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Not sure if cuts were made last night or if tonight’s the night, but AAIA would be the very last chance for these girls to get at least some team experience and that begins tomorrow. With the way things have gone, I feel bad for those that aren’t going to make the squad and won’t have that opportunity to fall back on. 

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2 hours ago, Anita said:

I live in the UK, can anyone help with a link to watch Season 13 please? I can’t get iTunes or Amazon US so don’t know what else to do ??Please help XX 

Can you sign up for another iTunes account and choose the US as your country default? Or, can you change your account to a US default temporarily? If you need a US address, IM me... you can use my address. 

I know you can have a billing address that is different than your user address. 

Or do this same thing with a new Amazon prime account? 

Edited by Taralightner
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I didn't watch the first episode last night, nor do I intend to watch it or any of this season.  VK met with Kelli as well as (I'm told) production before the show even began and discussed her storyline, including that she would be guaranteed a spot on the team.  That's just ruined the show for me.  I knew things were done to create drama, but this is too much.  They even discussed adding a lot of stuff to make it sound like VK would be this amazing get for the DCC to try and neutralize the obvious fact that she's only in contention because she's the daughter of Kelli's best friends.  Absolutely disgusted.


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Deleted.  This was going to be a post about some of the comments left on Kelli's Instagram post regarding Marty Kudelka's class at Training Camp.  I didn't like what I wrote so . . . I deleted it.  It was too snarky and sarcastic and could be taken as rude.

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Deleted because I don't want to dive back into the vicious rumor cycle again even if it's something I could certainly see happening.  It would cause near-irreparable damage to the brand if something like this was caught on video and/or audio and, while girls couldn't sue the brand for not advancing them in auditions, it could certainly cause other legal headaches if there was actually PROOF that it happened.

Edited by EricaShadows
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9 hours ago, DBAAT said:

See I felt the opposite. I felt like she was well rehearsed, and immature acting. When she introduced herself, she went on about how she was a legacy and couldn't wait to become her own legacy and make the team. Seemed a little full of herself. Dayton didn't say a thing about her mom etc. last year or this year. VK needs to take a lesson from Dayton and learn how to be a little bit humble. Even Cassie didn't say a thing about her mom and growing up knowing she always wanted to be a DCC. 

This is me. I think the difference between VK and Dayton is that if CMT asked VK to jump she'd ask how high, whereas I think Dayton would side eye and go about her business. I thought VK's welcome speech was immature and cheesy and I had second hand embarrassment for her. The original footage we got of her was no better than Dayton's and she did a few moves that weren't done well. We got her footage age it showed more power but she didn't wow me. 

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28 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

I didn't watch the first episode last night, nor do I intend to watch it or any of this season.  VK met with Kelli as well as (I'm told) production before the show even began and discussed her storyline, including that she would be guaranteed a spot on the team.  That's just ruined the show for me.  I knew things were done to create drama, but this is too much.  They even discussed adding a lot of stuff to make it sound like VK would be this amazing get for the DCC to try and neutralize the obvious fact that she's only in contention because she's the daughter of Kelli's best friends.  Absolutely disgusted.


What the what???? Maybe this season shud b called ‘Victoria Kalina, Making the Team’ instead

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40 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Deleted because I don't want to dive back into the vicious rumor cycle again even if it's something I could certainly see happening.  It would cause near-irreparable damage to the brand if something like this was caught on video and/or audio and, while girls couldn't sue the brand for not advancing them in auditions, it could certainly cause other legal headaches if there was actually PROOF that it happened.

Thank you. 

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34 minutes ago, Trixi said:

What the what???? Maybe this season shud b called ‘Victoria Kalina, Making the Team’ instead

Victoria Kalina, Making the Team (VK : MTT) .... I LOVE IT!

To be fair,  Cassie had a kick ass body and bad ass gymnast moves.

