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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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Sign me up for "Nathan is Valentine's Son". Have they said if Valentine would have been the oldest son of Mikkos, which would pass the Cassadine Prince title to Nathan (!!)


I can see FauxLuke and Hells working together. It does still throw out the speculation why Helena would bother to care about killing Sonny. (Then again Faison targeted Sonny). Aside from ReRon throwing up MadLibs plots, I'm throwing it out that Helena is FauxHelena, and FauxLuke is Valentine.


Oh, and the StavrosLulu Embryo? Watch to see if Nina and Helena have more than a scene.

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I wonder how the writers are going to make Patrick look all shiny with the clinic blowing up and him knowing Robin was inside. I'm speccing that he'll either get the divorce papers delivered to his doorstep with a note that says, "This was signed after the clinic blew up..." ORRR Robin is going to call him and say, "I"m alive. I'm still not coming home, though, bitch!"


Anything to make Patty feel better about screwing Sam, essentially.

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I wonder how the writers are going to make Patrick look all shiny with the clinic blowing up and him knowing Robin was inside. I'm speccing that he'll either get the divorce papers delivered to his doorstep with a note that says, "This was signed after the clinic blew up..." ORRR Robin is going to call him and say, "I"m alive. I'm still not coming home, though, bitch!"

Anything to make Patty feel better about screwing Sam, essentially.

After getting away from Hells, Robin and Jason share a warm but chaste embrace, maybe a kiss. Somebody takes a photo of it and sends it to Patty and Sam. Patty hotfoots it down to the divorce attorneys office and gets a divorce on the grounds of adultery. Sam is thrown into a tailspin, especially when Patty treats her to the"logical" explanation for the picture.

PATPRICK: "They both faked their death so they could run away together!!! We're in the clear! Let's fuck!"

Edited by yowsah1
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I don't think it was the original plan, but I think the title of this thread is going to be correct.  


The reveal will be "Luke" sticking his tongue down Helena's throat at some big event.


I also think "Luke"/Mikkos is going to be Nathan's father .


Okay, I have to throw an EWWW in here.  Mikkos would have to close to 90-95 by now.  One more EWWWW.   :)


But maybe it's thawed out Tony Cassidine.  Who's been frozen longer than anyone.  lol

Edited by LegalParrot81
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But remember when "Luke" called Britta something like "a hot piece of ass" to NiCk during the engagement party?


Not even Faison is twisted enough to refer to his own daughter that way.


If it was any other writer than Ron C. I'd say you were right.  But I think he may not have made any decision as to who FauxLuke was going to be at that point, and if the inconsistency is pointed out to him, he'll just get all sulky and start thumb sucking again.  

Edited by boes
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Okay now that even Sonny is talking about how much he doesn't get along with Faison, I'm pretty sure Fluke is going to be Faison.


Yeah, this one had me scratching my head.  When, if ever, did Sonny and Faison cross paths.  The first time Faison was around, Sonny wasn't even on the show.  The second time and this last time, I don't remember them even sharing a scene.  RC once again shoe horns Sonny into a story that he has no place in.


Fluke is Faison became pretty clear with Anna's sudden attack of conscience and her need to tell Duke. 


The only positive about Fluke being Faison would be the chance to see Anders Hove do his crazy again.  Otherwise, blech. 

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I can't recall Faison and Sonny ever interacting directly, even when Faison was masquerading as Dewq, but Sonny is aware that Faison killed Jason and that Faison tried to steal his territory and business.


Frankly, I like Anders Hove so much that I'd welcome Faison back under almost any circumstances.    I also want Robert back, Robin full-time,  and a billion dollars.

Edited by Tiger
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Didn't TG learn the first time not to pitch ideas to the writers?

I want Anders Hove back as Police Commissioner if I have to buy Dr O as CoS.


Who said TG pitched this idea?  I think if this would have been TG's story idea, it would have been much better.


I loved the story he wrote for L&L&L's return in 1993.  


I wish I could have seen his Endgame story instead of McTrashy.

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I wonder how long it will take for the brain trust of Morgan, Ava and Kiki to figure out that Ava would be totally safe ( not really at all) from Sonny if she marries Morgan? I'm sure they will think Sonny would not ever hurt his son's wife.

Or  his son's Bio-Dad, right? Right?





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That's what I meant.

