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S14.E08: Out of Nowhere

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On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 2:00 AM, pennben said:
On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 0:54 PM, DEL901 said:

And the IT guy saying, oh, that seminar is next week?????  You don't go live, especially with such critical data, until everything is locked down tight!

Forgive me, I had to giggle a bit at this.  Not medical field, but formerly of huge company when IT insisted all would be well with a rollout at our busiest time of year.  Needless to say, IT had not anticipated everything and brought down the business for a day and a half.  So, yep, Bailey was annoying, but I get her standing over their shoulders and being crazy.  Of course, we all have our stories whether on IT side or on end-user side, so we can all relate to someone here!!!!

So... the teaching hospital I work at went live with a new software 3 weeks ago. Let's just say paper charts have become very popular.

  • Love 4

Even though I knew it was inevitable, I hate that GA is going to try a domestic violence plot line. There’s only been a few times they’ve had a serious storyline like that where I’ve thought they’ve done a decent job (Christina’s post-plane crash PTSD mostly). Why the writers act like they write these groundbreaking and relevant storylines so well, I will never understand. 


I too was underwhelmed with the episode. Like everyone else, the lack of technology causing chaos was poorly written with awful continuity. Most of the cast have used “old school” medicine record keeping before, and hospitals have a contingency plan for these kinds of things. I don’t expect very much realism but I also don’t expect complete bologna, which that entire arc was.


I started this season really enjoying the episodes but that has gone downhill pretty quickly. The last 3 episodes have been progressively more meh for me. I don’t fully understand why interns keep being added as recurring members when we aren’t losing any other recurring members, too. Having that large of a cast makes it impossible to even keep track of storylines, and they used the first part of the season closing up a storylines for characters who were barely on the show and left (I’m looking at you, Megan and Riggs) instead of building a proper arc for what’s to come later in the season. 


Final thought: Maggie and Jackson is a hard no for me. I agree that their vibe is much more sibling-y than romantic. Trying to write a female-heavy cast leaves little room for love interests though. Some of the characters need some off-screen action. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, jabbi said:

Final thought: Maggie and Jackson is a hard no for me. I agree that their vibe is much more sibling-y than romantic. Trying to write a female-heavy cast leaves little room for love interests though. Some of the characters need some off-screen action. 

Totally agree on the BIG THUMBS DOWN for Jaggie.

Instead of doing that, I would much rather see them have a Mer/Alex type relationship.  Total besties who get along really well and perfectly understand each other's motivations and issues.  At this point, since the "romance" chemistry isn't doing it for us.......the writers could totally do a 90 degree turn, and what we've seen of them together would work pretty nicely for a deep and abiding friendship between the two.  They've now shared some important 'moments'....Jackson learns he's 1/4 way to a billionaire, Helicopter bloodbath, etc., and the writers could easily use those as bonding and a cornerstone of a great friendship. 

I believe they'd get much more mileage out of a BFF relationship for Jaggie than yet another "triangle" story.  This year's Jackson is such an ass, whereas Jackson used to be written as a good guy (shutting down Katherine trying to rob April of everything, including her daughter, during the divorce, for example).   I'd like Jackson to once again be a nice guy, great doctor and new generation leader at GSMH, and see him grow into a ground breaking plastics guy.  IOW, get him back to "not just another pretty face". 

  • Love 8

I think Grey's has tackled a ton of tough storylines and done many of them pretty well. April losing her baby comes to mind, as does Cristina deciding to have an abortion. Owen's PTSD in season 5 was done really well, too. 

I also wouldn't say they used 'the first part of the season' on Megan and Riggs; they were around for 5 episodes, the season will run 24. It's nice that a regular character (Riggs) actually got a nice send-off, and Meghan's story totally set up what was to come in the season; she opened Owen up to being really happy again, and Riggs' exit freed up Meredith's storylines too. And it's not like nothing else happened; in that time we also got an Alex / Jo reunion, Amelia's tumor / the breakup with Owen, Meredith doing a Harper Avery winning surgery, the death of Harper Avery, Jackson's inheritance, Ben training to be a firefighter, April moving out of Jackson's apartment, Arizona's fling with Carina + Sophia moving home, DeLuca's romance with this intern, etc. They've set up tons of stories for the back half of the season. As for the interns, they've literally always been part of the series - season 4 (Lexi's class), season 9 (Jo's class), season 12 (DeLuca's class), etc. These interns, aside from Glasses and Sam, have barely had dialogue. They're not really taking up screentime. Plus, this is the smallest number of regulars the series has had in ages with Steph and Riggs both gone, and the only other recurring characters right now are Carina and Catherine Avery. Ben will be gone soon, too. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Blonde Gator said:

Totally agree on the BIG THUMBS DOWN for Jaggie.

