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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I only made it through 15 minutes. Tonya can not carry a show. In her TH's, she always appears to be reading directly from the teleprompter. Kerwin is just plain boring. I thought it was going to be ALL the L.A. girls instead of this hodge podge of losers. I don't watch Atlanta so I could care less about them. I did watch NY faithfully because I was intrigued how these little people navigate around the big city so I know about Lila. She was always a mess but was trying to keep her sobriety in check. Here, she seems to be hitting the bottle again. And that wilderbeast she was with, holy god. She doesn't actually have sex with that thing, does she?  

  • Love 4

I may stick with this Couples Retreat nonsense, but I doubt it.

They've basically taken the least watchable portions of each franchise (the screeching indecipherable screaming matches) and turned that into the entire show.  

Fuck Tonya.  She's an asshole and always has been.  I hope she has a long, miserable marriage to Kerwin.  And gets a recurrence of Bell's Palsy for life.

Christy is the most insufferable teetotaler.  Personally, I'd need an IV pina colada drip on one of those rolling IV towers just to make this crew bearable for an hour let alone a week or so.

Having watched NY, I don't think Lila is truly an alcoholic.  I think she's a binge drinker.  I don't see her having any real relationship with that fat-guy-from-Lost who she claims is an "ex".  But I'm not going to sweat her for having a drink to deal with all of this bullshit.

I'd completely forgotten about Jazmin's existence.  She really serves no purpose.  

If the LW franchise is like children play-acting "Real Housewives", I think Couples Retreat is like children play-acting "Bachelor in Paradise."

  • Love 1

At least one thing to celebrate. No Terra!

I do miss Elena. Despite the fact that everything Alapaki said was true, I can't help but like her. I'm hoping that now that she is done with Terra, she will realize how much she has been acting like her and shape up.

Looks like another train wreck overall. At least the therapist guy seems legit, with hopefully none of those nonsense exercises like "Hall Pass" night from Marriage Boot Camp.

  • Love 2

The Couples show was typical hack-therapy with body paint and a talent show---which Miss Brianna of the many talents did not participate in, mainly due to Matt not wanting to do so, although he manipulated Stupid Bri into dissing the whole thing. She is now blaming anxiety for the reason that she is not doing anything. Lost cause.

Most hilarious part of the show?  CluelessBri giving crazy Lila some self-esteem and relationship advice. Even Lila rolled her eyes after HighandmightyBri left, and snorted about DelusionalBri supporting Douchematt, and how she is stuck with him because of their child. Lila's a mess, but she's not a fool. 

Todd and Christy were sweet, as were the other couples, except Kerwin's mulish arrogance abt deign ing to be with Tonya is getting old. Tonya is attractive and certainly  could find another guy. Send him back to Texas. Stat. 

Edited by Tosia
Great views of PR, with only the guys' doughy bellies in the way.
  • Love 5

I can't believe Tonya threw Lila out of the chair. Whoa! I did laugh but I felt bad for her, especially when Jazmin was gaslighting her afterwards, and her hobo dude just stood in the corner, no effs given whatsoever. He's such a dolt, and she needs to be rid of him yesterday. And that hair? He must have come solely for the free all inclusive trip to PR. Maybe Lila and him scammed production for the booze-addled getaway. 

This was entertaining enough for a couple of filler episodes, but I can't devote any more time to this mess. Half of the couples I don't even know, and the other half I want them to split up. Hard to root for a relationship to succeed when the 2 people in the relationship don't give a rats ass. 

  • Love 1

Oh, and Briana opting out of the talent show....priceless. For someone who claims that she is a talented singer, an amazing dancer,  the next triple threat--- I find it hilarious that she couldn't sing or do anything for the talent show. Using her classic , "I have anxiety" to back out. It's starting to bother me when Briana flat-out lies and claims a medical condition that we all know she doesn't really have. There are people with chronic illnesses who are suffering and whose claims will not be taken seriously because of fakes like her. Matt of course has no talent; beyond grifting, manipulating, and cheating, and he's horribly bad at all three. 

