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Season 1 - 3 Discussion

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It seemed obvious to me that Beth had not been taking to her Mom's lessons about toughness.  She was scattered in her thinking and was weak as a newborn foal.  So, Mom resentfully delivered one last toughness lesson by identifying fault as she did.  I am NOT saying Mom was right to do so!

Rainwater's whole shtick is to use the politics of victimhood and of white guilt to capture land he otherwise can not buy.  He knows he will win any fight against Jenkins that does not involve a courtroom.  If he has any brains at all, he will also attempt to establish tribal rights based on ancient occupancy.  He's already got the Senator in his pocket (remember her????) and the Governor is now fixing to go after Dutton.  And yes, Jenkins will have everything taken right out from under him.  He basically has already lost the land as it is not worth a bucket of warm spit, anyway.  Basic principles of capitalism are taking hold, Rainwater or no Rainwater.

Rip may not have been able to gather the rope he used.  Dutton's enemies don;t need a good reason or facts to go after him.  Any excuse will suffice. 

As always, YMMV on everything.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Although I really like this show, it was ridiculous that Rip found two lost hikers on the property (which is the size of Rhode Island apparently) and at the same time found the grizzly bear. Even though he set out to shoot the bear in the first place, at least he will be off the hook for killing it since it was in self defense at that time.

We live in an area with a large percentage of Native Americans as well, my wife working at a hospital, in Bozeman it would be highly unlikely that it was the medical folks first rodeo with native rituals in a hospital room. I have no doubt they've seen it all before. That reaction seemed over the top. 

Overall though I liked the episode and still enjoy the series. I almost feel sorry for John, none of his kids seem interested in taking over the ranch when he dies. It's obviously one of the largest in Montana. Maybe he'll adopt Rip and make him an honorary Dutton. 

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Well, that took an unnecessarily xenophobic turn. I get making a point about trespassing but why did it need to be Asian tourists?

Meh, not really feeling this "be at one with horse" stuff. I guess it was a nice nod to Robert Redford though. Maybe if he were a few decades younger this would've been his show.

Okay, Kayce was stressed about Monica but still, pretty irresponsible of him not to be feeding Tate. And how is it that Tate didn't know who Beth was?

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Tourists in Yellowstone are famously careless about getting too close to bison and bears.  Maybe wolves, too.  Once we saw a couple of motorcyclists teasing a bison with a fishing pole to get it to turn toward their cameras.  They were standing about ten feet away.  We got out of there but wondered when we heard sirens shortly thereafter.

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A thought I had with this new health situation with John Dutton was that perhaps Kevin Costner is only signed for the first season and the character will die leaving the focus of the next season on the 'next generation.'  If so, I will definitely be out.  But it is interesting that he is experiencing health concerns whether connected to his cancer scare or something else.

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Yeah, I'm only watching this for Costner. If he's out after the first season then I am too. Since it's already been announced that the show has been renewed, PN must be very confident of the strength of the cast without Costner, assuming he's being killed off now and won't return to spend the second season building up the show to go on absent the family patriarch.

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All this death!  Don't understand the point of the tourists at all...I thought when Dutton first accosted the tourists he was trying to get them out of the way of the bear, not really accuse them of trespassing.  But I guess I keep confusing reality with the motivations of folks on the show!

Roping a bear?  I thought Rip was out bear hunting, anyway...why put the tourists on the scene? I don!t get it.

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Very interesting thoughts about Dutton being killed off after we saw him spitting up blood in this ep.  I don't see how the show retains interest if he is completely eliminated.  The Rainwater character, especially, needs a super tough foil like Dutton to fully work right.  Jenkins is too-easy pickings for him.   

I do hope that the Rip character does not go down due to a perfectly benign act.  I do typically enjoy irony, though.  

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On 8/10/2018 at 12:16 PM, Subrookie said:

Although I really like this show, it was ridiculous that Rip found two lost hikers on the property (which is the size of Rhode Island apparently) and at the same time found the grizzly bear. 


Haha I thought the same! I told my husband that was the easiest-to-find bear ever. So much of this show is improbable, but I still love it.

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I like the fact that the bunkhouse crew got Jimmy a real hat.  I can't believe they spent over $500 dollars on a working hat.  At least it's black so it won't show the sweat stains that all their other ones do (slight sarcasm, there).

