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Guy's Grocery Games - General Discussion

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I have this on my DVR and watch it when the spirit strikes me and that is not all that often.  Guy irritates the fuck out of me.   I am watching a bunch of them now.


Yes on the sob stories, goodness gracious, make it stop!

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I have this on my DVR and watch it when the spirit strikes me and that is not all that often.  Guy irritates the fuck out of me.   I am watching a bunch of them now.


Yes on the sob stories, goodness gracious, make it stop!

Having sob stories air is bad enough.  But on the episode with the guy who needed the ankle surgery it honestly looked like they gave him the win because of the story.  They didn't have anything realistically bad to say about his opponents final dish, but he won anyway--even though there was a pretty strong objection to him just slopping one ingredient over the top.

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Having sob stories air is bad enough.  But on the episode with the guy who needed the ankle surgery it honestly looked like they gave him the win because of the story.  They didn't have anything realistically bad to say about his opponents final dish, but he won anyway--even though there was a pretty strong objection to him just slopping one ingredient over the top.



Could be, but I think it was the duck was superior.  This may have been the best dish they have had on that show.  I wanted to eat it!  

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I agree with the poster upthread about "fresh" being the adjective. If they can do that, the letter doesn't really matter. Like if the letter is D, just choose any food you want and add "delicious" in front of it. Bah


For the "G" dish, "Green leaf lettuce" was acceptable. Really? Is that a thing? However, I thought "goat cheese" for feta was clever.

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Yes, "Green Leaf Lettuce," is a thing.  So is, "Red Leaf Lettuce."  Although it is still a stretch, I hope they are allowing things like "Fresh Chicken" for the letter F only  when the word "Fresh" appears on the package. YMMV

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 I believe they've always done that, same a Chopped.  There's one plate for each of the 3 judges and the fourth is the "beauty plate" for them to take shots of a show on screen as the chef describes the dish (and put under the cloche in the case of Chopped).  

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The firehouse chef sweated more than any contestant I've ever seen, on any cooking competition. Every time someone hugged him, I thought....ewwwwww...

But what was funny was how his shirt would be soaked, then a few minutes later it was dry again yet you could see the sweat stains. I know, timing between filming scenes... but still, I lost all track of whatever he was cooking because I was watching his sweaty shirt change colors.

And I hate that I laughed at the poor cameraman who fell into the wine bottle display, and I hope he's not hurt. But a part of me thought he was just trying to get away from that screechy woman who was just batshit nutty. I was so glad she was eliminated first because there is no way I could have watched the rest of the show with her on it. You could tell the other competitors were bothered by her also.

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I was so glad she was eliminated first because there is no way I could have watched the rest of the show with her on it. You could tell the other competitors were bothered by her also.

Yes! What a horrible shrill train wreck of a person she was. I was thinking the same thing--if she was not cut first, I was going to have to fast forward until she was. Ugh! And I agree the poor camera guy was likely just fleeing her insane screeching.

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Just watched yesterday's episode and you'd think the subtitle writers would be up on how to spell common culinary terms. To prepare a vegetable by dunking it for a brief time in boiling water is to blanch it, not to blanche it. We're not talking Golden Girls here. Criminy.

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Just finished watching the Christmas,ooooppps, I mean HOLIDAY Special. Seriously, how many times can they squeeze in the word Holiday in a 1 hr show? I'm certainly not a religious zealot, but really, who says things like "holiday dinner" or "our families holiday memories"?

This was a good episode, with good chefs and a nice lack of the usual sob story syndrome, but to hear the word Holiday mentioned in every other sentence was a bit much. I guess those were Holiday Trees on the floor, not Christmas trees. Maybe they were referring to Arbor Day. At least Chef Esk managed to sneak in a Merry Christmas, although that probably is what sent him home.

Overall, there were certainly some very good looking dishes presented tonight.

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Is this game rigged or what?  Chef Joel screws up on every single challenge, and ends up winning?

Was he the Valentine's Day episode winner?  


Because I thought that was bullshit, but then again the other contestants weren't really smart enough to play the real game and come up with an appropriate story.  The woman at the end just wanted the money.  He wanted a wedding for an alleged fiance/girlfriend.  How can that lose a V-Day-related theme?

