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S06.E07: Thanksgiving

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13 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, they call BS Laurel WAY too many times.  It’s not organic to how people would react to an evil twin.  The ones that actually knew Laurel would make it a point NOT to call her Laurel.  Makes no sense. 

That annoys me, the show spent so much time going on and on about how LL was the bested person whoever heroed and BS was destroying her legacy, but now they don't even both to say "Evil Laurel".

15 hours ago, leopardprint said:

Whoson. Or possibly Whyson. 

Going by that LOT episode it might end up being another Psychoson. 

On ‎24‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:02 PM, tennisgurl said:

Digs perfect life is going the Green Arrow? Really? Screw Lyla and his baby I guess, they're a horrible curse he hates being stuck with apparently. The scene between Oliver and Dig was well acted, but Diggle was acting pretty out of character. I guess I`ll write it off to withdrawals. Maybe next week during the crossover, Oliver can ask Sara if he can use her time ship to cure his arm and end this whole stupid subplot? Please? I did really like when Dig asked Oliver if he remembers when the Dominators created their fake lives in the last cross overs, and Oliver's expression was just like "Uhhh yeah Dig. Even in a life as weird as mine, the time a bunch of world conquering aliens kidnapped us and some of our friends and stuck us in brain draining pods to make us think we lived in an alternate universe on a space ship does kinda stand out". 

Heh. Yeah I really don't know what they're doing with "Dig's perfect GA life" You have and wife and kid and were *also* vigilante-ing and helping people but no, the perfect life was the one by yourself. That's even more BS than "Oliver and Laurel would have been very happy if he'd never got on the Gambit with her sister. 

2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I just wanna know what's so terrible about working out of Felicity's loft for a while? IDGI. Of all the things to be annoyed about. Does Curtis not realize that most start-ups take months to get office space? 

Yeah some start ups work out of spare rooms and garages for years. I was looking forward to the start up stuff but both characters are annoying me with it now. Felicity should have told him about the name and the papers and Curtis should stop being so passive aggressive about everything, especially as he was also keeping secrets. I guess they need a storyline but still. 

I actually like the actress playing Watson but boy is the character one note and seems very personally invested and angry, which made sense for QL but not for a random FBI Agent. I mean props for being the only one apart from QL to realise that Oliver's sister's boyfriend might have been convinced to take the fall for OQ but still. I'm sure she'll end up with a Myson to explain her anger. Speaking off, if we're going to have so many kids popping up as motivation this season, can we get a Mydaughter just for some variety. I know Rene has one but he's forgotten she exists for now and Quentin's got BS issues I suppose, but that's been his only storyline since S1 anyway. 

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15 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Heh. Yeah I really don't know what they're doing with "Dig's perfect GA life" You have and wife and kid and were *also* vigilante-ing and helping people but no, the perfect life was the one by yourself. That's even more BS than "Oliver and Laurel would have been very happy if he'd never got on the Gambit with her sister. 

Yeah, at least Oliver realized pretty quickly that he was brainwashed and that his life in that delusion wouldn't have been a full one. That Digg appears to have been holding onto that for so long is not great. I mean, we really saw the dream world from Oliver's POV, so maybe Diggle did have Lyla and a kid, although he told Oliver that he became the Green Arrow to atone for what he'd done while he was in the military, so I'm guessing not? Seems like maybe he has to realize that his life as Green Arrow isn't as full for some reason or another, but I'm not sure how that'll happen. I mean, surely it does? Otherwise there wouldn't be any room on the team for Oliver to come back long-term, unless...for whatever reason that's their plan.

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10 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

They've basically turned Diggle into someone whose secretly wanted to single white female Oliver this whole time. Sarcastic yay. 

I didn't take it that way. I took it that Diggle found some kind of solace in being the GA. Not that he had jonesed after it the whole time.

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3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I actually like the actress playing Watson but boy is the character one note and seems very personally invested and angry, which made sense for QL but not for a random FBI Agent. I mean props for being the only one apart from QL to realise that Oliver's sister's boyfriend might have been convinced to take the fall for OQ but still. I'm sure she'll end up with a Myson to explain her anger.

I kind of hope that Oliver's lawyer somehow ends up being Felicity's uncle (her mom's older brother) and is played by Richard Schiff in full Toby Zieglar mode.


Toby Ziegler: You're concerned about American labor and manufacturing?
Congressman: Yeah.
Toby Ziegler: What kind of car do you drive?
Congressman: Toyota.
Toby Ziegler: Then shut up.

I'm just imagining his reaction to Watson's "people who hide their identities are cowards."

TZ: Does the FBI still use undercover agents to infiltrate criminal gangs?

Watson:  Well, sure, but-

TZ: Then shut up.

Edited by johntfs
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4 minutes ago, johntfs said:

I kind of hope that Oliver's lawyer somehow ends up being Felicity's uncle (her mom's older brother)

His lawyer is the same lawyer who represented Moira during her murder charge. She just didn't show up until the arraignment. So he has a lawyer.

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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

I didn't take it that way. I took it that Diggle found some kind of solace in being the GA. Not that he had jonesed after it the whole time.

Yeah, Diggle specifically said he didn't know he wanted it until after Oliver gave it to him.  So again, that would mean he didn't even think longingly of his time as the GA in the dream world.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, Diggle specifically said he didn't know he wanted it until after Oliver gave it to him.  So again, that would mean he didn't even think longingly of his time as the GA in the dream world.  

Maybe the drug he was taking for his tremor is making him feel more romantic about that dream world than was really the case? I mean it was odd, for sure, but nothing nefarious as SWF'ing him implied.

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18 minutes ago, SodaforceMaster said:

I’m glad they found enough money to pay Willa Holland for this week’s show. 

Isn't the official story that Willa asked for a lighter schedule? The unofficial one is that instead of giving her a raise, the show just gave her fewer episodes for the same amount of money.

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8 hours ago, Balaclava said:

Edit to add that Anarky does make a good candidate since the last time we saw him was in 5x01

I hope when Cayden finally drops that bomb (that Anarky is his son) the general reaction of Team Arrow is, "Yes, you're welcome for that.  Your sadistic psychopath of an offspring is in prison where he belongs.  Be satisfied with whatever good memories you might have had of him before and be deeply grateful you don't have to experience the monster that he is now."

Edited by johntfs
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On 11/23/2017 at 10:01 PM, quarks said:

9. Felicity announcing that Flash is more her type. Hee.


That's certainly ironic considering that knowing that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow makes him just that much hotter to Iris West (much to Barry's annoyance!).

