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Season 1 Live Feed Discussion

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8 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

A sick relative.

Oh, that's too bad.  Well, if he knows about that by the Veto comp, he might just do what everyone else is doing and ask to leave.  But if he doesn't find out about it, then I can't tell (by the way Ross is sounding) if he is going to fight for POV or not.  He kind of sounds like he has resigned himself to the fact that he is leaving, and is OK with it.  That attitude could change and maybe he will try to save himself.  But, right now, I think he has given up and is assuming he is leaving.  At least, that's how it is coming across.  Again, it could change by tomorrow.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

That is unusual, he's pretty competitive. 

It could be that Ross is just kind of mulling over scenarios and options in his head, trying to figure out what to do.  I don't think he wants to campaign hard against Brandi, as they are friends (to some extent) out of the house, and he knows she needs the money.

He knows he doesn't have Mark, Metta or James on his side now, as they joined forces with Oma (at least for a couple of days).  He probably doesn't want to rally for Marissa or Ari to go up on the block in his place, or force them into that spot, which would happen if he won POV and took himself off.  He might just feel like he is in a bad position all the way around, and that it would be better to just get evicted.




11:58 p.m. -- Marissa finally came out of the DR and joined Oma and the guys outside.  Oma is trying to fill her in on Brandi's bad attitude, and that it can't be booze-related because they didn't get a lot of booze.

James tells Marissa that he can tell that Ari has had it with Brandi.

Ross was just called into the DR.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Do you think they are all really with her, or just BS'ing her? 

I think that both Mark and James love Ross, but I think they are sticking with Oma just until the next eviction.  I don't think they are loyal to her for the whole next week, but probably through Monday.

I think that Mark would be more likely to change his mind and save Ross than James.  It's hard to tell what Metta would do.  lol

I guess what they do all rests on who wins POV.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, MsJamieDornan said:

Lol,,,,,you mentioned nothing about Metta, the only one I thought might flip flop !

I mentioned him!  I said it's hard to tell what he would do.  He is a wild card.  I guess I edited my comment to add him in after you were already responding.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

That is unusual, he's pretty competitive. 

I believe Ross is still planning on busting his ass to win come PoV comp; failing acquisition of PoV immunity, though, I think Ross expects to be sent packing.  And Ross is probably right, unless Brandi (or whoever else is final Block nom) implodes and pisses off everybody else.

The Ross I am seeing tonight doesn't seem like he has the fire in him to win POV.

Now that could all change tomorrow, but tonight he has been rather calm and relaxed about the possibility of leaving. 


3 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

No one at Jokers is updating. I'm wondering is the booze party will make Brandi go wild !!

No  She is not going wild, and the party is over.  I added updates to posts above, about how she went inside, and everyone was talking about her outside, while she and Ari were talking about them inside.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

I guess I thought the party was still going on but some of them had moved inside. Very short party. I truly assumed they did to get Brandi drunk and let the fireworks begin.

TVFanm , I need to pay better attention.


I think the "party" just kind of fizzled on its own.   Apparently, Pop TV did not supply them with enough alcohol for anyone to get crazy.   Omarosa mentioned the lack of alcohol a couple of times.  In fact, I think the margaritas were already pre-made for them -- and the house guests just had to go to the storage room and grab their glasses, which were already filled.  So it was as if Pop TV and Big Brother were going to give them a little treat, but not a full-fledged stream of booze.

In any case, it was funny when the party kind of ended, unceremoniously, as it gave Oma and the guys a chance to bash Brandi, and it gave Brandi and Ari (mostly Brandi) a chance to bash James and Oma.  lol 

One thing I have noticed about many of the impromptu "parties" or special deliveries of treats (like the Valentine cakes, cupcakes and Chinese food a few nights ago) over the last few BB seasons, including BB Over the Top in 2016 to a much lesser degree, is that they happen kind of late -- at least after 9 p.m., but sometimes very, very late, or close to midnight.    The house guests are usually still awake, but are already in 'winding down mode' or even getting ready to head to bed.

