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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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8 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

I think Flash fans expect Barry and Iris to be a married couple.

*Comics fans probably expect it. People who don't read the comics and don't care about canon probably don't expect much of anything. Want them married? Sure. 

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53 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

It's odd to me how Oliver/Felicity were engaged first (with a big deal made about their wedding), then that was dropped/ignored and Barry/Iris got engaged relatively soon after. The timing's suspicious. It's almost as though TPTB decided there couldn't be two engaged/married superhero couples in the Arrowverse, although I think it would have made more sense to go with married Olicity because they get a lot more Internet/Media buzz and are imo a much bigger part of the discussion surrounding Arrow than Westallen is with The Flash. 

I don't find it that odd. Oliver/Felicity got engaged a whole season before Barry/Iris, which isn't suspicious timing to me. If they got engaged a few episodes after Olicity, then maybe. All the shows do seem to be taking a similar route of rushing through relationships by getting big couples engaged the same season that they get together as a couple. Oliver/Felicity had more buildup (eight+ months of them dating) and theirs made a little more sense (even though I personally didn't like them getting engaged THAT quickly and wanted a little more time with them as a couple, rather than an engaged couple), but Barry/Iris were probably dating for less than six months before their engagement, and Maggie/Alex from Supergirl had Alex proposing a little too quickly into their relationship (also about six months). That's not to say that couples getting engaged within a few months is a bad thing, but it's not really good for TV standards, since people want to see the relationship flourish, rather than rushing through the steps of dating, engagement, marriage, and babies. 

I guess I just have different expectations with fictional couples. 

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

It's odd to me how Oliver/Felicity were engaged first (with a big deal made about their wedding), then that was dropped/ignored and Barry/Iris got engaged relatively soon after. The timing's suspicious. ...

It doesn't seem suspicious to me that Barry and Iris got engaged an entire season after Oliver and Felicity broke up. I doubt there's some sort of 'couples quota' at CW. But I agree it's suspicious that the Arrow showrunners broke up Oliver and Felicity, if they're so integral to the show.


... Maybe Barry/Iris won't end up going through with it, but I'm not a fan of The Flash taking plot points from Arrow and then actually getting to follow through on them. 

Getting engaged is a plot point specific to Arrow? The Flash has been hinting at Barry and Iris getting married since the first season; it was going to happen eventually.

Edited by Trini
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13 minutes ago, Trini said:

But I agree it's suspicious that the Arrow showrunners broke up Oliver and Felicity, if they're so integral to the show.

I'm guessing this is an attempt at a burn? But it's not suspicious or out of the ordinary at all, which was why it was so disappointing that Arrow went the predictable route, as it always does.

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17 minutes ago, Trini said:

But I agree it's suspicious that the Arrow showrunners broke up Oliver and Felicity, if they're so integral to the show.

How is that suspicious? Every couple gets broken up at least once after they get together. It's the most common trope in any show with an endgame couple. And Oliver and Felicity are on the road to reuniting if the kiss in 523 is any indication.

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The poster I quoted said it was suspicious; and I agree, because -as I've said before- I was surprised they kept Oliver and Felicity apart this all of Season 5 when it looked liked they were on the road to reuniting at the end of Season 4.

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2 hours ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Maybe Barry/Iris won't end up going through with it, but I'm not a fan of The Flash taking plot points from Arrow and then actually getting to follow through on them. 

That's not really a plot-point from Arrow.  The Iris West/Barry Allen romance was a long-running element of the Flash comic for likely decades.  One of the things we saw in Season One was the byline by Iris West-Allen from the future room.  An eventual marriage between Iris and Barry was pretty much set in Time-stone.  Felicity Smoak on Arrow was a completely new character who grew into the love interest for the hero.  Aside from the name(which was from the Firestorm series) she had no precedent in the comics, which is one of the reasons the Cat-Piss comics people are constantly angry about the Oliver/Felicity love story.

Edited by johntfs
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16 minutes ago, Trini said:

The poster I quoted said it was suspicious; and I agree, because -as I've said before- I was surprised they kept Oliver and Felicity apart this all of Season 5 when it looked liked they were on the road to reuniting at the end of Season 4.

