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7 hours ago, Kb60 said:

I feel bad for Bentley if he ever watches this. When Taylor says that he's Bentley's father, um , no your not. There's no shame in being a stepparent and saying that you're his stepfather. I think the budlight has affected his thought process. And even though Ryan is a shitty father, he's still his father. Is Taylor gonna tell Bentley that he's his father? I think not. But it's ok to love Bentley like a father loves his son. Ryan needs to get his shit together before Bentley stops loving him like a son that loves his father. What a mess that drugs and alcohol created.

I agree. It is not up to Taylor to declare that he is Bentley's father. That is a judgment call that only Bentley himself can make. There may come a day when Bentley looks upon Taylor as more of his dad than he does Ryan, but it's not something that Taylor can force (even though Taylor has stepped up and assumed the role more often than Ryan). 

Edited by mamadrama
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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 11:01 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:


Would you ask the same sort of question if it was Tyler who always drove?

Many have asked why Matt would always drive and not Amber. 


On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 5:33 AM, AirQuotes said:

But when they were leaving that restaurant she hugged Gary and called him a "sarcastic asshole."

She is also a hypocrite. 

Amber looks the same as she did before she had her mommy make-over. What a waste of money. I hope the narcotics she was prescribed were worth it. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Many have asked why Matt would always drive and not Amber. 


She is also a hypocrite. 

Amber looks the same as she did before she had her mommy make-over. What a waste of money. I hope the narcotics she was prescribed were worth it. 

I was noticing that too. That surgery was all for nothing. She's either gained weight or the makeover surgery just sucked.

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11 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


All this, @GreatKazu.  Maci has every right to be concerned BUT this all looks like St. Maci of Bud Light feigning concern for the cameras because of her past actions such as drinking regularly & heavily while at least halfway into her last pregnancy,  driving her kids while texting, and showing signs of being a functional alcoholic herself (and her husband may be as well).  Plus, as you pointed out, Maci had no problem with Bentley (and Jayde) being around Ryan & the Edwardses whenever she needed a babysitter, party time, etc. And she definitely KNEW Ryan had a problem with pills at least since 2012, when Dallis (Ryan's ex) says he tried rehab the first time: https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2017/06/ryan-edwards-details-of-teen-mom-stars-drug-use-revealed/

But St. Maci didn't want to lose her child-free time where she could go to clubs, tailgate at UT games, travel to see boyfriends who didn't live in the same town, etc....so she didn't bring it up or ask the courts to make sure Bentley's time with Ryan was for sure 100% monitored by Jen & Larry.  She didn't want Jen & Larry to call out her drinking and she didn't want to piss them off and lose her free babysitters.   She never gave any indication of giving two shits about it until MTV made Ryan's drug problem a story line with the high driving thing.  MTV forced her hand to at least pretend to do something (notice she hasn't actually asked the court for anything yet) by bitching and acting controlling (which she surely enjoys hold Bentley over Ryan's head).  Maci can have several seats now that she is using this as her story line she everyone knows she's boring as hell and gets a reason to control Ryan (who I totally believe she is still into) in some ways now.  Where was your outrage and concern years ago when Bentley was with Ryan? We know from footage Ryan drove Bentley alone. Bentley wasn't always with Mimi Jen...he was with Ryan/Ryan and his gf sometimes. So whatever, Maci.  Maybe you'd come off better if you could figure out how to be concerned yet supportive of his recovery instead of faux-concerned and a control-freak who is relishing the chance to try to play mama to Ryan again (too bad Mimi Jen and Mackenzie have already got that covered, Maci) and be vindictive. 


If something happens to Farrah, Deb doesn't get custody of Sophia, right? Please tell me Michael or even Derek's dad would get her. 

Thank you for reminding me about Ryan's FIRST stint in rehab. That is why Maci cannot pretend to not have known about his drug use. Was she really kept in the dark about his first stint? No way. STFU Maci. Where was the concern for your child when his dad was doing drugs back in 2012 and you knew about it? 

Word to your entire post. 


I don't know if I would say 100% her business, but at least 50% her business.  They share a child.  She has to trust his dad AND his family with their son in their care. She absolutely should know what's going on and not hand him over blindly.

@gunderda Maci had no problem handing Bentley over to Jen, Larry, and sometimes Ryan even after she knew her ex entered rehab in 2012.  

