough to possibly sway their vote.  And what Sam says wouldn’t even necessarily have to be true, or built to stand up under focused scrutiny - just plausible enough to sway the Jurors, and last long enough for them to pick her Key and lock in a vote.

Doubtful as hell, sure - but possible.  And worst case, Sam still gets 2nd place money.

If this were to happen and she dropped any and all traces of the accent and the baby voice, she’d win. 


4 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

His reaction cracks me up. 

That he instantly blushed when she asked is what did it for me. Too funny. 

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Sounds like they're doing the cleaning function on the oven now. No oven for about 4 hours. 

Good - that’ll give them plenty of time to find something else to destroy.  Where’s the vacuum cleaner?

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5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I’ve always baked cookies on the cookie sheet. Isn’t that what’s it used for? My Mom did it that way forever and it’s how i do it now. I’m 53. Maybe, it’s something new that I’m not aware of or Martha Stewart made up. 

Parchment paper has always been my preferred method because you don't have to wash the pan when you're done, provided you don't slop cookie dough all over the pan. It keeps them from sticking and it keeps the pan from getting mucked up. Also, the pans look pristine like you've never used them before, which I like. 

2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Sounds like they're doing the cleaning function on the oven now. No oven for about 4 hours. 

I don't understand the self-cleaning feature. My oven has one and I've never used it. Doesn't it just crank the temperature up to, like, 700 degrees and just bake everything off? You still have to remove the charred bits from the oven after. Some good old elbow grease and oven cleaner seems like it would be faster. 

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18 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I’ve always baked cookies on the cookie sheet. Isn’t that what’s it used for? My Mom did it that way forever and it’s how i do it now. I’m 53. Maybe, it’s something new that I’m not aware of or Martha Stewart made up. 

I am way older that you are and have used parchment paper for decades.  I know many people bake directly on the cookie sheet though and probably always will.  Clean up is a breeze with the paper.  

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5 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

All this food talk is making me hungry -_- 

Me too.  I am craving linguini with clams or clam fritters.  Clam something. 

2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Fessy: "If it's right, and this does work, and Scottie gets evicted, I look like a genius."

His logic stuns.  

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1 minute ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

Whats hotter? Tangela or the Fire in the Oven?

Think of it in terms of relative destruction; the fire didn’t even permanently disable the oven, whereas I’d give better than even odds a hotel room is getting totally destroyed come Finale Night.  ;>

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27 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I’ve always baked cookies on the cookie sheet. Isn’t that what’s it used for? 

 I discovered parchment paper a few years ago and I use it on all my baking now biscuits, cookies whatever. Even with coated pans baked goods can sometimes stick. Never with parchment paper. And the pan stays clean.  Plus I don't like coated pans, teflon, etc.

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19 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't understand the self-cleaning feature. My oven has one and I've never used it. Doesn't it just crank the temperature up to, like, 700 degrees and just bake everything off? You still have to remove the charred bits from the oven after. Some good old elbow grease and oven cleaner seems like it would be faster. 

Following this oven-cleaning discussion with interest......

Can I randomly drop in a "Fuck you, Fessy" here just because?  Or do I have to be actively talking about his dumb ass?

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1 minute ago, laurakaye said:

Following this oven-cleaning discussion with interest......

Can I randomly drop in a "Fuck you, Fessy" here just because?  Or do I have to be actively talking about his dumb ass?

Considering he told Hayleigh she's stupid earlier, have at him.

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3 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Can I randomly drop in a "Fuck you, Fessy" here just because?  Or do I have to be actively talking about his dumb ass?

"Fuck you, Fessy" is welcomed at all times, no matter the post. You could have a ten paragraph rant about Sam, throw in a "Oh, and also, fuck you, Fessy" at the end and it still wouldn't be out of place. 

Fuck you, Fessy.

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11 hours ago, Ceeg said:

I really like JC on the show, but can rarely stand to watch him on the feeds. I enjoy his DRs and joy for the game, and on the show I don't have to deal with going to fish every time JC sings or sasses production or whatever. It's like I have two brains. He annoys the shit out of me, but I also wouldn't mind if he won AFP.

If Tyler doesn't win he should get it but I could see JC otherwise.  For me anyone this season will be a breath of fresh air over last year Cody the Jerk getting it.


10 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:

His reaction cracks me up. 

