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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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Not to mention Bonnie & Clyde murdered 13 innocent people.  Their story is not cute or romantic at all.  


I'm not a fan of Briana, but I'm worried about her with Matt.  He's creepy, and she clearly doesn't make great choices.  I was really bothered when he showed up at their girls' night at that restaurant a couple of episodes ago.  That's weird and upsetting.  

  • Love 2

That really bothered me. I don't expect Joe or Todd to even attempt fighting Matt or getting in his face. I did at least expect them to step in and say there isn't any need to call the ladies bitches. I definitely think all of the guys heard what Matt said. It makes me wonder just how much of this show is scripted that Todd can't muster up enough gumption to tell Matt to lay off his wife. Sure, Christy was pushing it but still say something in defense of your wife. 

I liked this show and in the beginning I liked Elena but now she is just over the top....that dress was sleazy and it is pretty sad the way she takes advantage of Preston at every turn. What happened to her "makeup " career? The only make up I see is caked on her face. I also wonder why they made such a deal of her butt surgery but no mention of her nose?


The whole show is feeling very scripted and badly scripted at that...they jump from idea to idea with no real purpose. I don't know how they all manage to travel and shop excessively and eat out all the time when they sporadically work? I hate the way they start things and then there is no resolution - did Tanya's video go on sale, how is it doing? Was it even finished? What about Briana's singing career?  Why can't the viewers see what Matt does for the "work" he claims...why don't we see if Briana's family accept him?


Other continuity glitches for me are Christy's daughter....when did she move in? Has she been there the whole while? Do Christy and Todd work? I didn't enjoy Tracy but I respected Eric - he suited up and had a job


I guess Terra is no longer dancing but relies on these tv shows? I just don't think this is anyway realistic. The only thing real is that many of the cast have the condition of dwarfism. 22 year old Brittany has nothing in common with them at all....and ...speaking of continuity...where did her Dad go ? IMHO people pop in nd out of this series with no rhyme or reason. 

After watching the rest of this season I understand Christy a lot better. She was in an abusive relationship where she was physically assaulted resulting in a debilitating neck injury. She had to have surgery but the pain led to her drinking to mask both the emotional and physical pain she was going through. It makes her worries over Matt more legitimate and the fact that Brianna is keeping secrets from her bestie. She is worried that if the relationship goes south, Brianna would not tell anyone (like Christy did), and will likely suffer as a result.

I still the she is over dramatic and gossipy at times, but I can relate to her a lot more.

  • Love 2

They've all always seemed to have money, though -- I mean, the homes and cars we've seen are pretty upper middle class and I have not gotten the impression that they were leased to prop up some fantasy image they wanted to project of themselves on national television (unlike certain Housewives).  


I'm conflicted about the whole "sticking up for your woman" thing.  I don't want my man randomly checking into verbal arguments I'm having when I'm holding my own.  At most the "bitches" comment should have provoked an "okay, let's all take a biiiiig step back here,"  And I can understand that doing that would bring production down on their heads, which is why nobody ever, ever stops a fight from happening, either by walking away themselves or stepping into an argument and saying "enough is enough. We'll take it up tomorrow after everybody cools off."


I wanted to smack Elena -- we can read between the lines.  The show gave you the free "wedding" and the downside was that you didn't plan it -- they did.  And they taunted you with the fact that you would have no control. And newsflash, honey, this was not a wedding.  The wedding ship sailed when you actually married the man.  This is a vow(el) renewal, and they can be quite lovely, but that's all it is or ever could be.  If you want toes in the sand, grab your friends and head to the beach.  Maybe you can buy another couple of outfits.


Her attitude irritated me... but the end of season wrap up?  Tragic.  She really was lovely season 1 - a natural beauty, just small.  Now she's clownish, and to add a boob job?  Preston, she's not stopping there.  She'll start on her face the moment she sees a line, and you'll be married to a pocket cat lady before you're 40.

  • Love 1

What the hell did Brittany do to her hair? That was so ridiculous. I laughed everytime she came onscreen.

I think one of the guys should have said something when Matt called the women bitches. I don't think they needed to start throwing punches but at least say something. Especially Todd. He's been quick to step in when Christy was arguing with a woman.

