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Guy's Grocery Games - General Discussion

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So... Food Network's premiering yet another Guy-hosted show Friday night. Thankfully, it appears to be a limited series of 2 months or less in length. It's Guy and Hunter's European Vacation--Guy & his eldest son, Hunter, traveling around to 7 different countries in Europe, enjoying the cuisine.

Hunter started last fall, or is starting this fall, at Guy's alma mater UNLV in Las Vegas & he's apparently doing the same "food & hospitality industry"-type major Guy took. I think I may have heard/read somewhere the trip was Hunter's graduation present.

Anyway... The first country they're visiting in the show, according to the promos I've seen, is Greece--which puzzled me since they're doing a European trip. Is Greece *really* considered a European country? I've never thought so.

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So we are watching the All Star Academy challenge episode, and the one judge looks vaguely familiar, but I wasn't paying attention to the intros. My wife says he looks familiar too.

We then realize it is the guy who is a bigger fame whore than Blais, it is Marcel.

Except Marcel has taken douchebaggery hipster pretentiousness to a level Scott Conant would envy. Between his hairdo, clothes, and assortment of gold chains, it was hard to tell if he was going to Williamsburg in 2015 or Studio 54 in 1978. It was impossible to take anything he said seriously.

What a clown.

Edited by MajorWoody
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I usually enjoy this show but I really disliked tonight's episode.  First, I didn't like them making people cook with strangers for half the usual prize.  Maybe they all knew about the twist in advance and agreed to it in which case I couldn't object but it wasn't presented that way.  Secondly, that woman named Quincy was totally obnoxious.  I just wanted her eliminated and off my screen and I felt sorry for the little Frenchman who tried mightily to act like a gentleman.  If she had won, I probably would have thrown something at the TV.  


On the up side, Melissa wasn't on and Richard Blais got a decent haircut.

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Yeah - I was mentally repeating "Anybody but Quincy" over and over.  I felt sorry for Marc with a C.  Mark with a K seemed like a nice guy so I was rooting for him.

Edited by spiderpig
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Agreed Quincy was a totally obnoxious beeyotch. I liked the team of two guys that was eliminated after the first round and liked the way the team that won decided to work together. They seemed nice and they didn't work against each other or boss each other around. Quincy was embarrassingly awful.


I actually wondered what Blais had done to piss off the hair people. I thought it looked like he had slept on it.

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If I had to hear Ryan talk about his injured hand one more time I would have screamed!!  I'm glad he won now and he can get his hand fixed.  I bet that little sob story helped him win.

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Ugh - I'm with MLP above - I cannot stand Melissa D'whatever, and I'd rather have 10 Robert Irvine's than one of her.  Her critiques make me scream to the TV "what the hell do you know, you're not a CHEF!!!" 


Whatever Next Food Network Star Susie-whoever was teaching the contestants about enunciating every syl-la-ble while opening your eyes big and wide while pushing your face forward is epic fail to me.  So unnatural and stupid.  Two other NFNS pupils of Susie's do it to - Jeffrey Said, and Kelsey on Cooking Channel.

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 So it was announced last week FNS winner Damaris' show was cancelled/ended.   Tonight, she made her first appearance as a judge on GGG.   So I guess the message is, win FNS, you're show will be cancelled after a few seasons and you'll immediately be shipped to GGG.   Hang on Eddie lovers, he'll be here soon!

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I'll gladly take Damaris as a regular judge over Melissa D and her over the top enunciation and bug eyed amazement over every dish. Melissa D actually makes Blais seem somewhat normal when compared to her.

Speaking of Blais, on All Star Academy he tried being sneaky, using the phrase " You didn't meet my expectations ..................(long pause)...................you exceded them!". Then he used the exact same thing on this show. He must think he is being clever.

Edited by MajorWoody
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The tournament of losers they have been running is not too bad. I liked the guy who won last week as long as I did not have to look at him. Personal preference, but I think dreadlocks on greasy white guys are never a good look. He seemed like a nice kid, though. My favorite last night was the Hawaiian chef so I was bummed he did not win.


FN continues their track record of hiring the worst subtitle writers anywhere. When Guy sent the French chef off to the final shopping spree, what he said was "on y va" or, roughly. "go" in French. The subtitle said "au revoir." It would be nice if they would occasionally pay attention but I know I should not expect that from subtitle writers who frequently even misspell common culinary terms. On an alleged cooking show.

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The tournament of losers they have been running is not too bad. I liked the guy who won last week as long as I did not have to look at him. Personal preference, but I think dreadlocks on greasy white guys are never a good look. He seemed like a nice kid, though. My favorite last night was the Hawaiian chef so I was bummed he did not win.


FN continues their track record of hiring the worst subtitle writers anywhere. When Guy sent the French chef off to the final shopping spree, what he said was "on y va" or, roughly. "go" in French. The subtitle said "au revoir." It would be nice if they would occasionally pay attention but I know I should not expect that from subtitle writers who frequently even misspell common culinary terms. On an alleged cooking show.

