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7 hours ago, Ashand11 said:

Why on earth does everyone think Maci is hung up on Ryan? Doesnt at all seem like that to me

It's the Chelsea-adam effect. I don't think M & R continued having a thing, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Or it could just be MTV recycling their storylines:

Maci/Ryan/Taylor/Larry = Chelsea/Adam/Cole/Randy

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I think I sprained my eyes rolling them so hard watching this and the earlier episode. Deborah D get off my TV

Ryans family, see above.

Glad Catelynn changed her mind about having another baby.  I checked out their website and was going to order a pair of shorts, not available, same as most other stuff...fail. The kids pics on the site are adorable tho, so there’s that.

oh Deborah, go away with your fake face and your first true wedding with gross David

Amber?  I got nothing.

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On 2017-12-04 at 11:35 PM, usernameG said:

I am really confused who the woman in the car with Farrah is...is that her real estate agent promising to be there for her? Also, is Farrah really little or is this woman a giant?

Where do Cate and Tyler get off thinking they can create a children's clothing line? 

That “real estate agent” was the thirstiest person I have ever seen on tv

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On 12/5/2017 at 0:19 AM, monicageller said:

As we've all been saying for what, seven seasons now, it's so obvious how hung up Maci is on Ryan. Let it go, girl, you're making yourself look even worse. She's acting like a teenager in high school still in 'love' with her ex and disguising it to her new boyfriend. Except she's not 16, and she is pathetic. I couldn't STAND when she said to Taylor her only downfall in court will be losing time with Bentley because she's been so generous to Ryan. Fuck off! Ryan is no prize, clearly, but St. Maci of Budlight was in overdrive in that scene. Oh, St. Maci, your only downfall is how generous and great and amazing and selfless you are! How I wish I could be just like you!


Guess I am in the minority but I see Ryan as being very hung up on Maci and Mac is just seething inside.  I can't fault Maci for her beer drinking except BL smoothies is hardly beer she needs to get with the craft. 

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18 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I can believe it. Look at the way Jen raised Ryan. He doesn't even think kids should have chores! I imagined Bentley is really catered to when he goes over there. I think Maci was making a point that when he comes back he expects to be waited on like he is over there. As a child of divorce with TWO very different households, I can't totally hate on the kid. The adjusting is hard. But I can also understand Maci's frustration with having to break him of bad habits several times a month. 

I do believe Jen and Larry spoil the kid but I will say that most 8 year old boys I know (my own) will demand water while sitting on the couch, every time.  I tell him to get up and get his own water, and he gets up - but he tries to demand it every time.  I think she doesn't realize that it is just the way 8 year olds manuever and finagle.  But I can imagine that when he is at Jen and Larry's it actually works, so maybe they are annoyed by that.  Kind of a silly thing to be hung up on - IMO - the demands of water!


18 hours ago, jcamm1966 said:

1. Farrah , How many years do we have to watch fake house shop in LA. move already if Josh Altman Can't seal the deal nobody can.

2. Amber. Took 3 years too long to see the light. remember the house flipping biz, funny crickets now 

3. Maci   You still are hung up on Ryan. Taylor is an assistant in charge of transporting kids to school ERRRRRRRRRRRRRR daycare. A year in rehab . power power power


4. Cate  Another kid really. you have Nove in school I mean ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR daycare already. how much fast food can these people consume,

Show him the cash, he will show you the keys!!!  It is that simple.


10 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

In regards to Maci's drinking; I agree that it seems strange she can't be bothered to hide it while cameras are rolling. Maybe she doesn't think it is a big deal? But wouldn't she know about the bashing she has gotten on social media so far?  What bothered me about the hot tub scene was that Bentley and Jade were just told to go play in Bentley's room. Could Maci have taken 5-10 minute to put a new diaper and dry clothes on Jade?   She is still a baby girl and either wearing a swim diaper or will pee and poop in her swimsuit.   (I don't know how into the potty training she is)


No one has commented on Deb inviting "fans" to her wedding.  WHAT THE FUCK????

Ok, I was also bothered by this.  Either Bentley is responsible for drying off and changing his little sister - which is no easy task, I have a little one too.  OR - she will be sitting around in the house, playing in wet clothes/diaper.  I don't trust my kids to get themselves changed after getting out of the pool - mostly because they will not do it and my house will be covered in wet puddles!  They will sit on the couch or floor soaking wet.  This is gross.  

