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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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7 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

Why isn’t anyone talking about Ty Olsson or Osric Chau, because I certainly smell a double standard.

There was plenty of talk about Ty Olsson during his transgressions. I don't follow Osric, so I don't know or care what he did (enough to talk about it on a message board). In either case, I haven't seen any arrest reports on Twitter.

And Ty got banned from Creation cons for his, so at least there was some punishment, even without a 'trial'.

And I guarantee, 100%, if it were Jensen who did what Jared did, there would be equal (who are we kidding? 1000% more) talk going on here. Be real.

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1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

There was plenty of talk about Ty Olsson during his transgressions. I don't follow Osric, so I don't know or care what he did (enough to talk about it on a message board). In either case, I haven't seen any arrest reports on Twitter.

And Ty got banned from Creation cons for his, so at least there was some punishment, even without a 'trial'.

As far as I know everything Osric did was completely consensual, he was just a major "player" with fangirls. And I'm sorry, if an adult woman goes into that with her eyed wide open, this is not remotely comparable to me with any kind of assault. "I thought he loved me" isn't "he punched me".

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, SueB said:

I’ve seen them shut off comments on any topic that brings out hate or vitriol.  Didn’t read the TVLine article so I don’t know if the comments crossed that line.

I just skimmed through the comments - they're probably much less fanatical than what's being posted on tumblr or twitter, but I still side-eyed them.  Lots of people saying things like "99% of people get into situations like this when they go to bars" and "like you've never made a mistake."  Some lady even said something about how she hoped the employees suing Jared over a little fight get fired bc they're suing.  LOL.  So she obviously doesn't understand anything about appropriate employer-employee relations.  Maybe TVLine wanted to nip this kind of toxic commentary in the bud.

I used to be a bigger Jared fan ten or so years ago and lately he's been just another actor on a show that I used to like more, but I will still be disappointed in him if he stays so mum about this that it tacitly validates everything his fanatics are saying.  I get that it's in his own self-interest and he has a team that's helping him make decisions, but I don't have any respect for him allowing his fans to blame the employees that were hit or normalizing what he did.  He'll basically fall off my radar at that point.  I won't go out of my way to watch him in things I normally would have no interest in, like the Walker reboot.

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6 minutes ago, sweetandsour said:

"99% of people get into situations like this when they go to bars"

I've seen that comment a bunch, and it really annoys me. To the best of my knowledge, I literally know one person who has gotten into bar fights.

7 minutes ago, sweetandsour said:

Some lady even said something about how she hoped the employees suing Jared over a little fight get fired bc they're suing.  LOL.  So she obviously doesn't understand anything about appropriate employer-employee relations.  

And, yes, it makes it worse if they were his employees.  I'm a little unclear as to what his ownerhsip in the bar is because I don't care.  But, no, you should not get fired if you get assaulted at your place of business and then sue.  Your employer is supposed to at least attempt to provide you with safety at work.  

9 minutes ago, sweetandsour said:

I get that it's in his own self-interest and he has a team that's helping him make decisions, but I don't have any respect for him allowing his fans to blame the employees that were hit or normalizing what he did.

Any lawyer worth his salt will be telling him to keep quiet about this until at least the criminal proceedings are over.  After that, yes, it would be nice if he made some kind of statement taking responsibility and telling fans not to take it out on the people he assaulted.

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I would sincerely like to know how forgiving any of these dimwits would be if their boss (or, you know, anyone) slapped them in the face, or punched them for any reason, never mind while drunk and disorderly. Unless he literally had a psychotic break and had no control over himself, then he is 100% responsible for what he did. It doesn't matter why.

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What Jared did was plain wrong and not to be excused--but also not as bad to make Jared as a whole to be condemned as a human being totally(to be CLEAR do NOT think MOST people are being extreme on either side about Jared).  Jensen and gang are right to be there for their big dumb friend.

