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S06.E02: Tribute

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Oliver can't be the Green Arrow anymore because he has a son, so the person he chose to take his place, has a wife and son.  What the ass?  It makes no sense.

Anatoly is a cold calculating bastard, and I love it.

We got a Bruce Wayne name drop.  I'd love it if Roy returns with a friend he met along on the way, Dick Grayson.

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"So NO ONE will notice that the Green Arrow went from a white guy to a black guy.  Not the FBI, Bratva, anyone.  So John, I now have a kid.  I want you, someone that also has a kid, to take over.  Even though I don't know you are no longer able to shoot a gun straight, let alone some exploding arrows." 


Oh show.  Why confound me? 

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Well, this episode was definitely better balanced in terms of all the characters and yet I still thought it was kinda...eh.

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Just now, BunsenBurner said:

So, are they making John the GA so that he can get over his nerve damage and PTSD? It's the only thing I can come up with.

These are the same people who brought us Shady Susan (aka the Pantry Moth) and told us she was a wonderful human being. Hehe just roll with it!

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For the most part I enjoyed it. I think like with anything with this show, it was a bit over hyped by the reviewers who saw it early.

My bitterness towards the character of Dinah has died down immensely since Black Siren is around part time so I don't mind her in her role this season. 

Rene wasn't utilized THAT well for an episode that supposedly put everyone on the team to good use. 

Diggle....something that important you probably shouldn't be hiding or at least be getting some help with! I don't know how shooting arrows will be any better then shooting bullets and actually hitting your target. And with this new role as Green Arrow (who magically turned black after the Mayor was accused of being behind the mask) will probably cause way more tension between him and Dinah then what we've got in the past 2 episodes. And with this brief turn, I can easily see where a more "leader" Dinah comes into play since she is more qualified to be 2nd team leader in the field then Curtis or Rene.

Felicity/Curtis starting up their own company? Cool, they should bring in Cisco and take over the world!  

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I didn't hate it, but I definitely didn't love it. The character time was balanced, but I'm not a fan of the pairings. 

Last week, I was an unenthused okay with Myson's acting; this week his greenness showed even more. Ship him away. If the show lasts a couple more years, bring him back then. 

Oliver's a dick. What about baby Sara? (Yes, I refuse to acknowledge canon.)

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5 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

Does no one remember that the Green Arrow stood on the same stage as the President while she thanked him for helping to save the world from an alien invasion?  Doesn't that earn you some slack from the Feds?

Also, aren't William's maternal grandparents still alive?  Why are they talking as if Oliver's his only living relative?

The Feds wouldn't know about it would they? I doubt the President is even paying attention. 

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Disappointed. Very disappointed in this episode.

Too much Diggle/Dinah and Felicity/Curtis. But it's totally okay to just tell us that Felicity and Diggle talked instead of showing that conversation? Or any conversation between the two. I find it surprising that Felicity doesn't know what's going on with Diggle since she couldn't have been that far from him on the island when the bombs went off. Just give me an on-screen Felicity/Diggle conversation. 

Oh, and don't even get me started on Curtis' new job, Felicity's reaction, Curtis' reaction to that and then her asking him to work with her. Right now I'm too annoyed to properly react.

I'm still not a fan of the William storyline, but it's not the worst thing on the show right now, so there's that. I do think that they expected me to feel more watching father and son play a video game together, but why does it seem like every episode is going to be conflict-"I'm your father" declaration-olive branch (sports game/video game/etc.)? 

I'm liking the FBI agent so far, but I am a bit iffy about the storyline. I get where Oliver was coming from in that last conversation, but at the same time, it felt like he was basically going, "I am the Green Arrow. You're totally right. But don't you dare come near my son. And haha, joke's on you, look what's on the news right now, so convenient, right?" 

And Oliver is an idiot asking Diggle to be the GA. "I can't be the Green Arrow because I can't risk my son losing his father, but your son doesn't really matter, even though with your wife the director of a secret agency, she's also risking her life, so why not have you risk your life even more than you already are? Sound good? Great." Please let someone bring that up in a future episode. Or something. Just... acknowledge it, show. Please.

I love Anatoly. I will probably always love Anatoly. Why can't we have him in Star City permanently and ship Dinah and Curtis off overseas? I'm all for that.

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Copying Quarks.

Thinks I liked:

I love Rene I'm sorry he amuses me and putting Rene/Lance together is just gold.

I like Felicity/Curtis I thought they did a good job with that pairing. Much like Lance/Rene these two are fun.

I liked the Rene/Oliver talk about William it felt real and not forced.