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56 minutes ago, Meisty said:

Guess I am in the minority but I see Ryan as being very hung up on Maci and Mac is just seething inside.  I can't fault Maci for her beer drinking except BL smoothies is hardly beer she needs to get with the craft. 

I have never seen any indication Ryan is hung up on Maci.

I think his indignation at her is not disguised passion but rather getting all up in arms about her faults lets him ignore his own. It's just like when TM2 Jenelle throws her shrieking fits about how she just wants to see her son that evil Barb has kept away from her- and then you find out Jenelle has skipped her last three visitations with her son and wanted to see him on an off time that was at her convenience, when Barb already had plans. Her self righteous temper tantrums are purely for the cameras. That's how I see Ryan.


As far as whether Maci still wants to be with Ryan, I think it's more complicated than her just being hung up on her ex. I think Maci is emotionally stunted, thanks to this show, and she's not so much in love with him as she is fiercely competitive with every SO Ryan has had because Ryan has somehow become the barometer of her own self worth. When Ryan gives her attention, Maci feels good about herself. When Ryan acts indifferent to her, it annoys her. It's not about Ryan at all- Ryan is a vehicle for Maci's self esteem, in a way that the other guys in her life have not been. As to why him, and not anyone else (or herself, for that matter), I think Maci is very immature and as much as she tries to project a self confident woman, she is very insecure and always has been.

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19 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I can believe it. Look at the way Jen raised Ryan. He doesn't even think kids should have chores! I imagined Bentley is really catered to when he goes over there. I think Maci was making a point that when he comes back he expects to be waited on like he is over there. As a child of divorce with TWO very different households, I can't totally hate on the kid. The adjusting is hard. But I can also understand Maci's frustration with having to break him of bad habits several times a month. 

Exactly. Similar to what we see with Jace being bad when he comes back from Janelle's. 

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I don't see that Maci is hung up on Ryan in any of her scenes. MTV specifically shows us scenes of her discussing Ryan because they ask her questions about Ryan so she has a story line and that is what they choose to air because there is nothing else to show us in regard to her life. Maybe she talks about him a lot off camera but maybe she doesn't. It's the same thing with Chelsea talking about Adam every second during her scenes . I doubt in every day life that that's the topic of conversation, but what else is there for them to show on tv?

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27 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I don't see that Maci is hung up on Ryan in any of her scenes. MTV specifically shows us scenes of her discussing Ryan because they ask her questions about Ryan so she has a story line and that is what they choose to air because there is nothing else to show us in regard to her life. Maybe she talks about him a lot off camera but maybe she doesn't. It's the same thing with Chelsea talking about Adam every second during her scenes . I doubt in every day life that that's the topic of conversation, but what else is there for them to show on tv?

In fairness, I haven't picked up any vibes over the last few seasons. If there was something going on, I can concede Ryan's serious drug problem usurped it. I think for me what made me think Maci is still hung up on Ryan (not necessarily that she wants him, but she wants him to want her), is the big cheese eating grin she'd get on her face whenever one of her friends insisted Ryan was still in love with her based on some obscure comment he made or some way he reacted to something she said. Maci would be absolutely beaming while weakly denying her friends were right.  But that was a few years back.

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

I have never seen any indication Ryan is hung up on Maci.

I think his indignation at her is not disguised passion but rather getting all up in arms about her faults lets him ignore his own. It's just like when TM2 Jenelle throws her shrieking fits about how she just wants to see her son that evil Barb has kept away from her- and then you find out Jenelle has skipped her last three visitations with her son and wanted to see him on an off time that was at her convenience, when Barb already had plans. Her self righteous temper tantrums are purely for the cameras. That's how I see Ryan.


As far as whether Maci still wants to be with Ryan, I think it's more complicated than her just being hung up on her ex. I think Maci is emotionally stunted, thanks to this show, and she's not so much in love with him as she is fiercely competitive with every SO Ryan has had because Ryan has somehow become the barometer of her own self worth. When Ryan gives her attention, Maci feels good about herself. When Ryan acts indifferent to her, it annoys her. It's not about Ryan at all- Ryan is a vehicle for Maci's self esteem, in a way that the other guys in her life have not been. As to why him, and not anyone else (or herself, for that matter), I think Maci is very immature and as much as she tries to project a self confident woman, she is very insecure and always has been.