It's not suspicious. It's basic television. Endgame couples get together and usually have at least one breakup if not more before getting together permanently. Watch any television show ever in the history of television and see that's a fairly common concept. 


Its naive to think that Barry and Iris in season 4 of a likely 10 season show (depending on Grants resigning) are going to get married and live happily ever after with not single problem or personal drama. 

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I'm against a wedding for the crossover if they use that as the reason why everyone's in the same place at the same time for whatever crisis happens at that point that needs all four (assuming that they are actually going to include Supergirl in the crossover more) teams. Then they'd expect fans to be okay with the fact that these teams can't talk to each other outside of crossover time but the Legends can just take a break from traveling through time and everyone from Supergirl can pop in from another universe for a wedding? I might not hate it if they decide to throw an impromptu wedding at crossover time because everyone's in town for another reason and they're just taking advantage of having everyone in the same place. 

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8 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Its naive to think that Barry and Iris in season 4 of a likely 10 season show (depending on Grants resigning) are going to get married and live happily ever after with not single problem or personal drama. 

IDK that there's much drama to mine out of Barry and Iris to make it worth a(nother) breakup. I mean, they had legit issues and even then weren't apart very long and got back together because Barry sang her an idiotic song in an episode about the power of love. Barry needs his living, breathing pep talker and to never ever be sad again, so I don't think it'll happen.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Knowing MG I kinda think they decided to drag on Olicity so they could have the 519/520 ta da episode thinking we'd all swoon over it. Most of us did swoon but we also raged for half a season.

I'm really wondering what they are going to pull this season. 

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They are 2 shows ran by 2 different show runners going after 2 different things. It took Oliver 4 years and what? 3 code names before becoming Green Arrow? It took Barry all of 5 seconds to become The Flash. The Flash is a lot more light and maybe they aren't as afraid of marriage as MG and co. are over at Arrow. 

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17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Then they'd expect fans to be okay with the fact that these teams can't talk to each other outside of crossover time but the Legends can just take a break from traveling through time and everyone from Supergirl can pop in from another universe for a wedding?

I have no problem believing that the teams communicate somewhat regularly and share some information.  Figure that's how Barry knew when/where to find Snart alone so they could pull the heist.  Maybe I'm wrong, but what you're getting at is why aren't Team Arrow, Team Flash, Team Supergirl and Team Time Bandits (Legends) constantly popping into each others shows to help save the day?  The out of show answer is that it'd been really expensive to pull all those people to do that.  The in-show answers is that the various teams still have stuff to do and can't necessary drop everything.  Sure, Flash would love to help Oliver save his kid, but if he leaves Central City to do that, then Dr. Superspeedgod will flatten the place.  There might be times they can get ahead of events to have a wedding, but it's not something they can do all the time.  As a fan of all the various shows, I'm fine with all aspects of that.

I mean, do you really want the Flash or Supergirl constantly popping into Arrow to cut up Oliver's food for him?

Edited by johntfs
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20 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Its naive to think that Barry and Iris in season 4 of a likely 10 season show (depending on Grants resigning) are going to get married and live happily ever after with not single problem or personal drama. 

No one has ever said that.
And I have my doubts about even Flash lasting 10 seasons.

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Just now, johntfs said:

I have no problem believing that the teams communicate somewhat regularly and share some information.  Figure that's how Barry knew when/where to find Snart alone so they could pull the heist.  Maybe I'm wrong, but what you're getting at is why aren't Team Arrow, Team Flash, Team Supergirl and Team Time Bandits (Legends) constantly popping into each others shows to help save the day?  

There are just moments that would make the heroes look so much smarter with just a phone call to another team or hey, even a mention of "tried to call X to help, but busy" (but that's also the problem with having to draw things out for 23 episodes). Like in the case of the Arrow finale. If Oliver had mentioned that he tried to reach out to the other teams before deciding, "hey, villains, that's the way to go!" it would have been so much better. (All they would have had to do is cut out one "My son!" to fit it in too.) 