Lila's talking head about Briana in the end also gave me life! It was so hilarious! "You're stuck with him honey!"

I do think Production opted to send Lila home. When Hasani came to their room to 'check in' on them, both Brian & Lila kept looking surreptitiously at the camera when they mentioned going home. All is not as it seems with that story. Maybe Boss Bitch Tonya called Terra complaining about that 'Monkey-Ass lush' and got Lila kicked off. Maybe Tonya threatened, she goes or we go. Or Production decided to let them leave to avoid another huge lawsuit.  Or maybe maybe Lila wanted to stay but Brian wanted to leave. 

The couples who commit and are most vulnerable will get the most growth. Obviously Matt and Briana won't fall into that category.  I enjoyed the talent show. Production should have paid the couples per activity. That way non-performers/no-shows get nada.

Edited by Spiderella2
Watched more
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Spiderella2 said:

Oh, and Briana opting out of the talent show....priceless. For someone who claims that she is a talented singer, an amazing dancer,  the next triple threat--- I find it hilarious that she couldn't sing or do anything for the talent show. Using her classic , "I have anxiety" to back out. 


It was very subtle, very "blink and you'll miss it", but initially Briana was open to the talent show. It was Matt who came in and said that's not the purpose of the couples retreat, and then casually slipped in Briana's anxiety so she would think it was her idea/her not wanting to perform. He couldn't stand for her to have not even a moment in the spotlight, because heaven forbid she feels like she has any kind of talent or gift that is not Matt related, textbook isolation. Everything Matt does is straight out of a domestic abuse playbook; he's done just about everything you can do to break someone down except for (to our knowledge) beat Briana. 


 This level of manipulation to me is extremely disturbing to watch play out on TV. I'm not watching LWLA anymore if this couples retreat does not end in a separation or divorce between "Bonnie and Clyde" (and I already know it won't). It's quite frankly upsetting for me to watch them. 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, ChaChaSlide said:
6 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Oh, and Briana opting out of the talent show....priceless. For someone who claims that she is a talented singer, an amazing dancer,  the next triple threat--- I find it hilarious that she couldn't sing or do anything for the talent show. Using her classic , "I have anxiety" to back out. 


It was very subtle, very "blink and you'll miss it", but initially Briana was open to the talent show. It was Matt who came in and said that's not the purpose of the couples retreat, and then casually slipped in Briana's anxiety so she would think it was her idea/her not wanting to perform. He couldn't stand for her to have not even a moment in the spotlight, because heaven forbid she feels like she has any kind of talent or gift that is not Matt related, textbook isolation. Everything Matt does is straight out of a domestic abuse playbook; he's done just about everything you can do to break someone down except for (to our knowledge) beat Briana.

I don't think it's Matt that is actually holding Briana back. I think it's her complete lack of talent that is doing that. He seems to have fostered some of the delusions she has about becoming a star, even though she can't sing, can't dance, can't model, and can't write or act. Meanwhile, he tells her she is a star and her friends suck for not realizing it. I agree that he isolates her, but he is a big problem to me in fostering some pretty unrealistic aspirations. Brianna is just a delusional narcissist who is only loyal to what she wants to hear and Matt is perfect for her in that range.

  • Love 4

I am so over the Briana and Matt thing.  Briana has some serious self esteem issues to stay with Matt after all he's done to hurt her.  I truly don't know why they are still together.  Matt doesn'treally love Briana.

I do however love Amanda and Jordan's relationship and also Christy and Todd's relationship. They really do love each other. Adorable couples. 

I'm not sure what Tonya sees in Kerwin. He seems somewhat of a jerk.  He's not going to be the birch of the house because she wants him to cook once in a while.   Really?  I came see these 2 getting married.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, PreciousGem said:

Did anyone see the previews for next episode of couples retreat?  Did Matt actually say he doesn't want to be with Briana anymore?  

