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The People's Court - General Discussion

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The two horrible women where someone threw bricks at the more horrible ladies car...


Why did JM believe the horrible children over the less horrible woman(baby mama 2) ?


The plaintiff hauled all of her horrible children into court and horrible child testified to all of the children screaming and carrrying on and threatening to beat people up. 

Why was she believed? she had a lot of malice towards baby mama 2 instilled in her by baby mama 1.

Does the plaintiff not have to prove her case instead of having a 13 year old juvie stand up and spew venom. 


Baby mama 1 waving letters from prison at baby mama 2 was really despicable.  Yay you won - you won a felon - congratulations.

Baby mama 2 got no credit for leaving her children at home - that would have scored major believability points with me. 

  • Love 2

The two horrible women where someone threw bricks at the more horrible ladies car...


Why did JM believe the horrible children over the less horrible woman(baby mama 2) ?


The plaintiff hauled all of her horrible children into court and horrible child testified to all of the children screaming and carrrying on and threatening to beat people up. 

Why was she believed? she had a lot of malice towards baby mama 2 instilled in her by baby mama 1.

Does the plaintiff not have to prove her case instead of having a 13 year old juvie stand up and spew venom. 


Baby mama 1 waving letters from prison at baby mama 2 was really despicable.  Yay you won - you won a felon - congratulations.

Baby mama 2 got no credit for leaving her children at home - that would have scored major believability points with me. 


That girl who testified wasn't the child of either one of those women. She was the friend of the defendant's daughter.

  • Love 1

Regarding the hotel staying, double omelet eating, lady who wanted thousands in damages because her co-op neighbour had the audacity to refinish his floors...


JM asked her if the doctor who wrote the notes was her friend and she said no.  


Come on - a doctor who writes scripts for oxycodone because you whiffed some fumes has got to be a good buddy. 


I (maybe undeservedly) get a major hate on for women with those eyebrows that look like they were sharpied on.  Women pay people to have that done to them.  I'm surprised that wasn't in the bill also.

In my area we had the godmother vs her godson for the $5000 she loaned him and never got back.  I really felt the that Judge MM got this one wrong and ruled from emotion in a sense b/c the defendant wouldn't shut up and let her speak.  I could totally see the plaintiff giving the money from her windfall to her children and to her godson and then perhaps she felt slighted by him and decides now it was a loan.  I think the fact that the plaintiff had no other family members to verify it was a loan either in person or by written statement says a lot.  I also felt she was pretty shady in the hall interview.  I could be wrong though, but I do think it was a gift and later on down the road the godmother decided she wanted the money back.

I don't know about the godmother/godson case. A priori, I don't find it unusual for a mother to treat her children a bit differently than a godson. Including the hallterview, the godson sounded like he had a real sense of entitlement and long standing resentment for being (as he felt) unfairly treated. He also seemd to be dodging anything related to his legal problem which may have been quite relevent - if he had unexpected legal expenses, a loan makes a lot of sense if a gift was not planned. As a totally peripheral issue, I was curious about his eyes. At first, glance I thought it might be styling, but later it looked more like an industrial accident with acid or some very hot liquid that hit him while he was wearing goggles or even glasses. I had something similar happen many years ago with extremely hot acid flux which splashed over part of my face, ruined the glasses I was wearing, and left my face with acid burns around the edge of the glasses.

  • Love 1

I don't know about the godmother/godson case. A priori, I don't find it unusual for a mother to treat her children a bit differently than a godson. Including the hallterview, the godson sounded like he had a real sense of entitlement and long standing resentment for being (as he felt) unfairly treated. He also seemd to be dodging anything related to his legal problem which may have been quite relevent - if he had unexpected legal expenses, a loan makes a lot of sense if a gift was not planned. As a totally peripheral issue, I was curious about his eyes. At first, glance I thought it might be styling, but later it looked more like an industrial accident with acid or some very hot liquid that hit him while he was wearing goggles or even glasses. I had something similar happen many years ago with extremely hot acid flux which splashed over part of my face, ruined the glasses I was wearing, and left my face with acid burns around the edge of the glasses.

His eyes looked to me like vitiligo but now that you mention it, it did have the look of a burn.


I don't know how you could get THAT burnt with no ill effects to the eye though.

Maybe vitiligo but it looked like there was keloid growth in the center of some of the areas affected which suggested trauma of some kind. Watermelon - in my case the acid splashed a diagonal streak from forehead to cheek across my eye. The glasses caught the acid that would have gone into my eye but I did get burns all around the edges of the glasses.

I too thought it was vitiligo.  I think she got it right because I think the defendant was shady...the way he was talking, double talking and the fact that he had legal problems just let me to believe he was lying.


