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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Scott Reeves was a terrible Steven Lars. If they do bring back SL, please recast.


You know, it probably will be Steven. He's a gateway for Heather visits.

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I liked the Shawn Benson version of Steven and thought he had tremendous potential, but apparently the actor had offscreen issues. They over-aged him with Scott Reeves by a mile and made him sort of an elder, which was a potentially acceptable idea with a better actor. Still, you could de-age him a bit and still do well. I've always thought that character's been wasted.

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I liked the Shawn Benson version of Steven and thought he had tremendous potential, but apparently the actor had offscreen issues. They over-aged him with Scott Reeves by a mile and made him sort of an elder, which was a potentially acceptable idea with a better actor. Still, you could de-age him a bit and still do well. I've always thought that character's been wasted.


Characters on other soaps I know of have also been all over the map age-wise (hi, Mike Horton!), so I think DE-SORASing Steve(n Lars) could work.

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??? I only ever had a problem with Scott Reeves. Steven Lars is a blank slate character.

I meant that allegedly when Roger Howarth was returning he was supposed to be Stephen Lars to be connected to Heather, but Ron didn't think the role was splashy and edgy enough then. So now, instead of giving the role to a competent actor rather than waste time on Franco, now we get SL, and with who? Clearly, they must have someone in mind.

Dear God, not another hair model.

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You know, it probably will be Steven. He's a gateway for Heather visits.


It'd also give Franco another connection and you know the show is desperate for those.  "Hey bro, we're both killers, we're THE SAME."

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I meant that allegedly when Roger Howarth was returning he was supposed to be Stephen Lars to be connected to Heather, but Ron didn't think the role was splashy and edgy enough then. So now, instead of giving the role to a competent actor rather than waste time on Franco, now we get SL, and with who? Clearly, they must have someone in mind.

Dear God, not another hair model.

I was one of the ones who thought RoHo should've been Steven Webber.

It better not be JPL. The way Frank announced it made me fear they were trying to "get" someone.

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I was one of the ones who thought RoHo should've been Steven Webber.

It better not be JPL. The way Frank announced it made me fear they were trying to "get" someone.

Shhh. JPL and Cameron Mattinson are like Beetleguise. If you say their names enough, they'll pop up.

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It better not be JPL. The way Frank announced it made me fear they were trying to "get" someone.


If the show ever were to bring on [NAME REDACTED DUE TO BEETLEJUICE-RELATED FEAR], he would no doubt, 100% be cast as Dillon, just to hock one more loogey on Scott Clifton.

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Stephanie Gatschet: She's too young. I wanted her for Lulu. I'd still like it if they decided to hire her for the role.


That would be fantastic! Yes, please.


I generally like ER but I think she is woefully miscast as Lulu

Edited by Oracle42
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Everybody knows what Obrecht did to Robin. Nobody seems to know, while lauding her as the heart and soul of the Nurses' Ball, that Sabrina got her ass fired for trying to kill a baby.

It doesn't even have to be Obrecht. Kiki, Rosalie, somebody needs to ruin Sabrina's night since Britt will be out of town.

Kiki is currently plotting to poison someone. Bitch has got no room to speak.

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Nobody seems to know, while lauding her as the heart and soul of the Nurses' Ball, that Sabrina got her ass fired for trying to kill a baby.


I don't know why someone at GH hasn't had a line about Sabrina's absence. It's pretty funny. It also speaks to the bubbles Ron puts the characters in. Sabrina isn't a part of the hospital group anymore, so no one says boo. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Someone sent me some Dante info HNY (i know, I know) over at DD posted


BB will be back this summer to stir up trouble


Stavros/Lulu embryo has not been scrapped (didn't need him to tell me that one!)

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Someone sent me some Dante info HNY (i know, I know) over at DD posted


Is HNY unreliable?



Meanwhile, Patrick begins to feel uneasy about Sam and Jake’s new friendship.


Shut up, Patrick. Sam has given you no reason to feel 'uneasy' about her 'friendship' with Jakeson.



Ric is caught off guard by a random proposition. Later, he wonders if he might have another chance with Elizabeth. When Elizabeth begs Ric to be honest with her, will he come clean?


Ugh STFU. Who cares which man Liz chooses this week.