Edited by Jakes
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What the heck happened with Ty Olsson. I remember things with Travis Aaron Wade and him getting kicked off the con circuit but not Ty. Also the Osric stuff isn't a crime so definitely no comparing these things. 

Stuff came out this weekend about the Ketch actor sending DM's to fans - commenting on her boobs. WTF?

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3 hours ago, PAForrest said:

But there's no guarantee they can or will make it, and I frankly hope Jensen has to cancel every con, especially after the summer.

As someone who has tickets for next year I certainly hope not. I know that he might get a project and that is the risk I am taking. But why would you want him to cancel and disappoint so many people? 

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When Ty Olsson was invited to do some cons back in 2013-2014, there were accounts of him becoming intoxicated and acting obnoxious in his panels, going so far as to touch and kiss fans without their consent.  He was banned from Creation cons.  I had seen some stuff about Osric that he was also hitting on underage fans.  

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Whataboutism is not a defense.  Nobody is talking about Ty because what he allegedly did is old news - ironically, the last time it was brought up here... 

His 'defense' was also that he was drunk. I guess there really is a double standard, huh?

On 8/1/2017 at 5:07 PM, BlueSapphire said:

Apparently he showed up intoxicated to some of his panels at a few Creation cons about four years ago and also asked for more alcohol and was generally obnoxious and unprofessional.  Supposedly he also touched and kissed some female con-goers inappropriately.  He said he felt he may have been roofied  and somehow Richard Speight Jr. got mixed up in the whole thing also, although I can't remember what Richard did. Ty was then banned from attending any more Creation cons after VegasCon 2014 (I think that was the one where the supposed drugging occurred). 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Whataboutism is not a defense.  Nobody is talking about Ty because what he allegedly did is old news - ironically, the last time it was brought up here... 

His 'defense' was also that he was drunk. I guess there really is a double standard, huh?

Nope, whataboutism is no defense at all.

What Ty did happened at a Creation convention, and Creation did handle it by dropping his contract immediately and making it clear he would never be invited to another Creation con. That is what they could do, and did do.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Bobcatkitten said:

As someone who has tickets for next year I certainly hope not. I know that he might get a project and that is the risk I am taking. But why would you want him to cancel and disappoint so many people? 

It's not that I want Jensen to disappoint people, and I'm sure he will try not to.

However, I do very much want him to be involved in a new project well before that time, if not more than one. And if he is, there's no guarantee he's going to have the same schedule he does now or the ability to demand the time to attend conventions.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

Nope, whataboutism is no defense at all.

What Ty did happened at a Creation convention, and Creation did handle it by dropping his contract immediately and making it clear he would never be invited to another Creation con. That is what they could do, and did do.

Yup. Actual consequences for actions, no matter the excuse behind them.

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

It's not that I want Jensen to disappoint people, and I'm sure he will try not to.

However, I do very much want him to be involved in a new project well before that time, if not more than one. And if he is, there's no guarantee he's going to have the same schedule he does now or the ability to demand the time to attend conventions.

It will totally depend on what kind of work he's doing. Look at JDM, how often he's had to cancel appearances because of TWD's shooting schedule (and crappy weather). We SPN fans have been exceedingly lucky with Jensen and Jared. To my knowledge, Jensen has never canceled, and Jared only a couple of times. ETA: I just remembered that there was a weather related cancellation in Seattle(?) last winter - that's the only one I can recall.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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53 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yup. Actual consequences for actions, no matter the excuse behind them.

I do think Jared will have to deal with the consequences (hopefully not jail time and will no doubt be able to handle any fines) but some of that is also dealing w/judgement on social media. Might balance out with support/love coming in too but the negative comments can still get to a person. I’ve literally read some people tagging him on twitter telling him that his family and friends would be better off if he killed himself. There seem to be gross extremes said on both sides with the middle road being people recognizing that he messed up, he will deal with the consequences, then life moves on and hopefully he learned to watch how much he drinks if it causes him to lose control. 