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1 hour ago, Smplsimon said:

I didn't watch the first episode last night, nor do I intend to watch it or any of this season.  VK met with Kelli as well as (I'm told) production before the show even began and discussed her storyline, including that she would be guaranteed a spot on the team.  That's just ruined the show for me.  I knew things were done to create drama, but this is too much.  They even discussed adding a lot of stuff to make it sound like VK would be this amazing get for the DCC to try and neutralize the obvious fact that she's only in contention because she's the daughter of Kelli's best friends.  Absolutely disgusted.

Wow!!! That would explain the scholarship piece of it being put out there. No wonder she was so bubbly etc. She knew she had a spot no matter what. May I ask how you know this?

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Nepotism aside, this is my impartial opinion on VK.


VK is a homegrown DC loyalist. After last year, I hope J&K (and Charlotte) learned their lesson.

Her big Texas hair will be effective.

Decent power pop arm movements.


Not graceful.

Sloppy footwork.

Immature personality.

Weight issue.

Toothy grin.

Lacks anything substantive such as a higher education, career goals, and any other ambitions outside DCC.

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2 hours ago, Taralightner said:

Can you sign up for another iTunes account and choose the US as your country default? Or, can you change your account to a US default temporarily? If you need a US address, IM me... you can use my address. 

I know you can have a billing address that is different than your user address. 

Or do this same thing with a new Amazon prime account? 

Do you have a Firestick?

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Tina Kalina needs to get off of my screen.  Forever.

She can take her full-of-herself daughter out with her as well.  I called it on this season being the VK show, but I was secretly hoping I was wrong.  I wasn't.  As soon as she opened her mouth during introductions about her legacy status, I was done with her.

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2 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

I didn't watch the first episode last night, nor do I intend to watch it or any of this season.  VK met with Kelli as well as (I'm told) production before the show even began and discussed her storyline, including that she would be guaranteed a spot on the team.  That's just ruined the show for me.  I knew things were done to create drama, but this is too much.  They even discussed adding a lot of stuff to make it sound like VK would be this amazing get for the DCC to try and neutralize the obvious fact that she's only in contention because she's the daughter of Kelli's best friends.  Absolutely disgusted.


Where did you hear this?

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18 hours ago, Trixi said:

I love how they always have a girl comment on how beautiful Kelli is in real life?. And did she come up with that entrance or CMT? The car cudda dropped her a little closer to the door!

That entrance was RIDICULOUS. I was laughing out loud.

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27 minutes ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

Tina Kalina needs to get off of my screen.  Forever.


She's awful! The word obnoxious comes to mind. Even if favoritism has been shown to VK, I am still willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for the time being. 

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Not a Victoria hater. I'll reserve judgement for later. But I did chuckle at myself a little because when Kelli said "She almost kicked Victoria in the face." My first thought was  Welp, she's gone. Also thought it was hilarious the one girl had an almost identical outfit as Kalyssa's from last year. Worked for her why not me. Lol.

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16 minutes ago, Stagecoach said:

Not a Victoria hater. I'll reserve judgement for later. But I did chuckle at myself a little because when Kelli said "She almost kicked Victoria in the face." My first thought was  Welp, she's gone. Also thought it was hilarious the one girl had an almost identical outfit as Kalyssa's from last year. Worked for her why not me. Lol.

Not only the outfit but we had the boob shimmy too. I laughed, not sure you should try to copy Kalyssa at the moment 

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1 hour ago, HateWatcher said:

Nepotism aside, this is my impartial opinion on VK.


VK is a homegrown DC loyalist. After last year, I hope J&K (and Charlotte) learned their lesson.

Her big Texas hair will be effective.

Decent power pop arm movements.


Not graceful.

Sloppy footwork.

Immature personality.

Weight issue.

Toothy grin.

Lacks anything substantive such as a higher education, career goals, and any other ambitions outside DCC.

I think the problem is they made her seem like such a fabulous dancer. I didn’t see that. I thought Dayton was a much better dancer and she got cut. 