Instead of doing that, I would much rather see them have a Mer/Alex type relationship.  Total besties who get along really well and perfectly understand each other's motivations and issues.  At this point, since the "romance" chemistry isn't doing it for us.......the writers could totally do a 90 degree turn, and what we've seen of them together would work pretty nicely for a deep and abiding friendship between the two.  They've now shared some important 'moments'....Jackson learns he's 1/4 way to a billionaire, Helicopter bloodbath, etc., and the writers could easily use those as bonding and a cornerstone of a great friendship. 

I believe they'd get much more mileage out of a BFF relationship for Jaggie than yet another "triangle" story.  


IMO, the most important moments they could have shared, and where their friendship really could have developed, is episode 22 in season 11 (She's Leaving Home).  In my head I always think of it as "Grey's Gap Year", LOL.  It's the episode where April and Meredith have both skipped town to deal with their grief and everyone else hangs out together with Alex for the holidays.  Anything referring to that time would be a bit of a retcon since nothing much was shown between them, but this is where it makes the most sense to me for a friendship to begin with "moments" shared together.  

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Scatterbrained said:


IMO, the most important moments they could have shared, and where their friendship really could have developed, is episode 22 in season 11 (She's Leaving Home).  In my head I always think of it as "Grey's Gap Year", LOL.  It's the episode where April and Meredith have both skipped town to deal with their grief and everyone else hangs out together with Alex for the holidays.  Anything referring to that time would be a bit of a retcon since nothing much was shown between them, but this is where it makes the most sense to me for a friendship to begin with "moments" shared together.  

Maybe I missed it, but that episode doesn't ring any bells at all. 

But the point remains, thanks, Grey's, but NO to Jackson/Maggie coupling.

  • Love 4

What I really want to see when we pick up again in January is Jo getting support from her coworkers about Paul. Not just Alex but other people. Like Bailey bluntly telling him to get away from her residents, they have work to do or Meredith informing him that she owns the hospital and he can leave now. Not the Jo can't stand up for herself but it would be really nice to see some support from her colleagues as well.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, anna0852 said:

What I really want to see when we pick up again in January is Jo getting support from her coworkers about Paul. Not just Alex but other people. Like Bailey bluntly telling him to get away from her residents, they have work to do or Meredith informing him that she owns the hospital and he can leave now. Not the Jo can't stand up for herself but it would be really nice to see some support from her colleagues as well.

Moving my (all speculation) response to the Spoilers and Speculation thread...

  • Love 1

I feel like I have to post in defense of the dancing intern! Regarding the actress not being talented or having some sort of connection, I guess the first is subjective and the second is outside of my realm (and kind of a nasty supposition), but she won the fifth season of SYTYCD, and while I never got into that show, she's a fellow Miami Cuban-American and she appeared on my beloved Bunheads, so I had to watch her videos. She's charming! We'll see how Grey's fits her in, but I want her character to do well. Other than the scenes with DeLuca, she's been pretty amusing to me. Kind of like a more natural awkward than Maggie, whose awkwardness I find so forced sometimes. And regarding DeLuca, they seem to have at least a modicum of chemistry, they're both super pretty, and I like when pretty people get together when they have chemistry. I probably would have preferred a little more back and forth pull before they hooked up again, but we'll see how the storyline plays out. Here's to a little more nuance in the future!

I do hope they slowly insert the interns into the storyline so it doesn't feel like they're being inserted without earning it. Glasses has earned his storyline so far, dancing doctor can slowly get there, and Dahlia has actually had more of a calm, natural-seeming presence so I won't mind at all if she gets more screentime. I can't really recall noticing the others.

Maybe the interns (or anyone) can take the screentime they plan to devote to Maggie/Jackson? Because my god, that was awful. If they wouldn't harp on the non-familial connection, I wouldn't even think about it, but if they don't mention it like 15 times an episode, I would barely realize they are drifting toward a romantic connection. It's the polar opposite of a natural progression, like they have to convince themselves along with the audience. I was honestly so confused when April said that Jackson was into Maggie last season, and I'm still confused as to why anyone up top thinks that's a good idea. I'm a JApril shipper, so take this with a grain of salt even though I don't mind their split at the moment, but Jesus what a snore of a pairing. Even their blood soaked helicopter ride couldn't provoke more than an eyeroll from me.

