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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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No. Just no. Full stop. No.

FML I'll watch it anyway but NO, BB. NO MEANS NO.

ETA: I don't believe anything until Evel Dick starts confirming shit. Ugh, now I'm going to have to camp out on his Twitter feed and have a vat of sanitizer next to me so I can dip in real quick to get rid of the grossness without having to take 90 showers a day. Maybe I should burn some sage around my computer? Where's Kooky Kaitlyn when I need her? 



FESSY? FUCKING FESSY? AGAIN?! The first time was bad enough FFS. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Wow. Just... wow. Do they not realize the concept of this being FAR too soon??


I mean seriously, Fessy of ALL players in the history of the game the guy who managed to be blindsided one EVERY vote is the one you bring back??

Remember before "reality" TV took over summers we'd have really bad reruns? Well it seems like this year they are planning the WORST rerun ever. I mean, I'll be there to watch it go down but... damn.

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13 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Wow. Just... wow. Do they not realize the concept of this being FAR too soon??

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I mean seriously, Fessy of ALL players in the history of the game the guy who managed to be blindsided one EVERY vote is the one you bring back??

Remember before "reality" TV took over summers we'd have really bad reruns? Well it seems like this year they are planning the WORST rerun ever. I mean, I'll be there to watch it go down but... damn.


I will freely confess my (lack of) shame here: he is an ABYSMAL player, but I would gleefully accept another summer of Fessy. He's an idiot - bless his heart - but a harmless and smoking hot one. I also think if Faleigh were cast, that eliminates the possibility of Swayleigh, which is a very good thing afaic.

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57 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Okay, two weeks before the premiere date is June 4th. Oh, no! They're in the BB House now and I haven't been spoiled. What the heck is going on here? LOL!!! I guess I can wait another week till everything (stupid or otherwise) is revealed.

I think they're in the hotel sequester at the two week mark but not in the house until one week before. I can't wait for the pre-game interviews to come out so we can suss out which two shitty seasons they left for the newbies to watch in sequester. I'm putting my money on BB16 and BB19 for some reason. 

25 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:
  Reveal spoiler

I will freely confess my (lack of) shame here: he is an ABYSMAL player, but I would gleefully accept another summer of Fessy. He's an idiot - bless his heart - but a harmless and smoking hot one. I also think if Faleigh were cast, that eliminates the possibility of Swayleigh, which is a very good thing afaic.


All I remember from Fessy was his inability to take no as an answer from Haleigh and bitching endlessly about her being in the hammock for FIVE HOURS with Scottie. Oh and breaking the HoH sink like the goober he was. He did give us "Who flipped?" but I also remember him getting all pissy because Haleigh wouldn't let him own her - not that it mattered in the end but still. 

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

When do the HH enter the house? Isn't it really like 2 weeks before the air show?

2 hours ago, Nashville said:

For a regular BB season - yes, usually.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think they're in the hotel sequester at the two week mark but not in the house until one week before. 

Yea, they don't actually enter the house 'til a week before the premiere, which is when we get the cast reveal/interviews. So, we'll know whether or not those horrible, soul-crushing rumors are true in 12 days.

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7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Well... have any of Those Who Shall Not Be Named been active on SM since June 4 with any personal content?


Swaggy posted 8 hours ago (which would be the night of 6/6). Bayleigh, 11 hours ago.  Haleigh and Fessie both 2 days ago.  Angela and Tyler haven't posted since the end of May. 

I think there are apps to schedule Instagram posts and I think it's a native feature for Twitter so unfortunately, I don't think social media activity is really a clue anymore. Assuming they're smart enough to think ahead and do that. 

Honestly, if I ever made it on, I would pre-write up a lot of social media stuff for the husband to post while I was gone because our writing styles are so different and I'm the type of person that would love to get one over on everyone. "Sorry, I can't talk or see you for the next two weeks. I have... mono. And laryngitis. Super contagious. Even over the phone."

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Super excited for the season to start!!

The HGs should start to be kidnapped starting this weekend, but my guess is more into the coming week. The HGs are usually in sequester for about a week. The reveal of the HGs is usually a more then a week before the premiere- usually the Monday before they go in the house- so probably June 17th. They will probably go in the house on the 18th or 19th and then the premiere is on the 25th. So it’s coming!!!