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6 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Everyone has mentioned the jurisdictional issues, but the thing that throws me out of the story is the intellectual property issues in Curtis and Felicity's story.  The show made very clear that Curtis was specifically hired at Palmer Tech to invent stuff--he wasn't a janitor.  Therefore, even if PT doesn't monetize it, anything invented by him in their labs is owned by Palmer Tech. I know the show will hand wave because Curtis is the inventor, but this is the detail that drives me nuts, especially when Curtis and Felicity's conflict is centered on it

I admit that anything I learned about patent law I learned from TV.

I assume that PT patented Curtis' battery and possibly the implant but :

  • If Curtis worked on the implant on his spare time rather than his PT time, since it was a present for Felicity, how much of it would PT own?
  • How much would Curtis need to alter the implant/programming in order to be able to patent it himself?  (According to Suits I think they said 20%)

I found this, but it's the internet


Differentiation does not matter. How would one even quantify or measure say a 10% or 20% differentiation?
Patent infringement is all about the claims, so avoiding infringement is about omitting what's in the claims. For example, suppose a utility patent (not a design patent or a pending application) contains two independent claims: Independent Claim 1 includes a combination of features, or claim limitations, AB while Independent Claim 2 recites a combination of BC. Let’s assume you're thinking of launching a product with features ABCD.
Your product would infringe both Claim 1 because it has A and B, and Claim 2 because it has C and D. Notice how you do not avoid infringing Claim 1 by adding features on top of what is claimed. Notice also that percentage changes in the product have nothing to do with the infringement analysis.
Say you redesign your product so that it contains features A and C only. In this case, you would avoid infringing both Claim 1 – because B is missing – and Claim 2 – because D is missing. Now, while you would avoid "literal infringement" in this example, the analysis does not stop there.
The doctrine of equivalents (DOE) must also be considered even if your product does not literally infringe. If a claim limitation is missing from your product (thus, no literal infringement), you still have to consider whether your product might include a feature that is equivalent to that missing claim limitation.

So theoretically if Curtis and Felicity altered the claims enough they could re-patent it.

19 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

Yerson was clearly talking about an adult. At least to me

When we met him in LoT's Star City 2046, he seemed like he was still a young man.  If he was an adult in 2014 when Slade hooked up with Joe, he would have to have been born around 1995, which would have made him at least fifty in the LoT episode.

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6 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

That's certainly ironic considering that knowing that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow makes him just that much hotter to Iris West (much to Barry's annoyance!).

Yeah I was going to say if it had been a crossover they'd have had Iris immediately pop up saying how much she prefers the Green Arrow. 

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The show made very clear that Curtis was specifically hired at Palmer Tech to invent stuff--he wasn't a janitor.  Therefore, even if PT doesn't monetize it, anything invented by him in their labs is owned by Palmer Tech.

This would be true if that is what they set up when they hired him.  I think some companies and universities say anything the inventor creates while working for them either on or off-site is theirs, but I think it is something determined company to company.  Palmer Tech should have been big enough and have enough lawyers to have all that kind of stuff locked down but they also were going through a lot of turmoil around the time Curtis was hired and they did technically fire him briefly.  Maybe there's a loophole or they just hired him under a generic employment agreement.  

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It would be difficult to draw the line of what is owned by a company and what is yours if you are a salaried researcher.  If you use any resources (ie. same suppliers that the company uses or company computer or lab room - even with your own supplies on your own time - or looked something up on company wifi) or applied any knowledge you may have gained from work to develop your patent, then the company will have grounds to claim it.  The intellectual property clauses I have seen is basically if you develop something in the same area you work in, it is owned by the company, even if you came up with it at home - assuming he was salaried, this would most likely be true for Curtis because his job was research and development which is very broad and gives the company a valid claim to say that anything he comes up with would be theirs because he isn't paid on time, but effort and output.

Some companies also make you sign a non-compete clause which would prevent you from using anything you learned from that company for a certain amount of time.  If you modify a patent that you developed for them that would make it different enough to pass, I think the company can still claim that you violated their non-compete clause by using the knowledge gained when working there to modify/develop a similar patent for your own use now.

Edited by ComicFan777
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50 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

So theoretically if Curtis and Felicity altered the claims enough they could re-patent it.


If Curtis used any Palmer Tech space or equipment, it is going to be owned by Palmer tech.  As far as altering the patents, considering biotech companies are patenting gene sequences, I would think that Felicity and Curtis would be infringing.  Licensing a patent is common in a situation like this, but considering this show doesn't seem to understand that Felicity should still be rolling in cash because of her stock options even after getting fired, I doubt this show will acknowledge it.  This is just me nit-picking, but the dissonance throws me out of the narrative every time I think "but that's not how business works!"

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25 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

This is just me nit-picking, but the dissonance throws me out of the narrative every time I think "but that's not how business works!"

I honestly don't understand why the writers so frequently get this kind of stuff wrong.  So often it's really common knowledge things like the difference between owning a company and being a CEO or if a lawyer would be allowed to try a family friend or this latest thing with who owns the rights to Curtis's invention that they get so ridiculously wrong.  But oh well, lol.      

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11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I honestly don't understand why the writers so frequently get this kind of stuff wrong.  So often it's really common knowledge things like the difference between owning a company and being a CEO or if a lawyer would be allowed to try a family friend or this latest thing with who owns the rights to Curtis's invention that they get so ridiculously wrong.  But oh well, lol.      

Sometimes it seems like they go out of their way to get it wrong. If the storylines were better executed we would notice these things less. 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I honestly don't understand why the writers so frequently get this kind of stuff wrong.  So often it's really common knowledge things like the difference between owning a company and being a CEO or if a lawyer would be allowed to try a family friend or this latest thing with who owns the rights to Curtis's invention that they get so ridiculously wrong.  But oh well, lol.      

I am still not over how they made the Alpha-Omega virus simultaneously bloodborne and airborne. Or only airborne when blood is exposed to air or whatever nonsense.

Edited by lemotomato
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6 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I am still not over how they made the Alpha-Omega virus simultaneously bloodborne and airborne. Or only airborne when blood is exposed to air or whatever nonsense.

How about how Oliver lost all his money and property and assets because of things that happened that still make no sense.

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2 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

How about how Oliver lost all his money and property and assets because of things that happened that still make no sense.

Omg this rankles on my soul. 

And since they make no sense anyway I wish they'd just give him his money back in some nonsensical manner. 

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

Omg this rankles on my soul. 

And since they make no sense anyway I wish they'd just give him his money back in some nonsensical manner. 

