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S04.E09: A Dark Knight: Let Them Eat Pie


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Pr. Pyg literally cosplaying Chef Louis from The Little Mermaid and his amazing cell block tango rendition were definitely the highlights of this episode. 

  • Sweeney todd episode
  • Alfred being a dad complete with snatching brucie's phone away and then later falling for bruce's "must have left the rocks in the car" move
  • Calling foul on that Harper situation. 1) pyg wasn't even holding the knife to her throat, 2) harper literally gave jim permisson to shoot pyg despite her situation, and 3) he succeeded in making similar shots before (like with the ogre way back in season 1) so the odds were in his favor, i think. But no...jim is such a good-hearted boyscout all the sudden, there was no way he'd even risk the shot or call for backup or anything
  • Pyg calling jim a smart cop...eeekk...i'm gonna chalk it up to his crazy fanboyism
  • Ozzy cooked up his step-siblings so i don't know why he reacted the way he did. Didn't he try a bite of them too or was it the dog (or none of them and i just have really poor memory)
  • gold star of the night goes to Harper with that hidden weapon. I was gonna be so mad if they killed her off.
  • Ozzy forgetting about his 'no friends' policy real quick
Edited by HoodlumSheep
  • Love 3

I love Pyg. He is so freaking crazy and yet entertaining. i hate that he murdered those homeless people, but that dance was hilarious until he stabbed Sophia's hand anyway. He is absolutely right about Penguin being the worse glutton in Gotham. At least, Jim stabbed and beat the hell out of Pyg after letting Harper get stabbed and captured.

Sofia gave herself away when she cried out after Jim, but I think that it is okay because she is love with him. Penguin is all crushed at her betrayal, but honestly other than his mother who could love someone as evil as him. I am sure Sofia will be fine.

Oh Bruce! He is a hot mess. I chuckled when he drove off and left Alfred in the forest, but he was so damn cruel to Alfred in their final scene. Like any father with a difficult teen, Alfred is just going to have ride this out. 

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 2

That might have actually been the craziest episode this season, and thats really saying something. As soon as Pyg started quoting Cell Block Tango, I was practically squealing like a piggie myself. That was seriously some of the most batshit stuff I have ever seen on network TV. It was amazing. Pyg makes the rest of the rouges gallery look like a bunch of soccer moms and dads in comparison. What reference do I even make? Titus Adronicus? Hannibal? Frey Pies? 

This breakup between Harvey and Jim had better end soon. They need to have more friends. Its not like they have many more. 

Bruce is just a total mess, and its interesting to go through his moody teenager phase. Alfred practically making that snooty rich kid pee himself was definitely an episode highlight. But damn, that last scene was nasty. Alfred is trying so hard to be a parent, but it isn't easy with a "normal" kid, let alone a billionaire orphan who just killed an immortal assassin. 

  • Love 5

Well. Cannibalism and Bruce Wayne Gone Wild? Must be Thursday.

Gotta love Oswald upping his paranoia yet again. Then you have a moment where some asshole figures Martine's life isn't worth eating people, and Oswald responds by removing the knife impaled in Sofia's hand (what is it about hand hazards on this show?) and kills the dude by plunging it in his head. Nice character moment there. Of course, if Martine manages to live to the season finale, I will be surprised. Hey, he knows how to play the triangle. Kid's got talent!

Hey, Jim got a win. I mean, Pyg will get out to cause havoc one day, but Jim got to shine as the captain. I understand his reluctance in shooting Harper. What if he nailed her? Remember, a captain shooting a cop is how he got the job in the first place.

As much as I feel bad for Alfred, I feel worse for the poor bastards whose necks he'll snap to alleviate what Bruce put him through. Snotty little bastard. I figure he'll snap back . . . but this series has strayed pretty far from canon. What if Bruce never becomes Batman and becomes the wastrel he only plays in regular continuity? On the bright side, Tommy showed a spark of intelligence backing down from Alfred.