  • Love 1

Yikes. Matt really is something else. I can understand being pissed at Terra but the way he was reacting was crazy. I hope he doesn't act that way with Brianna but I have a feeling he might.

Terra is right...you get into a fight and then decide to get married? What the hell??

Brittany is like an appendix. There's no good reason for her being there.

  • Love 7

Worst. Reunion. Ever. They were fighting over nothing! Briana waited 4 months to disclose she was married. So what. Brittney is a straight up liar because she absolutely did say Elena was dating her Dad. She pretty much got a pass for that. And Jasmine was getting yelled at from everyone for something I still can't figure out. 


Is there a Part 2? 

  • Love 1

Matt has sure got wide ranging taste in women.


Todd looked super uncomfortably big.  I know he had gained since last season, but it looked like he gained 50 lbs (or the little person equivalent) just since the last episode.  I hope he's able to get help.  Can little people get gastric bypass?  Obesity seems like a very common health issue.  


I thought it was weird that there was no mention of Christy's daughter's surgery/health, or her own neck surgery. Though in Hawaii the masseuse was manipulating her neck and I was thinking "aren't you about to have neck surgery?  She shouldn't be anywhere near your neck!"


Briana... she's so in love with the idea of herself as a badass that Matt's just a character in her one woman show.  


Elena has lost me forever.  Run, Preston, run!


Tanya intrigues me -- she careens wildly from complete jerk to Voice of Common Sense.  And she's completely convincing in both roles. 


Terra, interestingly, has taken a major back seat this year -- I don't watch her own show, so maybe that's why -- she's getting her validation from that?  


Don't care about the new chicks -- they can go.

  • Love 4

Matt kept telling Terra that things were none of her business.  Why be on the show if he doesn't want people worrying about him and the things he does?  If he and Brianna got married in secret then why can't they keep him off the TV. Let the girls deal with Brianna alone without Matt.  He sure made a spectacle of himself. I really felt the girls were shocked at her marrying in secret and I think they were hurt and betrayed by her. At the same time I do think they care about her.


Christy was quiet the first half hour. I think the whole baby/surgery stuff really has mellowed her. She may have matured a bit.


I was wondering why Elena invited Jasmine to her wedding if there were so many issues between them.

  • Love 1

What happened to the episode posts, I wanted to comment on Elena's vow renewal?

I found the first half hour hard to hear because the women were talking over each other constantly.

I don't get how a group of friends could fight so much. Matt seems really scary and Brianna seems the type to throw over her friends for a man.

I'm not sure I really like any of them. I liked Christy this season, but I also feel like she doesn't seem to care about her daughter as much as trying to pleAse Todd. Elena seems very cold and cares only about her looks. Tanya seems real despite her 'heifer' comments .Terra and Jasmine live to spread gossip and Brittany just wants attention for her weird hairstyles.

Edited by Madding crowd

The juicy fighting on the reunion show seemed to be mostly Matt calling the ladies names.  And they respond in kind.  Boring.  Could there be some ground rules to NOT call names and actually respond to the questions one at a time?  Nope?  Not good tv if no one fights fair.  I hate Briana now.  Her shitty singing and being with oily Matt makes her seem desperate and dumb.  Go ahead and get pregnant so Matt can suck off of her 15 minutes of fame forever.  I don't care.  Buh bye.  


Elena was screaming stridently because she was trying to save her marriage and her job (on this show).  Yawn. So she flirted probably with Da-Veed.  Big deal.  The fake anger/sadness about her lack of control over the vow renewal wedding was so fake too. You get what you pay for, and you didn't pay Elena!  The show did. Suck it up.  They paid for your fucking family to fly over from Russia.


Ok, I've watched this show for two seasons. Now I like Terra cuz she's outspoken as fuck, and she takes no prisoners.  At first, I hated her being with Joe because he told her to "eat shit" at one of their performances, but he has calmed down with Penny and his back problems.  Joe is damn lucky to have Terra and Penny.


