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"The View": Week Of 3/26/18

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 Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti; director Tyler Perry; actress Taraji P. Henson; View Your Deal.

Actress Roseanne Barr; actor John Goodman; actress Sara Gilbert.

TV host Samantha Bee; actress Chrissy Metz.

Actor Neil Patrick Harris; TV show hosts Nancy Grace and Dan Abrams.

 Author Geraldo Rivera.

(The commercial for this week's guests during the show on Friday showed Mark Hamill. He was listed in the online guide for last week. I'll update the daily lineup in this post regarding him when the ABC News site updates theirs for the new week on Monday.)

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Sara Gilbert on the View.  Interesting.

I'm guessing Nancy Grace and Dan Abrams are going to be talking about Stormy Daniels.  Or should that be [nancygracevoice]STORMY DANIELS[\nancygracevoice].  I can hear the indignation already.

Not interested in anything Rivera has to say, unless Joy cuts him down.

I'd forgotten Mark Hamill was supposed to be on last week.  Wonder what happened.

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I would enjoy watching the ladies tear Roseanne to shreds, not the fluff advertisement for an ABC show we're going to get. At least John Goodman will make the whole thing bearable.

I'm looking forward to Samantha Bee. Too bad Nancy Grace can't co-host again. I thought she was fun in hot topics last time she was on.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm guessing Nancy Grace and Dan Abrams are going to be talking about Stormy Daniels.  Or should that be [nancygracevoice]STORMY DANIELS[\nancygracevoice].  I can hear the indignation already.

Nancy and Dan have a new show coming up on A&E. I only know about because I watch Live P.D. on Friday and Saturday nights where quite a few commercials have been airing advertising it during breaks.

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1 minute ago, Haleth said:

It's in the NRA/ Rep playbook-- dismiss the message and discredit the messenger. It's appalling that Meghan and others are criticizing these brave, passionate future voters.

Their criticism isn't going to shut them up and it most certainly isn't going to change their votes.

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8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sam is ALWAYS interesting. Since she was at the March, I expect her to talk about that. Looking forward to it. So are Joy and Sunny disappointed this morning?

Sam will probably be promoting the stuff she filmed for her show from Puerto Rico too. Hopefully RBM (Rich Bitch McCain) won't ruin things with her attitude and demeanor if she's included that day in Sam's segment.

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10 minutes ago, fishsanwitt said:

"Well, mid-terms will talk". What a snarky bitch McCain is.


1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

If she is still here in November I want this clip replayed for her.

It won't matter, even if she is here. No one said anything to her when earlier in the season she said the election in Va(?) "would be telling." And when Democrats won, she was all "It doesn't matter." And no one called her out on what she predicted. Same with the all the special elections. No one will play what she has said before, or call her out for her sweeping smug pronouncements that end up being wrong.

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Just now, GHScorpiosRule said:


It won't matter, even if she is here. No one said anything to her when earlier in the season she said the election in Va(?) "would be telling." And when Democrats won, she was all "It doesn't matter." And no one called her out on what she predicted. Same with the all the special elections. No one will play what she has said before, or call her out for her sweeping smug pronouncements that end up being wrong.

Political analysts are like weather forecasters.  They continue to be employed even when they are wrong most of the time.

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Megan is contemptible. She also employed a new word today, nebulous. I have no idea if she used correctly. I was floored that she actually had the nerve to criticize that Parkland student.  It should not surprise me, but, it actually did. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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1 minute ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan is contemptible. She also employed a new word today, nebulous. I have no idea if she used correctly. I was floored that she actually had the nerve to criticize that Parkland student.  It should not surprise me, but, it actually did. 

When attacking the message doesn't work attack the messenger.

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Come on, guys. "I need to know NOW!!!!" (TM Meghan Screech McCain) if any of the other hosts pushed back on Meghan's nasty rhetoric/words. Especially Whoopi. Did Whoopster let her go on unchecked?

21 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Political analysts are like weather forecasters.  They continue to be employed even when they are wrong most of the time.

True, but my comment was to yours saying you wanted today's clip played for Meghan in November. And that just won't happen. No one will tell her she was wrong, and if anyone asks, she'll wave her hands and say it doesn't matter, and move along.

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One thing that makes me even angrier at RBM is that she was high school age when Columbine happened. You'd think that might make her somewhat sympathetic to the kids speaking out. Of course she was probably one of those rich kids who thought it could never happen to them.

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1 hour ago, whydoiwatchtv said:

Only Meghan can try to diss David Hogg. What a contemptible pos she is. I have really grown to despise her and her methods of twisting everything to fit her narrative. Mean, deceitful, rich girl with zero empathy and even less respect from me. 

I haven't watched yet. Oh god. what did she about him?  Ugh, she is really making this show unwatchable at times. 

