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Who was that guy who interviewed Michael Jackson forever ago and then they went shopping in Las Vegas (I think that's where they were)?  That scene in Debra's bedroom (who has a conversation at the foot of their bed with a random Mtv producer/there was NOWHERE else to film??) reminded me of some crazy shit like that.  Or, on a lesser note, a Dateline or 20/20 episode. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Did Ryan not realize how ridiculous he sounded when he said what kind of parent gives their kid chores? And he pretty much said to his mom that if she gave him chores to do he would have turned out badly. Oh yeah Ryan, you're a gift.

And Farrah wanting to go with that realtor makes me think she's even crazier than I already thought. I can't believe Farrah was so nice to her, even I would have been like just PLEASE SHUT UP ALREADY.  You neeeeeeed to live in Beverly Hills.

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12 hours ago, Chris Knight said:

That's the freakiest realtor I have ever seen.

Those gold nails! Oh my god.

12 hours ago, Quilty said:

Does Ambuh call Leah  bew bew and booger butt because she can't remember her name?


Does she actually think that's cute? I cringe every time Amber calls Leah one of those appalling nicknames. Leah is a young lady, not a brain damaged mongrel dog.

11 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

and Maci....her storyline it Rhiine!  Who in the hell does she think she is?  She wants to be kept in the loop regarding Ryan but then refuses to respond when he texts or calls her.... Like it or not she chose to sleep with Ryan, she chose to bear his child, he is Bentley's father.  She act like she owns Bentley and that she is doing him a huge favor by being allowed to spend time with him.  I say take her ass to court Ryan.  If you can prove to the judge that you have your act together Maci will no longer call the shots.

ALL of these idiots act like this! like their kids are pawns in a power game with their ex partners. Its sick.

11 hours ago, pheebs said:

DebzOG has Bells Palsy or just botox poisoning? Her mouth was droopy-weird.


Deb just gets wackier and wackier. Watching her try to talk without moving her face was fascinating. And the perma-duckface! Its like some kind of lockjaw.

9 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Amber taking that dig at Gary about driving the boat was so typical of her. Those sarcastic remarks of hers never stop when it comes to Gary.  


She cannot help herself. She is never happy and cannot stop criticizing whoever is handy. Girl. You're on a boat. Its a beautiful day. Enjoy yourself. Sheesh.

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16 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Pregnancy seems like an excuse for Catelynn to not have to do anything.

It was certainly mine!

Seriously, though, Cate seems to use all her ailements for reasons not to do anything. Even Tyler seems to be the one who coordinates their "passion projects."

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I didn't get to watch the entire episode because of the fires and wind. Our electricity went out and just came back on this morning. I missed the second episode airing as well, obviously. We don't have cable right now. I am so glad to have internet so I can catch up with the show with you guys and share what snark I have for the scenes I did get to watch. :-) 

6 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

It was certainly mine!

Seriously, though, Cate seems to use all her ailements for reasons not to do anything. Even Tyler seems to be the one who coordinates their "passion projects."

This is why I can't get behind her depression and anxiety claims. It is selective depression she suffers from. 


Maci....her storyline it Rhiine!  Who in the hell does she think she is?  She wants to be kept in the loop regarding Ryan but then refuses to respond when he texts or calls her.... Like it or not she chose to sleep with Ryan, she chose to bear his child, he is Bentley's father.  She act like she owns Bentley and that she is doing him a huge favor by being allowed to spend time with him.  I say take her ass to court Ryan.  If you can prove to the judge that you have your act together Maci will no longer call the shots.

It would be so rich if he did, considering Maci didn't do it long ago. Maci can bitch all she wants and complain about getting those texts and hating to read his demands, but she could have done something about it when that footage of him driving under the influence was dropped in her lap. What does she do? Not a damn thing. She could have gone to court, but chose not to. 

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21 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I didn't get to watch the entire episode because of the fires and wind.

I hope you, and everyone, are safe.  The fire is in the hills near my cousin's house.  Their ballpark and little league is gone but it looks like the school is okay.  Her dad came to get the kids earlier.  She hasn't posted in a couple of hours but she was packed and ready to go then.  The pictures are scary.  Way too close.

