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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Some people are speculating that Liz's house blows up...I am not sure where that came from..but there is another spoiler on twitter that Nikolas asks Liz and the boys to stay with him.


I guess it could be because the house is unsafe after the gas leak, but there is a lot of explosion talk, so who knows.....


But it's ok ulkis....only the basement will blow up.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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Uncle Frank said there's a big announcement coming next week and the spec is that GV is coming back as Lucky. If it's true, and Liez moves in with Nic, then my spec is that they're gonna do a Lucky/Liez/Nic (because Frank nor these writers have any imagination whatsoever) redux and Hayden will get moved to the new doctor. He's supposed to have a connection so my money is on her.

I also saw a rumor on FB that NotDeadJake will require the services of Shriner's...do they treat mental illness in children? Or do they discover he's got a chip in the brain too and he goes there to have it removed? I've read that Jason and Sam start working their way back to each other, so how does that happen if he's still tied to Liez because of NotDeadJake's problems? I think it's still possible NotDeadJake is actually Lucky's, it will be revealed during his stay at Shriner's, and it will facilitate Lucky's return and usher Jason out of the picture. If they did change NotDeadJake's paternity, I think I could be square with Monica and Sam not getting to slap her to sleep one good time.

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I think maybe Nik trying to murder Hayden didn't count because she was a bitchslutwhoretramp at the time. Now that she has mended her bswt ways, only a bad mobster would try to murder her in the face

Edited by Oracle42
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Jasus fracking ####, Greg Vaughn and Anthony Geary might both be coming back?!?

As to The Corinthii being the best family on tv, first off Laura AND Mo both need to shut the flying figgidty fuck up for every single thing they said in that interview. Second, are they both totally delusional and think ABC is going to give them a spin-off "Ceeping up with The Corinthii" as part of ABC Comedy Wednesday?

I can just see the promo now: "Tonight on ABC Comedy Wednesday, Frankie forgets Mike's birthday on 'The Middle', Erica is pretty in pink with guest star Molly Ringworm on 'The Goldbergs', Cam & Mitch get a nosy new tenant on 'Modern Family', then Carly calls Ava a whore on 'Ceeping up with The Corinthii'. It's ABC funny!"

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I read a rumor that Kristina is going to be bisexual and so is Darby and they're going to bond over it or whatever. I mean I have been clamoring for bisexual characters so I'm like tentatively excited, but I have no faith at all that this show can do it any justice. Also, how is Darby still a thing? LOL.


IDGAF I hope GV is coming back as Lucky! I love him. And this show desperately needs Lucky imo. Sure, it'd be better if they could get a better actor, but it's never gonna happen so I'll take pretty, earnest GV in a pinch.


... Hayden will get moved to the new doctor. He's supposed to have a connection so my money is on her.


I'm down for this tbh. I like Hayden a good bit but the shit with Nik ruins her so I would love to see her moved to someone else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I have my doubts anything like that will occur, but if so it's a recipe for treading water and marking time not seen since those grim days when GV's Lucky randomly fell for Emily over and over because they had nothing better for those four characters to do.

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Oh, I've been thinking Dr. Griffin will be connected to Rebecca Budig, either her brother or that ex-husband of hers she mentioned. 

I read a rumor that Kristina is going to be bisexual and so is Darby and they're going to bond over it or whatever. I mean I have been clamoring for bisexual characters so I'm like tentatively excited, but I have no faith at all that this show can do it any justice. Also, how is Darby still a thing? LOL.


Well, it fits with the pattern of Morgan's family members hooking up with his lady friends.

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So NV dispelled the rumor that KT is coming back. And she may have blown her chances since that pic she posted of herself strapped to a hospital bed has pretty much given away what's bout to happen to Morgan. That's the 'heartbreaking decision' or whatever that bullshit said Carly & Sonny have to make. They put his ass on a 51/50. Great. We get to watch Brydog having a flailing fit, cussing CarSon the fuck out as he gets forcibly strapped down while Carly & Sonny look on with pained expressions. Blech.