Ohhhhh, please let us know if that happens! I can't bring myself to watch this awful show after trying the first few minutes of the first ep but I sure want to know how that plays out!

So glad to see some posts about the Couples Retreat. I hate watch L.A., but in true "cheese stands alone" fashion, I have actually enjoyed the first two episodes of this mess. Possibly because there are cast members I'm not familiar with. 

Briana has such a bizarre affect. It's as if she practices her TH lines and hand gestures in front of a mirror.

The Tanya chair flip was lame. They should have reshot it. Poor setup and execution. C'mon crappy reality show, I demand better. 

  • Love 3

Christy fascinates me.  I remember the first (and second?) season I found her horrific, but she has grown on me since then, and she has a weird, low key charisma about her (in contrast to Terra and Tonya's aggressive posturing.  Maybe with everythhing going on in their lives she just stopped giving a fuck, I don't know, but it's good.  She and Todd actually seem like they genuinely love each other and are rediscovering that now that he's coming back into his personality and interacting more.  Despite the great weight loss, when he took off his shirt his body did not seem too distorted -- hope he's working out in addition to just losing.  I was expecting an awful lot more loose skin.  Good for him -- he looks great.  At any rate, they seem to be in a good place, and I hope the show is more a free vacation than anything else for them.

Kerwin must be good in the sack because... I just don't get it.

I don't know these women from the other franchises, but none of them bother me too much except Lila whom I was already primed to dislike. 

  • Love 8

Ugh. I can't even with Matt and Brianna. I'm disgusted with myself for watching and with whatever unfortunate genetic jigsaw took place to squeeze Matt out of the sewers of Creation. He is so textbook abuser that I want a real, competent therapist to force Brianna to watch this show and indicate the examples with pie charts, diagrams, and a laser pointer. He's stinking drunk at breakfast, treats her like shit, and when others defend her, she tells them to mind their own business because she was "picking on him". At the bonfire, he leans over to whisper that Tonya was calling her stupid and that's the narrative Brianna chose to follow, rather than telling her still drunk husband to shut up and stop threatening all the younger guys under his breath for trying to stand up for her. I dislike Chris just as much, but I was also hoping he'd clean Matt's clock. Oh, wait, I forgot Matt was training to be an MMA fighter. Watch out, Chris!

I just eye-rolled so hard I think I switched eye sockets.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

Oh my gosh.  Matt is such a jerk to Briana.  I really don't understand why she puts up with him.  He was being so disrespectful to her and yet she apologies?

That's the sign of an abuse woman right there. She was trying to calm him down so his temper doesn't escalate. What an exhausting situation to be in. After seeing that I have no doubt that he is physically abusive behind closed doors. I wanted one of those guys to beat the living fuck out of him!! He was completely shitfaced drunk the entire episode. Aside from all his other problems, he clearly has a big problem with alcohol which I don't think we were aware of until now.  

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Zanne said:

Ugh. I can't even with Matt and Brianna. I'm disgusted with myself for watching and with whatever unfortunate genetic jigsaw took place to squeeze Matt out of the sewers of Creation. He is so textbook abuser that I want a real, competent therapist to force Brianna to watch this show and indicate the examples with pie charts, diagrams, and a laser pointer. He's stinking drunk at breakfast, treats her like shit, and when others defend her, she tells them to mind their own business because she was "picking on him". At the bonfire, he leans over to whisper that Tonya was calling her stupid and that's the narrative Brianna chose to follow, rather than telling her still drunk husband to shut up and stop threatening all the younger guys under his breath for trying to stand up for her. I dislike Chris just as much, but I was also hoping he'd clean Matt's clock. Oh, wait, I forgot Matt was training to be an MMA fighter. Watch out, Chris!

I just eye-rolled so hard I think I switched eye sockets.

Wait WHAT????  