Could you guys please link these twitter links in the future with regular http links as well?  Those of us not on twitter can follow a http link just fine.  But the links you guys leave, leave us non-twitterites with nothing but a blank posting right here on this screen taking us nowhere.  And with even the stuff in blue disappearing and no way to access any of this.  Thanks in advance because I feel I miss half the stuff on this thread because of these links to nowhere.

The non-link I couldn't follow because it is no link for me to The Hive stuff sounded fun.  Like it was a sketch or something maybe.  I'll never know anyway.  Missed that too.


9 hours ago, vb68 said:

I don't know about that. Her edit isn't as clean as it use to be. They definitely showed her semi-threatening definition of "curb stomping", and JC saying he was terrified. They also showed her having a meltdown in the DR about Tyler's power app and maybe a couple of other things I can't remember. But her edit took a turn when they weren't sure if she'll DOR or not. And I highly doubt they will edit out Zingbot calling her "crazy" tonight.


Also on the show after a veto win they always show the scheming about who the replacement nom will be.  There was next to none of it this week other than "Kaycee I need to put you up as the pawn now."  "Yeah sure whatever."  The only footage they have otherwise is Sam's going batshit crazy meeting with Fessy as in I demand a pinky swear to get rid of that floozy Hayleigh because who do you want to hang with if you are hanging in a tree and Hay will be so proud of you being so gamey.

To people who think Sam is playing a great con game for over 60 days straight 24/7 ... what?!?!  She can't remember what she did a minute after she did it.  Johnny Depp can't method act for a tenth as long.  It is totally impossible for anyone to do what Sam is doing as some sort of con.  She is mental and flip-flopping from boycotting the game and maybe dipping her toe in and playing some and it shows as the absolute gibberish it really is.

So she knows terms like "backdoor" etc. Of course she would.  People have been trying to explain the game since the first camera-less week to her and she hears others talking about this stuff constantly.  That's all she hears day in and day out.  A bump on the wall would have picked up those concepts and the lingo.  It's like I went to China and I don't know a single word.  I guarantee you that within the first couple of hours I would have learned "yes," "no," and "bathroom."  Sixty plus days in of total immersion and I'd be ordering pizza perfectly and probably translating and reciting Shakespeare in Chinese.  It's like that.

Edited by green
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1 minute ago, Nashville said:

Well, y’all can go ahead and bake all the bacon you want, but as for me,  I’m frying mine in a skillet on TOP of the stove - the way God AND the pig intended.  ;)

Yeah, I tried bacon in the oven once in one of those fancy air-flow pans. I still prefer it to be marinating in its own grease in a pan on the stove top. 

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I had leftover Qdoba for lunch today.  Fuck You, Fessy.

I like it.

On an actual related topic, with Scottie leaving, I no longer care who wins this game.  

Edited by laurakaye
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1 minute ago, green said:

Could you guys please link these twitter links in the future with regular http links as well?  Those of us not on twitter can follow a http link just fine.  But the links you guys leave, leave us non-twitterites with nothing but a blank posting right here on this screen taking us nowhere.  And with even the stuff in blue disappearing and no way to access any of this.  Thanks in advance because I feel I miss half the stuff on this thread because of these links to nowhere.

I don't know which device you use to access the site but that tweet above (and almost all of them) are embedded links from the tweet itself. On a desktop (yes, I'm old school) and using Chrome, I have no problem seeing the embedded tweets. It helps to do it that way because you shouldn't have to click to Twitter to see it, it should just show up right in the post. I'll try to remember to add a text link to tweets from now on, just in case (but no promises because I'm getting older and more forgetful). 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I don't know which device you use to access the site but that tweet above (and almost all of them) are embedded links from the tweet itself. On a desktop (yes, I'm old school) and using Chrome, I have no problem seeing the embedded tweets. It helps to do it that way because you shouldn't have to click to Twitter to see it, it should just show up right in the post. I'll try to remember to add a text link to tweets from now on, just in case (but no promises because I'm getting older and more forgetful). 

I'm on a laptop and only use Firefox ever.  Chrome is way too hackable for my tastes not that Firefox can't be too but Chrome just asks for it.  The links just go blank. 

A few links to twitter were put up with a regular http showing in the link and they worked perfectly for me. 

Guess I'll just not be seeing this stuff if http links are too hard to deal with.  No biggie.  Thanks for the explanation.

Edited by green
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10 minutes ago, green said:

Could you guys please link these twitter links in the future with regular http links as well?  Those of us not on twitter can follow a http link just fine.  But the links you guys leave, leave us non-twitterites with nothing but a blank posting right here on this screen taking us nowhere.  And with even the stuff in blue disappearing and no way to access any of this.  Thanks in advance because I feel I miss half the stuff on this thread because of these links to nowhere.