I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Just give me a mention here and there over the year that these people talk to each other. It doesn't even have to be shown. That can be accomplished with a couple lines of dialogue. 

But I'd also need a good reason why the Legends would take a break for Barry and Iris' wedding, if that ends up happening during the crossover. Are any of them particularly close with them? Not that I can think of. It'll probably also depend on what's going on at the time. If there's a lull in the action, fine. But if the Legends are in the middle of something and they just sort of wrap it up as fast as they can so they're available for the crossover... 

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19 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

But I'd also need a good reason why the Legends would take a break for Barry and Iris' wedding, if that ends up happening during the crossover. Are any of them particularly close with them? Not that I can think of.

Well Stein is a mentor to the Flash team.

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I'd need a good reason why the viewers of the other shows would care enough about an Iris/Barry wedding to watch.  Alien invasion yes, but worrying about whether a comic lock couple is going to get married this episode or a dozen down the line?  Doesn't sound Must Watch TV if you're not already a Flash fan.

2 hours ago, LeighAn said:

It's not suspicious. It's basic television. Endgame couples get together and usually have at least one breakup if not more before getting together permanently. Watch any television show ever in the history of television and see that's a fairly common concept.

It's SOP for multi-season TV shows that the couple breaks up the season after getting together.  The only reason for not breaking them up so that they can grow and mature is if the relationship is an accessory.

2 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I'm against a wedding for the crossover if they use that as the reason why everyone's in the same place at the same time for whatever crisis happens at that point that needs all four (assuming that they are actually going to include Supergirl in the crossover more) teams. Then they'd expect fans to be okay with the fact that these teams can't talk to each other outside of crossover time but the Legends can just take a break from traveling through time and everyone from Supergirl can pop in from another universe for a wedding? I might not hate it if they decide to throw an impromptu wedding at crossover time because everyone's in town for another reason and they're just taking advantage of having everyone in the same place. 

GB (?) said that they can't top aliens so they had to go for the emotional stakes next season. There are no emotional stakes for everyone getting together for Barry and Iris wedding when they've already sent out the "set the date" cards months before.

Emotional stakes would be if Iris was kidnapped before the wedding or in danger of being killed but they did that this year so it would be anti-climatic to repeat it.  I can see them getting together to celebrate at a wedding after the danger is over, but a wedding as the reason for the crossover?  Nah, son.

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1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

There are just moments that would make the heroes look so much smarter with just a phone call to another team or hey, even a mention of "tried to call X to help, but busy" (but that's also the problem with having to draw things out for 23 episodes). Like in the case of the Arrow finale. If Oliver had mentioned that he tried to reach out to the other teams before deciding, "hey, villains, that's the way to go!" it would have been so much better. (All they would have had to do is cut out one "My son!" to fit it in too.) 

I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Just give me a mention here and there over the year that these people talk to each other. It doesn't even have to be shown. That can be accomplished with a couple lines of dialogue. 

But I'd also need a good reason why the Legends would take a break for Barry and Iris' wedding, if that ends up happening during the crossover. Are any of them particularly close with them? Not that I can think of. It'll probably also depend on what's going on at the time. If there's a lull in the action, fine. But if the Legends are in the middle of something and they just sort of wrap it up as fast as they can so they're available for the crossover... 

There was a time when CSI, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York and Without A Trace were all on together from about 2004-2009.  Due to various crossovers, it was established they all existed in the same TV universe.  The same holds true for the various NCIS shows.  And Criminals Minds/Criminals Minds: Feriners Just Hate Americans.  And, hell, Buffy/Angel going back aways.  Sure there were crossovers and character visits, but there weren't a lot of references to constant contacts or consultations or "Golly gee wilikers, Horatio, those are some weird bugs.  Maybe we should call Gil Grissom in on this."  At some point whether you're a true spin-off or just sharing a TV world with another show, you have to either put on your big-girl panties and be an independent show drawing on your own in-show resources (like Slade Wilson, Malcolm Merlyn and Nyssa al Ghul) or you don't (and you get cancelled).

