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S08.E25: Waiho wale kahiko (Ancients Exposed)

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McGarrett and Five-0 discover a Russian spy ring hiding in plain sight when a Russian nuclear attack submarine appears off the coast of Waikīkī. Also, Tani is conflicted by her unnerving discovery at Adam's house, on the eighth season finale of Hawaii Five-0.

Original Airdate: May 18, 2018

SOURCE: https://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=50061

3 hours ago, notcreative enough said:

this is the season finale but nothing happened with Adam.

Likely because TPTB believe that we are all so in Love with Adam that we will be on pins and needles all summer until this "cliffhanger" can be resolved.  Is he guilty or not?  If guilty, will Steve and 5-0 treat him like any other murderer?  If innocent, will he rejoin the gang (to be kidnapped and tortured again)?  But...Do we really care?  Not me.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

Likely because TPTB believe that we are all so in Love with Adam that we will be on pins and needles all summer until this "cliffhanger" can be resolved.  Is he guilty or not?  If guilty, will Steve and 5-0 treat him like any other murderer?  If innocent, will he rejoin the gang (to be kidnapped and tortured again)?  But...Do we really care?  Not me.


Me neither.

AND the entire Russian thing was total crap.  AND Danny is as obnoxious as ever.

Edited by preeya
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I agree with others here - an underwhelming 'meh!' of a season finale. 

While I know many have come to hate the whole restaurant storyline, I like the closeness of Danny & Steve which it represents (and, yes, even the bickering because to me that's their friendship) so I was disappointed with the predictable Kamekona involvement. I'm not really a fan of the Kamekona humour.

The one-on-one, knock-down & fall out the window fight (and just where does everyone else in the team go during these things?) was more of the usual stuntastic fare but Danny's simple three-hits-and-we're-done from last week was so much more effective for its simplicity and unexpectedness. With Lenkov adding yet another re-hashed drama to his stable (Magnum), and with his clear preference/obsession (backed no doubt by audience figures that prove he's not alone) for the ACTIONACTIONACTIONandyetmoreACTION, I would hope the writers could recognise that just sometimes less is best and that H5-0 still needs to vary its style a bit. 

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That opening scene with the restaurant was painful. Just take out a loan. Problem solved. 

Good to know Steve tramples on international civil rights as well as domestic though.

I don't think anyone would accuse this show of being layered or nuanced, but revenge was the first thing I thought of for motive. It seems a little slow for them to wait 25 minutes in to figure that out. 

Anyone think "beauty before the beast" was adlibbed? That was a hilarious beat.

I do have to say that the fight with the Russian guy was well done. 

Of COURSE Five 0 can just make an arrest at the consulate on foreign soil. Sure. 

The restaurant plot is the one thing I just cannot stand on this show, but the liquor license deal was actually good. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

Likely because TPTB believe that we are all so in Love with Adam that we will be on pins and needles all summer until this "cliffhanger" can be resolved.  Is he guilty or not?  If guilty, will Steve and 5-0 treat him like any other murderer?  If innocent, will he rejoin the gang (to be kidnapped and tortured again)?  But...Do we really care?  Not me.

I don't care about Adam unless he is shirtless on the beach. I only commented because he was all about the perviously on and when the episode was almost done I realized there was nothing about him or his random sister.

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Really it was more miss than hit in season 8. As really the restaurant thing took up most of the time

Or if Adam is a bad guy or a good guy or that of an anti-hero

Steve really is in the very much thinking the rules apply to everybody BUT him. and he can trample on rights no matter what if he is in his island. But still neither he nor Five 0 are above the law.

Tani really will be hard on her for to arrest Adam if he is bad after all he did to save her own brother but Junior does have a point.

Yes Danny was obnoxious and really just wished someone could take him down a notch. And tell him to put up or shut up. 

But he does have a reason as Steve gives him no choice. As Steve is the one that tramples over any kind of rights no matter what.

Really the Russian thing was over the top and unbelievable. 6/10!

What ganesh said.  5-O arrested someone in a foreign consulate?  That is not American territory.

And when the submarine pops up in the harbor, who handles their arrival?  Not any of the thousands of Navy, Army or Marine forces on the island.  Not a representative of the State Department or agents of the FBI.  Nope, 5-O.  