I was almost relieved they just made him poor and got Felicity out of Palmer Tech because none of those plot lines made any sense. Everytime they tried to deal with corporate issues, it just became a big dumb mess.

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Questions, questions...  Didn't Thea inherit Malcolm Merlyn's money in s3?  She couldn't have gone through a billion dollars so soon.  But if they don't want to touch that while she's in a coma, they could raise the bond by borrowing against the loft, it's got to be worth at least $1 million.

Why didn't the "Green Arrow" make an appearance while Oliver was in lock-up over night?

23 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Why doesn’t the booking officer in SCPD seem to know that Dinah is the ranking Lieutenant?  She’s standing right there but he never looks at her.  Doesn’t even seem to know the answer to the question until she answers it.

So per the little convo between the DA and Oliver, the FBI gave their case to the local city since the acts he's charged with all happened in the city.   So that’s why the Star City DA is the prosecutor.  So Watson actually only gathered info, and it’s not a federal case.

I like that Felicity and Oliver are talking about stuff that others didn’t want the other to know.  They don’t keep secrets from each other. Which of course is why Diggle instead kept his condition from Felicity.  Last week I was proud of Diggle being completely open with the team but now I'm annoyed that not only did he keep Felicity in the dark on purpose but she never gets an apology from Diggle for leaving her in the dark.  Boo.  Bad Diggle.

I like that Quentin’s current issue with “Laurel” is he blames himself for the deaths she's caused since he let her go.  I hate though that part of Dinah’s speech about seeing the best in people they care about because she doesn’t bother to remind him that BS is not his Laurel.  I really hate that no one is reminding him of that anymore

So yeah, I blame his compromised opinions on his withdrawal. 

About Cayden James and his son.  He doesn't actually say his kid is dead.  He said, "You cost me something dear to me, someone dear to me." and therefore he's going to burn down the city (eventually)  And the team finds out that  Owen Post, whose birth certificate says Cayden is his dad even if he never lived with him, went missing two months after ARGUS grabbed James.  So CJ might be upset about TA causing a rift between them or something else that separated them, but he could very well be alive.

I can buy that Cayden James is the father of Anarky they're both the same kind of crazy.  But what is it with these boys who didn't grow up living with their fathers, not just MySon but Grant Wilson and Joe Wilson mostly, and Adrian Chase ... is it a rarity that a son grows up with his father?

Let's all blame Diggle's "perfect life" is a result of withdrawal.

I think the booking officer knew that Dinah was the ranking officer, it was Samanda who didn't.  He didn't look at Dinah when he replied about the ranking officer but it seemed to me that he knew.

Speaking of which, can the FBI arrest someone and refuse to let him speak to his son when it's the local jurisdiction?

I thought that Quentin was blaming himself because he had the chance to kill Laurel when they invaded the bunker and he didn't so everyone she's killed since is on him.  On the other hand, he tried to kill her and Lian Yu and Cayden James patched her up.

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When Oliver lied to William about the Green Arrow, I thought to myself, wow, Felicity was right in Season 4. Oliver can makes sincere promises, but when he feels it's necessary, he'll still lie to the people he loves.

Felicity references Alena's help in this episode. Why? Could they be planting a seed that Alena is a plant by Cayden? (See what I did there?)

Oliver: "Now, did he really lose his son?"
Felicity: "Alena helped me connect the dots. There is a boy named Owen Post, who has Cayden James listed as his father on his birth certificate, but he's never been known to live with Cayden."
Curtis: "Two months after ARGUS put Cayden into custody last year, Owen went missing. He was never found."

I mean, why mention Alena at all in this episode? What if Alena deliberately pointed Felicity toward "Owen Post" and a fake birth certificate? Maybe Owen Post doesn't really exist. Or maybe Owen is Alena's brother (making Cayden her father). Or maybe Owen Post is Cayden's son but took advantage of Cayden's incarceration to escape from his father. Perhaps Alena is Owen's girlfriend, and she and Owen are using Team Arrow and Cayden against each other.

As for Diggle's "perfect life" comment, in the alien hallucination, Felicity was Ray's girlfriend. Yet we spent almost an entire season (S3) watching how Oliver reacted to that pairing. He even violently knocked stuff off a table after he spied Ray kissing Felicity. So I can't imagine Oliver's vision of a perfect life would include them as a couple.

Also, even if you take Felicity out of the equation, Oliver would in no way consider that hallucination to be his "perfect life" when it did not include his son, William. As I understand it, that hallucination was a reality where Oliver did not make mistakes with Laurel, like cheating on her with her sister. Can we then also assume that Oliver imagines that he never cheated on Laurel with other women as well, including Samantha? For Oliver to want that "perfect life" would mean wishing William out of existence - something no loving father would do.

Edited by tv echo
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6 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I mean, why mention Alena at all in this episode?

I think it was just because Alena knew a lot more about Cayden than she did and could figure out more about his background in quicker time than Felicity, who didn't even know what he looked like until 604, could.

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On 11/24/2017 at 11:30 PM, BkWurm1 said:

So per the little convo between the DA and Oliver, the FBI gave their case to the local city since the acts he's charged with all happened in the city.   So that’s why the Star City DA is the prosecutor.  So Watson actually only gathered info, and it’s not a federal case.      

Which is actually good strategy for avoiding the risk of a presidential pardon if Oliver is found guilty. Presidential pardons only apply to violations of Federal law; they can't be used to waive the criminal penalties for violations of State law (and that's all a pardon does, incidentally.  It only waives the criminal penalties -- it does NOT negate a finding of guilt, because only a party who has been found guilty or who implicitly pleads guilty by accepting the pardon can even receive a pardon).

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I thought that Quentin was blaming himself because he had the chance to kill Laurel when they invaded the bunker and he didn't so everyone she's killed since is on him.  On the other hand, he tried to kill her and Lian Yu and Cayden James patched her up.

I don't think it came down to killing her or letting her go but shooting her or letting her go.  But yes, anyone she's killed since he let her go he feels is on him.  He's right.

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35 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Which is actually good strategy for avoiding the risk of a presidential pardon if Oliver is found guilty. Presidential pardons only apply to violations of Federal law; they can't be used to waive the criminal penalties for violations of State law (and that's all a pardon does, incidentally.  It only waives the criminal penalties -- it does NOT negate a finding of guilt, because only a party who has been found guilty or who implicitly pleads guilty by accepting the pardon can even receive a pardon).

I'm sure you're right, but given the way the legal system has been portrayed so far on this show, I'm equally sure that in the end we'll find out that lyla now has the legal right to grant Oliver a full pardon.