I don’t believe the returning showmance rumor. Unless CBS has told Tyler & Angela to mess with the fans- they did a video today as a joke with Tyler leaving to head out to go to sequester for BB with his bag saying “I hope I win this time” and Angela saying bye! Lol. If you were actually going to be on- your ass would be quiet and not even acknowledging the rumors.

I think Brent just wanted to stir the pot- and be dramatic as he always is. Alex Kidwell who used to work for RHAP tweeted that he was told the “outrage over the showmances coming back made production reconsider” so “Brent saved BB21” 🙄

1. Relax with giving Brent all this credit- I’m sure he made it all up; and 

 2. Production has NEVER cared what the hard core fans have ever thought about anything- because if they did then they would have changed A LOT or things. They actually think Battle of the Block is a “fan favorite”, remember when Julie said that? So I don’t buy that bullshit for a second. They are going to do what they want to do. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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27 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

So, is it just a coincidence that Jess and Cody "went on vacation" yesterday and the hotel sequester starts this week (I think?)

I think so. I honestly can't see them leaving their newborn daughter for a few months. I mean, Jess/Cody are a lot of things, but I don't see BOTH of them willingly leaving to go on Big Brother again.

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Fessy tweeted today. I don't think they're going back. Haleigh is finishing up school (give the girl credit -- she actually went back to school instead of moving to LA to become a "model/actress"). As for Tyler/Angela, I could believe that rumor first. It was kind of disappointing how after the show they totally went Hollywood.

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Can I ruin your Sunday? Awesome!

There's a video up on FB of (ew) Jeff Schroeder, he of "I wouldn't let my kids go to Hogwarts because Dumbledore is gay and that's gross" fame (oh and one half of the gag-worthy Jeff and Jordan), claiming that he has a surprise for people on the Big Brother social media accounts tomorrow. 

What could it be? Did Jordan finally find a second brain cell to rub against the first? That would be a miracle. Here's hoping it's something personal and not something related to Big Brother because if we're getting Jeff yelling at us during long feed outages, I'm gonna lose it. It's been SO NICE without him. 

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Surprise! It looks like Douchey Jeff's news is that he's doing the cast interviews in a week. 

Y'know, like he does every year.

Biiig surprise. Huuuuge. The hugest. Surprise!

Well, he didn't do them last year....but I think he's acting like he hasn't done them in years. No, dude. We only got a year break from you and your questions about wanting to fight a mosquito.

  • LOL 1
On 6/8/2019 at 4:18 PM, Lady Calypso said:

I think so. I honestly can't see them leaving their newborn daughter for a few months. I mean, Jess/Cody are a lot of things, but I don't see BOTH of them willingly leaving to go on Big Brother again.

Their vacation was in Palm Springs, CA. Cody hasn't been on social media - his or Jess' - in a week. I think he's returning this season.

As an aside, I can't get over that Jess moved her mother to Dallas so her mother could be her nanny. Chrissy Tiegen did the same thing, but Chrissy Tiegen actually has (multiple) jobs. I feel bad for that baby. They have her out in 100 degree weather so Jess can sunbathe and drag her to restaurants while she's sleeping. Instead of holding her they prop her up on their couch. She's three months old, ffs.

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2 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

Their vacation was in Palm Springs, CA. Cody hasn't been on social media - his or Jess' - in a week. I think he's returning this season.

As an aside, I can't get over that Jess moved her mother to Dallas so her mother could be her nanny. Chrissy Tiegen did the same thing, but Chrissy Tiegen actually has (multiple) jobs. I feel bad for that baby. They have her out in 100 degree weather so Jess can sunbathe and drag her to restaurants while she's sleeping. Instead of holding her they prop her up on their couch. She's three months old, ffs.

I highly doubt Cody will return to a reality show without Jessica. He couldn't stand it the first time. No way do I see him doing it. 

Eh. I don't really follow Jess or Cody. I mean, I do follow Jess on Instagram but don't really pay attention to anything they're doing. But I can't say they're bad parents since I don't personally know them and only catch glimpses of them through their photos. They seem to be fine, from what I've seen. 

1 minute ago, HartofDixie said:

Swaggy & Bayleigh attempting the last bit of attention before BB21.


They are THE WORST. I haven't heard a thing about them since they scammed money but I do worry about them somehow slithering their way onto this season, since the people behind BB don't give a shit about their scams. 

