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The People's Court - General Discussion

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Am I crazy or has today's case of the friend showing up for a plate of food and crashing into the TV been shown before on at least 2 other judge shows.  I'm pretty sure it was on Judge Joe and  one other.


WHO DOES THAT?  She shows up, invited, to a dinner party, says she is not feeling well enough to eat but MAKE HER A PLATE TO GO?  Then, since she is still feeling bad, she goes into the living room to DANCE TO BEYONCE on the TV? And then, destroys a brand-new TV and a TV stand and a coffee table (with her big fat ass) and THEN doesn't want to PAY?  Good Lord.

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Am I crazy or has today's case of the friend showing up for a plate of food and crashing into the TV been shown before on at least 2 other judge shows.

speac you are not crazy (at least based on this observation). I remember the case and the participants, but not which court show they were on before. I wonder if any of JM's staff knew this?

The plaintiff in the second case today has definitely been on PC before! I remember her, she was suing the father of her child(ren)/ex-husband(?). Judge Milian yelled at her because she misprounced his last name (Jimenz) , which was incredibly odd given that she laid down and had kids with him. Lol.

Not sure why I remember that but I'm sure it's her.

Edited by emoxie

So she's a professional TV litigant? Don't they check backgrounds before they put people on?

I wanted to know what kind of TV it was that cost $4,000. I know she bought it in 2011, but that seems high for a TV, even back then. I bought a 46 inch TV for my den that year and it was only about $800.

WHO DOES THAT?  She shows up, invited, to a dinner party, says she is not feeling well enough to eat but MAKE HER A PLATE TO GO?  Then, since she is still feeling bad, she goes into the living room to DANCE TO BEYONCE on the TV? And then, destroys a brand-new TV and a TV stand and a coffee table (with her big fat ass) and THEN doesn't want to PAY?  Good Lord.

If she showed up late to a dinner party at my house demanding a to-go plate, I'd have thrown her out on her ass.

The dancing thing happened because she was inebriated. And it was Beyoncé.

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I need some clarification on the case involving the dog and the bee stings.  I saw the beginning to the case and I thought when the defendant begin his testimony he stated his "son" was mowing the lawn and made a mistake and got to close too the hive.  After JM asked him a question and he continued he said "he, the defendant" was the one who made the mistake.  I got a phone call and didn't hear any more until JM was making her ruling.  For some reason my DVR refused to remind this portion of the show (go figure).  I just want to know how the bees got loose. 


I can't even imagine having a mother who is that petty and vindictive.


Watching this case was like being in my life.  My mother didn't talk to her mother for 8 years and I only speak to my mother about my kids because of her need to control every aspect of my life.  These types of people will never have the self-reflection/self-awareness to move past these perceived slights.  I felt so bad for the daughter and her children. 

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I watched the baptism and horse cases episode yesterday.  I don't think I'll complain about too many car cases again- those were a bit much, especially packaged together. 


Also, I don't know why they felt compelled to show the picture of the horse.  And then they did it again, showing the picture of the dog who was attacked by bees.  I don't need to see the dead animal, I'll trust that it happened.  

She went to the same stylist as Bozo-haired fortune teller from Judge Judy a couple of weeks ago.


The bastard child of Ronald McDonald and Raggedy Ann. There's something seriously wrong with that hateful basilisk, treating her daughter that way. Of course, she's highly religious with zero charity in her heart. I have a friend whose mother is this way. It's like she was born without the gene for love or the capacity to feel joy, and nothing anyone can say or do will change it. Poor JudgeM, getting all teary-eyed and wasting her time and breath on that spiteful virago. I hope the daughter can realize she's never going to have a loving mother, that's it not her fault and can move on with her life.

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I need some clarification on the case involving the dog and the bee stings.  I saw the beginning to the case and I thought when the defendant begin his testimony he stated his "son" was mowing the lawn and made a mistake and got to close too the hive.  After JM asked him a question and he continued he said "he, the defendant" was the one who made the mistake.  I got a phone call and didn't hear any more until JM was making her ruling.  For some reason my DVR refused to remind this portion of the show (go figure).  I just want to know how the bees got loose. 