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On 11/25/2017 at 1:30 AM, BkWurm1 said:

So per the little convo between the DA and Oliver, the FBI gave their case to the local city since the acts he's charged with all happened in the city.   So that’s why the Star City DA is the prosecutor.  So Watson actually only gathered info, and it’s not a federal case.

Okay, that makes sense, but it also makes Oliver look and sound stupid that he would think that a DA or City Attorney would be able to represent the person the State/City is Prosecuting.???

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1 minute ago, quarks said:

I'm sure you're right, but given the way the legal system has been portrayed so far on this show, I'm equally sure that in the end we'll find out that lyla now has the legal right to grant Oliver a full pardon.

That would explain how A.R.G.U.S. becomes the draconian agency that takes over the country and bans all metas (as well as all religions) by 2042, according to Legends of Tomorrow.  Lyla is suddenly given complete control of all Federal, State, and local governments!

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2 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

That would explain how A.R.G.U.S. becomes the draconian agency that takes over the country and bans all metas (as well as all religions) by 2042, according to Legends of Tomorrow.  Lyla is suddenly given complete control of all Federal, State, and local governments!

A nice reminder that Lyla's on a very tight time frame here - she's got only a little over twenty years to do this. Start pardoning Oliver now, Lyla!

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Just now, quarks said:

A nice reminder that Lyla's on a very tight time frame here - she's got only a little over twenty years to do this. Start pardoning Oliver now, Lyla!

She's got less time than that, actually.  According to Legends, the ban actually takes effect in 2021 if I remember correctly, just over three years from now.  So yes, Lyla had better get her act together -- and fast!

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Just now, legaleagle53 said:

She's got less time than that, actually.  According to Legends, the ban actually takes effect in 2021 if I remember correctly, just over three years from now.  So yes, Lyla had better get her act together -- and fast!

#PardonOliverForTheSakeOfFascismIn2021  #OrAtLeastForTheSakeOfArrowverseContinuity

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17 minutes ago, quarks said:

I'm sure you're right, but given the way the legal system has been portrayed so far on this show, I'm equally sure that in the end we'll find out that lyla now has the legal right to grant Oliver a full pardon.

Or maybe Oliver as the Mayor will suddenly be granted the right to pardon himself, lol.  Or do another referendum.  

13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Okay, that makes sense, but it also makes Oliver look and sound stupid that he would think that a DA or City Attorney would be able to represent the person the State/City is Prosecuting.???

I think when the DA showed up, that was the first time Oliver realized it was not a federal prosecution.  Which makes his lawyer kind of terrible or at least means Oliver didn't pay any attention to what she said.  

7 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

She's got less time than that, actually.  According to Legends, the ban actually takes effect in 2021 if I remember correctly, just over three years from now.  So yes, Lyla had better get her act together -- and fast!


But WOULD she pardon him?  Sara and the rest of the Legends were all on the wanted list and ARGUS had that detention center where all of them would be rounded up at.  Maybe Lyla in 2021 goes after him as well.  

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

But WOULD she pardon him?  Sara and the rest of the Legends were all on the wanted list and ARGUS had that detention center where all of them would be rounded up at.  Maybe Lyla in 2021 goes after him as well.  

Or somebody else takes over control of ARGUS by then, either because Lyla resigns or is pushed out. I refuse to accept anything worse.

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11 hours ago, tv echo said:

When Oliver lied to William about the Green Arrow, I thought to myself, wow, Felicity was right in Season 4. Oliver can makes sincere promises, but when he feels it's necessary, he'll still lie to the people he loves.


Oliver: "Now, did he really lose his son?"

Felicity: "Alena helped me connect the dots. There is a boy named Owen Post, who has Cayden James listed as his father on his birth certificate, but he's never been known to live with Cayden."
Curtis: "Two months after ARGUS put Cayden into custody last year, Owen went missing. He was never found."


Also, even if you take Felicity out of the equation, Oliver would in no way consider that hallucination to be his "perfect life" when it did not include his son, William. As I understand it, that hallucination was a reality where Oliver did not make mistakes with Laurel, like cheating on her with her sister.

I like the idea that Oliver's "perfect life" was 1.  treating Laurel better and 2. having his parents still alive.  He certainly was in no hurry to take the reins of QC.

Good point that Oliver will still lie without hesitation if he thinks it's the better option.

I don't understand why Cayden James blames Oliver for the situation with his son.  Oliver wasn't the one who put him into custody.  Why would James assume that Oliver was the cause of his son going missing?

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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't understand why Cayden James blames Oliver for the situation with his son.  Oliver wasn't the one who put him into custody.  Why would James assume that Oliver was the cause of his son going missing?

Ha, that sounds like a 609/615 reveal to me. Plus the son seemed to disappear circa 601, so after Felicity helped to free him anyway and might be separate from the whole Argus custody thing.

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On 11/23/2017 at 10:19 PM, BkWurm1 said:

I would have liked it better if he was Uncle John instead but I get that's not automatically everyone's thing. 


 I confess I didn't even notice that William was calling Oliver Dad, lol.  


I thought that exact same thing!! I am all about the importance of teaching manners, but maybe William needs time to warm up to Uncle John first?

I missed it too, but went back and caught it: when OQ is being walked into the police station, after just being handcuffed, William says it. Felicity is still standing next to W.

On 11/23/2017 at 10:40 PM, Hiveminder said:

If FBI lady doesn’t turn out to be a bad guy, I’m going to be so disappointed (again). I get that they need her to be against vigilantism and to go after Oliver, but would some depth be too much to ask for?  She’s so cartoonish, one dimensional, plot necessitate law person. How about having her show some conflicted feelings about going after a guy who really does help the city, but standing firm on her stance that vigilantism is wrong and the collateral damage and lack of oversight is too much? I could even accept her being so blindly married to the law and following the rules if they gave her a partner or someone to bring up opposing viewpoints. 

Also, arresting Oliver in front of his kid at a food drive? That’s just being a jerk. 


We know she'd never be discreet about it, such as saying  "Let's head to the new police station together" and then arrest him. However, she should have at least waited to handcuff OQ when he was out of W's line of sight. She didn't even need the cuffs for long because OQ was fingerprinted a few minutes after being arrested.

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On 11/24/2017 at 1:07 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

At least when he says he’s Sorry or about, it doesn’t sound like “soooory” or “aboat.” ???


He will have said the word "about" In an episode several times and each time he says it, it is either in one "accent" or the other. Zero continuity, but I know it's a huge challenge for Canadians, no matter how gifted an actor they are.

