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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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2 hours ago, Bergamot said:

Sure, why not? I see no reason why they should not talk about any of their current or future projects. I was just responding to a comment that JP was the only one to bring up the prequel. I haven't had a chance to watch the con videos yet so I wouldn't know.

I loved that they talked about a reboot. I want that more than the prequel. I just wish the con was more like Comic Con use to be and generate interest for the franchise. Many people watch these panels at home, and this could be a good opportunity to smooth over some of the doubts about the prequel and show that J2 are united for new content in the future. You will never win over all the fans but maybe getting a few Sam and Castiel stans could mean the difference between renewal and cancellation. Also, if they aren't negotiating a reboot now, this is another opportunity to get some pr, start some social media trends, and demonstrate to the money people that there is still interest in continuing the franchise in any form.

5 hours ago, Lastcall said:

In no way am I saying the convention fans are better than the at home ones. I personally have never been to any supernatural event. However, the people that go to the cons pay an insane amount of money to be there and that doesn't even include the money shelled out for the private meet and greets. I've seen tons of questions on the trailer reviews, comment sections, and this board about how this show works particularly about Deans role. It's unbelievable to me that no one who went to the con wanted to ask at least one question about it. Either the people that went aren't interested in the prequel, they were extremely unlucky and weren't picked to ask their question, or the con was screening. Since no one can confirm whether the questions were screened or not, it has to be one of the first two.

The majority of people who get to ask questions (outside of meet and greets) are still asking about pranks 15 years later. I'm surprised we got the little non-SPN stuff we did. If Creation can't stop fans from talking about their mental health issues, I doubt any attempt to 'screen' questions about the prequel would succeed.

I don't think it is telling in any way, except maybe for some fans who still feel that Jared was wronged and must be protected.

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1 hour ago, Aithne said:

RPS was almost as big as Wincest before the guys got married and had kids, and a whole lot of the fodder for those folks was coming from cons. I thought it was natural to infer that many  of the early con-goers were likely RPSers, but I'm sorry that I accidentally condescended to you in the doing. That certainly was never even part of my thought process in making that observation. 

You actually didn't condescend to me (I don't do RPS or Wincest or actually any RPG).  I just don't like generalizations (generally speaking...😊).  The only con I went to was in 2015 and was pretty low-key.  

On 6/6/2022 at 8:44 AM, tessathereaper said:

Well Robbie is one, I can't remember his name but a writer from Fringe is also part of it now, so if this going to have any sort of multiple reality/time travel/changed history shenanigans, he probably has experience(I guess? I never watched Fringe but I seem to recall it did some trippy stuff)

Ooooo! I LURVED Fringe.  This is a good thing IMO and definitely bodes well for alternate / mirror universes and time lines possibilites

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On 6/6/2022 at 3:41 AM, Casseiopeia said:

If for no other reason you have to watch for Jensen's Valley Girl impression.

On 6/6/2022 at 6:26 PM, Casseiopeia said:

It's the last question. And Jensen was the last to give his answer and only when a fan shouted out what his accent should be. I don't know how to time stamp it but it's at 1:03

There's such a wonderful abundance of great Ackles content out there right now that I just now had the opportunity to catch this and wanted to thank you for it Casseiopeia.

In all honesty, I, at first, cringed at the question, but they all made it look so easy(guess that's why they chose acting as a career 😉)and yes, Jensen's Valley Valley girl accent was the best.

And he was nervous about topping Rob's. Go figure.

I watched him on Seth Meyers show last night and his humility when Seth congratulated him on Supernatural's 15 year run made me fall in love with him still once again.

He's still such a down to earth individual even with all these wonderful reviews that I've been reading about him and his performances lately.

I know that I will always love that about him, but I am also so very glad to see all the glowing words from so many finally attesting to his awesome acting skills and talent.

It makes my heart burst with pride and joy for him.

Silly, I know, since I've never met him, not even at a con, but it's how I feel all the same.

Thanks again.

It's a great time to be an Ackles fan.

The best time, in all honesty. 🥰

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12 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

There's such a wonderful abundance of great Ackles content out there right now that I just now had the opportunity to catch this and wanted to thank you for it Casseiopeia.

