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Good Witch - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, crimsongrl said:

Allhailkingjack, there's a Good Witch movie marathon on the 29th. Six of the seven movies will be shown in order but for some reason they never re-air The Good Witch's Garden (#2 in the series and the only one I've never seen!).

According to Wikipedia, the movie originally had another name, Good Witch 2: Magic Never Fades, maybe you've seen it & just didn't realize it was the same movie. I think you can watch it on their site too.

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My rational mind acknowledges and agrees with every negative thing you all have said. Despite all this, and despite how poorly it reflects on my taste in TV shows, I have to confess that I absolutely love the show and can't wait for season 3.

I feel as though I'm in the same boat.  Rationally, I realize the show is boring and terrible.  Nearly every scene seems to be a variation of the following pattern: "One character says something, a second character says something back, followed by what feels like a 20 second reaction shot and then onto the next scene."   

I hate the character of Brandon so much.  I feel like he condescends to his wife and Cassie with his stupid smirk and the way he acts all the time, but I recognize that within the world of the show, he's perfectly pleasant. 

7 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

One character says something, a second character says something back, followed by what feels like a 20 second reaction shot and then onto the next scene.

I have to admit I've always found the pacing of most Hallmark productions to be really jarring, like a totally different rhythm I have to get used to. The scenes are too short, the dialogue is too rushed, and the reaction shots are a beat too long. Also, there's way too much chuckling, especially given the poor quality of most of the dialogue. James Denton manages to suck me in with pro-level readings of poorly written lines and his otherworldly handsomeness. And I still look out for Catherine Bell because she's TV royalty in my mind, thanks to JAG. But after finally watching the first two Good Witch movies, I was surprised to see how much of that wonderful sparkle she had is just missing in the TV show.

...yeah, still re-watching obsessively because those two onscreen together make me so damn smiley I can't even deal with it. I have no defense.

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The actor playing Cassie's love interest and later husband in the original movies couldn't do the new series (conflicting commitments, I think--correct me if I'm wrong). His absence was explained by him being killed in the line of duty--shot, as I recall, off camera and a shortish time in the supposed past. The new love interest is to replace his place in the plot. Hence Cassie's reluctance about another relationship.

Edited by Beden
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Chris Potter is a regular in the Canadian series Heartland, which just finished airing its tenth season, has been renewed for season eleven, and at 175 episodes and counting is currently Canada's longest running scripted one-hour show... They shoot in Alberta, probably nine-ten months a year.  Fitting the Good Witch movies into his calendar year was one thing, but shooting two series at once, several provinces apart (GW shoots in Ontario)?  Not possible.  So CP had to choose, and chose the series he'd been in for 8 years at that point, and GW wrote his character out, in what was probably the best bit of writing for the entire tv series.

I don't watch the series anymore, because frankly in my opinion the writing is generally terrible.  The movies weren't much better.  And they clearly don't have a big budget - some of the continuity is awful (scene in an open garage - one angle, cold Ontario day, no precipitation; reverse angle, snowing).  I used to watch for the collection of really good actors, but now I just can't.

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Thank you for filling in the details, Kassygreene...I didn't know why Potter had left but it sounds like he made a reasonable choice. I also don't watch the series and for the same reasons you mentioned; the writing is, indeed, terrible (IMO) as well as 90% of the acting. I also have a low tolerance for flat out treacle., or, as my father would describe it,  'happy people with happy problems'. The only reason the original movies were watchable, aside from pure escapism, was the tease of whether or not Cassie was 'magic' and what she'd do with it. I find that unfortunate as the producers had a decent idea but seem to have simply dropped the ball.

Certainly no one need agree with me, but I find the writing, as mentioned, terrible, the actors generally not very good ( the daughter...yikes..., the new doctor love interest the best of the bunch, Martha a cartoon but a hoot) and the weak plots slow moving to the point of being moribund. In truth, I'd rather--and do--read a book.

  • Love 2

Lord, I loved this episode.

I would've liked more Sam/Cassie time, but at least the scenes they had were basically perfect. I laughed out loud at Sam's "Speak for yourself!" to Nick. He got the lady he wanted and he's pretty damn proud of himself. (James Denton was genius in that whole scene, natch.) I love too the way Sam's affection for Cassie shines so clearly from his eyes, even while he tries to keep it on lockdown in front of others. And he's spoiling her with all the flowers, which is really sweet.