Eric McCormack still does the same thing on "Will & Grace", but his handsomeness makes up for it, as does Stephen's!

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Also, arresting Oliver [snip]at a food drive? 


Anyone else during the food drive think about that Adam Ruins Everything episode where they explained why canned food drives suck?  (Unhealthy canned foods, often expired or about to expire so lots of waste, heavy so labor intensive, not what people usually actually want or need ect.)  Maybe Samanda was doing people a favor.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Emerson is doing the most with a one-dimensional character (him saying Ms. Lance reminded me of Person of Interest) but the writers IMMEDIATELY lose points for deciding to be unoriginal once again and having the villain be out for revenge after doing this story in Season 5 (and Season 2 for that matter as well).  Have they just completely given up at this point?

The Oliver/Diggle confrontation was excellent.

FBI agent is actually smart and correct but still comes across as annoying.  The way she's carried on this investigation like a personal vendetta would probably have her taken off the case.  Speaking of which, Oliver was booked on federal charges but they are letting the city handle it instead?  Ah, I see that was already explained.

Oliver lies once again, what a shock.  I would be annoyed if it was to any other character but William.  Nice to see Thea back though and interacting with her nephew.

Edited by benteen
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607 (Thanksgiving) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver, Felicity and William participate in a Thanksgiving Food Drive; and Oliver is arrested for the crimes committed by the Green Arrow:
Oliver: "Hey. How do you think Felicity's doing?
William: "Uh, you should go save her."
Female Reporter: "Can you comment on speculation Mayor Queen converted Councilwoman Pollard's bill into a citywide referendum as a distraction from speculation that he's the Green Arrow?"
Felicity: "If I was dating the Green Arrow, I think I would know. Besides, the Flash is much more my type."
Oliver (coming up): "Sam, she's a civilian. Just give her a little space, okay?"
(Reporter nods and leaves.)
Felicity: "How is it that you don't put an arrow into one of those people?"
Oliver: "Hey."
William: "Oh. Did Oliver save you?"
Felicity: "He is heroic that way."
Oliver: "She was doing just fine on her own."
Quentin (coming up with Dinah): "All right. Listen, we're all set inside. Um, Rene--he is a complete pain in the ass, but he's a very good advance man."
Oliver: "Good. Detective, what's the tally?"
Dinah: "Um, I got it all here."
Quentin: "Good, good. All right. Listen, everybody. Please gather round. Gather round. Mayor Queen will be making an announcement, and then we will be touring the site of the new S.C.P.D. headquarters."
Oliver: "Thank you so much for being here today, guys. It means a ton to Felicity, to William, to myself, that we can all gather together as a city and help our neediest neighbors on Thanksgiving. Across these various food drives with your help, the S.C.P.D. has collected enough food to feed over 1,200 families. And it is why I am incredibly proud to be here today at the unveiling of our new precinct. It's a top-of-the-line facility for a top-of-the-line police force - one that might actually make federal agencies jealous. (Sees FBI Agent Samanda Watson approaching) Are you here to tour our new headquarters?"
Samanda: "Turn around."
Oliver: "We're doing this here?"
Samanda: "Oliver Queen, you're under arrest."
Quentin: "On what charges?"
Samanda: "Murder, assault, burglary, and kidnapping - all stemming from your activity as the Green Arrow."
William: "Dad?"
Oliver: "It's gonna be fine, buddy. I promise."

607- Thanksgiving – Black Siren unnecessarily kills guards at Amertek:
Black Siren: “You got us in here so easily, I didn’t have a chance to kill anybody.”
Cayden James (over comms): “Well, homicide is not our objective here, Ms. Lance. Two guards inside.”
Black Siren: “What’s the holdup?”
Cayden James (over comms, working the computer): “Your generation’s so impatient. Why can’t you just savor the anticipation? ‘Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war,’ Ms. Lance.”
(Secured room opens. A minion shoots one guard, while Black Siren throws a dagger into the second guard. She then pulls out her knife and again stabs that guard up close to kill him.)
Cayden James (over comms): “That was a literary epigram, Ms. Lance, not a directive.”
Black Siren: “Potato, potah-tah. Now, what am I looking for?”
Cayden James (over comms): “The nano-thermite device is inside the containment unit at the far end. They do not have the keys. (Black Siren prepares to use her sonic scream) Wait.”
Black Siren: “Why? And don't say ‘savor the anticipation.’" 
Cayden James (over comms): “Nano-thermite is highly explosive. Your scream will detonate –“
(Black Siren sonic screams and blows off the cover to the containment unit.)
Cayden James (over comms): “You do see how that could have gone wrong, yes?”
Black Siren: “Yes, but it didn't.”

607 (Thanksgiving) – Curtis asks Felicity for help in backtracing Cayden James' hack:
Felicity (on phone): "Hey. Talk fast. Oliver's arraignment is in two minutes."
Curtis (on phone): "Laurel and Cayden James got their hands on a mess of nano-thermite last night."
Felicity (on phone): "That means they'll be in the market for an accelerant."
Curtis (on phone): "Yeah. What kind of accelerant? That's a really long list."
Felicity (on phone): "The nano-thermite heist, did it involve a computer hack?"
Curtis (on phone): "It involved Cayden James, so what do you think?"
Felicity (on phone): "I think that you can backtrace his hack. Maybe you can get into his system."
Curtis (on phone): "But can you come back and do this because you're, like, way better at this than I am."
Felicity (on phone): "I got to go."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Felicity attends Oliver's arraignment and bails him out using her startup company’s angel investment money:
Oliver: "Please tell William not to worry."
Felicity: "You tell him yourself when you get home."
Oliver: "I'm sorry. Do you have half a million dollars lying around?"
Felicity: "Actually, I do."
Oliver: "What?"
Felicity: "The first round of the angel investment for Curtis' and my startup came through."
Oliver: "No. I can't let you do that."
Felicity: "I can't let you not let me.