I don’t think Maci is still hung up on Ryan in the classic sense (although I wouldn’t be surprised if they had been hooking up before she married Taylor- yes even though she was with Taylor). My impression is that Maci is FRUSTRATED that despite her fabulousness Ryan never “wanted” her and she just doesn’t get it, so she dwells. Also she can always feel superior to Ryan, so focusing on his (very real) faults makes her feel better about herself. I see this trend when women have babies with guys they know are losers/irresponsible/dead beats etc and then whine how the guy is a bad dad/isn’t doing shit (which he isn’t) because then they can proclaim they are mother of the year. Maci has always thought she was hot shit (for some reason.....) when she as always just an average girl with a shit ton of family support. Compared to Chelsea, who I think it’s probably a nicer person INSIDE as well as knowing she isn’t a Mensa scholar or exceptional in anyway and being OKAY with that because she truly loves herself (now, she was hung up on Adam for a while too but did go to therapy). 

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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

Maci has always thought she was hot shit (for some reason.....)

She acts like she does, but I always wonder if Maci maybe took Ryan's failings as a father an a decent person very personally...like maybe if she had been prettier, smarter, more fun, etc., Ryan wouldn't have left her holding the bag with Bentley. Personally, I think Ryan is just selfish and irresponsible and Kate Upton (or insert other popular female celebrity here) couldn't have swayed him to try harder. But Maci may see it as a slight against her, in which she will forever try to "prove" herself better than Ryan, and see it as vindication if Ryan regretted his treatment of her or wanted to reconcile with her.

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6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

She acts like she does, but I always wonder if Maci maybe took Ryan's failings as a father an a decent person very personally...like maybe if she had been prettier, smarter, more fun, etc., Ryan wouldn't have left her holding the bag with Bentley. Personally, I think Ryan is just selfish and irresponsible and Kate Upton (or insert other popular female celebrity here) couldn't have swayed him to try harder. But Maci may see it as a slight against her, in which she will forever try to "prove" herself better than Ryan, and see it as vindication if Ryan regretted his treatment of her or wanted to reconcile with her.

I don’t think Maci took Ryan’s failings as a decent person/father to Bentley personally in THAT way, but I think perhaps unconsciously, Maci believes in a narrative that she was a skinny, young, white woman from a middle class family and AS SUCH she was entitled to certain treatment from men. So why didn’t Ryan get the memo. Like did he not know who she was?!! I think what Maci didn’t get is that assholes are assholes because they want to be and it’s not a reflection on you  

Of course Ryan should be a good father and person to Bentley because he is SUPPOSED TO, but it’s kind of like a lesser version of the “beautiful woman syndrome” (think Hallie Berry and her pattern of asshole men), if a woman checks off all these social boxes, she thinks everything she wants is supposed to be hers and perhaps pays less attention to a man’s character. On the TM2 board some posters have said they thought coming from a “good family” and having a great dad would protect them from falling for a douche bag, or that if they were “prettier/thinner etc” guys would treat them better. No no no just NO. 

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

In fairness, I haven't picked up any vibes over the last few seasons. If there was something going on, I can concede Ryan's serious drug problem usurped it. I think for me what made me think Maci is still hung up on Ryan (not necessarily that she wants him, but she wants him to want her), is the big cheese eating grin she'd get on her face whenever one of her friends insisted Ryan was still in love with her based on some obscure comment he made or some way he reacted to something she said. Maci would be absolutely beaming while weakly denying her friends were right.  But that was a few years back.

Yep, Maci got that cat-that-caught-the-canary grin anytime anyone mentioned that Ryan was still into her. 

1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t think Maci took Ryan’s failings as a decent person/father to Bentley personally in THAT way, but I think perhaps unconsciously, Maci believes in a narrative that she was a skinny, young, white woman from a middle class family and AS SUCH she was entitled to certain treatment from men. So why didn’t Ryan get the memo. Like did he not know who she was?!! I think what Maci didn’t get is that assholes are assholes because they want to be and it’s not a reflection on you  

Yep. And I think she still thinks he *should* want her for those reasons, plus she's the mother of his son and sainted-martyr-of-Bud-Light and all. 