Another way to look at it is to just assume that easy, common-sense solutions were tried and proved unworkable.  We don't need a reference to every failed attempt to solve whatever it is.  I have no problem believing that Oliver tried to get hold of Barry and Kara and Sara but either was too late "Yeah, sorry Oliver, Barry's merged with the Speed Force and we're stuck cleaning up a dimensional storm thingie" Too early.  "Yeah, hey, sorry, I've kinda got this alien invasion thingie, but I'll totally get back to you ASAP."  Or just couldn't "We're sorry, the number you have called has been disconnected by Nazis riding Dinosaurs.  Please try your call again when Time itself hasn't been blown to Hell."  With the villains, just assume Oliver tried everything short of that and it fell through, that, despite evidence to the contrary, he's isn't a complete idiot.  Sort of file it under the same kind of thing where we don't get mentions of all the times he eats, drinks, sleeps and shits. 

As was mentioned, Stein was pretty close to them.  Also, Team Flash is part of the reason Jax is part of Firestorm, plus there might be some cute bridesmaids.  Mick at least knew Barry previously and might feel obliged to show up for Snart (and for the open bar).  Figure Oliver and Felicity will make an appearance so Ray will want to come and so will Sara, since there might be some cute bridesmaids.  Figure Nate and Amaya will end up tagging along with the team (cause what 40s girl doesn't love a wedding) and it's not like Isis will want to be stuck on the ship, so she'll likely come with.  I could see Kara, Mon-el, Winn and J'onn showing up as well.

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In terms of the Oliver/Felicity breakup and the timing, MG was relatively clear for once in interviews: Arrow got Oliver/Felicity together relatively quickly (for television, not real life) - at the end of the third season because they weren't sure how long Arrow would last. What he didn't say, but what was clear from context, is that at the time - that is, during Arrow's third season, the network was involved in a major fight with its affiliate stations and no one was sure that the CW would survive as a network past 2016.

By what I think we can all regard as a startling coincidence, the setup for the Oliver/Felicity breakup (that is, Oliver lying to Felicity about William in 408) just happened to be scripted shortly after the CW came to an agreement with several affiliate stations, if not the major ones. By yet another startling coincidence (I know) the breakup episode was written after the CW signed an agreement with another batch of affiliate stations.  (We discussed this at some length over in the relationships thread some time ago.)

In terms of how long the CW DC shows will last - well, I'm old enough to remember when The Simpsons were on the Tracey Ullman Show and when The Simpsons was only expected to be a brief experiment for what was then a new, young struggling network, and when X-Files was expected to last maybe one season. I can also remember people assuring me that Smallville would only go for five seasons, and by "people" in that sentence I mean "some of the Smallville crew/producers."  So I'd say that early predictions about how long a show can last are frequently very very wrong. 

But, interestingly enough, while Arrow was apparently initially intended to be a five year show (thus the "for five years I was stuck on an island whoops not really well that's ok since nobody's really watching the flashbacks anymore moving on") Flash has made several references to 2024 - that is, ten years after the pilot. So while I'd say it's still far, far too early to predict how long Flash will air, I don't think it was or even is unreasonable to think that Flash might go for ten years, or to suggest that the Flash producers at least have or have had hopes of this happening.  This is the same network that's kept Supernatural going and going and going after all.

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I wouldn't be surprised if Flash lasted 10 years. I mean, the first 3 seasons was basically a repeat of the same plotlines (Barry fucks up time and has to clean up his mess, mystery speedster Big Bad that turned out to be one of their own), so they have lots of material they haven't used yet.

Edited by lemotomato
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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Flash lasted 10 years. I mean, the first 3 seasons was basically a repeat of the same plotlines (Barry fucks up time and has to clean up his mess, mystery speedster Big Bad that turned out to be one of their own), so they have lots of material they haven't used yet.

Yeah but on the other hand, if they can't come up with anything besides repeating themselves for the first three seasons, that doesn't exactly bode well for longevity. Unless they can recruit some more creative writers.

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:


Emotional stakes would be if Iris was kidnapped before the wedding or in danger of being killed but they did that this year so it would be anti-climatic to repeat it.  I can see them getting together to celebrate at a wedding after the danger is over, but a wedding as the reason for the crossover?  Nah, son.

