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S01.E01: Champs vs Stars: Tow Big, or Tow Home

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Challenge All-Stars meet a new group of professional athletes, Olympic medalists, and entertainment high rollers in a high stakes competition all in the name of charity…and their own personal bragging rights. One contestant gets taken out of the show.

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Shawn.  There are like THREE professional athletes on your team.  Maybe four.  I think you might be overestimating what you have there.

John is super gross.

Terrell Owens as a Niner sucked ass because he was part of killing my Giants in the playoffs.  As a Cowboy, fuck the Cowboys. I didn’t mind him that much as an Eagle because I wanted them to win their Super Bowl so damned bad.  And he’s pretty funny and bitter on Twitter.  It’s the closest this show will ever get to a legitimate Hall of Famer, if the committee makes the right decision this year.

Cory’s little “fuck you, TO” was so unnecessary so I’m kinda not sad he left.

I really don’t give a shit if Camila EVER gets help.  She’s a grown-ass woman.  She should know by now what is and is not ok.

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I'm an animal freak, but it's really hard to root against children who don't have meals.  For that reason, I was rooting for Cory.  

I'm guessing they were working with a brand new crew.  Anyone who's worked with Camilla before would have been prepared to catch her violence on tape.  Good riddance to that one, although I do hope she gets help.

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Camilla is so entitled and has gotten away with so much crap before that she probably thought that she could actually assault a crew member and get away with it. She even tried to do the doe eyed "woe is me, I didn't do anything because I don't remember" trick that she always does but whatever friend she called in to back her up wasn't having it this time. Peace out, sucker. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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This season is quite a come-down from last year's Champs vs. Stars.  Not all the players on the Champs team are champs; Cory and Aneesa, at least, have never won a Challenge.  And the Stars are not athletes like last year; some are somebodys from another of MTV's lousy lineup of programming.  I hope that this episode is the last we ever see of Camilla; I hope MTV has finally tired of her and bans her for good.

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2 hours ago, crookedjackson44 said:

And the Stars are not athletes like last year; some are somebodys from another of MTV's lousy lineup of programming

Yeah, what is a "Riff Raff", and does ANYBODY watch "Wild N' Out"? I don't know many people who are huge into WWE either. I've never been big into wrestling, but have always at least been familiar with the "bigger names" (Hulk Hogan, the Rock, etc) of the sport, but the only person I know from it now is the Miz, and that is because of this. 

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Riff Raff is a rapper but mostly a joke. He's harmless.

Wild n out is headed towards it's tenth season, has spawned multiple stars that have went on to snl and other places, it's ratings are so good that they took it off mtv2 and put it back on mtv and their clips average over a million views on YouTube.

WWE has millions of viewers weekly. It's the biggest thing the USA network by a wide margin. The female wrestler on here barely got any screen time and spent more time on their reality show that follows female wrestlers in the company. You shouldn't know her. But, if you know the "big" names than wrestling isn't really something you get. Nothing wrong with that. 

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I dislike Matt just because he took the possibility of immediately being rid of Riff Raff off the table.   And is this the first time we've every seen someone get pissed at their teammates for not sending them in? 

I was so hoping Wes would get in Zach's ear and convince him to send in Bananas.  But, of course, Zach took the easy way out and sent in Cory.  

MTV really and truly needs to be done with Camila.  At this point, if they bring her back, they're opening themselves up to legal issues every single time she flips out (especially since they provide free-flowing booze and encourage binge levels of drinking, and they know what happens when she drinks that much).  They know she has issues with alcohol, and they know she has some psychological issues and a complete inability to control her temper.  I know they eventually let CT come back, but it was a decent length of time, and he had made some clear improvements in his emotional state.  If they ever have Camila back, it needs to be after a lengthy absence, and it needs to be after she's had some treatment for her drinking and rage issues.  Just having her sit out one season won't be anywhere near enough.  

Since Camila got the boot before the first elimination, are they going to bring in an alternate, or will the Champs team just be down a girl the whole season?  It kind of doesn't seem fair to the rest of the team to bring that loose cannon on, only to have her, predictably, do something to get herself booted, and then leave them all down a person.  