So, by the time the already-prepared margaritas, Chinese food, chocolate Valentine cakes or "unicorn milkshakes" (that was from last summer's BB) arrive for them to enjoy, they are already tired and out of steam.   There was one time (different season) a full grill and array of food for grilling even arrived late at night!   Alcohol is most likely not going to perk them up, but, rather, relax them and make them more inclined to want to sleep.  Eating food late at night will likely make them want to sleep.    Why doesn't Pop TV (or BB) give them an "espresso party" so they can perk up and stay awake?  lol

So I think the timing of these treats is bad.   I like seeing them get the parties and goodies, but I wish BB would bring them to the house at 6 p.m. or something, instead of so late at night.

Edited by TVFan17
clarification about BBOTT
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awhile ago after #POPTV ended.

12:31 AM Sun Feb 18 by BBTalking

Earlier during the 1-margarita-apiece Margarita Party in the backyard the houseguests were given fans' questions from Twitter. One was to James asking if he had an alliance with Omarosa & Mark, to which he and Mark joked and made light of it. Later, not long

ago, Marissa went to the BR where Brandi & Ariadna were making their beds and said she thinks that alliance is real.

I guess they only got one margarita!

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Christi said:

I wish I had the self confidence that James has...geeez...I could rule the world!

James always brings to mind that quote: Lord, give me the confidence of a mediocre white man.

I haven't watched the feeds for any real length of time in days. Honestly, it's all just so boring lol. Oddly enough, the pacing in too slow imo. There should not be 8 people still there when there's only a week of game left to play. It's amazing that Production somehow still managed to fuck up the pacing of the game when it's only 2 1/2 weeks long lmao!

At this point I kinda hope one of the non-Spotlight vetoes wins. It might shake things up a bit at least. And since I am not actually rooting for any of these people and there's only a week left anyway, I just want some interesting drama.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Wings said:

What happened to the first owl?

Someone (Shannon? But I think Metta said it was done in good fun. I kinda cracked up when they got two and squealed that they had gotten “a girl owl and a boy owl”*, but I was simultaneously bemused and dismayed when they originally informed Metta that “the(first) owl has a name; it’s [and I think it was superfan Ross who first missaid] Orville” and then someone else (Brandi?! Maybe another woman. Probably Mar.) corrected, “Orwell.” And Metta, without skipping a beat said, “it’s a boy?!” 

Ive tried to wank that the latter was a satirical response and not the most pathetic bit of homophobia on display I’ve ever seen, because, if the former, it was brilliant timing for a man who’s had no problem mocking toxic masculinity vis a vis his own cuddling wif a stuffie for the season; if the latter, it’s pretty damn rich to suddenly act like, OMG, Ima catch Teh Gay from  ... see above. But, I’ve chosen to believe that most of Metta’s “cluelessness” is performative: he seems to be a sharp and clever guy and obviously a competitive one, and I think that, when he realized at the start he was at such a severe competitive disadvantage (and, likely, truly homesick), he did want to bow out, but when it didn’t work, he caught onto the fact that this was could be his strategy).


What I can’t explain away? Not a single person in that room seemed to know the origin story. Had someone just said his name was Orwell, I could see that no one else would get into it further, not wanting to sound pedantic or condescending, because, duh, of course everyone else would know WHY that was his name. But when it was missaid as Orville and then corrected to Orwell, several repeated “Orwell?”, the name sort of rolling around in their mouths like a new, non-Latin-based word made up of sounds that don’t exist in the English language, not even the recognition of, oh, like “‘George’? That’s really funny.” I mean, this isn’t high- level education stuff; I don’t think you even have to have gotten through eighth grade to have a basic awareness, nevermind a doubleplus good one, of Big Brother’s influences on modern culture and the everyday allusions to it, especially if you are working in the arts (so, I can give a pass to Brandi, Metta, and—on the language side—Ari), nevermind the entire game you’re playing (twice, Brandis your pass is doubleplus revoked). But, Ross? Mari? (I can’t recall if James, Mark, or Omi-Oma were there, but I suspect they’d be far more knowledgeable, so probably not). I weep. 



