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S06.E19: Diana & Ashley R. LIVE CHAT

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She's gaining weight like gangbusters, but she can't figure out what's going on!

HIGH STRESS. What is causing all this stress? She sits around all day dreaming of her her next meal! Does she work? Does she have a hobby? What? 

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Ashley why are you wasting your breath.....Dr. Now knows you're lying.  

He needs to tell her to deal with her emotions or he won't work with her anymore.

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4 minutes ago, Miracle Maxie said:

Kirsten, Michael (?), and Roni, who is Michael’s wife and wants bariatric surgery. 

Whoa, wait wasn't Kirsten the giant girl-baby who freaked out and screamed for her mommy in the shower because she couldn't reach the shower bench which was only a few inches behind her ass? 

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8 minutes ago, Miracle Maxie said:

Kirsten, Michael (?), and Roni, who is Michael’s wife and wants bariatric surgery. 

I don’t remember them either! Geez what’s wrong with me? I never miss an episode.

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I can see why Ashley likes to wear her hair down, she looks better with it framing her face. I think because she is younger and still mobile that she doesn't feel the urgency to lose like some others (except James, Penny, etc...).

Edited by Armchair Critic
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While I agree that Ashley is probably overeating she may not be eating thousands and thousands of extra calories. Carbs make me gain weight quickly even if I watch overall calories.  Everyone's body is different. 

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She is over 500lbs again and she has the nerve to tell him she sticking to his plan.

Let me tell you, honey, if I had nothing to do all day and if someone else was paying for it, I’d be in the shrink’s office every day!!!!   

Edited by Kid
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Geez Ashley, over 500 pounds? She must be real sneaky about her over eating 'cause all we see on camera is yogurt and fruit. C'mon TLC me wants to see some major binge eating scenes not just be told about it!

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5 minutes ago, zoemom said:

Yeah...........I'm not too impressed with Dr. Now's skin removal suturing technique.  I think a plastic surgeon would be a better choice for skin removal/repair surgery.

Her poor arms are a mess!

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2 minutes ago, Hellga said:

For the full six weeks of the Lent, I wasn't eating any sweets.  Zero effect on my weight, though. 

Six weeks is a long time. I’ve doubled my exercise and I’m eating smaller dinners. The first time I put on my swimsuit Memorial Day weekend it was a bit snug, and that got my attention. I still miss my chocolate fudge cake though. Lol...no I don’t think I could ever eat that particular food again. Thanks, whatshername.

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3 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:


I don't know much about sutures, but I think they get removed anyway, and their purpose is to pull the edges of the wound together, so it almost doesn't matter how they are put in as long as the wound doesn't open.  I have only ever seen staples put in in real life instead of sutures. 


4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

HIGH STRESS. What is causing all this stress? She sits around all day dreaming of her her next meal! Does she work? Does she have a hobby? What? 

Which of the participants do have something in their life?  Most of them seem to have very boring and empty lives. 

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1 minute ago, Smoothcoat said:

I don’t remember them either! Geez what’s wrong with me? I never miss an episode.

They all blend together after awhile. I never miss either, but I only remember the names of the true classics-Penny, Pauline, Juggalo Nicole, Schenee, Lisa, and the immortal "ow mah laig!" James. I remember everyone once the episode comes on or my memory gets a jog. 

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So she's getting anxious just thinking about talking to someone about her anxiety????  Seriously.  
Honestly, while I know pills aren't the answer to problems, I do think more than just a few of Dr. Now's patients have significant mental health problems and either being placed on mood stabilizer/antidepressant meds could be help them.  Of course, they'd have to be compliant taking them.....and we all know how "compliant"  some of his patients can be.

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8 minutes ago, zoemom said:

I'm not too impressed with Dr. Now's skin removal suturing technique.  I think a plastic surgeon would be a better choice for skin removal/repair surgery.

That why people like Zsalynn went to somebody else to get it done, she tried to be tactful about it not to insult Dr. Now, but to me it looks like he just hacks at it.

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6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She's gaining weight like gangbusters, but she can't figure out what's going on!

HIGH STRESS. What is causing all this stress? She sits around all day dreaming of her her next meal! Does she work? Does she have a hobby? What? 


8 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

Surprise, surprise Ashley is not losing on her own.....

Thank lol...i screamed at my tv when she said that.  FROM WHAT???? 

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8 minutes ago, ThereButFor said:

I don’t even mind Diana using the “journey” word over and over.  She is so inspiring.

It helps that she reads the voiceover like a normal person instead of a 3rd grader sounding out her words.