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Moxie Cat said:

I had a good laugh over Steve threatening the acting captain that the president would see the sub as an "act of aggression" unless he helped 5-0. Pretty sure Putin would just get on the horn and say "Donny, comrade...this is all just big mistake. You let them go, yes?"

Yeah that's the problem with making the plot too big. Even with a real president, a Russian sub shows up, Five-0 may be first on the scene, and they would immediately cede any authority to State and the ranking military. Sure, I could see federal agents needing Five-0's expertise on the island to track down the russian guy, but that's it. 

The Yakuza, Triads, organized crime, etc., sure, Five-0's mandate should cover that, but this is just kind of ridiculous. 

  • Love 5

Pretty blah for a finale. A better finale would have been a wrap up of Adam's storyline, with Adam on the run in Hawaii and 5-0 having to decide whether to help him or turn him in, with maybe Yakuza offering him sanctuary (for whatever reason) or other elements trying to kill him.... That seems like such a natural season capper to me that it makes me wonder if IAD's other commitments botched the original plan. Clearly, they are trying hard to sustain the Adam storyline with the extensive previouslies, even though the actor is missing from the episodes and there's usually only one scene about the plot.

Edited by Moxie Cat

Bringing in Kamekona was the smartest thing they’ve done, but I dislike the name.  Yes, branding is important, but who’s gonna believe that a nice Italian restaurant with an Hawaiian name, is gonna have authentic Italian flavors?


ETA:  changed from Adam to Steve, because Adam’s not smart enough to get up aft being beaten.  He waits to be kidnapped or rescued.

Edited by roamyn
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13 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

If innocent, will he rejoin the gang (to be kidnapped and tortured again)?  But...Do we really care? 

Yes, I do!  I would like to see him beaten and tortured every week.  I have no idea why.  I think it's because they found such a useless way to right his character in and then make him totally incompetent that I just want to see him used as a punching bag or whipping boy.

Other than that I had no problem with the season ender.  It wasn't dynamic, but I'm tired of the huge season ending cliffhangers and then series cancellation notice afterwards.

Oh please people, have you never been around someone from New Jersey.  I'm from the South and lived in the New York/New Jersey area for several years.  Danny is a true New Jersey person that comes off rude, annoying, and condescending.  It's just their personality.  It's a hard life up there which is why I'm back down South.  Anyway if they just sat in the car and had a normal conversation every week I'd have to read how boring they were and they needed to add more layers than the COTW or that you didn't want to hear them talking matter-of-factly about their personal lives.  It is what it is and has been for the past 8 seasons.

And by the way, I have been meaning to say this, "Thank you, BW Manilowe for finally just saying and getting me back to where I used to be.  I just enjoy the show for what it is, although I'll probably still make a few tongue in cheek sarcastic remarks.  Which is why I think I like Danny's sarcasm.  Basically it's a fun Friday night show to unwind after a stressful work week just like McGyver.  Blue Bloods is the show you want to watch for all of it's seriousness.

Edited by ally
2 hours ago, roamyn said:

So Adam can get the shit kicked out of him, fall out a two story window onto a stone patio, 2 years after a liver transplant, and one year after radiation poisoning, yet he still gets up and walks away to make an illegal arrest?

You probably meant Steve there. 

1 hour ago, ally said:

Oh please people, have you never been around someone from New Jersey.  I'm from the South and lived in the New York/New Jersey area for several years.  Danny is a true New Jersey person that comes off rude, annoying, and condescending. 

Does he though? Because he let's Steve drive his car all the time, and he's led around basically by the nose. If he really was "New York" he would have had it out with Steve probably on day 2. 

The show literally shits on Danny for laughs. The character is the only actual, legit cop. From New York. I wasn't seeing anything from Danny this episode that was actually rude, annoying, or condescending. 

  • Love 1

Danny did have one great moment in this, following the trail of destruction left by Steve's loving tribute to the endless fight in They Live. Danny looks out the busted window (that he knows Steve and Mook-ski went out) and sees them laying on the ground. Normally this would be where a cop would show some concern for his partner so Danny's offhand "Steve... you good?" was hilarious. Danny has seen Steve do so much crazy stuff that this is just another day at the office. Very well played.

