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S07.E07: Traves & Candy

Tara Ariano

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When Traves asks for help with his Internet girlfriend Candy, it looks like a classic case of catfishing. But after more pieces of the puzzle come together, the guys realize they may have caught a bigger catfish than expected.

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When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?

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-Scooters. Max is too old for this bullshit and smacks into a wall/gets winded. Nev gets the money shot he wanted.

-Speaking of money, dude should spend his money on some real candy. Reese's, Snicker's, all better alternatives to an aspiring flaunter. 

-"This whole time....she's been a porn star". Damn, way to block every word out of their mouths out.  Apparently the married part didn't faze him even if it really was that girl.

-Bahama Breeze....enough tacky social media names.

-Cleo almost stops the blathering recap. Too bad she couldn't access a better internet page.

-No one's arguing Nev isn't aggressive and daft, but this is like....the thousandth time they've made a call to strangers. But sure, Nev forgot those communication skills and Mrs. Nev magically made a meet-up poof out of thin air. Like omg, doesn't she balance Nev out perfectly gaiz?

-I don't know what the Catfish would gain by claiming to be the sister of the Catfish? And tagging themselves? 

-Surprising the Catfish? Doesn't every other episode have the Catfish's consent matter? We know how it legally works, the show is putting in double time to make us think she was actually tricked just because it'll add some flare into a paint by numbers dilemma.

-Every time it's "I don't like being myself" and a promise to change that they try to reinforce. WE. GET. THE. MESSAGE. MTV, you guys can just do reruns now, no one will notice. I doubt your demographic even checks their guide.

-*goes back to focusing on my Valentine's candy, the only candy that matters*

Edited by AfterwardsTV
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Once again I think he simply couldn't get over his rage that she didn't look like the girl in the photo. If she did I really think he'd be willing to talk it out.

ALSO: I really wanted hear more about the "things in our water" conspiracy theories! Now that's something to confront her about. 

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7 hours ago, GaT said:

When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?

Stupid enough to give her money! Nev's REAL line in the sand should be "We don't help people stupid enough to send money to a stranger." 

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8 hours ago, DiabLOL said:

Once again I think he simply couldn't get over his rage that she didn't look like the girl in the photo. If she did I really think he'd be willing to talk it out.

ALSO: I really wanted hear more about the "things in our water" conspiracy theories! Now that's something to confront her about. 

Look up "alkaline water."

I thought they seemed well suited for one another both in appearance and intelligence. Why so many people punching above their weight class?

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9 hours ago, GaT said:

When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?

I was like "BRUH KEEP UP."

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Nothing new about this episode. Guy falls “in love” with hot girl online,girl turns out to be the typical over weight insecure chick.  Nev/Max give the catfish the same “love yourself” speech. Guy gives the same cliche line “it could have worked if you didn’t lie”  they both go their separate ways.

blah. blah. blah. 

I was more amused at his name being spelled “Traves” how often does he have to correct people that it’s not spelled “Travis”? 

Also couldn’t stop staring at Brianna’s Unicorn earrings,your 28 stop shopping at Claire’s. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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The scenes in the Catfish "office" always make me laugh. There's a massive amount of work space, but it always seems to be mostly empty.

For the ones that send people money: why do none of them ever ask for it back? 

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12 hours ago, GaT said:

When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?

I'm a little worried that he lives in LA. There's a lot of grifters in this city and Traves is a perfect mark.

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12 hours ago, TimeyWimey52 said:

Stupid enough to give her money! Nev's REAL line in the sand should be "We don't help people stupid enough to send money to a stranger." 

I didn't see the Catfish movie, but do we know that Nev wasn't stupid enough to send money?

6 hours ago, cmfran said:

For the ones that send people money: why do none of them ever ask for it back? 

Several have, at least.  The guy in Alaska did, and some woman did too, I think.

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On 2/15/2018 at 3:44 AM, GaT said:

When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?

He didn't really look all that upset about it, in my opinion.  I felt like he said that because he was SUPPOSED to, but he didn't really mind.  And, clearly didn't care when he thought she was married.  It was so funny that they had to clarify to him that he was NOT talking to the married porn star. Hahahaha.

