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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I agree - why should Preston be the cuckold here? He's tall and hot, plus nice and close with his family and making a good living. SHE'S lucky to have HIM. I'm sure he had his pick of women in this country, and probably dated many before meeting Elena. For whatever reason he fell for her, they definitely seem to be in love and she cares a lot about making a good impression with his family. If it were a green card situation, she'd have been out two years in, because she's been making a living as "Mini-Britney" since 2012,.

  • Love 2

5 of these 6 little women have to be the least likeable little people I have ever watched on TV, and that includes Matt Roloff. Only Brianna seems normal.  Terra can tell whomever she wants about her pregnancy on her own schedule..  Tonya and Tracy grilling her and ordering her to apologize for not telling them first was like watching mean high school girls bullying the class brain.  And, why go to a barbeque hosted by someone that none of you get along with - unless the whole thing is a must attend scripted drama. 


I did feel happiness, and then sadness for Tracy with her issue.  I do feel concern for Joe and Terra's worries about the baby's health. 

But I don't like most of these people.


ETA:  I don't like any of  the little men on this show either.  The entire barbeque scene was classless by everyone involved.  You are at Todd and Christy's home, you don't attack them there.  Leave if you can't get along.  Todd defends his wife, and Eric takes exception... while he is defending his own wife Tracy.   Do none of these people realize that they need to police their own behavior?   If you don't like Christy, then don't be around her.  If you told Elena before Tonya and Tracy, then just own up to it, and tell those two it is none of their business. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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If I was Brianna's boyfriend I would run for the hills after meeting this group.  They do this at a party that she is introducing her new boyfriend at.  I normally don't have a problem with Eric but he can't really tell Todd to stay out of it if he's defending his wife. I may be in the minority but when Terra starting using the language to Todd she doesn't get the "you don't talk to a lady like that" that Eric said to Todd.  If Christy is to blame for telling Tracy then isn't Elena for telling her.  Elena didn't think Christy was going to cause trouble.  Although why does Terra have to explain who she told first to Tracy and Tonya.  I have a headache after watching this episode.

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I know this is terrible but I got the feeling that Traci's pregnancy was fake.

Just when I think Christy can't be any piece-of-shittier she proves me wrong. All those alligator tears and the lies about why she shared what Elena told her made me laugh. Then there were the questions she was asking Briana's boyfriend. Good grief!

I use to wonder why Joe didn't show up to alot of the parties but who can blame him. I guess all the drama makes for good reality tv though.

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This show is so scripted it's ridiculous. I just watched it on LifetimeTV. The party appeared to be starting in the afternoon. After everyone but Tracy arrives - Terra pulls Elana aside for the talk - it's still light out - but during the course of that 2 minute conversation - it becomes dusk and then nighttime with the lights showing across the lake. The boys were cleaning the grill and putting food on when it was light - but when the food is ready to be served - it's dark out. I'd say 2-3 hours elasped why they were filming that 2 minute conversation.


I do think Tracy was pregnant - my first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage as I believe 1 in 4 does - many time women aren't even aware they are pregnant - I didn't.


Christy is the instigator on the show but Terra is the loudmouth. This was not the place or time to bring the whole situation up and if it wasn't for it being scripted - in real life - I'm sure that would have been discussed at another time - or if they know Christy is like this - stay away from Christy - meet without her - they've dealt with this before and she hasn't changed.


I use to like Eric - but he should have kept his mouth shut - Todd said nothing wrong - granted he should have kept his mouth shut but he was defending his wife.


I guess I dispise Terra and Tonya most of all - if you don' like someone - don't be two faced and go to their party - and if you're going to the party to support another friend - learn to keep your mouth shut.

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I guess im the minority for liking Eric for what he did. When Terra and Christy started getting into it, that was between Terra and Christy to get into. I don't see what Todd's place was in that argument, or why he entered it. There's defending your wife, and then theres getting down in the nitty gritty with a woman and you are a man. I'm happy that Eric called him out on the way he was speaking to Terra when it wasn't his place or business to.

