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Current Squad 2017-2018: Media, Music, Videos & Show Group

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Oh geez look at all the millenials LOL, my siblings are both millenials I don't have trouble with millenials, it's the next group I have a problem with lol. Though I gotta say I'm starting to feel like we Gen Xers are part of what's becoming the lost/forgotten generation, but if that means no one's picking on us then I'm okay with that

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On 7/11/2017 at 5:58 AM, Rosiemac said:

That's it. Someone get married on here and invite us so we can all do Thunderstruck.

30 minutes ago, spazette said:

@Oranaiche I'm '85, does that make me a millennial too?!? Say it ain't so! ?

I'm gen X. I claim you and Oranaiche as our generation.

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1 hour ago, QuiteCalM said:

That's it. Someone get married on here and invite us so we can all do Thunderstruck.

I'm gen X. I claim you and Oranaiche as our generation.

Is '78 considered X or Y? I've never really thought I fit into any of those groups...

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Oh, yes! And all of the westerns, and the horror flicks on Sat night . Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein, and we were even scared of Rodan!  Ice cream sodas made by the druggist (drug stores had long counters, and you could get something to eat.) Pop was 7 cents and you could take the bottle back and get 2 cents for it.  I once stepped on a thistle, and sat down to pull the thorny part out of my foot, found a 50 cent piece laying on the ground and was able to but penny candy for the entire neighborhood (about 10 kids). School lunches were da bomb, all homemade everything.

Edited by Dopeydwarf
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6 minutes ago, atxdccfan said:

Gen X is 62-72.  I'm 72.  

Gen X doesn't only span 10 years:



Generation X. George Masnick, of the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies puts this generation in the timeframe of 1965 to 1984, in part because it's a neat 20-year period. He also calls it the "baby bust," mocking "[p]undits on Madison Avenue and in the media" that call it Generation X. Ha ha, tough luck.

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1989 here.


Ohmygah I'm dying. We watched the commmercial for the new season and at the end, it says "the girls are back." My crotchfruit thinks it's saying "the girls are fat." 


Now i I have to teach him a lesson on never calling a girl fat.

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3 hours ago, DanceChick said:

Is '78 considered X or Y? I've never really thought I fit into any of those groups...

Girl, X. X all day. Take a look at this pamphlet we've got here, should tell you everything you need to know.... 

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2 minutes ago, QuiteCalM said:

Girl, X. X all day. Take a look at this pamphlet we've got here, should tell you everything you need to know.... 

Can't even believe I'll be 40 next year. I feel 25. Sigh...

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6 minutes ago, SanLynn said:

A bit late to this but Helloooooooo to my 1971 buddies! 



2 minutes ago, LilRedHerring said:

I'm November 1980: Xennial/old-ass first Millenials/Oregon Trail playing Women. ?

Girl you a straight Gen x. 

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On 7/6/2017 at 9:04 AM, QuiteCalM said:

Aww Yuko looks cute. Her brows are everything. I want to take about a quarter inch off of kelsey's brows. 

Kelsey, girl, let me do yo BROWS, child!! 

Do you do permanent makeup?  (Sorry mods)

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43 minutes ago, DanceChick said:

Can't even believe I'll be 40 next year. I feel 25. Sigh...

You'll love 40! Honestly I turned 40 last year and for me it was just an excuse to party. Actually it's the only time I've remembered how old I am, lol I usually have to calculate my age from one of my siblings by adding the difference bc I remember theirs. I've always felt young though and I figure that's the important part.


Oregon Trail ftw along with Carmen Sandiego, still love those games. We have the OT board/card game. It's nearly impossible to make it to the end.

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CMT is going to owe me a new pair of glasses after binge watching season 1 and 2 on my iPhone5 on the CMT app. #theeyestruggleisreal!!!

Edited by Rosiemac
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On 7/11/2017 at 0:04 PM, QuiteCalM said:

@ShellyB PLEASE tell me you were in this number. I can't see anyone because of the hats.


I'm just gonna leave this here...


???....nope! That was the 91-92 squad. I did wear that outfit the season before, the Star uniform. 

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8 hours ago, DanceChick said:

Is '78 considered X or Y? I've never really thought I fit into any of those groups...

We are apparently the "Oregon Trail" generation (late 70s/early 80s).  I'm a 1979 baby....and I will forever be wishing I could dance like T-Boz (sadly, I dance more like T-Rex - and primarily in the privacy of my apartment.  In the only room with no windows.  And the door firmly closed).


