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S06.E22: The Ties That Bind

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More tomorrow, once I watch the episode again since my stream was glitchy, but ...

Loved the Oliver/Felicity/William stuff.

Loved the Olicity (I think, since I missed a few things).

Can't comment on the Oliver/Diggle conversation yet since I didn't see it.

Give me more Felicity/Lyla scenes, Arrow

Ugh, newbies.

Still don't see Diaz as a Big Bad. 

Liked the Quadrant lady. Wish she'd killed Diaz instead of the other way around.

Gee, FBI lady, did you have to look so smug in that final scene? Also, Arrow, stupid cliffhanger. 

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I really liked this episode but I don't understand The Quadrant. Four episodes ago they were this super powerful organization (that we'd never heard of before but whatevs) but now it takes Diaz two minutes to destroy them and take over, it's stupid.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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Great episode. There was a perfect balance between action scenes and emotional moments, which is all I ever want tbh. 

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4 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I really liked this episode but I don't understand The Quadrant. Four episodes ago they were this super powerful organization (that we'd never heard of before but whatevs) but now it takes Diaz two minutes to destroy them and take over, it's stupid.

I guess that's what they get for letting someone come in and murder one of their members without consequence. They all get what they had coming to them because they're even dumber than Diaz, which is saying something.

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This was a really good episode! Didn't give a flying frack about the Diaz parts but the OTA, Olicity and Dyla we got was absolutely lovely. Lyla and Felicity bonding a little bit in the car and talking about their marriages was great. This is the Lyla and Felicity content I have deserved all this time!! Why did it take so long to get this?!? And we got a bit of the Diggle and Oliver bromance, too! Felicity and Oliver risked their lives until the very last second so that they can save their city. Star City doesn't deserve them, tbh. And, aw, at them being such adorable parents and working through their issues! Also, Diggle and Lyla have to be the cutest, most bad-ass fighting couple. Mandatory, F-you, Barry, for taking baby Sara away from them! Look at my two OTPs. I love them all so, so much.

@ Beth Schwartz: Can we get rid of NoTA and just have Oliver/Felicity and Diggle/Lyla adventures all the time, please?

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That was really good, and it felt like it was about 10 minutes long because it flew by. All the Olicity, Dyla, Lyla/Felicity, Oliver/Diggle scenes were so great. This show is so good when it lets the characters be in character and marries character development with good action. I don't get why the writers can't do that consistently over the course of a season.

I loved Oliver learning another lesson tonight about trusting his wife, but dude. Since S1, Felicity has never hesitated to put herself in danger when a situation calls for it. That's just who she is. Putting a ring on her finger didn't change that. And while it's super sweet that Oliver is even more emotionally compromised about her safety now that she's his wife, he's going to have to learn to live with it the way she has over all these many years. In any event, this is the kind of character-based drama I live for. I could understand how everyone was acting and reacting and why, and it was a good thing. Hopefully these two can get to where Diggle and Lyla are without a side trip to Divorcetown. (LOL, Lyla.)

Other thoughts are rattling around in my head, but right now, all I want to do is go rewatch my OTP and sigh happily.

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It was enjoyable but a little rushed. 

The Quadrant was something that Diaz wanted to be part of SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, the ring was so important to him so he finally gets to sit at the table with the big boys and girls and then what happens? He just kills them off. If these people are the creme de la creme then why were they treated like nobodies? Especially the last two. Where are their armies? Why are they walking into any meeting with Diaz with no body guards, no right hand men/women...just nothing? Of course they want us to look at Diaz as this ultimate threat but once again...to soon! Needed a bit more focus on The Quadrant and Diaz corrupting it from the inside.

Where in the loving freaking hell was Quentin? They don't really explain where he is. His friends are being shot at, possibly killed and why does Diaz even care if he is Mayor at this point? He has thrown every rule out of window so why keep this one in tact? And why wouldn't be helping his friends? And why wouldn't Diaz be keeping Q close to him after he has taken Laurel hostage? Which I guess we have to find out in the finale why he doesnt just off her quickly. Just a bunch of ands.

I was happy to see everyone having happy family moments, this is something that the show needs more of (maybe not just family moments though), I want to see the characters just casually hanging out, strolling around the park talking about everyday things before getting the call to suit up. It was very short lived.  

Olicity having martial vigilante issues...ok..I can deal, they each had a valid point. Felicity has been in the game for a long time now, she knows what she is getting into and she's done this dangerous stuff before but she also needs to know when to just let some things go so I am glad that they had her not be a complete success when the NTA lair was being gassed. 