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On 12/4/2017 at 11:01 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Would you ask the same sort of question if it was Tyler who always drove?

Maybe the poster would ask the question. Nothing wrong with asking IMO. Cate is always shown driving, including when she is under the influence. Tyler only drives when Cate is being taken to and being picked up from her vacation spot - rehab. My guess would be he doesn't want to be caught being under the influence while driving. He'd rather Cate take the fall.

On 12/5/2017 at 0:16 AM, Christina said:

Ryan does have a court ordered custody plan. He filed for it after Maci took off to live with Kyle. As a result, she had to drive him back and forth from Chattanooga and Ryan didn't have to go halfway, and when the mediator told her Ryan was entitled to another day, Maci broke down in tears because she didn't think he deserved it. It went to the judge and was signed so there is a court order and he could call the cops and go get him.

He threatens to take her to court for 50/50 custody every season, and I think that is why people don't remember there is a court order in place already. He never does take her back to court because he doesn't want 50/50 custody he wants the extra time to do drugs.

My understanding is, Maci took Ryan to court because of child support. I found this article which mentions this information. http://starcasm.net/archives/66239

I have to admit, it has been a long time and I could be incorrect, but I thought the visitation was set up in order to finalize the child support matter. A set schedule is needed to be set up in order for a child support amount to be calculated. Ryan did ask for one more day, but only because the child support matter was being dealt with at that time and he felt it was his chance to request more time. I think it was more about his parents pushing for it , sticking it to Maci, and paying less support. I never got the feeling he really wanted visitation with his son.

Speaking of Ryan demanding custody, he was upset with Maci and her wild ways. I have never forgotten this story about Maci and Kyle being kicked out of a hotel due to their fighting. This article has that fight story and alleges Maci left Bentley at Jen's far too much so she could party. I believe she did leave Bentley often so she could go out and drink: http://hollywoodlife.com/2012/02/15/maci-bookout-ryan-edwards-teen-mom-custody/

Mackenzie makes me sick. Maci is not Ryan's trigger. She is his excuse for everything he chooses to do. Nice Coors beer can there, Ryan. I know some people can handle some alcohol even though they have been drug addicts, but to have beer so soon out of rehab only makes Ryan look like he is seeking another vice. Since alcohol is legal, in his mind it is a better option than drugs.

Cate - go take a bath and scrub off that grease. Thank goodness smell-o-vision does not exist.

Taylor - you are a great step-dad and a wonderful male figure in Bentley's life. I applaud you for loving your wife's child as your own. One day Bentley will be thankful for you being there for him and loving him. However, you are not his dad. He has a father. Until Bentley kicks his dad to the curb, Ryan is his father. I recall an incident one time when I was with my daughter and her friend. Her friend introduced me to her step-dad. She  referred to him as her step-dad. He took offense to it and said to her in a loud voice, "Step-dad??? I am your dad. I raised you in my home. I never referred to you as my step-daughter!" I felt horrible for her. The look of embarrassment and pain on her face said it all. She loved her dad and she loved her step-dad, but no way was any guy taking her dad's place regardless of the fact that she lived under the step-dad's roof for ten years. Her father had done nothing to cease being her father. Ryan has never been the kind of father Bentley deserves, but that is the guy who will be his father until Bentley decides otherwise.

Edited by SPLAIN
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18 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

There's still an amazing disregard for sun safety among, how should I say it nicely?.....uneducated white people in the US. 

I can't tell you how many times I was an idiot in my teenage and young adult years and got REALLY bad sunburns almost every time I was on a beach or lake (so like once a year maybe) because I decided maybe getting a tan was worth a little bit of a sunburn.  But that wasn't a little bit of a sunburn.  They were always "it hurts so bad I don't want to wear any clothes and I can't sleep" sunburns.  I'm mid 30's now and I think it's only been within the past 10 or less years that I've decided I want a million layers of suncreen on me at all times.  I don't even want to be burned a tiny bit!!

I remember once I was burned so bad... we were out of town on a vacation.. and I had to sleep with a hotel towel soaked in water.  And my parents let me be a idiot. of course they can't force a teenager to put sunscreen on.  I actually think I may have accidentally used tanning oil that time.... because that's what my mom was using.  and we were on a boat all day long. ugh... i was such an idiot back then. 

