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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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This would be classic Jean Passanante straight out of ATWT. She and that entire regime were beyond allergic to any actual compelling drama, let alone with the gay characters. Anything immediately gripping would be tied up in record time.

I think I'm remembering wrong or patchy, but didn't she kill off/split up a really popular gay couple in a controversial way? Or a weird way?

He was actually recast w/ a lizard, I don't know if you noticed, but he's there and interacting with a doctor now, so that's good.

He still looks adorable.

I actually reading RUMORS on Twitter that the Kristina/Parker story gets wrapped up altogether next week.  F-ing lame if true.


You know I would be a-ok with this if I thought they were going to give Kristina a new female love interest. I'm not a fan of Parker or this story in general but I am interested in Kristina being sexually fluid/having a female love interest. But we all know that if this is true Kristina will just be off screen for a year and when she comes back they'll have hired some hunk who can't act to play her boyfriend.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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A poster at Soapcentral threw out the only suggestion that could ever make me care about Rebecca Budig character - Liz's maternal siblibg. It's too late for her to be Sarah but so far, her scenes with Luz (and Curtis, but that's really just about Curtis) have been the only ones that aren't automatic FF material.

I don't want Rebecca Budig as a Q. She'd adopt a level of smug that would make me throw things at the TV. The only relationship that I'd be interested in - that might also give her some depth - is as a Liz sibling. I like their energy together and I want Liz to have someone who will (eventually) be on her side and willing go to war on her behalf - someone who is not a gross "reformed" serial killer and isn't just angling to sleep with her.

And Liz should have an actual story about her family. RDA is never coming back but Liz's mother could at least visit, it's been 20 freakin' years.

That wouldn't fix the mess they've made of Rebecca Budig character but at least I might care enough to want her fixed instead of just wanting her gone


I want RB as a Q because if I don't ask for dibs on her now, she'll be a part of the useless Jeromes or yet another Corinthii. She won't be a part of Liz's family-and while it sucks Liz can't get family and some others get TOO much, Liz and Hayden being sisters would be too much smugness at once.

Of course the Qs (as well as just about any character on canvas these days) is smug, soooo. Either way.

The fact is, on some level, all the characters are expendable and pointless. The cast is so huge, that the show would just keep chugging along. So getting rid of her isn't going to magically fix anything, and I actually like her with Tracy and even Dillon. There are lots of characters I cannot tolerate with ANYONE, so I consider that a plus one on RB's side.


I think the Madoff thing may be because perhaps Bernie swindled many people in town, and while it isn't fair, I totally think the people in town would treat her badly because of it. Either that, or she was rumored to be dead or something to hide her identity, so knowing she's alive would be a thing for a minute.

Obviously, since she changed her appearance, there are things she experienced as "herself" that she's trying to avoid-probably a lot of public ridicule. And maybe even people trying to harm her because of what her father did.

Hayden's true identity has been exposed and it leaves several Port Charles residents stunned.


Really? Aside from Nik, who could care? There's been no mention of a Madoff-style scheme until now. (Of course.)


Griffin reveals his DNA test results.


So he's not Duke's son?


Oh, Show. You are hopeless.

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This would have been a good week for old friends Lucas and Griffin to be reconnecting --  what with Griffin hearing all about how Lucas' dad had his own dad killed, and all.


As to "Jason feeling a pull toward the Qs":  That would be great. We still don't know if he'll ever have an actual memory from his first life. But since they've Gone There by making him a double amnesiac -- and he still has people from both lives with a rooting interest in him being either Jason Q or Jason Morgan -- why wouldn't the show explore all the soapy possibilities? (Rhetorical question, obviously.)   

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How is it possible to just completely bypass any true emotional stakes in this Jason returns story? I mean, it writes its fuckin self. If ever there was a storyline with an overabundance of possibilities, it was this one. And yet, here we are, still very little clue as to how Jason feels about almost everything, because they've given him almost no POV.

I remember reading an interview with Jelly where they talked about writing stories thru a 'romantic' perspective. The problem with that is, it doesn't allow for any other kind of relationships. Why isn't Jason interacting with more people? Has he even seen Dante? Or Maxie? Or even Anna? He knew all these people, why aren't they world building for him? He's still very precariously tethered to the canvas, so what the fuck is Uncle Frank doing? And why won't anyone put his ass out the building?

  • Love 4

I cannot wait for Nedly's return. Add to that the possibility of some more Dr Finn and Tracy scenes. That's about all I've got to look forward to on this show, until and unless Hayden busts Nik, Liz and Laura. After the weed/Daisy comment, I NEED Hayden to wipe the smirk off all their faces, especially Laura's.


I'm just afraid it won't happen. I have no real hope that Liz, Nik or Laura will ever be charged with any crime. Just like so many others over the years.