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8 hours ago, Enya Face said:

I didn't watch, but from what I was reading about the real estate crap, I was going to say the same thing. I doubt, even with the money she's made that she could REALLY afford a BH home. The hills are expensive (but cute! my best friend and his husband have a cute little spot up there and I swear its probably worth more than my broke ass will ever make in this lifetime!)

I feel like the only thing Tyler has a license for is to act like a stunted dipshit every time he opens his mouth...and it's expired. 

Yeah, I don't think so either, at least not at the quality she wants. She probably does have the 20% down payment, and she probably could afford the mortgage payments as long as Teen Mom is on air (I know she makes money from other things, but I think Teen Mom is the real stability or I think she would have permanently flounced off two seasons ago), but 30 years is a long commitment for something that could end in 6 months.


And what these fools don't realize is all their "side projects"- pocket Tshirts, makeup, clothing lines, books, rubber vaginas- those will only remain as long as they are recognizable on TV. Once TM goes, the rest of their income venues will dry up as well.

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26 minutes ago, MissMel said:

I hope you, and everyone, are safe.  The fire is in the hills near my cousin's house.  Their ballpark and little league is gone but it looks like the school is okay.  Her dad came to get the kids earlier.  She hasn't posted in a couple of hours but she was packed and ready to go then.  The pictures are scary.  Way too close.

I pray they are in a safe place. When I can see the flames from my driveway, it is bad. Usually we tend to see smoke or an orange glow when the fires are in the hills near us, but last night was a first. It was like looking at the surface of the sun.  We live in the suburbs, but the hills are visible from our home. They are 15 minutes away. We are not in danger, but it is just too close and that is a lot of homes and animals in that area that are affected. Keep me posted about your cousin. 

Deb's bottom lip had too much filler or injections done. It looks like how one's lip looks after getting punched in the mouth. It reminded me of Tiny's (Cottle) lips. I don't get why people think that looks good. It DOESN'T!! 

I think I have watched too much real estate-type shows on television because I wasn't really fazed by how Farrah's realtor looked. It is Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, after all. 

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Who was that guy who interviewed Michael Jackson forever ago and then they went shopping in Las Vegas (I think that's where they were)?  That scene in Debra's bedroom (who has a conversation at the foot of their bed with a random Mtv producer/there was NOWHERE else to film??) reminded me of some crazy shit like that.  Or, on a lesser note, a Dateline or 20/20 episode. 


Sorry I had to copy and paste. It's not letting me quote today...The guy was a journalist named Martin Bashir. They went shopping for all of that ugly shit in Las Vegas. It looks like Debra bought all her crap at Michael's yard sale.

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
Capitalization rules my life.
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30 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I think I have watched too much real estate-type shows on television because I wasn't really fazed by how Farrah's realtor looked. It is Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, after all. 

Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who was like "meh, not terrible." I've definitely dealt with worse/more absurd realtors. Unfortunately for me.

My main issue was that she was such a tall lady, why would she choose a tiny Maserati? She could have a giant SUV that would be comfortable for her. A Maserati SUV perhaps (do they make one?). Maybe it was a rental. 

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Did anyone else hear the realtor tell Farrah "Now that you have me in your life, I'll watch out for Sophia if anything happens to you" ??? I think she was subtly trying to get Farrah to put her in her will.

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10 hours ago, Kb60 said:

Maci's got the whole rehab thing wrong. Rehab is not prison. You don't get 6 months to a year because you were that bad. You go to learn how to live sober and then you get out and live sober. She still wants him badly.


The length of time Ryan was in rehab is none of her business.  She thinks he should be there for a year, but insurance will only pay for x amount of days, and that is just the way it is.  Not to get into politics, but that is where the opioid crisis money should be spent - extending rehab time.  It is true that the longer you are in rehab, the better your chances are.  

BUT - Maci is not a doctor and she has no say in how long he should be there!


3 hours ago, AirQuotes said:

Maybe Gary has never heard the 3 F's rule:  If it floats, flies, or f**ks, you rent it; do not buy it.  lol  (I learned that from Jay Thomas on his radio show.  He passed a few months ago and I'm still devastated.  For real.)


