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S31.E12: Help Me, Rhonda

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I don’t even know how that would have worked if all three girls got into the Troika because there were only three girls on the other side.  So would they vote one in and then the other two would automatically be in the ring?

Also fuck all of those boys and Tony specifically.  I hate the way he talks and sounds in interviews, it makes me want to punch him.

Bye Natalie.  Say hey to Victor.  You can both go to Burger King since you won the same amount of money.

Kam wears really great makeup.

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I watch this show for the "wrong reasons" because I want people to win when they really need the money.  I love that LeRoy wants to use his money for a group home, and I melted a little when he called his father, "daddy".  Is he southern?   It's the only place I've heard grown men address their fathers that way.

Devin becomes even more revolting after axing Johnny.  Laughing at people struggling not to drown is pretty sick.

  • Love 12

Depressing episode, satisfactory ending. Last week's Troika stacks the deck and produces a mission so embarrassing, Devin can't help but wank on the sideline. Because he's a huge asshole, you see. Then the guys on the winning team steamroll the girls, as Brad, Tony and Zach form the Troika, under the understanding that whichever girl gets picked won't go into the Ring. Of course, this is a lie. Sure, it's Natalie, and she's still got bits of Johnny's coattails under her nails, but it still sucks. Of course, they feed her to Kam, and Kam wins a simplistic rope-crossing Ring. Well, simplistic for her; I'd be upside-down almost immediately. IIRC, the only women to win three endgames in a season are Sarah Greyson and Casey Cooper. Then we get another mission with staggered starts, where it would be so easy to dismiss players who bring the least drama. By that logic, Nicole and Leroy are most likely toast. Well, Kyle did look laggy, but BMP would love having him and Cara having dirty pirate sex to celebrate the ultimate win.

ETA: Brad helping hose the girls = Veteran guys hosing rookie Brad in BOTS2. Thoughts?

Edited by Lantern7
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Devin laughing at ppl was gross. He’s not exactly a primo athlete so maybe shut up.

I was liking Tony but he’s almost getting too high on himself. He’s talking weird and all philosophical  lately lol. I’m still rooting for him tho for now.

I guess I’m rooting for Zach. Mainly cause he’s damn attractive. 

I find Leroy annoying. He does nothing really but float. Same with Jemmye.

Kailah was more likeable to me when Jenna was around.

Edited by Marley
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Wow, Natalie. You really are the worst at playing this game. Getting in so deep with Johnny and then very visibly flailing about after he was eliminated looking for anyone else to latch on to. Then as soon as you start an alliance with Nelson, you screw him over because you couldn't go against the guys? I thought she was just playing stupid while being secretly cunning but maybe getting Johnny to get rid of her vendetta was the most she could do? I don't understand why she, Jemmye or Nicole didn't fight harder to get into the troika. Three guys running a girls elimination? I loved that TJ called them morons to their faces. "But oh no, all the guys outnumbered us!" Screw that. Say there's no way you going to agree to an all guy troika and force your way in. I hate that the girls are all big talkers but will then sit back and let these guys run the show. It wasn't right when Johnny did it and it's not right for Tony, Zach, or Brad to do it.

I feel bad for Kam for getting put into an elimination again but she came back again so good for her. And good for her for finally taking the money grenades so the others keep backfiring on her ass.

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They really are inconsistent with the grenades.  Did they ever let them choose which one and whom to use it on after the teams were chosen?

For that matter, they can't use the grenades on the previous troika or just can't take their money?

Kam should have used the time crunch one on someone for this Ronda time challenge.

They could easily favor or disadvantage certain players based on the kinds of challenges they put together and how they apply the rules, like when the grenades can be used, before or after the teams are known.

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9 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Devin becomes even more revolting after axing Johnny.  Laughing at people struggling not to drown is pretty sick.