Personally having grown up as a military brat and now military myself, I’ve been immersed in a fairly aggressive environment all my life where there are a lot of “alpha” dominant personalities and a heavy drinking culture so I’ve seen (and unfortunately been involved in at times) a good deal of fights. Its actually more rare for me to go out and not at least witness one so it does tend to throw me when people say fights are a rare thing. Clearly I’ve become desensitized to it. So while I don’t think it’s right and I do think he needs to control himself better and it sucks for those who got hurt, it also actually seemed pretty tame to me. Very minimal injury on one dude (none recorded on the other), a punch or two (one that his drunken mind may have thought was reflexively defensive if he thought he was deliberately shoved to the ground which is just a guess by me but having fight training myself and reading the affidavit it would be what I’d likely instinctively thing when drunk), and a slap. I guess once you’ve been knocked out by a beer bottle (I was only out briefly and it was after a buddy of mine was drunk and swinging at someone else who ducked...), I’m probably a lot more forgiving about this type of thing. Again I’m not saying it’s a good thing and as Jensen even said, Jared has to deal with what happened but I guess it’s hard for me to get as worked up about it because most dudes I know just pick themselves up after a punch and get back to drinking or call it a night. Probably says more about the messed up environment we live in in but it is what it is. Buddies of mine have prob been lucky that usually they just sleep off the bruises in county lockup if they’re even brought in instead of getting splashed all over the tv.

Even the ribbing Jensen & crew gave Jared about it didn’t seem to me to be them saying Jared was right to do that but rather supporting him as a friend knowing that people make stupid decisions/mistakes sometimes  (esp when alcohol is involved), then they deal with them, and move on and if you can give your friend a hard time about it while still loving him then all the better.

Edited by desiresrisked
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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yup. Actual consequences for actions, no matter the excuse behind them.

He said he was roofied.  He had been given a drink by a fan prior to the behavior in question. This was after season 8 and the entire bro-benny angst as I recall.


I have never been to a con however based on the boards and SM... some fans would do anything.

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1 hour ago, Shannonsspirit said:

It absolutely astounds me that anyone thinks they are entitled to discuss a stranger's personal life in such a public manner. 

In this particular discussion, Jared's actions happened in a public place and were reported to the public. I see nothing wrong with talking about it.

1 hour ago, juppschmitz said:

Yeah, except I expect JP is money in the bank for them.

For Creation you mean? If so, I agree - I can't even imagine what would have to happen for them to kill the cash cow that is J2.

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6 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

As far as I know everything Osric did was completely consensual, he was just a major "player" with fangirls. And I'm sorry, if an adult woman goes into that with her eyed wide open, this is not remotely comparable to me with any kind of assault. "I thought he loved me" isn't "he punched me".

I thought Osric was gay!

20 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

If you’re talking about the conventions, the incident involving Jared didn’t happen at a con.  Are you suggesting he should be banned?

If he'd punched someone at the convention, maybe.  But if we're talking repercussions for actions, well, Jared got arrested.  None of the others did (that I know of.)  I wouldn't say they're comparable.  Maybe he'll be banned from the bar, but Creation has no control over that.  😊

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Have any more details come out about the supposed assault portion of this arrest?  I know he was drunk and disorderly, and supposedly hit two people, but did he beat them, or punch them, or exactly what did he do?  It's difficult for me to get a real sense of just how serious this assault charge is.  I haven't heard anything about anyone actually being injured from what happened.  I'm not at all condoning hitting anyone, period, but it does matter just what type of assault we're talking about.  

As for Jensen's comments, I thought they conveyed just the right message.  Jared was an ass, but he's fine, and he will be dealing with whatever legal consequences come from the incident.  I don't think Jensen could or should have said any more than that.  I guess I don't see this as such a major deal.  He didn't kill someone, or rape someone or any number of other things that are far worse than getting into a drunken bar fight.  Again, not encouraging bar fighting, just trying to get some perspective.  My guess is that his "victims" we'll get a nice paycheck out of this, and hopefully, Jared will think twice before putting himself in this type of situation again.