The ending scene was perfectly played by them both - he's awkward when he realizes he'll have to announce his presence, and Cassie tries to cover up the fact that she didn't anticipate him. What I'm hoping happens is that Sam realizes fairly soon that something's wrong with Cassie, tries to find a medical reason for it, and gets really worried when he can't. Meanwhile, Cassie, of course, can't explain to him what the real problem is because she knows he's a skeptic.

I thought Grace brought a little too much attitude to her mom about Sam, considering they did discuss it at the end of season 2. And I really did not like Stephanie acting all entitled to a free handout from Cassie. She should've at least offered to pay her for it later, not ask for a gift outright. I do like, however, that Grace is somewhat off-balance about her feelings for Nick. Then again, maybe that's just the cut flower wreaking its havoc. But it would be no bad thing for someone who's always so sure of herself to deal with a little confusion and internal conflict about her two friends dating each other. I kind of hope Grace and Nick stay just friends, but judging by the social media reaction I'm in the minority on that one.

ETA: All hail the return of Curmudgeonly Sam! I've missed him so. Not only that, he seems more settled in who he is. He's not one to overflow with happiness, but he reads to me now like a man who has everything he wants in life. Obviously Cassie's not the only factor there, but I think his growing security in that relationship has made him feel like he's really got the tiger by the tail.

Edited by allhailkingjack
Sam, of course
  • Love 1
14 hours ago, allhailkingjack said:

Lord, I loved this episode.

I would've liked more Sam/Cassie time, but at least the scenes they had were basically perfect. I laughed out loud at Sam's "Speak for yourself!" to Nick. He got the lady he wanted and he's pretty damn proud of himself. (James Denton was genius in that whole scene, natch.) I love too the way Sam's affection for Cassie shines so clearly from his eyes, even while he tries to keep it on lockdown in front of others. And he's spoiling her with all the flowers, which is really sweet.

The ending scene was perfectly played by them both - he's awkward when he realizes he'll have to announce his presence, and Cassie tries to cover up the fact that she didn't anticipate him. What I'm hoping happens is that Sam realizes fairly soon that something's wrong with Cassie, tries to find a medical reason for it, and gets really worried when he can't. Meanwhile, Cassie, of course, can't explain to him what the real problem is because she knows he's a skeptic.

I thought Grace brought a little too much attitude to her mom about Sam, considering they did discuss it at the end of season 2. And I really did not like Stephanie acting all entitled to a free handout from Cassie. She should've at least offered to pay her for it later, not ask for a gift outright. I do like, however, that Grace is somewhat off-balance about her feelings for Nick. Then again, maybe that's just the cut flower wreaking its havoc. But it would be no bad thing for someone who's always so sure of herself to deal with a little confusion and internal conflict about her two friends dating each other. I kind of hope Grace and Nick stay just friends, but judging by the social media reaction I'm in the minority on that one.

ETA: All hail the return of Curmudgeonly Sam! I've missed him so. Not only that, he seems more settled in who he is. He's not one to overflow with happiness, but he reads to me now like a man who has everything he wants in life. Obviously Cassie's not the only factor there, but I think his growing security in that relationship has made him feel like he's really got the tiger by the tail.

I think the event with Stephanie asking for the handout happened after the plant stem got snipped.  There was an odd look on Cassie's face right around the time she and Stephanie were discussing the creams.  Once the snip happened things started going wrong - the allergic reaction to the creame, Cassie getting cut by the rose thorn, and then both she and her cousin talking about something being "off."

20 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

I think the event with Stephanie asking for the handout happened after the plant stem got snipped.  There was an odd look on Cassie's face right around the time she and Stephanie were discussing the creams. 

Wait, what? Does the plant snip affect everyone in town? I thought it was just the magical residents, but maybe I was off-base on that.

Edited by allhailkingjack
Koalagirl provoked a thought
1 hour ago, allhailkingjack said:

Wait, what? Does the plant snip affect everyone in town? I thought it was just the magical residents, but maybe I was off-base on that.

 I'm thinking it affects everyone because one of the characters mentioned something about good things like engagements happen after the flower opens. Bad things happened after the stem got clipped - like Stephanie's boyfriend breaking out from the cream and he isn't a magical resident. I guess we'll find out more next week!