I really liked the FBI Agent, she's an entertaining foil.

I floved Anatoly, so happy to see him back. I hate that he's a bad guy but, he's an entertaining villain or anti-hero.

Things I didn't like:

Is there something wrong with this show and their casting agents? Are they really incapable of finding a Black Canary that can play more than 1 freaking emotion? Although in KC's case she can barely do one emotion.

I didn't like the Dinah/Dig stuff, I get why they did it (everyone else got paired off) but, it didnt feel earned to me. Yeah, I know Dig was babysitting Dinah last season but, again that didn't feel earned either. To be honest I have an easier time watching Curtis/Dinah/Rene interact. It's like their the B team, I cab deal with Rene calling Curtis out or Dinah calling Rene out but, Dig's stuff should have gone for Felicity (or Thea or even Lance).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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1 minute ago, Hiveminder said:

I feel like this is something Dig should run by his wife first. 

She is already ok with him being Spartan so what difference would it make that he becomes Green Arrow? I am thinking this is something that help leads Diggle Jr. to taking up the mantle in the future.

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8 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Oliver can't be the Green Arrow anymore because he has a son, so the person he chose to take his place, has a wife and son.  What the ass?  It makes no sense.

Diggle doesnt seem to mind putting his life in danger even though he has a family so I can see why Oliver doesnt mind wanting him to take up the mantle in his place. He and Lyla are very comfortable being in dangerous situations. 

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

This will be a wedge between Diggle and Lyla and why Diggle and Dinah will be a thing. You watch.

That's one way to get Green Arrow/Black Canary together lol.

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Because thats just what every super hero shows needs. A Cousin Oliver to call their own! I just do not care about William. I dont want anything bad to happen to him, I just want him to get shipped off to his grandparents on the other side of the country ASAP. 

Sup Bruce. Nice shout out. 

I still love Anatoly. So much. Its sad that he is officially a bad guy now, but I am always happy to have him around. 

So, Oliver is done with being Green Arrow huh? Sure Jan. 

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Logically I know where Dinah is coming from with respect to feeling like team mates should have each other's backs in dangerous missions. But the way she comes across is just so off-putting. She was just glaring and pouting and just too intense. Back off. 

These Diggle/Dinah scenes are just too much. Enough already.

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Please let William go. I have enough of that drama. I want my superhero to be free and unattached. Also, please let Diggle and Dinah be good coworkers. Do not put romance between them. I still like Lyla and do not want her and Diggle be broken up.

On a side note, SQL and Java are two different languages for different applications. If Smoak was really an IT person, before asking between SQL and Java her first question would be the kind of project Curtis was freelancing for.

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Diggle has to be GA, I wish they would at least make him his own unique outfit since they had to make another one anyway.

It's not like his arms are fitting in Oliver's outfit anyway. I DO NOT suspend my disbelief. 

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Curtis needs to die. I'm just so mad with how they take skills from Felicity to prop him. Like, she can't even do her own algorithms now and needs his help? WTF. And now she's gonna share a company storyline that they've been hinting at for Felicity for a couple of years? SO UNFAIR. 

Edited by Guest
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Just now, tennisgurl said:

Maybe I caught some bizarre new illness. Or maybe Dinah is even more of a pointless addition than Laurel ever was! SOMEONE TAKE MY TEMPERATURE! 

I think you'd hate yourself if she ever came back :p But also I think both Dinah and Curtis need to go. They're pointless, are boring, and imo are annoying AF. 

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What does "Tribute" refer to?  Usually I can get what the title of the episode means.

Wow, these first two episodes are nothing about what I want to watch. Dinah and Curtis are millstones around the necks of Diggle and Felicity.  Although at least Diggle got to have a scene alione with Oliver.  Felicity didn't even get that.

I hate that Felicity has so little self-confidence that she needs Curtis before she can form her own company. Where is the Felicity of s4??

They aged Rene in maturity by several years, now he's giving Oliver advice as well as writing his speeches.  They need to to something like that for Buddy.  (That always makes me think of 'Buddy Whathisname and the Other Fellers' band.)

The good:  Anatoly.

8 minutes ago, TV Anonymous said:

On a side note, SQL and Java are two different languages for different applications. If Smoak was really an IT person, before asking between SQL and Java her first question would be the kind of project Curtis was freelancing for.

That would be the first question any normal person would ask.  They're trying to overdo it with Felicity's nerdiness.

Any true tech person would rather be Woz.

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

Because it'll be fun to work together or she didn't want to start a company without him?