I have to admit I was a bit shocked at the ending. I haven't been paying attention to speculation/spoilers, so this really came out of left field. I didn't think I cared that much for Jo, but damn did I feel for her at the end there. Please let her rush off and save the kid as soon as the show starts back up in January! 

Edited by mehtotheworld
  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, mehtotheworld said:

If they wouldn't harp on the non-familial connection, I wouldn't even think about it,

This right here!! Maggie and Jackson suck enough by themselves, having jackson harp on incessantly about feeling like she was his sister just made it 100 times worse and now while I'd never much though of them as being siblings - now I can't get it out of my head. He just comes off as sleazy with her and she's just extra irritating.

Edited by Chas411
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, mehtotheworld said:

I feel like I have to post in defense of the dancing intern! Regarding the actress not being talented or having some sort of connection, I guess the first is subjective and the second is outside of my realm (and kind of a nasty supposition), but she won the fifth season of SYTYCD, and while I never got into that show, she's a fellow Miami Cuban-American and she appeared on my beloved Bunheads, so I had to watch her videos. She's charming! We'll see how Grey's fits her in, but I want her character to do well. Other than the scenes with DeLuca, she's been pretty amusing to me. Kind of like a more natural awkward than Maggie, whose awkwardness I find so forced sometimes. And regarding DeLuca, they seem to have at least a modicum of chemistry, they're both super pretty, and I like when pretty people get together when they have chemistry. I probably would have preferred a little more back and forth pull before they hooked up again, but we'll see how the storyline plays out. Here's to a little more nuance in the future!

At this point, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.  To be fair, she hasn't yet been given much to do, other than make out with Andrew.  Perhaps once they give her character a more substantial story, she will impress us.  Personally, I don't believe in "screen chemistry" (what others call chemistry, I call--in order of importance--writing, directing, and acting), but I'm not saying that Doctor Dance and Deluca are a dud.  I do believe it all more from his side of things, but they still are are more credible than at least on other potential coupling currently on the show*.

As I said, what does frustrate me is that their story line is just one more in a long line of "getting it on in the supply room" story lines for this show.  And, yes, he's technically her superior, but I find this a bit less icky since they had a prior relationship in medical school when there wasn't that power dynamic.

*So, speaking of how I define "chemistry" and an example of bad chemistry....
Writing - Trying to convince the audience that a Jackson/Maggie relationship is incest, when it actually isn't (icky, yeah...but not incest).  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?

Directing - 5 words: Blood hose in the helicopter

Acting - I really don't think either actor wants to be doing this story line.  They are both better actors than this....

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:


*So, speaking of how I define "chemistry" and an example of bad chemistry....
Writing - Trying to convince the audience that a Jackson/Maggie relationship is incest, when it actually isn't (icky, yeah...but not incest).  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?

Directing - 5 words: Blood hose in the helicopter

Acting - I really don't think either actor wants to be doing this story line.  They are both better actors than this....


From what little I've read, it seems they think the awkwardness and gross factors are humorous. (???)

I'll also add that I'm concerned about where the writing is also going to go for April.  First, they cryptically stated that she would have a very complicated journey.  Recently, I've heard she will deal with life being unfair and bad things happening to good people.  Maybe it will make sense when I see it, but if she didn't figure it out with her first pregnancy, wouldn't she have figured it out with her army doctor days?  It feels like a character regression of sorts (as does Jackson's newly acquired big spending ways).

And I'll state AGAIN that I think the time for Jackson and Maggie to develop some sort of bond (friendship or otherwise) is NOT when April makes a suggestive comment, but when April and Meredith were both gone for months at a time simultaneously and Jackson and Maggie might have maybe leaned on each other a bit for emotional support.

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Scatterbrained said:


From what little I've read, it seems they think the awkwardness and gross factors are humorous. (???)

I'll also add that I'm concerned about where the writing is also going to go for April.  First, they cryptically stated that she would have a very complicated journey.  Recently, I've heard she will deal with life being unfair and bad things happening to good people.  Maybe it will make sense when I see it, but if she didn't figure it out with her first pregnancy, wouldn't she have figured it out with her army doctor days?  It feels like a character regression of sorts (as does Jackson's newly acquired big spending ways).

