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I'm glad I'm not the only one who shed a few tears. With both Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs (somehow they're connected in my mind) gone, it's truly the end of an era. I realize everything runs its course, and it was probably the right time to end the show, but it will certainly be sorely missed. I too hope there will be some specials in the future. Maybe themed shows, things like Duct Tape Island, one of my personal favorites...

Edited by scootypuffjr
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The clip of Tory falling over himself on the bike will never get old.

My son was in kindergarten when this started. He is graduating high school in June (he did a kindergarten tour twice). So yeah, there were many reasons I was bawling throughout the two hours.

In hindsight, it probably wasn't the BEST idea to put cardboard in the line of memories Adam drove through.

Edited by mojoween
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I thought they would bring out the narrator(s) and go through the substitute cast members during the reunion, but at least the build team came back.

The substitutes deserved a mention, but the narrator is supposed to be a ghost. Besides, they syndicated the show globally and I believe actually used different people in different countries.

Buster's disintegration was sad and sublime. 

Well it was a fiction too, since they've literally gone through hundreds (maybe thousands) of different Busters. But it made for a really nice shot. I mean the way that shot lined up it was undeniable he was literally disintegrating inch by inch. A powerful image, and one I bet they lucked into, since I'm sure they didn't know exactly how it would photograph.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who shed a few tears. With both Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs (somehow they're connected in my mind) gone, it's truly the end of an era. I realize everything runs its course, and it was probably the right time to end the show, but it will certainly be sorely missed. I too hope there will be some specials in the future. Maybe themed shows, things like Duct Tape Island, one of my personal favorites...

It's far cheaper, and not really the same thing at all in most ways, but I have found at least a little of the experimental/science geek quality in Smartest Guy In The Room, on History Channel.  That's more of a contest and puzzle solving, but at least it fills a little of the hole for shows that are about exploring or explaining scientific theories.

Edited by Kromm
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I finally got around to watching the two final episodes.  I didn't want to watch them because then it would mean the show was really over and I never really want to admit I live in a world without this show in it because I am sappy and believe it made the world a better place.  Adam and Jamie were two truly exceptional and well matched people for the job plus they are the kind of irreplaceable personalities that don't come along every day.  It came full circle for me when Neil Tyson said his bit - I went to HS with Neil and it seemed fitting to see him in the context of this show, like it did when he appeared on "Big Bang Theory", another show that is somehow like family to me or at least what's going on inside my mind.  Seeing this show go is just a reminder that there were epic fantastic shows from that era on reality TV and there really are none left that are in that class anymore.  It was almost a pre-millennium optimism still left over from the '90s era that gave birth to shows like this.  RIP Mythbusters and everything you meant about the era you were born in.

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Yeah, I'm not interested in this at all.  Aside from the issue of attachment to the old cast, Mythbusters was already out of myths.  That's the main reason I wasn't all that sad to see it go.  Seriously, there were 16 seasons of it.  By the last season, it was clear that the show had run out of steam and they were just doing a "farewell tour."  A new cast isn't going to fix that.

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Oh, great. The Science Channel will put together a team of enthusiastic young bros + a token girl who every week pull more jackass-y videos off YouTube and recreate them. Don't they already have a couple of shows like this already on Science or Discovery?


I seriously doubt they could find anyone with the skill set and experience Adam and Jamie brought to the show. I wouldn't watch anything less, but I think I've aged out of their target audience so it doesn't really matter.

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On 3/31/2016 at 1:40 PM, Charlesman said:

So apparently, it's uncancelled, kind-of. The Science Channel is launching a new series, "The Search for the next Mythbusters", a reality show in which people will compete to be the new hosts of a revival of "Mythbusters" which will not include Adam and Jamie. The format of the new "Mythbusters" series is still TBD.

Since they actually announced a host for Mythbusters: The Search (the official name), I made a discussion topic for it (figuring it would too easily dominate this topic).

On 9/4/2016 at 10:42 AM, AConspiracy said:

The build team from Mythbusters are coming back with a Netflix show


The build team is coming back together! @ToryBelleci, @KariByron, @grantimahara on a @netflix original: #TheWhiteRabbitProject coming Dec 9!


On 9/4/2016 at 8:46 PM, Kromm said:

That's not that far off! You should make a forum request for it.

Just a heads up that forum has been all set up. 