Always nice to see more Lyla, she never disappoints. Though when does Diggle jr get some family time????

I would've had the Terrific/Diaz fight go a bit differently, same outcome but wasn't a fan of the "i got this guy pinned on the ground so I'm just going to beat the crap out of him". Though for a guy that almost bled out...he was up quick!

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I really liked this episode, but WOW they really are trying so hard to sell Diaz as this super threatening badass, that they have have to almost everyone around him a total loser, so we dont notice what a loser he actually is. I thought The Quadrant was some super secret, uber badass international criminal organization? And they can get killed and railroaded by some common criminal? Thats just...sad. 

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Senora cassamento coulda been somebody.. But she's dead now... loved the episode. Loved seeing lyla.  Always scared they are gonna kill her off to cause Diggle manpain... So I enjoy her as much as I can... I don't hate  Diaz as much as most... But it's pretty lame what they did with the quadrant... FBI lady was annoying as usual. Also why aren't they already involved.. A certain amount if handwaving is needed with these superhero shows because honestly if half of this stuff was going down the national guard would be called in 

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Part of me wonders if it's foreshadowing for the Olicitot *muhahahahaha* 

There were a lot of references to her being a parent! 

Can you imagine him when/if she gets pregnant? He'd be clucking around like a drunk chook! 

I'll see myself out now *hangs head in shame*

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I liked this episode with the exception of the Diaz stuff. He's just such an awful villain. Loved all the Felicity stuff in this ep, it's always great having Lyla back she should be a regular instead of the lame ones, love when Olicity can be a regular couple that work out issues, and more Dyla please. I didn't miss Lance, tho they could have given an explanation as to where he was.I am so happy Anatoly lives, for a moment I thought he was a goner.

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The Olicity of it all was great tonight. After Oliver basically fired her as Overwatch, I've been needing Felicity to tell Oliver that was wrong and she finally did. Yay! And he finally said that he made a mistake there. Double yay! That's what I wanted. Little disagreements are a normal part of marriage and I love it when they talk out their issues now.

Also they are such a cute family with William, I can't believe I'm loving them this much. "We love you, William!" Adorable.

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Just finished watching-I’m tired so will be more coherent tomorrow. But left with two things: DAMN YOU, Show, for getting my hopes up and thinking Curtis would DIE!

Two: Marble Mushmouth is nothing but a STOOPID, easily manipulated violent THUG. He’s no Michael!FUCKING!Corleone, or the cunning Bardzini. He’s the fucking pimp and LOSER, Tataglia!!!!*


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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Part of me wonders if it's foreshadowing for the Olicitot *muhahahahaha* 

There were a lot of references to her being a parent! 

Can you imagine him when/if she gets pregnant? He'd be clucking around like a drunk chook! 

I'll see myself out now *hangs head in shame*

I did think of you when Oliver told Felicity she's a parent. I'd like an Olicitot too, I just worry they'd use it as an excuse to sideline Felicity for more Curtis.

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I only have a couple of things to say about the newbies. First, Dinah needs to stop being so damn smug. It's so off-putting. Can't stand her! And Curtis needs to hurry up and die or retire or something, just go away. It's bad that I'm rooting for Diaz to kill him. The scene where Dinah is talking to Curtis, I couldn't tell you what it was about as I just don't care so I switch off. 

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That was a great episode! It almost felt like a season finale, it was so action-packed. And now both bunkers are kablooey. I wonder what that means for next year?

This is such a weird, tiny thing, but what was up with SA’s acting in the scene in NTA’s bunker when he was talking to the team about not doing what Diaz expects? It was so odd. Lots of “hand acting.”

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This was everything I want from this show. Why did it take so long in the season to get here?

I loved the Dyla, the Olicity, the Queen family, they even gave me Diggle finally supporting Felicity!  Plus Curtis got in the hospital, and then everyone worked together.  Who could ask for more?  The episode flew by.

I could even see most of the fight!

16 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

The Quadrant was something that Diaz wanted to be part of SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, the ring was so important to him so he finally gets to sit at the table with the big boys and girls and then what happens? He just kills them off. If these people are the creme de la creme then why were they treated like nobodies?

Yeah, the Quadrant was a lost effort.  But Diaz really strikes me like someone with a huge inferiority complex. Even when he wins, he has to keep proving that he's better and better than everyone else.

It sucks that Oliver can't beat him without going to the FBI. 

