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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Moar spoilers/rumors:

Rumor- Sobby/Drake baby dies

Spoilers: Franco goes job hunting, Rafe has flashbacks, Maxie turns to Nathan after a fight with Levi, a new Cassadine is coming, Ric is basically screwed, Jordan must make a choice, Duke can't leave mob life, Ned returns

Rumor: Spin returns full time

Spoiler: late June we get New Jason

Rafe apparently has been going psychotic off screen, we will see this soon.

Some shit goes down on Danny's bday.

Is it bad that I want the first one to be true?


Let me guess, Franco's going to get a job as a babysitter for Joss, thereby putting him in the line of fire for the kiddie quad.  And if Rafe is going to go psycho, he needs to unleash it near Franco and take him out.

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I really want the Purina baby to go to heaven.

Ugh, the kid who plays Rafe can't act at all, IMO. I just can't see how he will portray psycho past his blank face & poor line reading. Of course, Silas doesn't have a clue because he's been stuck to Sam's ass & had Nina tunnel vision.

Who didn't see Duke wanting to stay in the mob coming. Is the new Cassidine, Victor coming back or the reveal that Nathan is a Cassidine? Hasn't Franco gone job hunting already? Jordan's choice better not be to protect Sean or Sonny.

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Wait, Rafe is going psycho offscreen? No. Way. I, for one, am shocked that something is happening offscreen. That should also be printed on a t-shirt: "All of the interesting stuff happens offscreen!" Not that Rafe is interesting but there have been a lot of things that have 'happened offscreen' which at this point in the game is actually code for 'I'm too fucking lazy to bother writing anything other than plot points.' RC is the worst. 

Edited by Box305
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I'm shocked, there's actually multiple things in Monday's preview I'm looking forward to:


- Brad rushing to Lucas' bedside (even if it means Felix and the stupid fiction that he and Lucas are dating).


- Julian and Bobbie fighting about Lucas.


- More sibling bonding with Nathan and Britt (even if it is over stupid Nina).

Edited by TeeVee329

Rumor- Sobby/Drake baby dies


I think this someone's wishful thinking being passed off as a spoiler.


a new Cassadine is coming,


Oooooh, I like this one!  Wonder if this is going to be the mooted Michael Muhney role?


Ric is basically screwed


Congratulations, Ric, you are now the next A.J. Quartermaine. You may pick up your "Kick Me" sign at the door...


Spoiler: late June we get New Jason


If we had a new A.J. hitting Port Chuckles along with him, I would be ecstatic.  As it is, I'm "meh", and the notion that he will come back as Jason Morgan has me all "HELL to the NAW!!!"


Pretty sure the new Cassadine is a new teen, Kailey.

???? How? Who's? UGH, Ugh, Ugh!

ETA: Never mind. A friend just told me there's a rumor that GH did a casting call for a daughter of Stephan Cassidine/Katherine Bell. I hated Katherine & despised Stephan/Katherine together.

Edited by BestestAuntEver

???? How? Who's? UGH, Ugh, Ugh!

ETA: Never mind. A friend just told me there's a rumor that GH did a casting call for a daughter of Stephan Cassidine/Katherine Bell. I hated Katherine & despised Stephan/Katherine together.

Ya beat me.  Yeah, that's the rumor.  Of course, if it's true, check logic at the door.

The rumor right now is that Dr. Obrecht is somehow connected to Kailey (real name, Katarina Stephens) and tries to keep her hidden at Wyndemere. Spencer sees her and everyone simply believes he has an imaginary friend. At some point, Britt sees her. This is all from General Hospital Happenings, which is typically pretty spot on, although they've been calling for Christina Baldwin and Serena forever now, and we've still yet to see them. 

Rumor: Spin returns full time


Blech.  That is one face and useless character that I definately have not missed seeing on this soap.  Spin should have moved to NY - where he could have picked up a job on a prime time show.  His acting chops seem good enough for him to get a job as a regular.  His Jason worship was disgusting. The only silver lining would be if he brings Ellie back with him.  Then Ellie can get pregnant because that's all that the women in PC are good for.


So another Cassadine and no doctors coming aboard the show.  What a shocker.




Wait, Katherine and Stefan had a baby? Was this before or after she fell off the parapet and died?



No. Giant retcon ahoy.