Rainwater is right. Jenkins doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about business.  This development is a desperation play because he is obviously undercapitalized to carry it through, if the stock is worth only $3/share.  How long would it take Beth to get a seat on the board? Could he sell the land before she takes over? Still, she has only one vote, and can't really threaten to dump her shares as she did with the oil guy in the pilot episode.  And Rainwater's deal with Jenkins is about as solid as a swamp.  That bit about no lawyers, just trust?  Oy.

Earlier, I did have some sympathy for John Dutton.  Now, with that outburst toward Jaime, I don't care if he does lose the ranch.  He brought it upon himself, raising a family to be a bunch of serfs to his empire building.  Speaking of that, $6,000,000/year in property tax, on undeveloped agriculture/forest land?  How big is this ranch?

Looks like Kayce has somebody else to kill, now.  If he can find them.

Jaime, I know she's hot and accessible, but making out in the office in full view of the street?  Not a good political move.  Maybe she's a mole from some other organization.

I hope the journalist plotline gets going pretty soon.

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This morning I dreamt I was making out with Kevin Costner as John Dutton!!!  Yeah!  Damn alarm woke me up.

Not sure what the point of the Fish & Wildlife ranger getting impaled is; maybe they won't go after Rip because he saved her life?  Not such a bad guy after all, so maybe he's telling the truth?  Except now the wolves made mincemeat out of the bear and their evidence of gun powder on his nose is gone.   

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I am hoping Jaime breaks from his family, wins the race and goes on to give them hell. Guess Beth was wrong about him being gay. Look on his face when she made a move on him was a little heartbreaking. Poor guy has been tied up by his father his whole life  and never been shown love or affection. I loathe Beth and her bad wig. 

As shitty as a person John Dutton is I like Kevin Costner in this role. Just watched No Way Out again. Yowser!

Wondering if new guy in the bunkhouse is a mole.

Edited by rocketinu
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, rocketinu said:

I am hoping Jaime breaks from his family, wins the race and goes on to give them hell. Guess Beth was wrong about him being gay. Look on his face when she made a move on him was a little heartbreaking. Poor guy has been tied up by his father his whole life  and never been shown love or affection. I loathe Beth and her bad wig. 

As shitty as a person John Dutton is I like Kevin Costner in this role. Just watched No Way Out again. Yowser!

Wondering if new guy in the bunkhouse is a mole.

Never thought of that.  Something is going on there.   The Unraveling indeed...

Jaime = Eddie Munster



  • Love 7

I have a bunch of questions on this episode:

1. Cowboy hats cost HOW MUCH?

2. No developer would ever do a no-lawyers deal. EVER. So is Jenkins a big fake?

3. What straight dude is writing the dialogue for the lesbians, and how do the actresses deliver their lines with straight faces?

4. Jamie's not gay?

5. Why is Kevin Costner hot to me now?

  • Love 5

I thought it was canon that Jamie was gay? I am totally okay with him not being gay, but I honestly thought it was established?

It was nice to see Rip's backstory, so you could understand if it burned a little when Jamie said his fight with his dad was "family business". Rip's retort about Jamie not having one if he didn't walk away was delivered well, without malice.

I knew Hugh Dillon (the sheriff) was going to be in this episode but I still squeeeeed when I realised he showed up so quickly. He does asshole so well, I hope he pops up again. Hugh, Kevin, and Cole in a scene together: yay.

The scene with the fish and wildlife woman, Rip, and the horsefly seemed convoluted/confusing. She would have some proficiency as a rider due to her job and if she thought Rip was messing with her or she didn't want him to touch her horse, she should have stopped and gotten off the thing. I realise that would mean the rest of the storyline was avoided but it just seemed odd.

I'm still working past Michaela being Angela from Bones, it's taking some time.

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1 hour ago, glitterpussy said:

Cowboy hats cost HOW MUCH?

I went to the Stetson website juts to get an idea, and, I think you can find some up in that rarefied atmosphere, but they're more like dress hats rather than working hats.  I certainly wouldn't kick in a day's pay to buy the new kid a hat, since he just caused the other guy to lose a $50 rope and left the rifle home that he was supposed to bring. 

The only mention of Jaime's sexuality has (so far) been Beth's insult hurled toward him that he was 35 and still single, so he must be gay.

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Cowboy hats and boots cost a lot. 

If you owned a family farm or ranch that had been in the same family for 132 years you'd probably understand John Dutton and how he acts a little better. 

All that said, this was one of my favorite episodes of the season. The part about the fossil hunters ransacking the house fell a little flat for me though. I've spent a lot of time on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana and I don't believe a bunch of people not from the rez could show up without a lot of local interest. 

Hoping for a great part II. 