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5 minutes ago, Dinahsb said:

I think the problem is they made her seem like such a fabulous dancer. I didn’t see that. I thought Dayton was a much better dancer and she got cut. 

She only had a couple of slightly impressive moves. Thought she was mostly sloppy and floppy. 

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3 hours ago, CatyLiz said:

So I'm new to this group but have been watching DCC: Making the Team for years. Someone please tell me what happened to Erica! Thanks!

Please someone chime in if I get any of this wrong.

Erica went to Canton with the rest of the show group but she had an injury and could not perform. She was told she had to stay in the locker room while the girls performed. She did not. Instead, she changed into civilian clothes, bought a beer and took a photo of herself in the stands and posted it on her Instagram.  Someone saw her post, told the powers that be and she was dismissed from the squad.

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4 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

I didn't watch the first episode last night, nor do I intend to watch it or any of this season.  VK met with Kelli as well as (I'm told) production before the show even began and discussed her storyline, including that she would be guaranteed a spot on the team.  That's just ruined the show for me.  I knew things were done to create drama, but this is too much.  They even discussed adding a lot of stuff to make it sound like VK would be this amazing get for the DCC to try and neutralize the obvious fact that she's only in contention because she's the daughter of Kelli's best friends.  Absolutely disgusted.


This seems like a vicious rumor meant only to hurt Kelli. Why would she risk her work relationships, her friendships of more than 20 years as well as the reputation of an organization that she has spent 27 years building? 

Plus, there are way too many people that would have to keep the secret for this to be true. It’s a conspiracy theory and I’m not buying it. 

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16 minutes ago, Taralightner said:

This seems like a vicious rumor meant only to hurt Kelli. Why would she risk her work relationships, her friendships of more than 20 years as well as the reputation of an organization that she has spent 27 years building? 

Plus, there are way too many people that would have to keep the secret for this to be true. It’s a conspiracy theory and I’m not buying it. 

Dismiss it if you like, but it's 100% true.  

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2 hours ago, Dinahsb said:

Why was Dayton cut?

That is really the unknown question, I'm team Dayton all the way...this is only a theory, but she probably just wasn't picking up the dances and style at the pace TC moves at. Nothing to be ashamed of either... I'm bummed because it sounds like she isn't going to tryout again. Which sucks, because she would have made an exceptional DCC. 

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3 hours ago, HateWatcher said:

Nepotism aside, this is my impartial opinion on VK.


VK is a homegrown DC loyalist. After last year, I hope J&K (and Charlotte) learned their lesson.

Her big Texas hair will be effective.

Decent power pop arm movements.


Not graceful.

Sloppy footwork.

Immature personality.

Weight issue.

Toothy grin.

Lacks anything substantive such as a higher education, career goals, and any other ambitions outside DCC.

Dayton also would have been a loyalist, is gorgeous, graceful, mature, and has a gorgeous smile. How she was cut and VK has continued to stay is beyond me. Granted I think Dayton is in a much better place now, but I can just see TK holding this over all of her alumni friends, and it baffles me. In a few years could I see VK on the squad? Sure. But freshly 18 with no real life experience? We're just gonna have another Jenna on our hands with half the dancing ability.

And the scholarship VK boasted about was for theater dance---not that it's a bad genre, but it's definitely not the DCC style. 

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It does seem like they're laying the groundwork early to show why Dayton is cut, and Victoria is not (and likely makes it). The comment about Dayton's fouettes was odd. Not that I thought that her turns looked good or that the comment was wrong, but it just seemed like a strange comment to air. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more comments like this sprinkled in about Dayton over the next couple of episodes, while we see mainly glowing comments about VK. For the record, I'm not claiming that Dayton is being treated unfairly or that Victoria doesn't deserve to make it. I just know how heavy handed they can be with editing.