*Although, unless they came with veggies for Brandy (at least, cis-girl owl and cis-boy owls), I’m trying to figure out how they know: shit, one of the first overt memories I have of learning about sex/gender was with a teddy bear I had, who came with a removable lace dress and what looked like an unremovable bodysuit in red and yellow patchwork, and saying to my mom (while it was in its dress), “Look, now it’s a girl,” removing its dress, “and now it’s a boy,” and her explaining that, no, whether it wore a dress didn’t determine have any make it a girl or boy any more than if I did. This was the late 70s. Is it that gender has become more complicated or have we regressed?

16 minutes ago, keke23 said:

My first prayer for today is that Marissa loses her voice.

I was holding out hope for Marissa after her “God is in the tub” moment the other night, but after the great camera pan last night of other people in frame having a good conversation, her interrupting to share an inane and self-absorbed detail, and then, when they didn’t play along with her rudeness, she tried to overtalk them by nattering on, louder, when there was no substance to expand on in the first place (and, although I’d been annoyed by her chattiness before and noticed it more from here, this was the first time it really bothered me in its innate rudeness, and, so of course, I couldn’t stop watching it, and she did it time and time again. By then, I was so torn between being offended by her doing it, being second-hand-embarrassed for her doing it, and truly just feeling sad and emoathy for her doing it, as I know that I can either shut down or over talk when it comes to anxiety and not feeling confident. But I don’t think I talk OVER so much as overtalk, and so if the first time I did what she did, accidentally, and got the reaction she got, I probably wouldn’t say another word all night and possibly would have found myself a whole to crawl in. So maybe I’m giving her too much credited).

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

One thing I have noticed about many of the impromptu "parties" or special deliveries of treats (like the Valentine cakes, cupcakes and Chinese food a few nights ago) over the last few BB seasons, including BB Over the Top in 2016, is that they happen kind of late -- at least after 9 p.m., but sometimes very, very late, or close to midnight.    The house guests are usually still awake, but are already in 'winding down mode' or even getting ready to head to bed.

So, by the time the already-prepared margaritas, Chinese food, chocolate Valentine cakes or "unicorn milkshakes" (that was from last summer's BB) arrive for them to enjoy, they are already tired and out of steam.   There was one time (different season) a full grill and array of food for grilling even arrived late at night!   Alcohol is most likely not going to perk them up, but, rather, relax them and make them more inclined to want to sleep.  Eating food late at night will likely make them want to sleep.    Why doesn't Pop TV (or BB) give them an "espresso party" so they can perk up and stay awake?  lol

So I think the timing of these treats is bad.   I like seeing them get the parties and goodies, but I wish BB would bring them to the house at 6 p.m. or something, instead of so late at night.

Thing is, many of the treats (like last night’s margaritas and the aforementioned unicorn milkshakes) are the result of PopTV doing live polls during its BBAD time slot, which usually starts at 9pm BBT and runs for 2-3 hours.  They’re meant to liven up the HGs during the BBAD broadcast time window, and PopTV is paying for the treats - so 6pm would be kind of a nonstarter for them.  :)


3 hours ago, keke23 said:

My first prayer for today is that Marissa loses her voice.

From your lips to God’s ears, in the preservation of our own.


3 hours ago, keke23 said:

My second prayer is for some excitement which doesn't seem very likely since there is nothing going on today.  Maybe Brandi will be fired up enough for e few fights but I doubt it.