2 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

 I'm thinking it affects everyone because one of the characters mentioned something about good things like engagements happen after the flower opens.

Excellent catch. And Cassie did say that everyone in Middleton was sort of tied to the plant, though not as strongly as she, Grace, and Abigail are.

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I liked this epi a lot better than most of the entire last season!  They have brought back a bit of the magical element.  Maybe someone has been reading our criticisms, because they made note of the fact that Stephanie did not pay. (I always figure that, when Cassie gives her something from the store, Stephanie gives her free tea and snacks for awhile at the Bistro.).  Grace's reaction to Cassie and Sam was kind of poorly written, but again, not as bad as we've seen last season. I liked that George was in the episode, and Brandon and Tara weren't too annoying.  I love, love, loved the design of the Middleton Merriwick!  That was fun and magical looking. Abigail wasn't even annoying this time.  I wonder why she was acting all suspicious in the garden?  Maybe it was just a red herring to make us think she snipped the plant, so she could grow one of her own like she mentioned she wanted to.  I liked the family interactions this time too.  We complained last season that they didn't have enough of that.  I love that the Merriwick women could sense that something was wrong when the plant was cut. 

I like Martha.  She cracks me up.  I love how she always over-accessorizes too, with a broach, a scarf, AND a necklace. I liked Derrick's silent thank-you to Stephanie when she talked Martha out of putting stickers on traffic tickets. I was surprised that Martha did not demand an armed guard for the plant though. Sam's receptionist was only slightly annoying, so that was better than usual too. 

My only big gripe is that I wish they would either bring back Gail or explain her complete disappearance. 

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Okay, I admit that I was  dial twisting between this new ep and a rerun of Madam Secretary but why did Brandon's idiot and hormonal wife quit her PhD program? I missed that completely.

I've been Netflixing the second season, and I don't understand what Brandon and his wife are doing at all.  She turned his den into a baby's room when she isn't even pregnant, and then drops out of her PhD program for seemingly no reason.  And maybe it's just me, but Brandon's face is looking really rough.  I have no idea how old the actor is, but he has some pretty serious wrinkles and lines going on for a character that I think is only supposed to be in his 20s. 

The writers tried to throw in Red Herrings, because it was pretty obvious that it was the botanist who snipped the plant. However, I'm not sure if a true botanist would snip a unique plant. Just the thought of it goes against anything a true botanist would do. (Listen to me, I know nothing about plants!!!) It just seems WRONG. I was just hoping that it wasn't  Sam's son. Sorry, I'm with KLovestoShop about Martha. Can't stand her OR her voice. There's no subtlety about her acting. She's so damn vapid, egotistical, and loud. I guess that's what the part calls for. Although, I think the actress who plays Abegail, is hot, (loved her as Pawter on "Killjoys"), her character confuses me. Sometimes she's sneaky, and other times she seems sincere. Last season, she seemed to be going behind Cassie's back, especially when dealing with Grace and trying to turn her into a rebel. Stay OUT of Grace's life! She's just fine the way she is.

Okay, here is where I draw the ire of the females posting here. Catherine Bell is a VERY attractive woman, however, I'm glad that whatever was done to her mouth has been straightened out. It was SO distracting. She's back to being the cutie-pie she always was. Yes, I said "cutie-pie", so sue me.

Finally, am I seeing things or are there a couple of actors in this show that are also acting in the CW's "Reign"? Cassie's son looks like Mary, Queen of Scots', brother, James. Also, the guy that tried to swindle Abegail, is Claude's new husband in "Reign". (He also played Nick, a werewolf, on "Bitten"). 

I liked the episode. I actually thought it was Abigail who cut the plant because she had mentioned earlier in the episode that she would love to be able to grow one (and she was acting sneaky when she was near the plant, and surprised that there were other people there). I thought the plant only affected Cassie, Grace and Abigail since it has been cut (and that the reason the boyfriend got a rash, was because of it's affect on Cassie and that she can't sense anything now). I also thought it was quite rude of Stephanie to assume that Cassie was going to give her something from the shop (although I'm constantly yelling at the TV about there is no way Cassie makes any money at that store because she is always giving product away). 

