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S06.E23: Life Sentence

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10 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oliver goes on a goodbye tour with almost everyone but Curtis. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

This was one of only four good things about the episode. The others were: (1) Felicity and Oliver being smart and putting the digital sniffer on his suit, (2) Sara's brief appearance, and (3) Stephen being great in all his scenes.

18 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

I hope Oliver never says I sorry to anyone on this show (Felicity/William/Roy excepted) again.

Truthfully, he needs to spend every day of the rest of his life apologizing to Felicity for not discussing his plan with her. That was a really shitty thing to do to his wife (and his son). I hope Felicity gets to be angry as hell next season because lord knows she deserve to.

Edited by KenyaJ
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1 minute ago, BunsenBurner said:

Oh just one more thing. I was right in the Live Posting. If BS hadn't pushed Diaz off the building Oliver wouldn't have gone to prison. Thanks BS. So stupid. Now I'm done.

Let's pretend. Instead of the stupid redemption plot, BS is actually still working with Diaz and pushed him off the building to save him.

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I will love Beth if she has Diaz return in the season 7 Premire and kills him off. This POS does not deserve to be Alive and it's so Goddamm unreal that he was the First Villian that wasn't defeated at the end of the season 

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1 minute ago, KirkB said:

Let's pretend. Instead of the stupid redemption plot, BS is actually still working with Diaz and pushed him off the building to save him.

It would be one thing in this finale that would make sense. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Can someone explain Oliver's deal to me? He gets out once Diaz is turned in? That's it?

The FBI can't even make a deal right. It's not like they were competent enough to get rid of Diaz on their own, so their solution is to imprison the guy who got closest?? /insert confused gif

I liked much more the spec of working for the FBI in prison. That had potential. This is just beyond dumb.

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1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

The FBI can't even make a deal right. It's not like they were competent enough to get rid of Diaz on their own, so their solution is to imprison the guy who got closest?? /insert confused gif

But that is the deal, right? That's really all there was to it?

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So, Oliver let himself be taken away from his city, his wife, and his son, in order to protect them from the guy who is still running around loose and beyond pissed? Do I have that right?

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So now that Oliver's outed himself, Felicity and William are going to have those targets on their backs that Oliver said he was trying to avoid, no? This was not a well thought-out plan.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

But that is the deal, right? That's really all there was to it?

Maybe? I don't know that they ever spelled it out or maybe I missed it. I remember Samanda repeatedly saying, over and over, that whatever just happened changed nothing. 

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I feel like the newbies got away scot-free this season and I'm just SO MAD. They treated Oliver and OTA like trash for months and didn't apologize but then were handed immunity courtesy of Oliver and also a nice apology and thank you from him, too. Meanwhile, Felicity is his wife and was kept in the dark about a decision that leaves her alone with William. Real nice. 

Didn't Oliver learn in s4/s5 not to keep secrets from the woman he loves? This is so frustrating.

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4 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

So now that Oliver's outed himself, Felicity and William are going to have those targets on their backs that Oliver said he was trying to avoid, no? This was not a well thought-out plan.

That's what he gets when he doesn't talk to his wife, LOL. Hope Supermax is a real treat for ya, buddy. 

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This episode made no sense. The FBI used Oliver to try to get Diaz and stupid Bs had to scream and send him into the water.

But they used Oliver and even with all that they couldn't get him. So why are they arresting someone who has a better chance at getting Diaz than any of them could? Stupid

2 of the worst villains back in season 7. They need to kill Diaz and bs. 

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Didn't Oliver learn in s4/s5 not to keep secrets from the woman he loves? This is so frustrating.

I'm sure I'll feel differently in five months, but right now, I kind of hope that when Oliver gets home from prison, Felicity reminds Oliver what happens when he makes unilateral decisions and peaces out on him for a while. Extra points if she uses the wheelchair as a prop.

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The anger has mostly passed, and now I'm just sad. What a waste of talent.