And I'll state AGAIN that I think the time for Jackson and Maggie to develop some sort of bond (friendship or otherwise) is NOT when April makes a suggestive comment, but when April and Meredith were both gone for months at a time simultaneously and Jackson and Maggie might have maybe leaned on each other a bit for emotional support.

Taking my reply to the Grey's relationships thread....

40 minutes ago, OtterMommy said:

*So, speaking of how I define "chemistry" and an example of bad chemistry....
Writing - Trying to convince the audience that a Jackson/Maggie relationship is incest, when it actually isn't (icky, yeah...but not incest).  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?

Directing - 5 words: Blood hose in the helicopter

Acting - I really don't think either actor wants to be doing this story line.  They are both better actors than this....

This is why I'm hoping this whole Jackson/Maggie storyline is just intended to be "funny" filler. The actors aren't conveying romantic energy between the characters. The writers remind the audience they're kinda, sorta siblings whenever they're on-screen together. The director has blood spurt all over them in what should've been a cute couple moment. It feels like the show is actually trying to get us to root against them as a couple. Which is fine if that's where the story is going, because otherwise, it's just really bad choices. Everyone involved in this storyline knows how to sell a couple better than this.

  • Love 5

I'm not giving DeLuca's ex-chippy the benefit of any doubt, and I don't care that she won SYTYCD since that has absolutely nothing to do with acting talent.  She is a fucking terrible actress, and she's getting paid a shit ton of money to be a fucking terrible actress.  I expect this show, in its fourteenth damn season, to be able to cast an actor in a recurring role who doesn't suck giant balls of shit.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, OtterMommy said:

*So, speaking of how I define "chemistry" and an example of bad chemistry....
Writing - Trying to convince the audience that a Jackson/Maggie relationship is incest, when it actually isn't (icky, yeah...but not incest).  WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?


33 minutes ago, LaughingOne said:

It feels like the show is actually trying to get us to root against them as a couple.

I think they want us to root for Maggie and Jackson.  I think the writers are just doing the siblings jokes b/c of the big ew no reactions that happen last season on social media. Its suppose to be a way to get audience to get over it, but it doesn't seem to be working. Jesse and Kelly aren't that good of actors, and I don't think Jesse is even trying. 

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

I'm not giving DeLuca's ex-chippy the benefit of any doubt, and I don't care that she won SYTYCD since that has absolutely nothing to do with acting talent.  She is a fucking terrible actress, and she's getting paid a shit ton of money to be a fucking terrible actress.  I expect this show, in its fourteenth damn season, to be able to cast an actor in a recurring role who doesn't suck giant balls of shit.

Uh, is chippy really an accurate term? Besides, I don’t think we’ve even seen her for more than two minutes total in the season. Kind of seems like a bit much for the amount of time she’s spent onscreen...

3 hours ago, LaughingOne said:

This is why I'm hoping this whole Jackson/Maggie storyline is just intended to be "funny" filler. The actors aren't conveying romantic energy between the characters. The writers remind the audience they're kinda, sorta siblings whenever they're on-screen together. The director has blood spurt all over them in what should've been a cute couple moment. It feels like the show is actually trying to get us to root against them as a couple. Which is fine if that's where the story is going, because otherwise, it's just really bad choices. Everyone involved in this storyline knows how to sell a couple better than this.

I think they want us to root for jaggie and highlight the “sibling” thing to get us over the stigma and gives the couple something to overcome. I just don’t think either is working. 

I never claimed incest with these two but the moment Jackson was saying “it’s nice having a sister” and in the next breath contemplating sleeping with her things got really icky really quickly. Doesn’t help that their interactions, even the way they held hand is very big brother/little sister. 

The characters seem hung up on what April said and are in this weird immature state of “does he/she like me?” “Do I like him/her?” And trying to fill in the blanks so to speak. What’s supposed to come off as a slow burn is coming across more as god awful pacing to get to the damn point of the duo. It’s not building or leading up to anything exciting. 

Doesnt help thst Jesse or Kelly aren’t really conveying romantic interest or infatuation. The awkwardness was cute for may 0.5 seconds and now it’s hudt infantile. Move it or lose it!

Edited by moonorchid
  • Love 7

Would love to see everyone gathering around Jo and helping her through this. I've really warmed up to her this season and am so curious to see how the DV storyline will pan out. Kinda hoping Alex will kick abusive husbands ass, but not if he'll risk going to prison again. 