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, sashayshante said:

Their vacation was in Palm Springs, CA. Cody hasn't been on social media - his or Jess' - in a week. I think he's returning this season.

As an aside, I can't get over that Jess moved her mother to Dallas so her mother could be her nanny. Chrissy Tiegen did the same thing, but Chrissy Tiegen actually has (multiple) jobs. I feel bad for that baby. They have her out in 100 degree weather so Jess can sunbathe and drag her to restaurants while she's sleeping. Instead of holding her they prop her up on their couch. She's three months old, ffs.

Eh, it;s weird, but parenting in the social media age has gotten really weird. I used to teach a student who got pregnant by accident and dropped out of school. Neither she nor her babydaddy have a job. But her social media is constantly trying to "monetize" the baby, so to speak. She has this "baby-care" YT channel as well her own skin-care YT channel, and is always asking for "DM's for donations" so people can continue to watch her ... raise a baby. At first I thought no way is anyone going to pay for her parenting tips but then I saw her baby's one year old birthday party and ... wow. It was blinged out to the max, and tons of people had sent gift bags with money. 

I also know people who do this with dogs and stuff. I feel like telling them to, you know, get a job, but whatever pays the bills I guess.

Saw this a few min ago, apparently it came out yesterday...

Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers tease that a cast announcement is only days away. Until the official cast reveal, the BB21 fans cannot help but talk about who they think will make the cut. A Twitter user, BB21 Spoilers, claims to have the intel on who will enter the house.

According to the Twitter post, the following people will enter the house: Vanessa Russo (BB17), Alex Ow (BB19), Cody Calafiore (BB16), Johnny McGuire (BB17), Tyler Crispen (BB20), and Haleigh Broucher (BB20),


1 hour ago, xKHANx said:

Saw this a few min ago, apparently it came out yesterday...

Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers tease that a cast announcement is only days away. Until the official cast reveal, the BB21 fans cannot help but talk about who they think will make the cut. A Twitter user, BB21 Spoilers, claims to have the intel on who will enter the house.

According to the Twitter post, the following people will enter the house: Vanessa Russo (BB17), Alex Ow (BB19), Cody Calafiore (BB16), Johnny McGuire (BB17), Tyler Crispen (BB20), and Haleigh Broucher (BB20),


I'd be pretty happy with any/all of those aside from Alex. I think it's probably bs, but if we must have returnees, those are good ones.

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2 hours ago, xKHANx said:

Saw this a few min ago, apparently it came out yesterday...

Big Brother 21 (BB21) spoilers tease that a cast announcement is only days away. Until the official cast reveal, the BB21 fans cannot help but talk about who they think will make the cut. A Twitter user, BB21 Spoilers, claims to have the intel on who will enter the house.

According to the Twitter post, the following people will enter the house: Vanessa Russo (BB17), Alex Ow (BB19), Cody Calafiore (BB16), Johnny McGuire (BB17), Tyler Crispen (BB20), and Haleigh Broucher (BB20),


I wouldn't believe any Twitter spoilers until much closer. Right now, the cast is going into sequester but people could still drop out and the cast could still change up until early next week. 

Plus, a lot of these are simply rumours. 


CBS has announced the 90 minute finale will be Wednesday, September 25th, following the Survivor premiere. I hope the HGs already are aware of this so we won’t have to suffer their speculation on when it will be.


Edited by TimWil
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

But man, if they have to have returnees, then I would kill to see Vanessa play again.

Same - she's one of my all time faves. 

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The live interviews (with Jeff, ew) are Monday at 11 est, so less than 4 days before we'll know for sure. I hate how excited I am lol.

If I were capable of shame, I'd be feeling it now for sure. 

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40 minutes ago, TimWil said:

CBS has announced the 90 minute finale will be Wednesday, September 25th, following the Survivor premiere. I hope the HGs already are aware of this so we won’t have to suffer their speculation on when it will be.


Yay! Now to calculate what day to sign up for my VPN and All Access to get the best bang for my buck.

12 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Jeff Schroeder gets into it about Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Honestly he talked the same way to Kalia. That condescending anger.

Yaknow, I almost watched this.


But then I remembered - I don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about any opinion Jeff Schroeder might or might not have on a virtual universe of subjects.  

Including politics.

Now I’m wondering about a MUCH more engaging subject - what I can scare up for dinner.



Steamed shrimp with drawn butter. 😋

Edited by Nashville
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