Right!  That reminds me of the saying - "the two best days in a boat-owners life, the day you buy the boat and the day you sell the boat."

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I think Farrah is smart to make sure that Sophia does not have to deal with that weird-ass boyfriend of her mothers, should something happen to Farrah.  And from the looks of things, despite the close relationship Sophia and Deb have, Deb is nowhere near mentally stable enough to raise another child.  She is less sane than when we first met her.  Also, Farrah's realtor was a few degrees off center, and it wasn't her appearance.  It didn't seem like crazy realtor was even trying to hide the fact that she was after a bigger commission.  WTF was with her holding Farrah's hand and telling her how her heart hurt, and blah, blah, blah.  So disingenuous, she wants to be a regular on TM.  Thank goodness you're smarter than Amber because Farrah, this chick might be trying to be your Matt.

I understand Maci's concerns about Ryan, but I think what she's really pissed off about is the fact that she thought she'd be in control of his recovery, 'his rock' like she said.  Then it turns out she barely even gets to be an 'extra' in that drama and it pisses her off.  She didn't get to be his savior.  

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3 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Pregnancy seems like an excuse for Catelynn to not have to do anything.

Right? Reminds me of a season or two ago when she said something like "should I lose weight, or do we want a big family?" Look, I've been chubby and all that and I don't judge people for being big--it's hard to be depressed, it's hard to get the motivation to work out and eat right, most of the U.S. is overweight or obese--but I lost 40 pounds before I decided to have a baby. It's not an either/or thing...getting pregnant means you should be HEALTHIER, not less healthy...

& of course because I hate him I have to add that Tyler isn't exactly healthy either. He might have a better metabolism, plus he's taller and he hasn't been pregnant twice, so it hasn't caught up with him as much, but he never seems to be eating anything healthy either.

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I think that it's interesting that Cate is on the Paraguard IUD instead of Mirena. I went on Paraguard after having my first child and it caused me to have the heaviest period with the most intense cramps of my life. For that reason alone, I don't recommend it to my friends who are looking for birth control options. The severity of my cramps actually caused the Paraguard to fall out which was beyond stressful. I am not sure if Catelynn is just anti-hormones but it seems to be an odd birth control choice considering the harsh side effects.

I just feel for Cate and Tyler-  they still act like teenagers. If you are planning on having another baby, both of them should be checked out by a doctor to make sure health issues don't arise on either end during the pregnancy. Catelynn should start taking prenatal vitamins to build up her folic acid level before starting to try to have a baby. They have no understanding how to make a healthy decision. There is something really off about their behavior- they act like the decision to having another baby is the same thing as buying a roumba off Amazon.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


The length of time Ryan was in rehab is none of her business.  She thinks he should be there for a year, but insurance will only pay for x amount of days, and that is just the way it is.  Not to get into politics, but that is where the opioid crisis money should be spent - extending rehab time.  It is true that the longer you are in rehab, the better your chances are.  


Did insurance pay for Ryan? How?  He didn't have a job and I don't think Mac did either. Plus, MTV usually pays for rehab, don't they?


I thought the gossip mags reported that Ryan voluntarily left the program 2 weeks early.

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1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I guess it's an unpopular opinion but I think Maci is right. Ryan was only in rehab for 21 days and 1 day out and he thinks he should be entitled to see his son? After what we saw of Ryan on tv last season, that wouldn't happen if I were Maci either. Should she answer his texts? yes. But beyond that, he needs to stay sober a hell of a lot longer than 21 days which by the way was spent in rehab where drugs weren't easy access for him.


I do not understand why a father cannot see his son because he is an addict.  As long as he is not driving him around, obviously, he should be able to see his son.  Why should he be punished?  He is trying to get well.  Kids are not a reward, he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone before seeing his son.  What good would waiting do?  Bentley asked to see him, he needs to see him.  Why hold off?  Safety?  He is sober, and there is family around.  If he asked to drive off with him to disney world or something, then no... but why can't he see him?  Addicts are not bad people - they are sick people.  