I can't understand why people like him. I get that Johnny B bugs most people, doesn't bother me too much. But the way Devin was laughing at people who couldn't swim, was just wrong. You got Johnny out, okay big whoop. Bring me physical stats like CT and Derrick and some of the other guys and maybe I'll give you a pass. He really thinks highly of himself. 

And I guess I'm the only one sick of Kam. Her commentaries where she thinks she is the smartest, toughest, etc really bug me. Go against Laurel, Nicole, Cara Maria and then tell me how awesome you are. 

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I can’t even talk about how dumb Jemmye, Nicole, and Natalie are to let the boys minus Devin form the troika. It was weak and I’m tired of the guys running the show. Zach saying he didn’t want to lose his power...well tough shit. Everybody wants power. He didn’t outperform anyone on the actual challenge and it was a girl’s elimination day. I would’ve forced a vote and not let the same people keep making these decisions. I’m glad TJ called them out on it twice. Jemmye talks a lot of shit to the camera, but can’t confront anyone to their face. She said it’s a better option for Natalie to not be in the troika so she doesn’t aim for her. You know what’s better than that? If you’re in the troika because you’re automatically safe. That would’ve meant that the three girls going in would’ve been Cara, Kam, and Kailah. Three girls I’m pretty sure you consider to be the strongest. It’s in your best interest to get them out. I just hate seeing the guys get their way and the girls letting them. Devin should’ve pushed harder for the girls. I think it’s in everyone’s best interest to avoid Zach and Tony controlling the game by always being in the troika.

I’m glad we got to see two challenges and an elimination. I can’t imagine Jemmye and Devin won’t be the ones eliminated.

  • Love 6

There was no reason for the guys to be in the Troika and the girls were pretty dumb to easily go for it. They didn't seem like they pushed back that much. Devin tried to tell them that he had their back but they didn't even take him on that offer and push back. They quickly settled in to negotiating their safety from the men they were about to give all the power to. That said, I was happy to see Natalie go and I thought her poor overall gameplay finally came back to bite her in the ass. She was in free fall after Johnny was eliminated and when she had the opportunity to align with Nelson, she fought for a power and used none of it to help the one person that may have some loyalty to her. In the end, she had power she likely didn't need to screw over an ally and then gave up power when she needed it and got sent in to elimination. I really thought she would breeze by on that elimination since she mentioned that she's a gymnast. 

What do the guys have against Kam? Is it because she's a rookie and they no alliance with her? I'm glad that she's been proving herself in the eliminations but after all of that battling to stay in the competition, I really hope she doesn't get eliminated on a timed event. I think she had the best finish among the girl in the first endurance challenge so I think she may have done well. 

The swimming challenge was sad to watch with how they made the teams. Felt so bad for the second team and Devin laughing at them was really mean. Sure, it's maybe a stretch to be in this game and not know how to swim well, but when you see someone in water, struggling and you know that they're actually putting themselves at greater risk in an effort to attempt the challenge, don't laugh at them asshole. 

  • Love 4

The women steamrolled themselves while deciding the Troika. Devin offered up his vote to put the women in the troika and they fucking declined the offer! All three of those women could have been safe if they weren’t so afraid of upsetting Zach and Tony. 


The troika and grenades, while initially intriguing, have been a complete failure. Too much power is given to the troika for the way in which it is decided. Too many team challenges. It would have been more fair and interesting if the game was mostly individual and the top 3 performers formed the troika, with the men and women alternating depending on whether it’s a male or female elimination day. 


I hope Devin and Jemmye are the ones eliminated, though I’d be fine with Kailah being eliminated too. It’s a terribly boring challenge with no reference point to tell how any of them did. Kyle was the only one that was shown to be struggling, but that was probably just because of his funny commentary. I’m sure others did as well. 


It’s interesting how fast things are moving now that Johnny is gone. They dragged things out while he was on and are rushing to the finish with him out. Had he made the final, I’m sure they would have found a way to stretch this season into 3 more episodes with his ”witty” commentary and pot stirring in the House. 