Don't get me wrong, the plaintiff was no prize either..with her one tooth.


She got some little lump sum from workmen's comp though.

Re truck rear ending small car leaving the gas bar…

Did she or did she not give the truck guy the finger?


I say no. 


I think when the initial incident happened she might have brought her hand up to brush hair out of her face (she had that kind of hair) and he and sister thought she was flipping him off. 
He was then in the rage and thought he could intimidate her by rushing full speed behind her in his truck.  She wasn’t mad, he was. 

Why am I so certain?  Because in the hallterview when the not funny guy said ok ‘you can flip him off now, do it’ she still couldn’t get that finger up.  And then she laughed.  She never was angry.


truck rear ending small car leaving the gas bar…


I loved that she wasn't intimidated and blocked his truck in the parking spot b/c she thought he might just drive off.  That's gutsy.


In the case of the engaged couple vs the jewelry store over the damaged diamond ring...


I thought the hall-terview said it all about the fiancé about her just wanting a perfect ring, not some damaged ring that her fiancé picked out for her and gave to her for their engagement.  I guess the Judge getting emotional about her ring bought when she and her husband were just starting out and struggling didn't phase her at all.  I just found it sad.

  • Love 1

I like when Judge Milian tells some of her life stories.  They are usually about a time when she or her husband were struggling. 

Yesterday it was about being a Repo Man when she was a teenager.

My favourite is the story of the pleather chair her husband and his bozo friend were moving.
They let it fly off the truck and over a bridge and when they went to retrieve it a homeless man was sitting in it saying ‘my chair’ and she had to buy it back from him.  Very funny the way she told the story.

  • Love 5

A new episode.


As soon as they described a private club with private parties, I knew exactly what this was. 


You pay a membership fee, bring your own liquor and leave it at the bar. 


If all you do all night is dance, meet people, and have someone serve you your own liquor (ie not at 8 dollars a shot) it really is a fun time.  

There will probably be a dinner put out at midnight.


You don't have to go anywhere near the play rooms and in Canada they are legally bound to keep any thing you don't want to see confined to back rooms.  

A new episode.


As soon as they described a private club with private parties, I knew exactly what this was. 


You pay a membership fee, bring your own liquor and leave it at the bar. 


If all you do all night is dance, meet people, and have someone serve you your own liquor (ie not at 8 dollars a shot) it really is a fun time.  

There will probably be a dinner put out at midnight.


You don't have to go anywhere near the play rooms and in Canada they are legally bound to keep any thing you don't want to see confined to back rooms.

I used to belong to a private club in my hometown. But you didn't BYOB. They were allowed to stay open later than bars, so most people would go there after the club/bars closed. Those were back in the days when I could party all night and go to work in the morning. I can't even imagine doing that now!
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I keep wondering why that seemingly normal guy wasn't able to spot just about every telltale sign of a crazy cat lady before renting a room in her apartment and getting eaten by fleas.  Within seconds, I spotted the never-trimmed, unstyled, air-dried nerd hair; the Grand Super Dragon Chinese Buffet-inspired dress that has NEVER been in style; the odd personality with the angry outburst about daring to use the door near where the cats sit.  And I'm sure she smelled like a litter box.  The man was well-tempered, and he even said that he had no problems with the lady.  He must be the most easygoing guy.  Like Judge Milian, I was grossed out by those photos of all of those fleas on his pants.  And that cheap shit of a woman wouldn't call an exterminator?!  She's gross.....end of.  I kept noticing Judge M trying to hide her look of complete disgust whenever she was facing her direction. 

  • Love 1

I'm now in the market for a 'No Parking' sign to put in my driveway. Based on the trio of personal injury lawyers with 60 years of experience amongst them, they can apparently park in my driveway since there's no sign there saying they can't. That was a well-deserved smack down by MM.

Has a lawyer ever come off well in her courtroom? She seems to eat them alive. They can't all be as moronic as the ones I've seen on TPC.

  • Love 3


With three lawyers standing in front of her, making claims that had her personally offended

Oh yeah, I loved that case. Not only did the three stooges of lawyerdom look foolish in court, in the hallterview one of them insisted that the judge had not followed the law, cementing their image as lawyers that make lawyers about as popular as tow truck drivers (as JM has mentioned several times).

  • Love 2

I think there might have been maybe 1 Lawyer case, maybe 2, where they came off well. (One might have been a law school student). But in those very rare cases, (So rare I'm only faintly remembering their possible existance and not much else); they were well mannered and they had a solid case in their favour to start with. Basically similar to the equally rare on the ball tow-truck drivers. (Which I'm sure I've seen 2 or 3 good cases from)

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One of my favorite MM smack downs came during a case in which the defendant was a lawyer AND a doctor. He was as insufferable as you'd think.

