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Season 1 Live Feed Discussion

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I did not think I would like James, while watching the premiere but I am changing my mind. I think he is holding his own while on the block. And last night, he was working real hard on finding a way to stay in the house. I like that kind of attitude. 

Brandi is an attention seeing mess. She thinks she is a truth cannon but the reality is, she is a hurt cannon alliance busting cannon, etc. Last night, during her drunk truths, most of the HG said she turned it on as soon as the cameras turned on. This is work.  For the others, as super fans , it is truly a dream to be on their favorite reality show Big Brother . Ross, Shannon,MArrisa. They are thrilled to be there. Lover Marissa's son getting the news. 

I'll bet three weeks will feel way to short !

This is a voyeurs dream seeing covers pulled on celebrities ( and I use that term lightly). Even the guys have strict beauty regimes.

Edited by missyb
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Dang, I had been waiting for CBBUS forever it seems.  Really wasn't too impressed with the cast list but knew for sure I'd watch regardless.  I freakin' missed the premiere! Like seriously just forgot to watch!  But its all good now...  I've watched the show, caught up here, caught up on Jokers and fired up the feeds.  Let the shit storm proceed!

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53 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:

Brandi always seemed very immature and sad on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, as well as constantly causing problems and drama.  I mean, you know something went terribly awry if Bravo let one of their primary pot-stirrers and troublemakers go from the show, seeing as they usually want someone to bring the drama.  The fact that Brandi was eventually too much for them to handle on the show speaks volumes.

Also, Brandi was naturally a very pretty woman, and she has messed up her face.  In her natural, unmodified state, pre-cosmetic enhancements, with just a bit of make-up, she was a very attractive girl.  She started in with the facial 'adjustments' years ago, but I think she must have recently had something else done -- like a fresh procedure -- before starting this season of BB.  Her face looks more 'done' than usual.

Brandi likes to get freshend up before doing these types of events so the filler/botox is probably less then 24hrs old from when she did her interviews.

Brandi's problems have always been moderation, wherein she don't know when to stop in drinking and drama.

20 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Keshia got the gift bag advantage and, from what I'm reading, I think Keshia used it and she's the one to put up Chuck/James. 

 That's Stupid. They are in the same alliance. Unless they just think Shannon is stronger and are using it to their advantage which would be smart. 

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Per Jokers, apparently Brandi tried to ride the squash and that's not a euphemism for anything.

 She Did. It was a good laugh. 

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, missyb said:

But Shannon gets to compete in next HOH. That is good news !

Oh, I wasn't complaining; I just have to get used to this new pace - which I do kinda like.


6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

That's Stupid. They are in the same alliance. Unless they just think Shannon is stronger and are using it to their advantage which would be smart. 

See @missyb's comment above, and I think that's exactly why they did it - to have a physically stronger alliance member competing in the next HoH comp.  On the physical side, Shannon's already outed as the strongest female comp beast - stronger than Keshia, anyway.

Edited by Nashville
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I've already settled into my Big Brother morning routine of checking here and the major highlights as I'm having my first cup of coffee. And then:

1 hour ago, RandomWatcher said:

Per Jokers, apparently Brandi tried to ride the squash and that's not a euphemism for anything.

1 hour ago, TVFan17 said:

She did, indeed.  That is the "produce humping" I mentioned above, with her butt in the air.  It was charming.

Guys, it hurts to snort hot coffee out your nose. I wasn't prepared for this so early in the morning.

How long before the HGs are warning each other about the gently used produce? "No, don't use that apricot. You don't want to know what Brandi did to it last night. The things it's seen, man. *shudder* The things it's seen."

  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Keshia got the gift bag advantage and, from what I'm reading, I think Keshia used it and she's the one to put up Chuck/James. 

There's also some talk online that James had the gift bag advantage and used it and then Keisha had one and used it on him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's also some talk online that James had the gift bag advantage and used it and then Keisha had one and used it on him.

I hadn't heard that, but I wouldn't be surprised. My ears perked up when Julie was talking about the gift bags and how she said that SOME had more than just merchandise in them. As in, more than one.

  • Love 2

One thing I'm very interested in with this "celebrity" season is how the hamster's behaviors may change between what they know for sure will make the broadcast shows--comps, ceremonies, and the After Dark times--versus their everyday schlepp out of the bedroom for coffee, workouts, vegging around the house etc.  Most of these folks have a "brand" to defend, a character they play for the public.  Will they stay in character the whole time?  Will we find out that Chuck Liddell likes kittens and Zamfir's stylings on the pan flute?  That Brandi Glanville is secretly an introvert who loves eastern philosophy?  That Omarosa finds being "Omarosa" to be exhausting, so she meditates all the damn time? 

That James...  Nah.  Never mind.  Vapid is as vapid does.

  • Love 3

So, I hear Puppy cam is back. Also, question to people actually watching the live feeds right now: did they REALLY change the feeds music to that weird 80'ish pop beat, or is it regular fish music? 

Also, I just read about Brandi/Mark making up after last night (I completely forget, or don't know, what happened there), followed by Brandi complaining about Mark forgiving her too aggressively or some shit like that. 

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's also some talk online that James had the gift bag advantage and used it and then Keisha had one and used it on him.


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hadn't heard that, but I wouldn't be surprised. My ears perked up when Julie was talking about the gift bags and how she said that SOME had more than just merchandise in them. As in, more than one.


1 hour ago, Wings said:

This makes sense,  it seems like something they would do.