Agreeing with all of you, Jaggie doesn't work, and will not work. I just don't see them together. I'm a Japril shipper, so would love to see them together again (I know there's been a lot of fighting, but it calmed down last season when they lived together at Jackson's and I'm still hoping it will work out.

Well, so it's Bye Bye Ben then? Will probably be another firefighter episode in the future where Ben is injured or in peril of some kind. Don't think we've seen the last of him just yet.

Gaaah, I cannot wait two months for another episode, it's just too long!!! Thankfully there's Christmas in between so I can rewatch the Christmas episodes of season 1 & 2. It's become a Christmas tradition, really! (and I sometimes lie under my tree and watch the lights too... Once a Grey's lover, always a Grey's lover.)

Edited by Flynn
  • Love 6

I just hope that DeLuca's ex-girlfriend doesn't get much more screen time.  I don't care if she won SYTYCD.  I don't care that she's Miami Cuban-American.  These things have nothing to do with the fact that, thus far, she's been a terrible actress.  I'd like to see more of the other interns' story lines.  The only ones we've seen that much of are her and glasses.   

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Flynn said:

Would love to see everyone gathering around Jo and helping her through this. I've really warmed up to her this season and am so curious to see how the DV storyline will pan out. Kinda hoping Alex will kick abusive husbands ass, but not if he'll risk going to prison again. 

Agreeing with all of you, Jaggie doesn't work, and will not work. I just don't see them together. I'm a Japril shipper, so would love to see them together again (I know there's been a lot of fighting, but it calmed down last season when they lived together at Jackson's and I'm still hoping it will work out.

Well, so it's Bye Bye Ben then? Will probably be another firefighter episode in the future where Ben is injured or in peril of some kind. Don't think we've seen the last of him just yet.

Gaaah, I cannot wait two months for another episode, it's just too long!!! Thankfully there's Christmas in between so I can rewatch the Christmas episodes of season 1 & 2. It's become a Christmas tradition, really! (and I sometimes lie under my tree and watch the lights too... Once a Grey's lover, always a Grey's lover.)

You get the "real fan" award for lying under the Christmas tree. 

Thanks, that made me laugh.  May have to try it this year, if I can get the bloody cat off the Christmas tree skirt!

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I'm not giving DeLuca's ex-chippy the benefit of any doubt, and I don't care that she won SYTYCD since that has absolutely nothing to do with acting talent.  She is a fucking terrible actress, and she's getting paid a shit ton of money to be a fucking terrible actress.  I expect this show, in its fourteenth damn season, to be able to cast an actor in a recurring role who doesn't suck giant balls of shit.

I adore how strongly you feel about this. It's the best. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Court said:

I adore how strongly you feel about this. It's the best. 

Haha, thanks!  I do indeed feel very strongly about this and will continue to feel very strongly about this until the character is killed off or until the actress takes a ton of acting classes – whichever comes first. ;-)

7 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

Uh, is chippy really an accurate term? Besides, I don’t think we’ve even seen her for more than two minutes total in the season. Kind of seems like a bit much for the amount of time she’s spent onscreen...

Uh, I think chippy is a perfect description since her raison d'être seems solely to be to have sex with DeLuca.  If she is given other raisons d'être, I will consider changing that description, but that's what she is for now.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I just hope that DeLuca's ex-girlfriend doesn't get much more screen time.  I don't care if she won SYTYCD.  I don't care that she's Miami Cuban-American.  These things have nothing to do with the fact that, thus far, she's been a terrible actress.  I'd like to see more of the other interns' story lines.  The only ones we've seen that much of are her and glasses.   

To clarify, the Miami Cuban-American comment was in relation to what got me watching her SYTYCD videos despite not really being into the show that much. I did find her entertaining and charming in the SYTYCD videos, and don't think she's been on screen enough on Grey's to really have an opinion on her acting talent. I'm reserving judgement until she's had more than a minute of screentime, half of which was spent sucking face with DeLuca.

27 minutes ago, NUguy514 said:

Uh, I think chippy is a perfect description since her raison d'être seems solely to be to have sex with DeLuca.  If she is given other raisons d'être, I will consider changing that description, but that's what she is for now.

I honestly think you need to look up the definition of chippy because it just doesn't make sense...

3 minutes ago, mehtotheworld said:

I honestly think you need to look up the definition of chippy because it just doesn't make sense...