5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Two: Marble Mushmouth is nothing but a STOOPID, easily manipulated violent THUG. He’s no Michael!FUCKING!Corleone, or the cunning Bardzini. He’s the fucking pimp and LOSER, Tataglia!!!!*


I kept thinking he's Sonny Corinthos.  Mumbly, ego bigger than his brain, inferiority complex.

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12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Part of me wonders if it's foreshadowing for the Olicitot *muhahahahaha* 

There were a lot of references to her being a parent! 

Can you imagine him when/if she gets pregnant? He'd be clucking around like a drunk chook! 

I'll see myself out now *hangs head in shame*

Oliver is going to be the most overprotective overbearing husband to preggers Felicity.


I too thought they were being a little obvious with the Felicity is a parent thing combined with Oliver's comments last Ep about wanting a life after Green Arrow.


I say count down to Olicitots in 3,2,1

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This episode gave us Felicity/Lyla on their own little mission (and also talking about their marriages, LOL) and then both Olicity and Dyla in the field. Can they give us more of that please? In fact, can Lyla become a season regular because I love her. Thanks. 

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Just now, JamieLynn832002 said:

I did think of you when Oliver told Felicity she's a parent. I'd like an Olicitot too, I just worry they'd use it as an excuse to sideline Felicity for more Curtis.

I used to worry about that and it was the only thing that kept me fully going mental in wishing for it. But after this season they sidelined her company storyline and injected that asshole in all places unnecessary I am through with worrying and am wishing my hardest for an Olicitot. It would give us some really cute Olicity moments, over protective Oliver and she can still be a career woman if that's what they want her to do.

@Mary0360 you think?????? The parent comment was such an odd thing for Oliver to say unless they are planting seeds for something!

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That was a pretty solid episode. I was worried about it, but it certainly was better than a lot of the episodes this season. Though the team joining up again, possibly permanently, sends flames through my body. 

4 minutes ago, Trisha said:

This is such a weird, tiny thing, but what was up with SA’s acting in the scene in NTA’s bunker when he was talking to the team about not doing what Diaz expects? It was so odd. Lots of “hand acting.”

I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice this. It was noticeable enough where I was a bit distracted for a few seconds. 

It would literally take no effort from anyone to kill DDDiaz. He's so slow moving and we haven't really seen why people are afraid of him. In my opinion, he's been a real let down of a villain and I hate that we're supposed to buy that he's super scary and intimidating. Maybe it's Kirk Avocado. And yes, I know his last name isn't actually Avocado; I just like typing it. 

It was great to see Lyla and Felicity team up. It's a rarity for any two females on this show to interact. 

We had some really nice family moments and couple moments. 

I still wanted Curtis to die, but shipping him off for being the weakest vigilante on the team would be the next best thing.

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This was definitely an improvement. See, show, when you just give us conflicts that make sense, and some cool action and romance, everyone can be happy! 

I was so happy seeing Anatoly and Oliver back! He warned Oliver! The bromance lives! The show better not kill him off now, or I will be super pissed, especially when you wasted that perfectly good opportunity to kill Curtis! 

Speaking of Newbies, they're...on screen I guess. Dinah continues to be smug, Curtis continues to be annoying, and Rene is just kind of around. They didnt do anything to super piss me off (which is certainly a change up for this season) but they did nothing to get into my good graces either. I just dont care anymore. They could all get blown to smithereens, or leave town to start their own crime fighting team, I just dont want them clogging up screen time anymore. 

So much Olicity goodness! The Queen Family cooking together, and on the phone, Olicity having actual conversations and fighting together, it just made my heart sore! Oliver was acting pretty ridiculous in wanting Felicity to hide out in the van all of the time, but she set him straight, so its all good now. They just really love each other! And we also got quality Dyla this week, which is always a bonus. John actually acted like himself, and he and Oliver seem to be on the road to fully making up now. Maybe John will realize their whole fight was stupid, and they'll decide to pretend it never happened? I can get into that. And Felicity and Lyla talking about relationships and their work was great. More of that please?

Who`s up for a Oliver/Felicity and John/Lyla double date?

The only real flaws were the stupid Newbies being back with Curtis and Dinah STILL not apologizing for any of their actions, and Diaz being the lamest villain ever. Like, Diaz is just some guy. They can easily get rid of him. I dont get why this is such a big deal he had to call in the FBI. Wow, if Agent Watson and Dinah were in a scene together at this point, the screen would explode due to an overabundance of smug. 

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10 minutes ago, Trisha said:

This is such a weird, tiny thing, but what was up with SA’s acting in the scene in NTA’s bunker when he was talking to the team about not doing what Diaz expects? It was so odd. Lots of “hand acting.”

