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S18.E09: Week 9 : The Semi-Finals

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I have tremendous respect for her and everything she has overcame, but I haven't been all that impressed with her dancing.



I agree here. I think we have seen that Amy can do quite well on her own, and I would have liked to see her move across the floor much more than we have. Her dance last night (not the table one) was absolutely the most free and vibrant I have seen her. I wonder if those prosthetics lent themselves to that particular dance style, with the up and down kind of movement it requires, and are not good at all for the latin ones? Otherwise, I wonder why they haven't utilized them more. 

Edited by JustAlison
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Amy's first dance was amazing. That was my favorite dance from her so far, I loved watching her actually dance! I wish they had used the running legs all season. I know the other prosthetics were more aesthetically pleasing because they looked like perfectly pointed toes, but I don't feel that she could reach her full potential in them. 


I don't like or understand Jazz so maybe her second dance was as awesome as they said, but I wasn't feeling it. I wonder if Derek decided to overuse the table this week because he was so busy with his other commitments, like the Macy's dance?


I'll miss Charlie. He was so much fun and seemed like such a nice normal guy. I still don't get how James is still here. Or Candace. While I love how much she's learned and improved, and I'm fine with her talking about her faith since it's so important to her, her dances tonight just bored me.


Can someone please explain to me, what is "throwing shade"? I've never heard that term before.


Can someone please explain to me, what is "throwing shade"? I've never heard that term before.

Being mean.

I agree here. I think we have seen that Amy can do quite well on her own, and I would have liked to see her move across the floor much more than we have. Her dance last night (not the table one) was absolutely the most free and vibrant I have seen her. I wonder if those prosthetics lent themselves to that particular dance style, with the up and down kind of movement it requires, and are not good at all for the latin ones? Otherwise, I wonder why they haven't utilized them more.

Well, blades are made for propelling forward, and nothing else. My guess is that they would've restricted her upper body more in the other dances. Quickstep is perfect posture and in hold, so there was less of a need to rely on her upper body to help with the movement. Edited by CED9
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This is where I think people have misconceptions about Amy. She is an athletic specimen, and is making things look easier than they might actually be for her. It's making people say the choreography is too easy or whatever. But, do we actually know that? I think she can do more to a point, but there are limitations.



This is also where a show like this is so subjective. Because in between the comments that Amy hasn't been doing a lot in her dances, were the comments that Sharna made Charlie's choreography too complicated and instead she should have focused more on doing clean routines that had all the required elements of the dance. And with regards to the latter, this is actually why I disagree that Amy hasn't been dancing enough or has been getting away with not doing much. 


To my admittedly untrained ballroom eyes, Amy had a lot of content in her Cha-Cha, Swing, Jive, Rumba, Contemporary, AT, Quickstep, etc. It seems that her and Derek staying in one section of the ballroom for many of their dances gets equated with she wasn't doing enough and that she was not dancing. While I will agree that maybe Derek was too cautious at points with Amy, I don't think he skimmed on the dances. All of their dances in my opinion had a lot of content. Now whether you think she danced it well or not, well that's another story. 


This! I don't blame Amy for the fact that Derek has her sit on her ass for over half of a dance, because Derek's the one making those decisions.  I blame him, and I blame the show (and, especially the 3 fools slobbering all over him every chance they get, week after week, season after season) for getting him to the point where he thinks it's totally fine to shortchange his partner's ability to learn and grow by hiding and masking.  Yes, SOME of the jazz dance being done on a table (or chair) would be cool, but I swear, she took, maybe, what, six dance steps down on her feet without her ass or back on that table?  That's on Derek.  And it's on the judges that they fawned all over it and, even when the out of sync issues was directly mentioned, there was only one of four judges who managed to shake her lips off Derek's ass long enough to drop a point off their score for such a glaring mistake.  When CAI is the rational one, the rest of them have a problem.



But really even that is subjective. Because for example I for one completely disagree that Amy's AT was her sitting on a stool and I know that's one major point that's used to say "she's doing nothing and Derek is getting away with making her do nothing because he's the favored Pro." And so yeah, if one vehemently believes the dance was her sitting on a stool then all this outrage over the unfairness of it all comes up. 