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I hadn't heard that he'd actually touched any of the cops, just that he supposedly was waving money around, which people took to mean that he was attempting to bribe the police.  I thought the other guy that he put in the headlock was actually his friend who was trying to calm him down?  I'd be curious to know what set him off.  Again, not condoning any of it, but the details are sketchy at best.

Edited by MysteryGuest
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26 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I hadn't heard that he'd actually touched any of the cops, just that he supposedly was waving money around, which people took to mean that he was attempting to bribe the police.  I thought the other guy that he put in the headlock was actually his friend who was trying to calm him down?  I'd be curious to know what set him off.  Again, not condoning any of it, but the details are sketchy at best.

Most of the news articles have the police reports. The assaults were an open handed blow (slap) to one employee, and a closed fist blow to the bar's general manager that left him bleeding.  The report also said he touched the officer's chest/badge (more than once if I remember correctly) when saying he didnt want to go with them. No charges from that, which was obviously a minor thing, but I'd say hes fortunate he's a famous white man or we'd probably be talking about a whole other story.

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30 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This is what Jensen gets for supporting his friend. The story itself is factual but the tweet... grr. And his friends will just let it stand, no doubt. 

I watched that gold panel video this morning.  I thought what Jensen said was brilliant.  "big dumb friend"  right there with one word, his opinion of Jared's actions.  It was dumb.  The handcuffs and the jumpsuits part, yeah, funny joke, but what's behind it?  Maybe a little 'either quit being dumb or you'll need to get used to cuffs and everyone in orange jumpsuits'.  

What Jared said was good and neutral as I'm sure it has to be at this point.  Saying thanks for the outpouring of support is to be expected, it would be decried as uncaring/rude if he didn't acknowledge that.  Obviously he can't say anything else until the legal parts shake out.  But here's hoping that dude is feeling some internal heat, being embarrassed about being so dumb, and about the example he's set for people who look up to him.  Not just his own kids but the young fans who really don't need to see this kind of thing normalized.  What DesiresRisked said about military life and bar life is all too true, but this is not something that is going to be normal for the majority of the tween and teen fangirls that are burning up SM with heart eyes right now.  And they look like a majority of Jared's fans.  And, like it or not, celebrities do need to be conscious of the image and examples they set for fans.

Now where's the best place to discuss Jensen's wonderful gold panel?

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I got to watch the gold panel video this morning.  Just a couple of thoughts I had while watching.  One, the questions were so much more intelligent than most of the J2 panels.  Anyone who's been to one or more of these cons care to comment?  I'm curious if you notice(d) a different audience dynamic, or do you think this was just a one off?  It didn't look like the questions were screened, so what, if anything, do you think the difference was?

I thought there were plenty of funny and humorous comments and stories, with none of the OTT stuff that seems to permeate the usual panels.  Again, for those who have been, do you think it was a one off or maybe is everyone getting more serious as the end draws nigh?

Anyway, this was definitely one of the best of the few panels I've been able to watch.

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17 minutes ago, Cambion said:

I watched that gold panel video this morning.  I thought what Jensen said was brilliant.  "big dumb friend"  right there with one word, his opinion of Jared's actions.  It was dumb.  The handcuffs and the jumpsuits part, yeah, funny joke, but what's behind it?  Maybe a little 'either quit being dumb or you'll need to get used to cuffs and everyone in orange jumpsuits'.  