I like Christy too more now.  She has been more emotionally honest this season.  Todd? Meh.  Having a baby with him doesn't need to be the be-all, end-all of their relationship.  Go an adopt.  Todd needs Weight Watchers and a treadmill.  


Little Boss needs to quit using the old, out of date term, "heifers."  Ironically, I am drawing a blank on her real name right now. I do think that she is probably the most photogenic of them all; she looks good and I like her clothes.  


Britt the freek?  Righttttttt.  Must be a private, s&m thing?  Who cares. Go tie yourself up.


Jasmine reminds me of a mouse face.  And for fucks sake, please stop stroking your own fake hair!  She is ridiculously self-delusional,and contradicts herself after each breath.  Go away. 



  • Love 1
She is going to have a big wedding!! How ridiculous for her age! She is a divorcee, but she is a narcissistic attention seeking grommit!! Traci is right about Christy BUT track is very immature with her values & opinions on how others behave & how things should be! It's


So she will have a big wedding.  Age matters in a wedding? Nice to know for those over a certain age. . Ooop sorry you can't have your wedding you are OLD. Didn't know Tracy needed to say it's ok for Christy's wedding?  H.mmmm did Did Christy ok Tracy's wedding plans????  Ohh no.....she didn't and didn't care............

I can't believe Christy! How can they be friends with her?! She is a nasty, sly, horrible friend! She is calculating & only cares about herself! Todd is a perfect match as he is an idiot & nasty! She was so nasty about Terras music video! I can't believe she makes out she 'was' an alcoholic! You always are an alcoholic or an addict, u are either sober/clean or using! She is a drama addict! She blew the comment Terra made about Christy having a 'drink' with Todd! Who cares! Though, from experience, when someone reacts extremely to a accusation that they say isn't true, the extreme reaction usually shows they are guilty!! Every time my ex carried on like how Christy did, he was always guilty & I was right! Christy really is immature in a tit for a tat way. Too try n ruin Terras music video was disgusting n so immature. Then for her n her idiot husband have the hide to go to the viewing, what a conniving, rude person! She is the ugliest out of the group but what I have learnt is when ur as horrible, mean, jealous, rude & crude as she is, it truky makes u ugly on the outside aswell! The ugliness oozes out of her! Todd is an idiot & fat & ugly so they make a great couple. The way she had to get engaged & try & steal the spotlight off her friend Traci was so mean! Friends don't ruin & try & steal each others moments! You support each other & want them to have their 'moment' & to be happy! Christy did not need to announce her engagement when she did and she would be unhappy deep down as the engagement wasn't special!! She harassed him into it! She pressures him & it wasn't a man in love proposing from the heart! It was an idiot who is smart enough to see that she is desperate to have someone so he can be unemployed & play the discriminate card regarding not getting jobs & have her support his fat arse!! I wouldn't hire him. Not because he is a dwarf but because he is a fat slob!! Same goes for normal size overweight slobs!! They end up being a workers comp safety/health issue!!

I truly believe that if these women are mature, they would not be real friends with Christy!! She is yukky!!

She is going to have a big wedding!! How ridiculous for her age! She is a divorcee, but she is a narcissistic attention seeking grommit!! Traci is right about Christy BUT track is very immature with her values & opinions on how others behave & how things should be! It's not 1950, she needs to realise that gone are the days of women & men being prim & proper! It's a shame as society has crossed the line with disgusting behaviour etc being the 'norm'! What is seen on tv by children is so unacceptable! Children know too much, too early when it comes to sex & adult things in general. I don't care if your gay or wanna be a different gender BUT we are subjecting these things for kids to see & I think it's wrong! Even straight sexual acts between a man & woman shouldn't be shown on tv till way after kids bedtime but we are showing stuff so they see! I can't believe what my nephew knows at 7yrs old!! It's nice to see the morals & values Traci has but unfortunately I think u will only find a small group like that & probably would only find a nice lifestyle in Utah or in an Amish community! Traci has left the show I heard, I can't see any effect in the show other than not seeing her cry! I will miss her trying to show the others Christys true colours!!!!