Doubtful.  According to what Marissa was saying to the other HGs on the BY furniture Saturday night, the DR has already indicated PoV isn’t taking place until on or immediately before Monday’s (live?) broadcast.  The biggest strategic scrambles in the House rarely take off until after the PoV comp and meeting, when the final Block nominees have been cast in stone - so be prepared for the HGs to be lazy as fuck between now and then.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

Thing is, many of the treats (like last night’s margaritas and the aforementioned unicorn milkshakes) are the result of PopTV doing live polls during its BBAD time slot, which usually starts at 9pm BBT and runs for 2-3 hours.  They’re meant to liven up the HGs during the BBAD broadcast time window, and PopTV is paying for the treats - so 6pm would be kind of a nonstarter for them.  :)

Oh, I definitely know everything is timed to happen during BBAD's 3-hour block (or 2 hours) -- but I completely forgot about the polls.   In any case, even though it happens that way for a reason, there is no getting around the fact that a lot of house guests have lost steam by the time their goodies arrive.  They have a quick burst of energy to eat and drink, and then they fizzle out again and want to sleep.   A delivery of a full Chinese meal and an array of Valentine cupcakes and cake at a couple of minutes before midnight in live BB time is crazy.   

Now in the BBOTT days, back in fall 2016 -- which was a season not tied in with Pop because there was no BBAD, and no CBS shows on the network -- many of those house guests could stay up until dawn.  There were many nights they were all awake, chatting until 3 a.m. or later.  They would have been the perfect recipients for the late night parties and goodies, but Pop was not involved so there were no random unicorn milkshake deliveries in the wee hours!  lol.   If Pop TV had been involved in BBOTT, we would have seen the house guests eating their Thanksgiving dinner at midnight, and enjoying their Halloween meal after October 31st was over.  However, I think I remember the OTT cast getting some late-night things from BB (not from Pop) -- like maybe late night alcohol deliveries in the storage room or something.

One reason (out of several) I gave up on BBAD -- after many years of relying on it to give me supplemental BB content outside of the silly, overly-edited CBS shows -- and started getting the feeds is because I like the real time coverage IF I can catch it.   I like to see or listen to events as they are actually happening in real BB time, especially because I, too, am in the BB time zone.   So, for example, if we have an earthquake out here in Los Angeles at 9:30 p.m., I like to go to the feeds and see if the house guests felt the quake when I did (which happened last summer).      IF I am in a position to keep the feeds open on a tab while I am doing other things on the PC, it works out great.  I can just listen to what is happening as background noise, while working on something else, and then if it sounds like something interesting is going on in the house, I switch to the tab with the feeds and watch it, then go back to listening to it.     If I rely on Pop's BBAD show, I have to wait until 3 hours after that quake happens to see whether or not the house guests felt it.   I have always hated that BBAD was being shown live, in real time, to the East Coast, but I had to wait 3 hours to see it (not in real time) on the West Coast.  But... I totally understand why they do it that way.

However.. BBAD is a good alternative for getting some extra BB coverage and content without getting the feeds.  It's a happy medium for those who don't want to solely rely on the CBS shows, but who don't want the feeds either. 



It's 10:44 a.m. BB time -- I think the house guests slept in late today, but the last time I looked, it appeared that Metta was in the kitchen.  Now the feeds have been on fish for a while, so I would imagine that others are finally awake.

Edited by TVFan17

There is a story that Josh wants the owl back. I thought Josh walked out with the owl? but there I guess were 2 owls and Josh says he left with the one he wasn't taking on the feeds and he asked production for his original back?

I'm not buying Ross has a sick family member for wanting to go. Omarosa's mom was sick (had the flu and pneumonia in her 80's which can be fatal), Ari has a sick family member we saw in that hospital type bed in her family message so while Ross could have a sick family member , I think it is an excuse to say he is okay with going. He said he would wear an eviction under Omarosa as a badge of honor.

From what I see on polls the spolight veto is ahead and will be the choice. So the big question is will Ross get someone to use it on him? James I say No. Mark, ? Metta ? Omarosa No Marissa Yes, Ari ? probably yes, 

Edited by silverspoons
45 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

When Shannon was leaving the house on eviction night, she told Metta that Orwell was under a bed, I think?

The new owl just showed up with the margarita party from Pop, along with some gift mugs for everyone.