What Jared said was good and neutral as I'm sure it has to be at this point.  Saying thanks for the outpouring of support is to be expected, it would be decried as uncaring/rude if he didn't acknowledge that.  Obviously he can't say anything else until the legal parts shake out.  But here's hoping that dude is feeling some internal heat, being embarrassed about being so dumb, and about the example he's set for people who look up to him.  Not just his own kids but the young fans who really don't need to see this kind of thing normalized.  What DesiresRisked said about military life and bar life is all too true, but this is not something that is going to be normal for the majority of the tween and teen fangirls that are burning up SM with heart eyes right now.  And they look like a majority of Jared's fans.  And, like it or not, celebrities do need to be conscious of the image and examples they set for fans.

Now where's the best place to discuss Jensen's wonderful gold panel?

I don’t know how to quote a few sentences within a quote, but where are you getting that most of Jared’s fans are tweens and teenagers?

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14 minutes ago, BlueSapphire said:

I don’t know how to quote a few sentences within a quote, but where are you getting that most of Jared’s fans are tweens and teenagers?

From pictures of them on the SM from his fan groups.  Not everyone, by any means, and there are more young people on SM than older so probably my take is skewed.  But I do see a lot of pictures of young girls (profile pictures) on the Twitter threads we've been talking about.

Edited by Cambion
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7 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

If you’re talking about the conventions, the incident involving Jared didn’t happen at a con.  Are you suggesting he should be banned?

No, that's not at all what I'm saying. It's like what @gonzosgirrl said, I think even if JP had done what he did at a con, they wouldn't ban him because he's a cash cow for them.

Edited by juppschmitz
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5 hours ago, Cambion said:

I got to watch the gold panel video this morning.  Just a couple of thoughts I had while watching.  One, the questions were so much more intelligent than most of the J2 panels.  Anyone who's been to one or more of these cons care to comment?  I'm curious if you notice(d) a different audience dynamic, or do you think this was just a one off?  It didn't look like the questions were screened, so what, if anything, do you think the difference was?

I thought there were plenty of funny and humorous comments and stories, with none of the OTT stuff that seems to permeate the usual panels.  Again, for those who have been, do you think it was a one off or maybe is everyone getting more serious as the end draws nigh?

Anyway, this was definitely one of the best of the few panels I've been able to watch.

IMO it was a combo:

1) We were all waiting for Jensen like "Lead us Landru!" (gratuitous Star Trek TOS reference).  Why?  Because the crowd felt very anxious.  Jared was in trouble, the show is ending, we don't know where it's heading, we don't know what (if anything) Jensen will be doing the next time we see him in 2021.  I heard several people make a comment equivalent to "I'm nervous? Why am I nervous?" before his panel.
1a) NO one was going to ask directly about Jared in the Gold Panel but there was a palpable sense of relief when he told us about how Jared was doing.  While it may not be true for everyone at the con, enough people were worried about his mental state and needed reassurance.  He fucked up.  Big time. He'll have consequences.  But more importantly for those who spend $200 dollars just to get a single photo with him (not including admission ticket, hotel, yada yada); there is genuine concern that this might send him into the kind of mental state that nearly resulted in suicide.  No one actually uses those words (trying to respect his openness but also take him at his word about what he's experience in the past).  It may not be common everywhere but generally at Cons you find that people are invested in the boys.  Jared can be a f*cking idiot, doesn't mean we don't love him anyway.  So... I OBVIOUSLY don't speak for everyone.  But there wasn't a single person I spoke to at the Con who didn't have some anxiety over Jared's screw-up kicking off a bout of depression.  Hearing Jensen talk eased our hearts.  

2) Jensen was chatty.  He wouldn't just answer a question, he'd go off into storytelling mode.  When you go to a M&G or talk with him in a small group, this is how he is.  He likes to tell stories and he LOVES to talk about the show.  He likes to analyze the show.  He almost always expands on the questions in smaller forums. 