Yeah, he was weird in that scene. He even sounded weird.

I also thought EK's acting when Curtis was stabbed was really bad. I actually cringed.

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I am intrigued with what the show is setting up for the finale - less for Diaz (kudos to those who have described him as a poor villain of the week - Oliver has defeated much worse with much, much less) and more for part 2 of Watson’s requirements for helping Oliver.  I think the logical conclusion is prison, so Watson can say she got the Green Arrow. But maybe it’s more “I have a job for you and you need to go undercover for the hiatus plus two-ish episodes in the fall”? 

This was a good balance of character moments and action. I did feel the Diggle-Oliver conversation was a little whiplashy, given where they have been at emotionally the last month or so. They needed a moment last week, I think, to show that the distance between them is bridgeable. 

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I love Oliver and he annoyed me in this episode so much. He was really OTT about Felicity.  It was weird and regressive. 

I think maybe he's projecting maybe his own unrecognized desire to maybe not Green Arrow anymore and wants to be a stay at home Dad but can't admit it? LOL  I mean I get he's being protective but it was silly.

Love that Anatoly outsmarted DiAss.

SHUT UP, CURTIS. You barely know the man!

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41 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It just kills me that after all these years - all the truly menacing villains - that Oliver's had to go to the FBI for help defeating this idiot. 

I mean, sure Oliver's faced millionaire domestic terrorists, evil wizards who want to destroy the world, mad scientists, immortal ninja cults, an endless line up of powerful and corrupt government and military types, alien invaders, immortal world conquerors, an army of super soldiers led by a totally insane super soldier, a super genius sadistic martial arts expert, a super hacker who held the whole city hostage, and freaking intradimentional Nazis with superpowers...but truly Diaz is his greatest threat! I mean, Diaz has...a gun! 

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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh look, I found the perfect gif to describe Diaz:


That's kind of insulting to Kenny

1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

I mean, Diaz has...a gun! 

And a scowl...and shouty mushmouth!

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I thought that was a really good Olicity squabble! How can these writers be so terribad and then write really good Olicity squabbles that are respectful and still loving?!?!

Oliver was OTT but I think it's in line with his issues about not wanting to be GA one day. Plus he's been through hell and back this season in addition to his breakdown in 618 I can see him wanting them to all retire back to Ivytown where Felicity gets a safe corporate job and he is a house husband. 

Haters: SA won't touch EBR anymore

SA: *Launches at EBR in kissing scene*

hehe I laughed a bit at that scene! I feel like a bad fan but it made me chuckle. 


Lyla is just awesome! The air that she exudes! She really is the perfect partner for John! 

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50 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Gee, FBI lady, did you have to look so smug in that final scene? Also, Arrow, stupid cliffhanger. 

Smug is her only setting. I wish she'd dial it down to a 2 or 3, but she is always on 11.

35 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Can you imagine him when/if she gets pregnant? He'd be clucking around like a drunk chook! 

He's gonna have to be sedated for the duration of her pregnancy.

Tonight made it more obvious than ever how useless and superflous the newbies are. It's beyond annoying that they're sucking up time and space on this show when they add nothing of value to it.

I love that Oliver called dubbed their home “Chez Queen.” In S7, I’m going to need lots more cute domestic scenes at the new Chez Queen.

And bless William for being smart enough to get out of dodge when he can tell his stepmom is unhappy and/or when his parents just need some makeout time.

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I love Oliver and he annoyed me in this episode so much. He was really OTT about Felicity.  It was weird and regressive. 

I think maybe he's projecting maybe his own unrecognized desire to maybe not Green Arrow anymore and wants to be a stay at home Dad but can't admit it? LOL  I mean I get he's being protective but it was silly.

Love that Anatoly outsmarted DiAss.

SHUT UP, CURTIS. You barely know the man!

Foreshadowing for what he will be like when they reveal Felicity is pregnant ;) 


Nah, I think you can look at it and question why Oliver put the earnest on Felicity's safety because she's a mother (to a teen that's not biologically hers) and yet he's not taking himself out of danger or avoiding danger.

I'm sort of okay with it though because Oliver did for time give up the life of Green Arrow for his son so it's something he worrys about on both their behalfs not just Felicity. That it's about William and not as much about her capabilities. I think he knows she's brave and strong he just worries about her. In the scene where she refuses to leave you could tell he would rather die with her then leave without her. 

I also think within the context of the episode the fact that Diaz thugs came into his home and attacked them directly threw Oliver which fed into his over protective OTT tendencies with Felicity. 