Re: chippy.  So, I just looked it up and...it didn't mean what I thought, so I'm guessing the OP is in the same boat (to be fair, it doesn't seem like a word that would mean "aggressively belligerent").  I think maybe a more appropriate word is cheeky?  

But I do agree that she doesn't seem (so far) to have any other reason to be on this show than to give Deluca something to do (heh heh).  If you compare her with Glasses, he has also had an "encounter," but we've also gotten to see him in action and interacting with the "grown ups" of the show more.

I'm actually quite interested in meeting the other interns--I know none of their names, but there is the woman in the hijab (which, THANK YOU!, it's about time this show started having some realistic diversity), the blonde intern who we saw quite a bit in this episode and seems somewhat capable.  I'd like to see them get more story time in upcoming episodes.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

I honestly think you need to look up the definition of chippy because it just doesn't make sense...

Thank you, but I'm not the one who's confused here.  The word "chippy" has multiple definitions, and one of those definitions is as a slang word for a booty call or a young, cheap female prostitute.  I used the word exactly as I meant to use it, and, as I already said, I find it to be a perfect description of this character.

  • Love 2
17 hours ago, mehtotheworld said:

Other than the scenes with DeLuca, she's been pretty amusing to me. 

I did get a kick out of a scene in the operating room when she was explaining to Meredith the hack and concluded with a loud:


Meredith:  Try a little Harder.


Edited by pennben
  • Love 2
On 11/19/2017 at 10:31 PM, mscav said:

So... the teaching hospital I work at went live with a new software 3 weeks ago. Let's just say paper charts have become very popular.

Someone here who came into an education institute. Where the person 2 years ago, mocked and ridiculed the previous IT person who had built everything from hand and had the school working great. He forced the other guy out, took over and nothing has worked right in 2 years. He keeps trying to fix it and things get worst, yet he still has a job. 

6 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Thank you, but I'm not the one who's confused here.  The word "chippy" has multiple definitions, and one of those definitions is as a slang word for a booty call or a young, cheap female prostitute.  I used the word exactly as I meant to use it, and, as I already said, I find it to be a perfect description of this character.

All that over 2 minutes of screen time! Yikes, guy.

Things that bugged:

Bailey standing over an FBI agent barking orders and issuing threats.  What I would have given to see her gagged and handcuffed in the corner.

The very idea that two doctors,  surgeons at that, would leave a hospital that is crashing and burning is beyond belief.  There are specially trained flight for life nurses, and they could more than handle the situation.  Why was a plastic surgeon needed?

The concept that no one knew if the little boy had received an IV anti-coagulant.  The process is very structured, including blood levels, and would be one of the first things reported at shift change.

Jo's husband showing up.  They've written Alex into a corner regarding physical violence, so his hands will be tied.  At least we know Jo is capable of beating a man nearly to death, so my hope is she offs the guy with minimal damage to herself.  

Mixing business with pleasure - absolutely disgusting.  Imagine if one of the male surgeons made this crack.

On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 8:56 AM, Joana said:

Carina was actually slightly more tolerable once she stopped talking about orgasms and acted like a normal person. I'm sensing a storyline where she and Arizona get back together and Carina struggles with her role in Sofia's upbringing so they break up and make up and evenetually overcome all problems and Sofia loves her.

I'm dreading a Sofia 2.0.  Bisexual woman has a fling with a man, and realizes she's pregnant when she's reconciled with her lesbian lover.  Lesbian and baby daddy clash and fight over ownership of the baby.  The last thing Arizona needs is another child.  I would be happy for Owen, as he's craved fatherhood for years.


Bailey continues to be the worst chief ever. I live for the day she gets fired/demoted. Of course, it won't happen, because, Bailey.

For some reason, I have not been able to tolerate Bailey since Ben came into her life.  She's just always a miserable hag.  She henpecked and belittled her first husband while they were married, even though he did all the heavy lifting of caring for Tuck.  She's challenged Ben's authority over Tuck when he was clearly doing much of the heavy lifting in their home.  She's highly successful and powerful in her career, has a gorgeous and fit man who seems to want to bang her constantly, has a healthy, sweet son, and plenty of dough.  Yet there she is, day after day, pissing and whining and barking at people.  She's just never happy.  She makes more than enough money for Ben to follow his dream, and I don't think for a second she's worrying about his safety.  I'm sure more people have been killed inside the hospital than in the Seattle fire department.  Either way, I've never been a Ben fan.  He turned Bailey into an irresponsible woman who bangs in an on call room as she's shrieking orders through the door.  She doesn't have to be sexless, but she acted like a teenager getting her first orgasm, juggling multiple gorgeous men.  