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44 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Megan is contemptible. She also employed a new word today, nebulous. I have no idea if she used correctly. I was floored that she actually had the nerve to criticize that Parkland student.  It should not surprise me, but, it actually did. 

I watched that segment.  She didn't use the nebulous correctly.  She used it in regard to Stormy Daniels being threatened in a parking lot.  Said she didn't file a police report and can't be certain the threat was connected to Trump's lawyer.  Said the situation was nebulous. WTF?

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10 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Surprise surprise but Whoopi said something that made sense.  She told Meghan you can't ask these kids to not denigrate your views when you are criticizing them for their views.


2 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

It was a subtle pushback on Whoopie's part. I wanted it to be more aggressive and in your face.  Megan needs a reality check.  Not everybody has lived a charmed life like her. Those kids in Parkland,  an affluent neighborhood, were aware of their privilege and have extended their hands to include kids of color from rough neighborhoods to participate in their march.  I cannot praise those kids enough.

Figures. It will take Meghan saying something about Whoopi or celebrities for Whoopi to come out loaded with bear. Based on this, I'm assuming Sara, Joy and Sunny just "there there'd" her? Are all of these women chicken shits that they can't call her out on her lack of empathy? Betcha if Karl Kashuv's name was mentioned, Meghan would laud him for his bravery.

So was today all about the march? Did Daniel's attorney not show up to explain all the hot air and a whole lotta nuthin' that was the 60 Minutes interview?

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1 minute ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Figures. It will take Meghan saying something about Whoopi or celebrities for Whoopi to come out loaded with bear.

I was surprised Meghan didn't mention all the celebs who were involved with the March.  Some of whom are friends of Whoopi.


2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So was today all about the march? Did Daniel's attorney not show up to explain all the hot air and a whole lotta nuthin' that was the 60 Minutes interview?

He was there.  And he says there is more to come.

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And if Stormy did go to the police, what would have happened?  Who was that person?  context of threat, etc.  My word against his, etc.  I don't think this is a path that would have led to anything concrete and positive for her.  

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9 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

And if Stormy did go to the police, what would have happened?  Who was that person?  context of threat, etc.  My word against his, etc.  I don't think this is a path that would have led to anything concrete and positive for her.  

She said she was in a parking lot so there would have likely been cameras there.  If they were going to find the person, it would have been then, not now years later.

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2 minutes ago, OnTime said:

She said she was in a parking lot so there would have likely been cameras there.  If they were going to find the person, it would have been then, not now years later.

Yes, that would be good. Cameras with sound would be better.  Person who threatened "I was just telling her how cute her baby is".  

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40 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

And if Stormy did go to the police, what would have happened?  Who was that person?  context of threat, etc.  My word against his, etc.  I don't think this is a path that would have led to anything concrete and positive for her.  

Not to  mention for all she knew the person threatening her could have been someone in law enforcement.  Wouldn't be the first time someone like Trump would use police to do their dirty work.

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49 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Figures. It will take Meghan saying something about Whoopi or celebrities for Whoopi to come out loaded with bear. Based on this, I'm assuming Sara, Joy and Sunny just "there there'd" her? Are all of these women chicken shits that they can't call her out on her lack of empathy? Betcha if Karl Kashuv's name was mentioned, Meghan would laud him for his bravery.

So was today all about the march? Did Daniel's attorney not show up to explain all the hot air and a whole lotta nuthin' that was the 60 Minutes interview?

Whoopi's comments about not denigrating them were pointed, though subtle as @Apprentice79 noted.  But Elsa did not get to respond.

The camera was on Sara for what seemed to be a long time while Elsa was doing her diatribe.  And she had a funny look, kind like she was in disbelief that Elsa was going there, and also kind of like she was trying to understand her rambling monologue.

When Elsa mentioned David Hogg, Joy said, who is he, and Elsa kind of snorted in disbelief, that Joy wouldn't know who he is.  She already had the bile in her throat before she went on to quote what he said.

Elsa did mention Kyle Kashuv, and that was funny because she pretended like she was uncertain of his surname.  Yeah, right.  She mentioned that he had met with Congress people and the VP, twice, and that he was looking for solutions, implying what he was doing was more effective than millions of people marching all over the US and the world.

She also attacked Hogg for his statements regarding the 1st and 4th amendments, when he is advocating infringing on people's 2nd amendment rights, and no one countered her on that point, IIRC.

During the Avenatti interview, she went on about how she doesn't care about the sex, and he spoke to say even though people don't care about the sex, and the spanking, and she groaned again, and said she didn't care, and he led into saying that it really is about the cover-up. To which she said, I do want to talk about the sex, or something like that.  It was odd.

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4 minutes ago, bannana said:

She also attacked Hogg for his statements regarding the 1st and 4th amendments, when he is advocating infringing on people's 2nd amendment rights, and no one countered her on that point, IIRC.