But then the flipside is someone like me who says that I watched the dance multiple times and I simply do not agree that Amy did not dance or that the dance was 90 percent on a stool. I personally think there was a lot of content and it was a very well choreographed, very well danced AT. And as with the Jazz, again I disagree that she simply sat on a table. 


Now I absolutely agree that she was out of sync and admit that she should not have gotten all those 10's for that but there are many other dances some disagree with the score. Some people think James had no hip action in his rumba and he got all 9's not to mention getting a perfect score for his first dance. 


I get that none of the pros of these other celebrities have won as much as Derek so it's easier to not transfer any irritation of them at their celebrity but it is still kind of sucky when Derek's celebrities get no credit for what they do accomplish is dismissed because of the dislike of all things Derek. 

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I really did love  Amy's first dance last night, although I was ready to see her go. Not because of her, I guess, but because of the hypocritical "We are going to judge you like everyone else" followed by "You are just such an inspiration that we can't bear to take off points for what you can't do!" throughout the season. I'm hugely impressed by the obstacles she's overcome (although moreso the snowboarding than the dancing, since I can't even snowboard with two fully intact legs), but I was vastly unimpressed with the jazz routine and the stool-dance from last week.


I will miss Charlie. He just had such joy and sweetness when he danced- which is great for things like quickstep and jive, but no so much for rhumba and hip hop. His overall niceness just did him in, I think, since it was like people forgot to vote for him because he never seemed to need it.

Edited by St. Claire
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Is there a way to retroactively go back and pair Meryl with Val?  Is there a way to vote for Meryl without voting for Maks' petulant ass?  I'm so tired of the Maks temper tantrums week to week about all the pressure he's under.  I do think the pros have a great deal of pressure when they have amazing partners, but it's something they all go through from time to time.  It's like Maks wants us to feel bad for him for all the pressure he's under by having the best dancer on the show.   Yes Maks, I'm crying for you.  Inside.   Though a Danica/Maks pairing would have been a total trainwreck. 


The dances themselves were okay.  I didn't like Maks choreography for the jive and I didn't even think Meryl looked all that impressive in his choreography, but I'm sure what she was doing was difficult.  Maybe it was the shoes and costuming?  I liked the VW, but a lot of their act-y emoting type dances all blend together for me.  I liked Amy's quickstep, but not the jazz.  I was shocked that Peta didn't choreograph a more raunchy rumba.   Candace's second dance was okay, but if you had told me at the beginning of the season that she would dance to Nasty Girl I wouldn't have believed you.  Charlie was good, but the writing was on the wall.


I also remember a few seasons ago when female competitors were being called out when they didn't wear heels for dances, and it seems like almost nobody is wearing heels these days.   Though I think Len or one of the judges mentioned that Danica and Meryl weren't wearing heels for their duo samba.


I'm not even looking forward the freestyles because how is that any different than all the contemporary and jazz routines we have seen all season? 


I wanted Charlie to stay, but based on how little of a reaction he was getting on social media, I was expecting it to happen.  I know social media isn't the be all and end all of voting, but it's been pretty spot on this season.

Edited by spanana
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Though I think Len or one of the judges mentioned that Danica and Meryl weren't wearing heels for their duo samba.

They were wearing high-heeled wedges for some reason (as Meryl was also wearing for her salsa).  It's kind of an inexplicable footwear choice as I don't think it was better for her (injured) feet than a regular heel, or easier to dance in, and it was so clunky.  And the boots she wore for her VW also had high heels, but didn't allow her to point her toes. 

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So upset right now -- I wanted to adopt Charlie.  He's sunshine, rainbows, unicorns, and Happiness!!!!!  He's an absolute apple dumpling!  How could he not win the Mirror Ball Trophy.   Guess I should have voted.


(And TPTB did the pro-Meryl factions no favors by putting Amy in the 'danger' circle.  The Derek fangirls will be voting overtime now)

If Charlie or his mom are reading here, I want to say thank you for that lovely, exhilarating foxtrot last night.  My favorite dance of the season. I loved, loved, loved, the solo section at the end.  Charlie and Sharna's foxtrot enters my pantheon of all time favorite DWTS dance numbers.  I look forward to rewatching it occasionally, and enjoying it every time, for years to come.  Thanks so much for bringing all your skill and charm to the dance floor each week, for the entertainment of viewers like me.  