In all honesty, I, at first, cringed at the question, but they all made it look so easy(guess that's why they chose acting as a career 😉)and yes, Jensen's Valley Valley girl accent was the best.

And he was nervous about topping Rob's. Go figure.

I watched him on Seth Meyers show last night and his humility when Seth congratulated him on Supernatural's 15 year run made me fall in love with him still once again.

He's still such a down to earth individual even with all these wonderful reviews that I've been reading about him and his performances lately.

I know that I will always love that about him, but I am also so very glad to see all the glowing words from so many finally attesting to his awesome acting skills and talent.

It makes my heart burst with pride and joy for him.

Silly, I know, since I've never met him, not even at a con, but it's how I feel all the same.

Thanks again.

It's a great time to be an Ackles fan.

The best time, in all honesty. 🥰

I am co-signing your entire post!

13 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

Silly, I know, since I've never met him, not even at a con, but it's how I feel all the same.

 Who knows, maybe you'll have a chance to meet him in person. Quoting Crowley ''Maybe miracles do come true!''😊

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28 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I know that I will always love that about him, but I am also so very glad to see all the glowing words from so many finally attesting to his awesome acting skills and talent.

This makes me happy too! That video above made me happy twice, because now all those unreasonable complaints about Jensen's acting seem even more ridiculous.

Edited by Nick24
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1 hour ago, Nick24 said:

This makes me happy too! That video above made me happy twice, because now all those unreasonable complaints about Jensen's acting seem even more ridiculous.

Not everyone will like an actor's acting. That is normal and I have no problems with it. The Soldier Boy character has been onscreen so little, though, I don't put stock in any serious assessments so far. That is like how my Mom proclaimed Lord of the Rings was bad and boring - after watching the first 10 minutes. Can't take that criticism seriously.

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32 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Not everyone will like an actor's acting. That is normal and I have no problems with it. The Soldier Boy character has been onscreen so little, though, I don't put stock in any serious assessments so far. That is like how my Mom proclaimed Lord of the Rings was bad and boring - after watching the first 10 minutes. Can't take that criticism seriously.

Oh, I agree about that. But I was talking more about that complaining like ''Jensen's Soldier Boy is Dean 2.0''. IMO that had nothing to do with liking or not liking Jensen's acting but with stating something that was not true at all. I even went and rewatched some SPN episodes to compare. Nothing in common. 

Edited by Nick24
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5 hours ago, Nick24 said:

Oh, I agree about that. But I was talking more about that complaining like ''Jensen's Soldier Boy is Dean 2.0''

From the overall comments of two specific individuals on the show's thread about Soldier Boy and the past comments on this forum from one of those posters it was obviously less about Jensen's acting and more about bias. The wording in their posts made it clear that they were eager to bring their anti Dean/Jensen feelings from SPN and SPN fandom into his new project. It's sickening.

Edited by DeeDee79
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19 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Not everyone will like an actor's acting. That is normal and I have no problems with it. The Soldier Boy character has been onscreen so little, though, I don't put stock in any serious assessments so far. That is like how my Mom proclaimed Lord of the Rings was bad and boring - after watching the first 10 minutes. Can't take that criticism seriously.

They seem especially ridiculous in light of all the mostly-glorious reviews from people who actually do it for a living.

Apropos of your Mom, I attempted to watch Moulin Rouge at least twice and couldn't get past the first ten minutes. Then one day it came on after something else I was watching (this was back in the satellite dish days) and I was busy and didn't change the channel. By fifteen minutes in I was hooked, and it has become one of my all-time favourite films.

In other news....  Jensen's ass broke Amazon Prime (according to Erik Kripke :) )

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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It's 100% cheese, but I'm here for it. I'm actually super impressed he can keep the voice in character while singing. It is all SB and no Jensen.

I am really really impressed too! Now we have 4 Jensen's singing styles - his own, regular!Dean's, Demon!Dean's, Soldier Boy's. I think Beau should definitely sing something in Big Sky Season 3.

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On 6/10/2022 at 6:07 PM, Casseiopeia said:

Shhh....I'm going to sneak this in here...no one tell ok

I've just noticed, that Jensen gives all his characters different smiles. 

Dean has a childish smile. When he smiles or laughs, he seems to become a little kid again.

