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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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13 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

How is that she's bleeding though?

I suspect because Reign is also Kryptonian. Kind of like how Doomsday made Superman bleed.  That said, don’t ask why Kara and Clark didn’t make each other bleed when they fought last season.

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13 hours ago, tv echo said:

They better finish up The Ray pretty fast...

So weird. I'm glad there's a release date finally, but way to be late. Why didn't they have at least have a press release last week when The Ray was actually was introduced on TV?? I know it's just a web series, but they seem to really be slacking off on the promotion for this. The CW Seed website doesn't even have a page for it yet.

Anyway, it seems the story is a little different from what was first announced:


All his life, Ray Terrill (Russell Tovey, “Quantico,” “Looking”) has fought injustice, dreaming of making a real difference like his older brother, a Marine who was killed in Afghanistan. One day, he stumbles upon a dying superhero from another Earth and is stunned to find that this superhero looks just like him—because it is! The dying Ray Terrill of Earth-X transfers photokinetic energy to this Earth’s Ray, making him a superhero – THE RAY. However, Ray quickly learns being a superhero isn’t all hanging muggers from streetlamps and fighting giant robots. As the evil Nazi New Reichsman of Earth-X, led by Overgirl, close in, The Ray must learn to harness his powers by coming to terms with his true self, even if that means also finally coming out of the closet to his parents. The fate of Earth-X depends on it!

Based on the characters from DC, FREEDOM FIGHTERS: THE RAY is from Blue Ribbon Content and Warner Bros. Animation, with executive producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Sam Register.

I still cant stop laughing over the fact that NO ONE brought up the whole "Kara and Alex battled Nazis and met an alternate universe Winn in another universe" during Supergirl. I know that it cant be before the crossover happened, because I think the Reign confrontation would have been brought up at some point otherwise, so this must be right afterwards, right? I know other stuff is going on and thats basically wrapped up, but even a throw away line, like Alex nothing that Winn would look good with a beard, would be a decent pay off. 

Other than that, I did like the episode, and Reign has some promise as a cool villain, even if I am truly cannot understand where J`onn and Mon-El were during the fight scene. Were they just caught up in a really intense gaming session or something? 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I thought "hot-headed" did mean impulsive.  He gets an idea and carries it through without looking at the risks and possible outcomes, even against advice.


2 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I guess it does, I've just always seen it used more for the quick-tempered definition.

I've always thought it meant quick-tempered as well.  If you call someone a hothead, you mean they're always ready to start a fight.  At least that's how I've always heard it.

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7 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I expected Jimmy/Lena but not this quickly. I knew Reign kind of had to win for now but I was also surprised by just how badly they had her beat Kara. I don't understand why neither J'onn or Mon-El made any attempt to intervene. 

For plot most likely. They had to show how Powerful Reign was. 

At this point, when you have a season long villain it's basically tradition that they have to wipe the floor with the good guys the first time they meet to establish their threat level. Pretty sure Flash and Arrow have done this too. 

Reign is clearly not just a normal Kryptonian. She probably has some mythical elements to her and Kryptonians are weak to magic. When Kara went to talk to the madman in jail he even said something about teeth, so maybe Reign is a cross between a Kryptonian and the creature she saw in her dream at the beginning of the season. 

Edited by tofutan
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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I thought "hot-headed" did mean impulsive.  He gets an idea and carries it through without looking at the risks and possible outcomes, even against advice.

 Hot-headed--for me and as I learned it and have seen it, means temper--quick to anger.

9 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I guess it does, I've just always seen it used more for the quick-tempered definition.


7 hours ago, Starfish35 said:


I've always thought it meant quick-tempered as well.  If you call someone a hothead, you mean they're always ready to start a fight.  At least that's how I've always heard it.

Same. Look at...Mick Rory on Legends. He's Hot-tempered. Outside of the superhero universe, Detective Michael Logan on Law & Order was known to be a hot-head, quick temper; ergo, hot-headed. Impulsive would be Wally West's Flash on the Justice League (DCAU) volunteering to be John Stewart's attorney when he was being tried for destroying a planet. Just jumping in and talking nonsense (funny nonsense and Michael Rosenbaum was HILARIOUS), until the rest of the League could get there with proof of John's innocence.

In the comics it was shown, particularly in the fight with Doomsday, that if a Kryptonian is hit hard enough for a long enough time they begin to lose their store of solar energy (using it up faster than they can recharge) and thus become more vulnerable, which is why he tanked Doomsday's blows at first and started bleeding later on. But Kara and Reign's fight wasn't nearly long enough for that, Superman and Doomsday fought for like an entire day.

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51 minutes ago, tofutan said:

So Caity Lotz talked about a new member joining the Legends and she seemed super excited about it and acted kind of mysterious. Nyssa? Laurel? 

CL is super excited? I'm thinking it's not Laurel, LOL! But, hey, Hollywood is weird. Who knows? Nyssa would be great, but doesn't Katrina have a TV show? Or maybe its a newbie and CL knows the actor/actress.

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From the question she was asked it's someone from the current Arrowverse that is being recruited to the Legends. I'd be okay with Wally since the Flash sure doesn't know what to do with him. He'd be happier being part of a team where everyone is gets something to do. 

Edited by Sakura12
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42 minutes ago, tofutan said:

So, Caity also seemed to be kind of waving off Ava being Sara's love interest. So if the new person is Wally and Ava is not the love interest, who is the love interest? 

My best guess is that Ava was SUPPOSED to be Sara's love interest, but since the season started airing and there hasn't been good feedback on Ava as a character, they're probably switching courses on her love interest. Either that, or they'll have Sara/Ava hook up once, but most likely nothing more than that. 