  • Love 2


Well...looks like Harvey's down for the count for a while. Shucks. Guess he wanted more time off because...well, Donal Logue needed it.

Those who know, know why.

I think Sofia is quickly taking his place as my favourite character...I just love her ability to seem so calm in the toughest of situations.

Which means she's probably not long for the show...especially since she played her hand tonight. She's great when she can think everything through...she's just not great at thinking on her feet.

Which is pretty much how Pyg got to her- he put her and Oswald into situations where they'd have to think quickly and they're just not good at that. Pyg was a real treat in this episode, and I especially dug the "A Modest Proposal" reference. That poem is one of my all-time favourites.

I also thought Jim did pretty well in this episode. He didn't like what he did to Harvey and he knew he totally deserved Harvey chewing him out. He knew how to handle Pyg- Jim can at least think on his feet- and liked the victory, but seeing Sofia at the end made me think Jim knows his victory was hollow.

Jim may have everything he wants- but he's lost everything in the process.

It's a wonderful story. Certainly this season has improved immensely from the year before. Hopefully more eyeballs start watching it soon.

Oh, and Bruce...partying Bruce. Trying to establish his authority over the bemused Alfred, who is trying to juggle being both a butler and a father. Bruce though does need a good smack (figuratively) upside the head- drinking and partying is no way to deal with demons, son.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:


I also thought Jim did pretty well in this episode. He didn't like what he did to Harvey and he knew he totally deserved Harvey chewing him out. He knew how to handle Pyg- Jim can at least think on his feet- and liked the victory, but seeing Sofia at the end made me think Jim knows his victory was hollow.

Jim may have everything he wants- but he's lost everything in the process.

It's a wonderful story. Certainly this season has improved immensely from the year before. Hopefully more eyeballs start watching it soon.

I love that Jim's storyline finally has some intrigue to it.  Don't screw it up writers. 

Season 4 has been a massive improvement over season 3 so far.

Also, Crystal Reed is effortlessly attractive

  • Love 7

Professor Pyg has easily become one of the best villains on this show.  A perfect mixture of creepiness, but also entertainment and even dark humor.  Michael Cerveris is perfection in the role (that song and dance!)  His whole plan to kill and actually feed homeless people to Oswald and the rest was so gross and disturbing, but I can actually understand his twisted logic, which makes it better then just a psycho being psychotic with no really good explanation.  I'm glad Jim did get hims, because he and GCPD really do need some kind of win, but I'm sure this isn't the last of him.

Oswald gets more conformation that not only is Sofia against him, but involved with Jim.  The question is what will he do?  I certainly hope it involves ring back up Zsasz!

Bruce is continuing to spiral and poor Alfred is helpless to stop him right now.  David Mazouz turned in good work here.  Too bad no one has an aging machine so they can go ahead and create an adult version of him for Justice League, because judging from those commercials the film, Ben Affleck already seems over it.

I hope Bullock does end up going down a dark path, but I'm afraid for him.

To end on a shallow note: I wonder how much tape was used to make sure Crystal Reed didn't fall out of her dress for the fundraising scenes.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, DR14 said:

I love that Jim's storyline finally has some intrigue to it.  Don't screw it up writers. 

My hope is that when the inevitable "mea culpa" comes from Jim, Harvey's not so quick to jump back into his arms. Jim's got a lot to atone for.

16 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

To end on a shallow note: I wonder how much tape was used to make sure Crystal Reed didn't fall out of her dress for the fundraising scenes.

There is not an adjective for "stunning" that would describe Crystal Reed and Sofia Falcone in that dress. Wowza.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Bruce is continuing to spiral and poor Alfred is helpless to stop him right now.  David Mazouz turned in good work here.  Too bad no one has an aging machine so they can go ahead and create an adult version of him for Justice League, because judging from those commercials the film, Ben Affleck already seems over it.

In a few years, when DC is ready to reboot Batman, they won't do it, but they should should cast David as a young Batman.