I don't think Ryan was ever really into Maci. Or Dallis. Or Shelby. Or Mac. Heck, Ryan isn't even really into Ryan.  The most we've seen him "be into" anything is when he's been into drugs. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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5 hours ago, Meisty said:

Guess I am in the minority but I see Ryan as being very hung up on Maci and Mac is just seething inside.  I can't fault Maci for her beer drinking except BL smoothies is hardly beer she needs to get with the craft. 

Beer drinking while pregnant, yeah I will fault her and judge the fuck outta her. 

15 hours ago, Kb60 said:

Damn, Kazu, I pray the fires stay far away from you.

Very kind of you. Thank you. 

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20 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Beer drinking while pregnant, yeah I will fault her and judge the fuck outta her. 

Very kind of you. Thank you. 

Let's not forget the fact that was also drinking hard liquor when she was 14-15 weeks pregnant, and IVs had to be brought in for all the girls during their event because they were so hungover.


Some people will drink wine and beer (in extreme moderation) while pregnant. That's a lot different than throwing back so many shots medical attention is needed.

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18 hours ago, Kb60 said:

Yeah they we're. And it looked like Amber was fixing to maul the shit out of him. But he's just lucky that she's got her temper under control now.

Yes. Apparently screaming in someone's face, but not touching them, means you don't have a temper. At all. Completely in control, that one. 


14 hours ago, Ashand11 said:

Why on earth does everyone think Maci is hung up on Ryan? Doesnt at all seem like that to me

I don't see it. I do think she was still into him for several years after they split, but as he has really started to spiral out of control, and her life has become more stable, I think that flame has fizzled out. I can't see why ANYONE would want Ryan at this point. Beyond his drug use, he's just not cute any more and he's an animal abusers and he's still living off of his parents at almost 30 years of age!

5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I do believe Jen and Larry spoil the kid but I will say that most 8 year old boys I know (my own) will demand water while sitting on the couch, every time.  I tell him to get up and get his own water, and he gets up - but he tries to demand it every time.  I think she doesn't realize that it is just the way 8 year olds manuever and finagle.  But I can imagine that when he is at Jen and Larry's it actually works, so maybe they are annoyed by that.  Kind of a silly thing to be hung up on - IMO - the demands of water!

Really? I have 2 boys - 7 and 9 - neither one of them would do that. They get their own water. Each and every time. I can't remember the last time they asked me to get them something to drink. Maybe my kids are unique. I'll admit, I'm not in the homes of other kids that age, so I wouldn't know. But I would look at my kids sideways if they just sat on the couch and demanded water! 

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5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Ok, I was also bothered by this.  Either Bentley is responsible for drying off and changing his little sister - which is no easy task, I have a little one too.  OR - she will be sitting around in the house, playing in wet clothes/diaper.  I don't trust my kids to get themselves changed after getting out of the pool - mostly because they will not do it and my house will be covered in wet puddles!  They will sit on the couch or floor soaking wet.  This is gross

My son and daughter are about the same spacing as Bintley and Jade and he does have his own Big Boy chores he can handle but I have never had him change her diaper.  When he helps out with his sister it is to feed her or play with her to give me some hands free time or they clean up their toys together.  The diaper changing is neither here nor there, some people may have their kids do this.  Just the getting out of the pool thing bugged me.  She could get her ass out of the hot tub for 10 minutes to take care of this.

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Let's not forget the fact that was also drinking hard liquor when she was 14-15 weeks pregnant, and IVs had to be brought in for all the girls during their event because they were so hungover.

Some people will drink wine and beer (in extreme moderation) while pregnant. That's a lot different than throwing back so many shots medical attention is needed.

And let's not forget she also smokes. If she didn't give up the alcohol during her pregnancy, she didn't give up the smokes either. Believe that. 


Yeah they we're. And it looked like Amber was fixing to maul the shit out of him. But he's just lucky that she's got her temper under control now.

@Kb60 The mere fact she made a threat to physically go after him is a big sign she is not in a healthy place with that temper of hers. She knew if she touched him, he would have called the police on her because he was done with her and ready to leave out the door. 