Oh, and what set her off this time, anyway?  Not that it ever takes much, but it was like all of a sudden, we're hearing the story of her latest bullshit second hand from the cast, just seeing the golf cart.  Did I miss someone looking at her the wrong way for a fraction of a second?  And if it turns out that John somehow instigated something or egged her on for his own amusement, like he often does, then they need to sit his ass out for a few years or so.  It's disgusting that he tries to rile up someone he clearly knows has some mental health issues, because he thinks it's funny.  

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The only reason I hope Camila gets help is because this time she hit someone in the face and did minor damage to a golf cart; next time she might give someone a concussion and crash her car into a pedestrian.  

John was disgusting to Ariane and then acted like she was the one with a problem.  He makes my skin crawl.  I don't care if he was supportive of Diem when she was dying, he's a horrible misogynistic creature.

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1 hour ago, Jobiska said:

The only reason I hope Camila gets help is because this time she hit someone in the face and did minor damage to a golf cart; next time she might give someone a concussion and crash her car into a pedestrian.  

John was disgusting to Ariane and then acted like she was the one with a problem.  He makes my skin crawl.  I don't care if he was supportive of Diem when she was dying, he's a horrible misogynistic creature.

I don't like to call racism too much or for every slight. But, that flavor of love dig was some bullshit. Basically labeling her as some rachet hoe. Anyone else, he would have or could have just asked where you are from. No one outside of wrestling fans would no so it wouldn't be out of line.

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18 hours ago, mojoween said:

Cory’s little “fuck you, TO” was so unnecessary so I’m kinda not sad he left.

I feel like I missed something. All I remember seeing is TO saying Cory missed one and the next second he's in a TH calling someone out.

I don't watch wrestling but I did watch Total Diva so I recognized Ariane. When was the last season of Flavor of Love on anyway. Seems like forever. Was John trying to call her old? Her whole thing with Cory was kinda gross and confusing. 

I really hate the guy Matt. He was way to cocky and arrogant. I get wanting to knock out good players from the other team but you also want to get rid of dead weight. If he didn't think Riff Raff could win he might not be someone you want on your team for very long.

Are they staying in a hotel? And do they not follow them around with cameras all day and night because of the "stars" Normally there would be cameras every where. So Camilla's meltdown would have been captured. But maybe MTV doesn't want to show it off they have it. I agree with everyone that Camilla needs to step away from the challenge and TV all together. This isn't a healthy place for her. I would love to know what set that time bomb off. 

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19 hours ago, mojoween said:

Terrell Owens as a Niner sucked ass because he was part of killing my Giants in the playoffs.  As a Cowboy, fuck the Cowboys. I didn’t mind him that much as an Eagle because I wanted them to win their Super Bowl so damned bad.  And he’s pretty funny and bitter on Twitter.  It’s the closest this show will ever get to a legitimate Hall of Famer, if the committee makes the right decision this year.

Every time I hear his name all I can think about is Joanna Krupa yelling at him because he screwed up on some Challenge type of show when they were partners.

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I'd rather see a regular season of the Challenge than this but I guess it's a way to keep the brand in the spotlight while they prep another season.  Probably required a lot less time commitment from the participants than a regular Challenge season would, since they do those in another country.

I don't know if all the challenges will be strength-based.  The tow truck obviously favored the Chumps since they have bigger guys in general.  So it was nice to see the fidget spinner thing.  The Chumps were literally sizing up the competition since bigger and stronger tend to do better until the final challenges which are often endurance-based or require covering long distances.

In the previous season they were giving like $1000 to the winner of the elimination but now it's a "cash donation" to the charity of the loser?

I don't even remember who won the last season.  These things may not be so memorable, though there was a lot of drama on the Pros side because of that one chick.

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1 hour ago, scrb said:

I'd rather see a regular season of the Challenge than this but I guess it's a way to keep the brand in the spotlight while they prep another season.  Probably required a lot less time commitment from the participants than a regular Challenge season would, since they do those in another country.