Maybe once her corns and bunions settle down she'll relax a little.

On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 4:10 PM, dmc said:

also agreed Delucca is poor man’s Mcdreamy 

For me, until DeLuca's secret wife shows up, he chooses wife over Dr. Dancer yet treats said wife like shit, calls Dr. Dancer a slut for having the nerve to have sex once they've broken up, and then cheats with Dr. Dancer practically under the nose of wife, he's head and shoulders above Dereck, IMO. 

And I'm not even a particular DeLuca fan.

  • Love 5
On 21.11.2017 at 11:44 PM, Blonde Gator said:

You get the "real fan" award for lying under the Christmas tree. 

Thanks, that made me laugh.  May have to try it this year, if I can get the bloody cat off the Christmas tree skirt!

Haha, thanks! I always have to do it a few times during the holidays, try to get my family in on it, but they jumped the Grey's ship a few years ago and just laugh at me when I'm under there, haha! I also have a nosy pet, my big lab keeps squishing under to lie beside me and licking my face, but it reminds me of Doc, so it's okay :)

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4 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm dreading a Sofia 2.0.  Bisexual woman has a fling with a man, and realizes she's pregnant when she's reconciled with her lesbian lover.  Lesbian and baby daddy clash and fight over ownership of the baby.  The last thing Arizona needs is another child.  I would be happy for Owen, as he's craved fatherhood for years.

Oh.My.God. I hadn't even considered it, but now when I think about it, it's a real possibility. It would FINALLY resolve the "Owen desperately wants to be a father" storyline, it gives Arizona something meaningful to do, which she's lacked for more than a season, Sofia's comeback makes more sense as there will be drama about her adjusting to a new sibling, De Luca will also be involved as he's the baby's uncle, and generally, there's potential for huge mess and dramatics all around, which is something the show loves.

And didn't they say something big was coming up for Arizona this season? Yikes! 

Edited by Joana
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58 minutes ago, Joana said:

Oh.My.God. I hadn't even considered it, but now when I think about it, it's a real possibility. It would FINALLY resolve the "Owen desperately wants to be a father" storyline, it gives Arizona something meaningful to do, which she's lacked for more than a season, Sofia's comeback makes more sense as there will be drama about her adjusting to a new sibling, De Luca will also be involved as he's the baby's uncle, and generally, there's potential for huge mess and dramatics all around, which is something the show loves.

And didn't they say something big was coming up for Arizona this season? Yikes! 

Taking my response to the Spoilers and Spec thread...

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15 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Things that bugged:

Bailey standing over an FBI agent barking orders and issuing threats.  What I would have given to see her gagged and handcuffed in the corner.

The very idea that two doctors,  surgeons at that, would leave a hospital that is crashing and burning is beyond belief.  There are specially trained flight for life nurses, and they could more than handle the situation.  Why was a plastic surgeon needed?

The concept that no one knew if the little boy had received an IV anti-coagulant.  The process is very structured, including blood levels, and would be one of the first things reported at shift change.

Jo's husband showing up.  They've written Alex into a corner regarding physical violence, so his hands will be tied.  At least we know Jo is capable of beating a man nearly to death, so my hope is she offs the guy with minimal damage to herself.  

Mixing business with pleasure - absolutely disgusting.  Imagine if one of the male surgeons made this crack.

I'm dreading a Sofia 2.0.  Bisexual woman has a fling with a man, and realizes she's pregnant when she's reconciled with her lesbian lover.  Lesbian and baby daddy clash and fight over ownership of the baby.  The last thing Arizona needs is another child.  I would be happy for Owen, as he's craved fatherhood for years.

For some reason, I have not been able to tolerate Bailey since Ben came into her life.  She's just always a miserable hag.  She henpecked and belittled her first husband while they were married, even though he did all the heavy lifting of caring for Tuck.  She's challenged Ben's authority over Tuck when he was clearly doing much of the heavy lifting in their home.  She's highly successful and powerful in her career, has a gorgeous and fit man who seems to want to bang her constantly, has a healthy, sweet son, and plenty of dough.  Yet there she is, day after day, pissing and whining and barking at people.  She's just never happy.  She makes more than enough money for Ben to follow his dream, and I don't think for a second she's worrying about his safety.  I'm sure more people have been killed inside the hospital than in the Seattle fire department.  Either way, I've never been a Ben fan.  He turned Bailey into an irresponsible woman who bangs in an on call room as she's shrieking orders through the door.  She doesn't have to be sexless, but she acted like a teenager getting her first orgasm, juggling multiple gorgeous men.  

