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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Ah. Okay. I forgot about the floater not being a main character on the spin-off. Moving along! I'm just very happy that Sara is back in some way. 

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I'm so torn about the spinoff. On one hand, Caity's new role as White Canary looks promising, but I still find Brandon Routh bland as dry toast and have no great love for Ray/ATOM. I guess I'll check it out and see how I'm feeling after a few episodes.

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I like that the LOT preview acknowledges that Arrow started the whole thing.  Is that Oliver's new suit?  Are Oliver and Barry going to be in all 13 episodes of LOT?  If not, how will they explain their departure mid-run?


I'm starting to think that Malcolm (the new Ra's) is going to be the floater.  His ties to Arrow are obvious,  Sara being resurrected via the LP ties the LOA to the Spinoff - er, Legends of Tomorrow.  Barry has now been to NP, and Malcolm now knows about the Flash.


Damn... I really am going to have to watch all three shows next season.

Edited by tv echo
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Hawkgirl!!! I think I love you already. And Sara kicking so much ass!! Bet the stunt guys and directors are so thankful that they can shoot fight scenes up close and personal again, with the actor's face being clearly visible while twirling and kicking butt.


Palmer is so, so cheesy. Put him together with Captain Cold and lol, ham and cheese sandwich!

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Love seeing Caity Lotz back in action, but I want to know more about her 'resurrection' in the Lazarus pit!  Does Nyssa know?  Does she have any crazy after effects?  Does Laurel or Lance know?  How did Oliver react to this?


Edited by BumpSetSpike
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I know the common theory was that Nyssa would be the one to do it, but that doesn't SEEM to be the case? It's hard to say based on the trailer when the resurrection actually happened. Anyway, I'm really excited to see everyone's reactions to her being alive! I'd hope Oliver wouldn't keep it a secret... Also, I'm really hoping we get to see Nyssa on the spinoff too. She deserves better than staying in the League of Assassins with Malcolm as the head, even though Sara is actually alive.

Edited by Freckles101
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I had zero intention of committing to LOT, but the draw of Caity's badass fighting skills onscreen again totally sold me. I can do without a ton of flying and shrinking and all that stuff, but I'll be tuning in to watch her fight for sure. Glad to have her back, but *STILL* pissed they killed her off in the first place.

Is the guy at 2:10 (during Rip Hunter's speech) RF?  That kind of looks like Tom Cavanaugh's hair as well as the RF suit he's wearing. 

I thought the same thing, but they didn't show him again.

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That definitely looked like Wells/Thawne, or at least someone in the Reverse Flash suit, which makes sense. He's mess with time. Just the kind of thing which might attract Hunter's attention in the first place.


On the subject of the team, I get the Canary, Atom, Firestorm and Hawkgirl joining up, but what possible reason could Cold and Heatwave have? And given what just happened with Barry, why would anyone trust them?


And the Arrow people were not, IMO, able to do any justice to Ra's al Ghul. I have no reason to suspect they can handle

Vandal Savage


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Talks about Daredevil, Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, The Flash, Arrow, and Gotham...


Which Comic Book TV Shows Should You Be Watching, and Which Should You Skip?
By Craig Wack | TV Reviews | May 14, 2015

Arrow, third season, CW


Snapshot: There’s really no other way to slice it, but this season was a mess. The first two seasons weren’t exactly Shakespeare, but at least they were tightly plotted and the flashbacks complemented the primary plot. The more Ollie became disconnected from the rest of the world the tougher the show became to watch.


Season highlight: Boxing. Glove. Arrow.



Season lowlight: The death of Sara (and the motivation behind it) touched off the whole convoluted plan to get Ollie in a bad way with the League of Assassins and cleared the way for Lawwrel to ascend to the wig and leather outfit of Black Canary.


Keep, store or skip: I’m leaning toward making this one a skip, but the finale left the door open to a number of changes, so maybe give this one an episode or three next seasons before banishing it from your DVR.