I'm sad my 10 votes for you last week weren't enough to get you into the finals :)  On the bright side, enjoy your rest.  You deserve it.

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No dont't rest Charlie.  Come back and dance some more.   Who cares about the mirror ball?

Highlights for me

1.  Charlie talkiing to himself - twice.   More of that please.

2. That foxtrot to that great song.

3. Amy's inspiring quickstep and amazing slide off the table.

4. James' moonwalk.

5.  Meryl's almost doing the LIndyhop  swivels. 

6. Candace retro fashion style.

They were wearing high-heeled wedges for some reason (as Meryl was also wearing for her salsa).  It's kind of an inexplicable footwear choice as I don't think it was better for her (injured) feet than a regular heel, or easier to dance in, and it was so clunky.  And the boots she wore for her VW also had high heels, but didn't allow her to point her toes. 

Because God help them if they are sickle shaped.

I wanted to adopt Charlie. He's sunshine, rainbows, unicorns, and Happiness!!!!! He's an absolute apple dumpling!

What a lovely description! I'd add puppies & wildflowers. As someone who doesn't follow skating & watched none of the Olympics I was so pleasantly surprised by Charlie & his smiling, upbeat personality. Sad face that he's gone. If I voted I'd want to vote Derek off.
  • Love 2


Charlie on ice with his dog!  Overflowing cuteness!  His dog, named DJ -- for Candace's character on Full House!  And the producers never showed this bit of cuteness, tied in perfectly to another contestant.

Hearing that he had a dog named DJ after Candace's character would have been so much fun!  He really did get screwed this season.  Like I said in another thread earlier this season:  every time they criticized him, it felt like they were kicking a puppy.  Rainbow and unicorns is a great description. 



Candace's second dance was okay, but if you had told me at the beginning of the season that she would dance to Nasty Girl I wouldn't have believed you.

Exactly.  I'm seeing a growth arc for Candace, but more so in that she's coming out of her shell than in her actual dancing.  I can't agree with her outlasting Danica and Charlie, but if James is still there, I'm glad she is.  Having said that, her jazz was so slow that I found it boring.  Good for her for wearing that costume and dancing to "Nasty", but I don't think I could have given the dance a 10. 


Charlie was the main reason I tuned in this season, but to my surprise I ended up enjoying Meryl more. Whether it was Sharna's choreo or Charlie's dancing I'm not sure, but I just never liked his dancing as much as I wanted to.

Still, I'm sad to see him go. I'd rather have seen him dance in the finale than James or Candace.

I thought Candace's dances were the weakest this week and I laughed out loud when she said she was only dancing for god, but James was the one I was hoping would go home. His dancing looks clunky to me and Peta's air of desperation causes me 2nd hand embarrassment.

Meryl & Charlie didn't make much impression on me good or bad this week. I spent most of Meryl's second dance trying to figure out what she was dressed as. I was like.....is this a country song? Is Max supposed to be a farmer? Are they characters from Petticote Junction? Do they bathe in the water supply?

I really liked Amy's quickstep, but was very disappointed in Derek for that table dance. Amy has demonstrated enough dancing ability that there's no good reason to have her rolling around on a table for most of a dance.

When Mia did the bench routine, she was blatantly hiding Heidi?'s weaknesses, so her boy Travis wouldn't take a hit. I enjoyed the routine, but I thought it was a definite cop out. For me, Derek's routine was both boring and a cop out and an unnecessary one at that.

I hope Derek lets Amy actually dance in the finale.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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Guys kudos for getting through this thread without resorting to personal attacks and meanness. I know it was a shock for some to lose Charlie. But seriously nice job all around. Give yourselves a hand for being thoughtful and well reasoned! 

*countdown to someone giving in to the dark side in the post after mine. ;)

Being too mean would be very un-Charlie like. He set a good example. 


Charlie has to have one of the best attitudes around and clearly its served him well in life. It's strange to me that he didn't connect more with the audience since I would have pegged him as the strongest DWTS contestant going in. He's a likable guy, but I do think his problem with this show was that the audience never really connected and not just fans rallying around Meryl last week. 