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver tells Quentin that Black Siren is now working with Cayden James:
Quentin: "What's this I'm hearing about Watson having a smoking gun?"
Oliver: "She gave it to DA Armand."
Rene: "Yeah, we need to find out what kind of ammunition they work with."
Oliver: "No, no. I'm not risking Felicity hacking the FBI."
Felicity: "Ooh, too late. Also, too little. Whatever information they have, they're keeping it offline."
Dinah: "Well, I can check around the S.C.P.D., see if anybody's heard anything."
Oliver: "Good. Quentin, let's see if whatever it is came from City Hall."
Quentin: "Yeah, yeah, sure. Been a while since I used my detective skills."
Rene: "You know, on the plus side, you getting arrested has done wonders for your approval ratings."
Quentin: "Yeah, and it's had the opposite effect on the anti-vigilante referendum, too."
Oliver: "There's a silver lining."
(Felicity's cell phone beeps.)
Felicity: "Oh, we got to go. Well, us, not you. There's a bad guy - or girl who's breaking in to Ameritek." (Leaves with Rene and Dinah)
Quentin: "I'm assuming all of those squirrelly looks mean that the girl in question is what, Laurel's evil twin?"
Oliver: "She's working with Cayden James, a criminal we've been tracking for some time. I have been wrestling over whether or not to tell you."
Quentin: "Well, I'm glad you didn't because I don't want anything more to do with her."
Oliver: "Well, Quentin, now that you know?"
Quentin: "I will distract myself clearing your good name.

607 (Thanksgiving) – Diggle collapses from pain during the team’s fight with Cayden James' minions:
Diggle (over comms): "Sitrep."
Felicity (over comms): "Okay, you got four turkeys near the entrance and five more stuffed in on the floor, all puns intended. Your window to move is now."
Diggle (over comms): "Copy that. Me and Terrific have the guys on the left. You two, the guys on the right. Move out. Go."
(Some fighting ensues and then Diggle collapses in pain.)
Rene: "Arrow!"
Felicity (over comms): "John, what the hell's going on?"
Diggle (over comms): "I'm okay."
Curtis (over comms): "No, he's not."
Dinah: "We need to get you out of here now."
Diggle: "No, you need to stop Laurel. Go! Go now! Go!"
Cayden James (over comms to Black Siren and his minions): "The merry men are approaching your position. Robin Hood is laying back for some reason."
(Dinah, Rene and Curtis fight Cayden's minions.)
Dinah: "Take cover!"
Cayden (over comms): "Our objective here is the package, Ms. Lance."
(Black Siren screams.)

607 (Thanksgiving) – Felicity finally finds out about Diggle's injury:
Felicity: "Dig's been keeping this a secret for months?"
Rene: "Some kind of drugs?"
Felicity: "And he told you guys, and then he didn't loop me in?"
Dinah: ""It was right when Oliver got home from Kasnia."
Rene: "And he figured that he'd be okay after Curtis hooked him up with that prototype thingy."
Felicity: "What prototype thingy?"
Rene: "You'll have to ask him."
Dinah: "Hey, speaking of, any word from Curtis on Dig's condition?"
Felicity: "Stable. They're running tests."
Rene: "Feels wrong us not being at the hospital with him."
Dinah: "All of us showing up in his room right now is the last thing we need."
Rene: "Well, Dig needs to get back on his feet pronto, 'cause we did not exactly shine out there without him."
Dinah: "What did Laurel steal this time?
Felicity: "Only 100 pounds of polyrobotic explosives. When combined with a nano-thermite, it will actually - well, I actually don't know what will happen when they combine."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Felicity urges Diggle to tell Oliver about his injury:
(Diggle's cell phone beeps.)
Curtis: "Felicity." (Puts phone on speaker)
Felicity (on phone): "We have a problem. We have a massively huge problem. And considering it's in the same week Oliver has been arrested -"
Diggle: "What is it?"
Felicity (on phone): "The nano-thermite when combined with the explosive creates a thermobaric weapon."
Diggle: "What's a thermobaric weapon?"
Felicity (on phone): "It disperses what is essentially a cloud of fire and then pressure-cooks everything within 200 yards."
Curtis: "I'm guessing we're giving up hope that Cayden James has to cook a lot of turkeys for Thanksgiving."
Felicity (on phone): "The only good news is that a thermobaric bomb is extremely difficult to make."
Diggle: "Yeah, well, Cayden James can do it, given his history, and he'll probably detonate it in a populated area."
Curtis: "Maximize casualties."
Diggle: "Go help Felicity, see if you can find out where he's targeting."
(Curtis leaves.)
Felicity (on phone): "Hey, John, I just heard about what's been going on with you, and I'm really sorry you've been dealing with this."
Diggle: "Thank you, Felicity."
Felicity (on phone): "Have you told Oliver?"
Diggle: "No."
Felicity (on phone): "I really think that you should tell him."
Diggle: "Look, he just got arrested. I don't want to add anything to his plate."
Felicity: "John, I think he'd really want to know."
Diggle: "Not this week."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Felicity and Curtis have an argument:
Rene: "Thanksgiving day. There's a million events going on. I mean, if you're Cayden James, what do you target? Soup kitchens? Parade?"
Felicity: "Door-buster sales. Well, that's where my mom took me. Although Cayden wouldn't guess. He would be logical. He'd be calculating. Calculating. I saw one of his algorithms at Helix. It's based on traffic patterns and can extrapolate to predict population movements. I mean, maybe if I can re-create it."
Curtis (entering): "I'm here. Uh, what can I do to help?"
Felicity: "You can start by telling me what prototype you used to treat John's condition."
Curtis: "Our prototype. The one we've been developing to cure paralysis."
Felicity: "You injected our friend with our company's proprietary technology, and you didn't think to - I don't know - involve me in that at all?"
Curtis: "I thought Lone Ranger was just the way we did things here at Helix Dynamics. You know, the name of the company you picked without consulting me."
Rene: "I'm gonna work on an algorithm over there when I figure out what an algorithm is." (Leaves)
Felicity: "I can't believe you just equated a company name to exposing a friend of ours to an untested procedure, one you still haven't told me about."
Curtis: "It's the prototype of your spinal implant - well, mine, seeing as how I'm the one who invented it, which is why I probably don't understand how you get to be so offended here."
Felicity: "We don't have time for this right now."
Curtis: "You should cross-reference the crowd's patterns with the bomb's path of destruction. I'll work on a particle cloud SIM."
Felicity: "You could've just told me you didn't like the name."
Curtis: "It's more than just the name. Felicity, you picked the product we're making. We're working out of your loft."
Felicity: "That's called being decisive, taking initiative. I didn't do anything in secret."
Curtis: "Can we maybe fight about this when we don't have a thermobaric bomb to stop?"
Felicity: "You don't have to ask me to do anything because that's how you and I work together. It's done. Let's hope it works."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver and Diggle have an argument:
Diggle: "I told Felicity not to bother you with this."
Oliver: "Which part? You being in the hospital? The experimental steroid? Or the nerve damage that has affected you for months? Are you gonna be all right?"
Diggle: "I'll be fine. I didn't want you to worry, Oliver, which is why I didn't tell you."
Oliver: "No, no, John. You didn't tell me because you knew I'd never let you go out there compromised and that I'd certainly never let you compromise the team.
I've been mad at you before, John, but this is the first time I've ever been disappointed."
Diggle: "Oliver, you gave up the right to judge me when you gave up that hood."
Oliver: "You don't get to claim the moral high ground here, my friend."
Diggle: "Oh, I'm not, Oliver, but I apologized to the people who I endangered - the team, Oliver. The team. My obligation begins and ends with them. I don't owe you a damn thing."
Oliver: "For the sake of our friendship, I hope that's withdrawal talking."
Diggle: "I put on this hood because you asked me to."
Oliver: "Don't blame me for this."
Diggle: "I'm not blaming you, Oliver. I blame myself - for putting your needs, your goals, even your family, above my own. I've done that from the very beginning.
That was my biggest mistake."
Oliver: "That was your biggest mistake? Mine was trusting you to be the Green Arrow."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Felicity finds out that Starling Stadium is the target of Cayden James' terrorist attack:
Felicity: "Should we order our traditional Thanksgiving meal?"
Curtis: "I can call Big Belly Burger."
Rene: "I'm gonna crush my French fries and pretend they're mashed potatoes."
Felicity: "Got it. Maximum damage for a thermobaric bomb is Starling Stadium."
Rene: "Today's Thanksgiving."
Curtis: "Yeah, we just covered that when we talked about ordering turkey burgers."
Felicity: "Wow."
Felicity: "I'm saying, Billy Joel's playing there tonight. Sold-out crowd. I happen to like a wide variety of music, and 'The Stranger' is a treasured piece of rock and roll history. Yeah."
Felicity: "Starling Stadium seats 35,000 people."
Curtis: "Guess that sold-out crowd's gonna get pressure-cooked to death."
Rene: "So how do we go in without Diggle?"
Curtis: "We got to step it up, fight without him."
Rene: "Yeah, 'cause that went really well at Ameritek."
Felicity: "We have four hours until show time. That's definitely the place because Cayden already has control over the system."
Curtis: "What can we do about shutting it down or cutting the power or something?"
Felicity: "Tried that. Didn't work. That's how I know Cayden has me locked out of the grid."
Rene: "Okay, I know the saying goes, 'the show must go on,' but this can't."
Oliver (entering): "I might be able to help with that. I'll declare a state of emergency and they will cancel the concert."
Felicity: "Did you talk to John?"
Oliver: "John and I spoke. I'd like to apologize to everyone. I didn't know about John's injury, and I should have. I will have them shut down the concert."
Rene: "I wanted to see Billy Joel."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver and Diggle apologize to each other:
Diggle: "Come back for round 2?"
Oliver: "No, no. Back to apologize. You said you put my family in front of yours. You did. Then I asked you to put on the hood to make things better with my son, and I - I didn't give proper consideration to yours. I'm truly sorry."
Diggle: "I was thinking about William today... a lot, and you getting arrested in front of him. How's he doing?"
Oliver: "Oh, he's fine. He's a tough kid, but he is very grateful and thankful that you are the Green Arrow so I don't have to be."
Diggle: "Don't know how much longer I can keep doing that, especially in the short-term."
Oliver: "You get your test results back?"
Diggle: "Yeah. The nerve damage in my arm spread to my back. And because of the steroid use, I caused permanent damage. If I continue out in the field, I could end up paralyzed."
Oliver: "Oh, John, I - I really wish you hadn't have gone to these lengths for me."
Diggle: "Heh. Well, now it's my turn to apologize to you. I should've never said that I was doing it for you. You remember last year when the Dominators put us into this alternate Star City?"
Oliver: "Yeah. Kind of difficult to forget."
Diggle: "We got to see what our perfect life would be. Mine was being the Green Arrow. So you asking me to take the mantle was not selfish. It was giving me the one thing in the world that I never knew I wanted."
Oliver: "Wow. Felicity thinks that Cayden James is going after Starling Stadium. There's going to be 35,000 people there tonight."
Diggle: "You're the mayor. Shut it down."
Oliver: "I tried. Getting arrested is not doing a lot for my credibility."
Diggle: "What are you going to do?"