I don't like Abigail. She seems too devious and full of herself. I also don't like it when she has scenes with Grace because I don't think the scenes fit. Why can't Grace ever talk to her sister or sister in law about these things. especially boy stuff. I'd like to see Grace have more interaction with her siblings (I'd also like to see their reactions to Cassie dating, considering that she is only their step mom. even though it is weird for Grace to see her mom dating, I would think it would be much harder on Brandon and Lori).

2 hours ago, stillbored said:

I liked the episode. I actually thought it was Abigail who cut the plant because she had mentioned earlier in the episode that she would love to be able to grow one (and she was acting sneaky when she was near the plant, and surprised that there were other people there). I thought the plant only affected Cassie, Grace and Abigail since it has been cut (and that the reason the boyfriend got a rash, was because of it's affect on Cassie and that she can't sense anything now). I also thought it was quite rude of Stephanie to assume that Cassie was going to give her something from the shop (although I'm constantly yelling at the TV about there is no way Cassie makes any money at that store because she is always giving product away). 

I don't like Abigail. She seems too devious and full of herself. I also don't like it when she has scenes with Grace because I don't think the scenes fit. Why can't Grace ever talk to her sister or sister in law about these things. especially boy stuff. I'd like to see Grace have more interaction with her siblings (I'd also like to see their reactions to Cassie dating, considering that she is only their step mom. even though it is weird for Grace to see her mom dating, I would think it would be much harder on Brandon and Lori).

Originally, I had thought that Abigail (corrected spelling now; no more "Abegail", sorry!) snipped the plant because of her comment about liking the plant and wishing she had one for her shop. However that was another one of the Red Herrings the writers tried to throw at us, but when Abigail started experiencing the same difficulties that Cassie and Grace were going through, I dismissed her as a suspect.

I wonder what Sam was thinking when he noticed that Cassie was behaving oddly. She never confirms his suspicions. Perhaps, he'll begin to wonder what's up and question Cassie about his theories.  I know he's painted as a skeptic, but he seems to have a vey loving relationship with Cassie and they should be more honest with each other.

stillbored, I'm with you about Abigail, as I said.  She's WAY too shifty and duplicitous for my tastes. I don't know why she was pressuring Stephanie and her boyfriend to put their money together to buy the theatre. Also, her maneuvers to get that flower shop were a bit nasty. In fact, nearly everyone in the town is aboveboard,  EXCEPT Abigail. I may be mistaken, but wasn't Abigail vying for a relationship with Sam in the first season? I guess she sees herself in competition with Cassie. Envy? Also, the way she USED her former employee to do all the work while she did nothing still pisses me off.

ps. I'm curious to hear what others thought that led to the plant finally blooming. I vote for the romantic hand holding between Cassie and Sam as they sat on the bench in front of the plant.

Edited by Jacks-Son
Added the "post script" at the end.
12 hours ago, Jacks-Son said:

I may be mistaken, but wasn't Abigail vying for a relationship with Sam in the first season? I guess she sees herself in competition with Cassie.

No, not at all. Abigail explained in season 1 that she did not want Sam for herself. She always felt strongly that Sam and Cassie should be together, which is why she kept interfering with Sam and Stephanie. This bears out in Secrets of Grey House, when Abigail pushes Cassie to consider Sam more seriously as a romantic partner.


Also, the way she USED her former employee to do all the work while she did nothing still pisses me off.

Well, no one ever said she didn't have things to learn. She came through on that one with flying colors.

Then again, I've never understood the Abigail hate. The character is a great study in how magical powers manifest themselves in a morally gray person, and Sarah Power plays her so perfectly.


I thought it was suggested that the plant bloomed because Sam said "I believe in Cassie".

Yes, absolutely. And yes, I adored that storyline.

Edited by allhailkingjack
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11 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

I thought it was suggested that the plant bloomed because Sam said "I believe in Cassie".

Okay, I admit that I didn't see this episode (I prefer Madam Secretary) but all I could think of with this comment were the lines from Peter Pan...'If you believe in fairies, clap, clap...CLAP!'

Sorry, but that's where my brain went.

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It seems to me that while Abigail is viewed as the black sheep of the witch family, her interference in other peoples' lives almost always works out positively, just not in the same smooth way as Cassie's approach.