The show's migration away from standard ballroom was mixed bag for Charlie. He was good at contemporary and jazz, but he probably would have done well with more standard ballroom too. I also think with his natural ability he might have benefited from working on the same technique throughout the show rather than taking breaks for things like jazz. Oh well.


Poor Candace looked lost last night. She was definitely over scored but I still think she'll be the fourth place finisher on Monday. I like her and I'd rather see her around than James. James is just useless to me and was also over scored. That cha cha was not worthy of 10's, IMO.


I can't take anything happening with Derek seriously at this point. I just don't get it. 


Loooooved the VW from Meryl and Maks last night. I was a big fan of the Puffs skirt and the way it moved. I also love the song Fool and got a good chuckle at DWTS calling cast members of their biggest rival American Icons. 

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I was sorry to see Charle go, because I think it should have been Candace.  And for somebody so worried about the image she is projecting, I thought her costume and some of the moves were pretty suggestive during "Nasty".


I don't understand all the James hate.  I really like him alot.  I think he did a great job last night.


I absolutely love Meryl.  I think she is so adorable and just such a nice person.  Maks, not so much.  I am no prude but the way they have to constantly bleep him really makes me dislike him.  He comes across as a real jerk when he acts like that.


Amy and Derek?  Just hand them the trophy already.  We all know it's going to happen.

 Sad face that he's gone. If I voted I'd want to vote Derek off.



  Guess I should have voted.



I'm curious. Why do people not vote? I mean, obviously if you're not all that interested in the show, it makes sense not to vote. Case in point, my husband watches only because I do (although he balks when I suggest that I might watch our DVR recording of it before he gets home from work), so he doesn't vote. But anyone who cares enough about the show to go onto a forum such as this one and read all these comments and talk about the episode... why wouldn't you also vote?


I can't speak for anyone else but for me I found voting got me too invested in the outcome so I stopped voting so I could try and just enjoy the show and not get involved in who I want to win.


That works well enough until they get Charlie, Meryl and Danica in the same season and then I was all invested in who's winning instead of just enjoying the show. Which is unfortunate but that's my whacky personality.


I thought that linked article was interesting about Charlie's perception of how his run on the show ended. I certainly agree with him that it was unfair to pit the two of them in the "not necessarily bottom two" bottom two last night. After all those two have been through together it really did feel like an unnecessary cheap stunt to create fake drama.


I also wasn't at all impressed with the "three Olympians in jeopardy" angle they went with either but I suppose it was bound to happen at some point.

Edited by SanLynn
But anyone who cares enough about the show to go onto a forum such as this one and read all these comments and talk about the episode... why wouldn't you also vote?



I can answer this as someone who has watched every season and the last time I voted was to give two phone votes to Mel B. the night of the finale and then I got bored. Basically it's the same reason I have never voted for Idol either and I've watched that since S1 too. I just have never been invested or passionate enough to sit and keep redialing a phone. Like I'm literally incapable of it. I dial twice and then I just start to feel like "yeah I can't do this..." And I hate Facebook and never go on it so that's not happening either. 


I watch the show because it's mindless, entertaining fun with a couple of very nice performances and even amazing dances thrown in once in awhile. I'm also a fan of dance, which is why I'm mad about the reduction of Pro numbers with the one night programming. So I enjoy watching the performances. But I just can't get super invested enough to power vote, go on Facebook, make multiple online email addresses, etc. It's just too much. I rather watch the show, have some opinions and move on. As for the posting on forums thing, well I'm opinionated so forums are like my favorite thing. 


About the show, I suspect the contemporary duel/partnership (because that really wasn't a duel) with Charlie, actually did wonders for Candace while poor Charlie got ignored for his part. But I know how much I really loved that number and I remember reading comments that seemed like a lot of people did too and I really think after watching Candace struggle, a lot of people might have been really impressed with her performance in that number and threw a lot of votes at her believing of course that she was likely in trouble. Just a theory...

Last night had it's high points, like Candace and James getting to the finals, and it's low points, like Charlie leaving and anything to do with Golden Boy.  I was so hoping that Amy would be the one to leave.  I am tired of seeing her non-dancing get praised and overscored.  What furniture will Golden Boy have her sit on during his, I mean, her freestyle?