Was Oliver always planning on outing himself? If so, why'd he give Dig a GA suit? What if Dig had been super excited about it? 

I might have lost oxygen to my brain for 7 minutes because I don't understand anything anymore.

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I kind of feel like keeping a deal where you get sent to Maximum Security prison from you wife is only a slight step below keeping a child a secret from your fiancée, especially if wife is now stuck with said secret child and the child has now lost 2 parents in the span of one year.

10 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I'm sure I'll feel differently in five months, but right now, I kind of hope that when Oliver gets home from prison, Felicity reminds Oliver what happens when he makes unilateral decisions and peaces out on him for a while. Extra points if she uses the wheelchair as a prop.

If they have a 701 scene of Felicity angrily unfolding a wheelchair she pulled from some random closet and rolling on out of their apartment in a fit of rage, I will go back and edit every bad thing I have ever written about this show. 

Edited by leopardprint
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Sorry have to jump in again. The NORAD bunker is in Colorado how in the heck did William get back to say good-bye to his dad when he was so far away? Talk about not even thinking about what was said at the beginning of the show. I think that's all I have left.

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After the steaming pile of shit MG left her and his post-finale interviews, which add insult to injury, I will love Beth Schwartz forever if S7 begins with Felicity waking up and telling Oliver about the ridiculous dream she had.

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7 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I'm sure I'll feel differently in five months, but right now, I kind of hope that when Oliver gets home from prison, Felicity reminds Oliver what happens when he makes unilateral decisions and peaces out on him for a while. Extra points if she uses the wheelchair as a prop.

I'm with you - at this moment I would be fine with her and William finding a great life in some other city sans Mr. I'm going to make a life changing decision without you - and telling Oliver no thanks when he wants them to come back to the mess that is Star City.  

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2 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

Sorry have to jump in again. The NORAD bunker is in Colorado how in the heck did William get back to say good-bye to his dad when he was so far away? Talk about not even thinking about what was said at the beginning of the show. I think that's all I have left.

I don't think they thought about this whole season let alone this episode 

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I wonder how many more people have to die for any version of Laurel? Tommy in s1. Sara in s3. Now Quentin. She's cursed, man. 

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I think the only thing I liked was Sara turning to Felicity for a hug after Quentin died. That's it. That's the only good thing I can say about that mess. LMAO.

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21 minutes ago, KirkB said:

So, Oliver let himself be taken away from his city, his wife, and his son, in order to protect them from the guy who is still running around loose and beyond pissed? Do I have that right?

I think they said that the deal was that until Diaz is caught, Oliver outs himself and goes to prison, and Oliver said that he had to take the deal to protect those close to him.  It makes zero sense because if he's in prison, he can't protect them. And goodness knows the FBI can't do it.

19 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

So now that Oliver's outed himself, Felicity and William are going to have those targets on their backs that Oliver said he was trying to avoid, no? This was not a well thought-out plan.

So not just Diaz but every other villain in Star City, Good thinking, Oliver.

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Oh, Arrow!  I should have known that your few decent episodes these past few weeks meant you were just going to crap the bed come finale time!

Seriously, I am close to livid that out of all of the villains, fucking Diaz is the one that they are keeping around.  Malcolm's finally dead, Damien and Chase peace out after one season, and Slade is stuck in limbo, but boring ass Diaz?  Why, he gets to end the episode preparing for retaliation.  Of course, it being Diaz, prepping seems to be him sitting on the floor looking like a whiny child who was sent to timeout, but the fact remains, he will continue to be a thorn in the show's side.  Yawn!  I really do think that someone behind the scenes just thinks Kirk Acevedo is the greatest, and wants him to remain significant on this show.  Ugh.

