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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jax is clairvoyant. There's no other way he'd know, since Jake being hit by the car and Joss needing a kidney happened on the same night. (I'm legit looking forward to hearing this explained, though.)

I'm gonna guess they just don't explain it, but if they do they'll tweak the timeline to make it seem like Joss was waiting for weeks/months for a kidney.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Jax is clairvoyant. There's no other way he'd know, since Jake being hit by the car and Joss needing a kidney happened on the same night. (I'm legit looking forward to hearing this explained, though.)

Me too. I say I want an explanation but I'm actually p hoping for Jax starting out "Well, I called Frank Benson," and it goes to commercial break into a completely  different scene with everyone else Jake style. 

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Whatever they do, Jax will be thrown under the bus and dragged by it. He's probably the one who was intercepting all the begging letters from Frank Benson over the years. Somehow, he will have even been the one intercepting them before he and Carly were involved.  

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20 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

The wording on both of these spoilers makes me wonder if Nelle or Rebecca Budig are the new love interest for Griffin FV was talking about.

I think I read on the Twitter that Doctor Father Griffin and Ninugh are the ones who hook up. And, Yuck. But that's typical for the Staff, she ALWAYS wanted to be paired with the younger hot guys on YR.

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33 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:


Aw come on teevee. Now is the time when we dance!


Edited by ulkis
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49 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:


He and Laura will have to have a scene, right?

As long as they contain it to Laura updating him about Lulu/Valentin/Charlotte, and getting it in there that she is very much happy and in love with Kevin, that will suffice. I guess. If we must.

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It's just such a janky ending for Tracy.

I'm also annoyed that her final story, save for Edward's MacGuffin painting, seems completely divorced from the Quartermaines.  I mean, how come Monica couldn't randomly know Turkish?  I guess I should be thankful Laura's along for the ride instead of Rebecca Budig.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Brad betrays Finn. {April 13}

I CAN'T with this recurring subplot point, that we're supposed to think Brad is being a big ol' meanie to poor Dr. Michael Easton.  Dr. Michael Easton is a drug addict who practiced medicine on said drugs and has been an ass to/screwed Brad over a number of times.  Good on Brad for betraying him, I say. 

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1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

I CAN'T with this recurring subplot point, that we're supposed to think Brad is being a big ol' meanie to poor Dr. Michael Easton.  Dr. Michael Easton is a drug addict who practiced medicine on said drugs and has been an ass to/screwed Brad over a number of times.  Good on Brad for betraying him, I say. 

Right! I want Brad to kill him tbh.

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Oh, it's here already.  Ok.  I'm not responsible.  Ulkis will get the grief.  

If you put a beard on him, keep the glasses and cut the hair, he looks like Freud.  Actually, there is a lot I could say appearance wise, but I do think he looks good.  No hanging neck, relaxed, not puffy stretched face or wonky eyes. Pretty good minus the flippy do.

Edited by TessHarding2
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8 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Whatever they do, Jax will be thrown under the bus and dragged by it. He's probably the one who was intercepting all the begging letters from Frank Benson over the years. Somehow, he will have even been the one intercepting them before he and Carly were involved.  

Of course Jax will be dragged by the on coming bus. What else would we expect for these writers? 

But that still doesn't explain how Nell loses a kidney! Since Joss was only deathly sick for mere HOURS before she needed a transplant. What, did Jax pay to have Frank and his family(none of whom are biologically related to Carly and Joss) tested before, just as crazy weird organ donor back ups?  None of this shit makes any sense!

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42 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Very Julexis.  I'm sure their fans are eating that up (for the record, I'm kinda neutral on them.  I hate them less than others, but he certainly hasn't redeemed himself for the knife-to-throat yet, IMO), but are we supposed to find it shocking that he might not be dead?

ETA...or what dubbel zout said lol.

Edited by TeeVee329
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On 3/29/2017 at 5:04 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, IIRC, Joss being diagnosed and getting the transplant happened within hours.

I hate this kidney retcon so much.  There's so many moving pieces of it that make no goddamn sense.