I liked the Hawaiian guy too. I was bummed he was out so soon.  I am not sure why they even needed subtitles for the French guy. I understood everything he said. He had an accent but spoke quite clearly. 

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I hate Guy Fieri but I watch this for the lack of anything interesting to watch so I tolerate him.


That being said I absolutely HATE Richard Blais and Melissa D'Arabian.  They have the stupidest little criticisms that I find myself questioning them with a "really?", even though they can't hear me.

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That being said I absolutely HATE Richard Blais and Melissa D'Arabian.  They have the stupidest little criticisms...........................


I agree about the criticisms although I don't mind Richard Blais's because he is a legitimate chef.  Melissa is not.  Every time I see her or, worse yet, hear her, I want to hit Mute and change the channel.  I like GGG so I don't but she almost makes me gag with her soooooooooo dramatic delivery. 

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I agree with mlp - with Melissa D's over-the-top delivery, accompanied by bug-eyes, I want to reach for the remote too.  And throw it.


Glad the guy won & hope his mother has a really nice vacation.  (Actually, I liked all of this week's contestants.)

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Reposting this here from the Judges thread, because I believe it fits with the discussion


Ugh - I'm with MLP above - I cannot stand Melissa D'whatever, and I'd rather have 10 Robert Irvine's than one of her.  Her critiques make me scream to the TV "what the hell do you know, you're not a CHEF!!!"


Whatever Next Food Network Star Susie-whoever was teaching the contestants about enunciating every syl-la-ble while opening your eyes big and wide while pushing your face forward is epic fail to me.  So unnatural and stupid.  Two other NFNS pupils of Susie's do it to - Jeffrey Said, and Kelsey on Cooking Channel.
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Just got,done with the FNS episode. 


It seemed like they wanted that insufferable jerk Justin to win. Which is why they didn't drop anybody after the first round, as his dish was clearly the worst.  However when he screwed up in the final round they had no choice.

At least we didn't have to endure Blais and Melissa in this episode.

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7 hours ago, spiderpig said:

Was Minnie Mouse on helium for real? (7/10 episode)

Sure sounded like it. I know she said she was home-schooled. I noticed a ring on the ring finger of her left hand. Betting it's a purity ring. I sorta liked her anyway, though.

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7 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

Sure sounded like it. I know she said she was home-schooled. I noticed a ring on the ring finger of her left hand. Betting it's a purity ring. I sorta liked her anyway, though.

She certainly made an impression.  Not sure if I should spoiler this, so


it's been quite awhile since anyone managed to snag 20K

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Re the kids episode last night........................  I had hoped to never, ever see Hunter on my TV again but there he was.  Ugh.  Guy seemed to be giving him more attention than the other kids, even slicing some vegetables for him which seemed all wrong,  so I was afraid he was destined to win.  Happily he didn't.  I got a kick out of Gibson.  Helen is a beautiful girl.  I kept thinking I'd seen her before somewhere, maybe Rachael vs. Guy, but she didn't mention being on another show during her introduction.  I can't remember the other girl's name but I was glad she won.

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I hope the kids episode is a one off. I agree with what you said about Guy slicing veggies for the kid. That was wrong, and even though they are kids, it is unfair to help one kid and not the others.

The Jersey kid was very obnoxious, and I am glad he did not win. 

I am gettng tired of FN coming up eith more and more of these kids versions of shows, and normally delete them immediately.   

I take it from your comments that Hunter was previously on a different FN show? 

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Hunter was on the very first Rachael vs. Guy show.  I can't remember whether or not he won but I do remember that he was obnoxious and no one on the TWoP boards liked him.  Then he turned up on the first kids' tournament on Chopped.  He did win that.  He could cook but there was nothing likable about him at all.

I think Helen was on season 2 of Rachael vs. Guy.  After thinking about it, I'm pretty sure she was a little girl who had one half of her hair dyed blue.  If so, she's matured a lot.  She really has a beautiful face.

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Gibson and Helen (with blue hair) were both on season 2 of Rachael vs. Guy.  I think maybe Gibson won, but can't clearly remember.  Alessandra {?} I'm pretty sure was also on one of the seasons.

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14 hours ago, MajorWoody said:

I hope the kids episode is a one off. I agree with what you said about Guy slicing veggies for the kid. That was wrong, and even though they are kids, it is unfair to help one kid and not the others.

I am gettng tired of FN coming up eith more and more of these kids versions of shows, and normally delete them immediately.   

I'm with you, Major.  To me, these kids do not come across as fresh-faced, innocent and enthusiastic.  They seem like self-absorbed narcissists with enabling parents.  If they want to put them on the network, at least they're beginning to confine them to their own shows so they're easier to avoid.

Oh - and unlike the usual GGG format, we didn't dare eliminate the special snowflakes one at a time.  No sirree.  We don't have losers.  Only a winner.

Now get off my lawn!

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Couldn't they find any new kids? These were all RvG retreads. Any bets that Hunter will be back on FNS kids? This network loves him. I also noticed the additional help he got from Guy. It's making me glad I have decided to boycott all kids' reality competition shows on principle.