But that pales in comparison to Quentin's exit.  Even if I wasn't spoiled about Sara's return, him and Oliver reminiscing about the "good old days" was a sure fire sign that he was going to get killed.  But not only does he die basically to save Black Siren who, again, it's not actually his fucking daughter, but it happens off screen, and even before Sara can even get to have a final scene with him, outside of crying over his corpse.  I don't what all went down behind the scenes, but this almost feels like it was actually Paul Blackthorne who wanted out, and this is retaliation.  Ridiculous!

Meanwhile, it turns out that part of Oliver's "deal" with Watson was to turn himself in when this is all over, so he goes on an apology tour despite half of the stuff wasn't even his fault and was more "Sorry y'all were being brats or, in your case Diggle, being written out of character," although I did love that Curtis wasn't even worthy of one.  Oh, and, of course, he doesn't tell Felicity any of this, so now she's heartbroken and has been lied to... again.  Oh, and Watson being Watson meant he is arrested while waiting on Quentin's surgery, so he's in handcuffs once he hears the bad news.  She might be part of the law, but Watson really comes off like one of the biggest assholes in the universe, and that's saying something.

Did they ever say what happened to Anatoly?  Realistically, he should have been arrested too.  I was hoping he would pop up in the end, because the only way I could live with the "Oliver in prison" plot, would be if Anatoly was in there with him, and it would be about them working together again to survive.

As far as I'm concerned, anything Diaz does going further, will be partially because of Black Siren, since she just had to Canary shout him into the water, after Oliver pretty much had him down for the count.  Redemption arc, my ass!

Overall, crappy ending to a pretty crappy season, frankly.  I wish all the luck in the world to the new showrunner, who will have the odds against her, now.  And, of course, the majority of the cast, who honestly are the main reasons I haven't just thrown in the towel now.  But, man, this was just so disappointing.

Edited by thuganomics85
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9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Can someone explain to me why Oliver got Diggle a Green Arrow suit, since Watson's deal required Oliver to out himself as the Green Arrow?

I’m so confused by Watson’s deal. Did she require him to out himself publicly before going to jail? Is he just in jail because Diaz is in the wind, and will get out if/when Diaz is captured? If BS didn’t let Diaz get away, would Oliver even had to have gone to jail? I’m so unclear on the terms.

One tiny, minuscule silver lining: I thought for sure Anatoli would be killed this ep and he wasn’t. Yay?

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2 minutes ago, Trisha said:

If BS didn’t let Diaz get away, would Oliver even had to have gone to jail? I’m so unclear on the terms.

I mean...that's what it seems like to me? I keep thinking I missed something because it's all so dumb. But it's Arrow? But I just want to make sure it really IS that dumb.

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Just now, Trisha said:

One tiny, minuscule silver lining: I thought for sure Anatoli would be killed this ep and he wasn’t. Yay?

That, the exchange between Lance and Oliver about being good fathers, and Felicity's line about William being confused that a woman he's known for less than a year is his only parent were the highlights for me.

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I... don't understand this finale. I'm trying to make sense of it but my brain's about to break trying to rationalize a lot of the things everyone has already brought up. No, actually, I don't understand this entire season. I don't understand why the noobs are still here and why BS is still here. It's all so... Dumb. And stupid. And dumb. The only good thing that happened and that made sense was Oliver and Felicity's marriage.

I just don't understand why the FBI would put their best chance at catching a supposedly huge not really, he's like, hobbit-sized criminal, who got an entire damn city under his control, in Super Max when the 3-D afficionado is still roaming the streets freely. Why is he still alive? Why is this dude the one villain that this show decided could best Oliver, Diggle, and the FBI? And how the f*ck is he both mumbly and shouty at the same damn time?!?

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What a load of codswallop! 

Even the Olicity scene was shite!

That said I do understand why SA and EBR liked it. For them as actors it must have been a good scene. They can do heart eyes and smitten looks in their sleep but that scene let them put their acting chops to good use. It was still crappy though! 320 did it better! 