Yes.  I saw her tell him where it was hidden as she left.  So the original owl was not lost or destroyed.  Still wonder why they gave them the second owl..  So there is one for the other HGs to share perhaps.  lol

Edited by Wings
16 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

There is a story that Josh wants the owl back. I thought Josh walked out with the owl? but there I guess were 2 owls and Josh says he left with the one he wasn't taking on the feeds and he asked production for his original back?

I'm not buying Ross has a sick family member for wanting to go. Omarosa's mom was sick (had the flu and pneumonia in her 80's which can be fatal), Ari has a sick family member we saw in that hospital type bed in her family message so while Ross could have a sick family member , I think it is an excuse to say he is okay with going. He said he would wear an eviction under Omarosa as a badge of honor.

From what I see on polls the spolight veto is ahead and will be the choice. So the big question is will Ross get someone to use it on him? James I say No. Mark, ? Metta ? Omarosa No Marissa Yes, Ari ? probably yes, 


Did Ross ever actually say he had a sick family member and wanted to go because of it?  I've never heard him say anything about a sick family member, but it was mentioned here last night (in the thread) that he has a sick family member.   I could have easily missed him talking about it on the feeds.

I've never heard him mention family on this show (other than his partner, Salvador), but I heard him say (as I reported here in a recap) that he said it "would not be the worst thing in the world" to leave on Monday, as they are already in the home stretch anyway.  And I heard/saw the "badge of honor" comment. 

I just think he has resigned himself to the fact that he has a good chance of going tomorrow night, and he is at peace with it if it works out that way.  It seems like he's not going to put up a huge fight to stay.  But he may have a sudden surge of competitive spirit and fight to win POV tomorrow.  Who knows? 


16 minutes ago, Wings said:

Yes.  I saw her tell him where it was hidden as she left.  So the original owl was not lost or destroyed.  Still wonder why they gave them the second owl..  I suppose, so there was one for the other HGs to share.  lol

 I just saw your question -- "What happened to the first owl?" -- and assumed you hadn't seen Shannon mention hiding the owl.    It was lost when it was under the bed, but after that, I don't know what happened to it.  In any case, apparently there are now two of them.

  • Love 2

12:27 p.m. -- I can see that Mark is losing patience with Marissa and her talking.  

Mark, who is generally a pretty expressive, quick-witted, seemingly nice guy, was talking about the Sharknado franchise with James and Marissa.  Mark was very animated when talking about why the movies work so well (he attributes the success to Ian Ziering taking his acting so seriously).   He was trying to say that other shark movies had been made before Sharknado, or other movies with sharks vs. other creatures (the standard Syfy channel movie formula of mutant creatures wreaking havoc), but Sharknado is a step above because of Ian Z.

When Mark was trying to say that the concept of shark horror movies (on Syfy) was not new, even pre-Sharknado, he made up some crazy movie title that was very much like what a real Syfy movie title would be, just to give an example of existing shark movies. 

Mark was trying to wrap up his point about the shark movies, but Marissa interrupted him to tell him that she had never heard of his (totally made up) movie title, and then she proceeded to keep talking about it.   She was taking his made up title too literally.

Mark closed his eyes, as if he was trying to channel any patience he might have and restrain himself from being rude to Marissa, and he muttered something about wanting to wrap up the point he was making.

I think that Marissa is probably a good person at heart, but it's got to be rough listening to all of that talking, and all the more frustrating when she interrupts someone else talking to take control of the conversation. 

I think that some of the house guests would have to speak up to Marissa after a while, if they were in the house for 2 or 3 months.  They would not be able to hold it in.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 7

Yes.  I was watching the feeds earlier and she was going on and on about James being like her brother, endlessly. I am not old enough to be your mother so  blah blah blah  She told him she would cock block his life for him.  Now what the fuck did she think she was saying?  I turned the feeds off and moved to twitter.  

  • Love 3

The person running James' twitter is going to ruin his chances on BB. They did a poll and Diamond Veto won, when people said that this would send him home, they said to split it between Spotlight and VIP. Some of his fans understand that Spotlight is the only option, but according to reddit it looks like VIP is winning.