I am so over the Amy pity party.  The judges have not scored her correctly all season/.  They don't want to be seen as mean I guess, since she is disabled.  But she chose to do the show and should have been treated like everyone else IMO.  And I wish they would stop calling her an Olympian because she is not one.


I've said this other places before, but I use to date a man with a prosthetic leg. He could feel the floor, just not the same way those of us with our flesh and bone legs do. Also, after you have been walking, running and snowboarding on prosthetic legs for 15 years, you are pretty damn good at it. Not judging Amy on par with everyone else is condescending to her.


Amy competed in the Paralympics. Some people make a distinction between the Paralympics and the Olympics, others do not. I believe the USOC supports both.

Edited by bearcatfan
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I read the forums and watch the show for entertainment value. I don't care much about who wins and I often don't watch the show until the voting window is closed anyway, so I don't usually vote. In DWTS case I have only sporadically watched the show and bailed on most seasons I started. I think I voted for Chaz & Kirstie & that Disney kid Lacey had that one year a couple times, but can't remember any other voting. Unfortunately, most of the celebs I have liked ended up paired with a pro I didn't like.

If someone really impresses me in the finale and I watch in time, I might vote, but otherwise I'll leave it up to people who care more. Lacey was a fav of mine from SYTYCD, so I used to vote for whoever she had.

I occasionally vote on Idol and the voice and usually on SYTYCD, but it's always more about wanting my favs to stay so I can see more performances than wanting them to win, which is good, because they seldom do. On seasons where I don't have a particular favorite, I skip voting, unless a particular fan base or anti-fan base annoys me to the point of voting against their interests ;)

Funny you should mention that, because Derek's "innovative" choreography was a blatant ripoff of that dance as well as Travis and Heidi's Park Bench dance (choreographed by Mia Michaels) to Celine Dion's Calling You:




I don't watch SYTYCD so I have never seen these before. I hate them both. LOL I also disliked Amber's table dance last season.So maybe it wasn't that I specifically disliked Amy dancing on the table last night, but really that I just hate dances with a table? Or maybe I just don't like jazz. 


I'm hoping Meryl and Maks have what it takes to beat Derek and Amy. (Or will the boy band fans get James a win out of left field?) And that Maks can make it through next week without his head exploding. ITA with what others have said about him throwing the mic being inappropriate and childish. Hopefully he can have his existential choreographer's crisis at Val or Tony or somebody instead of Meryl this week. She has enough to deal with. 

The more and more I think about this, the more I think there is a really good chance of James shutting up all the fighting Meryl and Amy fans with a sneaky win. His fans are clearly voting and as a former preteen girl who dearly loved a boyband, I can't dismiss their passion or determination to get their boy that trophy. They are also young and have lots of energy to stay up all night voting. Ha.


I know lots of folks follow Facebook likes, Twitter and Youtube views and have a whole system for analyzing what that all means. I am not one of those people at all, but a casual glance at Youtube shows that a lot of James' dances have a lot of views. Only Meryl's seem to have more consistently with a few of Amy' thrown in. And "Team Jeta" references are all over the DWTS hashtag. 


My prediction is that Meryl definitely finishes in the top 2 but doesn't necessarily win. But at this point, I wouldn't be surprised to see any of the other 3 in the other top 2 spot. If it is Meryl up against Candace or Amy, I *think* she can win. If it is Meryl up against James, I am not so sure how it goes. 

Amy actually moved about in the first dance, but the table dance was just bad.  In the past Len has called people out for mucking about or however he says it, but not a word on that one.  The inconsistent scoring is what drives me nuts about this show.


Candace was awesome in both dances to me.  Just because the judges see the rehearsals they can nitpick if someone misses something, but as a viewer, it is not always obvious.


James did a great job as well. I am glad that Peta kept the rhumba "clean" and didn't trash it up like she does sometimes.

Oh I thought Candace's Viennese Waltz was a visible trainwreck. There was a sudden moment when she clearly forgot the choreography and panicked, and then Mark led her around (awkwardly) for the rest of it.  At one point, Mark physically removed her arm from him and moved her into the next position.  And then with the panic of just trying to get through the routine, her arm movements got really bad - she was just kind of throwing them out there. 