  • Love 2

I've always said that this show should lead into a reboot of the Batman film series- as David Mazouz grows up, he definitely should be able to fill that role, and fill it admirably.

Mazouz, by the way, will be 18 in 2019, which should be the show's fifth season. It would be fitting for the show to end on his 18th birthday with him donning the Batsuit.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

In a few years, when DC is ready to reboot Batman, they won't do it, but they should should cast David as a young Batman.

Yeah, but what if David* keeps growing? Could we handle a 6'9" Batman?

*If you ever want to be "that guy," keep insisting on pronouncing his name as "Dah-VEED." Yeah, I didn't know until I saw him in panels at Fan Fest in 2016-17.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

My hope is that when the inevitable "mea culpa" comes from Jim, Harvey's not so quick to jump back into his arms. Jim's got a lot to atone for.

There is not an adjective for "stunning" that would describe Crystal Reed and Sofia Falcone in that dress. Wowza.

I hope so too.  It seems Harvey will be hard to win back, he should be.  I do wonder if he shows up in the remaining two episodes of the front half.  

4 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

I've always said that this show should lead into a reboot of the Batman film series- as David Mazouz grows up, he definitely should be able to fill that role, and fill it admirably.

Mazouz, by the way, will be 18 in 2019, which should be the show's fifth season. It would be fitting for the show to end on his 18th birthday with him donning the Batsuit.

I wouldn't mind a Batman film series with David and all the key players of Gotham's cast a few years down the line.  I think that it'd be fantastic.  Wishful thinking I know, but, what the heck.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

My hope is that when the inevitable "mea culpa" comes from Jim, Harvey's not so quick to jump back into his arms. Jim's got a lot to atone for.

What on earth that Jim have to atone for? Not being corrupt like Harvey? I get that Harvey is a fan favorite, but he is just a less bad guy in a sea of very bad guys. He should be embarrassed to wear that badge.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, DR14 said:

I hope so too.  It seems Harvey will be hard to win back, he should be.  I do wonder if he shows up in the remaining two episodes of the front half.  

When would they have shot these episodes? Mid-September?

I suspect Harvey is being sidelined because of real-life issues for Logue, which I hope he's resolved. I know he found Jade but I can't imagine that reunion has been seamless.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

When would they have shot these episodes? Mid-September?

I suspect Harvey is being sidelined because of real-life issues for Logue, which I hope he's resolved. I know he found Jade but I can't imagine that reunion has been seamless.

I think at the time of the NY comicon last month, they were filming episode 10 or 11.  Think they are on 13 now.

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

What on earth that Jim have to atone for? Not being corrupt like Harvey? I get that Harvey is a fan favorite, but he is just a less bad guy in a sea of  verybad guys. He should be embarrassed to wear that badge.

Agreed. As a character, he's much more interesting than Gordon, but he's a major pain in the ass. He'd be lucky to have anyone as friend.

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

What on earth that Jim have to atone for? Not being corrupt like Harvey? I get that Harvey is a fan favorite, but he is just a less bad guy in a sea of very bad guys. He should be embarrassed to wear that badge.

Well, he did collude with the mob (Falcone) to try to get rid of Oswald.  

Harvey was definitely in the wrong not showing up with his fellow cops last episode, but let's not pretend Jim's hands are clean here.

2 minutes ago, DR14 said:

Well, he did collude with the mob (Falcone) to try to get rid of Oswald.  

Harvey was definitely in the wrong not showing up with his fellow cops last episode, but let's not pretend Jim's hands are clean here.

I am quoting myself from a previous episode thread.


Yes, Jim has crossed the lines and has hated himself for it, but he has usually done it when he feels desperate and regrets it almost immediately. His desperation is the result of being one, if not the only, honest cop in that city. It isn't surprising that he occasionally goes rogue or allies with one criminal to catch another. However, no way is Jim as corrupt like Harvey and the rest of GCPD.

3 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

What on earth that Jim have to atone for? Not being corrupt like Harvey? I get that Harvey is a fan favorite, but he is just a less bad guy in a sea of  verybad guys. He should be embarrassed to wear that badge.