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What happened to all of Liz's cute sweaters and clothes? Did they burn in the fire, so she has to wear that oversized denim shirt everyday? Because slapping Rebecca Budig while being a hypocrite and being dressed in that is too much, boo. And I can't even deal with Dikolas now. He looks like Ursula and the villain from Aladdin had a really spoiled douche baby and it's angry. Yeah, I watched a little Disney while drunk this weekend. Send a Cassadine after me.

Btw, they're really proud of that Participation Emmy nom aren't they? They're not even on tv, Frank's Intern.

  • Love 2

What happened to all of Liz's cute sweaters and clothes? Did they burn in the fire, so she has to wear that oversized denim shirt everyday? Because slapping Rebecca Budig while being a hypocrite and being dressed in that is too much, boo. And I can't even deal with Dikolas now. He looks like Ursula and the villain from Aladdin had a really spoiled douche baby and it's angry. Yeah, I watched a little Disney while drunk this weekend. Send a Cassadine after me.

Btw, they're really proud of that Participation Emmy nom aren't they? They're not even on tv, Frank's Intern.

I guess they are punishing Rebecca Herbst for daring to look for another job outside of GH after they effectively threw character under the JaSam bus and didn't get the Emmy nom for her trouble. 

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And still, no matter how horrible her character is, Rebecca Herbst is slaying the acting game. She actually has awesome chemistry with Rebecca Budig. It's a crime against tv that RB wasn't cast as Sarah Webber. Honestly, RH is probably imo a chem magnet because she has chemistry with everyone but TC. But TC just, imo, rarely has chemistry with anyone.

  • Love 3
Liz slaps the crap out of Hayden. Unfreakingbelievable.

Sigh. When will this stop? I'm so tired of seeing people get slapped, especially when it's women. So lazy on the part of the writers. At least Rebecca Budig FINALLY tells Nik she knows he tried to murder her.


I guess they are punishing Rebecca Herbst for daring to look for another job outside of GH


When is RH offscreen while her story gets rejiggered because she re-signed? It should be soon, yes? I wonder if she'll go on the longest house hunt in soap history. Heh.


What in the blue dilly is going on with Julian's hair?

He's letting Jar of Mayo style it.

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New Promo - https://twitter.com/GeneralHospital/status/714452008451895301


Liz slaps the crap out of Hayden. Unfreakingbelievable.


I'm so sick of Hayden letting degenerates like Liez and Nik treat her like trash. I'm not even going to be surprised when she lets that crazed hyena get away with hitting her. 

  • Love 8

The fact that Sean Blackmore's one day return to GH on April 4 is trending on FB is pretty scary.

I'm not ashamed to say my theories are he's very hot and he's a decent actor. I also want to see him, Curtis, and Hot Doctor in a scene just for the hotness. Why? Because I watched months of Morgan and Breastfeeding.
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I don't think SB is a good actor, and his character was nothing but a bore. If the point of bringing him on is to have more AA actors, Darnell Williams is free, and could play Curtis or Andre's father.

Don't say amazing things like that because they never happen! Now we're going to be cursed with something terrible. Like, Darnell Williams signs at Days, JPL comes to GH to play Lucky.

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Shaun had some promise before he became JasonLite. Sonny ruins everything, of course.


He had so much promise.  It seems like anyone with any promise ends up getting sacrificed at the altar of the Moobster.  I don't get it. He went from kind of interesting veteran with PTSD who wanted to be a teacher to the world's most inept hitman with no real explanation as to why.  

  • Love 5

He had so much promise. It seems like anyone with any promise ends up getting sacrificed at the altar of the Moobster. I don't get it. He went from kind of interesting veteran with PTSD who wanted to be a teacher to the world's most inept hitman with no real explanation as to why.

You answered your own question. He was sacrificed for the Moobster. Jason was gone and the show decided Sonny needed an enforcer/friend.

I'm irritated by the 1 day return because I don't it will be about TJ. It will be about Rebecca Budig (puppymonkeybaby) or Sonny.

  • Love 2

You answered your own question. He was sacrificed for the Moobster. Jason was gone and the show decided Sonny needed an enforcer/friend.

I'm irritated by the 1 day return because I don't it will be about TJ. It will be about Rebecca Budig (puppymonkeybaby) or Sonny.


If it was about TJ, it would just be to glorify the mob life all over again.  

  • Love 3

You answered your own question. He was sacrificed for the Moobster. Jason was gone and the show decided Sonny needed an enforcer/friend.

I'm irritated by the 1 day return because I don't it will be about TJ. It will be about Rebecca Budig (puppymonkeybaby) or Sonny.

