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S05.E07: Kat's Got Your Tongue

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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yes, of course. My point was that I don't like - or trust - the woman because of what she's done to her kids, NOT because she's an addict or mentally ill. She's having a redemption arc, though, and even though I don't like her, I do honestly hope she continues on the sober path.  Do I have doubts? Hell yes.  But I hope I'm wrong.  

I'm not sure what your comment about the meds and the weight gain have to do with anything?  She doesn't look like she's gained weight?  And even if she did and that was "hard" on her because she's "self-conscious about her body"?  Sorry but.... cue the world's tiniest violin. That should be the LEAST of her worries at the moment.   

Your exact comment was that she was "just masking the crazy with heavy psych meds." I was explaining that "heavy psych meds" are not an easy out--there is no "just" about it. They are really rough on your body. I know some very smart people who have gone off of psychiatric medications because of things like weight gain. What she is doing now is hard, and I give her credit for that. And if she is on "heavy psych meds" and was an addict, then while it does not excuse her treatment of her kids, it does go a long way toward explaining it.

If you're really interested in her kids, then you should be celebrating her for being on the right path right now.

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1 hour ago, ProudMary said:


I also like Dustin Waters' description of J.D. at Patricia's party in his latest Southern Charm review for Charleston City Paper.


The entire write-up is fairly well side splitting!

Oh God...this is hysterical:

“Thomas looks like a Winklevoss twin that was left out in the sun for too long.”

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Kathryn a stunning beauty? Naturally, or with makeup troweled on? I'm a redhead, so I get it. She needs some makeup. But turn down the makeup spray hose from 11 to maybe 4. It's creepy to me how women paint masks on their faces. All the talk about contouring? The endless youtube tutorials on the finer points of how to contour your face until you look like a completely different human being? Jeebus! I blame the Kardashians for the intense focus on outer beauty to the detriment of a rich inner life. Vacuous is the word that comes to mind. It's just sad. 

Koth-ryn (TM T-Rav) has shown herself to be pretty dull when she's not being histrionic. I'm guessing that medication is helping her, and that's wonderful. But I don't think she's had amazing growth. I don't think she has the capacity or interest to look deep within herself and work toward change. Take some sedatives, stop drinking and drugging, learn a few catchphrases about growth, and boom: new and evolved person.

The interview at Gwynns, where she had the great advantage of being a family friend and having shopped there herself over the years (money, dontcha know), was a joke. We were looking at someone who has never had to think on her feet like most of us poor bastards. Over time, you get good at it. You know, to survive. To make a living. To contribute. So her contribution to society will be subpar styling. Brava!

I took a gander at their website, just to see what was what, and it's not the typical website. No online shopping for the upper crust! They talk about their history and list the designers they offer. Their landing page: #inmygwynns: anything is possible, I'm at the top of my game, all eyes on us. Bleh.

Patricia looking amazing? Well, sure. Again, money. Countless surgeries and the best of the best of everything. So many people would look just fabulous given her situation. She's a snob. I mean, I enjoy her. She's great TV, but, again, it creeps me out that women go to such extremes for beauty. Grow old, enjoy your money, enjoy your life, enjoy your Michael and your martinis. (/rant) 

Oh, and speaking of looks, Whitney looks pretty good this season. His floating tongue is still disturbing, but his skin looks great. And Craig's running style? That gets side eye from me. He looks much better working around the house, wheeling Gizmo around the garden, modeling his snazzy prep-wear, and sitting poised at the sewing machine. And yay to Gizmo. So happy we'll see the distinguished old chap again!

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On 5/19/2018 at 9:30 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

I would love to have a job like that.  Spend other people's money in an attempt to make them look nice.  

A bit like grown-up paper dolls, for pay.

I can see two types of people hiring such a service; those with impossibly busy schedules, and those with no ability to put together a competent look.  From what I can tell, there are plenty of both walking this earth.

I could definitely benefit from a personal shopper; I have a decent figure, but could use some help!  Must have missed out on that gene... 

15 hours ago, ProudMary said:


I also like Dustin Waters' description of J.D. at Patricia's party in his latest Southern Charm review for Charleston City Paper.


The entire write-up is fairly well side splitting!

This was hilarious! "Chelsea heads to the gym, Shep pulls Solo cups from the dishwasher and Naomie slices open a grapefruit only to find it rotting from the inside. It’s Un Chien Andalou up in here with all the symbolism." Thanks for sharing ProudMary!

On 5/19/2018 at 5:57 AM, Sage47 said:

When I saw Craig sitting on the chair discussing designing dog and cat pillows with Patricia, I thought to myself that he looked gay. His dress, legs crossed and mannerisms. 