 When I say a wedding in the crossover, I don't mean it's the focus of the crossover.  That would be sickeningly corny. It still might though be the initial reason why everyone just happens to be there when stuff goes down and I'm good for that.  I WANT the teams to come together sometimes when the world isn't falling apart.  I would totally expect Barry to invite Team Arrow to his wedding and for Felicity to RSVP everyone lickity-split.  And Kara seems like she'd love to come for another visit. (And it's not like Superman can't step up while she's gone) And our time traveling friends can fit them in anytime they have time.  If they were busy, they could just wait a day cause again, time travel, lol.  

I also like the idea of a low key reason to have every one get together because technically then the action stuff wouldn't need to be world ending.  They could have stuff going on that a single team could normally handle on their own but since everyone is there anyway, why not do a bunch of team ups?  Frankly, taking the stakes down a few notches probably would make the crossovers soooo much more enjoyable.  Focus on the character interaction and the fun of it rather than try to create some world ending McGuffin to waste angst over.  

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8 hours ago, Trini said:

No one has ever said that.
And I have my doubts about even Flash lasting 10 seasons.

Why not? Being still their most successful show, ratings wise, I imagine they'll want to keep it on air as long as possible.

I'm convinced both Westallen and Olicity will get married eventually but I think the timing depends on how long they want the shows to run because usually a wedding is the kind of emotional payoff shows keep for the end/towards the final seasons. If they get married too soon I could see them going for amnesia, separation and ugh, please no.

If there's a wedding happening during the crossover I'm afraid it will get interrupted so the writers get both their emotional moment and they get to tease the fans some more..

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Question on behalf of hubby:

He has started watching the animated Justice League (thanks to you folks on this board I found it for him) and he wants to know what The Flash's personality is supposed to be like. He doesn't know which Flash it is in the cartoon but says that Flash tries to hit on the ladies all the time and is always cracking jokes and is very different to CW Flash.

So which Flash is it in that cartoon and is that his comic personality? 

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I also have difficulty believing that The Flash would actually go through with a WestAllen wedding in only their 4th season while the show is still the highest ratings getter on The CW.  I can see an interrupted wedding for PLOT reasons if it happens in the crossover, with consequent tears and emotional angst, that lead to them postponing it indefinitely for PLOT reasons. (Incidentally, it'll be ironic if that happens because interrupted weddings are one of the tropiest soap opera tropes ever).

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I can see WA getting married in s4 tbh. I also think they'll have some contrived plot/angst to split them up again at some point, too, whether it's emotional or physical separation IDK. But if the show is going for more than 5 seasons, I doubt they'll be happily married the whole time. The downside of the CW, unfortunately. 

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3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Question on behalf of hubby:

He has started watching the animated Justice League (thanks to you folks on this board I found it for him) and he wants to know what The Flash's personality is supposed to be like. He doesn't know which Flash it is in the cartoon but says that Flash tries to hit on the ladies all the time and is always cracking jokes and is very different to CW Flash.

So which Flash is it in that cartoon and is that his comic personality? 

It's Wally West w/Barrys origin story. Wally was known to have a playful personality and be a flirt.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

It's Wally West w/Barrys origin story. Wally was known to have a playful personality and be a flirt.

Ahh thank you! He seemed very different to CW Barry which confused hubby!

We figured out Green Lantern was different tonight! 

I watched the ep where Green Lantern was out on trial with Hubby and Flash was hilarious in that one! 

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9 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah but on the other hand, if they can't come up with anything besides repeating themselves for the first three seasons, that doesn't exactly bode well for longevity. Unless they can recruit some more creative writers.

As much as I would love to see Flash stop repeating itself, that isn't necessarily how Hollywood or even audiences think.  Law and Order milked its basic, repeating formula for twenty years and four spinoffs, two of which were pretty successful.  Hollywood just released yet another Transformers movie.  The second highest grossing film so far this year was another Fast and the Furious film. The highest grossing film of the year so far was a remake of an animated film.  Repetitive shows tend to be long lasting. 