I'm watching the marathon. They're showing commercials featuring some of these contestants. Only one of three whom I've seen so far I'd want to see on my tv. That said, I'd rather for the show to be called something else all together other than "Mythbusters". 

Besides, didn't the original version start to run out of material?

I've also been watching the marathon and have watched some of the commercials. I have a few bigger issues with this whole endeavor.

The first is that not everything needs to be explosion-related. I think some of the best episodes of the original show were when they had to do something other than blow something up. A great example is the one with the Chinese army detecting drums. That was a cool thing in every possible way.

Another thing is unfortunately we are in a reality tv world, and everyone is hyper aware of its methods and techniques.  I fear these people will want to create catchphrases and wacky antics to get screen time.

speaking of that,  I also fear that they will try to out-personality each other. It will be a whole show of Adams with no Jamies to counterbalance.


in seeing commercials for the other shows on this channel, I see these trends there too. It's all explosions, guns, and extreme sport type things. 

Will these people be able to do the rat droppings on cans, or the bacteria when you double dip? 


I can just envision an entire hour of woo hoos and yells as stuff blows up. Boring.

Edited by Eliza422

I had the Science Channel on nonstop over the holidays.  The only thing I hated about it were the endless commercials pimping the new Mythbusters and that street science guy.  The thing that made the original so great was that they weren't simply cast, they had all worked with each before, and in Kari's case she was a volunteer.  So they all knew each other and had a natural rapport.  With this new show they're casting it American Idol style.  I can't see them creating a successful show this way.  And I agree there is only one Mythbusters, if you wanted to keep doing Mythbusters you should have just kept making more Mythbusters shows.  Any new show they come up with shouldn't have the name.

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I was just watching this during the marathon.  Hard to keep a dry eye after watching this show for so many years.  And being from the Bay Area it was always so much fun to see them go to places I knew about and had been to, like the Hiller Aviation Museum and the Bamboo Reef Dive Shop.  I regret now not loitering over by their shop to catch a glimpse of what they were doing!  There was just so much good about this show I don't know where to begin, so I will just say that it is my favorite reality tv show of all time.

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They really didn't do this any favors by running it back to back with the MacGyver episode. On the one hand - real Mythbusters demonstrating their ingenuity with no pre-planning at all. On the other - the wannabes failing with all the planning they could get, on something that's a variation of what had already been done. And yes, failure is always an option and the Original Recipe failed all the time - but then we got to see them recover from the failure.

I'd be more impressed if the contest were more like the MacGyver episode - here's a problem, here are supplies, let's see what you do, start to finish. And if they went in a wildly different direction than planned like Adam and Jamie did? Great! 

Anyone else watching this? We recorded so we could go back to it if we wanted. I knew Sarah was a goner early. Looks to me like Hackett might be on the soon to go list too, so far I like Dr. Pepper, Brian, and Allen. Jason was ok as were Ben and Tracy.  Johnathan and Tamar didn't make much of an impression on me yet. Still reserving judgement on whether or not this is going to work in the long run. 


Side note when we watched it, it was after the final Duct Tape special, with the trebuchet so it didn't seem quite so bad. I was bothered that Team Blue didn't get a chance to reload and try again as Adam and Jamie, or Kari, Tori, and Grant would have.

Does anyone know what the ratings were?  

I liked it.  I liked original Mythbusters better, but I liked that the narrator is back, and the build challenge was interesting. 

The only nitpicks for me were that for the football challenge, I wanted to see people closer to NFL receivers, though it was a good way to use a big cast...and I wanted to see a second take if BOTH teams had failed.  That's truer to the Mythbusters spirit of try, fail if you have to, learn, reset.  If you need to make it competitive, maybe have a finite number of tries, and have the first to succeed win (or if the myth is busted, who got closest), but one-and-done seemed a little harsh.

Still, I wonder if Tom Brady had an opinion.  Hypothetically, cheating in a way that does no good is just karma.

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On 1/12/2017 at 9:59 PM, marketdoctor said:

Does anyone know what the ratings were?  

I liked it.  I liked original Mythbusters better, but I liked that the narrator is back, and the build challenge was interesting. 

The only nitpicks for me were that for the football challenge, I wanted to see people closer to NFL receivers, though it was a good way to use a big cast...and I wanted to see a second take if BOTH teams had failed.  That's truer to the Mythbusters spirit of try, fail if you have to, learn, reset.  If you need to make it competitive, maybe have a finite number of tries, and have the first to succeed win (or if the myth is busted, who got closest), but one-and-done seemed a little harsh.

