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S06.E14: Collision Course


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I just can't even. This is the first episode where I genuinely got so pissed off that I could barely concentrate the entire episode.

When I'm wanting E1 Laurel back, there's a problem. NTA just turned into the villains. They're all ridiculous. Also, they're giving me a sliver of hope that Rene's leaving, but I doubt I'm that lucky. I'll wait until I have definite proof. I won't be surprised when they find a way to save him. I wish that wasn't the case.

Quentin turned Looney Tunes. Maybe his daughters dying and then coming back in some form finally broke him. But Thea, girl, you need to stop hopping on that train, for your own sanity.

I'm sure NTA had one good point....but it was lost in their petulant child behaviour and absolutely pissy faces. 

That's literally all I got right now. 

  • Love 15

Why is Rene coming back?  None of these three should come back.  Even Curtis has totally lost perspective.  Dinah is more looney tunes than Quentin.

Oliver and Quentin tried to help Rene get his kid back.  Oliver gave Rene and Dinah a place to focus their anger, Diggle mentored them both.  So much for their thanks.

I don't know that the writers are going for in this.  We watch for Oliver, and for OTA.  Have the three pissy kids keep treating Oliver like he's the worst villain ever just makes the loyal audience dislike them even more.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

 This was the CW's Civil War

Shitty War is more like it.

Good lord, this show sucks and has become totally unwatchable.  Let me count the ways...

1) Being subjected to Dinah's screeching voice whenever she's angry.

2) Quentin becoming a full-fledged nutjob, willing to throw everything away for his fake daughter.  No, Thea, Fake Laurel is NOT his daughter.

3) Oliver as the world's worst mayor.  He'd probably have to resign after this one but in any event, this storyline is boring me.

4) Real Laurel, Fake Laurel...either way, they both are unwatchable.

5) The way they let Laurel get away through sheer combined stupidity.

6) New Team Arrow.  When I sympathize with Oliver, who can be a jackass to say the least, you know you're doing something wrong.  They are just completely nasty and unbearable and I wish Original Team Arrow would just ignore their existence like many of the viewers are trying to.

In any event, the characters are all obnoxious and unlikeable as this show is becoming unwatchable.  If this is the future of Arrow, it's time to drop the atomic bomb right now.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 6

I actually can't believe how Arrow continues to manage to find new levels of stupidity and just plain awfulness with the newbies. Somehow, I find myself hating them more with EVERY SINGLE SCENE. So, uh, bravo for accomplishing that?

I really hope that Felicity's allowed to get a word in about what Curtis did because the newbies seemed so against letting her, and I really wanted her to smack Curtis in the hospital when he was all, "no, we're done." Uh, no, Curtis, we're done. 

I feel like I need to rewatch this episode because I was hating the newbies so much every time they were on-screen, I probably missed more stuff to hate the newbies for. 

Why couldn't we get two or three more Olicity (with or without William) scenes instead of that episode? 

There is NO coming back from what Curtis did to Diggle. Yes, the others agreed, but if he hadn't brought it up, they wouldn't have known it was possible.

Really hoping this is the end of Lance's stupidity/creepiness about Black Siren.

As for Black Siren's "I'm Laurel Lance, I was kidnapped two years ago, etc." bit? It wasn't the worst part of the episode, so I'll give her that? 

  • Love 14

It was ok but it all felt very surface level. 

When this whole rift started...I could see Dinah/Curtis' POV for being angry and wanting to talk but the writers have just crapped on this side of the storyline sooooo bad lol. Every episode has just gotten worse for being able to feel for NTA and I just can't take their self righteous attitudes anymore. You can't decide to go be a different team and then be pissed when the other team hacks you. You can't decide to track down that said team, hack one of their arms, be looking for a fight and then be pissed when one of yours gets injured! Meanwhile, Rene's daughter is probably at home, all alone watching tv wondering where her father is. I can't believe that they didn't even address that plot point!

My bad girl Siren, for once I was actually a little bit confused in places of if she was being genuine or not. Her negotiating with OTA was great though, I was loving the banter. I do think she does have moments where she really is willing to let up and play nice but then shit goes down and she is like "screw it, back to basics". Though her stealing that money made no sense timeline wise. I loved her line "I will not be caged again" and her finally playing the E1 Laurel card was smart. Though I have no idea how the team managed to lose her. She can barely run! Come on now.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I did feel like they were finally putting to rest the idea that BS could be redeemed.  So I'm hopeful at least about that.  Please oh please oh please let it stick this time.  

Hehe do you think the I never want to see your face speech from Oliver to BS was a message to the BS/Oliver shippers.

I saw all the Felicity clips. I ain't streaming this garbage on the app.

  • Love 7

There is no threat or villain or reason that I ever want NTA to rejoin OTA. Thanos himself can cross over from Marvel to threaten Starling City and our heroes, and I'd rather watch the entire universe explode forever than see those three on my screen again. 

I hope this leads to Smoak Tech. 

I am fascinated and want to know what TPTB's endgame is here if it is not to want NTA to die horrible, terrible deaths. Truly and sincerely. 

  • Love 24

I kept watch and it took 20 minutes for OTA to appear on screen together. The rest of the time it was all focus on the newbies. I stupidly thought I'd get genuine OTA moments out of this civil war crap but all I've had is the insufferable newbies WHO ALL NEED TO DIE IN A FIRE. CHOKE ALREADY. 

Honestly. I don't understand this storyline at all. What they did to Diggle was awful and not something they can come back from. And then to act like they'd been done wrong? WTF. Just bad on every level. 