Hmm, I’m not on Twitter and all the Twitter posts show up fine for me. I click to play the videos and they start right away, without leaving this page. Could it be a browser issue? 

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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Just looked out the window - I was planning on getting in a yard mow before it got dark, but it’s just started clouding up outside and starting to look like rain.  Fuck you, Fessy.

What a bastard.  

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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Just looked out the window - I was planning on getting in a yard mow before it got dark, but it’s just started clouding up outside and starting to look like rain.  Fuck you, Fessy.

Trade? We need the rain. I haven't seen the sun in days because of wildfire smoke. They say that a day's work outside is the equivalent of smoking seven cigarettes right now. I miss sunshine and I'm not even a summer person. 

Fuck you, Fessy. 

Back on topic: Fessy just took a bottle of something out of the fridge, took a drink directly from it, and put it back in the fridge. Fuck you, Fessy.

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Watching Scottie pack along with his ongoing narration is cracking me up. 

He gets his clothes situated, realizes there’s some available space, and heads to the SR. He proceeds to go through cabinets, taking various items out to read the box out loud, and then decides if it’s going with, whether he needs it or not. 

“Traveler’s diarrhea? What’s traveler’s diarrhea? (You’ll probably find out in Greece, my friend.)

“Bug Spray. Will I be needing bug spray? I don’t know, I’ll take it, though.”

He’s treating the SR as if it’s the basket of welcoming goodies in the room at a hotel and the house is the hotel he’s leaving. 

Edited by cork dork
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2 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Watching Scottie pack along with his ongoing narration is cracking me up. 

He gets his clothes situated, realizes there’s some available space, and heads to the SR. He proceeds to go through cabinets, taking various items out to read the box out loud, and then decides if it’s going with, whether he needs it or not. 

“Traveler’s diarrhea? What’s traveler’s diarrhea? (You’ll probably find out in Greece, my friend.)

“Bug Spray. Will I be needing bug spray? I don’t know, I’ll take it, though.”

He’s treating the SR as if it’s the basket of welcoming goodies in the room at a hotel and the house is the hotel he’s leaving. 

Don't take the robe! They charge you $60 bucks for that stupid thing.

Ahem. So I learned on my honeymoon. Good thing it wouldn't fit in the bag. 

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58 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Sounds like they're doing the cleaning function on the oven now. No oven for about 4 hours. 

One day, many years ago, I turned on the fan over the stove and then ran the cleaning function on the oven.  All the windows at my place were closed.  This was a mistake.  It made the entire kitchen smell like ash, even with the stove fan.  I caught it pretty early in the cycle and opened up the windows, so no long-term problems.  Let's just see what happens at the BB house...

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Don't take the robe! They charge you $60 bucks for that stupid thing.

Ahem. So I learned on my honeymoon. Good thing it wouldn't fit in the bag. 

He needs go stealthy and head up to the gift shop, aka the HOH, and grab the robe and some of the snacks reserved for VIPs. That’d be fun to watch with the bonus of dooFes loosing his shit looking for his robe. 

Related: fuck you, Fessy 

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30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Well, y’all can go ahead and bake all the bacon you want, but as for me,  I’m frying mine in a skillet on TOP of the stove - the way God AND the pig intended.  ;)

That's fine and dandy if you want to cook 6 strips at a time.  Me?  I need 15 strips and i'm not standing in front of my stove to fry a double batch.  Hee

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Parchment paper. Never use waxed paper in the oven.

Parchment paper is so versatile and I cringe when I go to a friend's house and they don't have any. HOW DO YOU BAKE COOKIES? (Those silicone non-stick sheets for your pans always feel greasy, like you can never wash off the butter from them.)

Yeah, I made that mistake once because I forgot which type of paper could go in the oven. Nothing actually happened and we caught the problem in time, but let's just say I've gone back to just having myself scrub the pan after I've used it. 

47 minutes ago, McKinezeInFloMnd said:

Whats hotter? Tangela or the Fire in the Oven?

Brett. The answer is always Brett.

(Ok, for me, it's actually more Winston and I'm sad I don't get to see his face every day in the house). 

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10 minutes ago, cork dork said:

He needs go stealthy and head up to the gift shop, aka the HOH, and grab the robe and some of the snacks reserved for VIPs. That’d be fun to watch with the bonus of dooFes loosing his shit looking for his robe. 