Still, I wonder if Tom Brady had an opinion.  Hypothetically, cheating in a way that does no good is just karma.

I don't think Science is rated but I could be wrong. Not like they would have several seasons of searching for hosts...right?

OK, it's not my imagination - there's a tendency to "blink and you miss it" on the myth ending. We didn't get a good look at the drunk-vs-sober sculptures at all - not all of them were shown, and when they were it was at an angle. Draw it out, let us see what's going on, don't just do a quick shot of the little labels being set!

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2 hours ago, Jamoche said:

OK, it's not my imagination - there's a tendency to "blink and you miss it" on the myth ending. We didn't get a good look at the drunk-vs-sober sculptures at all - not all of them were shown, and when they were it was at an angle. Draw it out, let us see what's going on, don't just do a quick shot of the little labels being set!

I feel like the protocol (such as it was) for that was quite poor. These hosts-to-be know they need to be "quirky" and "fun" so of course they are going to try to make funnier sculptures when intoxicated. 


I don't know why I'm even caring, they are all losers, as is greasy head host.

Edited by Eliza422
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2 hours ago, Eliza422 said:

I feel like the protocol (such as it was) for that was quite poor. These hosts-to-be know they need to be "quirky" and "fun" so of course they are going to try to make funnier sculptures when intoxicated. 


I don't know why I'm even caring, they are all losers, as is greasy head host.

Yeah, I didn't think about that angle - to do it properly, bring in non-Mythbusters and set it up like one of those paint-and-wine things that apparently are a thing now, so the sculptors have no idea what's really being tested. But even if it was just to show off the quirks it failed, because we didn't see the sculptures.

Really, the only true successors to Jamie and Adam are Tory, Kari, and Grant, and firing them the way they did burned off all the showrunner's store of good will.

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14 hours ago, Eliza422 said:



I don't know why I'm even caring, they are all losers, as is greasy head host.

Sadly, I have to agree.

I don't see ANY of them being able to carry a show like Adam and Jamie did.

From what I can tell, most of them are Youtube stars (I have seen a few of them on there), so guess they are going for a younger audience or something.

The two extra challenges were pointless. People who have never played sports before, catching 10 footballs will show NOTHING regardless of how inflated the ball is or isn't. And two samples of sculpting means nothing as well. Art if subjective, there is no true way to say if one sculpture is actually "better" than the other...

I can't stand the host. If he is going to host the regular show, I am out. He comes across as trying way too hard to be cool.

Again, I don't see any of them having the personalities to carry the regular show. I am more or less enjoying the SEARCH for Mythbusters well enough, but none of these people seem to have the personality it takes and most of them seem way too specialized in their fields. Adam and Jamie were extremely well rounded.

Maybe I am wrong, but I don't see it lasting past one season IF they even make a season (I have my doubts).

Why didn't they just bring in Tory, Kari and Grant to do it? Seems there was enough of an uproar when they fired them that people would have loved to see them back. Though last I heard they were making some show for Netflix that followed in Mythbusters footsteps.

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Yeah that show on Netflix does NOT follow in Mythbusters footsteps. There has been very little building, lots of acting by other people, and a lot of story telling by K, T, & G. My family is watching it but will not rewatch it as we do MB. I think at this point they'd want too much money to come back. I still like Allan, he does have an Adam vibe at least to me, still like Martin. Tracy gets on my nerves and I couldn't tell you why. Hackett is a bit to hard headed though that reminds me of the dynamic between Adam and Jamie, I really liked that green team each built their own and tested it small scale that felt very MB to me, unlike the red team testing and seeing it didn't work as well as they wanted then thinking it would just be ok at large scale so NOT MB. Will be interested in seeing the cardboard boats next week. 

the secondary myths, I wish they'd hand those off to the teams and let them create a plan with volunteers rather than doing them themselves, or if you're going to use them as guinea pigs don't tell them why? And why if two of them are non-drinkers would they even have them sculpt to begin with, and why not let them be part of the judging?

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4 hours ago, Jenkins said:

Oh, their show is already out? Guess I will have to watch it, thanks :)

And great point, why tell them WHY they were sculpting...it most definitely would effect the results.

Yep, you should be able to find it on Netflix easy as recently added or trending White Rabbit Project, just don't go in expecting it to be like MB

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