Demon!Dean's smile was like ''I am doing whatever I want and you'd better get out of my way or so help me God!''

Dean!Michael's smile was cold, sadistic, just like ''I'm ready to rip you apart right away!''

Beau's smile is light-hearted.

Soldier Boy has a flirtatious and smug smile. 

Besides, Jensen's own smile is completely different. 

What a talented actor he is. 

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38 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

This was my favorite Dean smile. We saw it so little and it was a treat when he was actually genuinely happy enough for this smile to emerge.

Every time this smile warmed my heart. IMO that smile looked so childish, so genuine, because Dean had no much time to experience his childhood, some simple things at the time. And every time he had that chance in his adulthood (like getting the bunker as a home, riding Larry in 12.11), he turned on his inner kid, who was locked inside him at the age of 4 because of ''Take care of Sammy'' program and all that weight he was carrying on his shoulders. 

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18 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Looks like Jensen had to cancel the San Francisco convention as well. So Creation is postponing the convention and moving it to another venue.

Unfortunately I think this is going to happen more and more often as their careers take on different paths. It's too bad that is also coinciding with multiple postponements due to Covid. I think this was date #3 for San Francisco. There is no way I would make travel plans in advance for any con where my hopes were pinned on one person being there. For me, that's Jensen, but I know there are a lot who feel the same about Jared or Misha.

We have been spoiled for years with so very few cancellations when Supernatural was their only focus. I am afraid this is the new reality though, and people are going to have to accept that when they buy in. I think Creation is also going to have to reassess how they market to this fandom. It's been their golden ticket for a long time and I think that time is coming to an end.

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Unfortunately I think this is going to happen more and more often as their careers take on different paths. It's too bad that is also coinciding with multiple postponements due to Covid. I think this was date #3 for San Francisco. There is no way I would make travel plans in advance for any con where my hopes were pinned on one person being there. For me, that's Jensen, but I know there are a lot who feel the same about Jared or Misha.

We have been spoiled for years with so very few cancellations when Supernatural was their only focus. I am afraid this is the new reality though, and people are going to have to accept that when they buy in. I think Creation is also going to have to reassess how they market to this fandom. It's been their golden ticket for a long time and I think that time is coming to an end.

Since I only live 2 hours away I had seriously considered this convention. Fortunately I thought about it too late to buy decent tickets. Looks like I dodged a bullet.

I knew this was inevitable but I think it is time to move on for the J's, Creation and the fans.

9 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Since I only live 2 hours away I had seriously considered this convention. Fortunately I thought about it too late to buy decent tickets. Looks like I dodged a bullet.

I knew this was inevitable but I think it is time to move on for the J's, Creation and the fans.

Creation is never going to move on - they are still doing cons for other shows that have been off the air for years. It's the pricing structure and marketing that needs to change. They need to stress that, like every other fan convention, the guest line-up is subject to change at the last minute. It's always been there in the terms, but again, this fandom is 'spoiled' by the fantastic record the guys had of not cancelling (except for Jared's health problems). As for the fans, well, they (we) need to decide if the risk of our fav not being there is worth it or not. My first couple conventions I went to every single panel and enjoyed every moment of them. I know that would not be the case today, and frankly, I would only go for Jensen (and Mark Sheppard as an added bonus). That's up to each fan to decide for themselves, but it's no reason for Jensen or Jared to completely stop doing them, nor to be dragged through the mud when they have to cancel for professional or health reasons.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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4 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Creation is never going to move on - they are still doing cons for other shows that have been off the air for years. It's the pricing structure and marketing that needs to change. They need to stress that, like every other fan convention, the guest line-up is subject to change at the last minute. It's always been there in the terms, but again, this fandom is 'spoiled' by the fantastic record the guys had of not cancelling (except for Jared's health problems). As for the fans, well, they (we) need to decide if the risk of our fav not being there is worth it or not. My first couple conventions I went to every single panel and enjoyed every moment of them. I know that would not be the case today, and frankly, I would only go for Jensen (and Mark Sheppard as an added bonus). That's up to each fan to decide for themselves, but it's no reason for Jensen or Jared to completely stop doing them, nor to be dragged through the mud when they have to cancel for professional or health reasons.