Keep in mind that these women more or less have all known one another far longer than they've known their husbands/boyfriends; even if I was a female friend of theirs I wouldn't have said much because thats their dynamic.

Todd reminds me of Peter from RHOA, always halfway steeped in the girls BS as he and Christy cackle on like a pair of school girls instead of husband and wife. And why are the constantly together? In almost all of the other relationships, the little women are independent of their men pretty much all the time until it comes to special events. With Todd everywhere Christy is, there he is. He doesnt have a job, does he.

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It creeped me out a bit Briana's friend brought her a stuffed animal. I mean flowers or chocolates would have been nice but a stuffed animal leans toward the fetish side to me at least. Also their first kiss was completely awkward.

Tracey finding out she was pregnant I don't feel was faked, she's not that good of an actress, those were pretty real emotions.

ETA- I find it rather selfish that Briana feels that her kid is more important than Matt's kid. She said she wouldn't move because her child is her number one priority but it's perfectly ok for him to move and leave his two kids??

Edited by MrsPatrickBateman
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ETA- I find it rather selfish that Briana feels that her kid is more important than Matt's kid. She said she wouldn't move because her child is her number one priority but it's perfectly ok for him to move and leave his two kids??

I had *assumed* that Matt's kids were teens/young adults in comparison to 4 year old Leiana, but I could totally be wrong. ITA though about the double standard, as a parent she of all people should understand the impracticality of even considering moving so far away from ones children for a relationship. Its not like Matt is like Eric or Todd, who both traveled from their original states to be with their wives. Eric nor Todd has children.

And the stuffed koala was totally creepy as crap.

On a tangent, does anyone else think they might potentially expand LW:LA into other markets, like NY or ATL? Maybe thats why there having the one woman who has a crush on Joe come out, they're screen testing for a spinoff. Could've swore they addressed her as coming from New York.

I was thinking about his kid's ages, Briana said he's 38 so even if he started at 20 the oldest would be 18 and she said he has 2. Plus I think uprooting and leaving an older child is just as traumatic if not more than a younger child. At least if they were younger that would be all they know, however to be in your teens and have your parent leave you and move to a different state would have to be very hurtful.

However I think it's a moot point because he's Creepy McCreeperson and I don't see it being long term once Briana wakes up and realizes this.

I caught up on episodes all at once so I hope I have the right one.....but some thoughts regarding Terra's pregnancy:  It seems there may be a chance that she took the long practiced approach and planned an "accidental" pregnancy to secure her relationship with Joe.  It says something about a relationship when you dread telling your significant other the big news.  Bad move.  Further, it seems she didn't do much to educate herself beforehand about the very real risks her child could be facing due to the two different kinds of dwarfism she and Joe have.  I'm not saying anyone should be denied the opportunity to have a baby, but it doesn't settle well that there may be an extremely selfish motivation at work here.  If she used the pregnancy as a power move, I feel terribly for the high chance that this child may be severely disabled or face major health issues.  It's all about what Terra wants and not looking at the reality of what that is going to mean for the baby.   

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I originally thought that he Matt brought the bear for Brianna's daughter. Maybe she's expressed to him her love of stuffed animals. I really didn't think it was creepy at all - I thought it was a cute gift. We also don't know anything about his situation with his family - he may have custody, his wife may not let him see them - until we find out a lottle more about him - we shouldn't judge him.


Meeting on the internet is still strange to me even though I have 2 friends that married guys they met through the internet and after 10 years - they're still together and happy.


No Todd is unemployed and Christy is a stay at home mom - but when Tara was calling her out about why it was her business and Christy said she was crying because of feeling bad for Tracy - Todd only interjected because he was in the car on the way home and knew that was the reason Christy was crying - which Tara disagreed with. It escalated farther than it should have - but again - it's not always about Tara.


Personally - I wouldn't like spin offs - some have called Matt creepy - but why are we watching this - because they're oddities just like the Roloffs - if they were of normal size - it'd would have never been produced - so aren't we all a tad creepy?

