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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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@Sakura12 Yeah Dinah said that, and she also had a few other cheesy lines about being a woman. I mean, they're so blatant you know they were written by men lol.

Re KF/CS: They really don't. I wanted to like KF but everything about it is lame. I mean at least show her struggling to keep her down, I think we saw that once in the premier. Also, I wouldn't mind the split personality thing if Caitlin & KF were actually different. As of right now they're just boring, which is sad because KF could be great.

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I just finished watching the most recent Flash episode and another mark towards it being a kids show is the fact that whenever they show the couples together in bed they are always fully clothed. Even LoT which is supposed to be the silliest of the Arrowverse shows is more adult with their sex scenes. 

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You may recall that GG made a rare con appearance at Silicon Valley Comic Con in April - here's video of his full panel (with Tom Felton)...

Published on Apr 23, 2017, by Bay Area HQ

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Can whoever is running The Flash promo dept do the same for all the other shows? The poster looks fan made but Ill take what i can get when it comes to getting some new promo material. 


I wonder why he finally has decided to hang up his freeze gun once and for all.

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1 hour ago, JJ928 said:

 I honestly don’t even think the show knows. I keep reading about how hard it is for Caitlin to control killer Frost, but in that sneak peek killer Frost seems a lot like Caitlin.  Think they’re trying to sell it as a split personality thing, but Killer Frost didn’t seem too different  from CS  in the promo.

Last season when she lost control, it was like a switch flipped and yeah, she was a different person and would start trying to kill friends even.  Then in the finale for some reason she stopped being full on evil while KF.  Suddenly they were allowing Caitlin to kind of exist within KF but she still wasn't Caitlin.  As of the beginning of the season, Caitlin is back in control for the most part and now it seems that when she slips and her powers come back, she is able to fight to get back to normal while also being not full on evil whil KF.  

And yeah, none of this comes with any explanation. There was even a point at the end of last season where they came up with a cure and she refused to take it even though up til then it was a Dr. Jekle and Mr. Hyde situation.  This season I think they are going to try and let Caitlin just have powers but they are not quite there yet.   So if anyone is confused, yeah, so is the rest of the audience.  

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Why do The Flash always interpret Felicity's quirks as Felicity being an air head. I'm still cringing over the sex line from The Flash 1x18 but the fact that wrote Felicity as not being able to read the context that the so obviously creepy and villainy guy was not a stripper is annoying when the same woman threw a party just so she could offer Fake Laurel a choice between water and wine for a toast because she knew Fake Laurel wasn't on the level. Ugh Flash. 

Edited by LeighAn
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It's not so much that she's perkier, it's that she's ditzier/clueless, when she's never really been like that even in Arrow season 1. Like showing up to trivia night in a cocktail dress in Flash 103, or the oversharing in 118, or what @LeighAn pointed out-- not figuring out that the bad guy was a bad guy even when his eye fell out. They do a better job with her in the Flash parts of the big crossovers, but I have to say I'm not a fan of how she's been written in the mini crossover episodes.

Edited by lemotomato
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33 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Why do The Flash always interpret Felicity's quirks as Felicity being an air head. I'm still cringing over the sex line from The Flash 1x18 but the fact that wrote Felicity as not being able to read the context that the so obviously creepy and villainy guy was not a stripper is annoying when the same woman threw a party just so she could offer Fake Laurel a choice between water and wine for a toast because she knew Fake Laurel wasn't on the level. Ugh Flash. 


20 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

It's not so much that she's perkier, it's that she's ditzier/clueless, when she's never really been like that even in Arrow season 1. Like showing up to trivia night in a cocktail dress in Flash 103, or the oversharing in 118, or what @LeighAn pointed out-- not figuring out that the bad guy was a bad guy even when his eye fell out. They do a better job with her in the Flash parts of the big crossovers, but I have to say I'm not a fan of how she's been written in the mini crossover episodes.