I meant Creation should move on from SPN conventions. Clearly they can't go on without Jensen and Jared. They are the main draw. Of course the guys can still do cons but with all the projects they have plus family I just think it's going to be very difficult to manage fitting  them into their schedules.

24 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

I meant Creation should move on from SPN conventions. Clearly they can't go on without Jensen and Jared.

And I meant they are never going to move on from SPN just because the show is over. Didn't they do some cons with Misha as the headliner a few years ago, couching them in some sort of 'charity' shroud? I have no idea how those went, financially speaking, but I do think there is a market for smaller cons without the guys, or where they really are 'special guests' now and then - but they have to be presented that way, and the prices have to change accordingly.

There's probably a better chance of fitting them into their schedules if it's two or three events a year. I think that's probably the future, but for now Creation is still trying to make up all the postponed cons to avoid having to actually refund everybody.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And I meant they are never going to move on from SPN just because the show is over. Didn't they do some cons with Misha as the headliner a few years ago, couching them in some sort of 'charity' shroud? I have no idea how those went, financially speaking, but I do think there is a market for smaller cons without the guys, or where they really are 'special guests' now and then - but they have to be presented that way, and the prices have to change accordingly.

There's probably a better chance of fitting them into their schedules if it's two or three events a year. I think that's probably the future, but for now Creation is still trying to make up all the postponed cons to avoid having to actually refund everybody.

Their problem is they haven't built any other nest eggs beyond SPN. I know they are doing other Cons and they used to do Vampire Diaries-related stuff but that has dried up even more. No idea which bankable fandom they could even jump on at that point.


Their history lies in the Star Trek convention universe. I'm sure they are probably negotiating for The Boys, among others, but they will have to revisit their exclusivity policy. I can't see Jensen or Jared signing up for that again.

ETA: looking at their site, they are doing Stranger Things and still seem to have a few Vampire Diaries-verse thing on the schedule.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Their history lies in the Star Trek convention universe. I'm sure they are probably negotiating for The Boys, among others, but they will have to revisit their exclusivity policy. I can't see Jensen or Jared signing up for that again.

ETA: looking at their site, they are doing Stranger Things and still seem to have a few Vampire Diaries-verse thing on the schedule.

Yes, they are having a few other things and TVD might get a little nostalgia boost now the entire verse is ending but it was never as big as SPN in terms of Cons and is losing steam even quicker.

Star Trek is complicated because the new shows are met with divisive reactions. Only Strange New Worlds works favorably.

They actually struck a goldmine with SPN. A show that went on so long and garnered such a big cult fandom. And endless cons with the lead actors always in attendance. Super rare for other fandoms from my experience. I think it made Creation both complacent and overly greedy because this gravvy train is slowing and will eventually stop. And there is nothing really on the horizon that could replace it. I can't think of any show right now that would produce the kind of fandom they would need and want.

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I think this is why Creation is re-branding their SPN cons as Creation cons and inviting guests from Jensen and Jared's other shows.  They know that their schedules are less stable and one of both might have to cancel.  They tried the whole SPN cons without Jensen or Jared and they didn't seem to sell well or creation will still be doing them. 

I would love if they did a Boys con in Toronto. 

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On 6/14/2022 at 10:30 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

Their history lies in the Star Trek convention universe. I'm sure they are probably negotiating for The Boys, among others, but they will have to revisit their exclusivity policy. I can't see Jensen or Jared signing up for that again.

ETA: looking at their site, they are doing Stranger Things and still seem to have a few Vampire Diaries-verse thing on the schedule.

Sounds like many of the main cast members of Stranger Things have cancelled their convention appearance as well. 

7 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

Sounds like many of the main cast members of Stranger Things have cancelled their convention appearance as well. 

Let's face it, Creation Ent. has priced itself out of most fans' pockets. Covid is still raging, albeit with fewer deaths, but still a threat to anyone with health issues. The main stars of a popular show have more to do than fly to conventions, take photos and otherwise possibly expose themselves to Covid. These two main factors will definitely limit the success of Creation going forward.