Todd only interjected because he was in the car on the way home and knew that was the reason Christy was crying - which Tara disagreed with. It escalated farther than it should have - but again - it's not always about Tara.


Personally - I wouldn't like spin offs - some have called Matt creepy - but why are we watching this - because they're oddities just like the Roloffs - if they were of normal size - it'd would have never been produced - so aren't we all a tad creepy?


So Todd is unemployed does that make him less of a husband who stuck up for his wife?  Christy is a shit stirrer and we all know that.  Todd loves her and stuck up for her.    Todd can't be yelled at when Eric is doing the same thing even though the wives are totally different. I don't see the difference with the husbands. 


Terra used her fithly mouth to Todd and he treated her filthy mouth as such..  She's a woman so it doesn't count and he has to treat her like a lady?  Why? If he hit Terra I would be all over him but Terra came at him with her "dick" comment and he responded.  Why does she get a pass and he is wrong? Eric tells him not to talk to a lady like that.  Where is the lady in Terra?  Honestly.

Edited by Crucial
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Totally agree with Crucial. Todd was calmly trying to confirm the sentiments that Christy was trying to express - be they real, fake, whatever and Terra and Eric started attacking him for it. Whether Christy is wrong or right, Todd is her husband and it may just be that he feels protective of her and wanted to help her explain. And again right or wrong it was several people vs Christy and maybe Todd just wanted to support her. Isn't that the same thing Terra was crying about Joe not doing last season. Once Terra and Eric started insulting Todd, all bets are off, why shouldn't he lash back at that point?


Christy may be a bitch but Terra, Tonya, and Tracy (the Triple T's) are a bunch of hypocritical bullies. First with the three of them plus Elena attacking Brianna for not showing at Tracy's wedding. Then they have no problem turning against eachother at the drop of a hat, as shown when Tracy and Tonya attacked Terra over not being told she was pregnant first. They are the worst. 


The only one I can root for right now is Brianna.  I too know a couple who met online and are still happily married after several years. Hopefully this works out for her. 

Edited by nomodrama
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I think personal moments like telling your husband you are pregnant, and telling your husband you had a miscarriage should be private, not televised for the world. I feel for them and hope things turn around.


I don't find anyone on this show to be really likable, except maybe Briana. Elena seems stuck up to me and she thinks she is better than the others because she has the most 'traditional' looks. I don't know why they are all friends if they have so many issues with each other.


I think Briana needs to be careful with her online guy. I assume he is staying with her and I would never let a stranger stay at my home, especially since she is a mother. Her extreme small size could easily attract guys with a fetish, and she probably needs to be more careful than other people. 

So Todd is unemployed does that make him less of a husband who stuck up for his wife?  Christy is a shit stirrer and we all know that.  Todd loves her and stuck up for her.    Todd can't be yelled at when Eric is doing the same thing even though the wives are totally different. I don't see the difference with the husbands. 


Terra used her fithly mouth to Todd and he treated her filthy mouth as such..  She's a woman so it doesn't count and he has to treat her like a lady?  Why? If he hit Terra I would be all over him but Terra came at him with her "dick" comment and he responded.  Why does she get a pass and he is wrong? Eric tells him not to talk to a lady like that.  Where is the lady in Terra?  Honestly.

I think you are mixing up what I was saying. I was just confirming to an above poster who asked if Todd was unemployed and the answer is yes. Employed or not I believe he was only sticking up for his wife - whether she was right or wrong - and I feel he was justified doing so. I believe Eric should have stayed out of it as I'm sure he would stick up for his wife if someone was calling her out on something whether he was present or not.


As far as why these girls are together and supposed " friends"  - I think Tonya, Terra, Tracy, and Christy have probably been acquainted because some were friends or through working together. Plus they probably all attend the Little People conventions. I think Elena was thrown into the mix because she is unique when it comes to Little People and was hired by someone after they saw her in one of her shows.


This show must pay well as they all have nice digs - better than I have and living in California is not cheap as we all know. I watch the talking heads and am not sure if they have individual rooms that they interview these women in or if it's actually apart of their homes but the background is similar in appearance with color co-ordinated picture frames , vases ect..