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I watch this show for the "wrong reasons" because I want people to win when they really need the money.  I love that LeRoy wants to use his money for a group home, and I melted a little when he called his father, "daddy".  Is he southern?   It's the only place I've heard grown men address their fathers that way.

Devin becomes even more revolting after axing Johnny.  Laughing at people struggling not to drown is pretty sick.

Exactly, that to me made Leroy cooler and made me want him to win.  

Devin has always been a bit of a dick but you're right he has gotten more revolting since getting rid of Johnny.

16 hours ago, Marley said:

Devin laughing at ppl was gross. He’s not exactly a primo athlete so maybe shut up.

I was liking Tony but he’s almost getting too high on himself. He’s talking weird and all philosophical  lately lol. I’m still rooting for him tho for now.

I guess I’m rooting for Zach. Mainly cause he’s damn attractive. 

I find Leroy annoying. He does nothing really but float. Same with Jemmye.

Kailah was more likeable to me when Jenna was around.


I really like Leroy, I am not a fan of his friendship with Johnny but other than that he seems like someone I would probably be friends with in real life.  Though I get why people might find him annoying.

Jemmye annoys me and I am not entirely sure why that is the case.  I have always found her annoying.  Sure she has some funny talking heads but as far as the actual competition goes she is a huge waste of space.

In regards to Zach, I was not a fan of his until he said he donated his hair to locks of love.  So while I am still not a fan I have to have a little respect for someone who would do that.

You are right about Kailah but much like you with Zach I am willing to overlook some of her faults because I find her to be smoking hot.


15 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

Wow, Natalie. You really are the worst at playing this game. Getting in so deep with Johnny and then very visibly flailing about after he was eliminated looking for anyone else to latch on to. Then as soon as you start an alliance with Nelson, you screw him over because you couldn't go against the guys? I thought she was just playing stupid while being secretly cunning but maybe getting Johnny to get rid of her vendetta was the most she could do? I don't understand why she, Jemmye or Nicole didn't fight harder to get into the troika. Three guys running a girls elimination? I loved that TJ called them morons to their faces. "But oh no, all the guys outnumbered us!" Screw that. Say there's no way you going to agree to an all guy troika and force your way in. I hate that the girls are all big talkers but will then sit back and let these guys run the show. It wasn't right when Johnny did it and it's not right for Tony, Zach, or Brad to do it.

I feel bad for Kam for getting put into an elimination again but she came back again so good for her. And good for her for finally taking the money grenades so the others keep backfiring on her ass.

The funny thing is, if I remember correctly (my memory is not what it used to be), Natalie had great strategic instincts during Big Brother.  There were a lot of times when she knew exactly what she was supposed to do only to be talked out of doing so by James who was one of the members of her alliance.   Therefore, I thought she would be really good at playing strategic in this game but I was oh so wrong.  

Watching her on this show really disappointed me because I was a fan of hers on Big Brother.  However, after watching her on here I have to say that I am no longer a fan of hers.  I just did not like the way she played the game. 

Edited by BK1978
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The grenades were also stupid because I would imagine like most of these shows they set up the competitions in advance, so how stupid to have a grenade that would immediately eliminate one person from even trying to compete.

It seemed like the swimming part of the challenge itself wasn’t the issue, it was more the ability to dive down?  Because Cara is a good swimmer and she couldn’t do it.  Although the other girls did it? maybe? and also I can’t swim either so what do I know.

  • Love 1

Cara is not a good swimmer. She has improved but she will be the first admit height and water challenges are her biggest weaknesses.   I do think being smaller and lighter does pay a part in being able to dive down but neither Cara nor Kailah are good enough swimmers to make up for their size.  Kam flat out cannot swim at all so there was not even a hope that she would be able to do this one at all.

I don't think anyone on their team got one ball in.

  • Love 5

On the after show, they showed who the winners were advancing to the Czech Republic.


Zach and Nicole. With the former, this might be a redemption arc, in the sense that he's not that horrible of an asshole this time. I like Nicole, I don't have many problems with her. She might be the next Laurel, making the finals several times before breaking through.

