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S30.E14: Pretty Little Backstabbers

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Daaaaamn Derrick. Way to go, buddy. Beating Bananas who did not look good after the elimination. His face looked pretty red and swollen. Otherwise I would have thought maybe he threw it because life definitely looks easier in the redemption house.

I’ve grown to like Cara over the years but yikes. This episode was not her best look. It’s a game. That sucks Jordan said guys don’t want to run a final with you but acting like a five year isn’t going to help your case. 

Britni’s hair drives me insane. Why? Why would she chose that look?

A complete episode! A challenge. Nominations. And a full elimination! No cliffhngers. Keep it up, producers. This is how we like it!

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1 hour ago, Catastrophie said:

Omg did they replace ‘racist’ with ‘derogatory’? When Tori said derogatory while arguing with Camilla, it sounded voiced over. Maybe I’m reaching. I can’t replay it. :(

And hi! I’m a first time poster but long time lurker. ✌?

I re-played it, and I think you might be right.  The camera wasn't on her, though (Tori), so it's kind of hard to tell (i.e. from reading her lips).  But if they did - not cool.

  • Love 4

What was that about some thinking Cara isn't entitled? It's why Leroy didn't bother me much last week. People like him and CT will be salty in the moment but get over it pretty easy. People like Cara and Camilla with just not let it go. They can both shut the hell up any day now. 

Real talk I to feel like they are trying to sweep Camilla's actions under the ground. Make her deal with shit she said. She made her bed. 

  • Love 3

I'm over Cara after the throwing Jordan's stuff in the water and trying to throw him out of the room. Ridiculous. You're over 30!  

 @Racj82 Yeah, that was me and Cara did act less entitled in that episode. She's still less entitled than Camilla. I also admitted that she's changed over the seasons for the worse in that same post. She's really lost me now.

I also liked the comparison of redemption house to The Real World thing. I'm glad Jemmye is around because I like her for things like that.

I couldn't be more over Camilla if her name was "Johnny Bananas" ...actually, I think I'm liking John more than her right now. Camilla couldn't be any more entitled if she tried. Crazy, like actually insane, too. I actually liked Tori when she was standing up to Camilla. Someone has to.

That said, I'm glad Britni lost. She sucks and she's annoying - "about as fake as a boob job" - um, good one?

Derrick won!!!!!!!!!!!! He's been my fave forever...even when he was wasted and talking to frogs.

Edited by Rebecca
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That was an epic elimination between Johnny and Derrick.  It looked like Bananas had a lead, used the strategy first of spinning on top of it.  But looks like exhaustion caught up.


Brittani talking about coming back out of the Redemption House was so eyeroll-worthy.  Bitch you couldn't even get over the reel and you're going to beat all those other competitors who've done better than you?

  • Love 6

 With the whole Jordan vs Cara thing... from what I heard, he also called her a man, but that was edited out.


Hunter really has kind of turned out to be the MVP. Last of his alliance and he has taken out or has a hand it taking out the Vets alliance. Very fucking impressive. And good on Tony for sticking with Hunter.

  • Love 6

I'll admit that I have a very strong Tori love for no real reason...but how did she suddenly become the villain of all this?  She basically just came in, competed well, seemed to keep her head down and didn't throw a fit when she got put into elimination, just sent other girls home...and now somehow she's this terrible person?  I know Camilla is crazy, and Tori sent Britni in, but it seemed like a story that just came out of nowhere.  She's no Johnny Bananas.

I also love Cara, but man was tonight not a good look for her.  That said, it seems she and Jordan don't get along; why is she shocked he doesn't want to partner with her?  All she had to say was "I don't want to run a final with you either" and leave it at that.  She just basically proved his point.

So happy to see Johnny get beat in an elimination!  Maybe that will mean next challenge people won't be so scared of him and he won't just get a free pass to the final...one can hope.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, UGAmp said:

I’ve grown to like Cara over the years but yikes. This episode was not her best look. It’s a game. That sucks Jordan said guys don’t want to run a final with you but acting like a five year isn’t going to help your case. 

There's the Cara that used to annoy all the housemates on past Challenges!  I can't stand Jordan much of the time either, but he's so right when he describes her as a baby.  

Hunter has won just a tiny bit of my love this season.  He came in as an underdog, was targeted at every opportunity, and fought his way back through competing like a bad ass and EARNING his place, unlike a lot of these other fuckers just coasting.  Now, if he can learn to let shit go (uhm, Kailah) and dump Cory as a friend, we'll be straight.