I also found it strange that while Steve and the bad guy were kicking the shit out of each other all the other 5-0 members were apparently admiring the furniture or something.

Junior calls the Russian sub an attack sub but then says that it can lay waste to the island. Attack subs do not carry nuclear missiles, missile subs do. I think Junior was just exaggerating (although I am sure an attack sub would have a complement of cruise missiles). Russian boomers do not range that far from home, The Hunt for Red October notwithstanding. A boomer would also be wider and flatter to accommodate the missile tubes (thanks Tom Clancy!).

It's been a while since the Plot Generator has been used on this show. Let's see, this time we had The Hunt for Red October, Crimson Tide, They Live, The Americans, 24 (storming an embassy with little to no consequences) and Dumb and Dumber: Restaurant Edition. We also have Tani confronting the flexible ethics of 5-0 in trying to decide if she should assist Adam in covering up a murder because Adam helped her brother out.

Junior: Do the right thing Tani!

Tani: But I don't want to! It's the whole reason I joined 5-0 in the first place!

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, ganesh said:

You probably meant Steve there. 

Does he though? Because he let's Steve drive his car all the time, and he's led around basically by the nose. If he really was "New York" he would have had it out with Steve probably on day 2. 

The show literally shits on Danny for laughs. The character is the only actual, legit cop. From New York. I wasn't seeing anything from Danny this episode that was actually rude, annoying, or condescending. 

Yeah as really Danny can at times come off rude and at times say stuff to Steve. As Steve needs to tell him to put up or shut up. Danny is from NJ remember?! His boss and BFF puts him through the grind however. But remember Steve can be domineering of the two. And really Danny comes off a caring man and Steve at times can be selfish. Steve gets carsick remember?!

12 hours ago, ganesh said:

Does he though? Because he let's Steve drive his car all the time, and he's led around basically by the nose. If he really was "New York" he would have had it out with Steve probably on day 2. 

The show literally shits on Danny for laughs. The character is the only actual, legit cop. From New York. I wasn't seeing anything from Danny this episode that was actually rude, annoying, or condescending. 

I think at least for the past 2 seasons, I haven't really heard him complaining about Steve driving his car, but I have heard him complaining about the way Steve drives.  If you remember the episode when we learned he named Grace after his partner that died on 9-11 there was a scene when he complained to his female partner Grace that she never let him drive.  Maybe she was more New Jersey than him.  They can be loud, blunt, and argumentative.  I grew up in a friendly family-oriented military city, so they seem rude to people that are not used to being around them.  Like I said, it's a different lifestyle in that area.

Also, there was an article years ago that actually explained how all of this came about.  The Camaro was a standard and Scott Caan doesn't know how to drive a standard.  Alex does and offered to teach Scott, but he was still awful at driving a standard.  They incorporated that into the show and that's how Steve being a control freak came about.  He's even done it to Lou and Lou told him he would be glad when Danny got back because he was tired of him driving his car.

I agree with you on the fact that Danny's character is used for laughs, but I respect Scott Caan for not sitting around waiting for his old man to kick the bucket so he can live off the fortune his dad earned.  Yes they have ruined the character of Danny, I think in part to get people to accept the addition of Chi McBride's character.  However, Scott plays the role regardless of how ridiculous they make Danny and gets a pretty sweet contract deal where he can be gone for a few episodes every season.  Interesting enough while everybody is filming episode 24 at the end of the season, he's off on hiatus a week or two earlier than everybody else, because they film episode 25 before 24.  I suppose if they are going to screw his character he might as well screw them for writing his character the way they have.  In the meantime he uses his spare time to spend it with family and take on a few small projects.

11 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Junior: Do the right thing Tani!

Tani: But I don't want to! It's the whole reason I joined 5-0 in the first place!


I wish the show was actually playing Five-0 to someday deal with those consequences but they won't. 

1 hour ago, ally said:

The Camaro was a standard and Scott Caan doesn't know how to drive a standard. 

It's not that hard to learn. 

1 hour ago, ganesh said:

It's not that hard to learn. 

You'd think.  I almost added this when I posted earlier.  I assumed that Alex didn't like the way Scott shifted gears.  As a matter of fact he might have mentioned the gears grinding. 