I 1000% agree.  I cringed so very much at the oversharing in 118.   I adore Felicity, but I don't understand why The Flash always writes her like that. :(

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14 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

It's not so much that she's perkier, it's that she's ditzier/clueless, when she's never really been like that even in Arrow season 1. Like showing up to trivia night in a cocktail dress in Flash 103, or the oversharing in 118, or what @LeighAn pointed out-- not figuring out that the bad guy was a bad guy even when his eye fell out. They do a better job with her in the Flash parts of the big crossovers, but I have to say I'm not a fan of how she's been written in the mini crossover episodes.

It's weird, since they always still gave her a moment(s) of insight and confident intelligence that she usually has (her hacking faster than Cisco and talking to Barry in 104, her defeating Brie and talking to Barry again in 118, her telling Barry to get the Flashpoint problems under control in 302), but then for the joke they make Felicity more like Donna. It's not that I blame them entirely since she's not their character (and since LoT kind of did it too in their crossover episode), but it's kind of bipolar or abrupt with how they do serious/funny Felicity vs how she is on Arrow (and her first appearance on Flash and her flashback appearance on LoT, which shows they can do it, just not for an extended period of time or reason). 

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I love Barry, and I think I love Drunk Barry even more. I cant stop laughing about Barry drunkenly crying about Titanic. I cant decide which scene was more relatable That scene, or Cisco seeing Killer Frost and just being like "nope, too tired. Not dealing with this until tomorrow". 

I still dont get Killer Frost and why she has a split personality. They're still using her, and it makes ZERO sense. Why does ice powers make you evil, or develop an evil personality? Literally no other meta has this problem! We`ve met tons of non evil metas or metas who were evil regardless of their powers or people who were driven to evil because their powers had some adverse affects, but whats her deal? Explain damn it!

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42 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I hate Barry Allen with the fire of a gazillion suns, but him drunkenly crying about Rose not making room for Jack on the door made me laugh. Drunk Barry for every episode pls. 

When he did "I'm the Flash" and threw his hands up, I had flashbacks to SPN's Dean and "Pudding!". Let's just say Barry/Grant can't hold a candle to Dean/Jensen. ?

Now for tonight's episode, I have wanted nothing more from the Arrowverse (Arrow in particular) than for a story where the girls kicked ass, saved the day while the guys were incapacitated. 419 (Bee Episode) was close but, need more girl power, less guys saving the day. That being said, or lord this was a chore. The dialogue made me cringe, the Frost/Starbuck fight scenes were lame and boring and DP isn't really good with playing "bad". I think DP pretty much only does well with comedy but, drama and evil are just not her.

Why doesn't Iris have any friends of her own? I was watching tonight and it was kind of sad. Her bachlorette party was her future step-mom, Barry's work friend and Barry's semi-crush who he kissed/good friend. Couldn't they have added a throw away line? My friend's from work/school/growing up couldn't make it but, they'll be at the wedding!

Stray thought - Does Iris get anyone in the divorce? All of her friends are Barry's and let's face it, Joe would pick Barry over Iris too.

Speaking of Divorce, was that a foreshadowing? I know it was played for funny but, I swear the way that even went, especially with Felicity looking away made me wonder.

I don't like Stretch Armstrong, he's annoying and creepy. Glad no one else on the show likes him but, that just means he'll get the big save and become a hero.

My love for TC will never change, OK I didn't love HR last season but, I do love Wells/Harrison. 

I know I'm partial to Joe because of L&O and JLM (so pretty, I just love his smile) but, the one bright spot was his scenes with future Stepdaughter.

Katee Sackhoff played a different role, so I give her credit for going against type but, she wasn't very good. I've never been a fan (except when she showed up on Big Bang Theory) but, I thought she'd be better. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I had sort of high hopes for this episode. But I just really don't like how they write Felicity in these mini-crossovers. 

Harry's still my favorite Harrison Wells.

And I feel like maybe they should have had Iris and Caitlin make plans to hang out at the end of this episode, then in the next episode, have Iris ask her to be her maid of honor since they were so determined to have that. I could understand not waiting until episode 7 since they are actually planning the wedding for episode 8, but come on. They went from "we're just work friends" to "you came and saved us so we're not just work friends and you should totally be my maid of honor" in what, a couple hours? 