  I also like Martha.  She has actually developed as the show continues.  She is less snarky and does seem to have a genuine fondness for the town.  She has also exhibited a real affection for Cassie and a dependence on Cassie's opinion.

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1 hour ago, Conman said:

It seems to me that while Abigail is viewed as the black sheep of the witch family, her interference in other peoples' lives almost always works out positively, just not in the same smooth way as Cassie's approach.

Black sheep, I agree with, but I'm having difficulty seeing her solutions as eventually positive. When she first appeared on the show, I kind of remember a lot of negativity between her and Cassie.  I think the show did a partial flashback showing the life of the Grey Lady. I would like to see a flashback showing Cassie and Abigail as kids growing up. To me, Grace is a young Cassie whose powers will grow as she matures.

1 hour ago, Conman said:

I also like Martha.  She has actually developed as the show continues.  She is less snarky and does seem to have a genuine fondness for the town.  She has also exhibited a real affection for Cassie and a dependence on Cassie's opinion.

Martha HAS developed as the show progressed. However, she was sort of a shrew early on. When she took over her husband's role as Mayor, she was very pushy and actually tried to get Cassie branded as a witch to be run out of town. I think her "fondness" for the town is due more to her underlying desire to see the town's wellbeing as a reflection of her own desire to be well regarded. I don't know if I'm making sense here, :) but I think she craves adoration from the townspeople. She's myopic and easily bends to the suggestions of others.

On 5/8/2017 at 4:54 PM, stillbored said:

I'm constantly yelling at the TV about there is no way Cassie makes any money at that store because she is always giving product away

Yes! I know it's a silly thing to get worked up about given how implausible everything is on this show, but it drives me bonkers. I also struggle to believe there are always so many people browsing her knick knack store in a town of that size. Really, though, Sam's the only person who seems to work anything near normal-person hours. Everyone else seems to duck in and out of their jobs as it suits them. 

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, retrograde said:

Yes! I know it's a silly thing to get worked up about given how implausible everything is on this show, but it drives me bonkers. I also struggle to believe there are always so many people browsing her knick knack store in a town of that size. Really, though, Sam's the only person who seems to work anything near normal-person hours. Everyone else seems to duck in and out of their jobs as it suits them. 

I used to think "Gilmore Girls" was a show geared towards a particular gender <cough, cough>. An ex-girlfriend used to ask me to watch the show and I refused.  Anyway, years later I watched the show for laughs and realized that the Gilmore girls had their own unique language when they spoke, and it was actually pretty funny. Being an ex-New Yorker, I was accustomed to fast-talkers. Long story short, Stars Hollow had the same sort of residents in the town; people would drift in & out of various shops as if nobody worked. I think that's part of the quaint atmosphere of quirky shows.  As far as Sam goes, more often than not, he always seems to be on the hunt for Cassie, and rarely works out of his office. I find myself wondering when does he actually have time for his patients. He's sort of like the Doc Martin of Middleton, as in the only doctor in town, although his escapades aren't as funny.

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We haven't seen Sam in his doctor's office much lately, that's true, but you do tend to see him headed to and coming home from work, as if he sticks to some semblance of a normal schedule (although yes, he does tend to be walking around town randomly also). Cassie seems to pop into her shop sometimes to hand out free ointments and candles, but it seems to be more random? The mayor and cops also seem to come and go from their work fairly willy nilly. 

Gilmore Girls did have that small-town "people ducking in and out of each other's houses/businesses" thing, but the characters seemed to have pretty structured work days - Lorelei would go into the diner before and after work and Luke was there working, and you'd see Lorelei working at the inn pretty often. 

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I do not find it surprising Cassie's shop is always full of visitors.  Middleton is a tourist town.  Martha is always focused on bringing in more tourists.  The article she wanted on the Middletown plant was targeted for tourists.  Some of the events the town has held were targeted for tourists.  Cassie's bed and breakfast is for tourists.  The book signing was considered good publicity for the town. 

I live in a tourist town - there is always a constant stream of people wandering around, and in and out of shops.

Edited by treeofdreams
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15 hours ago, madfortv said:

The show has improved over last year but I fell asleep watching the last episode. It would be nice if the show repeated at least once on another date of the week.