Recently he said to Austen, “if only I could like guys. It would be so much easier” or something similar. Austen was quite taken aback. 

I remember them teasing him on a reunion about how much he kept in touch with his gay fans. 

He admitted that he would give up oral sex over cheese. 

I have never seen any sexual chemistry between him and Naomie. And he had no interest in a revenge fuck when Austen and Shep tried to set him up. 

To me he seems either gay or asexual. He just doesn’t have any raw masculinity to him. 

Then there is his constant sewing....

I say all the time how I wish I were a lesbian! I'm not, but I find men so exhausting that I often wish I were. As far as Craig having no interesting in revenge sex, I think that makes him a good guy, not gay...

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In Shep’s slight defense, he might just have a set of those funny “faux” solo cups: I have an 8 cup set of those thicker, heavy-duty red plastic solo cups I use around the pool that I got from a local chicken shack which are meant to be washed and reused. The whole joke is that they’re either heavy plastic, rubber or ceramic cups that are just made to look like the typical flimsy solo cups you buy in sleeves.

Funny marketing tactic for lots of local bars and casual joints, especially down here in the South—-I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had friends and family over who ask, “Why are you putting those solo cups in the dishwasher?” only for me to trip them out when I show them that they’re “faux” solo cups. And then they usually want to know where to buy some!

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3 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:


Oh, and speaking of looks, Whitney looks pretty good this season. His floating tongue is still disturbing, but his skin looks great. 






29 minutes ago, IslandGirl said:

I could definitely benefit from a personal shopper; I have a decent figure, but could use some help!  Must have missed out on that gene... 


Not sure if you have a Nordstrom near you - I used to work there and they will have someone shop for you and it is free.  You can give them a budget and tell them what you want (outfit for work or whatever), and they will pull looks.  And they are GOOD.

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4 hours ago, IslandGirl said:

As far as Craig having no interesting in revenge sex, I think that makes him a good guy, not gay...

It's refreshing to hear someone NOT say that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone. For all of Craig's faults, he really valued his relationship with Naomie and valued her feelings still even after they have broken up. Considering the insensitivity shown by Shep, Austen, Thomas, etc., towards women they have had some semblance of relationship with, Craig is a breath of fresh air.

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On 5/17/2018 at 11:54 PM, Former Nun said:

I didn't think she looked anorexic, although she was obviously thinner.   At first I didn't even realize it was Naomie.  We saw the real Naomie talking to her roommate.  Then some strange girl/talking head comes on and pretends that SHE is Naomie's.  OHHHHHH!!!!  Nose job.  Such silly editing.  I guess she's prettier; I'll have to see a bit more.

I think she looked much better with the original nose

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On 5/19/2018 at 8:20 AM, JenE4 said:

Last week we were complaining that the “charm” is off the show, so it was nice to see the guys all dressed up and displaying their best genteel manners for Patricia’s dinner party. It had juuuust enough of that awkward inappropriateness of Southern Charm 1.0...is this a lovely themed soirée or has Patricia just crossed the line into cultural appropriation? Patricia was also channeling a bit of the T-Rav Glass Menagerie Life Lessons dinner party: Let me gather you all together and tell you what you’re doing wrong and why you’ve never been married—learn from my experience.

And dying over Patricia’s reactions to Ashley comparing herself to a Barbie Doll and the prostitute from “Pretty Woman.” While both of these comparisons are dead-on accurate and 100% Ashley’s life ambition, she’s “too California” to know these are not the images to project in Charleston high society. Is this season of Southern Charm brought to you by Gwynn’s? Got $10,000 burning a hole in your pocket? Come to Gwynn’s! Free bracelet consultation with every purchase!

i am side-eying this whole Chelsea-Austin-Victoria triangle. I bet Austen and Victoria never actually broke up, but they all agreed to film a couple of episodes pretending like he was conflicted just because production was pissed they missed Austen jumping to Chelsea’s friend off season. Maybe they gave Victoria a Gwynn’s gift card for her troubles—oh, and TV exposure and the opportunity to shill on Instagram.

People in CA also understand its not a great goal to look like a hooker in a romcom or be Barbie.  

On 5/19/2018 at 8:55 PM, woodscommaelle said:

No offense to anyone who is a personal shopper/stylist, but what an absolutely strange job.

"Here. This what I picked out for you to wear today."

I had a friend who was raised that way.  Her parents had money and all of her childhood this was how she was dressed.  When she was an adult she said she had a very hard time buying clothes because she didn't know what to pick.

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On 5/21/2018 at 3:01 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I try not to be mean, but, Austen really does have thin calves.  Or was that my tv being wonky?  He looked too delicate to run on those legs. 

This made me laugh out loud!  