I don't know if all the challenges will be strength-based.  The tow truck obviously favored the Chumps since they have bigger guys in general.  So it was nice to see the fidget spinner thing.  The Chumps were literally sizing up the competition since bigger and stronger tend to do better until the final challenges which are often endurance-based or require covering long distances.

In the previous season they were giving like $1000 to the winner of the elimination but now it's a "cash donation" to the charity of the loser?

I don't even remember who won the last season.  These things may not be so memorable, though there was a lot of drama on the Pros side because of that one chick.

Darrell and Cara - I had to google.

Lolo Jones is probably "that one chick".

Edited by RedheadZombie
Added sentence.
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17 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I dislike Matt just because he took the possibility of immediately being rid of Riff Raff off the table.   And is this the first time we've every seen someone get pissed at their teammates for not sending them in? 

Matt is so pretty, and I'm just as happy to be rid of Corey right away.  But yeah, (paraphrasing here), "(Red-haired woman whose name I haven't learned yet), who I thought was my friend, just betrayed me by voting NOT to send me into elimination" is the opposite of how that complaint usually goes.

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In the previous season they were giving like $1000 to the winner of the elimination but now it's a "cash donation" to the charity of the loser?

I caught that, too. I wonder if its a CYOA for MTV, like they caught flack for *only* giving $1000 to each week's winner. 

Also, whomever designed the uniforms for this season seriously miscalculated. The shiny font on the shirts is hard to read and the all-red (which is more bright salmon) and all aqua is flattering to no one. 


Are they staying in a hotel?

Yes. The exterior sign of the hotel was product placed several times. They also weren't working hard to hide the hotel feel when Camilla was melting down or when Cory was talking with the WWE-lady after Bananas insulted her. 

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I won't lie...I read spoilers from the finale taping so I knew that Camila had won the big prize which made me sick to my stomach. I didn't bother watching the rest of the show because of it.  Of course she gets drunk, humps inanimate objects and then goes batshit crazy on people - her drunkenness has always been a safety issue for the people around her and it's a shame that MTV waited until Camila put hands on one of their people before they did anything about it. I think it sends a horrible message that she was allowed to stay in the Dirty 30 Challenge. In the real world, people have the freedom to say what they want, no matter how vile, but I think in a good world, people should feel the repercussions of their racism, homophobia and general prejudice. You can't magically make people decent thinking people but I also don't believe that we should enable an environment where those kind of people feel safe to say and behave how they like with complete reckless abandon and with no care for others. MTV has capitalized on Camila's behaviour for years for the sake of TV drama (she was nicknamed the Camilanator a long time before her antics these past two seasons) and they should have done something long before now. If all the other seasons they could forgive, that forgiveness should have ended at the last challenge when she went in on LeRoy.

In addition to never wanting to see Camila again, I wouldn't mind at all if for some reason she made herself ineligible to receive that $450K.

I wish they had gone with full team of athletes again...and champs for that matter (Corey and Aneesa...what are you doing there?).

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Another thing: how about that intro?  A couple of the All-Stars get bios, and then the rest get names on screen while they file in.  Since I, and I assume many of us, have never heard of most of these people other than Owens, a little background on all of them would have helped.  And I don't remember the Champs being introduced at all; I suppose we all should know them on sight.

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6 hours ago, strippedhalo said:

Matt is so pretty, and I'm just as happy to be rid of Corey right away.  But yeah, (paraphrasing here), "(Red-haired woman whose name I haven't learned yet), who I thought was my friend, just betrayed me by voting NOT to send me into elimination" is the opposite of how that complaint usually goes.

I don't know, I was getting the sense that some people didn't like the setup, wasn't what they expected, and was looking to bail early.

Maybe Camilla's problem is that she can't keep a guy?

She hooks up with a lot of them and on this episode, she was putting herself out there, in the bikini, twerking, shaking her ass.

Guys may stick it in the crazy (especially when she's throwing herself) but don't want to be in a relationship with the crazy.

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Camila's problem goes beyond guys. Also, is everyone getting butt injections these days? I feel like reality TV has become full of chicks who have disproportionately large asses. Also I'm ready for the butt floss swimsuit to go out of style again. 

That hotel doesn't even look fancy. 