Jim's just as corrupt as Harvey is- Jim shot Galavan in cold blood and had no real qualms about it, and once he was caught, he showed no remorse- he was only sorry he got caught. Jim also has no qualms working with gangsters- not just the Falcones but also Oswald, and time and again, Jim will discard whomever he works with without a moment's notice. Furthermore, throughout S2 and S3, Jim did a lot of shady things Harvey decided to let go. It got so bad that Lee threatened to go to the Commissioner to rat both Jim and Harvey out for what they did.

Jim should be rotting in jail for all the stuff he's done but Harvey looked the other way, because Harvey understood what Jim was doing- and the thanks Harvey gets for that is Jim taking his job.

More to the point, but just because Jim's felt remorse for what he did (I disagree that he has, but that's subjective) for crossing lines doesn't mean:

  1. He didn't cross those lines. Jim very much did. Remorse does not absolve you of corruption.
  2. Harvey isn't beating himself up over having to be corrupt.

Harvey Bullock does what he does because he feels he has to. Bullock, time and again, does not want to be corrupt, but knows crime is too entrenched in Gotham for law enforcement to act any other way.

I grant that none of this absolves what Bullock has done, but at least Bullock is at least honest with himself. Jim has consistently failed to recognize that he's embraced the dark side and that he's not nearly as good as he thinks he is.

The breakthrough this season is that at least the writers have acknowledged what they've done and made it clear Jim's got some answering to do for his past misdeeds. He can't just brush people off anymore and offer platitudes or hollow apologies. It's likely the same soul-crushing exercise Harvey went through and Harvey beats himself up every day for going through it. Harvey at least hopes Jim understands what's coming and can at least prepare for it.

  • Love 3
Just now, Danielg342 said:

Jim's just as corrupt as Harvey is-

No, he isn't. Look I get there is all this Harvey love from you and some people here, but I don't agree with this constant attempt to downplay Harvey's corruption where he takes money from criminals to look the other way. Jim has nothing to atone for with Harvey who should be embarrassed to call himself a cop who protects and serves. 

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

No, he isn't. Look I get there is all this Harvey love from you and some people here, but I don't agree with this constant attempt to downplay Harvey's corruption where he takes money from criminals to look the other way. Jim has nothing to atone for with Harvey who should be embarrassed to call himself a cop who protects and serves. 

Right. So the amount of times Jim has acted above the law means nothing. I'm sorry, that's corruption.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Harvey has not- onscreen anyway- murdered anyone except Patel this season, and he was duped into it.

By my count, Jim's murdered Galavan, the lackey who owed Penguin money early in S2, tried to murder Barbara, Mario Calvi and others that I've missed. That's a long kill list for someone who's supposed to be "morally sound".

I'm not going to excuse Harvey for taking bribes, but to pretend that Jim is better than him because Jim hasn't taken one (that we know of)...I'm sorry, I just can't see it.

  • Love 1

Thank you, Gotham, for airing an episode featuring cannibalism right before Thanksgiving. I wasn't hungry, anyway.

It's touching in a dark way that Oswald cares so much for that kid. When he first went to Martin to get him to spy for him, I was all "Aw, don't put the kid in that position." But in his own twisted way, he truly cares for the kid. Which is why I'm afraid its going to end very badly. Remember, we didn't see the resolution to the moment Sofia came upon him scribbling stuff down. He may have reported the makeout session (which Sofia initiated) because that's exactly what she wanted Oswald to hear. The kid may be working for her, not Oswald, and that will devastate Oswald. He may gotten it right when he first described the scenario in which he met Martin (Sofia explicitly put Martin in his path, and he wasn't there purely by chance). Can't help but feel bad for him. Yeah, he's a terrible person. Yes, he deserved everything Ed dished out to him last season. But to manipulate him into believing he has a friend and caring for a little kid is such a cold, cold thing to do to anyone. 