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I wanted to comment on Ryan and the scene where he is tearing up at the barbecue. He looked like a 10 year old or maybe even younger when he was starting to cry. He had his thumb almost in his mouth, well he was holding it to his lip but still. I've never seen a man look like that when breaking down. That really seems to be his emotional maturity level, ten years old. Ryan needs a lot of help, and I just wish he had a family that would hold him accountable. He has so much work to do. 

Also, watching Mac, she reminds me of Jen so much in how she interacts with Ryan. She really does mother him. It's just a weird dynamic overall. I just hope he gets help, and the whole family stops blaming Maci for Ryan's addiction. It's not like anyone's running around blaming Ryan for Maci and her drinking. That would be ridiculous. I think Mackenzie started that whole blame Maci thing and Jen and Larry have just run with it.

Oh and I also can't believe, the first day he's home from rehab, he's got a Coor's Light in his hand. I mean I know he wasn't addicted to alcohol, that we know of, but I would think having a clear head would be the best thing right now, while he's still so vulnerable. His parents and Mac are the worst enablers. Ryan will 100% relapse if he hasn't already. I wouldn't be surprised if he left that cookout after all the emotions were high to head out to try to get a fix. This is definitely not going to end well. Should've been the name of this episode. 

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Also, watching Mac, she reminds me of Jen so much in how she interacts with Ryan. She really does mother him. It's just a weird dynamic overall. I just hope he gets help, and the whole family stops blaming Maci for Ryan's addiction. It's not like anyone's running around blaming Ryan for Maci and her drinking. That would be ridiculous. I think Mackenzie started that whole blame Maci thing and Jen and Larry have just run with it.

He totally married a chubbier version of his mother. Now his wife can coddle him because he was never taught to stand on his own. 

Honestly, having to mother my spouse sounds super exhausting.

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21 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:


Oh and I also can't believe, the first day he's home from rehab, he's got a Coor's Light in his hand. I mean I know he wasn't addicted to alcohol, that we know of, but I would think having a clear head would be the best thing right now, while he's still so vulnerable. His parents and Mac are the worst enablers. Ryan will 100% relapse if he hasn't already. I wouldn't be surprised if he left that cookout after all the emotions were high to head out to try to get a fix. This is definitely not going to end well. Should've been the name of this episode. 

Good! I THOUGHT that was a beer but I was too lazy to rewind. I mean, couldn't one of his mothers have told him to put it away at least while the cameras were there?

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IMO , and it’s a little far fetched but could be true, Dr. Infectious disease is obsessed with Farrah. I think he has sick fantasies about her and probably Wacks off to her porn. He got with Debra as the next best thing and to get close to Farrah. 

Does anyone know what Larry meant when he started going off on Maci and said “the truth will come out!” Jen, Mack and ryan all looked very nervous that he was going to say something and they all shut him down quickly. Does anyone know what he meant by that? 

Sorry I have been MIA guys! I’ve missed y’all! I have a very fussy newborn here and a 2 1/2 year old who is sweet and wonderful but a total maniac. I’m just catching up with all my notifications! 

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Does anyone know what Larry meant when he started going off on Maci and said “the truth will come out!” Jen, Mack and ryan all looked very nervous that he was going to say something and they all shut him down quickly. Does anyone know what he meant by that? 



Perhaps one of them is "writing" a book.

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Anybody notice Michael's humble abode?  Packed with Farrah's black bag's?

I thought Farrah was one rich bitch!  I thought Michael had money!

Evidently Farrah did not upgrade Michael's living conditions with her porn money!

Amber has really trashed that rental in that fancy neighborhood!

I paused a few times to look and see!  Those hundred dogs are doing a job!

I hope the Landlord got a HUGE security deposit!

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I can't remember which episode it was on but Ryan and his family discussing Bentley having chores at Maci's house.  Which episode was that?  I want to go back and catch the conversation again because I heard it differently.  My husband took it like many of you posting here that Ryan and family were in a snit over Bentley being given "chores."  As best as I can remember, Ryan said specifically that Bentley's "chores" involved caring for the Jade and the new baby.  My husband and I bickered over it so I did a rewind and he understood it too.  I was of the mindset that's just how it is when you have younger siblings.  That's what being a family is about...everybody pitching in to help each other.   So I thought the Edwards were being a bit off center and unreasonable on that issue.   BUT!  Huge but!  We were gifted with the scene of St. Maci drinking in the hot tub with Taylor while they bitched to the cameras about the Edwards spoiling Bentley AFTER they sent him inside with Jade to tend to her.