On 2/15/2018 at 4:40 AM, DiabLOL said:

Once again I think he simply couldn't get over his rage that she didn't look like the girl in the photo. If she did I really think he'd be willing to talk it out.

ALSO: I really wanted hear more about the "things in our water" conspiracy theories! Now that's something to confront her about. 

I agree.  When Max asked how important it was she looked like the pictures, didn't he say something like 8 out of 10?  At least most of the other catfishee's pretend like they don't care. lol Then when he said to whatever-her-name was that she should've just been truthful because they could've worked it out or whatever I was like "bullshit".  

On 2/15/2018 at 10:49 AM, TimeyWimey52 said:

Stupid enough to give her money! Nev's REAL line in the sand should be "We don't help people stupid enough to send money to a stranger." 

I thought he said he never did get her money because he didn't have it? Then they showed that text on the screen that said something to the affect of "not this time, maybe when I get paid" but I thought he never had.  Unless it was revealed later in the episode that he had and I was just zoning out by that time.  Totally possible. 

I know that whatever-her-name is has a boyfriend, or at least some guy who was willing to show up on the show and say he was, but I do not believe for a second that she's done catfishing if it was such a chronic issue with her.  

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1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

He didn't really look all that upset about it, in my opinion.  I felt like he said that because he was SUPPOSED to, but he didn't really mind.  And, clearly didn't care when he thought she was married.  It was so funny that they had to clarify to him that he was NOT talking to the married porn star. Hahahaha.

I agree.  When Max asked how important it was she looked like the pictures, didn't he say something like 8 out of 10?  At least most of the other catfishee's pretend like they don't care. lol Then when he said to whatever-her-name was that she should've just been truthful because they could've worked it out or whatever I was like "bullshit".  

I thought he said he never did get her money because he didn't have it? Then they showed that text on the screen that said something to the affect of "not this time, maybe when I get paid" but I thought he never had.  Unless it was revealed later in the episode that he had and I was just zoning out by that time.  Totally possible. 

I know that whatever-her-name is has a boyfriend, or at least some guy who was willing to show up on the show and say he was, but I do not believe for a second that she's done catfishing if it was such a chronic issue with her.  

I think someone with her deep behavior problems would need more time and professional help to turn that ship around. Instead she's all "oh I'm ok now and ps I suddenly have a cute boyfriend"! Likelier scenario boyfriend some guy who wanted to be on tv even off for a few seconds and she's still Catfishing.

I forgot to say about the sending her money issue. He didn't have enough to do it "next month" yet thought he'd be able to move her down to LA and finance her dreams of becoming a model?! Another really disturbing thing about this guy. He's clueless and probably needs round the clock supervision before someone takes seriously damaging advantage of him.

I also thought Nev needs a better pep talk script than the BS laden "any girl in the world would love to be with you you're a total catch." Uh no. 

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32 minutes ago, DiabLOL said:

He's clueless and probably needs round the clock supervision before someone takes seriously damaging advantage of him.

After the show airs, they'll be circling around his profile.
And that was a strange, boring episode.  I ff'd though a lot of it.

Edited by auntjess
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I think Traves just needs to stay off the Internet. The guy seemed nice, but dense. I really hope it’s true that he never sent Candy/Tiana/Brianna any money. 

Let’s be real, Brianna does this enough that this is a job for her. I’ll be generous and say that it’s a part time job, but I seriously doubt that as much as I doubt that she’s going to magically stop catfishing because of the show’s intervention. What’s sad is that there were plenty of clues at the one house that she may have a child, so excellent example to set there. 

My DVR screwed up so I had to watch this episode On Demand, which meant no fast forwarding through the Mrs. Nev segment. Instead of paying attention to what she was yammering on about, I was pondering why they had their pot lids hanging behind the stove. There must be a reason, but this is the same woman that is super proud her 1 year old SnapChats so it may not be a good reason. 

The ambush style meet up felt more like an episode of Cheaters. Pro tip: Don’t drink every time you hear “coming in hot” in this episode unless you want to get drunk quickly. We all know Veronica gave her sister a heads up to expect the cameras. There was too little surprise and cursing and much more being super dressed up to go to the mall. I did not buy any of her ever changing excuses. She’s done this for years so she knows how to lie and extract sympathy. Good for Nev for calling her out, but I always think the catfish who have been taking money should have to pay it back and/or have a police report filed against them. There needs to be real life consequences. 