We know Todd is unemployed, Joe plays in a band but does anyone know what Preston or Eric do?

We know Todd is unemployed, Joe plays in a band but does anyone know what Preston or Eric do?

From what google says, Preston is a lower level entertainment guy, he's been an extra in a few films and produced some of his own low budget flicks. From his old Myspace, it also seems that he is an amateur photographer.

Erik is an accountant. If there was a contest over whose husband has their crap together the most, Traci would win by a landslide.

I think personal moments like telling your husband you are pregnant, and telling your husband you had a miscarriage should be private, not televised for the world. I feel for them and hope things turn around.

While i'm sure that both of the pregnancy and loss of pregnancy were conferred to Erik privately before the televised scene (as i'm sure Terra's pregnancy was shared with Joe; I believe Terra knew she was pregnant long before it was revealed on the show), I think it was refreshing that Traci shared that she had miscarried. Miscarriage is treated as almost shameful, a silent taboo. I felt proud of her that she acknowledged her loss and her pain, and that is is something that happens, not every pregnancy ends happily in birth.

I know it further endeared me to her, as a woman who experienced miscarriages and suffered them each silently and alone. Being the only person in the world who knows you were carrying this little light inside of you sucks.

I have always wondered why Todd and Christy see in each other and now I know, they are both not the nicest people. I get sticking up for your wife but I think Todd should have stayed out of it. Christy is more than capable of handling her own. Speaking of Christy, her whole little spiel about how this is like "high school", well she started it with her own high school behavior of tattling to Tracy.


I do agree though that Terra should have waited until another time to bring up the issue.


Todd moved there to be with Christy, I remember they had an episode where he was looking for job and discussed the difficulties he faced as a little person.

Edited by bluvelvet
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On the heels of a major fight at the bonfire, Terra focuses her attention away from the girls and on to her brother Bourn, who is coming to visit. But when Terra reveals that she's pregnant, Bourn forces her to tell the one person she's been dreading the most... their mom! Blissfully in love, Briana confronts her family on why they aren't willing to meet her new long distance boyfriend. Later, Briana braves the stage to sing for her first time at an open mic night, but will she be able to keep the spotlight when Terra surprises everyone and takes the stage as well?


 Terra can tell whomever she wants about her pregnancy on her own schedule.. 

I mean, clearly, Terra can tell who she wants when she wants, but I understood Traci and Tonya's disappointment. Last season, Terra and Elena had some weird tension between them. I got the distinct impression that they would not be friends if not for the show. Terra has known Traci and Tonya for several years at this point, so honestly, I totally get why they were upset. Terra was Traci's MOH, but she tells Elena about the pregnancy first? Even before Joe? It's odd, IMO. I think Terra had an agenda and that's why she told Elena first.


So sad for Traci's miscarriage, and I hope she can have a child soon.


I don't know about the next person, but if I were like Briana, there's no way I'd invite a man I just met to my home. Whether you meet online or at a bar, it's not the best idea.

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Last season, Terra and Tonya appeared to have a close bond and friendship.  This season however, they are barely communicating.  On the other hand, Terra and Elena seemed like strangers who couldn't stand each other, but were forced to work together.  I am not buying that they are now besties.  Seems more like a directive.  Elena appears to have a superiority complex.  I have a feeling if it weren’t for the show, she would never associate with any of them.

I have always wondered why Todd and Christy see in each other and now I know, they are both not the nicest people. I get sticking up for your wife but I think Todd should have stayed out of it. Christy is more than capable of handling her own. Speaking of Christy, her whole little spiel about how this is like "high school", well she started it with her own high school behavior of tattling to Tracy.


So much yes! I was watching the rerun and Christy just drives me crazy with her rationalizations. Nothing is ever Christy's fault in her own mind, or her husband's apparently. Her sharing this information had absolutely nothing to do with being a good friend and all about being a shit-stirrer. I think less of Brianna for falling for Christy's self-induced drama. Christy is just nasty and mean.

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First I have to say, all the women in Brianna's family have GORGEOUS hair...her, her mom and her sister!