Meanwhile, Netflix cancelled Sense8 after two seasons, and the CW's least successful show (in terms of number of viewers) is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

It's not that Hollywood is completely against creativity/shows that are trying to do something different. It's just that formula/repetition tends to make money, and Hollywood tends to follow the money.  Flash got yet another "ooh, the Big Bad turns out to be more or less a member of Team Flash" plot because that worked for them (in terms of numbers/viewers/sales/merchandising) for two seasons. Now that the numbers have slipped, they've announced a slight upcoming change (next year's


Big Bad is not a speedster

) but that hardly suggests that they're going to be trying to make huge changes to Flash.  They've even set up the show so that if Grant Gustin chooses to leave for whatever reason, Flash can go on with another Flash. Yes, that's partly taken from the comics, but it was also presumably a selling point of the initial pitch. 

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Ahh thank you! He seemed very differe

I watched the ep where Green Lantern was out on trial with Hubby and Flash was hilarious in that one! 

nt to CW Barry which confused hubby!We figured out Green Lantern was different tonight! 

He is really funny on that. You might never guess the voice actor is Michael Rosenbaum aka Lex Luthor from Smallville.

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I would hate it if WA were set to get married in the crossovers - but it doesn't happen - instead Olicity get married. HAAATE it. Because that would mean the Olicity wedding would have to be kept a secret and WA would get all the promo for their almost wedding.


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I don't care that WestAllen is comic canon, IMO Olicity has shown that they're the only ship in the DCTV universe that actually moves the meter, that the audience would tune in for them. So if they want to milk the crossovers for all they're worth, it would be smart for DCTV to do an Olicity wedding and promote it for all its worth. 

But that would be smart, so of course they'll choose to do something utterly stupid.

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22 hours ago, quarks said:

In terms of the Oliver/Felicity breakup and the timing, MG was relatively clear for once in interviews: Arrow got Oliver/Felicity together relatively quickly (for television, not real life) - at the end of the third season because they weren't sure how long Arrow would last. What he didn't say, but what was clear from context, is that at the time - that is, during Arrow's third season, the network was involved in a major fight with its affiliate stations and no one was sure that the CW would survive as a network past 2016.

By what I think we can all regard as a startling coincidence, the setup for the Oliver/Felicity breakup (that is, Oliver lying to Felicity about William in 408) just happened to be scripted shortly after the CW came to an agreement with several affiliate stations, if not the major ones. By yet another startling coincidence (I know) the breakup episode was written after the CW signed an agreement with another batch of affiliate stations.  (We discussed this at some length over in the relationships thread some time ago.)


Olicity only happened because SA and KC weren't chem tested and had no chemistry when the pilot was made; Oliver and Felicity got together when they did, instead of two more seasons of annoying UST because the CW ,might not have survived and they wanted the show to end on a positive note -- it's scary the number of arbitrary factors that went into the making of my ship.

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I get people who are upset that potentially Iris and Barry are getting married first.   But honestly,  despite television drama,  that works for me.  I've known couples that married after a couple years and they ended up divorced,  but I've also know couples that have waited 6 years before marrying and honestly they seem happier.  I personally would rather watch olicity go through the actual ins and outs of marrying.  Let WS have their bull shit ceremony. 

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8 minutes ago, Delphi said:

I get people who are upset that potentially Iris and Barry are getting married first.   But honestly,  despite television drama,  that works for me.  I've known couples that married after a couple years and they ended up divorced,  but I've also know couples that have waited 6 years before marrying and honestly they seem happier.  I personally would rather watch olicity go through the actual ins and outs of marrying.  Let WS have their bull shit ceremony. 

The big reason to date for awhile and then get married is to get to know each other first.  Barry and Iris have pretty much known each other their entire lives and it's not like either are people with deep wells of secrets like Oliver and even Felicity (I would not have guessed that she used to be The Girl With the (Adorable Baby) Dragon Tattoo).

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I don't think  you ever really know a person until you've lived with them and had to make serious accommodations for the other person..  I had a good friend from college who was a good friend for 4 years until the summer after college when we lived together.  I don't think our relationship ever really recovered from that.