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I want Olicity to go on a honeymoon and get into trouble and have sexy crime fighting times.

I want Oliver to train Felicity.

I want Lyla full time. 

I want the boys out of town and Felicity and Lyla to save the day.

I want Oliver and Lyla to Team up and Diggle and Felicity to Team up. 

I want NTA and other hang ons to die.

I couldn’t tell you have the stuff that happened in this episode cause all I cared about were Olicity and Dyla.

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28 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

And Curtis needs to hurry up and die or retire or something, just go away. It's bad that I'm rooting for Diaz to kill him.

Same. I kept wondering if it made me a terrible person that my reaction to Diaz and Curtis fighting was "Yay! Curtis got beat up! Woo! Curtis got stabbed!" Heh.

Why does 3-Diaz scrunch his neck upwards all the time? His shoulders are almost to his ears like 75% of the time. Is that move supposed to make him look menacing or what? Is that why he can't talk like a normal person? His vocal chords are pinched all the damn time? GD it, Mumbles! Enunciate!

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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I want Olicity to go on a honeymoon and get into trouble and have sexy crime fighting times.

I want Oliver to train Felicity.

I want Lyla full time. 

I want the boys out of town and Felicity and Lyla to save the day.

I want Oliver and Lyla to Team up and Diggle and Felicity to Team up. 

I want NTA and other hang ons to die.

I want Oliver to ditch the costume and always fight in street clothes.

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:


I want NTA and other hang ons to die.

I've been thinking about it and I don't want the newbies to die now. 


Instead I want press to start taking an interest in Team Arrow and Overwatch becomes a more famous vigilante then Wild Puppy.....because nobody knows his name....or cares.  And when they do refer to him they call him Overwatch and Green Arrows helper. 


Id also like to see him get beaten up by a girl.


I want Curtis to never find love and everyday Olicity send him snap chats about their happy domestic life, pets and babies included. 


Dinah is so boring and irrelevant I made myself nod off trying to come up with plots for her.


And if Black Siren sticks around I want Oliver and co to continue ignoring her presence as they have done that she becomes like invisible girl in the first season of Buffy. 

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A couple of things.

That kiss? Oliver was sooo planing on sexing Felicity hard.

Felicity looked particularly beautiful. Love the hair down.

That fight scene in the police station was well done.

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Holy shit, Diggle is back!  Yeah, not the annoying fake one who shits on Oliver for no reason or apologizes to the Noobs for no legit reason, but one that is loyal and strong, but also calling out Oliver on things that actually need to be called out for, and giving him good advice.  This is the Diggle I love!  I hope he sticks around for good, and the Fake Diggle from the past few episodes never returns!

And as an added bonus, Lyla returns and is badass as always, and gets equally badass scenes with Diggle.  Now, there's a power couple I can get behind.  I can watch an entire episode of them teaming up and kicking ass.

Oh, Oliver!  I love you, buddy, but you really can be a doofus at times.  Felicity has been putting herself in danger for years and y'all being married isn't going to suddenly change.  You knew what type of person she was, when you put on those rings, my friend.  Glad he is coming back around now and I can certainly understand his fears, but he deserved the pushback on that front.

Noobs didn't annoy, but it is telling that I had no concern whatsoever when Rene was beating up and then stabbed Curtis.  I'm really indifferent to their fates.  On the flip side, I actually worried about Anatoly for a second.  I'm not sure if that's more on me as a person, but I just find it interesting that I'm more concerned about the fate of a Russian mobster over a so-called "hero" on this show.

So, Diaz has pretty much taken over the Quadrant know.  Lamest criminal organization ever!  And Diaz continues to underwhelm and the more the show tries to make me believe he is the biggest badass on the planet, the more I push back.  And, again, I've actually enjoyed Kirk Acevedo in past work, but his acting choices are just so eye-rolling here, especially the moments when he starts out his normal mumbly self, but then just goes to 100 in a second, and screams like a madman.  It really feels like he's watch past episodes of this show, and is trying to copy Manu Bennett and Josh Segarra's style of villain monologuing, but he doesn't have any of the presence or gravitas that they had.  I really hope this is the last of the character this season.  I at least enjoyed watching Anatoly play him like a fiddle.

Wasn't wild about the final twist, since one-dimensional FBI lady is still one-dimensional.  Other then that and Diaz being Diaz though, the episode was a sizable improvement compared to the majority of the season.  While nothing will stop this season from being a bust overall, maybe they'll at least stick the landing in a way where I'll look forward to the next season.

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