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver puts on the Green Arrow suit again; and Cayden James reveals his motive is revenge for his son:
Felicity: "I've been working on a probable location for Cayden's thermobaric bomb, but Starling Stadium is massive."
Rene: "We'll have to split up."
Curtis: "Still, who's going to be calling the plays out there?"
Felicity: "I vote Dinah."
Rene: "She has the least field experience of the three of us. No offense."
Felicity: "She has super powers, tactical training, and police experience."
Dinah: "It's all right, Felicity. It's all right. We just cannot have a repeat of what happened at Ameritek."
Curtis: "Anybody have any suggestions on how we do that?"
Oliver (entering): "I have a suggestion or two."
*  *  *
Dinah (over comms): "Overwatch, we're onsite."
Oliver (over comms): "Any luck locating the bomb?"
Felicity (over comms): "I'm running a code to find the building's weakest architectural joint - well, targets of opportunity, so stand by. And I'm still trying to get into the venue's security system, but Cayden has me frozen out."
Dinah (over comms): "Couldn't we pull the alarm here, evacuate the stadium that way?"
Rene (over comms): "I'll do it. Can't risk the S.C.P.D. spotting you as the Green Arrow."
Oliver (over comms): "I have Overwatch running interference for me on that."
Felicity (over comms): "If there's a cop near you, you will be the first to know about it."
Rene (over comms): "Still, better safe than sorry."
Felicity (over comms): "The bomb is definitely down there. I'm locking in on it. About 400 feet up, down corridor 52."
Rene (over comms): "Overwatch, I see the security alarm, but I'm not gonna pull it like I did in high school."
Felicity (over comms): "I'm not seeing you on any security cams near an alarm box. How did you -"
Rene (over comms): "A magician never reveals his secret, Hossette."
*   *  *
Rene (over comms): "Cops aren't letting anyone out these doors."
Felicity (over comms): "That doesn't make any sense. They can't know it's a false alarm."
Rene: "Well, let's remove any doubt. (Shoots his guns into the air) Everybody, get the hell out of here. Police have locked all the doors. Why would cops do that?"
Felicity (over comms): "Because they're not cops."
Fake Cop: "Get your damn hands up."
Rene: "Easy. I'm just a fan. In a mask."
*  *  *
Oliver (over comms): "Overwatch, what's happening?"
Felicity (over comms): "All you need to know is that there's no S.C.P.D. or FBI folks near you. Just focus on the bomb. You're, like, super close. Like, 50 yards."
Rene (over comms): "Guys, a little help here?"
Oliver (over comms): "Terrific, Canary, go."
Fake Cop: "Make this easy on yourself."
Rene: "It's cool, Hoss." (Shoots fake cop in leg)
Oliver (over comms): "Overwatch, I am at the device."
Felicity (over comms): "The wiring's all wrong on the thermobar - that's not a bomb at all. That's a decoy."
(Dinah screams and knocks fake cops down.)
Curtis: "You're welcome."
Rene: "She did all the work."
Cayden (over comms): I know what you're thinking: Where's the horrifically huge bomb? This is going to be an incredibly insightful evening."
Oliver (over comms): "Where is it?"
Felicity (over comms): "No need to play nice. Those jerk-wads aren't cops."
(Team Arrow fights the fake cops.)
Felicity (over comms): "Get those fans out of there."
Oliver (over comms): "Where is it?"
Cayden (over comms): "Your generation is so impatient. Why can't you just savor the anticipation? There is no bomb, so relax."
Oliver (over comms): "And all of this?"
Cayden (over comms): "To get your attention. To talk, that's all. It's not like I have your number."
Oliver (over comms): "You're insane."
Cayden (over comms): "Thomas Szasz, the renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, says that there's no such thing as insanity. Revenge, on the other hand is very real."
Oliver (over comms): "Revenge. I've never even met you."
Cayden (over comms): "And yet you cost me something dear to me. Someone very dear. My son. That's why I have arranged this little tete-a-tete. So that when your city burns, you'll know why."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Team Arrow learns that Cayden James had a son named Owen Post, who's now missing; and Felicity and Curtis apologize to each other:
Curtis: "We ran facial recognition, and none of those cops are on the force. No surprise."
Rene: "Fake cops, fake uniforms, fake bomb. That's a lot of trouble to go through just to have a conversation with the Green Arrow."
Oliver: "Now, did he really lose his son?"
Felicity: "Alena helped me connect the dots. There is a boy named Owen Post, who has Cayden James listed as his father on his birth certificate, but he's never been known to live with Cayden."
Curtis: "Two months after A.R.G.U.S. put Cayden into custody last year, Owen went missing. He was never found."
Dinah: "How does this have anything to do with the Green Arrow?"
Rene: "Or any of us?"
Oliver: "You keep digging, because even if we bear zero responsibility, we need to know why Cayden James thinks we do."
Curtis: "Guys, a dude I used to code for just blasted off his link. (They watch video of Team Arrow beating up on the fake cops at the concert) It's super-trending. Yup, local news stations are picking it up, and, of course, no one knows that these cops aren't legit."
Felicity: "Does anyone else find this timing just a little bit too convenient, right?"
Oliver: "The whole city is voting on the anti-vigilante referendum today."
Rene: "I guess we know which way Cayden James wants them to vote."
Dinah: "He pulled us in to get those videos to sway the referendum."
Curtis: "That's not all he did. The man has a real thermobaric bomb now."
Oliver: "Which he doesn't intend to use, at least not yet anyway."
Curtis: "It still sounds pretty dangerous."
Oliver: "Yes, it does, but it's a problem for another day. How's the polling going?"
Rene: "It's gonna pass, boss."
Oliver: "Let's prepare a statement."
Dinah: "I'm right behind you. I just need to finish up with Lance."
Felicity: "Hey, you know, if the bomb had been real, we still would have stopped it from going off."
Curtis: "Yeah, I know. Heh! It's good to have Oliver back in the saddle."
Felicity: "Yeah, that, and you and I knew where Cayden was targeting because we worked on the trace algorithm together, because we're a good team. I'm sorry that I named the company without consulting you, and I'm sorry that I picked our first project."
Curtis: "I'm sorry that I took the prototype without asking you."
Felicity: "So there's just one more thing that I am also sorry about."
Curtis: "What?"
Felicity: "Um, you know the angel investment we got?"
Curtis: "Oh, wh - what?"