What options do you have to watch television programming? I usually try to watch live (cable) but if I'm too busy, I just DVR it. If it comes on and I didn't set the DVR (like what happened to episode #2, which I can't find anywhere, almost believe there wasn't an episode #2), I just watch it on On Demand (again, cable). I don't know if Hallmark has an app that streams their programs, but if they don't you could try online.


The Hallmark Channel has both online viewing and viewing anywhere with their app. The only stipulation is that your cable service is one of those listed with them and you have an active account. I would assume, since you're able to watch "The Good Witch" live, you qualify on both accounts. They run the current episodes for a limited time. (season 3 episode #2 expires on 5/14/2017 - I may get to watch that episode after all)  Just go to http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/ and create an account with them. They will ask you to verify which cable subscriber you have and then you log on to your cable subscriber through the Hallmark Channel. You'll be able to watch episodes anytime before they expire. This is how most online channels set up their viewing with cable providers.  Good luck.

Edited by Jacks-Son
Assist with online viewing.
  • Love 2

Man, I had a hard time with this episode. It started off completely wrong when Cassie bailed on Sam for no good reason at all and got worse when Sam didn't get to do much more than be a love interest (and a frustrated one, at that). The hardest thing to take was when Abigail decided to steal everything Sam paid for - and no one even bats an eye. Ugh. And I still don't understand exactly what was happening with the time thing, although I'm sure there's some obvious explanation.

I did like that Sam's tendency to plan things and aim for perfection is consistent with what we already knew about his character and personality type as early as season 1. And I admire that he wanted to do that for Cassie, but I could see his stress levels rising throughout the episode. I liked that he got an emotional break at the end.

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This was like one of those "after school specials" they used to have (do they still have them?) - where everyone Learns A Lesson.  Grace learned that no matter how smart she thought she was she still needed to study, Nick learned that if he studied enough and tried for extra credit he could get good grades, Martha learned that she needed to listen to people, Sam learned that he didn't have to make everything perfect, Abigail learned that her flowers made people happy so it was a worth while thing to do...  I guess Cassie didn't need to learn anything...

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Hmm, a few people had misgivings about this episode. I was watching and looked up at the time and realized that I still had another 30 minutes to go until the end. I decided to bail. I bailed basically for two reasons: 1) It WAS sort of boring & 2) I hate the "Groundhogs Day" trope. I've only been interested in two Groundhogs Day shows (the original with Bill Murray & the series finale "Unending", for "Stargate SG-1". Other than those two, the concept is just tedious to watch.

With this episode of "The Good Witch", I found some things rather interesting though. The fact that Grace and Abigail eventually caught on to what was happening, and that this revelation implies that while they were in the time loop, they were also able to deduce who was causing the rift.  It was at this pivotal moment that I decided to stop watching and figured I would pick it up again on another day. I am curious, though, to see how it was resolved.  I believe this is the actual first time that we, as the audience, witnessed Cassie performing actual magic outside of her ability to sense emotions and foresee the future. She HAS been able to influence events but I don't recall her ever actually changing time to affect the future.  While Grace just took the time loop in stride and just kept herself busy playing Labyrinth on Nick's cell phone; Abigail grew more & more frustrated with Cassie's meddling. I found both of their attitudes a true reflection of their character. Grace, graceful and easy-going; Abigail, angry and impatient when things don't go her way. (Maybe that's just my judgment of their personality)

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She HAS been able to influence events but I don't recall her ever actually changing time to affect the future.

She wasn't actually changing time; the days kept passing, just events kept repeating themselves (not exactly but similarly)until everything came out "right".

But at least this season they have brought the magic back.  They must have heard us complaining!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

She wasn't actually changing time; the days kept passing, just events kept repeating themselves (not exactly but similarly)until everything came out "right".

But at least this season they have brought the magic back.  They must have heard us complaining!

So the purpose of her winding the clock backwards was just symbolic, and not a representation of what was actually happening?

47 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

She was rewinding events - delaying Grace's test, bringing the two guests back to Grey House, Abigail's carnation nightmare...

Yes, I understand that.  What I'm saying is that the audience could have been confused about the events transpiring, so the "rewinding of the clock" was a symbol to demonstrate what was happening.  Otherwise, the events could have been accepted "as is" naturally.  If not for Cassie rewinding the clock, what would YOU have thought was happening?

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