  • Love 4

Tate is so annoying! His mother is in a wheelchair, struggling, happy to see him and his response is to complain to her about missing bones/storms away.  

Jenkins better start calling Beth mommy! He gets beaten up in a bar because of her, watches her get his wife laid, and flee from his home in disgrace. At least Beth showed respect and not smoke in the house. 

Edited by mxc90
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The Monica arc is just beyond ridiculous.  Kelsey Asbille's acting as she told Kayce to take a hike was cringeworthy.  As the Ranch Turns, brought to you by Wisk.

The flashback open with Rip was gratuitous.  It's a heckuva back story and it was cool seeing a younger Dutton, though.   I did love the line, "The sheriff told me to call YOU."   I'm fine with Rip getting his comeuppance over a righteous act.  He deserves life in prison, despite his phenomenal cowboy abilities and his childhood trauma.  

The hat "presentation" scene of itself was wonderful.  It's these moments that are the best of Costner's vision.  It's such a dang shame so much crap has been rolled into it all.

In his entire adult life, was there a time Jamie was radio silent for two entire days with his father?  That would be a heck no.  He would have checked in.  It's just impossible for him to have not done so.  I also am sure he is gay as the day is long.  No way he would have let Beth's charge stand in the fight if he were not.  He may have been channeling other super strong emotions in the moment with the campaign manager.  

Jenkins as a biz tycoon is freaking laughable.  If TPTB meant him to be such, they missed the mark by a country mile.   So.  He has a deal in place to build the resort.  He wouldn't have been on the phone to his VC/investor buddies letting them know his stock value (in Yellowstone reality) is about to jump exponentially?   Insider knowledge makes the Rockies go 'round, right? 

I want John Dutton's homestyle internal miracle cure kit.  I'll even pay outrageous shipping and handling. 

I'm genuinely sad things have become so silly.  I wanted this to be about something.  It's becoming absurd.  

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, glitterpussy said:



2 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

The Monica arc is just beyond ridiculous.  Kelsey Asbille's acting as she told Kayce to take a hike was cringeworthy.  As the Ranch Turns, brought to you by Wisk


9 hours ago, glitterpussy said:


3. What straight dude is writing the dialogue for the lesbians, and how do the actresses deliver their lines with straight faces?


Couldn't agree more.

Edited by CoupCounter
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I'm just half paying attention until the season is over.  There are just no likable characters on this show, no one to root for.  Kasey is mopey, Jaime is weak, Beth is a raging bitch, Monica is a cartoon character, Rip is interesting but not likable, Jenkins is a fool, etc.  I could get into more Dutton vs Rainwater but their scenes are few and far between.  I guess Jimmy is the only likable character?  And that guy who said he won't break the law, but I don't even know his name.

  • Love 4
On 8/16/2018 at 11:25 AM, rocketinu said:

Wondering if new guy in the bunkhouse is a mole.

Ah, that makes perfect sense. Which may be why Walker tells Rip (that is, us) that he won't break the law. And by this time, John's prison-gate interview process could be discovered by anyone who investigated his business practices -- including the state's executive office and judiciary, as well as John's two rivals.

11 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

I wanted this to be about something.

It may be yet. John seems to think the central question is passing on his ranch intact to a descendant who can be trusted to do the same. Perhaps he or the show will come to explore the question around the rights of any individual to own such a magnificent, abundant natural resource, and whether there is another way to preserve it.

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On 8/5/2018 at 4:11 AM, Haleth said:

The state and the school corporation is going to have one heck of a lawsuit if Monica dies or has any permanent injuries.  The nurse should have sent her to the hospital immediately.  That turban of bandages around her head was ridiculous.

I finally had the courage to go back and finish this episode.  I laughed so hard at that bandaging.   Then complained to my husband by law she needs to go to the hospital.  There was too much blood for it to just be a bump.  *sigh*

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Wow, Rip has a sad and dark past. Explains a lot.

Oh come on, why would anyone murder tourists just to get away with illegal hunting? At worst he'll get a fine, right? Plus Dutton's ranch might get some bad publicity but Dutton can afford to pay a PR firm to fix that.

Poor Kaycee. Bet Dutton will pull something to get him custody of Tate.

OMG, horses are flighty things. And big and powerful enough to be crazy dangerous. Meanwhile, how did that ranger stay conscious with a fence post run through her? Adrenaline is a helluva drug.

Jenkins is going to get screwed so bad by this deal with Rainwater. Oy, when too much greed makes you too gullible.