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Uh yeah. I watched the episode and it was...not good. I'm sorry. Felicity had a couple of good moments (I laughed when she was like "Stay back baby mama, we got this!" and then whacked that guy with the chair) and I do think she had some great comedic timing with Iris, which I wanted more of, but on the whole it wasn't the fun I was expecting. The #Feminism bit was so heavy handed! 

Mostly I don't think DP is a good actress so she can't carry episodes. She's just very wooden, IMO. The whole Killer Frost thing bored me. I'd rather have seen the others tbh. 

And Katee Sackhoff's British accent was awful. I cringed every time. Pretty sure that was my last Flash episode. 

Edited by Guest
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I dont mind being a party of one, I thought it was a pretty good episode, even if the Killer Frost stuff still makes NO sense. It wasn't as good as last weeks episode, but I still enjoyed it, and it was nice to see the characters just hanging out before shit started to go down. 

Yeah, I will say the #Feminism stuff was WAY too over the top, but I did like that it was a good spotlight for Iris, who I love. She even got to give one of Barry's patented "your not as bad as you think you are" speeches! So, yeah, more clunky than the last few weeks, but it had enough good in it for me to consider it a non failure of an episode. Although, I still dont get Killer Frost. In fact, the more it goes on, the more confusing it gets. 

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8 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

So Felicity mentioned The Incredible Hulk. Is he part of Arrowverse? Oh wait, that's Marvel.

The CW DC TV shows have seemingly reached some sort of agreement with Disney to allow them to reference a few Disney properties/trademarks from Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar and Disney Fairies, though, with that said, pretty much every use they've made would probably qualify under Fair Use, and they aren't profiting from Cisco's occasional Star Wars comments. 

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That was the first Flash episode I've seen in nearly two years...and I can't say I miss it based on what I just saw.  It was a cringe-y mess, but hey--at least they have finally given Iris something useful to do so there's that.  I love me some Katie Sackhoff (TBH, she's the primary reason I watched this episode) but I thought this was a ginormous waste of her talent.  Also, they simply cannot write Felicity worth a damn on this show.  It's like they take what's charming about her character on Arrow and then plot out all the ways to make that OTT and annoying here.  Her persona on The Flash ends up becoming the equivalent of Curtis on Arrow which...is a huge "no" for me.  I get that this show is supposed to be lighthearted(!) and fun(!) but if I feel the perpetual urge to smack so many characters over the course of one episode (including ones that I otherwise normally love) then you're doing it wrong.

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18 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

The Felicity/Ralph exchange leaked last week was cut from the episode, right? 

Yes, thank god. Instead she was just kind of freaked out by him and left quickly. 

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Yikes.... that episode was not good. I was so excited, too! But Caitlin is so wooden both in her regular persona and as Frost. The voice effect is just distracting/aggravating. And the ridiculous attempts at #feminism just made me roll my eyes, particularly the thing with Cecile's daughter which was a barely baked plot point. 

And it felt weird that Iris asked Caitlin to be her maid of honor -- it wasn't earned. If anything, I'm more surprised that Felicity and Iris were good enough friends for her to come from Starling City, and wish they'd devoted some backstory to that. The whole premise had so much promise, and the fact that they squandered one of the FEW episodes we get where the female characters speak to one another (are there others?!) with this bad writing (and acting, I'm looking at you, DP) is just depressing. 

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Caitlin-centric episodes don't work BECAUSE of DP. I'm sorry, but she can't carry an episode, she just can't. I still don't buy the Iris-Caitlin stuff, especially the way she asked her to be MOH at the end after acknowledging they're only work friends (which is honest). If anything it seemed like Iris and Felicity liked each other more, and we don't know where that came from.

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3 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

If anything it seemed like Iris and Felicity liked each other more, and we don't know where that came from.

To be fair they'll technically be both of the other's MoHs in the crossover episodes when both couples elope

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Well, I liked that they basically established Felicity and Iris keep in touch, seeing as Iris asked about things with Oliver and William. So I kinda believe that they're friends tbh. 

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14 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

To be fair they'll technically be both of the other's MoHs in the crossover episodes when both couples elope

Ugh. Where one half of each couple has made out with one half of the other couple. This stupid double wedding....