Years ago I had two cousins same age.  One learned to drive an automatic, but when it came time to buy her a car the standard Honda Civic was cheaper.  They got her the car and then taught her how to drive a standard.  My other cousin's parents bought the car first, which was a standard and then taught her how to drive a car using the standard they'd bought her.  Before they got her the standard she didn't know how to drive.  The cousin that learned to drive off of the standard car shifted gears so smoothly that unless you were watching her shift gears you couldn't tell she changing gears.  I mean riding in a car with her was a delight.  The other cousin that learned to drive on an automatic car and was taught how to drive a standard almost gave me whiplash.  I couldn't believe how different their driving skills were.  I had been with the cousin in her grandmother's automatic car so I knew she was a decent driver.  I loved the Honda but practically cursed her parents for buying it for her.  If I can remember although I was older and didn't really like to drive all that much, I chose to drive us around in my car most of the time.  However, I always raced to ride shotgun in my other cousin's standard two-seater.

  • Love 1

I  really liked the score going slightly 'Red October' when the sub emerged. But boy was that plot ridiculous.

At this point I'm ready for a spin-off with Uncle (he!) Grover, Tani, Jerry and Noelani. Sorry Junior, but so far you've just been Steve Light and that's not good enough.

Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 2

My friend had to drive to another state to get his manual transmission for the car he wanted, and mine was shipped in from Oregon. Around here, you're just missing out not having one. I wasn't allowed to *leave the driveway* until I could stop on the incline and go up and down in 1st without using the break. 

5 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

At this point I'm ready for a spin-off with Grover, Tani, Jerry and Noelani. Sorry Junior, but so far you've just been Steve Light and that's not good enough.

I'll give Junior some credit because he didn't hesitate to tell Tani that she had to report Adam's gun to Steve. He also finished his academy training. Although we all know that Five-0 is going to cover it up regardless. You appointed an untrained formerly Yakuza person to run a covert operation with a CI fresh out of prison who ended up having a sexual relationship with one of the people she was investigating, and is now dead. And oh yeah, the guy running the op has a gun in his house that was used to kill his half-sister and is currently AWOL.

That's not getting out for sure. 

Not that Five-0 really concerns themselves with civil rights, but would Tani finding the gun be an illegal search? 

  • Love 2

Danny I guess lets his partners drive as he did like to be driven around though he will not admit it. And really control freak thing is with that of a Navy SEAL. Plus remember he is did not like the way Steve drives Danny would be in the letting Steve have it. And really Steve would back off. But I think Danny would rather have his friendship of his boss and partner than who drives the car even though he complains about it

Same way with Lou. As Lou would rather have Steve's friendship. Despite his control freak attitude. Plus he and Steve are more like brothers than that of McDanno. As both of them know each other and treat each other as equals. Steve gets carsick when he does not drive or he has to take some kind of medication for that I think it was when he dated Catherine at the time. Not the throwing up kind but in the getting uneasy and queasy thing. Remember when Carol Burnett was on the show and drove his truck like he does Danny's car.

On 5/21/2018 at 2:32 PM, Passepartout said:

Danny I guess lets his partners drive as he did like to be driven around though he will not admit it. And really control freak thing is with that of a Navy SEAL. Plus remember he is did not like the way Steve drives Danny would be in the letting Steve have it. And really Steve would back off. But I think Danny would rather have his friendship of his boss and partner than who drives the car even though he complains about it

Same way with Lou. As Lou would rather have Steve's friendship. Despite his control freak attitude. Plus he and Steve are more like brothers than that of McDanno. As both of them know each other and treat each other as equals. Steve gets carsick when he does not drive or he has to take some kind of medication for that I think it was when he dated Catherine at the time. Not the throwing up kind but in the getting uneasy and queasy thing. Remember when Carol Burnett was on the show and drove his truck like he does Danny's car.

Steve did not get car sick when they first met and Danny as driving.  Nor did he in Steve’s altered flashback.  It’s a lame cop on his part.

On 5/23/2018 at 5:29 PM, roamyn said:

Steve did not get car sick when they first met and Danny as driving.  Nor did he in Steve’s altered flashback.  It’s a lame cop on his part.