So happy to see Johnny go to the Redemption House.  The battle between him and Derrick was definitely edge of your seat.  On the other hand, Britni was so awful.  How many times did she even make it over the reel?  And she has the nerve to talk about returning?  She needs to get a grip.  

  • Love 5

I for sure wanted the main alliance broken up for the simple fact that its existence is for the express purpose to give Bananas a free ride to the final.  So good for Hunter. But the side effect of having Tony stick around is almost not worth it.  Almost.  I still haven't forgiven Tony for cheaply winning against Darrell, but he at least had the brain power to figure out that his so-called alliance was about to cut him loose.  He teamed up with Hunter at the right time. I have to give him credit for that.  I still want CT to come back and win though.  Really, anyone but Bananas will do at this point. As for the women, Camilla just needs to go away.  She is the WORST.  And I too notice that the editing is definitely covering up her crap behavior with Leroy and Nelson.  She is a straight up racist and a terrible human all the way around.  Why do they protect her.  She isn't even good television anymore. She needs to be in heavy therapy or something. I always like Cara but she lost me last night a little.  I could handle her coming back and running the final though.  I would probably be rooting for Jenna at this point though.  

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I like Cara... But throwing Jordan's bag in the water was childish. 

At least learn some lessons from the pettiness of the past and pull the stuff out of the bag and toss those items into the pool.  That was so mean when it happened to Beth (was it Tonya who soaked her stuff?  I can't remember.); but it was Beth, so I didn't feel as bad as I should have.  Ah memories!

  • Love 1

Cara was definitely childish and petty and hated to see her pull that, but Cara/Jordan never liked each other and he has undermined her abilities and someone like Cara, who has truly improved leaps and bounds to be a top competitor, hates when someone picks apart her flaws. 


Going back to Veronica saying how Jordan has always said sexist shit towards women and has always been disrespectful to them, I’m not shocked he called Cara a man, and she just snapped. She still should have down that shit, she lost me on that, but I get it. I still want her to come back and beat Kailah/Camila.

Roooting hard for Hunter now. Back against the wall all season, fought tooth and nail to get this far, its impressive as hell. Go Young buck.


This is the second time Bananas has lost to anOG RoadRules cast member, and it’s glorious that King Darrell and derrick did it.

  • Love 6

Is this season almost over? I hope so. There isn't going to be a satisfying ending. Camila winning the whole thing would be just fitting, because she would be a garbage champ for a garbage season. And I would wager she'd be the first winner in recent memory to not attend the Reunion, because she'd go over like a massive fart at a monastery.

Seriously, aside from CT and Derrick, there's nobody worth rooting for, IMHO. Maybe LeRoy? I dunno. Nobody looks good, especially most of the women. The air is hefty with ego and entitlement, and it's not good. Redemption House sucks because nobody should get a second chance. You know what would've happened if Johnny & Nany had thwarted that mean b-word Sarah in BOTE2, the season would've sucked harder because they got bounced already.

Damn, Derrick put on a clinic. Too bad he couldn't smack Johnny around like Darrell last season, but the guy was fun to watch.

  • Love 1

I was dubious about the redemption house at first but I liked that a lot of these guys who tried to skate by will have to earn their way back to the Challenge.


Next week should be an epic contest to determine who wins.  There are a lot of strong players there.

Sure it could be a situation like Tony getting lucky over Darrell.  But a lot of people who've been able to escape elimination rounds over the years will have to compete in a mega elimination round.


The previous season where Bananas and Nany were in a small house with another couple, it wasn't much of a contest for Bananas and Nany to make it back.  But this time, whoever survives will have earned it.  For better or worse, the producers have forced the strongest alliance members to fight each other to survive.  We haven't had a lot of that in the previous seasons.

Edited by scrb
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, CheetaraThunder said:

Cara was definitely childish and petty and hated to see her pull that, but Cara/Jordan never liked each other and he has undermined her abilities and someone like Cara, who has truly improved leaps and bounds to be a top competitor, hates when someone picks apart her flaws. 


Going back to Veronica saying how Jordan has always said sexist shit towards women and has always been disrespectful to them, I’m not shocked he called Cara a man, and she just snapped. She still should have down that shit, she lost me on that, but I get it. I still want her to come back and beat Kailah/Camila.

Roooting hard for Hunter now. Back against the wall all season, fought tooth and nail to get this far, its impressive as hell. Go Young buck.


This is the second time Bananas has lost to anOG RoadRules cast member, and it’s glorious that King Darrell and derrick did it.