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33 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

I think first time rehab has a 80% failure rate.


I believe that it depends on the drug - heroin's rehab success rate is very low.  I sadly have dealt with rehab (family members) and know that it is not a magic bullet.  It is really hard to overcome addiction, it is almost impossible.  I feel for him and for his family, mostly for Bentley.  It isn't a moral failing, it is an illness.  It is a hellish struggle and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. 


44 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I think the logic there might be that if he left early, that could be an indication he's not truly in recovery. Maci isn't his doctor, but I think calling her and saying, yes, I left rehab early for reasons x,y, and z, I'd like to see Bentley, my parents will be here with me, can you please bring him over, would have gone a long way. But he sounds like he told her she was bringing him over and got nasty right away.


Yeah he definitely could have been kinder and less combative, I agree.  But Maci is not the boss, it is not her way or the highway. Unless there is an actual danger (Ryan driving him somewhere or being alone with him, with the possiblity that he will use), then I don't understand why he has to wait to see him.  

I imagine Bentley has been told bits and pieces of what Ryan is going through and he is probably nervous - he doesn't know really what is going on.  It is reassuring to him to see his dad and know that he is ok.  I have an 8 year old son and I know he would be a wreck if he knew that his dad was sick, but couldn't see him.  It is more hurtful to Bentley to keep him from his dad than to "shield" him from a recovering drug addict.  What is she shielding him from?

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14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Would you ask the same sort of question if it was Tyler who always drove?

The reason I was asking was because I do all the local driving with my husband because he's not great with directions and LA traffic stresses him out. It's just easier for us. He drives on long freeway road trips because I get drowsy behind the wheel. Cate seems to drive both, I'm just wondering why. 

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21 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:


I believe that it depends on the drug - heroin's rehab success rate is very low.  I sadly have dealt with rehab (family members) and know that it is not a magic bullet.  It is really hard to overcome addiction, it is almost impossible.  I feel for him and for his family, mostly for Bentley.  It isn't a moral failing, it is an illness.  It is a hellish struggle and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. 



Yeah he definitely could have been kinder and less combative, I agree.  But Maci is not the boss, it is not her way or the highway. Unless there is an actual danger (Ryan driving him somewhere or being alone with him, with the possiblity that he will use), then I don't understand why he has to wait to see him.  

I imagine Bentley has been told bits and pieces of what Ryan is going through and he is probably nervous - he doesn't know really what is going on.  It is reassuring to him to see his dad and know that he is ok.  I have an 8 year old son and I know he would be a wreck if he knew that his dad was sick, but couldn't see him.  It is more hurtful to Bentley to keep him from his dad than to "shield" him from a recovering drug addict.  What is she shielding him from?

I haven't seen it yet, so I really shouldn't even speculate what gave Maci pause. I think she has, in the past, used concern for Bentley as her ostensible reason for getting into Ryan's business when it really wasn't necessary (ie, insisting on being introduced to a girl Ryan was dating, like she's going to really get anything out of a 30 second meeting). It's also possible she was being vindictive because she didn't like the way Ryan talked to her. Or maybe she truly had some legit reason she didn't want to do it that she did not communicate well. I certainly can see the reason being nosy, vindictive, or petty, because Maci is a nosy, petty, vindictive person, IMO.


But my sympathy for Ryan is nonexistent (in regards to Bentley). You want to see your kid so badly, suck it up and talk nicely to his mother. It's far more about control with these deadbeats than a true interest in seeing the kid. If an involved parent wants to see their kid and has to go through the other parent to do it, you can bet they will swallow their pride and jump through whatever hoops the other parent makes them jump through. These assholes just start yelling when they don't get their way which often has the consequence of not getting to see their kid. If they really cared, they would watch that. 

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


I do not understand why a father cannot see his son because he is an addict.  As long as he is not driving him around, obviously, he should be able to see his son.  Why should he be punished?  He is trying to get well.  Kids are not a reward, he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone before seeing his son.  What good would waiting do?  Bentley asked to see him, he needs to see him.  Why hold off?  Safety?  He is sober, and there is family around.  If he asked to drive off with him to disney world or something, then no... but why can't he see him?  Addicts are not bad people - they are sick people.  