That being said, she has to understand where her family is coming from, she has a little girl and they have the right to be concerned. Hopefully Matt is on the up and up but I agree with the family about the red flags.

Terra was just being a big bitch here, maybe it's the pregnancy hormones kicking it. Speaking of that, you can definitely see it in her face now and her boobs.  She could have just stayed back and let Brianna have her big moment. Even Tonya "her girl" acknowledged she was being a bitch.

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I need scorecards to keep up with who's fighting with who and why. Everyone's best friend seems to always change. It's like watching a square dance.

Briana does have a very pretty voice. I agree it was crappy of Terra to go on after her. I suppose it was producer-driven but I wouldn't put it past Terra to have done it on her own.

I'm leary about Matt, especially after hearing about his record. I'd love to know the whole story because the charge could have been dismissed for a dozen different reasons. I just think Briana is rushing into things. I can't remember which episode she said she really, really wanted to meet someone. She seemed a little desperate.

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I'm not done with it, so I'll probably be back. But...


Terra saying Joe couldn't be at the beach bonfire because sand is bad for his hips and knees. As they show them standing on solid ground around the bonfire. Then walking back, they are on LAWN. Hard ground.


I hate Terra's voice when she cries and it gets really high. 


Going back to the show...

I still dont get how Christy doesn't get her place in this. What difference does it truly make that she didnt know first? She knows now and is dealing with it. How can she call Terra a sh!t stirrer when she herself is one?

Terra was grating this week, the way she showed Traci no empathy when she told her about the chemical pregnancy. She couldve at least given her a hug, jeez. And she was messed up for taking Briana's spotlight. Shes not at all a good singer while Briana actually is.

Tonya had zero storyline, and Elena's is nonsensical (to me); like Preston says she was a way of going halfheartedly into things so we'll see where things go.

Briana and Matt and her family... Whoever said all the ladies in that family have gorgeous heads of hair ITA, so thick, full and long. Beautiful. I don't foresee this Matt thing as long term working out at all. Something about him is not quite right.

Traci is incredibly strong for being able to still be friends and close with Terra during her pregnancy. Infertility/suspected infertility can really make it hard to be around pregnant women and babies, no matter how close they are to you. For that alone I was proud of her this week, i can tell Traci's not a bad egg at all.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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Funny Joe couldn't go down to the bon fire - but when Tera's brother comes - she suggests going to the BEACH?


Anyway what she did at the Open Mike Night was really disgusting - then she has the nerve to say she didn't know she was going to sing - ah - they called your name so obviously you gave it too them for the lineup. Then to comment about Todd and Brianna's voice - sorry but those kind of friends - you don't need and Elena and Tracy stand there like zombies - reminds me of the mean girl club. Sorry but Tera is a B and I can't stand her. Her singing is terrible - the video on Youtube is a joke, she doesn't realize that the attention she's getting is because of her size - she delusional if she thinks people watch her for her singing and dance moves.


As for Brianna's situation - I can understand how her parents feel but my parents hated my husband from things they heard from other people. We met in Aug and married in April - my parents didn't come to the wedding and I had no contact with them for 2 years even though we lived less than 6 blocks away from them. Fast forward 36 years - when my parents finally came around after I had a miscarriage - they saw my husband for the person he really was - not what they had heard from other people - we're still together - my parents consider them their son and there's nothing the three of them wouldn't do for each other.


But being a mom, I can understand how they feel. In today's society - it's much easier to pretend to be something you're not and get away with it. The assault arrest may be something as simple as a bar fight where he was defending his friend, girlfriend ect.. and the instigator called the cops - when the cops saw the real reason for the fight - the charges were dropped. My 6"5" son stepped into a situation 4 years ago where a guy in a bar he and his friend were at, started beating up his girlfriend. He laid the guy out cold and the girlfriend called the cops and had the boyfriend arrested for assaulting her. I did tell my son that both of them could very well have had him arrested as some girls wouldn't want their boyfriend, no matter how abusive, to be hurt. No parent wants to see their child hurt, but sometimes we have to step back, believe in them and now we raised them to make good decisions - it's not easy though!