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I usually watch every season of DWTS but I don't always vote.  Most of the time I don't have a vested interest in whoever the celebrity dancers are so while I like watching them dance, I don't much care who wins or loses.  But every now and then I'll have a celeb that I really like and (if they have any dancing talent at all), I'll vote online.  Take last season and Bill Engvall.  I like his comedy and I thought he was a doll on the show, but it got to a point where, even though I really liked him, I stopped voting for him because I could tell he was out of his league and it was getting a little embarrassing watching him struggle.  Besides, it's a dancing competition (in theory) and I want to see the best dancers win.


This season I've got Meryl and Charlie, who I've been a fan of for years, and I was actively voting for the both of them.  Now that Charlie's gone, my votes all go to Meryl.  I like Candace and Amy a lot (I don't care for James) but I'm not voting for them.  I'm not going to talk smack about them, I simply think Meryl's dancing is better.  I'm sure my fandom of Meryl and Charlie color my opinions of their dancing but I honestly try to be unbiased and I can admit when someone does something better.  Besides, I've gotten too old to get into knock-down-drag-outs anymore.  At some point I'm going to be yelling at the kids to get off my lawn.

Edited by COESpiral
  • Love 7

I think if you click on the little box next to the " feature under your post it should have Delete as one of the options. Or you can ask me and I can delete it for you. :)

Hmmm I don't see a little box next to my " feature. I'm using chrome for iPad, but not the mobile version of the site.....not sure if that makes a difference.

In the future I shall address all my deleting requests to Raddishcake. I like the idea of having my own personal deleter. J/k when I get a chance I'll check on my laptop and see if I can figure it out.

  • Love 4

Oh I thought Candace's Viennese Waltz was a visible trainwreck. There was a sudden moment when she clearly forgot the choreography and panicked, and then Mark led her around (awkwardly) for the rest of it.  At one point, Mark physically removed her arm from him and moved her into the next position.  And then with the panic of just trying to get through the routine, her arm movements got really bad - she was just kind of throwing them out there. 

Bitsy, when watching the show live last night, I didn't think her dance was that bad, just a little hesitant but then i rewatched it on Youtube and saw everything you mentioned. I like Candace a lot, I really do, but it was a dance that would have likely earned 7s in week 3 or 4. I am kind of stunned it scored so highly this late in the season.


Candace: My heart broke a little. The one dance she's said from the beginning she wanted to do was the VW and she flubbed it. Happy Mark was able to get her back on track but she was so disappointed. Loved her reaction at being called safe. Loved the Jazz, maybe a little simple but more important that she performed it cleanly.


Charlie: Loved the Foxtrot, Samba not so much.  Victim of the "judges" scoring games.  They've been pouring on the love for Meryl all season and nitpicking Charlie. Then they tank Meryl's scores.  Thinking Charlie is safe, all their fans worry Meryl will be eliminated and shifted their votes to her. Would have loved to see Sharna's freestyle with someone so talented as Charlie.


Amy: Once again I have this urge to smack Derek upside the head. Dude! She can walk! She's been walking on various prosthetics for years. Why are you so amazed???  Enjoyed the quickstep and loved seeing her fly across the floor. For once, she looked joyful! She should have been docked for posture & lack of body contact (huge gap between her + Derek). The table dance, er, "Jazz".  Hated it. She just demonstrated Girl Can Move.  Another smack, whack, thwack for Derek.  I can't be bothered to go back + re-watch. Did the "judges" even talk about Amy or just heap praise on His Goldenness?  Massively overscored, as if that matters.   I've had enough.


James:  Cha Cha = how is a boy bander so devoid of funk?  They both looked ridiculous trying to emulate MJ or MJ-inspired, or whatever it was they were shooting for. Rumba = awkward.  Sorry James, you seem like a really nice guy but you should have been the one to go tonight.


Meryl: The jive was well done but just didn't seem fun for some reason.  It just looked...I don't know what...desperate?  The VW, that horrible ugly skirt was so distracting and then add boots on to that - well, I'll assume Meryl did it perfectly but I couldn't really tell. Just.that.skirt.ick.


Tom: Enough of the "3 Olympians in Jeopardy!!!!" Every time he said it, it felt like a slap in the face to Candace and James.


Macy's Stars of Dance: Used to love these varied performances but it seems it's been turned into Macy's Derek Dance Starring Derek. Zzzzzzzz.