 Sofia...man. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. EVERYTHING is a manipulation. Right down to asking Oswald for help eating the people pie so he knows how serious she is and to win him back over. Oswald ought to just shoot her and not try to play her game. He won't win. (Don't actually want him to shoot her - Sofia has been an awesome addition to the show). 

Jim caught Pyg, but he's still kind of a dummy. He goes in without backup? And after he's all, "I want nothing to do with you!" he still goes in to see Sofia because she shoots him an alluring look through the window? And "I deserve it" about being captain? Yikes. You may have good intentions, but no one put you there on your merits. Sofia handed a shit ton of money to the mayor to make it happen (clearly more than the cut he was already getting from Oswald's licensing program). Sofia is going to expect to be paid for what she did. And does anyone for a hot second think she is down with eliminating crime with Jim? That she's just going to run her little orphanage? Nope. Think again, Jimbo. 

Side notes: Glad Harper lived. And Gotham sure has a hard time hanging onto its mayors. Come back soon, Harvey.

Pyg is such a great villain. I'm glad he's still around next week despite being caught. And I really hope it's not the end of Pyg. I hope he sticks around for as long as possible or that he pops back up again down the line. 

I know Bruce is going through a rough patch, but Alfred needs to dropkick him into next week.

This season has been excellent. I loved last season, but the writing has been much tighter this season and the story lines seem to be moving forward with more purpose and clarity. It unfortunately means that a lot of the other characters get benched for episodes at a time, but it's really flowing a lot better. 

  • Love 4

I always love looking at all the extras whenever we get crowd shots around Gotham, or see large groups of people together, and you get to see all the outfits on display. Its the most bizarre mismatch of styles and time periods, everything from Victorian London to  the 1920s to 1950s to modern day fashion, and it all seems to fit the weird, timeless, Gotham aesthetic. Its like everyone on this show has wandered in off a Tardis, and just decided to stick around. 

  • Love 10

In that last scene, when Bruce ordered Alfred to "clean up this mess," that was BRUTAL! That whole exchange was really great - Bruce is truly out of control right now, and Alfred is trying his best, but so far, it's not working. In the shallow end of the pool, I thought Alfred looked smoking hot in the hiking scene and that final scene. The guy is incredibly handsome.

That was a very graphic and bloody episode, though! When Penguin drove the knife into that guest's head - wow. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Biggie B said:

That was a very graphic and bloody episode, though! When Penguin drove the knife into that guest's head - wow. 

I never eat while watching this show, because I get grossed out easily and there is usually something nasty happening on screen. Haven’t watched this episode yet but definitely sounds like I should prepare myself lol! 

  • Love 1

My fave TV character of all time is a cannibal, who I also lust after with the heat of million suns, but I was still grossed out by the people pies. Especially when Oswald was wearing it all over his face. But Pyggy Man and his cell block tango was literally everything.

I want Alfred to smash Bruce's prissy little mouth in. And yes...dayum...Alfred in the forest scene? When DID he become so smokin'?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

Two questions: 

  1. Is it spelled "Martin," "Martine," or something else?
  2. How cute was his Penguin hair? So "on point."

The kid who plays him spelled it "Martin" on Twitter yesterday, so I guess that's the correct spelling?

28 minutes ago, Philbert said:

You know, looking at this thread, I can't help but wonder about what Sean Pertwee was thinking when he took this role 4-5 years ago. Fairly sure becoming a 'middle age sex symbol' wasn't on his top ten of things he wanted out of this show :)

Hey, then that should be the gravy on top of a pretty good "Alfred", right?

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Kostgard said:

Gotham sure has a hard time hanging onto its mayors.

Three mayors in four years by my count. At this stage, who would want the position?

I also love- though I doubt the show intended it that way- that the Mayor is missing and the people are just going about their day as if nothing happened.

"The Mayor is missing? Ho-hum...it's just 'Gotham Being Gotham'...again."