I  don't think it's that the bees got loose.  Bees are loose.  They live in hives and fly around at will.  It came out that defendant was not supposed to be keeping hives in his urban area.  So he was irresponsible, not obeying the law. 

I  don't think it's that the bees got loose.  Bees are loose.  They live in hives and fly around at will.  It came out that defendant was not supposed to be keeping hives in his urban area.  So he was irresponsible, not obeying the law. 

Actually the defendant was trying to explain how the bees were all rattled and why there was a swarm when there usually isn't.  His son working the lawnmower either got to close or may have hit the hive which is what released the bees.  The swarm of the bees attacking the dog is what killed him not the fact that they had been in the yard. 

Actually the defendant was trying to explain how the bees were all rattled and why there was a swarm when there usually isn't.  His son working the lawnmower either got to close or may have hit the hive which is what released the bees.  The swarm of the bees attacking the dog is what killed him not the fact that they had been in the yard. 

Yes, you are adding part 2 of the equation.  Bees can swarm anywhere, but that's why they weren't supposed to be kept in an urban area. 

Today was we had some of the most inappropriately dressed ladies in a while- particularly the first case with 20 something paying payments on her own engagement ring to the guy 20 years her senior. The disco ball dress (complete with hot pink bra under the sheer top) and intense, light pink lipstick were a remarkable look. Plus, the case itself was such a mess- how could the two of them think they were ready for marriage after 3 months, a 20 year age difference and the inability to even purchase rings (there are affordable alternatives if you can't get pricey diamonds)?


Then the black lace and satin number in case number two. Maybe it was club night after taping!

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Oh, I must have missed the poor kids living with grandma and I forgot him taking her on vacation to make up for not paying for the ring. Instead of, you know, paying for the ring with that trip money. 


And I have no idea if male engagement rings are a thing- but definitely not in his case since he'd already lost it and the payments lasted longer than the engagement!


A true love story- makes one all misty eyed.

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Lol, I looked Mr. Mesker up on Facebook as well.  It's sad but this is the world we live in now where the younger guys try and take advantage of the older gay men who consider themselves less than desirable.  I have friends who are all about this, buying the cute young guy drinks at the bars in order to try and get them to come home and then....well you can guess or think it will possibly lead to true love b/c the guys flirt back to get more free drinks.  The best one I can think of was my friend, who drives a mid-90's vehicle, considered co-signing on a brand new car loan for the kid he wanted to get with.  Thankfully he listened to us when we told him how stupid an idea this was.  Mr. Mesker is a piece of filth, and i'm glad Judge MM stopped him when he tried to say he was religious and all that.  This case just made me feel sad for all parties for involved...well except for Mesker, he's just a POS, and the ex-roommate doesn't look all that great either.

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Worst thing yesterday that I've ever heard him say.


I can top that. The other day, there was a very sad, horrible case about a dog being stung to death because a brain dead fool was keeping bee hives in a residental area.


Harvey: "Will the bee keeper be brought to his knees?" Very funny, you lowlife slimebucket.


I really have nothing to say about the no-neck Hall Clown. He just parrots the dumb, stupid words the Shyster gives him.


"Geeze Louise!" Showing your age, there, Levin.

Today was we had some of the most inappropriately dressed ladies in a while- particularly the first case with 20 something paying payments on her own engagement ring to the guy 20 years her senior. The disco ball dress (complete with hot pink bra under the sheer top) and intense, light pink lipstick were a remarkable look. Plus, the case itself was such a mess- how could the two of them think they were ready for marriage after 3 months, a 20 year age difference and the inability to even purchase rings (there are affordable alternatives if you can't get pricey diamonds)?


Then the black lace and satin number in case number two. Maybe it was club night after taping!

Never mind the outfits!!   Did you miss that Judge Marilyn's hair turned blonde in the last case????


No more red.

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For all the times MM has given an example of how you can't sue someone for a drug deal gone bad because of the doctrine of clean hands, it was amusing to me to see a case in which a litigant was trying to sue someone for a drug deal gone bad.