To quote Ava, her "death is in the cards for quite some time now."

And Sonny gives no fucks unless his bed is cold or his towels are missing. See his thread or the history thread for further detail.

I do theorize that Ava may attempt to make a Hail Mary pass and marry Morgan at the last minute, cementing Morgan's hate, when Sonny kills her. Which means we get a Corinthos Brother Double Hate Awesome Sauce Special upon the AJ reveal.


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The shenanigans going on at the C-C clinic had some far-reaching implications which need to be investigated.  


What is going to happen to Dr. O. now that Victor and his power via the now defunct  WSB are gone? Will she find herself out of a job? 


Will Robert be installed as the new head of the WSB? 


Is there a connection between fake-Luke and the deadly Helena Cassadine? 


Why has there never been a conflict between Helena and Sonny?  I know she finds him far beneath her notice, but he touches many lives in PC, lives she likes messing with. 


Who is actually Nathan's father?  Victor is dead so he cannot release the information in the blood test confirming that he is not Nathan's father.  Dr. O.  seemed quite insistent that Nathan be viewed as a Cassadine.


Lots of complications and stories to be investigated.  We really do not need screen time wasted with Michael and Kiki, Morgan and Kiki, Sam and whoever, Sonny and whoever, Carly and Franco and any sucky-face scenes. 


How will the remaining Cassadines feel about the resurrection of Helena? 

But remember when "Luke" called Britta something like "a hot piece of ass" to NiCk during the engagement party?


Not even Faison is twisted enough to refer to his own daughter that way.


Faison is absolutely twisted enough to refer to his own daughter that way.


However, he would never actually use the words "hot piece of ass". He would express attraction some other way. So Fluke is not him.

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The speculation that Maxie will finally get to visit George at Christmastime may be on track.


I can see Nathan, after much angsting, confiding in his sister Britt. Britt, knowing the pain of being separated from her son, will ask Nicholas to intervene as a character witness and for his sister's BFF's sake.


Nicholas shows up with the backing of Cassadine power, money, and lawyers, arguring for his cousin's character. Judge StickUpAss will be unmoved, until Spencer appears. Spencer will put on his most whiny, scenery chewing, Oliver Twisting effort to plead. Whether his heart grows three sizes or that he is driven to insanity, the Judge relents.

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Hello did you all forget for a minute what is writing this ?  If Re-Ron thinks he has you fooled it will definitely be Faison. Far as I am concerned its Jerry Jacks. he is nasty enough to do anything. I really don't care who Fluke is as long as someone puts a silver bullet in him and it goes through him and also killS  LUKE.I think Ron went deep, deep, depep down in the GH crypt and found someone out of the blue .Someone that makes NO sense. The same way he did Levi Dunkledunce and his daddy.

Edited by testardo

Fluke need not be anyone connected to Port Charles at all.  He could be a ringer who is carrying out the orders of the Cassadine matriarch.  Fluke could have had plastic surgery to look like Luke and could have studied Luke's movements, mannerism, and voice.  Faison had a good bit of luck with his Duke mask.  Helena might have decided to go one better and have her ringer undergo plastic surgery.  After all, her brother-in-law had Creighton-Clark at his disposal.

I get it. A Webber/Q kid is better than any Corinthos spawn. I'm talking about you, Spencer. And Lauren. Jake never needed to die. We all know Jax is the father to Brenda's kid Lucifer. Corn could have tocked long ago. So many things would be better.


You are right, Corn should have tocked saving Jake.

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Fluke is Alan Quartermaine?


Well, that would explain why he was so skeeved out about getting romantic with Tracy...



Ew I hope not. I mean he must be someone whom Sonny has bested, is a former addict/alcoholic, or has struggled.


I've got it. "Luke" is actually Claudia.


If the Nina wants another baby so badly, she needs to hoop-up with PC's sperminator, Sonny. I wish that she would do so because it would be so much easier to fast forward the both of them.


Better still if she bites his head off afterwards like the preying mantis that she is.

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I do too, but will it keep changing with the stories, like "I bet $20 that Sonny will sleep with another one of his kid's girlfriends" or "I bet Nathan is really the undead fetus of Duke/Anna, but really Faison's son"? I mean, I'm down with that. I actually like it. Because one thing we can count on is that the joke titles may actually come true.

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