You are talking about what is un acceptable on tv and say this?  Really?  Fat and ugly is acceptable?? You are as rude as your fan was.... Nice to know yucky is good. She's gone... who cares. Tracy is gone...who care what is said,

  • Love 3
Little Boss needs to quit using the old, out of date term, "heifers."



Indeed.  For someone who is quick to take offense at even the slightest (and usually imagined) slight, she has no problem calling her friends cows?


And I think that also forfeits her right to, err, bitch about being called a bitch.  Ja was right.  If the shoe fits, wear it.

  • Love 1

I liked the first season but I am simply so over this show. Having the "producer" as the star, antagonist etc is really becoming tedious (Terra)


Nothing much truly happens - fake stuff like the "vow renewal" and fake tears ...ugh


As I said before the "continuity" of this show has to be the worst - they throw in plot lines but never finish them

what happened to Tanya's workout video?

what happened to Elana's clothing line?

what happened to Elana's makeup line?

what happened to Briana's singing career such as it might be?

does anyone work? 

OMG. Matt has been saving lives for 11 years? He's jumped in front of bullets? I can't remember laughing so hard. Is he that delusional?

Why was Tara laughing when Mikaela came out? Was she laughing at her size? I wonder if Matt and Briana really were on a break.

It annoys the hell out of me how Briana almost always has her fingers under her chin. It's like she's posing.

  • Love 3

I have barely paid attention to this season (tonight was the first time I saw the season finale episode (well, the last half hour) and the first part of the reunion), so it would figure if I missed this because I was barely paying attention to tonight's episode, too, but was it just me or did Brittany not get to answer the final question that the host asked everyone at the end?  I find that funny and a really telling sign of whether or not she'll be back next season if she didn't get to answer (or if they didn't air it).  Other than being a woman and a little person, she literally had nothing in common with any of the women and this just further illustrated my question of what was the point of her joining?


Was Matt inducted as an honorary little person/woman?  He was in pretty much 3/4 of the entire reunion, wasn't he?  What a twisted dickbag.  I can't wait until Briana has her "Woe is me! I should've listened to you guys!" sob story in a couple of years or less when their relationship implodes.  Frankly, her head is voluntarily shoved so far down in the sand and up Matt's ass, that she kind of deserves whatever is coming to her.  Hopefully, they won't have a kid together between now and then who will suffer the consequences, too.


When Briana's sister was walking off the the stage after her portion of the show, who was Matt talking about when he angrily whispered in Briana's ear, "I'm so done with her. I'm forever done with her"?  Was he referring to Briana's sister or Terra?  If it was the former, Jesus Christmas, Briana, how many more glaring fucking red flags to you need shoved in your blind face?!


I'll just be totally up front and and blunt here:  Briana is really, really the least attractive of them all (with Christy a close second because she reminds me of the muppet, Beeker, half the time - seriously, it's the similarity in their mouths!).  Honestly, I don't find many little people with achondroplasia to be good looking.  Maybe it's bad of me to say this because I'm a little person, too (I don't have achondroplasia, though), but eh, oh well.  I do think Terra is pretty, though, when she's making an effort to dress and do her hair and make up fairly conservatively, and I think Brittany COULD be prettier if she wasn't so insistent on looking like a damn over-the-top circus clown freak all of the time!  But as far as Briana is concerned, whenever I look at her, I just see Zach Roloff (from TLC's "Little People, Big World") in drag.  Sorry/not sorry.  I'm fully and without a doubt convinced that Matt is using her for fame/money and/or to fulfill a little person fetish.  And I don't say or take the latter lightly because I'm extra careful about that when it comes to dating.  (Fortunately, even though I've never dated a little person, I know none of the average height guys I have dated/been in relationships with has a fetish.)


Aaaaanyway, now that I finally got that off of my chest... I thought I was watching trash with this show and NY's version, but HOLY CRAP, what the fuck did I watch with the "Little Women: Atlanta" previews?!  What is that shit, the little person version of Bad Girls Club?  There's no way in hell I'm watching it.  Quite frankly, while I know "it's just 'reality' television," the Little Women franchise has disappointed me and almost makes me ashamed to be a little person because I fear people who watch this show will start to judge me based on these little "heifers."  :P  How sad.