47 minutes ago, Wings said:

Yes.  I was watching the feeds earlier and she was going on and on about James being like her brother, endlessly. I am not old enough to be your mother so  blah blah blah  She told him she would cock block his life for him.  Now what the fuck did she think she was saying?  I turned the feeds off and moved to twitter.  

She has no idea that conversation requires that you listen as well as speak. She just talks and talks. She doesn't want a response, she just wants acknowledgement of how great she is in the former of laughter.

  • Love 3

The problem with Mark and James sitting in the catbirds seat is they never take the conversation any further ( well, maybe tomorrow). I haven't heard anything about making a deal with Ross to save him. Maybe James will wait until right before the show. I think he is the smarter of the two ( he and Mark). But if they are going to screw Oma, they need to secure something for themselves.


ETA: I can not believe they would trust Marissa and Ross over Omarosa. Really, cannot believe it. I who cares about blood ,its not the point in a short season. 

ETA ( again): So disappointed that they want to go with Ross and Marrisa. I guess its the numbers thing .

Edited by missyb
  • Love 1

Right now, Mark and James are still talking game.   Mark says that "now is the time for deception."  He said that he and James have to make a decision and keep it quiet, so that Omarosa isn't on them about it, or moping around.  (They like Oma, but they don't need her interfering in their deception.)

They are toying with getting rid of Brandi, despite Oma targeting Ross.    I don't think they have decided that 100%, but they are leaning that way at the moment.

If they decide to keep Ross, they will talk to Ross beforehand about it, so there can be some sort of arrangement or whatever.

They're still talking it over, though.   Nothing is definite.  They are doing what they have to do to save themselves, so whichever scenario works in their favor is the one they will go with.

They are mentioning everyone's names as possible evictions -- Ross, Brandi and Marissa.


I like Mark and James together.  I am a fan of their bromance.  I think they have really needed each other -- to help keep each other sane in the house.


Meanwhile, Brandi and Ross agreed that if Ari is in the final 2, they will vote for her.  They love Ari.   Ross sounds like he might be torn if Ari were up against Marissa, but I think he'd probably still vote for Ari.

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Christi said:

I like these two as well. Its good to think all this stuff through, but this veto is such a wild card...who knows what will happen.  Maybe if they get solid with Ross before the veto, they will be more prepared.

Well we know that whoever they choose to get rid of, if that person is not part of Oma's plan they know they have to keep extra quiet about it so Oma doesn't catch on before tomorrow.  If they decide to chat with whoever they are going to save and strike some sort of deal, they have to do it when Oma is in the DR or something.  If she is awake and walking around, she will figure out what they're up to.

To that end, just because Marissa does talk a LOT, I think it would be a mistake to try to keep Marissa and to pull her aside to talk to her.  Not only does she have a hard time reining it in and knowing when to quiet down, and she is loud, opening up the possibility for others to hear her talk, but she will probably let info slip to the wrong person or people after she is done talking to Mark and James.   I think they should get rid of her because it's too risky to expect her to be quiet and secretive.

Tomorrow really is a big question mark.    Even without the Veto twist that BB is throwing in, the regular Veto comp and ceremony would have been important enough.  But throw in the twist on top of it and it will make for an interesting night!

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Wings said:

Yes.  I was watching the feeds earlier and she was going on and on about James being like her brother, endlessly. I am not old enough to be your mother so  blah blah blah  She told him she would cock block his life for him. 

This was actually worse than that because she was talking about how her and James could be in a TV show where they play brother and sister. Although to be honest I actually kinda liked her idea lol.

36 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Tomorrow really is a big question mark.    Even without the Veto twist that BB is throwing in, the regular Veto comp and ceremony would have been important enough.  But throw in the twist on top of it and it will make for an interesting night!

Love it!

I watched for a couple hours this morning. Ari's outfit today is super cute. I was rolling when James farted and Ross/Marissa/Mark all had to leave the room. Mark said it was making his eyes hurt. So funny.