This is speculation but I can totally see Bentley having to frequently tend to the two trap babies because St. Maci is drunk.

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46 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

All kids should have chores to do. Good gravy I'm sure maci doesn't want another lazy Ryan on her hands!

Idol hands ARE the devils workshop!

It wasn't just chores in general.  Ryan specifically said Bentley has to take care of Maci's two babies and pick up after them.

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9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Anybody notice Michael's humble abode?  Packed with Farrah's black bag's?

I thought Farrah was one rich bitch!  I thought Michael had money!

Evidently Farrah did not upgrade Michael's living conditions with her porn money!

Amber has really trashed that rental in that fancy neighborhood!

I paused a few times to look and see!  Those hundred dogs are doing a job!

I hope the Landlord got a HUGE security deposit!

People can have money and live in a home that doesn't show how much money they actually have. If you came to my home growing up, you'd never know my father and mother had worked their butts off to earn the kind of money they had before us kids came into their lives. My father was a frugal man and didn't believe in showing off his money or material things. He drove the same vehicle for YEARS and only bought a new one after the old one was finally too old to fix. My parents grew up in a different era. 

I don't know what kind of money Michael has, but whatever he has, he has a home to call his own. 

Why does Farrah's money have to upgrade Michael's living or lifestyle? Even if she wanted her father to live a certain way, that doesn't mean he has to abide by it. I wouldn't want someone telling me how to live or upgrade my lifestyle. I know Farrah has taken her parents and Sophia on trips to Italy, Hawaii, and Greece. Perhaps Michael is the kind of person who appreciates the gift of travel and seeing the world rather than splurge any money on a fancier abode. 

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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Anybody notice Michael's humble abode?  Packed with Farrah's black bag's?

I thought Farrah was one rich bitch!  I thought Michael had money!

Evidently Farrah did not upgrade Michael's living conditions with her porn money!

Perhaps Michael has no wish to upgrade his house. Perhaps he has refused financial help from his daughter. Maybe he's happy where he is. 

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23 hours ago, usernameG said:

He totally married a chubbier version of his mother. Now his wife can coddle him because he was never taught to stand on his own. 

Honestly, having to mother my spouse sounds super exhausting.

Yep. I guess she's earning that paycheck. 

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8 hours ago, AirQuotes said:


This is speculation but I can totally see Bentley having to frequently tend to the two trap babies because St. Maci is drunk.

Yes! I was going to comment about that too but I forgot. It's one thing to help around the house and help with your siblings but a whole other thing to be forced into watching them constantly at eight years old, including changing their diapers and getting them changed out of wet swimsuits, just so your parents can get wasted in the hot tub. If Ryan were more articulate, we might have a better understanding of what's going on. 

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2 minutes ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Yes! I was going to comment about that too but I forgot. It's one thing to help around the house and help with your siblings but a whole other thing to be forced into watching them constantly at eight years old, including changing their diapers and getting them changed out of wet swimsuits, just so your parents can get wasted in the hot tub. If Ryan were more articulate, we might have a better understanding of what's going on. 

Sort of like how Maryssa is the mom to Kaiser, Jace, and Eggsly.  I am sure there is truth to Maci pushing some responsibilities onto Bentley that don't fall under normal chores such as taking out trash. I would comment clearing off the dinner table, but seeing how often Maci orders food from outside, I imagine that is something Bentley rarely has to do. 

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The only thing about Michael's house that gave me pause was Farrah's bullshit piled in garbage bags.   So much wrong with that on multiple levels:  1) put your shit in boxes so it can be organized and 2) don't do that to someone else's home (rent a storage locker).

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11 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

Yes! I was going to comment about that too but I forgot. It's one thing to help around the house and help with your siblings but a whole other thing to be forced into watching them constantly at eight years old, including changing their diapers and getting them changed out of wet swimsuits, just so your parents can get wasted in the hot tub. If Ryan were more articulate, we might have a better understanding of what's going on. 