Douchematt went to train as an MMA fighter on a episode  a while back.....the same tine as DumbBri was trying to decide which of her "talents"  so needs to be recognized despite her stature. Darn world wont recognize her multitalents cuz she's little. BOO WORLD! 

Of course, Douchematt's desires took precedent over DumbBri as usual. 

I'm writing to the network to quit showing this abusive relationship. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

 I really don't understand why she puts up with him.  He was being so disrespectful to her and yet she apologies? 

He even got annoyed at her for apologizing.  I hate to say it, but Matt and Briana are a “Dateline ID”, “Snapped” or “Wives with Knives” episode waiting to happen.  Based on Chris’ reaction, I have a feeling Matt was even more belligerent than what was shown.  Amanda is a lucky lady; Jordan seems like a really good guy.   

  • Love 10

I'm not fond of Chris either but I was so hoping he whooped Matt's ass. I even heard Andrea tell Chris whoop his ass!   Briana clearly sees that Matt has a drinking problem by the way she acted. The look he kept giving her. Wow! Her constant blaming everything on herself for his actions.  Is so annoying.  Even the therapist mentioned if she doesn't show there are consequences and keeps forgiving him he's just going to keep doing it.  Shit that's what everyone had been telling her including Matt! As Matt has said she makes threats but never follows thru with them.  He has her wrapped around his finger. 

Edited by PreciousGem
  • Love 4

That was horrible to watch Douchematt manipulate DumbBri, and TRY to manipulate Hanesi(?). 

Douchematt is  Beyond abusive and now deep in Crazytown. WTF? 

I wish they--producers-- would send that Sssicksicksick couple home if they didn't participate AND overindulge in drink.

Seriously, that was wildly inappropriate --if the producers don't set up an intervention for Bri, separate Bonnie snd Clyde,, and put her in a safe house, or else take away her child for endangerment---save the kid at least, if the mom won't cooperate.

 So sick. 

  • Love 3

The breakfast fight was the first time Matt scared me. The daggers he was shooting at her and the crap coming out of his mouth was so hateful and forceful. "Kiss my ass, I'm not going on that boat. I never want to see you again." Lord, I'd have thrown a glass at him. And he publicly humiliated her. She already does that enough for herself. There is something sociopathic about spewing that much hatred while not missing a beat of your breakfast. And he was obviously plastered. In the next scene he could barely keep his eyes open. So much of his attitude and rage is alcohol-related. But when he's sober he is manipulative, defensive and controlling. Then Briana called it a "small" blowout? He was a meek little mouse to the councelor, and then had more drinks and went off on the other couples again. MAJOR red flag when you are dating someone who is basically incapable of making friends.

I wonder if the writers are actually aiming for an act of violence to occur in the future. Because it's getting soooo bad watching her return to a man who talked to her that way.. And Briana's new plot can be Matt leaving town and Brianna picking up the pieces of her shattered life.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

None of these jerks deserve that piece of Paradise they are staying in. 


I was curious about the type of resort that production chose to film in.  It's a Waldorf-Astoria property and really nice.  I know that they were probably comped most, if not all, of the cost because of the constant showing the name of the resort, but I was a little surprised to see how nice of a resort it is, and that they (TLC, production, etc) didn't just put them in a less luxurious property.

Here's a link to the resort's site: http://www.lascasitasvillage.com/ 


So far, Matt has refused to participate in three activities.  Seems the only activity he wants to engage in is drinking. 

And Briana was practicing for her Ph.D. in enabling.  I've given up asking why he treats her so badly.  Now I only ask why she puts up with it.  

Loved when Todd said, "Bonnie and Clyde?  More like Ike and Tina Turner."    Hahahaha Todd, good one!

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

So far, Matt has refused to participate in three activities.  Seems the only activity he wants to engage in is drinking.  They shouldn't be allowed to stay, because there is no point of them being there if they aren't going to do the exercises. 