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Philbert said:

You know, looking at this thread, I can't help but wonder about what Sean Pertwee was thinking when he took this role 4-5 years ago. Fairly sure becoming a 'middle age sex symbol' wasn't on his top ten of things he wanted out of this show :)

I do not know about the sex symbol thing, but I bet he's aware of having many fans. Remember, his father was the second-longest tenured lead actor on Doctor Who.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, luna1122 said:

And yes...dayum...Alfred in the forest scene? When DID he become so smokin'?

I concur.  He and Jeremy Irons  are certainly re imaging how Alfred would present himself in the modern era.   Sean completely won me over in season 2 when he was teaching Bruce the subtleties of street fighting while HE was street fighting some goon. 

  • Love 3
On 11/16/2017 at 6:01 PM, HoodlumSheep said:

.jim is such a good-hearted boyscout all the sudden, there was no way he'd even ..; call for backup

That was SOOOO Damn Stoooopid!!!! There's a dangerous lunitic who knows we're coming; let's just go by ourselves.  I knew Harper would be attacked, and I was just glad she wasn't killed.  ("Jim deserves to be Captain"?  Please, no -- just for that one act alone.)

On 11/16/2017 at 7:38 PM, DR14 said:

 Crystal Reed is effortlessly attractive


On 11/16/2017 at 7:47 PM, thuganomics85 said:

I hope Bullock does end up going down a dark path, but I'm afraid for him.

To end on a shallow note: I wonder how much tape was used to make sure Crystal Reed didn't fall out of her dress for the fundraising scenes.

I trust you mean "I hope Bullock doesn't end up going down a dark path".

It looked like the dress was using "cinch-power" to hold itself up.

On 11/17/2017 at 5:30 AM, icemiser69 said:

That said, I am sure the writer's would still find a way to put the bad guys back together again.

I think it was Harvey who put a lampshde on that -- how no one in Gotham stays dead.  (Although a bazooka at point-blank range seems to have done the trick!)

On 11/17/2017 at 9:27 AM, srpturtle80 said:

I never eat while watching this show, because I get grossed out easily and there is usually something nasty happening on screen. Haven’t watched this episode yet but definitely sounds like I should prepare myself lol! 

Unless your first name is Sweeney or your last name is Lector (or you recently bunked with a member of Brooklyn's finest), I would definitely recommend planning your meals at least 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

21 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

Three mayors in four years by my count. At this stage, who would want the position?

At least four now, I think.
Richard Kind, at least one other, Oswald, and the current mayor.

10 hours ago, Kathemy said:

Doux Reviews: Let Them Eat Pie

We get murder, cannibalism and underage drinking, as well as the really nicely shot fight scene - it's just a shame it has to involve the least interesting and rootable character on the show.

I don't know why you would say that about Pyg!!!!  LOL

Edited by jhlipton
Doux Review
  • Love 1
Just now, Danielg342 said:

Did someone replace Aubrey James after Galavan got him? Was Galavan himself named Mayor?

I seem to recall that there was a Mayor under Galavant and another after he "blowed up real good" (cf The MacKenzie Brothers)  (the Mayor isn't usually mentioned unless it's pertinent to the plot, though).  I don't retain the kind of trivia like this that others do ("In episode 3.2, if you freeze-frame at 13:23, you can see  a picket sign saying 'Smith for Mayor'." LOL) -- but that's what I recall. 

Wasn't Penguin running against the incumbent?

4 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

I seem to recall that there was a Mayor under Galavant and another after he "blowed up real good" (cf The MacKenzie Brothers)  (the Mayor isn't usually mentioned unless it's pertinent to the plot, though).  I don't retain the kind of trivia like this that others do ("In episode 3.2, if you freeze-frame at 13:23, you can see  a picket sign saying 'Smith for Mayor'." LOL) -- but that's what I recall. 

Wasn't Penguin running against the incumbent?

Penguin ran against James- which is why I thought there were only three mayors in this series.

Then again, someone had to be Mayor at Galavan's trial because James said he resigned the post.