No one said they are bad people . But addicts tend to be liars.. they're not liars because they're bad people . They lie because they are addicted to drugs and don't want anyone to find out what they're really doing . Ryan even admitted this . He said 99 % of the time he lied to his wife and said he was somewhere he wasn't . If the visits are supervised , fine. But then again Adams parents claim he gets supervised visitation and that they have to be there when Aubree is around him but we found out that the parents left aubree alone with him and that he drove off with her in the car many times . People can do what they want , but that's just what I feel 

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7 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I guess it's an unpopular opinion but I think Maci is right. Ryan was only in rehab for 21 days and 1 day out and he thinks he should be entitled to see his son? After what we saw of Ryan on tv last season, that wouldn't happen if I were Maci either. Should she answer his texts? yes. But beyond that, he needs to stay sober a hell of a lot longer than 21 days which by the way was spent in rehab where drugs weren't easy access for him.

It is not an unpopular opinion. Her attitude is right to an extent. She doesn't want Ryan to have visitation. My feeling is, Ryan should have SUPERVISED visitation. Why Maci hasn't bothered acquiring a temporary court order barring any visitation unless it is supervised until Ryan has been consistent with his post-rehab treatment, is what I question and how I choose to judge her. A court would be better suited to handle this situation because when the courts are involved, it removes BOTH parents who are controlling and petty asshole -  two things Ryan and Maci tend to do - from playing tit-for-tat. The courts would also be the place Ryan would have to answer to if and when he fails in his sobriety. He wouldn't be sending the kind of texts he has sent to Maci. If he did, Maci could show the courts and let a judge deal with him. Ryan is at a point where his addiction needs accountability and consequences. No one is holding this guy responsible. 

Maci also needs to take several seats about her need to be in Ryan's business.  Her controlling need to want to be the one who can help Ryan is beyond her scope. Ryan can only help himself. Imagine if Ryan wanted to be all up in Maci's business? Maci wouldn't have it. As for enabling, they all need to stop that ASAP.

Maci's job is to parent Bentley and assure what is in his best interest. She uses her son as a reason to overstep the boundary with Ryan.   

Maci hasn't bothered to seek an emergency order concerning supervised visitation for Bentley. That seems to tell me she doesn't want any legal judgment prohibiting her from sticking her nose where it clearly doesn't belong. Maci would be better off putting her energy into maybe taking Bentley to a therapist who can help him to understand the situation. Bentley surely knows there is something wrong with his dad, but he needs someone to put things in perspective for him, not for Maci to tell him he just can't visit with his dad. It would help to explain to him that his parent’s drug use is happening because of an illness and treatment is needed in order to stop before Bentley feels he is somehow responsible for his dad's behavior. 

Lastly, Maci is not in a position to judge someone else when she herself has an issue with alcohol and going by the last episode, she can't bother to keep her children safe in her own vehicle. Someone doesn't have to be under the influence, like Ryan, to be a danger to others while driving. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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It appears Ryan is no longer living at his parents house, so I can understand why Maci would be concerned with sending Bentley to see him one day after he left rehab.  I think her reaction would've been different had she known Jen & Larry were around to supervise.  But would you trust Ryan to drive Bentley anywhere?  I wouldn't.  By Mackenzie's own on-camera admission, Ryan's addiction was not small potatoes, he was spending a shit ton of money each week.  21 days is not a long time to be clean.  I do think he should see Bentley but I also understand Maci's concerns. Ryan leaving nasty messages sure isn't the best way to approach the situation.  


Did Ryan not realize how ridiculous he sounded when he said what kind of parent gives their kid chores? And he pretty much said to his mom that if she gave him chores to do he would have turned out badly. Oh yeah Ryan, you're a gift.

Yes, I was thinking to myself that maybe had Ryan been given chores as a kid, he might've developed some sense of responsibility.  