Barry and Iris have known each other as brother and sister for years, and Iris at least was happy with that relationship even knowing Barry, she fell in love with Eddie, moved in with him and was ready to marry him. It wasn't until Iris accepted Eddie's death that she opened up to a romantic relationship with Barry. So they've been together romantically about a year and a half.

Felicity met a traumatized adult Oliver who was determined to conceal his real self from the rest of the world but she got underneath and accepted him  for who he was, they've been in romantically involved for 4 years (I'm counting s2) and lived together for almost one year.

I'm not saying that Barry and Iris aren't ready to get married.  But it's not like Oliver and Felicity aren't.

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Just curious, how long did it take for Lois and Clark to be wed on Smallville after the idea of marriage was introduced? Not comparing Olicity to them in terms of status, just wondering about how long the show stalled. It's been 46 episodes since Arrow first introduced the idea of Olicity marriage (ring in 401). 

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Lois and Clark on Smallville got engaged in episode 10.11 and had an interrupted wedding in 10.23,  the series finale. At the end of the episode there was a flashforward to several year later, but I don't think they were married by then either. 

Edited by lemotomato
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34 minutes ago, Delphi said:

I get people who are upset that potentially Iris and Barry are getting married first.   But honestly,  despite television drama,  that works for me.  I've known couples that married after a couple years and they ended up divorced,  but I've also know couples that have waited 6 years before marrying and honestly they seem happier.  I personally would rather watch olicity go through the actual ins and outs of marrying.  Let WS have their bull shit ceremony. 

Honestly it's 2 differentshows, neither should have to wait for another to do anything. 

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They dated for about roughly a year before getting engaged with one minor seperation when Lois was on assignment in Egypt. Then like @lemotomato said they had a wedding ceremony roughly 6 months later that was cancelled/interrupted by end of world doom but were still unmarried but together in a flash forward to 2018. 

Edited by LeighAn
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Honestly the only reason why I want Olicity to get married first is because of a bet that I made that I don't want to lose LOL Otherwise I really kinda don't care if WA get married first - it almost makes sense that they get married first. IMO they don't have enough of a passionate/large/strong following to justify the extra melodrama. 

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23 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Honestly it's 2 differentshows, neither should have to wait for another to do anything. 

Two different shows but by the same people.  For me it's a case of "it's not fair if WestAllen gets married first-- Oliver had the engagement ring for Felicity 46 episodes ago while Iris was still mourning Eddie as the love of her life".

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I barely watch the Flash (I'm still lingering midseason) so as long as Barry and Iris marry on The Flash I don't care. I'm still mad that the LOT crossover episode ended on Barry and Oliver. And I think Arrow will be the last in the Crossover this upcoming season and I don't want any big thing for another show to happen on Arrow. 

Edited by tarotx
get Marry?
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9 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Honestly the only reason why I want Olicity to get married first is because of a bet that I made that I don't want to lose LOL Otherwise I really kinda don't care if WA get married first - it almost makes sense that they get married first. IMO they don't have enough of a passionate/large/strong following to justify the extra melodrama. 

WestAllen are like vanilla ice cream to me it's there, there's nothing wrong with the flavour, but there's just so many more exciting interesting and better flavours of ice cream that why would you limit yourself to vanilla.


My objection to WestAllen getting married first is god damn it I had to sit through RAY, through baby momma, through billygoat, through Rayporter, through three fake deaths and Alsahim Oliver. What's the worst WestAllen been through? They sang love songs about each other. We've freaking earnt this! Haha


27 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Honestly it's 2 differentshows, neither should have to wait for another to do anything. 

Aren't you always saying how much better a shared universe is and the shows being integrated? Now what one show does shouldn't have anything to do with another show?

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8 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

My objection to WestAllen getting married first is god damn it I had to sit through RAY, through baby momma, through billygoat, through Rayporter, through three fake deaths and Alsahim Oliver. What's the worst WestAllen been through? They sang love songs about each other. We've freaking earnt this! Haha


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