I'd seriously love if the new member was Nyssa, because both Caity and Katrina have been advocating for Sara/Nyssa since the beginning (which makes me think a Sara/Nyssa endgame is likely if Nyssa survived the island), but Wally being the new member wouldn't be the worst idea. I grew to like Wally and think his role on Legends will be better than on The Flash. It made no sense for there to be multiple speedsters on The Flash, which I guess is why they seemed to drop Jesse as a character. Plus, more POCs on Legends is always great. 

I do like Constantine, but not as a regular on Legends. I've had my fair share of magic characters, and I don't think his particular skills are needed for this show in a long-term capacity. This is judged by the little I know of Constantine. 

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Can they just delete Ralph permanently rather than just this scene?  He is such a horrendous waste of time and he's kindergarten level of humour. Give the time to someone who is actually worth watching, like Wally or Caitlin.  Or the Native meta from the last episode.

I'd be happy if it was Constantine going to LoT but doesn't the actor have a Broadway gig?  Or maybe it's a straight trade with Broadway, Victor Garber for the Constantine actor.

I'd be less happy if it was Wally just because I'm really tired of speedsters.  When push comes to shove, their storylines are pretty limited.

I've never understood the desire to have Ava be Sara's new lover.  There's never been anything but antagonism between them with finally a grudging respect.  In contrast, Sara/Alex felt completely natural and made so much sense.

Just as a point of information -  definitions of hot-headed:

The Oxford English Dictionary:  Having an impetuous or quick-tempered nature.

Cambridge English Dictionary:  someone who does things or reacts to things quickly and without thinking carefully first

Collins English Dictionary: impetuous, rash, or hot-tempered

Mirriam Webster: easily angered : fiery, impetuous

Dictionary.com: hot or fiery in spirit or temper; impetuous; rash:

Interestingly it was first used in the 1630s.

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I really hope they back off with Ava as Sara's LI. They have nothing but antagonism between them and not the good love/hate sexual tension between them.

Wally wouldn't be the worst idea, although if he straight up replaced Jax, no way, FD needs to keep being on the show. A speedster might be awkward to work into the show, but they did establish some limitations with Thawne last season (gravity etc) He and Nate have already worked together and The Flash doesn't know what to do with him. I'm just relieved it's less likely to be BS or some other version of LL. 

Gah, Ralph, I was actually watching this season of the Flash until he showed up and now no. Just no. I don't want to watch a total douche bag slowly learn how to be a "hero" or marginally less of a douche, it's been done 1 million times before. 

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5 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

I don't want to watch a total douche bag slowly learn how to be a "hero" or marginally less of a douche, it's been done 1 million times before. 

Including last season on Supergirl.  It's a plot for the white boys and they've had enough IMO.

Edited by statsgirl
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5 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

WOW not only was it bad that they had him interrupt their honeymoon but they actually deleted the scene. Not a good thing to do to your main couple.

I'm honestly just as glad they deleted the scene so that I could hate Ralph now and not have to spend the actual episode screaming "PUNCH HIM, IRIS! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! AND IT'S CHRISTMAS!" at the screen.

....Though to be fair I might end up doing that anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

WOW not only was it bad that they had him interrupt their honeymoon but they actually deleted the scene. Not a good thing to do to your main couple.

Maybe the episode opens with Barry and Iris on their honeymoon only now there's no interruption and they just come back to Central City when they were supposed to? 

1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

How unfair to not let Iris punch that stretchy slice of Mayo. 

Man, can we just give Ralph his own animated series and bring Russell Tovey back on as The Ray? His scenes with Barry worked better, and he didn't piss people off.

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15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Maybe the episode opens with Barry and Iris on their honeymoon only now there's no interruption and they just come back to Central City when they were supposed to? 

I hope that is the case because if its deleted then it makes no sense why even give them a honeymoon.

Yeah, I don't know about that. They don't usually release deleted scenes, so I'm guessing they released this one because they wanted to let us know they had a honeymoon? Which means it's probably not mentioned in the episode aside from this.

Edited by ruby24
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4 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah, I don't know about that. They don't usually release deleted scenes, so I'm guessing they released this one because they wanted to let us know they had a honeymoon? Which means it's probably not mentioned in the episode aside from this.

This is most likely the case. They won't be referencing their honeymoon in the actual episode, it seems like, so they threw out the deleted scene to show at least the online viewers that they really did have a honeymoon but it got cut for time. 

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19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

This is most likely the case. They won't be referencing their honeymoon in the actual episode, it seems like, so they threw out the deleted scene to show at least the online viewers that they really did have a honeymoon but it got cut for time. 

Yeah that's probably the reason and kind of sucks because if anyone deserves to be attacked by an angry Iris it's Dibney. So I guess it won't be mentioned much, que moaning about Olicity's wedding reception. Sigh. I do hope they reference it or celebrate it somehow, even if it's just comments from Joe or Cisco. 

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35 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I got Captain America! ....

QUIZ: Which Avenger Are You?
Natalie Zamora   01 DEC 2017

I got Capt. Too! He's my favorite although, I also would have been happy with Hawkeye.

5 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Why does Caity pout like that? It's really annoying.

But also omg Beebo has won me over. I'm watching LoT tonight

She does do that sometimes but it's less obvious on the actual show. How can you not watch an episode with a Beebo as a Viking god which causes them to conquer America? 

  • Love 3
Just now, Featherhat said:

How can you not watch an episode with a Beebo as a Viking god which causes them to conquer America? 

When someone asks me what got me started on LoT I can tell them with a clean conscience that it was Beebo the God of War

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