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


I do not understand why a father cannot see his son because he is an addict.  As long as he is not driving him around, obviously, he should be able to see his son.  Why should he be punished?  He is trying to get well.  Kids are not a reward, he doesn't need to prove himself to anyone before seeing his son.  What good would waiting do?  Bentley asked to see him, he needs to see him.  Why hold off?  Safety?  He is sober, and there is family around.  If he asked to drive off with him to disney world or something, then no... but why can't he see him?  Addicts are not bad people - they are sick people.  

I consider Ryan more of a sperm donor than a father.  And yea, he does need to “prove” himself before getting visitation with Bentley.  I can’t understand how anyone, besides his enabling and in-denial family, could think it’s ok to leave Bentley in Ryan’s care after seeing the footage of him behind the wheel high as a kite.  And apparently his drug-taking was an all-day, everyday thing.  And you’re not “cured” after 21 days in rehab.  So yea, he’s got a lot to prove, to a lot of people, especially his son.

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I hate when I forget to add something to my posts. 

Maci should take this matter to court where it belongs and REQUEST DRUG TESTING. If Ryan wants visitation so bad, he would do what is necessary to ensure he is clean, and Maci would at least be assured of it as well. It would also set some healthy boundaries. Something Ryan has never been given. 

40 minutes ago, snarts said:

It appears Ryan is no longer living at his parents house, so I can understand why Maci would be concerned with sending Bentley to see him one day after he left rehab.  I think her reaction would've been different had she known Jen & Larry were around to supervise.  

Jen and Larry weren't supervising as much as they were taking over Ryan's visitation, and Maci enjoyed having them be her on-the-spot babysitting service when the need arose including the baby she had with Taylor. Jen was turning a blind eye to Ryan's behavior. She wouldn't be the one I would trust to supervise a visit with my child. 

Maci never gave me the impression she was ever concerned with Bentley spending time with Ryan. In fact, she was constantly griping about Ryan not spending enough time with Bentley. I would find it hard to believe Maci didn't know Ryan was abusing drugs. No way do I believe she only found out earlier this year. 

Maci is painting a fine picture, but I still give her the side-eye. 

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6 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

I guess it's an unpopular opinion but I think Maci is right. Ryan was only in rehab for 21 days and 1 day out and he thinks he should be entitled to see his son? After what we saw of Ryan on tv last season, that wouldn't happen if I were Maci either. Should she answer his texts? yes. But beyond that, he needs to stay sober a hell of a lot longer than 21 days which by the way was spent in rehab where drugs weren't easy access for him.

I find it so interesting that the majority of viewers would expect Catelynn to see her child after rehab (and would criticize her if she didn’t!) while Ryan’s desire/entitlement to see Bentley is questioned...  What double standards!  Or you can substitute Amber’s prison, as well.  Neither Catelynn or Amber are mothers. Just like Ryan, they are neglectful, shitty parents.  Parents in name only. All 3 of those “parents” only try to parent when the MTV camera is pointed at them and their bank account just received a deposit. 

24 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I would find it hard to believe Maci didn't know Ryan was abusing drugs. No way do I believe she only found out earlier this year. 

I find her *surprise* hard to believe as well. They live in a smaller community and share mutual friends. Maci and Mackenzie hung out too before Mack started mothering/dating Ryan (boat photos). Maci knew. 

1 hour ago, SuzWhat said:

What the FFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK is going on with Debra’s face and mouth?  

I reminds me of what I think while watching Kail and Briana —- just because the cosmetic surgery is free doesn’t mean you should do it. 

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7 hours ago, Ajb1112 said:

Did anyone else hear the realtor tell Farrah "Now that you have me in your life, I'll watch out for Sophia if anything happens to you" ??? I think she was subtly trying to get Farrah to put her in her will.

Yeah, that was what struck me most about the realtor. So odd.

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I find it so interesting that the majority of viewers would expect Catelynn to see her child after rehab (and would criticize her if she didn’t!) while Ryan’s desire/entitlement to see Bentley is questioned...  What double standards!  Or you can substitute Amber’s prison, as well.  Neither Catelynn or Amber are mothers. Just like Ryan, they are neglectful, shitty parents.  Parents in name only. All 3 of those “parents” only try to parent when the MTV camera is pointed at them and their bank account just received a deposit. 