But Steve and Danny in the seeing the shrink in season 5 episode 1 as Steve admitting he was carsick and the reason he drove over in his control freak attitude. But to me, Steve can be such a selfish spoiled brat who has to get his way.

7 hours ago, Passepartout said:

But Steve and Danny in the seeing the shrink in season 5 episode 1 as Steve admitting he was carsick and the reason he drove over in his control freak attitude. But to me, Steve can be such a selfish spoiled brat who has to get his way.

He lied to the Shrink.  He let Danny drive to their appt w/her, didn’t he?

  • Love 1
On 5/20/2018 at 11:21 AM, Jaded said:

Is this episode even worth the watch? My DVR didn't pick it up due to space so I'd have to go looking for it elsewhere.

I saw it a week ago or so and can't remember if I saw the whole thing or fell asleep before it ended, so I'm going to say maybe not.

On 5/21/2018 at 8:49 AM, MissLucas said:

At this point I'm ready for a spin-off with Uncle (he!) Grover, Tani, Jerry and Noelani. Sorry Junior, but so far you've just been Steve Light and that's not good enough.

I would keep Junior mostly because I am shipping Junior and Tani, but I also just like him. He does seem to know Steve is crazy; I liked how when Steve boarded the sub, Tani asked him, "would you do that?" and he silently shook his head like, "no because I am not a lunatic." I could do without Jerry though. I don't mind him, but he's not that interesting. And probably he's never going to be anyone but Hurley for me.

On 5/21/2018 at 8:59 AM, ganesh said:

Not that Five-0 really concerns themselves with civil rights, but would Tani finding the gun be an illegal search? 

No, she had permission to be in the house and was taking care of it at Adam's request; that would include her looking in the drawers for batteries for the chirping smoke alarm. Under those circumstances, the gun would be considered to have been found in plain sight.

Every car I've owned has been a manual, but I'm currently car shopping and it's going to be an automatic because I live in Seattle where the traffic has become so horrendous in the last ten years that I spend most of my car time sitting in traffic. And with CVT, automatics are much better than they used to be. But I think some people just aren't coordinated enough to drive a car with a manual transmission. I had a coworker who had a manual that actually had a dashboard light that signaled when to shift and even with that, she never even came close. And I had a boyfriend who could never correctly coordinate the clutch and the accelerator so we'd lurch forward with every shift. When he was buying a new SUV, he decided to get a manual transmission and I sort of gingerly said, "but ... you're not ... good at driving stick i'msorrybutyou'rereallynot," and he incredulously said, "what do you mean? My Mustang is a stick!" And I was like, "um yes, that's how I know you're not good at it." He went ahead and got a 4Runner with a manual transmission, but I think he eventually regretted it. Also he later drove my car from California to Washington for me, which was the hardest 800 miles ever put on that car.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 1

I think this was pretty week for a season-ending episode. It is very unclear as to what sort of testing, if any, Tani has done on Adam's gun? Let's say it was a 9 mm bullet that killed Noriko. Is Adam's gun the only brand/model in the world that fires 9 mm bullets? Given the placement of the gun, I would say she never took it from the drawer. I think a far better last scene would have been Tani back in the kitchen, nosing around the drawer, she hears the door open and says "Hey Junes, thanks for dropping everything to swing by. I have to show this to you". And, around the corner, in walks Adam. He looks at Tani, looks at the open drawer, looks at Tani again, fade to black. At least that is a bit more of a cliffhanger. If IAD doesn't come back for Season 9, you have the first show start with the Team arriving at Adam's when they can't find Tani, or with Junior finally arriving at the house.

Also, I am not a submarine expert, and I'm not sure the writers are, either. Assuming the Russian escaped through the torpedo tube (which if they are submerged is the only way possible, unless there is a similar "exit" for dispensing garbage into the ocean), I would think the sub would be a good distance down underwater. So, the guy is wearing his uniform, as evidenced by the eyewitnesses who described what the man was wearing who shot the HPD officer (still the most dangerous job in Hawaii), which Steve immediately knows is Russian navy. He escapes by the torpedo tube, makes it to the surface from who knows how deep, swims to shore, walks around soaking wet on the most populous area of Hawaii without drawing suspicion, and manages to kill a cop and steal the car? Wonder if he stopped at Liliha bakery for some coco puffs along the way? Now, that would be a scene I would like to see, if McGarrett reaches into the police car holding a glove and pulls out an empty coco puff box, sniffs it, and declares "these were fresh, he can't be too far ahead of us". Mr. Lenkov, feel free to borrow that idea for a future show.