Maybe the production has a tiny seed of conscience packed in their carry on and feel that if they keep Matt and Brianna here they can keep an eye on things rather then send them home and have Dateline knocking on their door in a month when the police can't find Brianna's body.

  • Love 4

Watching a woman and mother get emotionally abused without consequences or serious help is sooo ethical of the producers. 

Maybe an all expense paid trip to a wonens shelter or Rikers Island will be helpful.

I would FLOVE an hour long therapy session with just Douchematt and Bri. No others to use for blame or deflection.  And a Real therapist.

 Plus a group session with just Bri and other (formerly) abused women with similar stories.  

But a part of me believes Bri is beyond help.  

Dateline better put a chip  in Matt , and a gopro on his car so they can find the body faster. Detestable.

  • Love 4

Well, I wouldn't have participated in that stupid body painting "exercise" the first time around.

That said, I've no doubt that the producers are keeping the alcohol flowing freely - with no real regard for the potential danger - just to make more TeeVee.  This is a little franchise that doesn't shy away from physical violence; if they can go any lower, I'm sure they will.

  • Love 2

I do believe that Matt is an abuser, but I think the real issue is the fact that he is an alcoholic.  He was insanely wasted at breakfast.  When he is not sauced, he seems to treat Brianna with some respect.  Psychological torturer abusers like to stay sober and sharp, all the better to keep the abused woman in line.

Here we see Matt sloppy and wasted, lashing out.  I do not like Matt, and wish someone would shove him off a stool.  BUT if Briana is going to stay with the loser, the only chance they have is if he gets sober.

The angry, vile hatred that comes out of his mouth - I have seen that before from a drunk person I know.  Sweet man, but when drinking, VERY angry and very mean.

  • Love 6

When douche bag Matt was running his mouth at everyone during the bonfire during  last weeks episode did he really snark about Christy's surgery mishap? I could've sworn I heard him say something to her about having her throat cut. What a piece of shit he is. 

I have no pity for Brianna. Get them both off my TV.

  • Love 6

Matt was disgusting to watch at the breakfast scene and at the boobytouchinggate. But I have zero sympathy for Briana anymore. I'm totally over feeling bad for her. I just watched her dumbass apologize for her attitude when Matt started staying hurtful things to HER. 

That will be the day that I apologize for a man saying hurtful things to me. Lost cause. She obviously loves the excitement of the drama of their marriage. Matt was so gross looking with his sunburned skin and drunken face. Get the fuck off my screen. I watch this show to see the lives of little people NOT to see them mistreated by a bum.

  • Love 7
On 8/14/2017 at 2:37 PM, heatherchandler said:

I do believe that Matt is an abuser, but I think the real issue is the fact that he is an alcoholic.  He was insanely wasted at breakfast.  When he is not sauced, he seems to treat Brianna with some respect.  Psychological torturer abusers like to stay sober and sharp, all the better to keep the abused woman in line.

Here we see Matt sloppy and wasted, lashing out.  I do not like Matt, and wish someone would shove him off a stool.  BUT if Briana is going to stay with the loser, the only chance they have is if he gets sober.

The angry, vile hatred that comes out of his mouth - I have seen that before from a drunk person I know.  Sweet man, but when drinking, VERY angry and very mean.

I agree but what drives me mad is that he acts like a complete tool when drunk then seems to forget what an ass he was when he is sober.  When he is sober he is all about how awful the ladies are to Brianna, how they talk shit about him, how they gossip about his and Brianna's relationship.  Um, when your dumb, drunken, sloppy ass airs all your dirty laundry in front of people when you are drunk, they will remember and discuss it. 


He was actually getting along and pal-ing around with the guys when the drama wasn't on him and Brianna.  He and Brianna need to keep their crap to themselves.

Cause, let's face it, she LOVES the drama.  He LOVES the drama.  And they both LOVE the exposure and paychecks they collect due to that drama.  It isn't going to change.  However, I'd give their marriage 2 months if they weren't on tv.