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9 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Maybe the poster would ask the question. Nothing wrong with asking IMO. Cate is always shown driving, including when she is under the influence. Tyler only drives when Cate is being taken to and being picked up from her vacation spot - rehab. My guess would be he doesn't want to be caught being under the influence while driving. He'd rather Cate take the fall.

Actually, the OP answered, and it didn't have anything to do with driving under the influence.  But the response was inadvertently in quote tags so it wasn't clear it was an answer:  "The reason I was asking was because I do all the local driving with my husband because he's not great with directions and LA traffic stresses him out. It's just easier for us. He drives on long freeway road trips because I get drowsy behind the wheel. Cate seems to drive both, I'm just wondering why."

As for why I asked, I'm always on alert for unconscious gender stereotyping, and awareness is the first step in the campaign.  So I'm pleased this wasn't a case of it. 

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I have never noticed gender stereotyping at all, but I have read some trying to insinuate it exists here when it doesn't. 

Matt was such a manipulative prick when he asked Amber if she was high. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't, but he knew she would react to his question and he did it to throw that out there for people to eat up. I loathe such underhanded shit and insinuations such as what he did. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Maci bitches about Ryan sending Bentley to play right after giving him his father day present but Taylor sent him to put up the dogs right after he gave him his gift. These guys just need to stop all the bullshit, put it all aside, drinking and drugging included, and focus on raising Bentley.

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Regarding the Edwards talking about Bentley and the chores, my husband and I squabbled a little bit because he interpreted  it as Maci giving Bentley chores in general but I heard it that Ryan specifically mentioned tending to the two (trap) babies.  I did a rewind to check myself and that was his specific gripe.  This morning I found the scene on MTV.com.  The scene starts in the Edwards family living room at 27:30 in the episode.  lol

Ryan:  (speaking about Maci) I'm just so over her ass.  I just feel so bad for Bentley, because it is rough over there on him, you know?  I mean, every time he comes over here, you know, he talks about how much they make him do.  At eight years old, just let him be a kid and play.  Watching the babies, having to clean up their bull crap and stuff, that's not fair.  I couldn't imagine if you and dad did that to me.

(I couldn't remember which episode and I brought most of this up on the episode 3 thread.)  I thought they were being unreasonable because that's part of being a family.  Siblings do have to help with each other, but then we saw St. Maci drinking in the hot tub with Taylor and they sent Bentley inside to tend to Jade.  I think Bentley really does have to tend to the two (trap) babies more frequently than is really appropriate.  Most likely because of St. Maci's drunken ways.

*Edited to add screenshots of what Ryan said:


Bentley chores 01.jpg

Bentley chores 02.jpg

Bentley chores 03.jpg

Bentley chores 04.jpg

Edited by AirQuotes
Screenshots added
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That's a good point. I'm torn on the issue. On the one hand, I think everyone should pitch out and help around the house. Older kids, by nature, tend to be helpers. I helped a ton with my little sisters and we're all super close. I don't feel badly about it at all. Bentley seems to ADORE those babies in his scenes with them, so I don't know that he minds much. Ryan is a spoiled only child, so he doesn't get it. 

But, I do think it can get taken too far. I don't think Bentley should be changing diapers. I'll wait and watch more of the season before I make a judgment. 

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@ghoulina I agree with you. It's really hard to judge anyone just based off what Ryan says but the scene @AirQuotes is talking about with Maci sending Bentley in to tend to a soaking wet Jayde, still in her bathing suit just because Maci doesn't want to get out of the hot tub, does have me questioning her.


Btw, Ryan really looks like a drunken slob in those screenshots. He still looks really bad. Let's all bow our heads in remembrance of a once smoking hot Ryan. Those days are long gone. 

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5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That's a good point. I'm torn on the issue. On the one hand, I think everyone should pitch out and help around the house. Older kids, by nature, tend to be helpers. I helped a ton with my little sisters and we're all super close. I don't feel badly about it at all. Bentley seems to ADORE those babies in his scenes with them, so I don't know that he minds much. Ryan is a spoiled only child, so he doesn't get it. 

But, I do think it can get taken too far. I don't think Bentley should be changing diapers. I'll wait and watch more of the season before I make a judgment. 

I was a major helper when I was growing up. But there was a lot to do because my mom passed away suddenly when I was young. To me, it is a no-brainer that I was to help around the house and do a lot more than your average kid. I also tended to the younger ones as well which I had no problem with. I did feel at times that I wasn't getting enough attention, a point I mentioned in the Amber post regarding Leah. My dad gave me an allowance which was a plus. It really showed me how to be responsible around the house while saving money in the bank. 