Good for her I guess that she found some sucker to be her boyfriend? I really don’t care. I hope someone in Traves’ life feels sorry for him and can fix him up with someone nice the old fashioned way. 

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I've been watching this show a long time, and while I feel it's seriously crappy for people to set up fake profiles and play with other peoples' emotions as an ego stroke, it's only slightly less crappy to willfully believe the fantasy that one can find true love with a hot body that won't ever visit or videochat and that it's the bond that's developed between them that keeps the love alive rather than the pics. The victims are just less blatant liars.

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On 2/15/2018 at 3:44 AM, GaT said:

When they first showed Traves the profile of the porn star, & he sadly shook his head & said "I've been talking to a porn star all this time" I nearly died I laughed so hard. How stupid is this guy?


On 2/15/2018 at 1:31 PM, Empress1 said:

I was like "BRUH KEEP UP."

Poor simple Traves.

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On 2/16/2018 at 12:22 PM, Whimsy said:

He didn't really look all that upset about it, in my opinion.  I felt like he said that because he was SUPPOSED to, but he didn't really mind.  And, clearly didn't care when he thought she was married.  It was so funny that they had to clarify to him that he was NOT talking to the married porn star. Hahahaha.

I agree.  When Max asked how important it was she looked like the pictures, didn't he say something like 8 out of 10?  At least most of the other catfishee's pretend like they don't care. lol Then when he said to whatever-her-name was that she should've just been truthful because they could've worked it out or whatever I was like "bullshit".  

I thought he said he never did get her money because he didn't have it? Then they showed that text on the screen that said something to the affect of "not this time, maybe when I get paid" but I thought he never had.  Unless it was revealed later in the episode that he had and I was just zoning out by that time.  Totally possible. 

I know that whatever-her-name is has a boyfriend, or at least some guy who was willing to show up on the show and say he was, but I do not believe for a second that she's done catfishing if it was such a chronic issue with her.  

I honestly don't know because I only read the recaps, the new season isn't on hulu so I went by what Tara said above and it seems like he did? Idk. 

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On 2/15/2018 at 8:59 PM, auntjess said:

I didn't see the Catfish movie, but do we know that Nev wasn't stupid enough to send money?

Several have, at least.  The guy in Alaska did, and some woman did too, I think.

Maybe that's why it seems to be a Nev trigger!! 

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And no, Traves didn't send money because he didn't have it at the time, and I don't think he sent it later.
Because they're going for double-whammy shows, everything is convoluted.
Let's just go back to the normal fucked-upedness.

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On 2/16/2018 at 1:22 PM, Whimsy said:

When Max asked how important it was she looked like the pictures, didn't he say something like 8 out of 10?  At least most of the other catfishee's pretend like they don't care. lol

Then there are the ones who are so obviously trying to pretend lol

I did like Nev’s suggestion to rename the show Catfish: Wake The F Up! lol I’ve had to sit on my hands through every episode so far. I’m not sure if excessive face-palming can cause brain damage but I don’t want to risk it.

And, where was the pretty park beside the water in this ep.? There were a few scraggly bushes in the alley where they met Veronica. I honestly hope they didn’t do the back alley meeting and sketchy parking garage reveal because the girls were from Compton, CA. That’s messed up. They’ve been accused of “poverty porn” for exploiting the living situations of some the participants. I don’t put anything past the producers at this point.

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I think Traves was more upset that "Candy" didn't look like the girl in the pictures.  I watched this episode after Cierra and Lawrence.  Cierra was beautiful and smart and Lawrence was like, "nope."  Max's pep talk to Brianna/Candy was nothing more than pretty words.  The woman has issues and needs serious therapy; she needs to believe she's enough, even though the world might not feel that way.

Traves isn't stupid, he believes he's entitled to an Instagram model.  

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Sometimes I wonder if they really do want to meet the catfish...even if it is the person in the pics, it still means dealing with real life baggage instead of the flirty, mutual cheerleading that goes on via texting.

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