Tera's mom's reaction. I expected as much from how Tera tlaked. The mother does seem very concerned about the health of the child and that may be her reservation or she knows Tera better than anyone and may feel it's always been the Tera show and the baby will take a backseat to Tera. She's excited now but I don't really see her being a good mom - she's abusive verbally and mentally and self centered, 

I don't get normal sized men being attracted to little women.  I am very suspicious of this.  It seems very fetishy.  Elena is very beautiful and proportionate although she is very tiny, so in her marriage, maybe I can see it, but with Briana's new boyfriend I just don't know.  I suppose he could just be in love with her as a person, etc, but it still makes me leery.

Six weeks online AND two days in person:  Meet the fams!  Move closer!  I love you!


I'm pregnant, I want to be pregnant, I'm no longer pregnant, I was going to be pregnant but I'm starting a clothing line instead.


I must sing!  I must also sing!  Forget singing (clothing line!)


All this drama drains me; I'm going back to just reading the boards.

  • Love 5

Also I still don't understand Christy's reasoning for telling Tracey that Elena knew first ? She said something about softening the blow, but I don't understand what she means by that. I mean Tracey knew about the pregnancy at that point.

I think Terra was promoting herself and her album and that's why she went on that stage. However she seemed to take pleasure in that fact that she was essentially stomping on Briana.

I do wonder why these ladies are even friends.

Also I still don't understand Christy's reasoning for telling Tracey that Elena knew first ? She said something about softening the blow, but I don't understand what she means by that. I mean Tracey knew about the pregnancy at that point.

I think Terra was promoting herself and her album and that's why she went on that stage. However she seemed to take pleasure in that fact that she was essentially stomping on Briana.

I do wonder why these ladies are even friends.

I think she meant softening the blow when Tracy finally comes to the realization that Tera is for Tera and no one else. I found it completely strange that when Tracy was telling Tera about her miscarriage and why she was acting strangely at the BBQ, Tera didn't jump off her chair and come over and hug her "friend" that was so emotional telling her about it.. At the bofire after Todd and Christie walked away and Tera continued to explain herself - both Tracy and Tonya were by her side, rubbing her back and trying to get her to calm down.


These women are friends because it pays good. Lifetime saw how good the Roloffs were accepted and the other Little People show - so they created this. I saw an advertisement for another Little People show - Mom, Dad and all their kids are Little People. The only reason people watch these shows is out of curiosity.

I don't get normal sized men being attracted to little women.  I am very suspicious of this.  It seems very fetishy.  Elena is very beautiful and proportionate although she is very tiny, so in her marriage, maybe I can see it, but with Briana's new boyfriend I just don't know.  I suppose he could just be in love with her as a person, etc, but it still makes me leery.

There are all kinds of people out there and many love and accept a person for who they are and not what they look like. My husband and I have a very good looking friend, who's a cop and the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. He met his wife, a nurse's aide, at the hospital when his mom was sick. Sue was a little different and not what I would call attractive - but if he loved her - she was accepted. Ends up - she divorces our friend as she took up with one of her patients, while doing homecare, that was 20 yrs older than her - dirt poor and a quadriplegic - we never did figure that one out.


I'm like you - I don't think I would be attracted to a little person - but who knows?

  • Love 2

There are all kinds of people out there and many love and accept a person for who they are and not what they look like. My husband and I have a very good looking friend, who's a cop and the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. He met his wife, a nurse's aide, at the hospital when his mom was sick. Sue was a little different and not what I would call attractive - but if he loved her - she was accepted. Ends up - she divorces our friend as she took up with one of her patients, while doing homecare, that was 20 yrs older than her - dirt poor and a quadriplegic - we never did figure that one out.


I'm like you - I don't think I would be attracted to a little person - but who knows?

I get what you are saying, but you are talking about people that met in person and got to know each other and fell in love with the inner beauty.  I am very suspicious of Briana's boyfriend being that they met online.  The nature of online dating is initially very superficial and appearance orientated. It's not like they met and he got to know her and saw past her dwarfism.   It makes me wonder-Was he seeking out a little person?  It seems like he could have a fetish.  I just don't trust him.