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So NV dispelled the rumor that KT is coming back. And she may have blown her chances since that pic she posted of herself strapped to a hospital bed has pretty much given away what's bout to happen to Morgan. That's the 'heartbreaking decision' or whatever that bullshit said Carly & Sonny have to make. They put his ass on a 51/50. Great. We get to watch Brydog having a flailing fit, cussing CarSon the fuck out as he gets forcibly strapped down while Carly & Sonny look on with pained expressions. Blech.

Sssooo, he's getting 3 hots and a cot?

When will he receive electroshock and be kept from his family for a year? I still won't give a f#ck.

The writers, Frank, NV and TPTB can all sit down and shut the hell up with this BS emotional Emmy bait for the mobster's family.

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They put his ass on a 51/50. Great. We get to watch Brydog having a flailing fit, cussing CarSon the fuck out as he gets forcibly strapped down while Carly & Sonny look on with pained expressions.


A vision of the future!

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Nancy Lee Grahn will win BET, NAACP, and Image Awards before Bry-dog wins a Daytime Emmy, or any award for acting.

I will cackle like the hyenas in The Lion King if Nicolas Bechtel beats him.

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Bright side....it's not really mob related....and it's in a hospital???

It's probably after he botches a hit on Julian (because he thinks it'll please daddy to have Julian dead), and he hits Kristina or Kiki instead.

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It's probably after he botches a hit on Julian (because he thinks it'll please daddy to have Julian dead), and he hits Kristina or Kiki instead.


Too bad the bullet won't ricochet and put Morgan out of his misery...and ours.

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God, I hope not! Especially, since Sonny is going to bond with him. He will end up hating Mac and be adopted by Sonny.

The last thing this show needs is more people kissing Sonny's ass.

Edited by Lobsel Vith
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Isn't it interesting that the only time Carly gives a shit about Sonny's violence is when it "hits close to home?"  And even then it only last for five minutes.


So will the difficult decision they have to make with Morgan is whether to put him down or not?

Can we campaign actively for Team Put Morgan Down? Coma Morgan 2016 sounds great too.

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So apparently, in SID, there's some stuff about this new doctor and he apparently has a "troubled past" that Sonny understands and creates a bond between them.


...well, there goes any interest I had in that character!

Just because over the years we have done every other Mafia riff in the person of Sonny I have just two words: Vito Spatafore

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I bet some bitchslutwhoretramp did him wrong once too. Or they bond over how good it feels to throw barware/fuck relatives' SOs/have dimples.


Clearly they both like pasta.  What are the odds?  

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I'm guessing that whatever happens with Sam, she will be OK by the Julexis wedding. I just don't see her parents going through with a big wedding if she's in a coma or something. Also, the clue about Liez being afraid history is repeating itself, I think it means Jason will get his memories back after seeing Sam hurt. Didn't that happen the last time?

Also, new spec - at the reading of Helena's will, she will say something about NotDeadJake not being Jason's. Uncle Frank said something about here being clues to that big announcement in the episodes, so that would tie in with a recast Lucky announcement.

I just really really need NotDeadJake and Liez away from Sam. Like, permanently.

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Also, new spec - at the reading of Helena's will, she will say something about NotDeadJake not being Jason's. Uncle Frank said something about here being clues to that big announcement in the episodes, so that would tie in with a recast Lucky announcement.


I really don't know how I feel about DNAJ's paternity possibility being retconed. If Jason stays the bio dad that means Sam will forever have to deal with Liez and the Jiz spawn, even though it was originally agreed that Jason wouldn't have a role in his life. On the other hand, I don't want Lucky being half responsible for that psycho's existence. 

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I don't understand why Jake's paternity has to be changed. Lucky raised him as his own; what does it matter if Jake is Jason's biologically? And if he isn't, does that mean Jason will simply drop out of Jake's life? That's going to look terrible.


The original framework, while not ideal, worked all the plot points. Changing that framework is stupid and unnecessary.

Edited by dubbel zout
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