I find her *surprise* hard to believe as well. They live in a smaller community and share mutual friends. Maci and Mackenzie hung out too before Mack started mothering/dating Ryan (boat photos). Maci knew. 

I reminds me of what I think while watching Kail and Briana —- just because the cosmetic surgery is free doesn’t mean you should do it. 

Catelynn may not be the best mother but she wasn't driving with her eyes barely open slurring her words . And she lives with her daughter and may not parent perfectly or even close but sure as hell has been more of a parent than Ryan has ever been in all of Bentleys life . No one is saying Ryan shouldn't see his son , we are saying that the way he is going about it is wrong . He should take responsibility for what he's done and ask nicely to see Bentley supervised for a little while or take Maci to court . But he never takes her to court because he simply doesn't care enough . Don't do what you did and then make demands . Either way , none of us know what goes on in these people's daily lives . And FYI, I don't think Amber should be able to see her kid either . She's an abusive piece of trash who never takes responsibility for her own actions and actually gets more immature with age . 

And by the way , I 100 % believe that addiction is a disease , but taking the drug for the first time is a choice and Ryan made that choice 

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38 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Catelynn may not be the best mother but she wasn't driving with her eyes barely open slurring her words . And she lives with her daughter and may not parent perfectly or even close but sure as hell has been more of a parent than Ryan has ever been in all of Bentleys life . No one is saying Ryan shouldn't see his son , we are saying that the way he is going about it is wrong . He should take responsibility for what he's done and ask nicely to see Bentley supervised for a little while or take Maci to court . But he never takes her to court because he simply doesn't care enough . Don't do what you did and then make demands . Either way , none of us know what goes on in these people's daily lives . And FYI, I don't think Amber should be able to see her kid either . She's an abusive piece of trash who never takes responsibility for her own actions and actually gets more immature with age . 

And by the way , I 100 % believe that addiction is a disease , but taking the drug for the first time is a choice and Ryan made that choice 

He doesn't need to ask that trick nicely. She isn't his mother and Bentley is his son too. He needs to get his ass in court. They will drug test him if it's a concern. You aren't breaking any laws by going to rehab and often it's looked upon favorably if both parents have addiction issues. Let's not kid ourselves, there is a problem with alcohol if you can't make it through a pregnancy without it.

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33 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Catelynn may not be the best mother but she wasn't driving with her eyes barely open slurring her words . And she lives with her daughter and may not parent perfectly or even close but sure as hell has been more of a parent than Ryan has ever been in all of Bentleys life .

She leaves her child with April or Butch.  Just as shitty as Ryan.

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11 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She leaves her child with April or Butch.  Just as shitty as Ryan.

And drives her mom to "Boogeytown" to score. Smokes marijuana while driving. Not to mention the rehab stint for "anxiety." An addict is an addict. 

Edited by mamadrama
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Ryan 100% deserves to see Bentley. Maci 100% has reasons to be concerned. The courts need to be involved to set boundaries and restrictions if Maci concerns about his drug use & ability to safely supervise Bentley are founded, which I believe they are. Ryan’s concerns, whether they be Maci & Taylor’s alcohol use or parenting styles should also be investigated. (No, I don’t mean “chores are unreasonable,” I mean it sounds like there may be more to the story that we DON’T see.) The courts will also enforce Ryan’s parental rights. Why in the HELL do these people avoid going to court & get a reasonable and fair plan on paper? They HAVE the money for good lawyers!


Catelyn 100% should be allowed to see Nova as well, even right out of rehab. Withholding her would do nothing to help her mental health, although I’d hope Tyler wouldn’t be leaving her alone with Nova (for extended periods of time at least) right away. It’s not like Tyler has a full time out-of-the-home job, so “being around” shouldn’t be too big of an issue anyway, and they don’t have the same sharing parenting time issues as Ryan & Maci  


Gary has taken these steps to keep Leah safe, and rightfully so given Amber’s history. Once again, Gary is the only rational human being on this show. 


Farrah is insane. Not touching that one with a ten-foot dildo. 

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