  • Love 1

 It makes me wonder-Was he seeking out a little person?


Or seeking out someone on a reality show?


I don't trust him either.


She keeps talking about how lonely she is, how she wants to find love again. She's newly divorced! I get it. I've been divorced 7 years and I still haven't found the one. But she needs to not rush it.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 3

Oh I agree about not rushing it - but as I stated in another post - I worked with 2 women who met their husbands online, married and are still happy 10 years later. Lee was a sweetheart but very very heavy - but Todd loved her and her son just the way she was. She has since had stomach surgery and is down to 130 lbs and is just gorgeous.  I'd be very leery of online dating but for some people it works and they move across country to be with a person they've only talked to online and maybe seen once or twice. It's not for everyone and certainly not for me.

I guess some people just are attracted to little people because they find them sexy ,  and  there are those who fetishize them, just like anything else.  Personally,  I think Brianna is gorgeous, and I have a crush on Traci's husband.      I would date Eric if he were available, and I can imagine many men find Brianna attractive.    I don't get all the Elena love, as I find her hatchet faced and very plastic looking.   Brianna has a natural look, she's confident, and that's a big turn on for all sorts of men. 

I'm going to give Terra's Mom the benefit of the doubt.  She raised two little people.  If anyone understands the health issues that Terra's baby could have, it's Terra's Mom. Any of us that are Moms of kids who have/had health issues can relate to what she's gone thru.  You sit in the hospital room wanting to do something, anything to make your child ok.  Maybe she doesn't want Terra and Joe to have that helpless feeling .


Brianna's parents should have at least taken the time to meet Matt.   Then they could have talked with her, rather than AT her.  She's an adult, with a child.  She's not under their control. I also see red flags, but talking AT  her isn't going to help.  Regarding the song, she should have used a song she had ready.   

Edited by mythoughtis

I can see how Brianna's family was so worried about her online relationship.  It's moved so fast it would make anyone wonder what's going on except for the person who wants to find love so bad.  I hope for Brianna that it's the real deal but it just makes me wonder, mainly because its on tv right now.


Wow Terra is a bitch and it seals it for me that it's all about Terra and nothing but Terra.  I'm sorry but her act on stage was awful - from the singing to her whole performance or shaking her ass.  I'm glad I heard Tonya say Terra was a bitch.  I hope Tracy saw how Terra when she told her about her miscarriage. So comforting.  Just a few episodes Terra was wondering why Tracy wasn't supportive of her having a baby yet her self centered nature could be supportive of her friend Tracy. 


Terra upstaged Brianna and she couldn't see why Brianna was upset.  Although after that act I don't know why Brianna would be upset because that was awful.  I would be willing to give Terra a pass on this whole thing if it was Christy who was singing but it wasn't.


I think Elena, seeing her now, is a little bit scattered.  She now wants to design.  And wasn't the designer on Project Runway so is this a venture that gets paid by the network instead of "investors".


Christy and Todd are faced with some unfortunate news, and decide to explore alternative options for having a child. Elena decides to have an uncommon cosmetic enhancement, but worries about how her husband Preston will react to her news. And Terra tries to hook up Tonya with a new man by throwing a "Used-Date Party," but when Christy brings Joe's ex-girlfriend to the event, things get physical.


And wasn't the designer on Project Runway so is this a venture that gets paid by the network instead of "investors".



Different network, though, right?  At any rate, the designer is going to help her make samples, and then she'll use the samples to get "investors."


Frankly, I think it's a good idea if she'll drop the "my clothes are for everybody" grasping.  You've got a niche market - go for it.  Of course for all I know this market is already well served.  I don't know.  But if it's not, it seems like there would be a lot of money to be made with well made products that suit the various dwarf physiques without requiring major tailoring, since they already have to have so many clothes altered, as children's clothes aren't necessarily appropriate, and adult clothes wouldn't fit.  

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