Only a crackhead would think a judge would buy that cockamanie story the plaintiff was selling! He had just met the guy; the guy saw him loan money to the woman whose house they were at (an 80-year-old crackhead herself); the guy asked the plaintiff for $20; the plaintiff said, "Oh, I don't loan money in small increments. I'll loan you $1,500 instead." 


The defendant must have been high out of his mind. He left his drivers' license with the freaking plaintiff as "collateral". WTF?!!!

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That one was wonderful, teebax!  I couldn't believe they thought that story would fly!


Did you see today's episode, the poor doggie attacked by the Spappers' brute of a dog?  Man, those two looked REALLY bad, almost infested!  I agree that Plaintiff should have brought more concrete proof, but the defendants didn't want to take ANY responsibility.

That one was wonderful, teebax!  I couldn't believe they thought that story would fly!


Did you see today's episode, the poor doggie attacked by the Spappers' brute of a dog?  Man, those two looked REALLY bad, almost infested!  I agree that Plaintiff should have brought more concrete proof, but the defendants didn't want to take ANY responsibility.

Unlike you, I don't get to see the shows until about 6 pm Arizona time. But now I'm looking forward to it!

The twitchy, blonde defendant in today's dog attack case was a bit scary. I don't think she has "anxiety problems" as she claimed- thinking her problems are a little deeper and wide-ranging than that. Think the ruling was fair because there did seem to bit of padding in some of those claims the plaintiff was asking for. Don't blame the daughter for being nervous, wouldn't want to see either the dog and the neighbor outside. 


Attic insulation guy was quite patient with that woman as a client and was still willing to go back after all that and help her! Had to laugh as he referred to her a pain in the rear to his secretary, 'cause she was a pain as a defendant. Started off good and just got more hostile and unreasonable as the case went on. You have a year guarantee for a reason- critter removal isn't easy. Those animals are tricky so he might need to give it a second shot. And you had brand new insulation, which is where most of the cost came from. 

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The check scam people were astonishing. How can anyone with an IQ above room temperature not understand that they are perpetuating a fraudulent scam? Are they that ignorant or so deep into the corrupt, scamming subculture that they see nothing wrong with what they are doing? I continue to suspect that most of the litigants we see on the court shows are dishonest scamming garbage.

Edited by DoctorK
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Those check scamming women were unbelievable. I can't believe that they went to court with that case trying to get some more money. I hope Judge Milian alerted the proper authorities where they're from so they are locked up in jail. It amazes me on court shows how people try and take their illegal action to a court of law and expect the court to give them money for it. Goes to show that there really are dumb people in this world. Like Milian said plaintiff might as well have said, "Hey I sold her coke and she won't pay me for it, I need to get paid."

Today's final case -- that younger guy was such an obnoxious nitwit.  He drove me nuts for many reasons, but he really annoyed me by repeatedly saying "explicatives."  He thought he was so superior, but he doesn't know the word "expletives"?  Dude, just say 'curse words' and keep it simple.  And it was obvious that he has a tendency to tantrum, with his snappy "Absolutely" (x100) and his forced speech.  No wonder his wife didn't accompany him to court, she probably thinks he's an a-hole and doesn't want further embarrassment.  

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The painting case was hilarious, even though the defendant was a total jackass. I couldn't believe he wanted to blame the plaintiff for everything when the whole mess started because he didn't give the painters an actual address.  Then he had the nerve not only ask for more money to do the job he messed up, he wanted the plaintiff to pay to paint the house they mistakenly painted back to its original color.

The painting case was hilarious, and the plaintiff was one of the most colorful speakers ever.  The only problem was it had the whiff of collusion.  Defendant was his cousin, they talk all the time, and defendant knew he would lose and the show would pay the award.  I guess the show thought it was worth it for the comic gold. 

I noticed the fellow in the audience behind the plaintiff telling his story was laughing so hard he was crying.


Fun case.  I wonder how long JJ would have let him talk- I think we miss a lot of good stuff that way.  