11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Sort of like how Maryssa is the mom to Kaiser, Jace, and Eggsly.  I am sure there is truth to Maci pushing some responsibilities onto Bentley that don't fall under normal chores such as taking out trash. I would comment clearing off the dinner table, but seeing how often Maci orders food from outside, I imagine that is something Bentley rarely has to do. 

Bingo!  Ryan is no prize and he has issues, but a broken clock is still right twice a day!  Maci sending Bentley inside to tend to a soaking wet Jade so she could sit in the hot tub getting drunk with Taylor while they bitched about Bentley's paternal family really made me think there is validity to what Ryan said.

I agree there is a huge difference is degrees of older siblings helping with younger siblings and the circumstances that come into play.   An 8 year old tending to a 2 year old inside the house while the parents are stewing in the hot tub out back while getting trashed is not an appropriate circumstance to qualify for that level of responsibility.

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14 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

People can have money and live in a home that doesn't show how much money they actually have. If you came to my home growing up, you'd never know my father and mother had worked their butts off to earn the kind of money they had before us kids came into their lives. My father was a frugal man and didn't believe in showing off his money or material things. He drove the same vehicle for YEARS and only bought a new one after the old one was finally too old to fix. My parents grew up in a different era. 


I know! My parents lived by the school of thought that if you had to finance your car, you couldn't afford it. So, my parents would buy a new car, drive it until it reached 100,000 miles, or warranty expired, and then pay cash for a new one. And these were pretty basic model cars- I thought it was the big time when my mom's 1994 Honda Accord had power windows AND a cassette player that would AUTOMATICALLY flip the tape over when side 1 was finished. We also always had the most modest house in the nicer subdivisions. My parents liked the nice neighborhoods for property values, but they'd be damned if they were going to pay upgrades for things like jacuzzi tubs and designer window treatments and they always picked the least expensive model the developer had. We also never had much in the way of electronics, and never owned a boat, a jet ski, or a cabin up north (a big thing in Minnesota which confuses me even 20 years later- why do people want lake houses? A post for another day, I guess). Yet my parents made way more money than most of my friends' parents, I just didn't realize it at the time, because I was estimating our household income on the stuff we bought, compared to my friends' families.


These girls don't know a thing about living below your means, but it is a thing, especially with older generations.

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18 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Sort of like how Maryssa is the mom to Kaiser, Jace, and Eggsly.  I am sure there is truth to Maci pushing some responsibilities onto Bentley that don't fall under normal chores such as taking out trash. I would comment clearing off the dinner table, but seeing how often Maci orders food from outside, I imagine that is something Bentley rarely has to do. 

Except Bentley doesn't look all sad and vacant, like Maryssa does. I'm really not trying to come off as a Maci defender here, but I just don't know that I think Bentley is slaving around over there. He probably does help out with the other kids to some degree. It may be more when filming is going on. He may really enjoy it. He seems to love those kids, and he also seems pretty happy and well adjusted most of the time. So I'm not quite sure he's being taken advantage of. 

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6 hours ago, Tatum said:

I know! My parents lived by the school of thought that if you had to finance your car, you couldn't afford it. So, my parents would buy a new car, drive it until it reached 100,000 miles, or warranty expired, and then pay cash for a new one. And these were pretty basic model cars- I thought it was the big time when my mom's 1994 Honda Accord had power windows AND a cassette player that would AUTOMATICALLY flip the tape over when side 1 was finished. We also always had the most modest house in the nicer subdivisions. My parents liked the nice neighborhoods for property values, but they'd be damned if they were going to pay upgrades for things like jacuzzi tubs and designer window treatments and they always picked the least expensive model the developer had. We also never had much in the way of electronics, and never owned a boat, a jet ski, or a cabin up north (a big thing in Minnesota which confuses me even 20 years later- why do people want lake houses? A post for another day, I guess). Yet my parents made way more money than most of my friends' parents, I just didn't realize it at the time, because I was estimating our household income on the stuff we bought, compared to my friends' families.


These girls don't know a thing about living below your means, but it is a thing, especially with older generations.

Re bolding - Yes! That is exactly how I thought growing up. I realized at times how lucky I was because I had my own landline phone in my room and my own television. It was a black and white set, but still. I was the envy of my friends. And yet, when I went to their homes, I saw swimming pools and pianos and I thought, "Why can't we have this?" I used to get the coolest things from my dad for my birthdays and Christmas. That was the time he splurged on us. 