I'm no longer shocked when she says something ridiculous and no one challenges her. I was hoping someone would ask her to elaborate on that but - surprise, surprise - it didn't happen.

6 minutes ago, bannana said:

During the Avenatti interview, she went on about how she doesn't care about the sex, and he spoke to say even though people don't care about the sex, and the spanking, and she groaned again, and said she didn't care, and he led into saying that it really is about the cover-up. To which she said, I do want to talk about the sex, or something like that.  It was odd.

That whole segment was odd and I'm not sure why but it just was. And I rolled my eyes so hard at Meghan repeatedly saying that she didn't want to talk about the sex yet she has talked openly about sex on a number of other occasions. She needs to drop the pseudo holier-than-thou bullshit. 

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8 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

She needs to drop the pseudo holier-than-thou bullshit. 

It would be more accurate to say her fake-ass acting like a prude bullshit.


19 minutes ago, bannana said:

Elsa did mention Kyle Kashuv, and that was funny because she pretended like she was uncertain of his surname.  Yeah, right.  She mentioned that he had met with Congress people and the VP, twice, and that he was looking for solutions, implying what he was doing was more effective than millions of people marching all over the US and the world.

Uh-huh. And no one could counter (with video PROOF!) that no one from Congress was willing to meet with those that protested? Going all the way back to right after the massacre? Or that Kyle is not fighting with his classmates that disagree with his stance, and that they are all working together? I swear, this...SHIT! I'm not allowed to say the word I'm thinking, so I'll just call her a SHEBEAST.

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5 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Didn't Meghan say to Avenattii that she was expecting him to show a sex tape on 60 Minutes?

Yep, she did. She mentioned this tweet:

She said she thought that meant there was actual footage that would be shown. But, but, but - I thought you didn't want to talk about the sex, Meghan?! Now you want to see proof of it? Make up your damn mind.

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26 minutes ago, bannana said:

Elsa did mention Kyle Kashuv, and that was funny because she pretended like she was uncertain of his surname.  Yeah, right.  She mentioned that he had met with Congress people and the VP, twice, and that he was looking for solutions, implying what he was doing was more effective than millions of people marching all over the US and the world.

That angered me.  How does Kyle meeting with like minded politicians accomplish anything but the status quo?  Meghan just won't ever stop living in her echo chamber.


She went out of her way today to dismiss the Marches.  We might not see any results until November but this movement isn't going away,.

Edited by blondiec0332
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10 minutes ago, OnTime said:

Didn't Meghan say to Avenattii that she was expecting him to show a sex tape on 60 Minutes?

Oh yes, this was funny too, because someone said, cannot remember who, maybe the lawyer, did you really expect 60 Minutes on CBS on primetime to show a sex tape with the President?

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3 minutes ago, bannana said:

Oh yes, this was funny too, because someone said, cannot remember who, maybe the lawyer, did you really expect 60 Minutes on CBS on primetime to show a sex tape with the President?

Yup, it was the lawyer. He probably thought Meghan was an idiot.

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Sometimes if women want to survive in a male driven capitalistic society, they have to understand that they are not entitled to some of the same rights as the big guys. Equality is a blessing, but if we tell all these men that they're no longer allowed to behave in a way that is inappropriate, then we're basically sending the wrong message. Rose McGowen doesn't seem like someone who needs to be out there talking about what should change. In fact, it would be better if both sides need to come together and come to a compromise regarding work place interaction. If women are telling men to smarten up and use foul language, then I feel like they're doing a disservice to their cause. They can have their Women's Marches and whatnot, but did they really change the minds of any men in big businesses out there? Should we even care?

This clearly sounds ridiculous, but Meghan was saying the same thing regarding gun reform. This was basically her argument, just change guns with sexual harassment and it's the same thing some men are saying regarding work place harassment. The kids are not asking for guns to be taken away, just for there to be more rules regarding buying them. I kind of feel like all gun owners would want better laws to prevent random people getting guns.

For those that missed it, here's the clip.

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4 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I kind of feel like all gun owners would want better laws to prevent random people getting guns.

And that's IT: Most gun owners, responsible gun owners feel there should be stricter laws before someone who wants to buy a gun, can. But all Meghan and her low information ilk hear (inaccurately) is that "the hippies want to repeal the Second Amendment," also ignorantly ignoring the line "regulated" that's in the Amendment.

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19 minutes ago, Alexis2291 said:

Yup, it was the lawyer. He probably thought Meghan was an idiot.

Don't we all?

5 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And that's IT: Most gun owners, responsible gun owners feel there should be stricter laws before someone who wants to buy a gun, can. But all Meghan and her low information ilk hear (inaccurately) is that "the hippies want to repeal the Second Amendment," also ignorantly ignoring the line "regulated" that's in the Amendment.

Meghan is a broken record regarding this.  She simply will not listen to the rationale that stricter gun laws will not prevent law abiding citizens from getting a gun.  

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