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9 hours ago, Rosiemac said:

CMT is going to owe me a new pair of glasses after binge watching season 1 and 2 on my iPhone5 on the CMT app. #theeyestruggleisreal!!!

Yeah not any better in my Galaxy, may have to dig the CF's tablet out for a bigger screen

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Oh my gosh, let me take a swig of Geritol, put on my trifocals, and grab my cane....I must be the oldest one here as I am a certified member of the baby boomers! I'll get up just as soon as my recliner launches me upright!! 

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22 hours ago, QuiteCalM said:

haha!! I know Vic's not everyone's cup of tea but I just love to see a legacy grow and blossom. I think it'll be fun to watch, now that Cassie's broken the ice and been the proverbial punching bag for what it is to be a legacy in the digital age where dicks like us sit around and say how we REALLY feel on here lol!

haha how could I leave now. Yall are my buds!!



I'm 1974. Yeah, I remember 

15 hours ago, atxdccfan said:

Gen X is 62-72.  I'm 72.  

What am I at 74? 

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Let's move generational talk to the Small Talk, shall we? Thank you. (And making mention of it in a mocking way is also not great. There are worse ways, but still.)

A reminder, you can't quote, but you can copy the "address" of a quote by clicking on the timestamp under the poster's name and copying the address. Then you start a new post in a topic and just paste and it will look like this: 

But I was lazy and took from this page. I'll put the instructions elsewhere, too.

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26 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:



I'm not sure if this was ever posted. its a deleted scene from last years DCC MTT of Yuko!

Thanks! Hadn't seen that. Being bluntly honest, it reminded me of those facebook videos of that toddler girl who is clearly fed snippets of lines, which she delivers like a mini bratty Kardashian, but she's so expressive it's pretty funny. She's the one with a twin who doesn't do the videos anymore, and she blames "Charlie" for everything.  I'll have to find a link.

So yeah, Yuko is adorable, but that interview looked to me like it was cut every three seconds to feed her lines, and she still isn't the greatest dancer.

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Bitch Moment Ahead: Like 90% of the 91-2 squad would be on WW today! I feel like the attitude towards weight and what the DCC are willing to work with when someone has a few extra pounds changed between Seasons 1 & 2. They worked with Brook Sorensen in Season 1 but then cut this really pretty dark haired girl (Victoria? Gina?) who had bigger hips without even giving her a chance to lose the weight in Season 2. Anyone else notice anything similar? The girls' media exposure is so different compared to when the show began and the addition of HD certainly alters current standards which are huge factors but I felt like I saw a shift earlier than HD times.

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1 hour ago, dccfan37 said:

Wow I didn't realize her mom was one as well!

Her little sister was a Rangerette, too!

Thank you for posting that!!  I was a Rangerette and I didn't know about that website... I'm actually in a couple of the pictures!  :)

Edited by Tootie
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31 minutes ago, Tootie said:

Her little sister was a Rangerette, too!

Thank you for posting that!!  I was a Rangerette and I didn't know about that website... I'm actually in a couple of the pictures!  :)

You were a Rangerette!?!! Their whole organization is so intriguing to me. I know sign drop is tomorrow so I'm watching Sweethearts of the Gridiron right now ha!

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7 minutes ago, dccfan37 said:

You were a Rangerette!?!! Their whole organization is so intriguing to me. I know sign drop is tomorrow so I'm watching Sweethearts of the Gridiron right now ha!

I'm on the far right side of my profile picture!!  '88-'90

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I really liked the Rangerette 2017 camp but there were a few girls that I saw where I was thinking, "Geez, don't you know what's needed to be on this team?"  One girl had such bad kicks I felt sorry for her.  Another girl wasn't in the best shape and, while she had better kicks than the first girl who drew my attention, they still weren't good enough to get her on the team where kicking one's nose is practically a requirement.  I'm going to watch a few others in that series to see what's what.  

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That movie was utterly annoying to me, and I can't pinpoint exactly why. Maybe it just boiled down to the dance moves. I find that drill team precision thing to be thoroughly weird. So there's that. and then there are the handful of girls who are so freaking stupid that holding their mouths closed while walking is as elusive as quantum theory, because all that they've been forced to learn and retain in life is how to take a pretty selfie. I dunno, it was just irritating to my senses in a way that DCC MTT is not.

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