Back when the challenge was really Real World vs. Road Rules, didn't the Road Rules dominate?

5 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Please don't let Tony make the final. That would be the worst, even more so than Bananas making it. Right now I'm hoping for a Jordan,CT, and Derek final for the guys and Cara,Kailah, and Tori final for the ladies. Hopefully two guys come back from redemption to even things out. 

I kind of zoned out when Teej was explaining the rules.  Last time, only one guy/girl came back from the redemption house.  Did he say more than one could/would return this next time?

I personally can't stand Jordan, especially the way that he talks to women. It always seems like he's talking down to them. Even though Cara acted very immature by throwing his bag in the water, I don't blame her for disliking him and not wanting to share the same room as him. To be fair to her, a lot of the other Challenge ladies have had their share of breakdowns in the finals. Hell, even Zach did. Jordan should simply admit he doesn't like Cara and that's it.


I'll always root for Road Rules so I was glad that Derrick beat Johnny even though Johnny hasn't annoyed me as much as on other seasons. 


Jemmye's Real World: Cartagena was pretty accurate. Dario's description was the funniest.


I'm hoping that Cara and CT come back next week from the Redemption house and go on to win the final.

  • Love 3

I truly enjoyed watching Camilla melt down several times this show.  I'm glad Tori didn't touch her because I personally believe that is Camilla's go to move.  Get people riled up so they start swinging and then she can step back and let it happen.  That's what she was trying to do with Leroy, except he wasn't biting, so she went lower with her comments and he still didn't react.

She's such a poor loser, standing there dragging Tori into her tirade after she was picked.  Did she think someone in charge was going to go "oh right Camilla, this is so unfair to you, nevermind, we'll put someone else in"!  Personally I think each time she's won a Challenge, it's been because of her teammate.  Don't get me wrong, she's strong, but if things aren't going her way right out of the gate, she crumbles real quick.

Edited by Bblack3
Because one & won are too different words
  • Love 4
On 10/18/2017 at 1:59 AM, Rebecca said:

Derrick won!!!!!!!!!!!! He's been my fave forever...even when he was wasted and talking to frogs.

I think drunk and talking to frogs Derrick will always be my favorite Derrick.  


On 10/18/2017 at 11:36 AM, angelamh66 said:

I for sure wanted the main alliance broken up for the simple fact that its existence is for the express purpose to give Bananas a free ride to the final.  So good for Hunter. But the side effect of having Tony stick around is almost not worth it.  Almost.  I still haven't forgiven Tony for cheaply winning against Darrell, but he at least had the brain power to figure out that his so-called alliance was about to cut him loose.  He teamed up with Hunter at the right time. I have to give him credit for that.  I still want CT to come back and win though.  Really, anyone but Bananas will do at this point. As for the women, Camilla just needs to go away.  She is the WORST.  And I too notice that the editing is definitely covering up her crap behavior with Leroy and Nelson.  She is a straight up racist and a terrible human all the way around.  Why do they protect her.  She isn't even good television anymore. She needs to be in heavy therapy or something. I always like Cara but she lost me last night a little.  I could handle her coming back and running the final though.  I would probably be rooting for Jenna at this point though.  


I give Tony credit for being one of the only "expendable" parts of a Bananas alliance to figure out the deal and actually act on it.  And now he and Hunter managed to shift the game big time, when the only guy who could be considered a favorite left in the competition is Derrick.  All the other big guns, like John, CT, Leroy, and Jordan, are stuck in Redemption House, where they'll have to fight it out and most likely only one of them will get back in (I don't hold out hope that it will only be one, since I fully expect them to change it up on the fly when they realize all their pets are in there).  So credit to him for that, although I still think he's a douchebag, and I hope he doesn't win. 


On 10/18/2017 at 0:48 PM, CheetaraThunder said:

Cara was definitely childish and petty and hated to see her pull that, but Cara/Jordan never liked each other and he has undermined her abilities and someone like Cara, who has truly improved leaps and bounds to be a top competitor, hates when someone picks apart her flaws. 


Going back to Veronica saying how Jordan has always said sexist shit towards women and has always been disrespectful to them, I’m not shocked he called Cara a man, and she just snapped. She still should have down that shit, she lost me on that, but I get it. I still want her to come back and beat Kailah/Camila.

Roooting hard for Hunter now. Back against the wall all season, fought tooth and nail to get this far, its impressive as hell. Go Young buck.