Also, just a question.  Who believes the truth of the heart and soul comes out when people get drunk?  Just a question.  I tend to believe  your walls come down and your truth comes out.

Edited by Destiny74
  • Love 4

I just watched the latest retreat episode "poke the bear" or whatever it was called.

Kerwin is pissing me off. He needs to go back to the 1950s with his gender role nonsense. And if he's so big on gender roles then why isn't his ass working????

He basically wants to walk around like a badass king of his girlfriend's house with that stupid ass chain he wears lounging around waiting for Tonya to get home from work to cook him a meal and do her cleaning/domestic duties.

I can't stand him. I also can't stand Tonya with all of her dramatic pauses. Spit it out.

I think Matt is a total douche but for Tonya to expect him to apologize to the group instead of ALL PARTIES involved to apologize to each other was ludicrous. I say this because even though Matt runs his mouth he never tried to hit anyone.

That scrawny Chris dude took off his shirt asking to fight because Matt said "You mother fuckers" is a bit extreme. I want to punch Matt as much as the next person but to want to start a rumble because a drunk loser calls the people in your group a mother fucker is a bit too much.

Assault isn't a justified response to a verbal insult. Be the better person, Chris. Don't let that scumbag have the right to call the cops on you and have you arrested for assault. Don't let him win. Just ignore the loser. He and Briana can go ride or die on their own and you and your group just enjoy being in a beautiful resort.

That's all I got for now. 

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 3

No, Brianna, you relationship is not passionate or fiery...it is totally F'D up and crap.

And Matt.  You went from being a grade A jackhole, macho, alpha male to a crying, whining little girl.  Decide.  Cause I don't believe either.  I think Tanja could beat the shit out of you without even trying.  But, then again, I don't buy the crying crocodile tears you gave the "therapist" (in quotes because can this professional not see through Matt's crapola?  Has he never seen a manipulative narcissist before?). 

God, why do I watch this crap!?!?!?!

  • Love 5

Interesting that this group users profanity so much, in particular, Christy calling Matt an asshole--which he is,  and MORE.  

Too bad no one, including Hasani--the "counselor" , used the term, "abuser", which is more apt, to his face, as well as DumbBri's constantly sour puss.

Christy is waaaaayyy needy where DumbBri is concerned,  but she's not an ass hole. 

I was calling Douchematt's bluff during the apology,  so I was ecstatic that the group talked sbout their skepticism of him later. Yep, his actions speak louder. 

AND, I was cheering when they showed the cuts of Douchematt abusing, then apologizing,  and then boohooing all the way to the bank . Typical abuser pattern, except most men, or women, don't cry that much. Man up and be respectful of your wife. Get off of social media and use a Victoria's Secret catalog in the bathroom--with the door shut!  Jerk. 

Really liked Christy and Todd's counseling session.

I love Jordan ( the big, happy guy?), even if he seems simple at times. What a sweetheart! 

Don't care abt the others.  

Good God, how long was this getaway???  Shades of Gilligan and Survivor!  

Will they never get off the island? ????

Vote Douchematt off all ready!  

He and DumbBri can float back to the mainland, all by themselves, (or theirselves acc to Jordan), and complain how the fish and seagulls are all up in their bizness. 

  • Love 7

I just finished the "busting up" episode and for the first time I wasn't cussing out Matt at the screen. His apology was a bunch of bologna inspired by winning a game with Christy, had he apologized before winning a game I would maybe have thought it was sincere. Actions will speak louder. He just wasn't as annoying this week.

Thing 1 of thing 2 was annoying me this week. When your sister is at a couples retreat working on her marriage don't go bothering her about business and moving state to state. She has one thing to focus on and that's her marriage to Chris. Ugh. 

I felt bad for Christy. Her prize was a rum tasting. Lol. 

Kinda boring episode, so until next week...

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:
6 hours ago, Calm81 said:

I felt bad for Christy. Her prize was a rum tasting. Lol. 