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Keep, store or skip: I’m leaning toward making this one a skip, but the finale left the door open to a number of changes, so maybe give this one an episode or three next seasons before banishing it from your DVR.


That's exactly how I feel...

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That's exactly how I feel...

Same and it's definitely not joining the first two seasons in my DVD collection. Just looking at the trailer for LOT, and considering the success The Flash has had, Arrow's really going to to have step up its game to not be eclipsed by its spinoff prodigies.

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Crossovers Planned for ‘Arrow,’ ‘Flash,’ ‘Legends’ — But What About ‘Supergirl’?
MAY 14, 2015 | 01:26PM PT  Debra Birnbaum

“We do have crossovers planned,” says DC chief content officer Geoff Johns. “The point of building these three shows out on The CW network is we can make a comic book world. That’s really the secret formula starting to emerge on television for the first time.”


Johns says the plan is for the characters to weave in and out of storylines, in order to help and challenge one another. “The shows are acting like monthly comic books by doing so,” he notes.
*  *  *
Of CBS’ hotly anticipated “Supergirl,” “The network has said publicly at this point they’re going to keep her to themselves,” says Berlanti. “I always approach the shows as a fan first, so I would love to see (a crossover). I think in success, all things are possible. But there’s a lot that would have to happen before everybody might say yes to that.”

Edited by tv echo
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Talks about Daredevil, Agent Carter, Agents of SHIELD, The Flash, Arrow, and Gotham...


Which Comic Book TV Shows Should You Be Watching, and Which Should You Skip?

By Craig Wack | TV Reviews | May 14, 2015

He lost me when he said that Daredevil was the best, and the showed as the highlight an incredibly boring fight sequence.  Although I am grateful for demonstrating to me that I don't need to watch that show.


For all Arrow's problems this season, and there were many, there was enough good stuff that it jumps ahead of Gothan, Agents of SHIELD and maybe The Flash for me.


One of the comments said that if he/she watches an episode individually, it's usually a fail but if he/she watches a bunch at a time, it makes it much better.  I suspect that will be true for most of this season, that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

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I have tried and tried and tried with SHIELD but it always seems to go back to being about how special Skye is and then I phase out.  I think Agent Carter is the best although they had the advantage of only having to do 8 episodes. Think how much tighter SHIELD would have been with just 8, or Arrow with 13.


There are a handful of good Arrow episodes -- the cross-overs, Left Behind, Public Enemy, the Fallen, the finale -- that I would want to keep it.  But it was a very rough ride most of the season.

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He lost me when he said that Daredevil was the best, and the showed as the highlight an incredibly boring fight sequence.  Although I am grateful for demonstrating to me that I don't need to watch that show.



Daredevil is fantastic. And this is coming from someone who really has no interest in lengthy fight scenes. I find them redundant, when the outcome is a foregone conclusion. The show as a whole is so well made, so well thought out, tonally excellent, great acting and solid writing. Basically, everything Arrow wants to be when it grows up.


Comparing that show to the CW's offerings is like comparing fillet steak to a hamburger.


Also, is Ray now Iron Ant Man? How many other characters can the wedge into this guy?

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Agent Carter should be in first place, then I agree with the rest of the rankings. 


Even though I don't watch Arrow, Gotham is still in last place for me. I did like that they made Barbara a crazy psycho though, the actress was not working as the love interest. Inara is a much better choice. 

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Daredevil is fantastic. And this is coming from someone who really has no interest in lengthy fight scenes. I find them redundant, when the outcome is a foregone conclusion. The show as a whole is so well made, so well thought out, tonally excellent, great acting and solid writing. Basically, everything Arrow wants to be when it grows up.


Comparing that show to the CW's offerings is like comparing fillet steak to a hamburger.


Also, is Ray now Iron Ant Man? How many other characters can the wedge into this guy?

Arrow needs to stay away from following any Daredevil formula.  To me, for all that Arrow got wrong this season, it was infinitely more entertaining than those 13 episodes of Daredevil. I do have a new appreciation for the movie now though.