  • Love 4

Mark is talking to Marrisa about a F4 with him, james , and Ross.  Says she doesn't have a F2 with Ross.  And then of course, blah blah blah

Headed to storage room with Ross. Ross says, don't do anything you don't want to do. She says, sadly ...... didn't hear it. But probably she is on board. ETA fem jokers:




5:40 PM Marissa listens to James' pitch but is uncertain. She tells him she needs to think about it because she feels bad about leaving Ariadna. After James leaves she talks to herself + says she'll agree but then won't keep it afterwards (after Ross is saved) #CBBUS #BBCeleb

Finally someone says it ! I have been waiting a long time to hear someone refute this statement. Marrisa says , well Ari got Shannon out. That was a big move. Mark says not really. We got her out.

Edited by missyb

James and Mark....

Ross is a great player, but if the other players are smart they'd vote him out. Shannon was a comp beast, but Ross' social game is the best one in the house and he has deals with everyone. He screwed over Shannon, he's trying to turn others on Ari, and he's been trying to break the girl's alliance since the beginning. He's not to be trusted.

My only wish is for Ross and Omarosa to make a deal, since the two of them as final two, which shouldn't happen since Metta is winning the entire thing but if it does, then the jury will be bitter sallys and it will be funny to watch. These two played everyone and no one thought better to take them out. The others deserve to lose to them for this reason.

Except Metta, since he's going to win the entire thing. Hopefully, I really want him to win.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, missyb said:

I cannot believe that James and Mark are still begging for this deal. For goodness sake , why ?  When Omarosa has committed to it. And like Cheezy said above, Ross will win it with his social game.

And there they are, begging.

I can't even say that Ross is misting them, because they've been delusional since the beginning without him even doing a thing.

Spotlight might not win, but if it's the VIP then it would be great if Omarosa wins and puts up Marissa instead of Brandi.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
  • Love 1

6: 54 p.m. -- Marissa just said that Metta tried to leave again late last night, and "they" wouldn't let him, or he couldn't get past some security measure or something like that.   Cameras cut out, of course.


At this point, it's getting ridiculous.   Metta is going to end up sailing to the final 2, and possibly winning, when he doesn't even want to be there -- because people are keeping him around.  lol

Edited by TVFan17
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Wings said:

Metta doesn't want to leave, he is working on his reputation of being a character. 

Sure, I definitely agree with you there; I'm willing to bet production started framing his questions at the beginning of the season about him trying to escape, he picked up on it being a topic of interest for the viewers, so he kept it up. But usually, houseguests like Metta find other ways to become characters and memorable; they don't blatantly try to walk out multiple times. Also, they're not even showing all of this on broadcast. I don't know; I go in waves when it comes to Metta. Sometimes I really like him. And then there are the times I hear about him escaping where I go "eh". Production can't love it every time he tries to leave. I know, last week, I think he even managed to get out of the house (I think it was after the feeds turned on? A separate incident from the button smashing one right before the feeds turned on). I know I have a very particular and small sense of humour, so maybe it's just that I don't find it funny and cute like I'm sure he expects it to be by now. 

I feel like such a buzzkill. I just don't really like Metta's indecisiveness on whether he wants to play the game or not. It's why, if he does get evicted before F2, I won't be mad. 

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11 minutes ago, Wings said:

Metta doesn't want to leave, he is working on his reputation of being a character. 

Then I hope Metta wins the next HOH and supports Omarosa and keeps her safe. She has grown on me and I find t fascinating to watch how she has been handling situations. She has done a good job of staying out of any spats and any she is in, stays calm and cool. I want her to stay and perplex the rests of the HG's. Plus I feel a little bit like she is getting "Simoned" this HOH. 

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I agree @Lady Calypso, I don't find Metta all that charming or adorable. I don't dislike him, just not dazzled. 

The men see this too and don't trust him with any alliance talk. If their plan works he will be first to go when the women are gone. 

I am rooting for an all male F3. Mark, James and Ross. 

Marissa next, oh please oh please. 

Edited by Wings
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