Today's final case -- that younger guy was such an obnoxious nitwit.  He drove me nuts for many reasons, but he really annoyed me by repeatedly saying "explicatives."  He thought he was so superior, but he doesn't know the word "expletives"?  

The explicatives bugged me too. 


The thing about that case was that the old guy seemed to be given a pass just because he was older.  I know there was hard evidence of the punched door but do you think the old guys wife would admit in court if her husband had spit on the younger man?  And I don't care what type of lapel pin you have.  Colonel Russell Williams used to have lots of stuff on his lapel also.

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annoyed me by repeatedly saying "explicatives."


He was a perfect asshole, aside from his poor English. Did he really expect anyone - let alone Judge M - to believe that after the plaintiff called his kids "Bastards" and his wife a "Bitch" that he got out of his car and politely said, "Would you mind moving your car a little foreward, please?" Suuuure. The big-eyed look only works for muppets, you dingbat.


Typical hostile little man.

Edited by AngelaHunter

I agree that this guy was a huge dickhead, but I must disagree with MM's assertion that a person leaving a distance of three car lengths between himself and the guy in front of him in stopped traffic just doesn't happen. 


It happens all the time and it's one of my biggest pet peeves of all times.  I see it in the drive thru where moving up a little means the difference of the next person getting to the speaker to order so that there is no unnecessary delay in getting their food.  I see it all the time in left or right turn lanes where closing that ridiculously huge gap means that the last guy getting into the lane isn't hanging dangerously into the traffic of the thru lane.  And sometimes it does mean that another driver can enter the flow of traffic while everyone is stopped at a light anyway.


So, young hot head was definitely a dickhead (and probably for many more reasons than the way he handled this), but the older guy was also a bit of a dickhead because it doesn't hurt anyone to just move the fuck up a little.

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I agree that this guy was a huge dickhead, but I must disagree with MM's assertion that a person leaving a distance of three car lengths between himself and the guy in front of him in stopped traffic just doesn't happen. 


... because it doesn't hurt anyone to just move the fuck up a little.


I can agree that three car-lengths is excessive. However, leaving a car-length or so has twice prevented me from rear-ending the car in front of me, when I was hit from behind in a chain reaction of 3 cars one time, and 4 cars another time. So it also doesn't hurt to leave a little room instead of sitting right on someone's rear bumper.

As far as the car case I totally didn't believe the younger guy when he said that there were three car lengths worth of space.  Funny thing is if there was that much space, it would of made more sense for the younger driver to just cut the older driver off and pull into one of the spots. I don't advocate this of course but considering the eventual fall out cutting him off and pulling in front of him would of been a much better solution.


What made no sense to me was the younger driver was so desperate to get into the opposite lane and didn't want to be stuck out in oncoming traffic, which is understandable, but then to engage the older driver in the yelling and eventual violence just seemed to delay either one of them moving forward.  I think the older man wasn't as innocent as he claimed but the younger guy was the aggressor and complete idiot in the situation. 

There was a case on this afternoon (Chicago viewer) where a mother sued her daughter for the expenses of doing her laundry (or some such idiocy).  Daughter had babies and mom was pressuring her to have them baptized or they would go to hell..  MM was crying her eyes out over this rift where granny did not see the kidlets.  If you weren't looking at the screen, it would seem totally sad, except for the fact that MamaGod had hair dyed the color of, swear to God, BOZO THE CLOWN HAIR.  Judge not, lest ye be judged, Grandma Bozo. 

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The horse case was all kinds of crazy.  That horse owner was a little off in the head imo.  I have pets myself, and I understand being connected to them and having something so out of the norm happening is shocking like this horse and the freak accident that occurred, so please no attacks here.  She just seemed like nothing else mattered in her life other than that horse.  Did she have kids or were her animals, at this point in her life, her "kids?"  Pet loss therapy, getting the name tattooed, bringing the cremated horse remains in a bucket to court, just...wow...I guess i'm just always skeptical of people amping up the emotion in order to get a bigger payoff.  I could be wrong here of course.

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