She's great when she can think everything through...she's just not great at thinking on her feet.

Which is why Sophia (all three of her; DAMN, WOMAN) makes a great team up with Ozzy, or would if she wasn't so hooked on her vision of herself as "Prove Myself A Worthy Falcone" and thinking she can't have rivals. Granted, Penguin isn't the most stable guy to have around as a foil but she seems to have some bizarro notion that she's going to do the high-class version of the crime licensing--she runs the criminal element with grace and style and everybody thinks she's the best without any of that messy gunfighting or anything. She's like a crime-centered Kardashian in that she wants some kind of curated, glossy version of the life she thinks she's owed.

(Seriously, though, that dress was gorgeous and so was she, but this is a charity dinner for an orphanage! After I while I was muttering "just put on a string bikini and get it over with.")

Jim Gordon, the dummy, once again gets to save the day through unbelievable good luck and coincidence after his own boneheaded moves got another officer kidnapped/nearly murdered in the first damn place. Harper actually asks  if they should wait for backup before going after the crazy cop killer with the penchant for traps (AS JIM POINTED OUT HIMSELF) and he says no!  And neither of them check their six while checking the car and allow their sight lines to each other to be blocked! Where do the Gotham cops get their training, off the backs of cereal boxes? Discarded rough drafts of Encyclopedia Brown stories? 

Jim's got some damn MOVES, though. Nice to show off the one thing he does well; getting so frustrated he just marches in, shoots the flunkies and takes on a  guy in a pig mask for tabletop knife fights! He's a man of action; it's thinking that gets him in trouble.

The whole Jim/Harvey soap opera is pretty played out at this point. Neither is going to agree with the other's worldview and maybe it's time to move on from there

Little Marteen is certainly picking up lots of helpful tips for his future as the Silent Sociopath. I agree with the poster who said Sophia told him exactly what to tell Penguin. I do wonder what the rest of the orphans thought of the evening.

Mmmm, people pies! Pyg's  Hercules Poirot And Titus Andronicus Had A Baby And Raised It By Playing Sweeney Todd On A Loop With A Side of Chicago was a fitting and hysterical top off for this actor and he sold the hell out of it. I do wish, though, that after he told the richies that the pies are people and they have to eat they'd all just shrugged and started tucking in with enthusiasm. This is Gotham; hell, half of them probably belong to societies that cook up the actual orphans!


6 minutes ago, Snookums said:

And yes...dayum...Alfred in the forest scene? When DID he become so smokin'?

Edited by Snookums
  • Love 3

I watched every episode of Hannibal without feeling at all queasy, but this did it.  It wasn't the concept of people pies, or even when they started eating.  It was when they all, especially Oswald, realized what it was, and the complete revulsion that the actors showed that got me.  Especially Robin Lord Taylor.  OMG--his face as he realized, then shoved the first handful in his mouth, and then you could just see him fighting not to throw it back up. It was all in the acting, but it actually got to me.

In other news, I've very worried that Jim put Pyg in a cop car and walked away--does he want to protect other cops from Pyg or not?

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Snookums said:

Seriously, though, that dress was gorgeous and so was she, but this is a charity dinner for an orphanage! After I while I was muttering "just put on a string bikini and get it over with."

Yes, please!!!

Discarded rough drafts of Encyclopedia Brown stories? 

Encyclopedia Brown always remembered to check the back!  (That was a solution to one of the mysteries...)



9 hours ago, Ailianna said:

Does he want to protect other cops ... or not?

Depends on what's in for Jim's "morality".

Edited by jhlipton
Bolded a reply
  • Love 2

Jesus, that was gory, even for this show.

I did love Pyg's take on Cell Block Tango but getting Oswald to eat a homeless person, damn, I could've done without that to be honest.

Sofia's "betrayal" is out there for Oswald to react to next week and all because Martin spotted her snogging Gordon.

The Bruce/Alfred stuff was a bit filler but served a purpose though.

Lot of absences this week as well, 7/10

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