7 minutes ago, Hellga said:

I envy you!  On my walks around the office, I keep running into the same chipmunk and I am starting to feel bad about scaring the poor dear!   We only have chipmunks, squirrels and small songbirds.  At least the roses started blooming and it smells amazing out there.


I love being outside, I can't imagine how 600+ people live without going outside for years...

There's another park near where I live that has a path that goes around through the woods, and I was walking it one day years ago and came to a certain point and a chipmunk ran across the path. I made a second lap and when I got back to the same spot a chipmunk ran across the path again. I don't know if it was the same 'munk but it was adorable. Maybe I scared him off and he came back out when I was gone.

I forget how nice it is to be outside sometimes (though it's cooler than usual for this time of year so that helps). I don't do well in extreme heat but today was a breezy 70 degrees.


4 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I recently had the flu and couldn't leave the apt for a few days, I thought I was going to,lose my mind.  I love walking even on the bitter Winter days.

Ugh. No fun. When I had the flu it was February (in 2010) during the winter Olympics. At the time I lived in an apartment with a roommate, but the third day I woke up with a 104 fever and my mom had to come get me and take me to the doctor (I could barely sit up straight; I certainly wasn't driving anywhere) and then she brought me to their house where I mostly stayed in the spare room for most of the next week and a half (I went home for a few days but then was on my way to developing pneumonia so I ended up back at the doctor and then back at my parents' the next week). I watched a lot of Olympic curling. :-}


2 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

The street my office is on has a newly built boardwalk for safe walking (it's a busy, 50 MPH road).  There have been 2 dead, rotting dear just off the path for months now.  Apparently the township doesn't clear carcasses.  It's awful.  And more than rotting, at least one deer is serving as a food source for something else.

I've been passing a deer on my way home the past few weeks that is just about down to a pile of bones by now. There was one last year in another spot on the same road that they left to be stripped by the wildlife, too.


1 minute ago, Giant Misfit said:

I just checked tomorrow night's TLC schedule. The supersize episode of THIS episode reruns at 8:00 pm and ends at 10 for another episode of Skin Tight. So, either they shaved out an hour of programming to create a "super sized" episode or this three-hour episode is really just a two-hour episode and TLC has no idea what they're putting on at 10 tonight. 

I suspect it's Skin Tight tonight, too. 

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Just now, ams1001 said:

I suspect it's Skin Tight tonight, too. 

Co-sign. They did that (the "three-hour" episode thing) constantly last year.

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Just now, ams1001 said:

I suspect it's Skin Tight tonight, too. 

Though I just realized it's almost 10 and they don't seem to be wrapping up so I could be wrong...

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2 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

She’s shaped like an apple on a stick

That apple shape is actually worse for your heart. Though I have always been envious of heavy women who had nice thin legs because I have never liked my legs.

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1 minute ago, Miracle Maxie said:

Could this therapist slow down just a little? I can barely understand her because she talks so fast!

She had to so Ashley couldn't keep doing her excuses. 

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OWWWWWW!!!!! OMG I never want to have a knee replacement although I do like seeing all the doctors and nurses in their NASA space suits.

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2 minutes ago, ArmenianGirl said:

I love the "Frankenstitches" comment.

Perfect description!!!!!  

I worked at a funeral home one summer (I know, not your typical teen summer job) but the mortician I worked with was better at suturing than Dr. Now.   Dr. Now's sutures look like they'd leave big scars - and would need plastic surgery to revise them.  Sorry Dr. Now, please leave skin removal surgery to someone else.

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Am I weird - I absolutely cannot “stress eat” - when I’m angry, upset, worried, or stressed I LOSE my appetite and find it hard to even eat, let alone over eat. BUT - when I’m relaxed and happy - - - that’s when it’s easy for me to overeat - a snack can easily turn into a binge. Guess everyone is different! 

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Wow, love this therapist! She got right down to it. I really liked her explanation of the difference between the the first year after wls and the following years, and that comment about getting the surgery and holding your breath hoping it works. Great overall advice!

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Just now, OoogleEyes said:

LOVE orthopedic surgery! Get in there with those tools!!

Me, too!  And I love to see a female doctor in there getting it done!  My surgeon for my sleeve is female, and 7 months pregnant, to boot!

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7 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

That apple shape is actually worse for your heart. Though I have always been envious of heavy women who had nice thin legs because I have never liked my legs.

I am a thin bird boned gal but I am apple shaped, all my weight gain happens in my abdomen. I recently gained almost 10 lbs and was looking like Whitney Way sitting on the beach. The flu helped my eating habit

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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Just now, hoosiermom said:

I I am getting a hip replaced next week so I could have skipped the knee surgery stuff too!

@Hoosiermom, good luck next week!  Sending positive vibes your way.

Edited by CouchTater
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