Maybe once her corns and bunions settle down she'll relax a little.

For me, until DeLuca's secret wife shows up, he chooses wife over Dr. Dancer yet treats said wife like shit, calls Dr. Dancer a slut for having the nerve to have sex once they've broken up, and then cheats with Dr. Dancer practically under the nose of wife, he's head and shoulders above Dereck, IMO. 

And I'm not even a particular DeLuca fan.

I meant in looks not character.  Also the crappiest thing mcdreamy did was when he got Richard demoted to be chief 

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On 11/19/2017 at 1:24 PM, OtterMommy said:

Andrew's character is either going to have to go downhill (a la Jackson) or he's going to have an unfortunate encounter with the one sort of vehicle that hasn't killed anyone or seriously injured them to the point they have an out of body experience yet.  I'm not sure what that would be?  (Car/Pickup, Bus, Truck, Plane, Boat/Ferry have all been taken.  Train, maybe?)


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For some reason, I don't know why, but I rewatched this episode today.  First off, this show goes a lot faster if you skip all the Jackson and Maggie scenes. 

But, beyond that, I think I realized what it is about Doctor Dance that is not working for me.  I agree that she's not the strongest actor on the show, but there have been worse.  However, what stood out to me on this viewing is that it seems like they are writing her as I remember they wrote Izzie (to be fair, I'm going by memory here...I didn't go back and watch earlier seasons.  I also realize that Izzie did change as a character through her run and I'm probably thinking of some sort of amalgamation of all the shades of who she was during her time on Grey's).  She seems to react on emotions, the same way Izzie did, and have the tendency act first and think later.  I'm not someone who was ever really enamored with Izzie's character, so this realization annoyed me.  However, as I said upthread, I felt that Glasses (still don't know his name) was written in the same vein as George, but with more moxie.  I guess there are 2 key differences--one I liked the character of George more than I liked the character of Izzie, but also while Glasses is "George, but with..." Dr. Dance seems to be missing the "but with..." part.

I'm hoping I'm wrong on this--I can't remember if Vernoff and Izzie coincided at any time--because, generally, I'm not a fan of just reusing a character's personality (without adding moxie, apparently).  It just comes off as lazy to me.  

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So, I finally watched this episode three weeks late, due to personal issues. So, first thing first, I was eagerly anticipating the blood splatter scene because I'd read some of the posts here shortly after the episode aired. Let me tell you, I had a pretty good laugh at that. I'm really hoping there will be a bombshell plot twist in the second half of season 14. Because let's be honest, they may as well have had banners all over GSMH with the words "consanguinity" and "incest" written in big, bold letters. All right? Now, I know Jackson and Maggie didn't grow up together, Maggie disclaims Richard as her father, blahblah. But why are they doing this to us? Just my two cents, bitch all you want. :)

As for the rest of the episode, I agree with some of the early posts in this thread. I did like that Carina wasn't being a sex fiend this episode. I felt squicky (but not as squicked out at the 'Jaggie' incestuous undertones that are not really incestuous but meant to be flirting?) watching the other DeLuca having sex with one time chick from back on the East coast or Italy, or some exotic place or whatever. What's the point of her? Did we ever see her in any other scenes? Actually, I can't remember what she looks like. I only remember Glasses and the one I think is Madelyn Sweetin? I think someone a few threads back said the curvy girl was Madelyn Sweetin, but I could be wrong. But point is, I remember Glasses and Madelyn.

With all the other mid-season cliffhangers, I felt frustrated at having to wait and now I don't. Maybe it's because I only have to wait five weeks instead of nine, but it's more like thinking the episode was kind of "meh" excluding the blood splatter scene.

Edited by kinnej5
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I'm rewatching this episode now and one of the things that is standing out to me is that the intern Glasses actually has quite the backbone. When wrestling with the blood bank door he was actually pretty good at standing up to Jo when she told him to leave and making it clear to the nurse that his inability to open the door with  NOT operator error.

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