Related: fuck you, Fessy 

Do you think Big Brother would stop Scottie if he took, say, all the forks out of the kitchen and packed them in his bags but left the spoons? 

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4 hours ago, Ceeg said:

Catching up on last night's feeds: "You know I would never pick anyone over you." lol Tyler said this word for word to both JC and KC, within the span of an hour

He's lucky he's not a piece of shit like Paul or this would really screw him over. But he's a Derrick, so it won't do any damage.

3 hours ago, gunderda said:

It's actually very common because you can do a lot at once - however the microwave is SO much easier lol 

I always mean to try cooking bacon in the microwave because it seems like it'd be easier but I've never tried it. I have gotten that already cooked bacon that you make in the microwave, which is fine in a pinch but nowhere near as good as the original.

2 hours ago, urusai said:

If Brett were smart he would've lined the baking pan with foil or waxed paper.

He always lines the baking sheet with aluminum foil. I swear I've seen him make that maple syrup bacon and salmon like 20 times already lol.

1 hour ago, Slider said:

I was talking to my uncle and told him that someone set fire to the oven (before I knew it was Brett).  His reply?  "I bet Faysal tried to use the oven to do his laundry." 

When my sister said there was an oven fire I was sure it was gonna be Faysal, Haleigh, or Scottie that caused it because Foutte gonna Foutte. Shocked it wasn't one of them.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, Slider said:

I was talking to my uncle and told him that someone set fire to the oven (before I knew it was Brett).  His reply?  "I bet Faysal tried to use the oven to do his laundry." 

So close to pink!  

One more like, people!

Fuck you, Fessy!

1 hour ago, green said:

Could you guys please link these twitter links in the future with regular http links as well? 

I thought that the tweets got embedded here so you could view them within the post.  Is that not what’s happening?  Does it only show for me here because I also have Twitter even though I’m not opening Twitter to view it? 

Oops, I see several others already replied now.

Okay, well I don’t use parchment paper.  But now I’m craving fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.

Fuck you, Fessy!

I swear I can smell them cooking now.

Fucking Fessy!

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I'm not really a huge fish eater, but all this maple syrup talk makes me want to try a maple syrup and mustard glazed salmon. I'm hungry now, lol.

Did I read on Jokers that Scottie took condoms? I need Fuck You Faysal to see that and for Haleigh to get evicted next.

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14 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Slurpies with vodka? Who knew? Thanks, JC!

That's how I got through my early twenties: flavoured vodka and 7-11 Slurpees. 

Although, if you boil some sugar and water together, add vodka and 7-Up, and throw it in the freezer? You get alcoholic slushies without having to leave the house. I totally recommend Stoli Blueberry and Stoli Raspberry for that. (And if you layer it, add grenadine to one layer, leave one white, and add blue curacao to another layer, you basically get an alcoholic Rocket popsicle in drink form. Mmm, vodka.)

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31 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Do you think Big Brother would stop Scottie if he took, say, all the forks out of the kitchen and packed them in his bags but left the spoons? 

He should go for it since his shopping/souvenir gathering expeditions aren’t being acknowledged. I fully expected a “Scottie, stop it” when he went for the bug spray. If he went for the spoons, it’s bonus footage for tomorrow night. 


12 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Slurpies with vodka? Who knew? Thanks, JC!

It’s best when the vodka’s been chilling in the freezer for 6+ hours (prevents slurpie melt). 

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

"Fuck you, Fessy" is welcomed at all times, no matter the post. You could have a ten paragraph rant about Sam, throw in a "Oh, and also, fuck you, Fessy" at the end and it still wouldn't be out of place. 

This reminds me of something I noticed last night when watching the feeds.  This group curses less than any group in recent memory.    And of course, I just turned on the feeds and Brett is talking about his "fucking" truck.   It was fucking stolen.  When he got to the part where the cop asked Brett to describe the truck, I have expected him to say, "It was a 2012 Fucking.  You know the model." 

Edited by Thalia
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I just realized either way Fessy is screwed. Hayleigh gets evicted, and she'll be in the jury house alone with Scottie. Fessy gets evicted, Hayleigh will be alone in the BB house with Brett.

His main goal should be to go after Brett, and then get himself evicted before Hayleigh. This is the only way for him to protect his own confidence and sanity.

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If mattresses from  all the other rooms were suddenly found in one room in one specific place, I would immediately look there because it was out of place and obvious!

Also, fuck you Fessy!

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