If Tequan Richmond gave two fucks about GH anymore, then he'd have probably noticed his return posted by GH on twitter or Facebook. But most likely, Sean Blakemore himself texted him and told him. This is probably, like the only thing the dude knew. Lol, conversation like:

Sean: "Hey bruh, they want me back for, like a day."

Tequan : "Who?"

Sean: "GH, fool."

Tequan: "Ah, man. I haven't done spit for them in forever. I didn't even to film a sex scene."

Sean: "We probably won't get to film a scene."

Tequan: "But you know they gonna drag that out for a week."

Sean: "Yup. For no pay."

  • Love 1

Don't say amazing things like that because they never happen! Now we're going to be cursed with something terrible. Like, Darnell Williams signs at Days, JPL comes to GH to play Lucky.



Noooo. DW must come to GH, if he's going anywhere. I call dibs.

In other news, did Lying Lizzie actually say someone else didn't deserve forgiveness? Um, neither did you, GURL. And people gave it to you. Try to see in that teeny, tiny selfish heart of yours to extend some grace and not be so judgemental. UGH

Finn is hot. And it's not ME by himself, it's a combo of him and this character. I still want him and Tracy to be friends-or more. IDEC. I don't see him as "House", though, as some others are saying. Not at all. He's more Jeckyll and Hyde. And Mays, TBH, if anyone is House-it's him. He's not as smart as House, but I remember House as being very rude-part of the reason I haaated that show. Hated it. No, so far, Finn is too nice, in his nice moments, to be House. And I was halfway kidding about the Cassadine elixir, but that was no ordinary drug he was injecting.

Thus, the Jeckyll/Hyde thing. I think he's either sick, and experimenting for a cure, or he's just caused an imbalance and become addicted to whatever he was experimenting with.

OR if the Cassadine elixir is true, he's Tony Cassadine, and he's come out of hiding and back to PC because he needs Cassadine DNA for the serum. He also needs Quartermaine DNA(thus his interest in Tracy's case) to resurrect his frozen popsicle girlfriend, Alexandra Q.

Please show-I am KIDDING. Please don't do that. Cheez Whiz should stay in the can, not on my TV.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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Bruh, watch the injections be something like low blood sugar. The syringes are probably the only ones left in the props dept. Frank's like "I'm not buying anymore! " ME probably got a script that said "Dr Finn injects himself while doing yoga and talking to Lizard." So he went with it because he's experienced melting faces, vampires, mobsters, being killed a few times, being a talking baby, and an accidental porno being shown. It's soaps, baby! You gotta improvise!

  • Love 1

A melting face, really? Ewww.

In other thoughts from yesterday's show: why was Ava hanging around listening to the Paul/Dillon convo? A little creepy. And at least Laura reminded Liz that what Nikolas did to Hayden is far worse than her lies to him.


And while I am kidding about the frozen popsicle thing, there IS something kind of odd about  Finn  just rushing to the hospital after one phone call. I get that he doesn't know anyone yet and has no other patients that we know of, but that very fact is also suspect. He's so great...and yet, he has no current job he had to give notice at, he can just show up the same day/next day when some random doctor he met once, calls him? He just packs up and moves to a new town all for this one case? Has he never heard of airplanes/consulting via Skype, or however doctors do it remotely these days.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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The SOD write up said he wanted revenge on someone in Port Charles. I assume he has an Agenda about The Revenge. His illness is probably why he doesn't have many patients if I had to speculate. It really seems to be like it's tying into the Mystery Kidney that Ron forgot about. I think Dr O either did the surgery in Switzerland at her clinic or knows something about it, and the kidney was Finn's and his remaining kidney is failing.

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He went from kind of interesting veteran with PTSD who wanted to be a teacher to the world's most inept hitman with no real explanation as to why.

He missed the action of being a thug for hire. Teaching is so boring, man! Ugh, yet more glorification of violence.


"...I didn't even to film a sex scene."

For which I am profoundly grateful, as I didn't want to see Molly lose her virginity. Thank Jasus for child-porn laws.


The SOD write up said he wanted revenge on someone in Port Charles.


Of course he does. What sort of person would he be if he didn't arrive in PC with a big sekrit? 

  • Love 6

The SOD write up said he wanted revenge on someone in Port Charles. I assume he has an Agenda about The Revenge. His illness is probably why he doesn't have many patients if I had to speculate. It really seems to be like it's tying into the Mystery Kidney that Ron forgot about. I think Dr O either did the surgery in Switzerland at her clinic or knows something about it, and the kidney was Finn's and his remaining kidney is failing.


So the revenge thing is true, huh? Hmm. I don't think it's Dr O, though. Other than considering her a nuisance, he doesn't really seem to care.

He had her shaking a bit yesterday, though, after the threats.

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