Looking forward:
I really hope Maks humbles himself and gets some help with creating a great freestyle. Meryl can handle anything. He could call Karina, Cheryl, somebody! Meryl will get votes from Maks', Val's, Tony's, Charlie's and probably Sharna's fans. He could win this with better-than-his-usual choreo.


Peta's freestyles haven't been so good and I think Donald Driver had a huge hand in guiding Peta to her one success.  James' best I think was his contemporary so I'd expect her to go that route.


Derek knows how to create a winning freestyle and he knows he's got the "judges" in his pocket but are the voters tired of sitting "dances"? Amy's progressed from a stool to a table to what?


Mark also knows how to create a winning freestyle. Candace clearly has the voting power and could potentially win this (if Maks screws up his choreo).  She just needs to keep calm and not let her nerves take over.

Edited by Uke
  • Love 1


I will miss Charlie. He just had such joy and sweetness when he danced- which is great for things like quickstep and jive, but no so much for rhumba and hip hop

Yes, I think his "happiness" hurt him in certain dances. He and Sharna didn't click for me either. I wonder how he would've done with a more experienced pro.


I like Candace, but she's not the best dancer. James is just blah to me.


I love Derek. I started watching the show because of him and Jennifer Grey. But I've been voting for M/M because they're the dances I rewatch on youtube. Amy is amazing for what she has accomplished, but she's just not grabbing me with most of her dances. I did enjoy her quickstep and jive.

Edited by babyhouseman


Tom: Enough of the "3 Olympians in Jeopardy!!!!" Every time he said it, it felt like a slap in the face to Candace and James.

And he kept saying that the "favorites" were in jeopardy.  Well Candace and James must be a lot of people's favorites too since they made it to the finals.  Tom's comments just seemed like thinly veiled insults to me as well.

But anyone who cares enough about the show to go onto a forum such as this one and read all these comments and talk about the episode... why wouldn't you also vote?

For me personally it's the difference in entertainment & work. Watching the show is entertainment. Discussing it on this forum is also entertainment, oftentimes more than the show itself. I like hearing other's opinions & snark as well as finding out things I might have missed. That's all fun. Voting would be a form of work to me & simply not enjoyable. I don't mean work as in manual labor, but as in effort & time that I don't care to give to it. If it's not adding to the fun of what I consider fluffy distraction I'm not going to do it. I'd rather spend time with my kids or doing things that actually benefit me. I realize that sounds quite self-centered, but I don't consider these type of shows as anything but pleasant distractions in my life & a nice way to spend some family time being goofy while we watch. I may whine or celebrate but it's all on a surface level. I'm not invested in any true way because this kind of show & most of tv in general I see as entertainment & escapism. Just my two cents.
  • Love 3

Hmmm I don't see a little box next to my " feature. I'm using chrome for iPad, but not the mobile version of the site.....not sure if that makes a difference.

In the future I shall address all my deleting requests to Raddishcake. I like the idea of having my own personal deleter. J/k when I get a chance I'll check on my laptop and see if I can figure it out.

haha! If you don't see it on the desktop site let me know and I'll remove what you need! :D

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I'm curious. Why do people not vote? I mean, obviously if you're not all that interested in the show, it makes sense not to vote. Case in point, my husband watches only because I do (although he balks when I suggest that I might watch our DVR recording of it before he gets home from work), so he doesn't vote. But anyone who cares enough about the show to go onto a forum such as this one and read all these comments and talk about the episode... why wouldn't you also vote?

By 10 PM, I need to get the dog walked and get to bed for my 5:30 AM start to my day.  I'm not going to stay up any later to vote.  If I remember, I'll vote on Facebook, but it's not a priority for me. Most of the time, my favorites are long gone by the semi-finals.  I think I last voted for Laila Ali (and I'm still bitter that she lost (to a Hough, of course)).  Now, I pretty much snark at the show and call it Dancing with Derek (produced by Derek (or his Mom)).

  • Love 2

Hey, I understand different priorities and people actually having lives (what's that like? Sounds fun!), but voting by phone literally takes me less than a minute, and the same with Facebook/ABC website voting. I don't power vote, but I'll get in on the fun since I'm a huge Meryl/Charlie fan and I like to think smaller count votes are just as important :)

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