3) Normally he shows up at the Gold panel with a cup of coffee and in 'grumpy gus' persona.  This time it was just water and the crowd gave a ton of positive feedback that he immediately felt.  He came ready to take care of the crowd. Jensen has called the con 'a show/work' on more than one occasion. He came ready to give 200%.  That's his choice, his way of taking care of the #SPNFamily.  He did a shit-ton of extra photo ops.  He dragged Misha on stage with him (KNOWING it would be a sober version of the out-of-control fandom moment they have at JIBCON).  Many people commented on what a special Con it was. The photo mash-ups were unique (Alex has only been to a few cons and that created new opportunities like "My two dads" and "Generations" (Rob/Misha/Alex).  Everyone got creative.  

4) He was alone.  No one to do a 'bit' with. But bless Ruth, she was standing by with support when he had a question. 

5) People did ask good questions but that could have been luck of the draw. If you look at what was asked it was a balance of work/personal:
- His storyline
- 'Perfect day' question
- Future jobs
- Mardis Gras
- Directing question
- Is he pleased with the way the series is ending?

Now compare Gold with the Main panel.  Still good questions but it went right into goofy mode.  Remarkably tame goofy mode considering it was Jensen/Misha and many in the crowd were losing their minds over it.  

Edited by SueB
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14 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It will totally depend on what kind of work he's doing. Look at JDM, how often he's had to cancel appearances because of TWD's shooting schedule (and crappy weather). We SPN fans have been exceedingly lucky with Jensen and Jared. To my knowledge, Jensen has never canceled, and Jared only a couple of times. ETA: I just remembered that there was a weather related cancellation in Seattle(?) last winter - that's the only one I can recall.

Yeah, Seattle was a wash due to a lovely polar vortex and the city shutting down. But that was certainly out of the hands of the actors.

And yes, we've been exceptionally lucky with the Js. Having attended and worked conventions for decades for any number of fandoms, I know that having them appear at every con they sign on for is a true rarity. But those out clauses for "professional commitments" are in those contracts for a reason, they can be used, and when the Js are no longer working on SPN and committed elsewhere, the chances become much higher that they will be used.

I'll add that I too truly enjoyed this particular Gold Panel with Jensen. So many thoughtful intelligent questions for and about him, resulting in very thoughtful and intelligent answers which I know he can and will deliver, having attended several of his M&Gs. Sure the circumstances that lead up to JP's cancellation sucked, but the resulting Gold Panel was seamless and a joy to watch for this fan.

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11 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

He didn't kill someone, or rape someone or any number of other things that are far worse than getting into a drunken bar fight. 

Granted it could have been way worse.  But "getting into a bar fight" implies he fought, and others fought back.  To my knowledge that's not what happened.  He assaulted two people.  That's not a bar fight, that's a sloppy drunk going around hitting people.  

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9 hours ago, Cambion said:

One, the questions were so much more intelligent than most of the J2 panels. 

Even Jensen noticed this.  He said at JiB con that his solos were more intelligent and in depth than just him and "numbnuts" messing around. 

This is very similar to a Jensen meet and greet.  This is the reason why I spend all my over time trying to get one.  Imagine that when your in a small room with only 20 people.  He's really animated, upbeat, passionate, and if your lucky enough to ask a question he will make eye contact with you like your the only person in the room.  (I may or may not have spontaneously combusted.  I'm not sure.).

3 hours ago, SueB said:

We were all waiting for Jensen like "Lead us Landru!

I agree.  Jensen has always come across as a leader both on screen and off.  I think this is mainly what using handcuffs was about.  It was telling the crew, business as usual.  I think it was for their benefit and not to minimize events.  I also think telling the joke was designed to ease tension in the crowd and let them know it was okay to have fun. 

3 hours ago, SueB said:

People did ask good questions but that could have been luck of the draw.

I'm sure this is a factor but I do think its more just just luck. His solos are JIB are very similar.  I think being by himself plays a big factor.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I always feel guilty when there are two people on stage and I only have a question for one I feel guilty.  Like I'm leaving the other person out.  So its possible the questions are more neutral because other fee the same way. 