She called him sweetie, and he took umbrage with that and insisted she refer to him as doctor. He told her to watch herself when she was tossing him out of the courtroom. He also said that if Douglas touched him she'd be in trouble. To which MM said (this is the point where I fell in love with her): "If Douglas pounds you to a pulp I'd be delighted."

Corrections: She called him honey. And it was "beats you to a pulp." Here's the link:


Edited by teebax
  • Love 7

Thanks for posting the doctor/lawyer case.


  I just enjoyed the three-lawyer parking lot case so much.  Perhaps the best smackdown I've ever seen  on any court show.  I'm just sorry this is giving my profession more of its usual bad name.  Clearly the producers chose this case for the entertainment value.  Judge M was well prepared to lay into the plaintiff.


Here's what went through the addled brain of Mrs. Klinger, the plaintiff.

1)  I got hosed $340 for towing.  Wow.  I'm annoyed.

2)  Should I sue?  No, because I really shouldn't have been parking there.

3)  Should I go on People's Court?  No!  Because I'm a lawyer, and I don't want to look like an idiot on national TV, especially over just $340. 

4)  But gee--I'm really annoyed!  What should I do?

5)  I'll sue anyway.  Because now I can also make a dubious claim for triple damages under some consumer protection law, demonstrating my outstanding legal acumen.  Plus I'll get $1,000! 

6)  Better yet, rather than just keeping this on the QT in the local small claims court, I will go on People's Court.  And I'll take my two friends with me so we can all show off.

7) Do I have any good arguments for the judge? Sure!  "I assumed" it was okay to park there. 

Idiot!  This is an argument made by non lawyers.  Any lawyer knows never to say that!  It's something they teach you on the first day of law school, essentially.  It's the basis for learning to "think like a lawyer," as the cliche goes. 

And there was the triple damages claim based on some theory involving poor signage in the parking lot.  Judge Millian wouldn't even take evidence on that one.

8)  Result:  greatest smackdown ever.  Really, who doesn't know that you're not supposed leave your car in shopping mall parking lots for hours on end while you leave the premises?  Sign or no.  If she really had statutes and cases from NJ that would have supported her argument (i.e., if you make a purchase at a store you could leave the car there for hours), she would have said that right up front and made it quite clear.  Instead, she dithered around and resorted to "I assumed."  See #7 above.

9)  Demonstrates once again that a lawyer who represents herself has a fool for a client. 

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 3

One of my favorite MM smack downs came during a case in which the defendant was a lawyer AND a doctor. He was as insufferable as you'd think.

She called him sweetie, and he took umbrage with that and insisted she refer to him as doctor. He told her to watch herself when she was tossing him out of the courtroom. He also said that if Douglas touched him she'd be in trouble. To which MM said (this is the point where I fell in love with her): "If Douglas pounds you to a pulp I'd be delighted."

Corrections: She called him honey. And it was "beats you to a pulp." Here's the link:


Thank you Teebax for that. This points up my biggest pet peeve. 


Why are we subjected to reruns and reruns of the current shows and never get to see the vintage ones?

JJ is going through her 'vintage' reruns on Saturday of 2010 but only 2010. Would love to see some very old shows.

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Why are we subjected to reruns and reruns of the current shows and never get to see the vintage ones?


I wondering why we subjected to reruns period.  We get two episodes a day in the Flint area and they are both reruns.  We haven't seen a new episode since November.  Does the People's Court taped a lot less episodes than Judge Judy?

Edited by momtoall
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MM totally won my heart about a month or so ago when she had a WWII veteran on.  I don't remember the case, but he happened to mention he was a vet.  She left the bench, came over to him, spoke very softly, thanking him for his service and told him something like it was a honor to meet him {I'm tearing up as I type}. I think she had to rule against him, but she showed what a class act she is that day.

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Crazy "Baron of Normandy" was back and something just struck me.  MM ruled in his favor because he was too crazy to be able to sign a contract.  And then after the hallterview, Curt told him, "Go sign your documents," like he tells everybody.  How can His Lordship sign TPC's documents if he's too crazy to sign a contract?

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Did anyone else catch the lady who's never been involved in a lawsuit but won all of them? She said, "We got into an alterfication." Thankfully, MM pointed out that there's no such word.

Both of the litigants in the case had horrific grammar. I don't know anything about Hammond, Indiana. Based on these two fools, I don't think I'm missing much.

  • Love 5

Did anyone else catch the lady who's never been involved in a lawsuit but won all of them? She said, "We got into an alterfication." Thankfully, MM pointed out that there's no such word.