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Tonight's (7/31) episode featured chefs who competed against Guy when he won TNFNS ten years ago.  They repeated the show modification they did on the kiddie show where no one was eliminated in the first challenge, then they went directly to the final.  No individual eliminations.

Then they changed out the run for the money to have the winner answer five riddles about products for their $20,000.

Based on the past two eps, it's becoming Guy's Grocery Games - Special Snowflakes Edition.

I didn't dislike any of tonight's challengers.  It was just odd.

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I am really enjoying Damaris as a judge, actually. I think this is a good show for her since she actually has food knowledge but she doesn't take herself too seriously and she seems to have fun with it (all of which set her apart from Melissa D'Arabian.)

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I was so relieved when the childish cutesy Korean chef was sent home after the second round last night. She set my teeth on edge and made me growl. You're a grown woman, lady, start acting like it. I liked the Indian guy who talked to himself constantly and was sad he went home first. Also really liked the guy who won.

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Justin Warner is several levels beyond obnoxious.  Someone at FN must like him or he's just readily available.  He keeps turning up and adds nothing but arrogance to every show he's on.  I was relieved when he was sent home first.

I like all the rest of them although I think Damaris is in above her head and I wish Eric would shave.  He looks awful.  I'm partial to Jet Tila and Marc Murphy but I think Alex may be more well-rounded.

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I looooove Jet Tila.  When he's competed for charity in the past he represented K9s for Warriors, which helps dogs and veterans. I wish he'd win.

Marc Murphy comes across as much more gentle and humorous when competing vis a vis being a judge on Chopped.  I enjoyed the way he just moseyed around the aisles and other chefs' stations looking for ingredients.  (I didn't know he was born in Milan.)

I was worried about Eric Greenspan having to run around pushing that teeny cart, but using it as a handbasket was the way to go.

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I'm a big fan of Jet and his charity also.

Marc Murphy is an interesting guy.  His father was some kind of diplomat and he grew up all over Europe.  He speaks four or five languages.  He said in an interview I read once that he's severely dyslexic.  Despite that he's managed to found a restaurant empire that's very successful.  FN Magazine (or maybe it was HGTV mag) recently had an article about his house in the Hamptons.  It's huge and must have cost a fortune.

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I really, really want Jet to win. He seems like such a nice guy.

Justin Warner freaks me out a little bit. His smile is very nefarious looking. He reminds me of Richard in the way that they both love to show off. 

I would love a show without Richard and Justin. They are just too much, especially Richard. He's way too over-the-top and he comes off so fake.

And I really don't like Alex. That eye squinty thing she does is so stupid. She always tries to come off  as tough, but she looks ridiculous.

Whoever is in charge of casting, please stop reusing the same people. 

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I can't stand Richard Blais or Justin Warner, so glad to see Justin go.  I have a love for Damaris for no particular reason, so I was rooting for her.  

Eric Greenspan carrying around the kiddie cart was worth the price of admission.

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I don't dislike Damaris but she was bugging me tonight. Glad to see her go. I absolutely adore these all-star competitions, they just make me so happy. And I think Jet Tila seems like the coolest, nicest person ever, so I am hard-core rooting for him to win it all. 

I also find Mark Murphy hysterical. The way he kept calling Richard "Mr. fancy pants" and was ragging on how Richard was doing "saucing" for the judges. LOL. 

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I second your entire post, srpturtle80.  I think Damaris is very attractive but she knows it and goes way overboard being "cute."  Her shtick gets old and annoying very fast.   I'll bet the real chefs feel the same way.  I was happy to see her go.

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It's funny to me that Alex got dinged for not making the smoked turkey leg the star of the dish and Marc got dinged for burying it in his risotto given that those are the two main complaints they have for mystery basket ingredients on Chopped. Hee!

I don't know why but it made me smile to see Marc and Maneet apparently doing their shopping together in the first round and grabbing ingredients for each other.

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It's funny to me that Alex got dinged for not making the smoked turkey leg the star of the dish and Marc got dinged for burying it in his risotto given that those are the two main complaints they have for mystery basket ingredients on Chopped. 

That annoyed me because I didn't hear Guy say the turkey had to be the star of the dish, just that it was a required ingredient.  If that's the rule, they should be clear about it.

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Jet :(

I didn't think Alex and Eric should have been the automatically safe ones. They didn't seem to have anything wrong to say about Maneet and Marc's dish, just that it wasn't as incredible as it could have been, and JetBlaise's dish's critique was - the onion wasn't cut thin enough?

Marc Murphy cracks me up how he's randomly eating in all of his scenes. Lol

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Marc Murphy cracks me up too.  He eats stuff on Chopped After Hours also and always makes me laugh.  

I figured Jet would be eliminated when he didn't do anything with the animal crackers but I hated to see him go.  

I don't dislike Aarti but I think she's an annoying judge.  She's not straightforward and she always, always has to find something to nitpick.  

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