But, not real drama to tide us over to next season. I hope the restaurant drama doesn't drag on all season. And, my recurring pet peeve on the large sums of cash that are shown. Adam and Jessie can put 6 million dollars of money in the back of his car trunk in two duffel bags, one of which doesn't even appear full, but it takes 2 suitcases for Kamekona to deliver 250K? I don't record the shows so I could not see what sort of denominations were in there. Now, it would have been a good dialogue line if Danny picked up a couple of the packets and declares "these are all one dollar bills". Then, Kamekona responds "that's all from the tip jars".

As always, I'll be watching Season 9 every week. Love the scenery, love the plot holes, love the stunts, love the imperfect characters and love Hawaii.

Edited by GustheCat
  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, GustheCat said:

Is Adam's gun the only brand/model in the world that fires 9 mm bullets?

I do think you can trace a bullet back to the gun from which is was fired. I saw a documentary once where they shoot a gun into a water tank to keep the bullet in tact and then analyze the bullet compared to the bullet you found. The grooves should be the same. I don't know if that works for only certain kinds of guns though. 

But I don't know when Tani actually did that. 

1 hour ago, ganesh said:

I do think you can trace a bullet back to the gun from which is was fired.

Yes, that was my point and they normally mention this when they have the gun in the ballistics lab and Eric or someone is doing the testing. Based on what Tani said, it was unclear whether she actually took the gun out of the house, took it to ballistics, fired it and had someone analyze the bullet in comparison to Noriko's bullet (in which case she would have drawn a lot of attention), or simply observed that Adam's gun (if it is really his and not a plant) fires the same type of bullet as the one that killed Noriko. In one situation, you have a lot of drama (this was the gun used to kill her) versus "we certainly have a coincidence here because this gun fires the same type of bullet as the one that killed Noriko". But, maybe I am the only person in the audience that didn't quite get the intended message from the dialogue? If it is the case where the gun was tested and there was a direct link, why is she even questioning what to do with the information? Of course, that will turn out to be the case and Adam will say the gun was a plant, someone will kidnap him and beat him, and there we go again.

On 5/19/2018 at 1:31 PM, ganesh said:

That opening scene with the restaurant was painful. Just take out a loan. Problem solved. 

I am not sure I see too many banks or other places giving out a loan for a high risk business like a restaurant to two guys who have no experience in the restaurant business and already have full time on-call around the clock jobs.

On 5/19/2018 at 8:34 PM, buckboard said:

And when the submarine pops up in the harbor, who handles their arrival?  Not any of the thousands of Navy, Army or Marine forces on the island.  Not a representative of the State Department or agents of the FBI.  Nope, 5-O.  

I am just surprised that a russian submarine can make it all the way into Waikiki beach without being picked up bu SONAR or any other kind of surveillance system. It is not like Hawaii is an important navy location or something.

Also can someone give me a rundown of what the hell happened with Adam. My pvr erased a bunch of episodes then we missed a few more. Last I remember his informant was sleeping with the guy she was spying on, and some other dude was blackmailing him for his father's hidden fortune. What did i miss.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Also can someone give me a rundown of what the hell happened with Adam. My pvr erased a bunch of episodes then we missed a few more. Last I remember his informant was sleeping with the guy she was spying on, and some other dude was blackmailing him for his father's hidden fortune. What did i miss.

The guy who was blackmailing him turned up dead in the trunk of a car that Adam was driving. The FBI agent interrogating Adam for that murder turned out to be working for Noriko, Adam's half-sister whom he knew nothing about and only met when dirty FBI agent brought Adam to her (and then she killed the FBI agent in front of Adam). Noriko told Adam to bring her the $20 million that he had stashed in some informal Yakuza bank or something would happen to Kono. Adam and his informant went to get the money and Adam, who is S-M-R-T, left the informant alone with the money and she drove off with it. When he caught up to her car, the money was gone, and she was dead. Later, Noriko turned up murdered on the beach, we see Adam go back to Yakuza banker guy saying he needs an alibi (but they left it vague as to what he needed an alibi for), and then Adam left town. Steve has his suspicions that Adam killed Noriko, but isn't doing anything about it. Most recently, Tani, who's watching Adam and Kono's house for them, found a gun in the junk drawer that she thinks might be the one that killed Noriko.