25 minutes ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

@ghoulina I agree with you. It's really hard to judge anyone just based off what Ryan says but the scene @AirQuotes is talking about with Maci sending Bentley in to tend to a soaking wet Jayde, still in her bathing suit just because Maci doesn't want to get out of the hot tub, does have me questioning her.


See, that bothers me and I will tell you why it bothers me. Maci is a SAHM. She is home every single day of the week. She can lounge around the hot tub any one of those days with Taylor when he comes home from his job (whatever that job is) and drink their beers. When don't they drink beers? Anyways, Maci could have easily gotten out of the hot tub and tended to Jayde and returned to the hot tub. It isn't as if her time is so limited and she has a job outside of the house that consumes her entire day. I can understand a parent wanting to just relax at home in their hot tub when they are not home much to begin with and asking an older child to tend to the younger one(s). But to me, as I noted on another topic, I wouldn't be surprised if Bentley is like Maryssa and he is made to babysit and tend to the baby, clean up her puke and dirty diaper because Maci is too loaded on Bud Lites. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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On 12/5/2017 at 2:00 PM, meredithalmighty said:

I think that it's interesting that Cate is on the Paraguard IUD instead of Mirena.

IIRC, Cate was previously on Mirena but had it removed when she developed an ovarian cyst. I'm assuming that's why she switched to something non hormonal.

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No one cares what kind of birth control Cate and Tyler are using...honestly..the thought of those two going at it is disgusting.  Tyler thinks he is hot and that Cate is lucky to have him....Tyler has slowly over the years become quite doughy in his appearance...and combine that with his baby face...no way!  As for Cate....she has always been chubby but she has become so overweight that she is bordering on obese...her facial features are all washed out.  Their 15 minutes of Fame is over...they are no longer "America's Sweethearts".  

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18 hours ago, AmandaUnbidden said:

@ghoulina I agree with you. It's really hard to judge anyone just based off what Ryan says but the scene @AirQuotes is talking about with Maci sending Bentley in to tend to a soaking wet Jayde, still in her bathing suit just because Maci doesn't want to get out of the hot tub, does have me questioning her.

I thought it was more that she was supposed to be talking about Ryan in that scene and didn't want Bentley around to hear it. I do agree that Bentley shouldn't have had to tend to little girl in her swimsuit, though. I would have told the crew to give me a minute. 

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it was more that she was supposed to be talking about Ryan in that scene and didn't want Bentley around to hear it. I do agree that Bentley shouldn't have had to tend to little girl in her swimsuit, though. I would have told the crew to give me a minute. 

It seems pointless for Maci to not want Bentley around and not hear a discussion about Ryan when she has no problem letting him watch the show. 

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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

It seems pointless for Maci to not want Bentley around and not hear a discussion about Ryan when she has no problem letting him watch the show. 

No, because she's giving off the appearance that she doesn't want to bash Bentley's father in front of him. She doesn't actually care what he hears, she just wants her accolades for not doing it in front of him.

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On 12/5/2017 at 0:16 AM, Christina said:

Ryan does have a court ordered custody plan. He filed for it after Maci took off to live with Kyle. As a result, she had to drive him back and forth from Chattanooga and Ryan didn't have to go halfway, and when the mediator told her Ryan was entitled to another day, Maci broke down in tears because she didn't think he deserved it. It went to the judge and was signed so there is a court order and he could call the cops and go get him.

He threatens to take her to court for 50/50 custody every season, and I think that is why people don't remember there is a court order in place already. He never does take her back to court because he doesn't want 50/50 custody he wants the extra time to do drugs.

I honestly do not remember Ryan filing for any custody order. I do remember Maci going to court regarding child support. I remember some kind of visitation was set up. Something had to be set up because of the child support. Ryan's support order would be based upon how much time he has Bentley. I'd really love to have something to refer to that shows Ryan filed.

On 12/11/2017 at 1:08 PM, Tatum said:

No, because she's giving off the appearance that she doesn't want to bash Bentley's father in front of him. She doesn't actually care what he hears, she just wants her accolades for not doing it in front of him.

This is why I can't stand Maci. Well, it is one reason of many. Everything is done for appearance sake. That is why she rants about court, but she won't actually move forward to do anything.