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Cambion said:

From pictures of them on the SM from his fan groups.  Not everyone, by any means, and there are more young people on SM than older so probably my take is skewed.  But I do see a lot of pictures of young girls (profile pictures) on the Twitter threads we've been talking about.

I hope you’re not implying that Jared’s fans are all immature little girls, because that certainly is not the case.  All the actors have fans of different ages, with the most common being 30-60 and not everyone is on social media, either.  I’m 42, and a fan of both Jared and Jensen primarily, and it’s a little insulting to think that about a group of fans.            

The Travis Aaron Wade debacle someone here referenced was a big train wreck, and I saw the brouhaha with David Haydn Jones—pretty cringe-inducing.

Edited by BlueSapphire
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10 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

The Travis Aaron Wade debacle someone here referenced was a big train wreck, and I saw the brouhaha with David Haydn Jones—pretty cringe-inducing.

I have yet to hear exactly what the whole Travis Aaron Wade debacle was.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  As for David, I was there at the convention this past weekend, went on the bus trip, etc., what brouhaha are you referring to?

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2 hours ago, Linderhill said:

I have yet to hear exactly what the whole Travis Aaron Wade debacle was.  Can someone point me in the right direction?  As for David, I was there at the convention this past weekend, went on the bus trip, etc., what brouhaha are you referring to?

Because there’s so much involved with the TAW stuff, I would just google his name along with “Supernatural Controversy” and you should get results.  There’s too much to explain, but a lot of harassment and badmouthing was involved, which became a huge mess.  The DHJ drama is over some DM’s he apparently sent to a 19-year-old commenting on her breasts and body and other stuff that could be construed as harassment.  There are accusations about lying and faking posts, so it’s a bit of a weird situation. 

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17 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

I hope you’re not implying that Jared’s fans are all immature little girls, because that certainly is not the case.  All the actors have fans of different ages, with the most common being 30-60 and not everyone is on social media, either.  I’m 42, and a fan of both Jared and Jensen primarily, and it’s a little insulting to think that about a group of fans.            

The Travis Aaron Wade debacle someone here referenced was a big train wreck, and I saw the brouhaha with David Haydn Jones—pretty cringe-inducing.

No, I was just referring to the ones I saw on Twitter with the heart eyes, etc.  I apologize if I offended you, that wasn't my intention.  I'm sure there are older fans (I'm one, as I do consider myself a Jared fan, too), but as I was trying to point out, it is probably skewed because in general young people are far more active on social media (-- oh to have the time and energy to spend that way!) and those reactions are what I was reacting to.

Anyway, I sense that I upset you, and I'm sorry for that.  I was not trying to exclude anyone, just making commentary on the things I've observed regarding the reactions to Jared's incident. And, it appears, as usual, that in my haste I didn't fully explain my thoughts.  I know I probably haven't come off as a Jared fan considering my comments about his arrest.  But I do like him and I think that's why hearing about what happened struck me the way it did.  I appreciate his openness about his struggle with mental health and how he is contributing to normalizing discussions about it in general.  But, going out and getting drunk af and losing control is not something I'd have pegged him for doing and the disregard to his mental health by imbibing as he did flies in the face of how he has shared and cared about his and others' struggle.  I hope this is a one off for him, but knowing how people with severe depression tend to self medicate, kinda makes me worry.   I do hope he's okay.

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22 hours ago, BlueSapphire said:

I hope you’re not implying that Jared’s fans are all immature little girls, because that certainly is not the case.  All the actors have fans of different ages, with the most common being 30-60 and not everyone is on social media, either.  I’m 42, and a fan of both Jared and Jensen primarily, and it’s a little insulting to think that about a group of fans.            

The Travis Aaron Wade debacle someone here referenced was a big train wreck, and I saw the brouhaha with David Haydn Jones—pretty cringe-inducing.

I’m 42 too! Now what happened with DHJ!?

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