Camila should donate at least some of her winnings from the last challenge to ACLU and other organizations. 

I wish Camila could have gotten a DUI for driving/crashing the golf cart. And if I was that PA who got punched I'd press charges. Fuck Camila and her "I make mistakes, I'm human, haters gonna hate" bullshit. A mistake stops being a mistake after the third or so time you've continued to repeat it. And racism is not a "mistake" it's a deep character flaw and intolerable. 

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 11:11 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

Yeah, what is a "Riff Raff", and does ANYBODY watch "Wild N' Out"? I don't know many people who are huge into WWE either. I've never been big into wrestling, but have always at least been familiar with the "bigger names" (Hulk Hogan, the Rock, etc) of the sport, but the only person I know from it now is the Miz, and that is because of this. 

CM Punk from last season was a pretty big name from the world of wrestling.  Granted not on the mainstream level of Hogan, the Rock, or Cena but not many are on that level.  I mean Punk is mostly known for wrestling but he also is currently an MMA fighter and he writes comic books for Marvel.  That being said if you are not into those things I would understand not knowing who he is.  I mean for me I have no clue who any of the Real House Wives are besides Nene Leakes.  So if one of them were to show up on something I would be saying the same thing as you are.

I hate the voice of the chick from Wild N' Out (I have not learned her name yet).  The fact that they gave her a ton of talking head segments drove me up the walls.

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Finally watched. Wow, Camila was given so much rope from the doghouse, and she ended up biting somebody. If you're involved with BMP in any way,  you cannot be surprised, you cannot act surprised. Oh, and awesome job not capturing the transgression. I mean, if you have the loosest cannon ever, you should have a camera on her at all times. For legal reasons. And entertainment.

Riff Raff seems okay, but losing him wouldn't be that bad, at least on the surface. Matt got a little lucky. Not that Cory's a scrub, but he does have more experience playing these games . . . or "janky carnival games," if you're Cara Maria.

Jenna, Jenna, Jenna . . .  why do you even get near Zach?!? He's an asshole! The biggest asshole! Surely, you can do so much better.

Here's hoping a "Star" drives Johnny into the ground in a few weeks.

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25 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

When I get quoted twice by folks having to forensically break down how certain people are famous, it really drives the point home how bullshit the "celebrities" are.

Grain of salt from me. If Chanel, Sterling, or either of the Pfaff brothers ("Drama" and "Big Cat") were cast and posters would go "WTF?" My heart would shrivel, because I reckon Rob Dyrdek and his various series are the best things MTV has put up in a long while. That's just me, though. Also, now I'm imagining Camila decking Chanel, and that would suck worse than the time Rob nailed her in the face with dodgeballs (by accident) twice.

I'm really hoping CT doesn't backslide because of TO. I'm down for an Endgame Of The Initials, though. Everybody else can have popcorn.

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17 hours ago, Fretful said:

Camilla isn't even in the MTV promo picture.  I think she is finally OUT.




Loved the tiny chairs!

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I read somewhere on Reddit that they were supposed to do the promo shoots that same day or something, and Emily S. (obviously) was unsuccessful at getting Camila to calm down and clean herself up for a shoot. She got angry about being told what to do, and then it escalated to the point that she also then punched the PA. I don't know if that all was before or after the golf cart incident.

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On 11/22/2017 at 3:12 PM, Jobiska said:

The only reason I hope Camila gets help is because this time she hit someone in the face and did minor damage to a golf cart; next time she might give someone a concussion and crash her car into a pedestrian.  

John was disgusting to Ariane and then acted like she was the one with a problem.  He makes my skin crawl.  I don't care if he was supportive of Diem when she was dying, he's a horrible misogynistic creature.

I thought it was very telling that the only person he tried to mess with in that way was the black woman. No disgusting misogynistic "wresting in KY jelly" jokes to any of the other women, nothing to any of the guys. Fuck him.



I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I read somewhere on Reddit that they were supposed to do the promo shoots that same day or something, and Emily S. (obviously) was unsuccessful at getting Camila to calm down and clean herself up for a shoot. She got angry about being told what to do, and then it escalated to the point that she also then punched the PA. I don't know if that all was before or after the golf cart incident.