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On 12/6/2017 at 8:18 PM, AmyFarrahFowler said:

I was noticing that too. That surgery was all for nothing. She's either gained weight or the makeover surgery just sucked.

I have no doubt that some surgery looks good (so we probably just don't even notice it) but all the TM girls get such truly awful surgery! I don't know how they manage to do it. 

On 12/10/2017 at 5:08 PM, AmandaUnbidden said:

@ghoulina I agree with you. It's really hard to judge anyone just based off what Ryan says but the scene @AirQuotes is talking about with Maci sending Bentley in to tend to a soaking wet Jayde, still in her bathing suit just because Maci doesn't want to get out of the hot tub, does have me questioning her.


Btw, Ryan really looks like a drunken slob in those screenshots. He still looks really bad. Let's all bow our heads in remembrance of a once smoking hot Ryan. Those days are long gone. 

He's really starting to get his drunken, red faced Larry on. 

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On 12/6/2017 at 0:57 AM, Bridget said:

Am I the only one who is waiting for Gary to tell Amber "stop calling an 8 year old 'Booger Butt'! It's not cute, affectionate or appropriate."?

God help Leah when the kids at school start calling her that name on the playground!

Oh man...that would be sad for Leah if school kids called her those names, but I think they would be more likely to talk about her mom.  I do call my girl silly names all the time...but only at home.  It's just a part of life. Anyhoo, Gary and Christina have built a beautiful life.  I love pontoon boats!! That looked like a nice day they spent together. 

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1 hour ago, Cherry Cola said:

Oh man...that would be sad for Leah if school kids called her those names, but I think they would be more likely to talk about her mom.  I do call my girl silly names all the time...but only at home.  It's just a part of life. Anyhoo, Gary and Christina have built a beautiful life.  I love pontoon boats!! That looked like a nice day they spent together. 

I agree that the crappy nickname is the least of Leah's worries, but it's still just so damn annoying. We have a silly nickname for my daughter too--Tootie Cat, because she can pass gas like a grown man and if you ask her what a kitty does she meows and licks the length of her arm--but other than  y'all, NO ONE know we call her that. I don't know why Amber thinks it so adorable to call Leah BooBoo, but she's only got a few years until Leah tells her to stick it where the sun don't shine. 

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2 minutes ago, Birdee said:

 but she's only got a few years until Leah tells her to stick it where the sun don't shine. 

One of my favorite scenes from last season (over the holiday ornament that was sent home to Gary, not to Amber) is Amber making a big production out of sniffling and wiping her eyes, hoping that Leah hears it and feels bad, and Leah obliviously taps her mom on the shoulder and says, here mom, here's some garbage, and hands her a crumpled McDonalds burger wrapper. So fitting.

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8 minutes ago, Birdee said:

I agree that the crappy nickname is the least of Leah's worries, but it's still just so damn annoying. We have a silly nickname for my daughter too--Tootie Cat, because she can pass gas like a grown man and if you ask her what a kitty does she meows and licks the length of her arm--but other than  y'all, NO ONE know we call her that. I don't know why Amber thinks it so adorable to call Leah BooBoo, but she's only got a few years until Leah tells her to stick it where the sun don't shine. 

oh dear Lord I called boy-child "Alley cat" (I've called him that since he was a baby, it sounds like his name.  I actually also refer to him as "boy-child."  yes, he thinks I'm crazy!)  in front of his girlfriend (who we had just met that night) at a restaurant.  LOL.  he kind of just gave me a look & ignored me, thank God!!

6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

One of my favorite scenes from last season (over the holiday ornament that was sent home to Gary, not to Amber) is Amber making a big production out of sniffling and wiping her eyes, hoping that Leah hears it and feels bad, and Leah obliviously taps her mom on the shoulder and says, here mom, here's some garbage, and hands her a crumpled McDonalds burger wrapper. So fitting.

omg wasn't that the best thing about being a kid? like after you finished your sticky-ass ice cream sandwich or something, you could just hand the wrapper to your mom & go on with your life.  I remember the first time boy-child handed me such garbage, I'm like "oh shit that's right, that's MY job now!!!'

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It doesn't matter what Maci's concerns are. Legally, she has zero right to withhold visitation. It doesn't matter if Ryan is a crap father. If it's Ryan's time, it's his time and she has to abide by it. 