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Was he the Valentine's Day episode winner?  




He was.  On one of the challenges he was asked to make a Valentine's Day dessert and he made French Toast (with unbelievably thick bread).

Edited by nottopbravo
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I liked all the contestants on last night's episode. No trash-talking, all seemed competent, I would have been fine with any of them winning. What a rarity! It got me thinking, though--and I am about to surprise myself by saying something nice about Guy Fieri--that Guy seems like, well, a nice guy on his shows. He is nice to the kids on the kids show with Rachel, he is nice to the people on DDD, and he is nice to the contestants here--to the point of essentially pointing out where to find things in the aisles to the woman who won tonight. I used to love Alton the most but I don't appreciate the character he plays on Cutthroat Kitchen, nor the tone he sets among the contestants. Now I have to go check my own ID because I found something I prefer about Guy and my worldview has been shaken.

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Now I have to go check my own ID because I found something I prefer about Guy and my worldview has been shaken.


I know just what you mean.  I've had similar thoughts about Guy myself.  I don't like his persona on DDD with all the yelling and whistling and goofy descriptions even though I can tell that there's an intelligent, articulate person under all that.  I first saw the other side of him when he was brought on NFNS to do some mentoring and I started looking at him a little differently.  I enjoy GGG and I'll go even further and say I can't think of anyone else on FN who could do that show any better.  He has a sense of humor and he's a people person so I try to look past his appearance.

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 I believe they've always done that, same a Chopped.  There's one plate for each of the 3 judges and the fourth is the "beauty plate" for them to take shots of a show on screen as the chef describes the dish (and put under the cloche in the case of Chopped).  


That wasn't the case last night.  Guy was definitely eating out of the fourth plate.

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That wasn't the case last night.  Guy was definitely eating out of the fourth plate.

I noticed that, too. I figured it was because these were his DDD chefs and he did not want to be left out.


Noticed also that Melissa D'Arabian had her chirping and shrieking turned up to 11. They really need to mic her lower than anyone else. So annoying.

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I just watched this episode and Melissa was just driving me nuts.  I can't stand her on a good day but she was particularly obnoxious.  The big guy who won reminded me of someone else every time I looked at him but I never did figure out who so that's going to bug me until I do.

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I think this show is getting better than when it first started.


Troy Johnson seems better as a judge through the years.  He doesn't take himself too seriously, and that's what I like about a judge. 


The show seems to have slowed down a bit (in a good way).  Taking the finalists through aisles 1 to 10 to see what each chef picks from each aisle for the final challenge lets you wonder how they will incorporate each item into the dish. 


If I was a contestant, I'd be spying every aisle in the final challenge to see where things were in case I won.

Edited by nottopbravo
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I like Troy Johnson overall but last night I thought he was channeling Melissa in her absence.  He seemed to be speaking with her emphasis and pacing and I wanted to reach into my TV and smack him. 


Then there was a commercial promoting a cruise of some kind featuring Melissa.  I have a hard time imagining that her presence would encourage people to spend money and sign up but I guess stranger things have happened.

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Taking this over from the episode thread to comment on the news that Melissa D'whatshername will be featured on a cruise, and is there really a market for that (no kidding, really???). IIRC she has a background in business, and didn't both she and her husband work for Disney in some capacity? I haven't seen the commercial, but was it a Disney cruise?


This also got me wondering if Paula Deen is still in the business of being featured on cruises. Since she doesn't appear on my television anymore, she's fallen off the radar for me.

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I should have been more specific - is there a market for Melissa on a cruise? I don't see her as a draw, especially for foodies.  Her $10 Dinners and Drop 5 pounds with Goood Housekeeping shows don't shout "food expert" to me I'd be willing to pay for. Other than that her being a judge on this show is more to me of  Melissa wanting to keep her face on TV. That's why I also asked if anyone had heard of anymore cruises featuring Paula Deen.

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I can tell you what it would be called if I were stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean with Melissa's grating voice talking non-stop about food. Hell.


Hopefully it's a one of those larger cruise ships where there's enough room to avoid people for the duration. I think the Disney ships have like 5 restaurants aboard. 