Ned learns why Franco is blackmailing Olivia. Will he be able to put a stop to it? Later, Ned is faced with a tough choice while Julian has a proposal for Olivia.


If Ned cares about Olivia he'll have Franco murdered.

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Both Sabrina and Julian are suspicious of what really happened to Michael.


Wouldn't Julian take advantage of this and try to get custody of Avery for himself?


Ned learns why Franco is blackmailing Olivia


I hope it's more that Ned figures it out for himself, because it shouldn't be that hard to figure out.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I feel the same way.Nothing sounds interesting at all.


Ditto.  C'mon, Ron, if you want us to watch, GIVE US SOMETHING TO WORK WITH, HERE!!!  >:(


(The stuff with Michael sounds especially nauseating).

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Someone sent me some Dante info HNY (i know, I know) over at DD posted


BB will be back this summer to stir up trouble


Stavros/Lulu embryo has not been scrapped (didn't need him to tell me that one!)


I saw that on another board. I wouldn't mind BB coming back, but I want him interacting with other women besides Maxie and Lulu.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I saw that on another board. I wouldn't mind BB coming back, but I want him interacting with other women besides Maxie and Lulu.


can Olivia's baby magically turn into his? That would be awesome, heh

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What the hell, is Spencer going to give Emma a promise ring?

It might be cute if they were 16ish, but they're 10 years old. It's just strange.


Every time I see anything involving these kids, my soul lets out a shriek then shrivels up and dies just a little more at a time.

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That requires a POV, or emotion/feeling. I won't hold my breath!

It'll probs be something like this...

Patrick: You've been spending a lot of time with Jake recently.

Sam: Oh, don't worry, Dr. Sparkes, even though I only talk about Jake, I only have eyes for you.

Patrick: I know, darling! We're perfect and happy and perfect.

Sam: I know! Well, gotta go meet Jake!

Patrick: :D

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Ugh, the return of "Operation Alcoholic".  Joy.


Nathan catches Lucas up on his status with Maxie.


Sabrina asks Felix for help regarding Michael.


The huh?  Nathan and Lucas have never spoken before.  Why would Nathan think Maxie's cousin would be interested in his whining about her?


And double ugh, Felix. 


Some really great storytelling you're doing with your gay characters, Ron. #eyeroll


Franco tries to make amends.


Holy hell, are they really going to try to walk Franco back AGAIN?

Edited by TeeVee329
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TeeVee, pretty sure that Valerie spec you posted in the main thread is exactly where all this is going. It said Valerie wanted revenge on the Spencers in the casting call for her character. And unless she does spectacularly evil like throw Rocco and Aidan in the harbor, I dunno how else she would get revenge besides seducing Dante. Luke and Bobbie don't have anything she could take.

Edited by ulkis
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For the love of all snack foods, age the damn children.

I can't deal.

I guess Johnny is going to just save us from these slow plots.

"Julian..... I'm Olivia's baby daddy."

"Sam, that's Jason."

"Patrick, your wife is being held hostage by Helena in Paris. "

"Sonny. You turned your sons against each other."

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TeeVee, pretty sure that Valerie spec you posted in the main thread is exactly where all this is going. It said Valerie wanted revenge on the Spencers in the casting call for her character. And unless she does spectacularly evil like throw Rocco and Aidan in the harbor, I dunno how else she would get revenge besides seducing Dante. Luke and Bobbie don't have anything she could take.

At least this time around, revenge makes some sort of sense. I really hope what sends her over the edge is finding out about Luke killing Jake, and Luke skipping out on rehab and just about everyone enabling him, since that is the most recent episode of Luke doing something super heinous and everyone covering it up. And I want a genuine WTF reaction about Luke raping Laura. Unstable Luke came after her chronically ill mother and who ended up having heart failure away from her constant medical care, and Luke, no matter how you slice  has had a history of  mental imbalance, but because of the Spencer's belief about weakness, it was never treated. 

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Shut up, Patrick. Sam has given you no reason to feel 'uneasy' about her 'friendship' with Jakeson.


Oh, she most definitely has. She talks about Jakeson about 45% of the time she's with Patrick. Although admittedly I ffwd a good chunk on Samtrick scenes, so maybe I'm missing all the times they aren't about Jakeson and/or Jason.

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