My divorce agreement is very clearly spelled out down to holidays, school breaks, etc. 


If Maci was truly concerned, she would go back to court to revise it or ask for supervised visitation. She doesn't do this because her excessive drinking would come to light. 

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5 hours ago, Court said:


It doesn't matter what Maci's concerns are. Legally, she has zero right to withhold visitation. It doesn't matter if Ryan is a crap father. If it's Ryan's time, it's his time and she has to abide by it. 


If it is unsafe for Bentley, she can withhold visitation.  I would never let my child get in the car if Ryan was driving like he did on the way to his wedding. 

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11 hours ago, Court said:

It doesn't matter what Maci's concerns are. Legally, she has zero right to withhold visitation. It doesn't matter if Ryan is a crap father. If it's Ryan's time, it's his time and she has to abide by it. 

My divorce agreement is very clearly spelled out down to holidays, school breaks, etc. 


If Maci was truly concerned, she would go back to court to revise it or ask for supervised visitation. She doesn't do this because her excessive drinking would come to light. 

I liked your post for your second paragraph. That has been my argument since this whole thing came to light. 

Although Maci has a visitation schedule she has been following for some years now, she knows Ryan won't go to court to fight her for that visitation because it is his pattern to not seek out the courts. It has always been his parents who have been behind him to push for visitation. Only when he failed to pay support did Maci file for contempt. That was when the visitation schedule was set up through mediation. 

We know in real time Bentley has been visiting with Ryan. What has changed since Maci has demanded drug testing? Is he doing drug tests to prove he is clean? Anyone know? 

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Have we seen anything on social media to show that Ryan has Bentley unsupervised? I know of only two times that Ryan has been with Bentley- at his wedding and at Christmas. Maci was at the first and Jen was surely at the second, since it's been clarified that the picture was taken at Jen's house. My suspicion is Maci is letting Jen have Bentley.

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6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Have we seen anything on social media to show that Ryan has Bentley unsupervised? I know of only two times that Ryan has been with Bentley- at his wedding and at Christmas. Maci was at the first and Jen was surely at the second, since it's been clarified that the picture was taken at Jen's house. My suspicion is Maci is letting Jen have Bentley.

Even if the visits are supervised, she is leaving Bentley with Jen, and we know Jen is not going to out her son if he is high. She won't keep him away. Larry and Jen mentioned how angry Ryan gets when they would try to talk to him about his behavior. Imagine one of them telling Ryan he can't be around Bentley because he appears to be under the influence. I just don't see that happening. 

I am real curious how Maci came to the decision she could trust Jen to monitor the situation when Bentley is over there. I mean, Maci's concern has been she doesn't want Ryan around Bentley if he is high. If Ryan shows up high, Maci can't control that situation and she has to rely on Jen to do the right thing. 

How could Maci be okay with Ryan drinking beer right out of rehab in the presence of his parents? Unless Maci has no issue with Ryan drinking beer or she just doesn't want to touch upon any beer drinking so as to avoid any fingers being pointed back at her. 

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29 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

As long as Ryan doesn't drive while high with Bentley in the car, IMO it doesn't really matter if Jen has Bentley and high Ryan comes over. Not that different than drunk Maci supervising Bentley. And she is driving while texting!

Drunk Maci has three children on her watch. Except for those times they are in school and daycare full-time. 

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9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I liked your post for your second paragraph. That has been my argument since this whole thing came to light. 

Although Maci has a visitation schedule she has been following for some years now, she knows Ryan won't go to court to fight her for that visitation because it is his pattern to not seek out the courts. It has always been his parents who have been behind him to push for visitation. Only when he failed to pay support did Maci file for contempt. That was when the visitation schedule was set up through mediation. 

We know in real time Bentley has been visiting with Ryan. What has changed since Maci has demanded drug testing? Is he doing drug tests to prove he is clean? Anyone know? 

I'm not defending Ryan at all. He won't go to court either because he doesn't actually want more time with Bentley. 


My divorce and custody agreement is fresh and brand new. I did have some concerns about where my ex husband was staying. (Drug use by roommates) However, I legally could not withhold visitation based solely on concerns only. Unless we went back to court and I won. I would be in contempt if I did. 

My ex (messy divorce.) attempted to not give the kids back to me because he made up some concerns. He had to give them back to me because the police went by our custody agreement. 


I think Macy's concerns are valid but she doesn't actually give a shit. 

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