Not the least of which is that Joss looks like she's a senior in high school (although the show is portraying her as - 12, 13?) while Jake, whose kidney she supposedly had, is a child drawing stick figures.  And wasn't Jake, at the time that he "died", at least a year or two older than Baby Joss?  I could be way off there; I don't remember details like that well.

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1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

Not the least of which is that Joss looks like she's a senior in high school (although the show is portraying her as - 12, 13?) while Jake, whose kidney she supposedly had, is a child drawing stick figures.  And wasn't Jake, at the time that he "died", at least a year or two older than Baby Joss?  I could be way off there; I don't remember details like that well.

Yup. Jake should be like 3 yrs older than Joss. And Cam should be about 5 yrs older  Joss should be slightly older than Aiden 

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Maybe she was his nanny while Helena spent over a year on ice?

And we got Jason talking to Valentin today, maybe he points him at Daphne.

I just don't think Lulu is going to be rid of Charlotte anytime soon.

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Right! I forgot that she was one of the Cassadines that Robin was forced to revive. My bad.

Apparently Lulu suffers a Charlotte setback next week, how many setbacks can Lulu have?

IIRC, wasn't Daphne living at a specific address that was a far-away subsection of Cassadine Island?

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2 hours ago, stlbf said:

Yup. Jake should be like 3 yrs older than Joss. And Cam should be about 5 yrs older  Joss should be slightly older than Aiden 

This obvious, completely inexplicable discrepancy drives me nuts.  There is absolute no way to rationalize away the age difference, like I've conditioned myself to do with other wonky timelines.  Jake can't possibly be younger than Joss; he was older than she during the kidney transplant story and we all remember that.  Maybe Elizabeth produces magical children who don't age like the rest of humanity.  And wasn't Cameron part of that ridiculous kiddie 'love' triangle with Spencer and Joss?  So if they bring back the little actor (name escapes me) who played Spencer, as I've read they will, then Joss will now be old enough to babysit him - unless he's grown three feet in the interim and his voice has changed.  And whether they keep Cameron as a little boy, or if they SORAS him to Joss' age, is anybody's guess.  This is nuts.

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That is the problem with SORASING kids. You need to do the whole group. Why have Joss as a 12/15 if she has nobody around for her group. Molly/Kristina had that same issue. They should be much closer to Cam's age. But Cam doesn't age. And it is getting silly. Sure, it makes sense for Molly and Kristina to be older. Since Alexis was *ahem* an older parent. But it is just nuts to have the Webber boys be about their right age and have Spencer, Emma, Joss, Morgan, Molly and Kristina age by SORAS. Hell, Danny is now about the same age as Aiden.

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37 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

 Maybe Elizabeth produces magical children who don't age like the rest of humanity.  

Well  . . .  No one has died in the waters around Port Charles since St. Jaysus fell in; they just keep returning, intact. 

MaybeElizabeth has taken all her kids down to the harbor late at night and dipped them in the water, several times, and it's affected the way they age. 

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1 minute ago, rur said:

Well  . . .  No one has died in the waters around Port Charles since St. Jaysus fell in; they just keep returning, intact. 

MaybeElizabeth has taken all her kids down to the harbor late at night and dipped them in the water, several times, and it's affected the way they age. 

Port Chuck Baptism.

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12 hours ago, stlbf said:

That is the problem with SORASING kids. You need to do the whole group. Why have Joss as a 12/15 if she has nobody around for her group. Molly/Kristina had that same issue. They should be much closer to Cam's age. But Cam doesn't age. And it is getting silly. Sure, it makes sense for Molly and Kristina to be older. Since Alexis was *ahem* an older parent. But it is just nuts to have the Webber boys be about their right age and have Spencer, Emma, Joss, Morgan, Molly and Kristina age by SORAS. Hell, Danny is now about the same age as Aiden.

Lucas was actually DE-Sorased before they finally allowed him to be a teenager in time for Cousin Lovin' and therefore the right age. (I think he and Robin are the only two characters who aren't much, much older than they should be. Except Lucas didn't age in continual real-tme like she did.)

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