On 5/27/2018 at 2:17 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

I am not sure I see too many banks or other places giving out a loan for a high risk business like a restaurant to two guys who have no experience in the restaurant business and already have full time on-call around the clock jobs.

I am just surprised that a russian submarine can make it all the way into Waikiki beach without being picked up bu SONAR or any other kind of surveillance system. It is not like Hawaii is an important navy location or something.

Also can someone give me a rundown of what the hell happened with Adam. My pvr erased a bunch of episodes then we missed a few more. Last I remember his informant was sleeping with the guy she was spying on, and some other dude was blackmailing him for his father's hidden fortune. What did i miss.

For future reference, the last 5 episodes aired on CBS can be watched for free through CBS All Access, their streaming service which also airs exclusive original content (like The Good Fight, the sequel to The Good Wife; & Star Trek: Discovery, the newest show in the Star Trek franchise, which I think 1 of the H50 reboot creators/original exec producers was, or still is, involved with). This is also true for at least most of the shows available on CBS All Access. Supposedly you can still watch the eps on CBS.com, but I think you actually have to download the CBS app to view the eps. I've had the app for awhile, mostly because it seems the last time I tried to watch an ep through CBS' website I was directed to download the CBS app to watch the ep I wanted.

Late to the party here, but finally caught up.

I too am amazed this was the season finale.  It ends with Junior telling Tani to do the right thing?  Huh?  That's the cliffhanger?  I couldn't give two cents about what happens to Adam.  Wish he would just go live with Kono...you know...his WIFE!

Loved the scene where Grover, Tani, and Junior in the back seat are driving and Junior makes a comment about him being an expert in reading body language, and then Tani says something like "or is it just my body you're watching?", and then Junior starts to agree before he realizes what he is saying.  The smirk on Tani's face and the eyebrow raising look by Grover was awesome.  Those two just need to get it over with.

I imagine the whole restaurant thing was for some comedic relief.  But it's just dumb.  Overplayed.  Not needed.  I'm hoping Kamekona buys them out and it turns out to be wildly successful.

On 5/19/2018 at 5:34 PM, buckboard said:

And when the submarine pops up in the harbor, who handles their arrival?  Not any of the thousands of Navy, Army or Marine forces on the island.  Not a representative of the State Department or agents of the FBI.  Nope, 5-O.  

And when they find  a bunch of deep-cover spies, it gets aired on the news with local cops and 5-0 doing the arrests.  The CIA would have quietly brought them in to see who could get turned.  Given the choice of jail or Hawaii, I think a lot of them would have flipped.

On 5/20/2018 at 11:21 AM, Jaded said:

Is this episode even worth the watch? My DVR didn't pick it up due to space so I'd have to go looking for it elsewhere.

If you can get over 5-0 running rough-shod over every international treaty EVER it's a bit of an OMG -- they're doing THAT??" fun episode.   But no critical info is learnewd, so it won't hurt to skip.

On 5/20/2018 at 12:33 PM, ganesh said:

It's not that hard to learn. 

It depends.  I drove a U-Hual where I had to mash the clutch to the floor to change gears, and an MG which took the slightest tap.  A camaro is probably closer to the MG.

On 5/21/2018 at 8:49 AM, MissLucas said:

At this point I'm ready for a spin-off with Uncle (he!) Grover, Tani, Jerry and Noelani. Sorry Junior, but so far you've just been Steve Light and that's not good enough.

UGH -- not Jerry. But I'll allow him if we never have to see Kamekona or Flippa again.

On 5/21/2018 at 8:59 AM, ganesh said:

Not that Five-0 really concerns themselves with civil rights, but would Tani finding the gun be an illegal search? 

It was not a search of a suspect's premises, so it's a legal find.

On 5/21/2018 at 11:44 AM, Artsda said:

Adam killed his sister dumped the body and put the gun in his kitchen drawer? LOL So stupid for them to think that.

This is Adam we're talking about...

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