Is that what they meant by the PA was trying to dress her? I couldn't understand why a PA would be dressing her in the first place.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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21 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I read somewhere on Reddit that they were supposed to do the promo shoots that same day or something, and Emily S. (obviously) was unsuccessful at getting Camila to calm down and clean herself up for a shoot. She got angry about being told what to do, and then it escalated to the point that she also then punched the PA. I don't know if that all was before or after the golf cart incident.

If Camilla's spiral was triggered by doing a promo shoot, she's worse off than I thought.  She should have known and been prepared.  She's been on these shows forever now.

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1 hour ago, TiffanyNichelle said:


Is that what they meant by the PA was trying to dress her? I couldn't understand why a PA would be dressing her in the first place.

Haha, yeah that makes sense. Although it could also be because she's just such a drunkard and she probably couldn't even wipe her own butt, so they had to actually dress her. 

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2 hours ago, TiffanyNichelle said:

I thought it was very telling that the only person he tried to mess with in that way was the black woman. No disgusting misogynistic "wresting in KY jelly" jokes to any of the other women, nothing to any of the guys. Fuck him.

I don't think Johnny is racist, but he does need a good beating, and I hope it's recorded. But his is a charmed life. Remember when Camila was melting down for the billionth time and Johnny threw a pillow at the back of her head, and she didn't immediately suspect the most infamous pot-stirrer in the history of the show??? Yes, I had to use italics, because I fucking hate him that much.

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On 11/25/2017 at 9:39 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

When I get quoted twice by folks having to forensically break down how certain people are famous, it really drives the point home how bullshit the "celebrities" are.

All it's telling  is that you don't know certain people. Doesn't make them any less of a celebrity. It's just someone you don't know. 

I wouldn't expect anything else anyway. It's a mtv reality show. It's a reality show in general. Which means the celebs they get will be often drawn from very specific pockets of the industry. They aren't going to do much better than that. Any genuine celeb doesn't need this.

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On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 0:44 AM, Lantern7 said:

Finally watched. Wow, Camila was given so much rope from the doghouse, and she ended up biting somebody. If you're involved with BMP in any way,  you cannot be surprised, you cannot act surprised. Oh, and awesome job not capturing the transgression. I mean, if you have the loosest cannon ever, you should have a camera on her at all times. For legal reasons. And entertainment.

Riff Raff seems okay, but losing him wouldn't be that bad, at least on the surface. Matt got a little lucky. Not that Cory's a scrub, but he does have more experience playing these games . . . or "janky carnival games," if you're Cara Maria.

Jenna, Jenna, Jenna . . .  why do you even get near Zach?!? He's an asshole! The biggest asshole! Surely, you can do so much better.

Here's hoping a "Star" drives Johnny into the ground in a few weeks.

I mean yeah Zach is an asshole but he cannot be that big of an asshole if he shaved his head for Locks of Love.  That being said I do think Jenna could do a lot better.  

On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, TiffanyNichelle said:

I thought it was very telling that the only person he tried to mess with in that way was the black woman. No disgusting misogynistic "wresting in KY jelly" jokes to any of the other women, nothing to any of the guys. Fuck him.


Is that what they meant by the PA was trying to dress her? I couldn't understand why a PA would be dressing her in the first place.


On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 7:25 PM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Haha, yeah that makes sense. Although it could also be because she's just such a drunkard and she probably couldn't even wipe her own butt, so they had to actually dress her. 

What MV said.  She was probably drunk so they sent a PA in to help her.  I have worked as a PA in the past and such is the life of a PA.  You have to do all sorts of crappy jobs on set, including trying to help dress a nasty drunken Brazilian woman.

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2 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I mean yeah Zach is an asshole but he cannot be that big of an asshole if he shaved his head for Locks of Love.  That being said I do think Jenna could do a lot better. 

But you have to worry about boys wearing wigs made of his hair turning into knuckle-dragging assholes.

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Haha, yeah that makes sense. Although it could also be because she's just such a drunkard and she probably couldn't even wipe her own butt, so they had to actually dress her. 

That's exactly what I took it to mean.

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