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I think she looked much better with the original nose

I totally agree.  She had an unusual beauty with the old nose.  The new nose looks more strange to me.  Thin on the top, wide at the bottom.

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On 5/22/2018 at 9:10 AM, sasha206 said:

Kathyrn looked incredible last night on WWHL!

True, plus she and Craig were fun together - really enjoyed seeing them.

(Both diplomatically declined to offer comments about TRav’s latest scandals.)

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What was the amount charged for Ashley's clothes at Gwynn's?  The amount that Patricia said she didn't inquire about, since, it would have been impolite. lol 

I believe the register said $10,030.00.  

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On 19/05/2018 at 10:00 AM, Eater of Worlds said:

I don't think Craig's leg crossing has anything to do with him being gay.  Rather, it's both generational and a societal thing.  Men of older generations all cross their legs like that.  Both my father, my FIL, and my sibling's FIL sit like that.  Heck, my brother often sits like that because it's comfortable.  You see a lot of men in higher class society sit like that.  My brother does it because that's what he learned from his father and the parents of his friends. all sat like that.  Sitting with your legs open is a relatively young way of sitting and has nothing to do with "that's just how men sit". Hell, Shep sits like that and no one has said boo about that.

Thank You!!  I have been reading all lunch hour and notice how different the vibe in here is today.  I don't know if people are different or what, lots of snarky replies to each other, but this "Is Craig gay?" crap happens every single week. He crosses his legs...must be gay, he lives with another guy...must be gay. It's really fucked up in this day and age that this kind of stuff still gets brought up.  And another thing.  If Craig was gay, it's nobody's business but Craig's....rant over. 

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43 minutes ago, cheewhiz said:

Thank You!!  I have been reading all lunch hour and notice how different the vibe in here is today.  I don't know if people are different or what, lots of snarky replies to each other, but this "Is Craig gay?" crap happens every single week. He crosses his legs...must be gay, he lives with another guy...must be gay. It's really fucked up in this day and age that this kind of stuff still gets brought up.  And another thing.  If Craig was gay, it's nobody's business but Craig's....rant over. 

Right? And assumption/ speculation over ANYTHING is silly. Especially of the Homophobic variety. Pffft.

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On 5/29/2018 at 12:52 PM, ozzy said:

If Craig was gay, it's nobody's business but Craig's

I agree.  Of course, if I were Naomie I might have a different opinion.

On 5/22/2018 at 7:29 AM, heatherchandler said:

Not sure if you have a Nordstrom near you - I used to work there and they will have someone shop for you and it is free.  You can give them a budget and tell them what you want (outfit for work or whatever), and they will pull looks.  And they are GOOD.

Personal Shoppers.  I think it's a great job if you have the interest, talent, and personality  It takes all of that...and more.  Celebrities/Stars/The Wealthy have stylists.  This is a personal stylist that costs you nothing.  Most of the time they receive their hourly rate AND commissions on everything they sell.  Unlike those who work in "departments," personal shoppers can sell things from every department.

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On 5/22/2018 at 7:20 AM, Sun-Bun said:

In Shep’s slight defense, he might just have a set of those funny “faux” solo cups: I have an 8 cup set of those thicker, heavy-duty red plastic solo cups I use around the pool that I got from a local chicken shack which are meant to be washed and reused. The whole joke is that they’re either heavy plastic, rubber or ceramic cups that are just made to look like the typical flimsy solo cups you buy in sleeves.

Funny marketing tactic for lots of local bars and casual joints, especially down here in the South—-I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had friends and family over who ask, “Why are you putting those solo cups in the dishwasher?” only for me to trip them out when I show them that they’re “faux” solo cups. And then they usually want to know where to buy some!


I've got a blue and white ceramic, Greek New York coffee cups. One of these days I'll get to NY and bring a real one home.

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On 5/19/2018 at 7:50 AM, Major Bigtime said:

Her money. 

On 5/20/2018 at 12:32 PM, queenjen said:

I'll share a bathroom with you next housewive's trip.

Where i live in Australia, bathing every day is not optional in summer, which is hot and humid most of the year. I get that people in cooler climes may not necessarilly do so, and it still creeps me out. 'Clean bodies in clean beds' was the mantra at my house, not to mention 'cleanliness is next to sexiness'. No offense to anyone with skin issues, I get that. 

With all the heat and humidity of the south I'm surprised that Naomie even feels clean. Sure you can freshen up the important bits with a whore's bath but the rest of your body still has the day's grime and sweat on it. 

When I've traveled and gotten into that kind of humidity two showers a day are the bare minimum. I like feeling fresh. I may not smell when I take a second shower later in the day or evening but I feel better.



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