I caught the “some” as well - but lacking any other information, I immediately saw nothing but potential conflicts in giving depose power to multiple people.  For example - what determines/determined the order of reveal, and what were the ramifications of that order?  Does the first person to claim the prize get the prize, or would an early claim be penalized for jumping the gun by making themselves subject to deposal by a subsequent reveal?  And were such ramifications spelled out prior to anybody taking action on a reveal?  Inquiring minds want to know.  :)

4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

From what I’ve heard, everything Omarosa was expressing is accurate as fuck.

Boy, that's a tough one.  One the one hand, I have no trouble believing everything she says is true because it's sure in line with what I expect it's like in the WH, and she sure has the sincere act down. On the other, she's always been self-serving and fake, and is probably trying to sell a future book, so I take it with a grain of salt.

ETA: But then I remember her saying that Mr. Trump has a long memory and keeps a list of those who wrong him, and she was so smug about that threat, that her tearful recounting of her time there in this clip seems very contrived.

Edited by Pixel
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2 hours ago, KootieTaw said:

Hahahahahahahahahahaha!  She is playing Russ and he is playing dumb!  Love you Russ.   

Edited by Wings
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2 hours ago, KootieTaw said:

A heavy dose of IMO ahead:

Omarosa believes she's an actress putting in an Oscar worthy performance but really, she's on the same level as a B horror movie supporting actress who gets killed in the first five minutes and only got casted for her huge knockers. But damn it, she's going to make the most of those five minutes!

I think it's easier to separate myself from this stuff because like Omarosa said, "not my circus, not my monkeys" - Canada has its own issues right now  (It's the War of the Rosés. We protest with wine out here) - so it just seems like a lot of overacting and "YASSS! This is my opportunity to spin it and everyone is going to be talking about me!". Which: we are. And Big Brother knew it and played us all like fiddles. I'll laugh if they don't get quite the ratings bump they were hoping for with this clip.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I've spent almost all of today watching the feeds. Why am I like this?! Please send help!

You're totally asking the wrong people here. 


5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I kinda like the Brandi/Ross/Ari alliance. I feel less embarrassed watching them than I do most of the others.

Brandi/booze FTW! It's the only unbreakable alliance of the season.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, gunderda said:

Does anyone know what that privacy screen is for in the storage room? I thought maybe they used it to change behind but Shannon went in there with clothes just to change her battery and then left. 

I heard that BB removed the camera in the bathroom.  So maybe they are getting changed in there?


1 hour ago, alegria said:

Nichole Wallace said the interview was "riveting."  Chuck Todd said the press has lost its collective mind.   There's probably a clip on YouTube.

Yeah, this is definitely a rebranding effort for Omarosa.  But wouldn't it be funny if Mueller assigned someone to watch the feeds all day just in case? 

  • Love 14
32 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

I heard that BB removed the camera in the bathroom.  So maybe they are getting changed in there? 

There are multiple cameras in the bathroom. I can't see them doing that. There are too many good conversations that happen near the showers or on the couches or whatnot. I could see maaaybe the HoH bathroom cam getting tossed but again, good conversations. 

Did they start freaking out about a camera in the crapper? Because that one only turns out (supposedly) whenever there are two people in the toilet room... thing together. (I would have said "two or more" but one person can barely fit in that thing.)

39 minutes ago, zenithwit said:


Yeah, this is definitely a rebranding effort for Omarosa.  But wouldn't it be funny if Mueller assigned someone to watch the feeds all day just in case? 

That's so funny ... when I posted earlier, "rebranding" is the exact term my head wanted to use with Omarosa but my brain could not come up with! I agree! 

Edited by KootieTaw
  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

There are multiple cameras in the bathroom. I can't see them doing that. There are too many good conversations that happen near the showers or on the couches or whatnot. I could see maaaybe the HoH bathroom cam getting tossed but again, good conversations. 

Did they start freaking out about a camera in the crapper? Because that one only turns out (supposedly) whenever there are two people in the toilet room... thing together. (I would have said "two or more" but one person can barely fit in that thing.)

Sorry, I should have said toilet.  I heard that camera was removed (per the demands of several of the celebrities).   But I guess BB made the stipulation that if the houseguests start scheming in there, BB will put the camera back in.

27 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

Sorry, I should have said toilet.  I heard that camera was removed (per the demands of several of the celebrities).   But I guess BB made the stipulation that if the houseguests start scheming in there, BB will put the camera back in.

I mean, I want the good shit, like game talk and gossip. I don't care about the literal shit. 

The toilet camera is pretty useless but I swear we've seen footage from that camera before. When Victoria passed out in there, maybe?

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

The toilet camera is pretty useless but I swear we've seen footage from that camera before. When Victoria passed out in there, maybe?

BB showed footage of Josh crying in there last year on one of the shows.  I remembered there being a lot of questions after that scene because most people thought they only turned that camera on if there were at least two people in there.

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Man, I'm trying to read what's going on in the house on Twitter and I am mad confused. It seems like some want to actually keep James, and he's actually been actively campaigning to stay. It sounds like Shannon wants to keep him now, but Omarosa/Keshia don't?

Since I care little about the houseguests, as much as I've liked Chuck, I want him to go to spin the house into chaos. Omarosa and Keshia would be livid if James stays. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Sandycat said:

I can't figure out where the hot tub and seating area with the fire is. Is it outside or in the house? I'm so confused!!

Also, what a difference without the showmances and with everyone getting along. 

So far I'm really liking this and like everyone.

 I think the sitting area is out side where it normally is.   They just have the covered part.   I looks like the gym equipment was moved to the Have Not room.

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