Or when you try to rob a former Navy Seal and get your tweaking ass beat for your efforts.

I don't get it. Slavery is illegal. This show is presenting a different take on it though. Wonder if Dutton will be facing a human trafficking charge?

Ditto comments upthread, so Jamie is bi? Okay then.

Cute to see Jimmy so thrilled about his new hat. It's like now he's an "official" cowboy.


Just watched No Way Out again. Yowser!

Heh, I've seen that movie at least ten times. Costner was just glorious back then, and has aged quite nicely.

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Just when I think I could not loathe Beth anymore - well she never disappoints. I was so hoping someone in the campaign office would punch her out. She would screw a snake is someone held it still.

Kayce has turned from the supposedly nice guy with scruples to a monster. I am tending to be on Team Jamie at this point. The mole reporter in the campaign office was a surprise. 

That bunkhouse is going to be a lot of fun - not!

  • Love 6

I hope that John Dutton has a long, slow, painful death.  That guy is just evil, as is every one of his progeny.  Even with Mary Gauthier's "Mercy Now" playing at the end, I grant him none.

How does Jaime think that he can do the job of AG if he can't even stand up to his father? He's made it this far as an attorney because his caseload is just lightweight stuff for the ranch, and he has his father's money behind him.  Plus, he doesn't have the sense to get makeup over that bruise, and everyone who sees him will think "Wuss".  Even the day worker pissed on him.  His campaign manager better do some serious oppo research into Ms. Nguyen before they go any further. 

Did Lady MacBeth smile a bit when John told her that she would be the executor of his estate?  Her only talent is destroying everything and everyone around her.

I said this before, but Jenkins' plan to grab the Y-stone is fundamentally flawed.  Just because you own property next to the ranch doesn't mean the zoning automatically goes from ranch/farm to residential, along with the sky high property tax.  But now Kayce and Jimmy have conspired to commit murder because of it.  I wonder if it entered any of the Dutton clan's minds how the Yellowstone managed to increase its holdings by 200,000 acres (per Jaime in Ep. 1) over the past 10 years.

  • Love 2

The finale was weak.

I guess Monica and her grandfather are the only likeable people on this show. The rest are brutal to watch.  I hope a swarm of Bees take over Yellowstone.

We haven't seen much of Beth and Kayce together. I wonder what their relationship is like.

Good luck to Avery with that group. Why did Rip give her the job this time after turning her down before?  

  • Love 2

I agree that the finale was weak.

I noticed that Avery and Kayce gave each other long looks in the bunkhouse, so I wonder if they'll be an item next season.  Monica seems to be having second thoughts about leaving him, but I mostly feel sorry for the kid.

I hope Beth gets drunk, gets on a horse, falls off and gets dragged all over the property. 

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If the sheriff was trying to be shady you'd think he'd have done a better job of hiding the evidence. What a tool.

When you're fcuking the governor and she fcuks you back ten time worse. Dutton must not be so great in the sack anymore.

I guess I missed something along the way. Who is Avery to Rip? I hope not his daughter. (And I definitely hope she doesn't get branded too. I will be done with this show if that happens.)

Looks like Avery and Kayce have history. The plot thickens.

Poor Tate.

Yep, Kaycee is a serial killer. A serial killer with a crew.


She would screw a snake is someone held it still.

But not before she forced it to give her head.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, mxc90 said:

The finale was weak.

I guess Monica and her grandfather are the only likeable people on this show. The rest are brutal to watch.  I hope a swarm of Bees take over Yellowstone.

Fixed it.

I think the producers are trying to make a point, but the only point I got from this episode and the entire season is that everyone who lives in Montana is evil and stupid.  Except the grandfather.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, missbonnie said:

Apparently I am the only one who loves this show with it's f*cked up characters.

You and my husband.  I had high hopes, because I loved Dallas and Longmire and thought this might be a mash-up of the two.  I gave up on episode 3 or 4, but because my husband still watches, I only watch about 1/4.  I just found out (had to ask him) the brunette Dutton has a relationship is the governor.  That's how closely I'm paying attention.  That, and that someone gets killed every.single.episode.

  • Love 3

I'm a pretty big fan of this show but this IMHO was the worst episode of the season. They are really going to abduct and hang, in broad daylight, driving a Yellowstone Ranch crew cab one of the most visible investors in town? The truck literally said "Yellowstone Ranch" on the door. 

I liked most of this season but not much of this last episode made any sense to me. Kaysee is now a stone cold serial killer? This reporter is now all buddy, buddy with Jaime? I don't buy any of it. 

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