Wait, Rafe is going psycho offscreen? No. Way. I, for one, am shocked that something is happening offscreen. That should also be printed on a t-shirt: "All of the interesting stuff happens offscreen!" Not that Rafe is interesting but there have been a lot of things that have 'happened offscreen' which at this point in the game is actually code for 'I'm too fucking lazy to bother writing anything other than plot points.' RC is the worst. 


Rafe is gonna be into The Drugs when we see him again this week. I'm ready for the unintentional comedy gold, baby.

Edited by ulkis
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I might be coming back from the barge later this week becsuse according to my cableguide, on THU, "Carly attacks Ava".  


I kinda want Carly & Ava to get into a fight at the top of those stairs at the nurse's station and for Carly to "push" Ava down them, causing her to loose the baby.  

Like Carly was "pushed" down the stairs by AJ?


Is it wrong for me to want Morgan to be the father of Ava's kid?  Cause I wanna see Carly's head explode at the idea of being a grandmother.

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I kinda want Carly & Ava to get into a fight at the top of those stairs at the nurse's station and for Carly to "push" Ava down them, causing her to loose the baby.


Is this how people who hate Sabrina and want her baby to die feel? I don't even hate Ava that much but I really REALLY want her to lose the baby.

I really want the Purina baby to go to heaven.

I wonder if that's how they usher off TeCa for her mat leave: She goes to Puerto Rico to grieve. More likely they'll send her to Fern Cliffe, since the wimmins be cray-cray when it comes to babies.


 Rafe has flashbacks

He's been gone for so long I had to stop and think what those flashbacks would be to. Can't he just stay offscreen forever? The actor is hopeless, and the character is a waste of space.


I wonder if that's how they usher off TeCa for her mat leave: She goes to Puerto Rico to grieve. More likely they'll send her to Fern Cliffe, since the wimmins be cray-cray when it comes to babies.




He's been gone for so long I had to stop and think what those flashbacks would be to. Can't he just stay offscreen forever? The actor is hopeless, and the character is a waste of space.

For Sobby, more likely PR.  Remember, primo Juan taped just before she began her leave and I think it was even said that he was there to usher her off.  I would have wished it was off the show permanently but...


As for Rafe, I wouldn't be surprised if they told us what has been up with him via flashbacks.  

Edited by MSquared

Ron & Frank seem to love flashbacks, so I think we'll see everything Rafe's been up to in flashbacks.  Should take about twenty seconds because Rafe is boring.  Yes, even with the new & not-so-improved Psychotic!Rafe.  Poor kid can't act for squat, so I'm guessing his rage face will be as blank as every other expression he tries to emote.

Beyond the general pointlessness of Rafe, I just know Ron and company are going to ignore the very real reasons Rafe might have a mental breakdown (the years spent on the run with his paranoid mother, said mother getting murdered because he wasn't where he was supposed to be, finding out his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish) and it'll be because Molly rejected him, oh noes!

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Are we supposed to hate Rafe for going crazyballs or feel sorry for him because of his tragic childhood? He's blander than white bread no matter what, so I can't muster up any feelings for him. I hate the time devoted to him because there are so many other things that could be focused on, but the character himself is total dullsville.

Edited by dubbel zout

Finally! Soap Central is reporting that Micheal will find out that AJ was killed by Sonny....and Carly knew.

Also, Nina will arrive Tuesday.....at Danny's birthday party. Because that poor giant child can't have anything nice.

Sam investigates Patrick's car accident

Not that I have much hope, but I am still hoping that is the sign of the coming of Michael Alan Quartermaine.  He really needs to unleash on the two of them with the fire of thousand suns when the truth is out.


Samtrick!  Again, there is always hope.

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Neither can Sam, apparently.  God forbid her son's birthday & Nina be separate things.  Ugh.


Well, his first birthday was ruined by the impending cancer diagnosis, so why not continue to make this child's birthday miserable, and of course make Sam miserable? 


Not really familiar with Billy Miller's work, but I know I am not looking forward to Jason coming back.  Although I am trying to look on the bright side, Silas bores the everliving crap out of me, so at this point doucheJason seems better by comparison.

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make Sam miserable?


I was sort of starting to like Sam but the one-life-to-livers have the 'cootie' factor this time around with the veteran cast members - especially this time around.  I don't get that vibe with new characters like Nathan, Jordan, or Julian interacting with the other cast members.  Bringing on new characters to the show to make this shiny toy (ME)  more enjoyable isn't going to help.

Edited by sunnyface

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