607 (Thanksgiving) – Oliver lies to William about being the Green Arrow:
William: "Are you okay, Mr. Diggle?"
Diggle: "Well, I'm happy as hell to be getting out of here. And it's 'John.'"
Oliver: "William, it's 'Mr. Diggle.'"
William: "And you were the Green Arrow for my dad, right?"
Diggle: "That's right, William."
William: "But if you were here last night, who was at the stadium?"
Oliver: "The Green Arrow wasn't at the stadium last night, buddy. Just, uh, just his team."
William: "Oh, okay."
Felicity: "Hey, man, let's go pull the car around here for Mr. Diggle."
William: "All right." (Leaves with Felicity)
Diggle: "I'm sorry you had to step in. And I'm sorry you had to lie to your son."
Oliver: "I don't want to lie to him, but I can do it if it's temporary, if I'm just, uh, subbing in for the real Green Arrow."
Diggle: "What do you mean?"
Oliver: "I mean as soon as you're healed up, I want you to put that hood back on."
Diggle: "Oliver, I like the way that sounds."
Oliver: "That makes two of us."
Diggle: "I'm almost ready, Doc."
Doctor: "Um, actually, I'm here for Mr. Queen. It's your sister. Something's happened."

607 (Thanksgiving) – Thea wakes up from her coma; Oliver, Felicity, William, and Diggle visit her in the hospital:
Thea: "Hi, Ollie."
(Oliver hugs Thea.)
*  *  *
Thea: "Well, that stuffing smells a whole lot better than this cranberry jello."
Oliver: "William made the stuffing."
Diggle: "The young man can cook."
Felicity: "Yeah, just like his father."
William: "Raisa helped me a bit."
Thea: "Hmm, Raisa? As in our Raisa?"
Oliver: "As in our Raisa, yeah. But, uh, I have a - I have a lot to catch you up on, so -"
Thea: "Yeah."
William: "Uh, I'll save you some stuffing for later if you want, Auntie Thea."
Thea: "I would love that."
Diggle: "How did you make such a miraculous recovery?"
Thea: "Lazarus Pit water."
Felicity: "She's kidding. For blast victims like Thea in a minimally conscious state, the trick is just to find the right drug to literally wake her brain up. In this case, a new form of Zolpidem. It's not even on the market yet. So more like cutting-edge neuroscience than - I don't know - a miracle."
Diggle: "Well, it seems pretty miraculous to me."
Oliver: "I missed you very much."
Felicity: "Hell of a Thanksgiving."
Oliver (looking at Diggle): "I've never had more to be thankful for. (To Felicity) Come here. (To William) You, too." (Puts his arms around them both)

Edited by tv echo
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