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I'm going to amuse myself during the hiatus by imagining scenarios where Sara takes Felicity and William on the Waverider to keep them safe (hahaha yeah I know but go with it). Lol. :). William bonds with Ray to Oliver's eventual horror (that one's for you @Mellowyellow).  Gideon falls in love with Felicity. :).

OK I might need a little sleep. 

Edited by Starfish35
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10 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I’m so confused by Watson’s deal. Did she require him to out himself publicly before going to jail? Is he just in jail because Diaz is in the wind, and will get out if/when Diaz is captured? If BS didn’t let Diaz get away, would Oliver even had to have gone to jail? I’m so unclear on the terms.

One tiny, minuscule silver lining: I thought for sure Anatoli would be killed this ep and he wasn’t. Yay?

I think that’s why Oliver was so pissed at BS. Diaz was his ticket out of jail. But thanks to Felicity he still got Diaz’s empire. So what the f***?

btw this is SA’s definition of ‘good’ stuff with BS. Yelling at her. 

Edited by Chaser
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MG always likes to bring up Buffy and GoT....dude! You aint nowhere close to either! And hopefully you learn that you dont need to kill off characters to push other characters into new storylines. If you can't find something else to push them in a certain direction then you need to reevaluate your writing. 

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

btw this is SA’s definition of ‘good’ stuff with BS. Yelling at her. 

Good, someone needed to do it. Not only was that a bonehead move but her cringey Old Yeller line made it even worse. He's going to jail because of her and her lame-ass movie callback? Insult to injury. 

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2 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I'm going to amuse myself during the hiatus by imagining scenarios where Sara takes Felicity and William on the Waverider to keep them safe (hahaha yeah I know but go with it). Lol. :). William bonds with Ray to Oliver's eventual horror (that one's for you @Mellowyellow).  Gideon falls in love with Felicity. :).

OK I might need a little sleep. 

That would make me happy so no it's not going to happen! And he deserves it too for not telling his WIFE about this plans to go to supermax!!!!! Grrrrrr

Here's to Ray and William being BFFs! 

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Wow, I think that might have been the most boring episode of Arrow...ever?

- instead of finally getting rid of Diaz, which could have been this episodes's one redeeming storypoint, he lives to mumble another day?

- Oliver has taken on entire armies and won...every time he fights punky Diaz and gets his ass kicked my eyeballs are in my sockets

- How did they manage to suck all the emotion out of Quentin's death? I felt nothing...well, I felt bored several times waiting for them to finally get to his death scene so I could actually feel something other than boredom and annoyance but alas

- I've been looking forward to some sort of Sara/Yanny confrontation for a year and that's it??

- Didn't Oliver unnecessarily apologize to everyone last episode? Why was half the episode dedicated to an encore performance of the big apology tour?

- Was I supposed to feel bad for wild dog getting blown up? I was itching to fastforward through that scene. For half a second I thought they might actually blow him up and redeem themselves...but I gave them too much credit

- No goodbye for Thea and Quentin?

- Thank god Sara turned to Felicity for a hug and not her "sister". Kind of wooden acting though, sad to say. Caity has been off Arrow too long, she's forgotten how to be angsty Sara. All I could think was how it sucks that her vacation in Aruba got spoiled. Her reaction to real Laurel's death was so much more emotional.


May 2019...Supergirl's turn to get arrested?

Edited by CloudySky
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What was up with Dinah getting all emotional when she told Oliver she respected him? I don't like JH's acting choices at all. They have zero relationship so the whole thing was unearned and didn't make much sense. Rene/Oliver wasn't much better either.

I did laugh that Curtis got nothing though. Can he die now? LOL.

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Confession: I haven't been watching this season, just reaction videos to episodes but tonight I was thinking "What can they possibly do for their sixth finale?" So on a guess I searched "RIP Quentin" on Twitter and lo and behold I got my answer!

Edited by VCRTracking
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WM, MG and Bamford are the WORST combination ever. Also someone needs to stop giving that man episodes to direct because he's bad at it.

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