Edited by Guest

Basically, everybody was an asshole. Seriously, if Cisco had swung by to offer to find a Laurel from one of the other fifty Earths (Earth-X wouldn't be an option; I'm assuming that Laurel is a bitch), none of this shit would be happening. Main thought: "Wow, I see Cayden James with his feet up and a hand down his pant- . . . oh, right. He's dead. And somebody a lot less interesting is the official Big Bad." In the defense of Mallus and Thinker, they have to work to destroy their heroes. Star City's best are okay with killing each other.

Honestly, if Sara stayed on the Waverider forever, would that be a bad thing? Oliver is an asshole. Broken Arrow? Assholes. Her father? Basically, he's trying to replace a dead goldfish with a new one and hope his kid doesn't know the difference . . . but he's the parent and the kid in that situation. And why doesn't Thea repeatedly smack him upside the head? She's supposed to be his adopted daughter, after all.

I'm not hating anybody in general. No, I'm not rooting for a psycho nurse to smother Rene in his sleep. I'm just fatigued in general. It's worse now because Gotham is back; while the characters there careen towards rock bottom, it's way more fun to watch. Basically, I see the characters at the carnival game where you move horses by rolling balls into balls. Just when you think one buy has the lead, someone else gets a ball into a "fast" hole. At least fun can be squeezed from Legends and Flash. Here, I figure Sara could randomly pick two people from her crew, and everything gets sorted in three days' time. So sad.

1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:


And now I got Cuba Gooding Jr. screaming that into a phone. Thanks! No sarcasm, that was funny. Unless it wasn't meant to be . . . then the episode is even more sad.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

Seriously, I need next ep to show Felicity dissolve her work relationship with Curtis, and start Smoak Tech. She has Alena, who can work with her (not equal partner), maybe be her vp.

I am hoping beyond hope that they had Alena dangle that possibility in "Reversal" for exactly that reason. The two of them together could rule the world.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, RoseofSharon said:

Long time lurker, first time Arrow poster. 

I missed so much while I was screaming at the screen.  Did Rene actually shoot Felicity?  I thought I saw her grab her arm when she jumped in front of him, but no one mentions anything later.  And can I get Curtis's promise to never talk to any of them again in writing?  Pretty please?


At least we got a new poster! That's something out of this dumpfire!!!

  • Love 11

This is arrow and I've always enjoyed the original team.. And for the most part have been on their side in this lil fight.. Mainly because Rene did rat out Oliver to start all of this.. But I've also at least tried to be reasonable abt NTA...  And they were right if BS didn't look like laurel they would've taken her out.. Oliver was right that he can't go around demanding ppl not to kill.. They were the ones who hacked another team barged in pointed weapons shot inside the bunker  and gassed them like they were criminals. All because they thought (wrongly)  that BS was there... Rene could die from the beating he took from Ollie.. And that's partly due to a previous gunshot wound he got when diggle was on drugs. Look if the newbies leave I'm not really shedding tears I like em enuff but they aren't dealbreakers.. But especially this episode OTA was more wrong than NTA..  I know I'm in the minority with that take but what can you do

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

 They were the ones who hacked another team barged in pointed weapons shot inside the bunker  and gassed them like they were criminals. All because they thought (wrongly)  that BS was there... 

IDK, I think if the newbies had shared info like OTA have been doing this whole time, then this wouldn't have even been an issue. 

13 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

Seriously, I need next ep to show Felicity dissolve her work relationship with Curtis, and start Smoak Tech. She has Alena, who can work with her (not equal partner), maybe be her vp.

Im not tryna be funny here but what exactly was felicity bringing to helix??  Cuz the prototype(s)  they are using are the ones Curtis made to let felicity walk again andand Diggle shoot again right? 

I know we thought CJ and his team were supposed to be the villains when TPTB said Oliver, Felicity, and Diggle would each have their own personal villains. Since that hasn't happened, maybe NTA were really the ones who were supposed to match up with OTA. Oliver's got Rene, Felicity has Curtis, and, well, Diggle and Dinah matching up doesn't exactly work, but it makes more sense then trying to sell me on NTA being good guys. 

  • Love 10

I thought KC did a good job in the scene in the cabin when OTA showed up.  It's the most I've ever liked any Laurel.

21 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I did feel like they were finally putting to rest the idea that BS could be redeemed.  So I'm hopeful at least about that.  Please oh please oh please let it stick this time.  

Yes Oliver was firmly on the side of "this is not our Laurel" and I think Quentin may finally have given up too.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Im not tryna be funny here but what exactly was felicity bringing to helix??  Cuz the prototype(s)  they are using are the ones Curtis made to let felicity walk again andand Diggle shoot again right? 

Felicity doesn't need the prototype to start her company. She's a tech genius who created a super virus when she was 19, she can come up with other tech/programs. Curtis is not needed for that.

  • Love 19
2 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Im not tryna be funny here but what exactly was felicity bringing to helix??  Cuz the prototype(s)  they are using are the ones Curtis made to let felicity walk again andand Diggle shoot again right? 

Well, Felicity's got the technological side, she's also way more of a business person than Curtis, as he can barely form a coherent sentence. Curtis may design and create the tech, but Felicity does essentially everything else. Plus, she has the money. She also can create various other tech for the company; Curtis just had a unique set of skills that would help sell her company. She can still do that on her own, or find another like Curtis.

  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Im not tryna be funny here but what exactly was felicity bringing to helix??  Cuz the prototype(s)  they are using are the ones Curtis made to let felicity walk again andand Diggle shoot again right? 

In addition to her tech knowledge, she has experience on the business side of a company, since she was a VP and then CEO of Palmer Tech. Startups don't succeed on just its tech alone.

  • Love 17

If the idea for the company came from the desire to sell the chip, then I'd say it's probably a partnership that couldn't easily be dissolved. But they decided they wanted to start a business before they even knew what they were going into business for, so...Curtis can be gone. They don't trust each other - no point in working together now. 

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