She'd already filed the paperwork, so who knows what she'd have done if he'd said no, but she made it seem like it would be fun to work together, and she thought they'd be really successful because they're both so smart.

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"My name is John Diggle. Once upon a time, I was supposed to babysitter a guy who was stranded on a desert island for five years. I was his rock in his battle against injustice and whatever else needed arrows to the heart. Today, I have nerve damage, which makes me unable to fire a gun . . . which is basically my skillset during combat. And now Oliver has decided that he wants me to be someone else. Something else." And then Dinah cocks her head, make a low moaning noise, then repeatedly smacks Diggle in the head. Hey, remember when Rene was the guy that made the really bad decisions? Seems so long ago.

You know the funny thing? I kinda called this. Back in the first season, when Diggle had to suit up to take the spotlight from Oliver as the Hood, I speculated that David Ramsey could play that role if something were to happen to Stephen Amell. I just wish I could prove that.

Seriously, why does anybody want to do business in Star City? Ever third day, they get a huge disaster. And then their mayor gets accused of being a vigilante yet again.

Anatoly as a bad guy? Pretty good so far. I'm hoping the writers don't go canon with him.

16 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Curtis needs to die.

Can't agree. Still like the guy, though the whole "throwing the devices with AI like a pitcher" thing is a little weird.

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15 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

To bad Thea isn't around and able to suit up. Seeing her take up the mantle would've been nice.

lol. I’m not sure which is less believable; GA turning into a black man with arms twice as big or turning into a woman three times smaller. 

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Anatoly!  I don't care if they are now deciding to make him a villain for reasons, but I just love how calm and cool he is, and how he knows Oliver in ways that no one else can, which really makes their scenes interesting.

Other then that, well.... so basically William is here to ruin everything.  Oliver now doesn't want to be the Green Arrow anymore because he doesn't want to orphan him, even though that a) it's not like being the mayor is all that safe especially in this city and b) there is so many out there who still know he's the damn Green Arrow and they ain't going to stop even if he's "retired."  So he wants to past the mantle to Diggle.  Who has now admitted that he has nerve damage thanks to shrapnel, but looks like he's agreeing to it, so he's pretty much putting everyone's lives in his less then stellar hands.  Nice.  I'm use to Oliver being a dolt, but seeing Diggle this dumb is really making me sad.

Felicity is pretty much regulated to some C-plot about forming a company with Curtis.  Yawn!

FBI agent is so one-dimensional and unlikable.  So, she and Oliver will totally fall for one another, right?  Just like I still fear Diggle/Dinah will happen.

Between this and Ruby on Supergirl, kids really seem to be ruining shows that I normally enjoy.  I swear, if the Legends decided to adopt a kid....

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

That's one way to get Green Arrow/Black Canary together lol.

Hahahaha, that made choke on the juice I was drinking. Can you imagine? I dont want Dig/Dinah at all........but I would adore sitting back and seeing the fallout that would cause.

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I'm not sure what it is about this season, but this is the second episode now that I've just felt...meh about. I was irritated by a lot, I liked very little, and it's not like I loathe the season but....I'm just not invested in it.

I think Felicity has been pushed too much to the side in favour of Dinah. Because apparently, no more than one female character can be used at a time in a friendship way. I get that people really wanted seasons 1 and 2 Felicity back, but....she's really not back. 

Myson was less irritating this episode, but only because Oliver's sheer failure as a parent overshadowed Myson's flaws. Yeah, Oliver, you tell your son to pick on the biggest bully in his class. That'll go over REAL well when the Green Arrow has to swoop in to save him. Or Mayor Queen, since apparently, Oliver can just pass the mantle off to John Diggle, the black guy who can't shoot straight...or at all. 

Speaking of, apparently nobody but Dinah has noticed this and now these two are apparently best friends who will surely implode the Lyla/John romance for....actor chemistry, I guess?

They really don't know what they're doing with Quentin, because he's stuck with Rene, who...actually isn't bad this season. I'll give them credit for making Rene ok. Dinah's on my nerves, and Curtis is taking away from Felicity's usefulness on the team, but Rene's kind of ok now. I still miss Rory, though. Ragman was just great.

When I'm on the FBI agent's side for exposing Oliver as the real Green Arrow, that might be a slight problem. Oliver's smugness and arrogance in their last scene just made me want her to punch him in his stupid, smirky mouth. And I actually like Oliver. 

Good job, show. You've made me root against our protagonist for a split second. 

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59 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

If Diggle has to be GA, I wish they would at least make him his own unique outfit since they had to make another one anyway.

The most unrealistic thing on this show is that Diggle would fit into Oliver's tailor made suit. 

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