I kind of felt bad at first that the guys played Natalie, but then I remembered how she latched on to Johnny and was shady and disloyal to so many people, that I'm glad it backfired and she was eliminated.

Devin has always had his douchey ways, but he's definitely become worse since eliminating Johnny.

The troika is crap. It's just the same people nominating themselves and everyone else just goes along with it. Zach and Tony have been great this season, but this week in particular, it should've been the girls there, not them. 

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Natalie will probably try to get back on future Challenges.

She said she would want to do another Bloodlines, so she can do it with her sister.

Some people, once they get on reality TV shows want to keep coming back for more, rather than trying to get real jobs.

She mentioned the college she went to.  Now is a good time to find jobs with unemployment so low but unless the appearance fees are so good, it doesn't make sense to come on the show unless you win several times.

Tony has never won but he keeps coming on.  Maybe the producers pay him more to appear because he's got a lot of drama, with two baby mommas.

Each season I watch, the more I’m confused as to WHY Jemmye is never put into eliminations. Is it because she’s a layup??? She’s not worth squat and I can’t stand it when she throws hissy fits about the thought of being nominated when the girl never ends up being nominated. I. Just. Hate. Her.

I was so happy to see Natalie go. She tried to come off this season as a loyal person but her true colors came out faster than other players have in the past because she has NO GAME! She tried hard to look like she knew what she was doing but she was an easy pushover for the guys in the troika. I also loved how she pretended to not be effected by Johnny and UK chic (can’t remember her name - the one that got bullied).

I like Kam, I’m glad she’s winning eliminations accept she needs to leave Cara Maria alone, lol, I like Cara for some strange reason.

Get rid of JEMMYE! 

Edited by Calm81
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Natalie tried to bat her eyes at Bananas.  She's gonna have to put out in the next season if she wants that strategy to be credible.

Or maybe don't fall into the rabbit hole of Challenges and work on establishing a real career before it's too late.

If she has a recent college degree, she should have more options than someone like Jemmye.

Jemmye is suppose to be a strong swimmer but there aren't too many long swimming challenges unless it's a final challenge, which often feature endurance events.  Problem is she doesn't last until that point.

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On 3/25/2018 at 8:37 AM, Calm81 said:

Each season I watch, the more I’m confused as to WHY Jemmye is never put into eliminations. Is it because she’s a layup??? She’s not worth squat and I can’t stand it when she throws hissy fits about the thought of being nominated when the girl never ends up being nominated. I. Just. Hate. Her.

I was so happy to see Natalie go. She tried to come off this season as a loyal person but her true colors came out faster than other players have in the past because she has NO GAME! She tried hard to look like she knew what she was doing but she was an easy pushover for the guys in the troika. I also loved how she pretended to not be effected by Johnny and UK chic (can’t remember her name - the one that got bullied).

I like Kam, I’m glad she’s winning eliminations accept she needs to leave Cara Maria alone, lol, I like Cara for some strange reason.

Get rid of JEMMYE! 

Jemmye can be funny in her commentaries but she completely lost me with her mean girl antics against the British girl, her name I also can't remember, and now I have no reason to not be bothered every time I see her face. She's a waste of a competitor and I do think she must be a layup because when exactly is she forming such strong alliances with people? She never really has game talk with people but she expects to never be put into elimination challenges. Clearly she's not some undercover genius because whatever tactics she's using hasn't resulted in any real success for her on these challenges. I think she's just a warm body that can throw shade and make everyone else feel okay with having at least one person that they don't view as a threat.

I didn't watch Natalie's season of Big Brother but I expected more out of her given that she had experience playing a game where strategy was the most important aspect of the game. Even if she played BB poorly, there should have been a lot of lessons she could have learned from that experience but she played such a stupid game. By the time she used Johnny to get rid of Victor, it's like she thought the game was over and she didn't have to bother trying anymore because her vendetta was gone.

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