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20 hours ago, FlickChick said:

Let's face it, Creation Ent. has priced itself out of most fans' pockets. Covid is still raging, albeit with fewer deaths, but still a threat to anyone with health issues. The main stars of a popular show have more to do than fly to conventions, take photos and otherwise possibly expose themselves to Covid. These two main factors will definitely limit the success of Creation going forward.

For me it’s an issue of mobility.  I would love to attend a Con.

But you’re right, they are pricey.   Creation backed themselves in a corner putting so many eggs in the SPN basket.  

I used to go to a star sky & Hutch convention called ‘Zebra 3’, ever other year.  As the show and fans aged, they broadened the Con to include any shows with men & women in uniform or sci fi.  That’s how they kept going for more than 20 years.  They also only did one every other year.

3 hours ago, roamyn said:

For me it’s an issue of mobility.  I would love to attend a Con.

But you’re right, they are pricey.   Creation backed themselves in a corner putting so many eggs in the SPN basket.  

I used to go to a star sky & Hutch convention called ‘Zebra 3’, ever other year.  As the show and fans aged, they broadened the Con to include any shows with men & women in uniform or sci fi.  That’s how they kept going for more than 20 years.  They also only did one every other year.

I'm sorry to hear about a mobility issue that prevents you from doing something you'd enjoy. My daughters (one Dean girl; one Sam girl) and I attended their first convention in Chicago many, many years ago. My Dean girl daughter and I have attended at least six Chicago conventions since them including ones with photos. What stopped us going was the increasing obnoxious questions in the boys panel and the yelling out loud from the audience - which we thought was very rude. We were fortunate that we could afford the prices (and we just bought a ticket for Sunday, since we only live about 15 miles from the convention centers). But seeing him in person and standing next to Jensen for a photo was a wonderful experience.

Edited by FlickChick
19 hours ago, FlickChick said:

I’m sorry to hear about a mobility issue that prevents you from doing something you'd enjoy.

Unfortunately hubby & I are pandemic fans.

I had seen the season finale of S7 during it’s initial run (there was nothing on, so I just turned it to something), but nothing that grabbed me -including Crowley- at that time.

During the pandemic, and as I became less able to do anything and had to stop working, we were looking for something to watch.  We’re currently re-watching, taking it slower.

So imagine my dismay when I heard they were in Roselle, recently and that they started the Cons there!  We used to live in Schaumburg from 2008-2016.

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If anyone needs a smile, head over to the Boys sub on Reddit to watch dudes trying to reconcile their heterosexuality with how attracted they are to Jensen Ackles. It's fun to watch a whole new audience discover what the SPN audience already knows. (He is doing great in that show, by the way, even if my focus is more on the two characters who were already my comfort characters before he came on the scene. But he's great fun to watch, nevertheless.)

Edited by Aithne
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33 minutes ago, Aithne said:

If anyone needs a smile, head over to the Boys sub on Reddit to watch dudes trying to reconcile their heterosexuality with how attracted they are to Jensen Ackles. It's fun to watch a whole new audience discover what the SPN audience already knows. (He is doing great in that show, by the way, even if my focus is more on the two characters who were already my comfort characters before he came on the scene. But he's great fun to watch, nevertheless.)

I've seen screenshots of the comments on Tumblr and Twitter but I haven't found the thread with this discussion! I unfortunately wandered into a thread where people are wondering why Jared and Misha aren't on the show since Jensen is 🙄

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42 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I've seen screenshots of the comments on Tumblr and Twitter but I haven't found the thread with this discussion! I unfortunately wandered into a thread where people are wondering why Jared and Misha aren't on the show since Jensen is 🙄

Because they're not the same person and they all get to different stuff?  What a bizarre question.  I know it's not yours.

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53 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Because they're not the same person and they all get to different stuff?  What a bizarre question.  I know it's not yours.

There was an entire thread of speculation about what role Jared would play because "Kripke brought in Jim Beaver and Jensen so he's obviously going to bring in Jared too". The reasonings were ridiculous.

Edited by DeeDee79
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3 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

There was an entire thread of speculation about what role Jared would play because "Kripke brought in Jim Beaver and Jensen so he's obviously going to bring in Jared too". The reasonings were bizarre.

They might be thinking that since Dean shared his storylines with Sam, then Jensen should share the projects he's working on with Jared. 😁

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