How does the therapist/coach/whatever he is/ not know that Christy is a recovering alchoholic? Ya think that would have been brought up in their sessions somehow, someway, sometime....

You'd think they would restrict alchohol so the couples would have more clarity over their issues. I like the corny team building exercises, lol.

I think Matt cares what people like Hasani think, so unless he is crazy ornery drunk, he puts his best little boy foot forward. And I think sometimes he truly means what he says, but only in certain moods, as opposed to having a consistent code of conduct like healthy adults do. Christy has always been one to forgive whenever possible (AA 101), but I hope she doesn't think forgiving Matt means she needs someone that toxic in her immediate life. You can forgive without becoming best buds. Briana's friendship isn't worth a dime anyway.

  • Love 7
On 8/10/2017 at 9:01 PM, ShowsILoveToHate said:


I was curious about the type of resort that production chose to film in.  It's a Waldorf-Astoria property and really nice.  I know that they were probably comped most, if not all, of the cost because of the constant showing the name of the resort, but I was a little surprised to see how nice of a resort it is, and that they (TLC, production, etc) didn't just put them in a less luxurious property.

Here's a link to the resort's site: http://www.lascasitasvillage.com/ 

Yes, none of that nonsense of those shame-decorated rooms on Marriage Boot Camp. Gorgeous place. I also like this counselor much better; he makes a lot of sense and I'm willing to bet he's not going to use that atrocious gimmick "hall pass night."

Now that Matt has apologized, waiting to see how long it takes him to revert to type. It was interesting how well the Matt/Christy and Todd/Briana team ups went. It made it look to me like the feud is mostly producer generated, especially after they got together actually civilly and had a rational conversation without Brianna reiterating once again how Christy is dead to her and she doesn't care a whit.

  • Love 2

I've only made it through the first half of the current episode but I think Amanda needs to realize that Andrea is staying put.  The Tiny Twins are over (if they ever really were a "thing" anyway.). One day Andrea may finally realize that Chris is a total ass and finally leave him but today is not that day.  

Amanda, dear, take whatever fame this LWA is going to give you and ride it to the end (like Terra has.). Save your money and live the rest of your life in peace.  Andrea will regret choosing Chris over you.  Although, I am not sure she is actually choosing Chris, but choosing a slightly easier life by living and relying on Super Grandma and Grandpa.  Whatever.  Let her live with her kids in Dallas.

Truth?  Your Tiny Twins schtick was annoying and idiotic anyway.  Find a better way to market yourself.  Oh, and keep up with the speech therapy, it can only help.  Quit trying to guilt your sister into moving back to ATL.  It'll just cause pain and anger.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

I've only made it through the first half of the current episode but I think Amanda needs to realize that Andrea is staying put.  The Tiny Twins are over (if they ever really were a "thing" anyway.). One day Andrea may finally realize that Chris is a total ass and finally leave him but today is not that day.  

Amanda, dear, take whatever fame this LWA is going to give you and ride it to the end (like Terra has.). Save your money and live the rest of your life in peace.  Andrea will regret choosing Chris over you.  Although, I am not sure she is actually choosing Chris, but choosing a slightly easier life by living and relying on Super Grandma and Grandpa.  Whatever.  Let her live with her kids in Dallas.

Truth?  Your Tiny Twins schtick was annoying and idiotic anyway.  Find a better way to market yourself.  Oh, and keep up with the speech therapy, it can only help.  Quit trying to guilt your sister into moving back to ATL.  It'll just cause pain and anger.

For Amanda, I think it's deeper than just their careers. A lot of twins seem to have a deeper connection than other sibling pairs, to the point of codependence in some cases. Amanda puts Andrea on top of everything else in her life, but Andrea no longer does the same with her, as she puts Chris first, and then their kids. Amanda is clinging to a bond that Andrea is losing grip of. Amanda is having a really hard time transitioning to a life where her identity is independent of being a twin. She needs counseling for that factor alone. 

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