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6 minutes ago, Trini said:

Ugh. Where one half of each couple has made out with one half of the other couple. This stupid double wedding....

It was just one small kiss that honestly wasn't even romantic. Just a goodbye kiss for something they both knew was never meant to be.

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If anything, Iris's oft stated hots for Oliver, to the point where he's on her "cheat" list, is more of an issue, tongue-in-cheek though it is.  At least Barry and Felicity's flirtation with romance was decidedly resolved.

But d'accord on the double wedding icks, regardless.

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Sigh.  The Flash was so disappointing.  Maybe I had too high of hopes but the writing was just soooo cringe worthy.  And it wasn't even the over the top out of character quirk that was bugging me, it was that both Felicity and Iris were rushing into situations that they didn't NEED to rush into.  Felicity isn't stupid.  She knows better than to take two untrained fighters in the field and an untrained pregnant lady in the CLEARLY MARKED Star Labs van to go up against a meta who has meta bodyguards AND a whole bunch of other goons with guns.  And while I'm sure they would like to save The Weeper (OMG could he have been any skinnier?) the urgency vs the risk just don't compute.  

And this coming directly after an episode where Felicity was reminded about not rushing off to do stuff on her own.  

And really, it wasn't Felicity pushing for the confrontations, but Iris and while I really want to root for Iris, she makes such terrible decisions and it's only luck that she doesn't get killed.  Normally it's Barry that swoops in but this time it was Caitlin.  Who was supposed to be leaving?  Iris doesn't get points when stuff works out only by accident.  

And all the lines about feminism and strong women and even Cecile's daughter stripping for the empowerment of controlling the narrative of the male gaze.  WTH?  It was so clearly written by guys trying to write for women when they have no clue how real women think and talk.  


They guys side wasn't bad.  And while ridiculous, I enjoyed Katee Sachoff's character.  And there were some cute Felicity moments and dear lord it is about time for Iris and Caitlin to become friends but there was just so many dumb choices made framed as "heroic" in this episode and so much cluelessness going on and that's not even counting the Killer Frost is still considered a different person when nobody else ever in the history of the show has had meta powers affect them like that.  MAKES NO SENSE!!  And FYI show, maybe the reason the cure for Killer Frost didn't stick is because per your show SHE DIDN'T TAKE IT.

4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Speaking of Divorce, was that a foreshadowing? I know it was played for funny but, I swear the way that even went, especially with Felicity looking away made me wonder

The thought crossed my mind.  It goes along with the question the showrunners keep asking about if Barry and Iris can stay married.  

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Legends on the other hand turned out to be really well done.  Love the friendship between Amaya and Zari.  And the fight set to Return of the Mack was so incredibly fun to watch.  

I really loved having Rip back for the episode so the ending hurt even if Sara was justified.  

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Then it was clearly written by women writing for men something that the men would think that women would think and say and do.  And we have no idea if the really cringe-worthy parts were added in by the producers as helpful improvements.  I cling to hope they did.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Legends on the other hand turned out to be really well done.  Love the friendship between Amaya and Zari.  And the fight set to Return of the Mack was so incredibly fun to watch.  

I really loved having Rip back for the episode so the ending hurt even if Sara was justified.  

It did hurt.  It was a really good episode, but it hurt. :(

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6 hours ago, WindofChange said:

It was just one small kiss that honestly wasn't even romantic. Just a goodbye kiss for something they both knew was never meant to be.

If we're talking the Barry/Felicity kiss on the train it was somewhat romantic, IMO. It was mostly a bittersweet ending to something that never got started but, it was the hottest kiss Grant/Barry has had on screen, IMO. 

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If you remove everything about Killer! Frost,  I enjoyed the Flash.   Drunk Barry is probably my favourite Barry and kudos for Grant for playing a believable trashed kid in his twenties. 

As for the character change that Felicity seems to undergo every time on the Flash,  I think that's a chosen writer's decision.   Not because they don't understand Felicity,  but because Emily is also a great comedic actress and Arrow doesn't really give her the chance to explore that fully,  so I can give it a pass. 

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