I agree there is a huge difference is degrees of older siblings helping with younger siblings and the circumstances that come into play.   An 8 year old tending to a 2 year old inside the house while the parents are stewing in the hot tub out back while getting trashed is not an appropriate circumstance to qualify for that level of responsibility.

Re bolding - Perfect way of putting it. 

I agree under those circumstances, Maci or Taylor should have gotten out of the hot tub and tended to that wet baby. At the very least, she needed to be rinsed off since she was in chlorinated water. Maci or Taylor could have taken care of that child and gotten back in the hot tub. 

Bentley should help around the house. He should help out with his siblings. But under what circumstances and to what degree. He may want to be a hands on kid for his siblings, but there may be times he doesn't feel like doing it or shouldn't be expected to do it. 

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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Bentley should help around the house. He should help out with his siblings. But under what circumstances and to what degree. He may want to be a hands on kid for his siblings, but there may be times he doesn't feel like doing it or shouldn't be expected to do it. 

I agree. I used to nanny for a stay at home mom. In her defense, she had four kids, her husband worked 60-70 hours weeks, and she honestly needed some sanity time. I would come three days a week and pick up the kids and take them out of the house for 4-5 hours and let her get her housework done and just be by herself for a little while.

Her older daughter was a total doll that loved playing mom- even when both her parents were home, she was often the one taking care of her siblings. She honestly liked to do it. However, once I went back to work full time (I helped out over a summer when I was between real jobs), and the mom was back to handling the kids herself, some cracks started to show. Mom started drinking and taking prescription pills to the point where her older daughter had to watch the kids, and feed them, and clothe them and keep them from killing themselves jumping off the stairs and running out into the street. She was 7. It was no longer fun. And more pressure was piled on her, like it was her fault if the younger kids (aged 4 and 1) got hurt because their 7 year old sister wasn't adequately supervising. Their dad was oblivious to what was going on from the time he left in the morning until he got home late at night, but that's another story.


I don't think Maci is to my former employer's level, but it's easy to assume that because a kid has shown interest in watching their siblings in the past, it's fine to keep piling responsibilities on them.  Perhaps the incident with the hot tub was a one-off, but Maci and Taylor do need to make sure they are being sensitive to the limits of what they can expect from a 9 year old.

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3 hours ago, Tatum said:

I agree. I used to nanny for a stay at home mom. In her defense, she had four kids, her husband worked 60-70 hours weeks, and she honestly needed some sanity time. I would come three days a week and pick up the kids and take them out of the house for 4-5 hours and let her get her housework done and just be by herself for a little while.

Her older daughter was a total doll that loved playing mom- even when both her parents were home, she was often the one taking care of her siblings. She honestly liked to do it. However, once I went back to work full time (I helped out over a summer when I was between real jobs), and the mom was back to handling the kids herself, some cracks started to show. Mom started drinking and taking prescription pills to the point where her older daughter had to watch the kids, and feed them, and clothe them and keep them from killing themselves jumping off the stairs and running out into the street. She was 7. It was no longer fun. And more pressure was piled on her, like it was her fault if the younger kids (aged 4 and 1) got hurt because their 7 year old sister wasn't adequately supervising. Their dad was oblivious to what was going on from the time he left in the morning until he got home late at night, but that's another story.


I don't think Maci is to my former employer's level, but it's easy to assume that because a kid has shown interest in watching their siblings in the past, it's fine to keep piling responsibilities on them.  Perhaps the incident with the hot tub was a one-off, but Maci and Taylor do need to make sure they are being sensitive to the limits of what they can expect from a 9 year old.

 I am glad you were there for that mother to help her get some much-needed time off. Sad to read that she fell into what reads like addiction. Poor children. :-(  Breaks my heart. 

Definitely Maci is not dealing with what your former employer was dealing with. Maci has had a lot of hands-on help. She had more than enough time off (visitation times and babysitting on a whim) and plenty of money to fall back on without doing a lick of work. Plenty of SAHPs and working parents don't have that luxury. 

I agree Maci and Taylor should know what to expect from Bentley as far as chores and responsibilities. 

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