I had some time this weekend and watched a couple of episodes I had recorded. Is it a bad thing that I consider this show to be the best among the various 3 round 4 contestant shows on food network now? It feels like this show gives the contestants the opportunity to succeed. Also the attitude of this stable of judges comes off as less grim than on the other shows.

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I liked most of the cheftestants on the latest episode but I was bemused by the eye makeup on the Asian woman. Yikes! She seemed like a good cook, though.


I think I was more stunned than bemused. 


Too bad the chef only made 10K, the lowest total yet.  I think any item that requires a price should be skipped.  This seems to hamper most of the contestants. 

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Just watched Sunday's episode and I was sad the guy with the Sideshow Bob hair didn't win. He seemed like a nice laid-back guy and a good chef. I wasn't crazy about the arrogant guy who did win, though I suspect he is nicer in real life and just came across kind of cold on TV (as I'm sure I would, as well).

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Okay, clearly I'm the only one who watches this but I just wanted to comment that I was so happy the asshat DC chef in last night's episode did not win. It may have been editing, but he gave them enough to work with to make him look like a totally arrogant jackass.

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I watch it.  It has kind of grown on me although I still don't like the challenges that seem unfair and nearly impossible.  I like Simon Majumdar and I always get a kick out of Jet Tila because he seems to enjoy being a judge there. 


I was glad Sammy won.  He's one who has made the rounds on FN and I like him.  I can't remember which one was from D.C. 

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I have this on my DVR and watch when I have seen everything I like better, like at 3am.  I really don't like guy and NEVER watch DDD.  He is at his most obnoxious and the food is not interesting to me.  Though most if it is probably good tasting, I cannot imagine eating all that grease and huge calorie loads.  


I have the same issue with GGG as I do with Chopped.  I prefer to watch good food being prepared a la Top Chef.  It isn't interesting, for me,  to watch chefs cook with horrible ingredients. 

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I'm watching the latest episode with Brian Malarkey as a judge.  My god, what happened to his face?  He looks like he's seen Jeff Lewis' plastic surgeon.  Way too tight skin.

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I don't understand the "One ingredient per aisle" game.

They can only pick one item per aisle and have to use everything they get, but when they start cooking it shows them using items they didn't get during the shopping portion.

Are they able to use other things as well? The rules make it seem like they can only use what they get.

My example is that during that game a woman chose cilantro as her choice from the produce aisle but she had fresh sweet potatoes in her dish.

I'm confused.

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I was thinking they might have some basic ingredients at their station.

This episode might be the first one that I was sorry to see any of the contestants leave.

Edited by stormy
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They have a small pantry at their station with basic supplies, like flour, salt, sugar, ice, etc...   What they actually have can be confusing at times. (IIRC they have malt vinegar as a default ingredient), but regardless they have more than what they get in store. (One time someone picked up ice only to be told it was part of their station so they could get something else IIRC).


And some challenges they'll give the central item as a gimme right off the bat. (Like a weight challenge to make a roast chicken dinner; they'll give the chicken for free so they just have to get X lbs of fixings)

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In one episode they had a little pop-up box saying they had eight ingredients at their stations.  Unfortunately, I only got 7 before it disappeared but they were:




-Oil (including olive oil as well as vegetable oil)



-Pepper (Which seems to also include chili pepper and paprika)

-Vinegar (Which seems to include several types of vinegar)


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In one episode they had a little pop-up box saying they had eight ingredients at their stations.  Unfortunately, I only got 7 before it disappeared but they were:




-Oil (including olive oil as well as vegetable oil)



-Pepper (Which seems to also include chili pepper and paprika)

-Vinegar (Which seems to include several types of vinegar)



I never noticed that box but have wondered what was there.  I would think the 8th would be leavening (baking power and baking soda).

Edited by wings707
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In one episode they had a little pop-up box saying they had eight ingredients at their stations.  Unfortunately, I only got 7 before it disappeared but they were:




-Oil (including olive oil as well as vegetable oil)



-Pepper (Which seems to also include chili pepper and paprika)

-Vinegar (Which seems to include several types of vinegar)



Thanks for this!  I love how they assume people can speed read miniature text so fast. I've always thought it seemed like they had a pretty well stocked station before they went shopping.  Could that last one be ice, or did they even mention that?

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