Anyway, Atom could always shrink - the fact that he hasn't is something comic book fans have been bitching about all season even with all the "little" hints that they were heading in that direction. 

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Arrow needs to stay away from following any Daredevil formula.  To me, for all that Arrow got wrong this season, it was infinitely more entertaining than those 13 episodes of Daredevil.


Oh, man. I agree. I thought Daredevil was incredibly boring. I can see why it gets high praise, but I had to make myself watch the next episode (unfortunately, I only got through six). I just was not engaged at all. 

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Oh, man. I agree. I thought Daredevil was incredibly boring. I can see why it gets high praise, but I had to make myself watch the next episode (unfortunately, I only got through six). I just was not engaged at all. 

Oh my gosh - about the time that my guy and I were that far in - I just forced him to marathon it with me.  I had to see him get the suit - I just had to.  I really don't know if I can give a second season a go or not.  If I see Matt cry or get beat up in episode one, I'm totally out.


The superhero world on television is getting pretty big - I'm sold on Arrow, Flash, LoT, and Supergirl at this point. 

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I'm honestly not sold on Supergirl at all. I'm not sure why, I've always liked Kara enough in other mediums but this show just does not catch my interest.

I don't really care for the actress thigh, so that may have something to do with it.

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Daredevil is fantastic. And this is coming from someone who really has no interest in lengthy fight scenes. I find them redundant, when the outcome is a foregone conclusion. The show as a whole is so well made, so well thought out, tonally excellent, great acting and solid writing. Basically, everything Arrow wants to be when it grows up.


Comparing that show to the CW's offerings is like comparing fillet steak to a hamburger.


Also, is Ray now Iron Ant Man? How many other characters can the wedge into this guy?

Completely agree re: Daredevil. That "incredibly boring" fight sequence cited WAS exemplary because it wasn't edited together and was done in one continuous take. I'm partial to Daredevil because I'm a fan of more martial arts fighting instead of gadget/tech assisted fight scenes with heavy CGI shown in most superhero shows. While Daredevil did benefit from more relaxed restrictions (ratings/violence, etc) than any of the CW shows, I really think it shows how much tighter and more focused the storytelling can be with fewer episodes. Same with Agent Carter.  With fewer episodes to work with, the writers have to cut the fat in the story (and the BS filler) and when you've got 23 episodes a year like Arrow, there is always a healthy amount of filler.

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One of the comments said that if he/she watches an episode individually, it's usually a fail but if he/she watches a bunch at a time, it makes it much better.  I suspect that will be true for most of this season, that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

I was just thinking about that very thing this morning. Usually I binge watch most of my TV shows and yet I'm always amazed that sometimes what I thought was a great season turns out to be panned by long-time watchers who caught the episodes on a weekly basis. It makes me curious if S3 Arrow wouldn't seem quite as blah to me had I waited and watched the episodes back-to-back. I'll admit that spending a whole week (and sometimes longer during hiatus breaks) stewing about what I disliked probably lessened my appreciation of the season.  Don't get me wrong--I still think S1 and S2 were far superior, but I do wonder if my S3 hate may be overstated.


Completely agree re: Daredevil. That "incredibly boring" fight sequence cited WAS exemplary because it wasn't edited together and was done in one continuous take. I'm partial to Daredevil because I'm a fan of more martial arts fighting instead of gadget/tech assisted fight scenes with heavy CGI shown in most superhero shows. While Daredevil did benefit from more relaxed restrictions (ratings/violence, etc) than any of the CW shows, I really think it shows how much tighter and more focused the storytelling can be with fewer episodes. Same with Agent Carter.  With fewer episodes to work with, the writers have to cut the fat in the story (and the BS filler) and when you've got 23 episodes a year like Arrow, there is always a healthy amount of filler.