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3 hours ago, GBPackersfan said:

I definitely do NOT believe this RUMOR that showed up randomly on here a while ago. Someone knows someone whose cousin's uncle's neighbor's brother's daughter said that, so it must be true. If Cassie did not have that treatment, and Dayton didn't get that treatment, there is NO WAY Victoria would. Cassie and Dayton's moms are employed by the DCC...and equally as close to Kelli. So unless you have actual proof that this happened, I'm not buying it. 

Also a GreenBay Packer fan and I gotta agree with what you said.

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5 hours ago, HateWatcher said:

Victoria Kalina, Making the Team (VK : MTT) .... I LOVE IT!

To be fair,  Cassie had a kick ass body and bad ass gymnast moves.

I actually am okay with Cassie. Her vids of her kids are adorable. There’s not anyone on the squad I’ve actively NOT liked. Some are extra and prissy at times, but living in DFW my whole life and being in cheer world, it’s nothing new. My daughter did select cheer when she was young, and that’s rough. Expensive and the practices are ridiculous. Glad she got into sports. Haha

also, since I’m connected a former dcrb, Emma(former dsig-tried out for mavs) is now an OKC thunder girl.

I hope Madeline makes it. I find myself less invested as more of my favorites leave and no one I like replaces them. It seems those dynamic personalities of past years just aren’t there. Is that just me? 

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Here's a new post from Judy's Instagram:

If I'm counting right, there's only 18 rookie candidates.  That means two more cuts were made either last night or sometime today and the total remaining in Training Camp is 39.  Since this certainly doesn't look like the end of the night (when cuts are typically made), they might make a few more either tonight or early next week, since Judy commented on how much time was left before the first game.

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1 minute ago, EricaShadows said:

Here's a new post from Judy's Instagram:

If I'm counting right, there's only 18 rookie candidates.  That means two more cuts were made either last night or sometime today and the total remaining in Training Camp is 39.  Since this certainly doesn't look like the end of the night (when cuts are typically made), they might make a few more either tonight or early next week, since Judy commented on how much time was left before the first game.

I just counted all 20 still there 

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3 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I just counted all 20 still there 

I'm still coming up short by at least one, but that's why I posted it here because I've been known to get my math wrong on occasion.

1 minute ago, MSgal said:

Do we know if any cuts were made last night/today/tonight yet?

If they didn't cut anyone last night, it's likely going to be either a bloodbath tonight or be split between tonight and early next week.

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3 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

I'm still coming up short by at least one, but that's why I posted it here because I've been known to get my math wrong on occasion.

If they didn't cut anyone last night, it's likely going to be either a bloodbath tonight or be split between tonight and early next week.

There is one line it looks to be 3 ladies but I could be wrong also and they really are working these girls hard to earn their uniforms 

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3 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

There is one line it looks to be 3 ladies but I could be wrong also and they really are working these girls hard to earn their uniforms 

Don't worry about it.  I counted three different times and came up with three different numbers (18, 19, & 20) so we'll just have to keep waiting to find out.

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Just now, EricaShadows said:

Don't worry about it.  I counted three different times and came up with three different numbers (18, 19, & 20) so we'll just have to keep waiting to find out.

Yup for sure :) 

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Just now, dancerforlife said:

Do we know who was called in? Or any insight on who has been called in recently? 

I’m not sure who they called in I only so small ig story of them sitting in locker room after practice 

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6 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I’m not sure who they called in I only so small ig story of them sitting in locker room after practice 

Do you remember who had the Instastory?  We might be able to do some sleuthing from there.

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6 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Do you remember who had the Instastory?  We might be able to do some sleuthing from there.

Molly posted one it was just small video of vk  and Bridget just posted small one just them being silly waiting around  

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23 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

Don't worry about it.  I counted three different times and came up with three different numbers (18, 19, & 20) so we'll just have to keep waiting to find out.

That's closer than 135 - 400 - 600 trying out:)

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