This is the second time Bananas has lost to anOG RoadRules cast member, and it’s glorious that King Darrell and derrick did it.


I've never liked Jordan.  And as much as people can rightly say that CM has become entitled, so has Jordan.  Remember when he was the scrappy underdog flipping all the cards so he could take on John?  Now he's as firmly up John's ass as anyone, and convinced that being there (and avoiding eliminations) is his God-given right.  Add in what an ass he is to women in general, and what he said to Jemmye earlier this season, and I just have zero use for him.  I hope he loses in the Redemption House challenge in a big way.  


20 hours ago, Steph619 said:

I personally can't stand Jordan, especially the way that he talks to women. It always seems like he's talking down to them. Even though Cara acted very immature by throwing his bag in the water, I don't blame her for disliking him and not wanting to share the same room as him. To be fair to her, a lot of the other Challenge ladies have had their share of breakdowns in the finals. Hell, even Zach did. Jordan should simply admit he doesn't like Cara and that's it.


I'll always root for Road Rules so I was glad that Derrick beat Johnny even though Johnny hasn't annoyed me as much as on other seasons. 


Jemmye's Real World: Cartagena was pretty accurate. Dario's description was the funniest.


I'm hoping that Cara and CT come back next week from the Redemption house and go on to win the final.


The whole thing with the room, while it may have seemed childish on CM's part, I was on her side over him.  One, after all the shit he said to her (and he really just came in there swinging, trying to offend her), then he starts to plant his ass in the room she's been sleeping in, just to antagonize her further?  Fuck that.  And his talking head about how "since I'm the one who sent you here, I get to make the decisions"?  What the fuck was that?  That's not a thing, asshole.  He's been drinking hard from the Johnny Bananas entitlement and sexism Kool Aid.  

On a related note, how is Jordan one of John's BFF's and inner circle when Sarah is the worst?  Last time I checked, Jordan was Sarah's partner and equally responsible for "betraying" him by daring to make him fight for his place (after he'd already been eliminated once and shouldn't have even been there in the first place).  Oh, right, because John's a sexist asshole.  Carry on.  

  • Love 6
23 hours ago, Bblack3 said:

I truly enjoyed watching Camilla melt down several times this show.  I'm glad Tori didn't touch her because I personally believe that is Camilla's go to move.  Get people riled up so they start swinging and then she can step back and let it happen.  That's what she was trying to do with Leroy, except he wasn't biting, so she went lower with her comments and he still didn't react.

She's such a poor loser, standing there dragging Tori into her tirade after she was picked.  Did she think someone in charge was going to go "oh right Camilla, this is so unfair to you, nevermind, we'll put someone else in"!  Personally I think each time she's won a Challenge, it's been because of her teammate.  Don't get me wrong, she's strong, but if things aren't going her way right out of the gate, she crumbles real quick.

Definitely. Camila would be the worse than Cara in a final, Jordan! I can't stand her and I'm glad Tori stood up to her. 

Edited by MaggieG
  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Definitely. Camila would be the worse than Cara in a final, Jordan! I can't stand her and I'm glad Tori stood up to her. 

In Jordan's defense, Cara Maria tends to panic quickly. Personally, I'd do away with the pairs in the finale. It basically becomes a crap shoot where you would end up carrying Zach's exhausted ass, struggle on mid-level math with Nicole, or anything involving Cory.

  • Love 3
On 10/18/2017 at 6:43 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Back when the challenge was really Real World vs. Road Rules, didn't the Road Rules dominate?

Yep! I wish they'd do a new Road Rules.

On 10/19/2017 at 10:30 AM, Bblack3 said:

I truly enjoyed watching Camilla melt down several times this show.  I'm glad Tori didn't touch her because I personally believe that is Camilla's go to move.  Get people riled up so they start swinging and then she can step back and let it happen.  That's what she was trying to do with Leroy, except he wasn't biting, so she went lower with her comments and he still didn't react.

She's such a poor loser, standing there dragging Tori into her tirade after she was picked.  Did she think someone in charge was going to go "oh right Camilla, this is so unfair to you, nevermind, we'll put someone else in"!  Personally I think each time she's won a Challenge, it's been because of her teammate.  Don't get me wrong, she's strong, but if things aren't going her way right out of the gate, she crumbles real quick.

It's like she always thinks that! I can't even remember a recent time she was nominated/eliminated/lost/disqualified  and she didn't throw some kind of fit about how it was some kind of personal injustice. She's truly nuts.

Edited by Rebecca
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