  • Love 4

This was not a reunion, it seemed more like a staged intervention for Brianna! In the first part, the ladies get on her case about her lying to them. The 2nd episode seemed aimed directly at Brianna to show her the lies that Matt has been telling her. They barely covered anything else about any of the other girls, it was just a Brianna bitchfest. Matt must have pissed a lot of people off in production for them to focus solely on him and Breanna.

Terra seemed to have a big axe to grind with Matt and it was just a game of tit-for-tat with trading insults. None of the other women said much for most of it, except Elena. I loved when she told Brianna to shut up (both in Palm Springs & the reunion). She called Brianna out about trying to steal her thunder which is exactly what Bri was doing with her "announcement" at the bachelorette party.

Christy is still hurt over how Brianna ditched her friendship. She reiterated several times that she had told Brianna that she was fine with Matt, but Brianna held her at arms length all season the same way she held the other girls. Probably because Brianna realized that Christy has a floppy mouth and leaks everything Breanna tells her to the other girls. I did feel that Christy was open to reinstating her friedship with Breanna, however Breanna is ambivalent with Matt in her ear.

What is the deal with hearing aids with little people? Is that a real diss or just something Terra threw out there? Has anyone run across the screenshots from Matt with Facebook lady?

Brianna was pissed when she saw the lady that Matt sent dick pics too. From the conversation, you could tell that Brianna was covering for Matt in the first epi and now the truth is coming out. There was more to the story than Matt originally told her and she looked so pissed and irritated several times during that part of the discussion. Matt is using her, and she is too naive to realize it. He has cut her off systematically from her friends and family. By the time she realizes, it will be too late.

The part with Tiana was sad. Even though I could barely pay attention just looking at all her glorious hair. It's surprising that her parents have invited Matt to come see them but the couple hadn't taken them up on the offer. Tiana obviously loves her sister but does not approve of her decisions. She seemed to choose her words very carefully, yet when she was walking out, Matt muttered, "I'm so done with her." Was he talking about Terra or Tiana? Either one, Brianna better see that red flag.

  • Love 2

Aaaaanyway, now that I finally got that off of my chest... I thought I was watching trash with this show and NY's version, but HOLY CRAP, what the fuck did I watch with the "Little Women: Atlanta" previews?!  What is that shit, the little person version of Bad Girls Club?  There's no way in hell I'm watching it.  Quite frankly, while I know "it's just 'reality' television," the Little Women franchise has disappointed me and almost makes me ashamed to be a little person because I fear people who watch this show will start to judge me based on these little "heifers.":P  How sad.

It's gonna be a wild ride, that's for sure. I know for a fact the twins are Instagram famous: they're strippers and do shows across the south. From the 30 second snippet, I think it's going to be more like Love and Hip Hop; relationship drama, baby mama baby daddy drama, fights here and there. BGC is like an all out brawl.

Terra's hairstyle is the most hideous thing I have ever seen. 


I thought Tonya broke up with that dude? He was sitting behind her rubbing her shoulders, then you would see him turned away from her. It was weird.  And are we really supposed to believe her EX is hot after her? Yeah, right Tonya. 


Elena is bugging the crap out of me. She needs to stop telling Briana to "shut up" when Brianna is simply and calmly trying to explain something. She must not understand the context we use that word in our language. She is so beautiful but I just get such a cold vibe from her. 


Brittney doesn't fit in with this group. She's only 20 and the rest of them are late 30's early 40's. She needs to not be back next season. 


Brianna is clearly in an abusive relationship. Maybe not physically yet, but she is mentally being mind fucked.  I think she's too embarrassed to admit she made a mistake, even a little afraid to. She is on the road to having her life ruined, her sister knows it and is helpless to do anything to help her. It's sad. 

  • Love 2

This show is my guilty pleasure and I just finished the reunion part 1&2...OMG, it's official Matt is an asshole to the 10th degree!!!..production needs to step in and not include that jerk next season!...I almost feel sorry for Brianna, it's so apparent that she is sooo desperate for a mate....and the new girls can go as well, I don't like either one of them,,,,one is to young and immature...and the other is a shit starter and fake...

  • Love 3

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