Both of the litigants in the case had horrific grammar. I don't know anything about Hammond, Indiana. Based on these two fools, I don't think I'm missing much.

At least the one litigant (who was baring a sexy shoulder) admitted that she's just drunk all the time!  "I don't drive a car because I drink too much."  Hell, props for the honesty.  


Those litigants reminded me of two people who were seated near me in an ER waiting room.  They acted like fools, and I silently thanked God for sending me entertainment while I waited, in pain, to be taken into an exam room.  I miss my hometown of Philly sometimes!

At least the one litigant (who was baring a sexy shoulder) admitted that she's just drunk all the time!  "I don't drive a car because I drink too much."  Hell, props for the honesty.  


Those litigants reminded me of two people who were seated near me in an ER waiting room.  They acted like fools, and I silently thanked God for sending me entertainment while I waited, in pain, to be taken into an exam room.  I miss my hometown of Philly sometimes!

I miss Philly, too! But not today when I see weather reports and I'm chilling in 70 degree temps!

  • Love 1
Did anyone else catch the lady who's never been involved in a lawsuit but won all of them? She said, "We got into an alterfication." Thankfully, MM pointed out that there's no such word.



I always wonder if you ladies of color ever feel embarrassed when you see black women acting like these idiots?  I, for instance, being a woman of size, feel shamey when I see big women shoving themselves into skimpy unflattering clothing.  I know I shouldn't, they aren't me; but still....


I was hoping the plaintiff's hubcap earrings would spontaneously rip her lobes right down the middle!  Yech.


My grand daddy, my daddy, my sugar daddy, He my lips and hips - grammar is not the reason that is lost on us and it was never ending with constant over talking.

Hello friends, managing to keep up on the new cases and this one was a zinger. I thought the channel had flipped and I was watching a bad rerun of Jerry Springer. 


I'm on board with zillabreeze in her wondering. I'm a lady of much larger size and I do understand the challenges of dressing appropriately when you're big. We coined a phrase in my house when my girls were teenagers - "Just because you can fit into it doesn't mean it looks good (or you should wear it)" . 

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I always wonder if you ladies of color ever feel embarrassed when you see black women acting like these idiots?


These particular litigants were an embarrassment period. Should women be embarrassed because they were female? I can't answer for Teebax but as a person of color I don't take ownership of every action (positive or negative) of the people of my race.  I feel my children and grandchildren are a reflection of the values I instilled in my family.  My pastor told us years ago that blacks are no more responsible for the actions of ALL blacks then Caucasians are responsible for the actions of every person of their race. 

  • Love 6


blacks are no more responsible for the actions of ALL blacks then Caucasians are responsible for the actions of every person of their race.

Oh of course not!  It's just irritating when anyone perpetuates a negative stereotype.  It also grates on me when any woman acts helpless and incompetent, for whatever reason I take it personally.


Maybe it's just that women of all races have had to struggle to be taken seriously, that I get cranky when someone comes along and projects such a backward image.

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I always wonder if you ladies of color ever feel embarrassed when you see black women acting like these idiots?  I, for instance, being a woman of size, feel shamey when I see big women shoving themselves into skimpy unflattering clothing.  I know I shouldn't, they aren't me; but still....


These particular litigants were an embarrassment period. Should women be embarrassed because they were female? I can't answer for Teebax but as a person of color I don't take ownership of every action (positive or negative) of the people of my race.  I feel my children and grandchildren are a reflection of the values I instilled in my family.  My pastor told us years ago that blacks are no more responsible for the actions of ALL blacks then Caucasians are responsible for the actions of every person of their race. 

I have a saying I use. It's "Don't be a stereotype." I get embarrassed for people of my race, my sexual orientation, my gender, all of it. But, like momtoall said, I hope people understand that one of us isn't representative of all of us. I can say there are times when I see a headline about something that went down and say to myself, please don't let it be a black person. But that's only because I know there are ignorant people out there who think one represents all.

  • Love 2

Oh of course not! It's just irritating when anyone perpetuates a negative stereotype. It also grates on me when any woman acts helpless and incompetent, for whatever reason I take it personally.


Exactly!!  Stupid women get my goat no matter what race.


I can say there are times when I see a headline about something that went down and say to myself, please don't let it be a black person. But that's only because I know there are ignorant people out there who think one represents all.


I think most non-Caucasians have this knee jerk reaction upon hearing of some violent headline making event.  A former middle-eastern co-worker says every time he hears of a bombing his first thought is, please don't let one of my people responsible ....


Zillabreeze, if it sounded like I was upset with you I wasn't.  I was really just trying to make a point about identifying with the litigants.

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