This. I think 23 episodes for any comic-based TV show is incredibly difficult to do and still keep things interesting 100% of the time. Unlike other types of shows, superheros stories require the constant high-paced action and effects on top of the drama. By nature of the genre, it's going to get somewhat repetitive and there will be fluff added to kill time--especially when you're under CW budgetary constraints. That's where I think the short seasons that Agent Carter and Daredevil enjoy aren't quite the same handicap that AOS, Arrow (and even The Flash) face.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I think 23 episodes is a long time to fixate on one arc or theme like they did this year. S1 & S2 seemed to have paragraphs & chapters. This season however felt like a run-on sentence. Arrow may benefit from going the OUAT route & having distinct story arcs that end mid-season. Or if they want to keep one theme going, they need to have multiple story arcs that overlap & interweave with each other. Arrow had multiple arcs this season, but they did not weave them together. So it was like watching different shows. Alias was good at that where they had the overarching mythology based episodes, but then they had routine episodes interwoven in between, so it wasn't all one theme all the time. 

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I have a hard time with the idea of Supergirl being in the same universe as Arrow and Flash. Because in that trailer she and James repeatedly mention her famous cousin. And there is no way in hell this is a world with Superman in it and he never, ever gets mentioned in Starling or Central City. Not on the news, not in the papers, and Cisco goes gaga over the Black Canary but not so much as a mention of the Man of Steel?

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Sara's alive and I haven't seen any rants on Sara's tumblr tag yet from we all know who, is she okay? 


It's recently been revealed that the person in question is actually a he. Surprising, right?

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I personally preferred the LoT trailer to the Supergirl trailer. With all of the superhero shows on TV now, LoT looks like something different. 


Exactly. I support Supergirl because it's incredibly important for me to see a female superhero succeed, whether I like it or not, but it's the same old formula (other than secret keeping from friends, thank god). Although the ARGUS-like organization led by David Harewood seems kinda interesting.

LOT, OTOH, is a different beast. It borrows a lot from superhero genre - including familiar heroes and villains - but it has a different concept, which is refreshing. First, it's an ensemble. I generally prefer ensemble shows to those focused on one character because I rarely love that character too much (Agent Carter is probably the biggest exception lately). Second, time travel. This plot device provides so much potential! It can be, I dunno, something like Stargate with superheroes (yeah I know it was not time travel there, but the essence is the same). No protecting the same city, no people investigating them, no secret identities. These are all tropes I have no interest in seeing. I guess this is why I'm OK with MCU, it doesn't have all of this, and Daredevil is the only Marvel show that does (and I don't like these elements in it, other than city - well, district - protection, it works there).


Sara's alive and I haven't seen any rants on Sara's tumblr tag yet from we all know who, is he okay?

Do you mean that Laurel superfan? Does he hate Sara?

Edited by FurryFury
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I'm supporting Supergirl for much the same reason as FurryFury, but there is a decent chance I will watch it OnDemand and I doubt I will obsess over it like I do with Arrow.  I am excited enough about LoT that I might actually try to start avoiding spoilers at some point and I'm positive I will be hanging out in those forums quite a bit.


It's funny - it's rarely the best show I obsess over and I do tend to like assembly casts the best.

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I have a hard time with the idea of Supergirl being in the same universe as Arrow and Flash. Because in that trailer she and James repeatedly mention her famous cousin. And there is no way in hell this is a world with Superman in it and he never, ever gets mentioned in Starling or Central City. Not on the news, not in the papers, and Cisco goes gaga over the Black Canary but not so much as a mention of the Man of Steel?

Exactly.  In the Flarrow universe, only a few people knew about metahumans at first and everyone who first finds out about the Flash is amazed at his super speed.  There would no surprise or awe at the Flash or people with powers if there was already a Superman out in the world - which would've been world headline news.

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They could make Supergirl an AU they visit, that's about it.


True. Each TV Universe can exist in its own Elseworld or AU to be visited whenever rights can be cleared.

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I hope they can make Supergirl a tv show watched on Flash and Arrow. A wink crossover and then later they can do a drug/magic dream AU on Arrow or a time travel AU on the orher shows...

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